Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Wednesday, Oct. 14. 1903 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE SEVEN t: u n n it nun t: :: u n n IX PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. it it n :: u it n u n :: n n n it tt n u LAWYERS. Ucorgo II. Walker T. D. Uuilerwoo WALKER A. UNDERWOOD Lawyers. Ardmore, Okla. .1. U. l'otlerf. K. A. Walkef POTTERF & WAuKER, Attorneys and Counselors nt Law Ardmore, Okla. Junius i:. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) J i r o . T. N. Kobuclt. HUMPHREY A. ROBNETT, Attorneys at Law. Itooms 2, 4, C and S, Potiiiintuii-Slnis Dulldliig, Ardmore, Also have omce at Muskogee. willimM w. wmurii, (Hcglsturcd Atlurnu)) Fornierlj With Dawes Commission Cc '.est, Citizenship Cases and other mutters bclote tho Interior Do ; If the using up Is too rapid, the kld partuicut, Inclusively. I neys cannot keep pace with It. A Offices Washington I.onn A cold, chill, fever, Btrnln or nny excess Trust Uulldlng , may hasten the InevltaliU. breakdown, Washington, D, C. land as the circulation of the Wool Z c? Tiit-Mru i never, tho kidneys have no tltn(. TUNNEH t() n,H(i U) vhanw , .,, skk KI,. Attorney At Law wyH CUMWl g,.t well alone Careful nnd painstaking attention gtv i Tlio first warnings of kidney weak en to All Matters Intrusted to me I "ess are dull.nchlng palna In the back, Offip iinoinn o & 11 Whoolnr Uld retention, excessive flow, dlscoloia Office Rooms o 11 heeler umg , SCaldlng of th urine. This Office phono 213; lies, phone 773. " ' ' JOHN HINKLE Attorney at Law ! Will 1'rnctlco in Cartor and tho AO ! Joining Counties, l'robatu practice J a Specialty. Conpller Indian Chas. J. Happier. Chas. It. Morllllat Compiler "lndln Active Court Laws nnd Treatleb" Tractltlonur. KAPPLER 4. MERILLAT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Practise before all Courts; On gress. Qoverntnnut departinsnts and Commissions. Indian Cases a ape claTy, Office, Ilond Illd'g, Washington D, C. p VVINFREY Attorney at Law. .usUch of tho l'eace Notary Public 1 Rooms 14 and 1C, Noble Uldg. I i Phones: Hesl S3G bluo. Offlco 166. CAPT. J. R. PULLIAM Justice of the Peace. Koonis In Ponulngton& Slrnms Olds PHYSICIANS. FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. D. , lease Mild and secure for the Osage Surgery, Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat nation Just aiut rt-.isoiiablu coinpun Kyes accurately fitted with Qlaseea. satlon us other owners nro rucelv Phones: Offlee 141, Resldee 44. tug." TALIAFERRO'8 Undertaking and Embalmln North NfAshlngton St. Phones 341 and 433. ARDMORE 8ANITARIUM ' lUnrst for libel. Tho story In ones Drs. von Keller, Hardy & Henry. tlou alleged that a man named llas Modcrn equipment for the scientific ieI( j,, connection with others, treatment of all surgical cases Trained nurses In attendaucco. Ardmore. Okla. W. M. ANDEHSON I Veterinary Surgeon. Ardmore, Okla. Office: Sml h's Uvery Bara. Phono 125. ARCHITECTS. W. A.Tui-kett T. W Myall TACKETT &. MYALL ARCHITECTS Office In Slms-Penulngtvn Uulldlng Ardmore, Okla. STENOGRAPHER - MISS GRACE DRYAN Public Stenographer Ml work neatly and promptly done. Olllec (Jllnier Hotel. Phono 17S. Residence phono 521. Brown & Bridgman Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers LarpRSt line of Funeral Goods in Oklahoma. TIMETABLE SANTA FE. Northbound. tin. 18 11.3f a. ra No. C 12.07 a. ru. No. 20 5:40 p. in. Southbound No. 17 4:22" p. rn. .Vo. 5 6:10 a. m. No. 19 12:55 p. in FRISCO SYSTEM. Westbound No. 43 3:45 p. m. No, G5 (local, dally except Sunday) 3:45 p. rn. No. 45 7:50 p. m. Eastoound, No. 41 5:00 p. tn. No. (id (local, dally except Sunday 6:30 a. m. No. 4C 0:10 a. ra. