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Ardmore, Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1008 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAtit IVE FINE TABLEWARE Ixclusivcncss that characteristic which distin guishes our stocks is a quality which places the article possessing it beyond the possibility of counterfeit. We sell the famous lines of silverware that are manufactured by GOKIIAM, TOVVLE, and RE1SD & BARTON, having this individuality not found in ordinary lines. WALTER C. DEAN A Happy Home The happiest hours ol life arc those spent in the home, in easy enjoyment of pleasing melodies. No need to go to places of amusement when home is made bright and at tractive by the Edison Phonograph We have a very complete stock of records and machines Your Credit is Good LUKE S MUSIC STORE CHOICE HOME FOR SALE An entire lull f block of ground, HUlMoot front, 100 foot deep, situat ed In the west jiart of tho city, near Highland l'nrl: tiJdlllon. First clans savon-room houso, lighted throughout with electric lights, city water, largo cemont cellar un der house1, also a atoro building 20 by 40 feet, complito with fix tures. Stnblo room consisting of eight stalls, throo buggy sheds, three harness rooms, two cribs, ca pacity COO buKhcls of corn. A com plete poultry plant consisting of flvo yarda with all necessary build ings. Fifty partly bearing choice fruit trees, also nhado trees around property. Sldownlks under construc tion leading o tho city, fifteen minute' walk to tho business con tcr. For prlco and terms call at rosldtnco. 11-C CUllS. C. J HETH. School Hooks for city and county hchools for sale at tho City Drug stort W. n. Frame. Proprietor, ln-tf COLD STORAGE MARKET Tho fall season Is opening up and wo hava put on tho market many delicacies In tho meat lino. Dclow wo quoto a few Items and tho prices for samo: Head Cheese, per lo 10c Liver Sausago, per lb 10c King Uologna, per lb 10c VA'enles, i,er lb 15c Minced Ham per lb 15c Pressed Ham, per lb 20c Polish Sausage, per lb 12'2c Knoblach Sausago, per lb 12l2c Krankforts, per lb 15c Hag Ilologna, per lb 15c Souse, per lb 10r Scrapplj per lb 10c lv. C. Link Sausago, per lb 15c Try somo of our dishing Cream ery buttor, cheeso of all kinds, homo rendered lard. Wo would bo pleased to havo your order for somo of tbeso ogods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hcspcctfully, COLD STORAGE MARKET Jesse James, Prop. J.J.Stolfa Sells Clothing One TH Less K Than Any TP Other HOUSE IN ARDMORE ! personals .Mr, J. W. Richardson and chil dren Icfi this morning Tor a visit with It lends In Dallas. She will return by way of Ureenvlllo mid visit a fow days before returning j homo. j It. II. Kverott. druggist at Mndlll. is an Artlmoru visitor today. Mr. j Kvorctt says his county has lining- j united a First Monday in thulr I town and that ciowds (if people j are on the streets that day. It In 1 made a Ihe stock day and many j horses ami. mules change hands. .Monday Is also the biggest business day with tho merchants. J. W. Stnggs of Colbert was a visitor here yesterday. Wins. H. Webb Is here today from Oklahoma City looking after some business matters. W. It. Onihani of Sapulpa Is among the visitors hero today. C. M. Cliauncey and 1). K. Price of Ada nro visitors horo today. O. (. MeAdams, a well known citizen of Sulphur, Is a business vis Iter hero today. Thos. 11. Kylo of Ada Is among tho visitors hero today. Joe Wlllford, a promlnoM citi zen of Woodford, Is hero today looking after business matters. C. Williams of Pauls Valloy was transacting business hero yester- day. j 10. S. Goodlier Is here today front ' ja1nesvillo looking nftor tho wants I of tho grocorymen. i Kdgar Nichols and wlfo of Ok- , lahoma City aie visiting hero, this week. John 1-ondon of Fort Smith was j here jesterday looking after bus- Incss matters. ' Dr. F.arly, the newly appolnteii ' ueputy United States marshal for 1 this district, Is a vlstor horo to- j lay from Durant. I). W. Watson Is among tho vis itors hero today. Chas. S. Lynch, a well known citi zen of HoHwcll, is a visitor here today. J. K. Davis of Marietta was n visitor horo yesterday. W. P. Chlsm was n visitor hero yesterday from Francis. Hoy K. lltirkos of Outhrlo Is hero today looking after business matters. H. C Kliiott, a well known citi zen of Maysville, Is a business vis itor hero today. L. S. Thompson Is hero today from Cleburne, Texas, looking nf ter business matters. Arthur