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Ardmore, Wednesday, Oct. 14. 1908 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE THREE Mr xS JHUflfb Sold only in PLV Moisture "Proof Packages y ML Sr"&. No woman ever once bought Uneeda Biscuit and then willingly bought any other kind of soda crackers. No biscuit can be the National Biscuit unless it is Uneeda Biscuit THE WORLD A BATTERY FULL OF AVAILABLE, UNUTIL IZED ENERGY, SAYS EDISON. POWER TO COME FROM COAL The Great Inventor Hopes to Devel op Electricity Direct Sun's Po tential Ensrgy Will Some Day Be Used. Now York, Oct. 1:1. That the World IS !l VUHt Stole llOIIKI of till- utilized tiierf;y ami tlmt the power of llit! fnturo iwlll lit) developed di rectly from coul, was I ho statement mndo liy Thomas A. Kulson loilay. "Now t hut I've n tired from the commercial aspect of my work In t lie laboratory, I suppose I shall really work harder than I ever did In my life," said .Mr. IMison. "I've always tjot moie than one thing In con r si' of development; twenty things that I hope to do, or that I hope some one else will do. Scientific discoveries are com ing so thick and fust, then1 are so many of ns working like heav ers nt them, thai It Is appalling Liver Trouble Remedy Free to mcr ly Ihlnk ties In t le future, thing, Is possible, about posalhlll Kvtr thing, an the world Is u ast ste.reliiitisc of nudl-covered en ergy. "There Is a ureal distinction, how ev r between the scientific experi ment that accomplishes its end and the practical adaption of It to hu manity nt law. We read of wonder ful things being done experimental I, but whether they can . be ac complished, practically Is another matter." "Shall we ever fly through the air?" "Oh. j es, undoubtedly we shall. It's bound to come. It .won't be the aeroplane, however, and It won't be the dirigible balloon. An Individual theory may stilllce to make a very Interesting experiment, but It Is not what one man himself believes, that Is the solution of si problem that must rome out of a universal law In nature, dependent upon the skill of one man with one machine, but of a maheltie for all men. "The aeroplane Is a ren. able experiment, init it comes as a the ory controlled by one man who has that theory, and Is not yet adjust ed lo universal utes. Itut I firmly believe that some day io shall know how to fly. It Is only u matter of uniting a compact engine with suniclent power. "It will be done, thert Is mi much to do though. Much a lot of new discoveries going on In the form of scientific experiment that promise new wonder, now sensation, new economy of life and time ami money." "What Is the immediate motive power of the future?" "Power that will be generated without steam. It's not now, a lot of them are working it, have been working it for Mime tllne. To gun- Any intelligent person can be his ' rato electricity In any requirement own doctor in the ordinary case of' of great power now we have to liver trouble, .for the symptoms can- ,, r(m, ,,.,, ,, , rlII1 lho not be mistaken. If the white of the eye becomes yellowish, if the skin be- dynamo. comes sallow, it pimples and blotches "Tho next step Is lo generate eloc appear, if the bowels do not move, if t,i(.tv direct from coal Itself. Coal ?iiilf3Vr!t,aCcift.,,your ' ' --nulatlon of liver is torpid or inactive. ; sun's heat, ami carbon In-tho best Tho quickest and surest remedy yet , combustible we know of. I haven't found for tlio cure of liver trouble or any or lt symptom In Dr. (indwell's Syrup ' done It, I hope somebody will, Hin IV ml ii. the urcat herb l.txutlvii compound. ., , , ,, ,,,,,,,,,,-MraniiiW u'n Thta womlerful remedy Is not onlv a laxa- power Is there unquestionably. WO live, hut n tonic as well. It will start (M)W that' electricity can be gener I tic How of KHSttlc Julie, thereby soon1 ' mauling tho IKer to do Ms wink mitur-, ated direct from coal because It has ally. A tiottlo of thl liver remedy i uliitlrli. nvnerl. ciin lo bouBlit of any dniKKim for so boon done as a scleiitim opn cent or U. and In many c.ixe.H a simile, mont. but not to till extent sillllcleilt bottle tuts cund u chronic cane. i .." Kor example, John W. 19 S. l'enn- to call It a practical discovery. ilto'rn anavl?y nr"lnllnt-JSi1 uf "The first Indications of a. secret pV,?SE:nwa " ,1,lU '"!,,i,r 111 ,,x,,ml- rllnchum, jarkKon, Ky., s.iv the same , uient. are always very feeble. Mall ef It. Thousands of rainillen keep It hi 1 , , , . . ,. , ,., . lho house asalnst Just mu-li an cmcr-1 Is slow to undeistniid, his five Kency, ns you can never tell when snm Ka ,. nl,t .mouuli to irnther member of. tho family wilt need u (,'ood, t,,l""H "" '"""hit l.ixatlve. all the meaning of experimental In order to have yon or an- other suf fcrer from the liver make n tct of Dr. science. electrical on- ck-tit motive power I don't believe that will work out. "Will the sun ras be hariusMil to do the work of machine pow ers?" "As a scientific experiment that has already been done. In fart, in a small .nay, thete Is a practical demonstration of It in the west. In Arizona I saw n thirty-horse power motor run by the rays of the sun, by reflecting the sun's rays In mir rors and focusing this light upon a copper boiler. "Oh. J.iut we don't know; quite probably there Is a motive jsiwer In the light of me sun ns It reaches the earth, that may be utilized some' day. The Indications of scientific discovery are amazing and the co operation of all Its various forms of progress are mi Intimate that wo Just begin to find out how feeble we really are to cope with them. The air Itself Is being piessed Into utility, he says: "There Is an attempt being made now lo gather the nitrogen of the air and use It for fertilizing pur et of the earth." INDIANS STRICKEN. New and Fatal Disease Depletes Cree Tribe of Indians. New York. Oct. lit. A deadly Mlu eitM' in sonio respects like la grippe. t but highly contagious and far moro mortal than la grippe is in this ell mate, has attacked tho already de pleted tribes of Cree Indians on tho shores of James and Hudson bays, killing women, men and children by the score. Alauson Skinner of the department of anthropology of thu American museum of natural history, who recently returned Iront an ox haestlve study of the peoploof Hi.U country, brought tho news of tho Ibi ue to this city. "The disease apparently came from nowhere," said Mr. Skinner. ''No one over heard of It no fore, and when men weio stricken one day and dleii the next, their relative- and friends became panic stricken. The Illness nianlfesti'd Itself In colJs, followed by roughs, fever and nausea. 1'nless the sufferers were of very strong physi que they died quickly. In several tribes every aged man, delicate wo man, and practically all the children woro wlpod out In a few day by the malady Only tho able bmllM men resisted It, and a few of tho stronger women. Indian War Whoop. Only one "august" was up before Judge (ialt in ollc court this morning. He being one of the noble red men who was at one time the king of all the west, and who was fret to drink all tho fire water that ho could carry, give the war whoop and do any other stunts' that might best please his fancy, without being molested by a police olllcer. And no doubt that yesterday after getting a few drinks or that liquid that paints landscapes In the brain of man, under his belt, this noble ml man Imagined that lie was again out on tho vast prairies among tho buffalo and wilil ponies as he iuiik In days gouo by, and It was then ho decided to rightly celebrate the occat-ion by giving a few of tho old fashioned war whoops that once caused the hair, of the early not tier lo stand on Its end. He was right In the midst of all this when he was In terrupted by tho pollco unit persuad ed lo take a rldo In the "hood lum." And not until he was car ried up before the Judge this inoin Ing illd he realize that It was all u dream about his being out on the prairies whoio he was free to I. l" ns ho wished. He was given the tiatilil fine of ten dollars, which he paid and went his way declar ing that never again would h' ' taste of that awful bad whlhkev i that mnkoH you se k other menV I gore. "There Is a in coal?" direct One of the Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin without peisonal Mtienso. Dr. Calilwrfl will send von u free test bottle If vou will send your name eruv .lllil uititi cm i-ntiiit.rr nit, rutin i . how pleasant It Is to take, how neatly It "Of course there IS, works, it wm siari you on me cure or .1,,,,,1i1iw i.,...,, In ,,vrenni.. In at first hand hut It Is from zinc, Iron, Cascaswset, lho well known reme dy for babies and children, will quiet tho little one In a short time. Tho Ingredients are printed on the bottle. Contains no opiates. Sold by W. II, Krame. Why Colds Are Dangerous. Ilecatiso you have contracted or dinary colds and r' covered from them without treatui.