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Westbound. No. C51 8:30 p. m. No. 071 (local, dally except Sunday :00 p. ra. Eastbound. No. C52 7:30 a. m. No. C72 (local, dally except Sunday 70 a. m. THE LAND OF WEAK KIDNEYS It Is admitted that Ilrlghts disease or the kidneys causes more de.vlu In tho United States than In nny m.icr country; that moro than halt tho sick ness In America Is duo to wsak ot diseased kidneys. Wo nro a weak kldneycd people and tho reason Is plain. Ambitious to ?: Joy moro than a niero living, to hive ! nl the pleasures that our neighbors i have, anxious for wealth and him (ess, j we overwork, rest little, put -md dill I; unwisely, and are "on the go'- all the time. Tho strenuous life of today tells oil i tho kidneys. Tho human lod.v wait plannel for a slmiiler life, mere :s just so inuch work that each organ can do. The kidneys (liter our blood ; day and night receiving It In a cons.' I less stream, draining off the jKilson- ous Impurities. The duly Is heavy enough In a normal average life, lint when we work early and late, give nil rest and root for enjoyment, and retiie into to troubled sleep, tin work of th. kidneys Is Inei eased enor mously. Kvery lilt of energy eonsuni ed throws Into the Wood a quantity of waste Ilk,, the ashes of ,i lire, and HASKELL WRITES INSISTS ON Kansas City, Mo Oct. 13. Cover nor Haskell, of Oklahoma, who ar rived here this morning from (Jitth lie, gave to tho Associated Press a signed (tight hundred word state- ........ ...1(1,.. UU...I I i. 1I...,UI.I,,.I D.UIUIt. nci-n ill I I i niuuiu iiiunv-- Vl'lt- --mtrlbut Ins another chapter In th wxawws arlsl.iK over the leasing of CSO.O.m aer.s of Osage I, ..II,... tl l...,,K, " I snail, says tno governor m his statement, "Insist upon thu can cellation or this leaso In the Inter est or those cltlzuiH or our state, or that congress take action to declare this improvident ami unjust Covei'iior Haskell declareii that he ' came to Kansas City to consult his ! attorneys In regard to starting a i suit In tho circuit court against ! made oveitures to Frank S. Monett. I then attorney general of Onlo, lo stop :i suit ptiidlug against tlie standard Oil company, tho trio agreeing, It is alleged, to furnish half u million dollars In ease the pioceedlngs wero dropped. Governor Haskell's letter to tlio president Is us lolloivs: (iuthrle, OMaH Oct. 12, 190S. lion. Theodore Hoosevolt, piesldonl, Washington, I). C. Sir: I have Just recelvtd a lot- "','' frolu I''""k I'lorco, acting see- I rotary or tho Interior department. dated Octobur it, stating that my Utter to you asking for an ex planation as to tho oil lease on the Osa-b lands, had been referred to his department. He attaches nu explanation, which Is not at all satisfactory. It con tains practically nothing In conlllct wllh my complaint. 1 agreo that In 1 S lu tho democratic ndmlii Istratou miido a leaso to K. II. Poster on tho entire Osage nation for ttn years at ten per cent roy alty. At that time tho neares known oil production was about seven hundred miles from the Osago nation, so that the Foster leaso In ISUli wan a rank wildcat proposition, and of course, the iism al pioneer royalty of ten p;r cent was allowed. Hut duriiiK thu ton years, tho field was developed, and found to hi- unusually rich, ami ten years at this low royalty .was an iiniplo reward to those who de veloped it. m lly 1003 Foster had transferred his lease to tno Indlnn Territory Illuminating Oil company, a well known subsidiary of tho Standard Oil coinpnny. Development showed that oil cov ered six hundred and eighty thouE and acres, being tho cast part of tho Osage nation, also txtcndliiK north into Kansas, east Into In dian Territory, and south into