Hills Is expected home today from Springfield, Tenn., where ho has been visiting with tho folks at homo for tho past two weeks. W. It. Uoberts Is In Sulphur to day looking nfter business for th Excelsior Steam I-nundry. Iouls O. Nichols, u former res ident of Ardmore, is hero today from his farm near Wnpanucka. Krncst Atkins visited llerwyn to day. Dr. .1. S. Hill, Sr., of Greenville, Texas, was hero this morning on i route to Oklahoma City. Ho was , accompanied as far as Ucrwyn by ' his son, J. S. Hill, Jr., of this' I place. , Jerry Washington and wlfo of Marietta are hero today visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. It. . Cromer arrived In t c city. Mr. Cromer has their now home elegantly fitted up, ntid tho couple are at homo 27 D street, southwest. Mrs L. K. Chlvers Is In the city from Mnnnsvllle vlbltlng with Mrs. G. H. Webb. Miss .Mary Crnco Is In tho city from Gentry, Ark., n Rinst at the homo of Leo Crnco on Hargrove Heights. Miss Wllda Mason has otuined from t very pleasing Mtsit to Denver and other points In Colo rado. II. S. Curtis left today for n bus lit kh visit in points In Mlssiss Ippl. Itabbl Alfred T. Godshnw who has been bore for too past fow days loft this evening for Fort Worth. Chas. K. llondrlx of Kansas City, Mn was hero a fow minutes bo tweni train today, ami was so well Impressed by the appearance of Ard more ilist ho will ictuin In a fow days mill will probably locate here. Mr. llemlrlv Is the proprietor of the American barber simp in Kan m City. Rev. 1). N. Curb left on the noon train for a business visit to Mari etta, lie will return on the evening train '0 bo horo nt the South Ard more church whero ho Is conduct ing a protracted meeting. Attorney John P. Crawford of Ada Is a business visitor hero to day. J. S. Downnrd left today for a business visit to points north. O. L. Chancellor Is In Hyars to day looking after somo land deals. County Attorney Jim Mathers Is In llerwyn today looking after bus iness matters. Chas. Fralcy Is In Marietta to day looking after business matters. ti :: st :: :: :: :: :: t? :: :: :: s: a u PICKUPS HERE AND THERE. :: t: Miss Abby Hanna has, ucwb from her homo town Gnlesburg, 111., that will mnko tho-Hryan admirers happy. Gnl esburg Is n red bot republican town. It has been celebrating the Lincoln Douglas debates that occurred n half century ago. Mr. Uryan was one of the honoroj visitors. Ho was met hy tho collego girls who showered him with red roses nnd six thousand peo plo gavo him an enthusiastic recep tion Mr. Bryan said after his visit to GnlcKhurg ho was moro op timistic than at any other time dur ing tho campaign. Trad0 Promotion, that's the watc'n word thet-o days. Tile circus will be here tomorrow. Tonight tho streets will bo crowded. Everybody will bo down town to see everybody olso. Tonlea, niado by the Indianapolis Hrewlng company won out In tho county court. Tho state chemist Prof IMulu Dollarr was hero and tes tilled to nu analysis ho had mado of the soft drink. It contains by weight only .SI per cent nlcohol, not a third of ono has no malt, no yeast cells, bears no ovldcnco of fermentation and contains no dele. torlous matter. Information was received here to day that Mrs. G. P. Selvldgo of thin city, underwent a very sorlouo operation at Galveston this morning, but that tho patient had withstood the shock well nnd everything tended to a favorablo outcome. Friends In this city havo been ad vised of tli0 birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dougherty at Cle burne, Texas. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dough erty were former residents of Ardmoro and are welt, known hero. Do euro and call up tho Ardmoro Supply Co., for estimates on piping your house. Phono CO 20tf Axininister Art Squares Brussells Art Squares All Wool Art Squares Granite Art Squares. All kinds of Carpets Matting, Linoleum Etc. If you want anylloor coverings come to my store and look over a complete line. R. A. Jones' Big Furniture Store NEW YORK IS SAFELY IN THE BRYAN COLUMN Mr. Terry of this place has been writing to Ids friends in the rait and the replies to tho questions on. the olltleal situation make Rood rond-j lug for tho democrats. In this letter' Mr. Pratt Is mentioned. He Is a Now Yorker who moved to Ardmoro and' purchased property horo. Ho died whllo on a visit to his okl home. Tho lottcr follows: Dunkirk. Oct. n. 1'jnS. Mr. George Terry, i Ardmoro, Oklahoma. My Denr Georgo: Ymir