-iit of any kind, do not for a moment Imagine that colds are not dangerous. Kvoryono knows that pneumonia anil chron ic catarrh have their origin In a common cold. Consumption Is not caused by a cold but tho cold pre pares the system for tho reception ami development of the germs thnt would not otherwise havo found lodgment. It Is the same with nil Infectious dlsotises. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, menslcs nnd whoop ing cough are much more likely to ho contracted when the child has a cobl. You will see from this that moro real dnnger lurks In a cold than in any other of tho common ailments. Tho easiest and quickest way lo euro a cold Is lo take Chamberlain's Counh Hejnedy. Tho many remarkable cures effected by this preparation have made It a staple article of trade over a larg" part of the 'orhl. For sale by !'. J. Itainsoy and Hoffman On g Co. w WATCH FOR THE NEW ECON OMY GAS HEATERS THIS WEEK. THEY ARE THE BEST. "ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE." 4f ARDMORE SUPPLY CO. CONSISTENCY. ICotilrlbutcd ) As th,. prohlbl lou agenc svtem Is Just now being cussed, and discus sed, let us consider a little provlslo, which Is not noticed by many people perhaiHi. It seems thnt the generators of the agency, (or dispensary) do not know what discrimination means, or else they would linvo been more care ful In their efforts to pass a law bearing fairly, and alike upon all men. Un der the Constitutional Prohibition law, n pharmacist has the right to seeur,, alcohol for the preparing ol officinal tinctures, ellxlrh, extracts, etc. but under the figency system he is tequlreil to iM'i-iilr a f "Oil bond a- a that In- will not lo kite die law. and i he does he v prisce tiled under the law, and lined the Hitiue as ilit (nlnllsl. and other people and made It forlelt lb,- $l.(iul) bond, almi while the Joint l- only luisu pay the Hue. This Ik not as It should be, because It seeks to rate the drug gist below other people, even tlm bootlegger." Why can't the law mak ers presuppose the druggist to he as law abiding as anybody? The law dellnes the duty, ami obligations of nil classes, nnd provides the penalty for lis violation by oilier people, without having t i execute a bond to secure their onipliance with the law Then uh place this s igtiui upon the drug glsl? The question Is asked. Is he cussed menu that he has to be put tin tier it bond perpetually, In addition to the line assessed, lo prevent lilm from violating a plain statute of tho l""'7 Men aie put under bond to prevent wrong acts whore thero Is no pomil'y attached. Suppose wo put everybody under bond to prevent everybody from violating tho law. No use lo say much about this for all druggists know something In re gnrd lo dealing with "Incompatlbles." "Oh! consistency, thou art n Jew el" H. II. W. k BUILD BIGHT our troublo unil I'oiwlnre you that vou have found a cure Thnt U the olijort of i obtaining electricity end for it todav from coal In thy ashes, .KW U there Manvtninir about ., ... .. SHW vnur nllment that vou .lnn'l 1 ,l" " understand, or If you want i why not from carbon?" MisML w ny medical advice, write 1 7 7 D In II. n .lnMni' nn.l tin Willi tj7 answer you fully. There Is dynamos to any Important IVV no charge for this service. I Montlcello, III. "Can the tides be utilized to run pur pose? ' Nn 1 not great enough to generate sttlu- There Im Only One "Bromo 99 That is Laxative Bromo Qminln USCO THE WORLD OVER TO DURE A COLO IN ONE DAY. Always remember tho full name. Look $rl AND YOU BUILD BUT ONCE We Imvo spent lmlf u life time kiirnipy how to construct Musiness IMucUh, School Houses. Good Hosielonci f, Gcod Harns. No building too large for our capacity, no bullcMng too Miiall to appeal to us. Tho larger tho building, lho more, particular tho owner tho bolter ploased wo uru. Wo know how to givo .you your money's worth. Wo take contraots any wlioro in Oklahoma or Not tn Toxas. Wire us or soo us. M. J. Gill Construction Company Sc: 'ZZ&