Ok lahoma, and tho whole nrca Is known as the richest oil country In existence nt this date. Tho re mainder or tho Osago nation .was barren. Congress gave you the power to fix tho consideration that the Ocage people Biiouhl receive, as their part of the oil vnltie, after tho expira tion of the ten year lease. It was Why Kidney Troubles Are So Common in the United States CVCRY PCW?L TCLLS A STORY ISackixli" .Shuck ROOSEVELT CANCELLATION well Known to you at thai time what the sub-lossm were paying for small tracts In tho Osage na tion and adjoining lauds In the Clioroko tuition, ns tho Chorokoe leases passu! through tho Interior department, and their approval and the royalties and bonusos receiv ed by the laud owners were n mat ter of record ami approval In tho Interior department recoids. It Is searcoly possible that with tliestt record before you, you failed to notice that ten dollars per -acre cash bonus ami ouo-slxth roTr.r.y was much below the average com pensation lo tho laud owner. In deed, In many Instances cash bon uses or from fifty to even one hun dred dollars per acre wore received by tho laud ownors. A fow acres found In thc Interior department records are as follows: The Lamm family, sovtu hun dred acres, Cherokee nation. Imme diately adjoining tho Osage nation, Interior department base, made In 1!H)::, cash bonus forty thousand dollars, royalty one-eighth. Wo have eight or ten similar leasts where general public Information smi.vs cash uonusus substantially as large as tho above, ami royal ties limning at one-sixth, but your subordinate olllcers In charge of the Indian olllce nt Muskogee, on or (lers Iroin thu Interior departinonl this morning, refused lo permit ex - animation of the records to confirm same aecuraiely, but tluy are sub ject to your Investigation, uud you will find, no duiibt, that tho I .an nua lease was only an nverage lease. Ami numerous other least s ad Joining the Osage nation give you the opportunity to know that a bare onc-clghth royalty, without any Cash bonuses to tho Osages was a gniHS outrage on that na tion. Cougrts no sooner gave you the authority to fix the amount of com pensation than tho Ottugos filed a written reqiisto with you for an opportunity to bo heard and pro duce evidence, whlcht h y could eas ily have produced, showing you that a cash bonus of $7,000,000 and one sixth royalty would ho Indeed a moderate compensation to them. Vein neglected to aivo tlio Osages any opportunity whatever to bo nearu. nio met mat osu.uuo ncros of ri hcolll) .u-lioar. dw'Jso. .kAiJ in of rich ol' land was at stake that Hit Standard Oil company was play ing for, anil thel nnd owners denied tho right to bo heard, Is some' thing that will require a moro lucid j explanation Hum .Mr. I'lorco lias so u fit to give. Any practical business man Is ready to recognize that OSO.OOO acres in ouu tract of laud Is of far groat proportionate vuluo than tho small tracts of a fow hundred acres each, ami tlureforo, tho greater surprjso that you should havo rixed tho royalty (without any ash bonus,) much lower than the Individual land owners woro secur ing on smnll tracts, There woro no such Improvident leases being made In that wholo combined Hold. .Mr. I'lerce suggests In his letter to mo that ns a matter or fact It was not known at tho tlmo that tho Standard Oil company was tho "A tells of kidney cotiRostlon or Inilnm tuition. Neglect the I rouble nnd diz ziness, nervousness, rl etimatlc pain, awollen tinkles and limbs, dimming ot tho eyesight, sediment In thc urine, or fluttering of the heart will mark the near approach of dropsy, graver, stono In tho kidneys, dlnbeto or llrlglil's disease. Only In on,, wny can kidney dis orders be