letter has been nt hand for some time, t havo delayed answering It earlier, not bo cause opinion was liable to change with every change of mind but rather to verify or fortify It. i You are awaro thai conditions hero In tho enst among older states, per- haps nro moro conservative than In thu young nnd husky commonwealth ' of tho west. In the Imluitrlnl centers, whoro inbor congregates and the wage; earners In the Mbops and ractoilesi most abound there Is a spirit of uii-' ro&t nnd socialism i gaining many converts, how tunny and how far and how It will affect tin two old parties; In the "round up" on election day Is i TRADE PROMOTION HOW A DAIRY WAGON FIGURED IN ORIGIN OF THE WORK OF TRADE EXTENSION. t A team to a dairy wagon ran nway one morning early. Tho people wero making their way to town nnd :'i early ones -;uw the dash made by the horses. Ono merchant stopped on his way to se tho mad rush of tin- hors es, nnother stopped to seo tho spilled milk nnd still nnother came up. The three talked. Trade promotion was the tlienin nnd out of the little meet ing on the streot when the mllkmn. lost his milk grew the Trade promo tion club. It Is a youngster yot but all the people nro Joining. There are no knockers cm a plan to extend tho trade territory of the town. It win nit Inlorfero -with tho commercial club, but rather It will be tho menns of helping tho club. Tho two organis ations will work together. "Just take tho tax rolls'" said ono of tho solicitors for members for tho Trado Promotion Club today, "and you havo tho names of tho niombcr of tho organization. Kverybody Is Joining." I Tho business of tho club will bo1 transacted by twelvo good business' men who will compose the executtv' committee. In conjunction with thlsj oxeciitlvo commltteo sub-comnilttecs will work nnd tho problems will bo met and solved as they nro reached. Tho object of the club U a good ono.' Tho extension of tho trado territory of the town means n bigger nnd bet tor town. Th0 awarding of prizes for tho bo it products will Inevitably lead to a county fair. There Is no other wayi out of It. Former fnlrs havo been unsuccessful from a financial! stand o!nt becauso too much was undertak en. Tho proper way to havo these fairs at least for tho beginning Is to have displays arranged down town whero Hvo stock and farm products' can bo exhibited. Prizes can bo I awarded nnd the sights can bo taken In -without tho prlco of an admission ticket. If thero nr0 shows nnd toccb on tho sides lot thorn bo outside mat ters and dealt with In that manner. SOME BIG BARGAINS. FOR SALK I room house cn Main street; also vacnut lots on C street, S. W. and on Main streot FOR SAMO Vi lots well locitod, $100 each, $10 cash and $10 per mouth. FOR TUADK SO acre miles from Ardmoro for city proper ty. FOR H 1-3 NT I room house, modem conveniences. ARTHUR SINCLAIR, Opera House Building, Ardmore. GAS STOVES Hluo ennmeled body, no rust, no blacking nnd thoy nro cheap, new est Improved lino. No ono clso has them. T. K. KEARNEY rtf To the Public. Having disposed or my Intorest In The Hub to Georgo A. McCor kle, who with John Stono will con tinue tho business as McCorklo & Stone, I trust that all of my cus tomers .will coiitiuuo tholr business with tho now management. It. A. JONF.S. n mnt-r of conjecture You rest, assured ns far as my observation Item aid,, to reach. Tht w is t.j dl. sn Unfurl I on so far In tl.e dcm-Ktatlc party, there all of the dements are , pulling together for the siiccet.8 of tho Nntlotini Ticket. It Is (xpcitcd by every conservative demon at that the state will give n majorl y for Lnnii. If ihe conditions throughout the Rtato nrt the samo as they are In this con. I ty, you need pass no sleepless nights worrying about tho result. Tho In dependence party cut no llguro In tho contost; our only fenr comes from soelnllsm. I helped lay Mr. Pratt to n- tn Fredouln cemotorv. I liked iiie ma a personally, he was nlwavs a staunch friend of mine, though a repuMican Hoping we will start upon a new r.i of prosperity nfter tho 4th of next Mnrch, by tho election of lMan and a democratic house of rcprcscn atlvei and that there may bo enacted Into law a government guarnnt of bank deposits, which will foiever set at! rest tho conditions which hnvt pre vailed In the llnanelal world the lam. IS months. j Yours verv truly. I l: L. HARRISON PARADE OF ELKS ANTLERS PUT ON CROWD OF AP PLICANTS LAST NIGHT. OTH ER TOW..S REPRESENTED. The lClks had a shown of