checked and cured by prompt treatment of the kidneys them selves with a special kidney remedy. Point' Kidney l'llls nrt for ill,, kid neys only. They cute nick kidneys, clenr and regulate the urine, iellev strain upon the heart and nerve, and cur,, backnehe. rheumatic pain and di.zlucsx. They are recommended at home l) penplo you know. ARDMORE PROOF. II. I'. Sehroeder. HvIiir In Ardmore. Okla.. snvs: "My faith In Dean's Kid ney Tills is Just as stroiiK today t,s when I gnvo a testimonial In their favor over two years ago. Prior ti nning this remedy I suffered severely from attacks of backache nu I often , necnnie so lame and rr across the I region of my kidneys that It was all I coutd do io get about to do my work. I Th,. secretions from my kidneys werv. hlglilv colored, and so ft-ripier 'n no Hon as to cause me great atiiit.yauce. Doans Kidney Tills were lltmlly ree- omnieiuled, procured them rrom Fmiiic'h drug store nnd they proved of thi' greatest benellt. Af'er tnklng the contents of three boxes I was cur ed and have had no recurrence of niv former troubl., since. I take plenmt.'e In recommending this remedy to other sufferers " 'iial party In Inteioat. 1 submit to ! you that the very tact Hint Messrs. iulTo, llanrsdato and Senator De p w, well known Standard Oil leprcsentnllves, with others of tho same odor, milking a pei-sonnl np l -a to you lor this low ro.xalty o th' laud owners, should lutvt been a uple tvldonco U'at the Standard Oil company was the roul beneficiary. It was the salmi SeiiRlor Dopotv who Induced ou to grant tho Pml rlu 111 & (las comiMiiiy rinnohlsr' over the protest or Secretary Hitchcock, Ions than one your he ron Dial time: and in this one transiutlon ou gave Hie Stuudaiil Oil company a donation from the property of tho Otfngc Indians of more than enough lo pay tho ram- ous $211,000,000 fine. I shall Insist upon the cancella tion of this lease In the luMrest of these citizens of nor state, or thai congress take action to declare this improvident nnd inipust leaso void, ami s cure for the Osage nation the Just ami reasonable compensation that other owners nro receiving. Marvelous as P. may seem, tho dllfeieuce between tno difference b difference In t ween tin; royalty you llxed lor this new lease, and l'io nverage amount rcolved In Hie balance of the oil field, by lam' owners controlling their own prop erty. Is fully oipilvnlent to a not Ions of $10,0011 lo each ami every member r the Osage nation, ami whtthcr this gross Injustice to our people iwuh accomplished by your lack or consideration, or In any nth- I or way, the authorities of the state J of Oklahoma will not rest until this i lease has hem cancelled and Jus- 1 lice done our people. IteHpectfully, C. N. IIASKKI.I.. (lovernor. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take I.AXAT1V1-: 1IHO.MO QUINIXH Tablets. DruRgls.H rer.ind inoney If It falls'to cure. I, W. .HOSI,S slg - iiiiiuiu in I'll i iiuu iiu.. 23C. Fifty Years a Blncxsmlth. Samuel It, Worley ot Hixlmrg. Vn lias been shoeing horses for more than fifty yunrn. Ho says: "Chamherlaln's Palu Halm has gi en me groat relief from lame h.ic . and rheumatism. It Is the best ln niont I over used." For sale by F. .1. Ilamsey ami Hoffman Drug 0 . w Cstray Notice. The Slate of Oklahoma, County or Carter, h. Notlot Ih heiby given Hue on tho 7th day of October, 190S, .1 T , -j-iiylor .ippoared bofoiv me and ,, affidavit of tho taking up of 1 following described csCa Ouu light hay maro, about 11 c;i s eld, about 11 1-2 hands high, brand ed I, on lift shoulder. That thu residence of said T.iUc l7p Is In the city of Ardmore. OUla , llith and A St., X. W.; that the Kami! was taken up on the L'U'l1 day of August.' 