their own yesterday afternoon. Tho nntlored herd gathered nt 5 o'clock for the jiur-J pose of reviewing tho novices that; woro to tie Initiated. There was a bunch of them, too. A lino of puindoj was formed ltl front of the Hlks hall and passed down llroadway to Caddo,! thenco on Main to C west returning went north on Washington street to ; the hall. In a largo wire cage two of, tho novices wero caged. They were j J. V. Ayler nnd II. T. llarreld In their I suits of many colors, they wero kept I pacing from on0 end of tho cage to! the other by a. corps of animal tmln-j ors which walked nlong sldo with j pitchfork In hand. Following this ox-j hlblt came tho water wagon. And! hero tho surprise wns sprung. Tho Idea of n representative of a county attorney's offlco In a prohibition J country riding on a -water wagon. No1 such scene ns that was over ciincteu1 bofore. Smith C. Matson gracing a water wagon No ono ever expected It of him. Hut since tho Klks put him on tho water wagon thero Is no -way, for him to got out of IL Following close by was tho hoodlum. It was presided over by Chief of Police Ilucn Garrott and pollcomnn Iathrum. "hnlncd to tho floor In tho hoodlum was Prof. ICvans. Ho resisted the chains but that didn't count. Ills friend A. C. Crnco who has been out of tho lodgo for two years came back In for tho purKso of seeing th0 Ini tiation of Prof. Kvans. Tho bunch who hnd tho Antlers put on Ia.t night v,tb comiiosed of l.u'h titer 11. Smith of Mnrlotta, II G. House secretary of tho republican stat,, commltteo nt Marlettn, J. T. Hartmaii of Sulphur, J. W. Sheldon of Wynnewood, O. G. MeAdams of Sulphur, S. W. Frost or Sulphur, ni d these from Ardmoro, J. W. Ayler, Joo A. Garner, Hnl Wolvorton, Ch.i.i. Kvans, S. C. Mntson, J. C Ilass., M. IC. Crnco, Hoy M. Johnson and II. T llarreld. After tho ceremonies woro ove n buffctt luncheon was served In th" baiKpiot room of tho lodgo Tho Ardmoro lodgo of ICIks Is growj Ing faster than any other lodgo In tho state. Thoy havo an elegant, hall and' havo always boon very generous to tho people of tho city In tho vny of giving their liall for public receptions nnd gatherings. I FOR SALIC Truckngo property closo In til x ir2, flvo room dwelling; ' special low prlco for rpilck sale of 11000. VFRV IUCSIUAI1I.K tcsIi! :i . lot 8th Ave. and G street, N , ono block from car line, $250 ensh or $S00 on any terms you want. This is oouer iimn any suu'.iruan nilui lion. TO KX C II A N O H Fa n n I n county. Texan farm valued nt $17S0: for good rosldenco In Ardmoro nnd will' pay d fforenco In cafch. If you watut to buy or sell, seo me. O. M. IIKDFIHLD, I. O. Hldg. Phono 507. Tho Quick Comfort natural gas heating stovo makes tho room com- fortnblo uulckor than nny ot'ier gas stovo. Tho prlco Is n little less and i your gas bill will bo n llttlo less I when you use them. For sale only j by Jllvons, Co:hn & Frenslcy. I 52.50 SSHO $2.5(1 Specials 0ttM LYNN, The Shoe Ian A ' AIout Our On tr.intt i 1 1 h'M I r Li' is tiid ( icntli i. t n. I A ' Aliout Our (tii ir.tntt t 1 I h .t In Le1 tt H ind ( cnt It i. t n, H MAJESTIC "The Best Show on Earth" CATERS ONLY TO Till- BlST PEOPLE ) Soul Kiss. Program Tho Miwtiuonulcr. ) Wiiii toil A Military Man. C. P. 1 1 all's biff store on Caddo Stie.t t will jjive 10 per cent off on spot cash purchases until Dec. 15. If you want goods charged you you can get them on easy payments. c. P. HALL Thu Highest, Now and frv'cond Hand Homo Out litters in tlio city at. Cash Prices for u littlo down and hiilancu in weekly or monthly payments. T.N. COLEMAN THE CITY Telephone . ALBATROSS That's tho name of tho best flout Hold tn Ardmoro. WATCH FOR THE NEW ECON OMY GAS HEATERS THIS WEEK. THEY ARE THE BEST. "ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE." 4f ARDMORE SUPPLY CO. ROBISON OPERA HOUSE THREE NIGHTS AND SATURDAY MATINEE COMMENCING THURSDAY, OCT. 15TH THE "Bell Boy Musical Comedy Co' WITH JOHNNY AND ELLA CALVIN AND BIG BEAUTY CHORUS OF PRETTY GIRLS Two carloads of beautiful scenery and electrical effects, Two change of play every night. Opening play "Thu Bull Uoy SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE Prices, 25c, 35c and 50 Cents DRUGGIST .... 9 W. Main St. FOR SALE. Somo cholco town property In Grove. Fourtoc-cn lot lu block tea ami two lots In block eleven, goort house, vlenty of lino fruit and good garden plot. I will sell very cheap as I have moved from Oklahoma. J. , , n 1, IL.Inntl.,n M-nvfl a ' II lino wk2 II