100S, Wltnuss my hand and sou! this 7th day of October, 1U0S. W.M. II. Fit A.MK, County Clerk. J. T. TAYLOR, Taker Up. Wk H-2I-2S T. C. Itanaol, ona of Ardmoro's ola est and best known merchants, ha. oponed up a largo stock of dry goods and clothing on West Mnln ft'rcot, opposlto tho court Iioiibo nnd Invites tho trading public to como to his i storo for tho cheapest clothing In tho I city. li t! Strife for County Seat. PoiiRheit. Okl.t. Oct 12 The d morelte: Dougherty Is alnust solid for Davis for the permanent county seat, ns It Is so much moro convenient to the ieople heie, and Is much near er the ideographical center of the comi ty than Sulphur, and then we are tired of the bickerings nnd sirlre between, tho two towns of North nnd West Sulphur ocr the location of the court house In Hint town. Iinl week the two factions of Sulphur met and de cided to locate tile court houe In tin big hollow, between the two towns' of North ami Went Sulphur We ; know the people or the west of tin county will vigorously o,iose such h location, and thii w, will resell' being Ignored In the matter as we think the rest of the county should not lie treated with such little 'c nsid . at Ion. Neither do wt? believe that otiv honorable county eommlsHton i will stanl for any such dictation. We tan ami will vote the location or tho coun ty sent to Davis and then the fussv . factious at Sulphur can light out t li -1 own iMittles to suit themselves, with ; itit uiMiig tho rest, of it up In their' rows. A Piles Cured in 6 to I I Days 1 I'AZO OINTMUNT Is guaranteed to Clire any case of Itching, blind, bleed ing or protruding Piles In '. to 1 1 lays or money refunded. r.Oe. PETITION. To the Mayo- and City Cumuli if the City of Ardmore: We. the undersigned eltlzms and, property ownorv on 11 street north west, beginning at Ilroadwny nnd c tinning ito Ninth nvomin northwest, hereby petition your honorable hodv ' to take such steps ns the law- author izes In nrdorlng sidewalks construct ed on Raid street. ' Very respect fully, W. II. KKNNI3K. T. P. joni:s, II ATT in NOIILH, ! KUNNHTII HUDSON, T. II. HANKS. JOHN T OAlr, .1. A. 11IVHNS, wm. T. nocnn. MUS. J. C. KHNNElt N. K. MAKT1N, C. T. VHHNON, (5. U. GOODW IN. lie It resolved by tho Cltv Council of the City of Ardmore, Oklahoma. That, pursuant to a potlton signed by more than ten c'tlzens and prop o!y owners on n stneet northwn t, be ginning nt Ilroadway and continuing to Ninth avenue northwest In said city, nuking that sidewalks bo pin. In on said street. It Is hereby order ed that the said sidewalks aro n ces sary and 1liat the proporty ownera on said street aro hereby ordered t'i proceed to put down concrete ldo- I walks within ten days from this dat and upon their falluro to do so with in said tlmo tho city council will ad vortlso for bids and Tint said sldo wnlks in nnd chargo tho samo to the adjolnng proporty owners. Passed nnd approved, this, tho 5th day of October, 100S. It. W. DICK, (Attest): Mayor (!. II. IlltUCI-:, City C!e.k. 0 10 I. W. FOLSOM, M.. SjVl,C IiVI Tr., ; , nnmeZ , m ; lRra ItH coinpllcatlonB. homor , rhoI(g rhcuiimtm cancerous conditions, vencrlal diseases, uurvoui affections nnd diseases of this ell mate. Office Phone 15. UcRldenco Phono 126, red. luonn'flr oMalrMil In till roiuitrl. or NO PCC, I tuoi.Mmm, vt- ikI i.iiyrmliK tivi-1 I trll'd. M'tt'l hklltll JliMll't far I'hulo, lur ltr I r .lOri fall 1M illrll('Y. ALL BUSINESS I sTaic'L. coNriorruiAL. i punuo I I .!Trir . rur mm.iik rririri m Ui In ifntr xnf Atn kIi rfilil h.iTfiniirliind. li.iKiiiillf)wlnoMlfiaiwlnramlr I3 II li..l in. v. iiftwtlliMy IImm i , iri-t ftp ir w a iiO)t-r I I WldaUti lnfuiiiut.-,i(. M- it It . Ii4i H1 .mm. I 0. SW8FT & M. 1501 Seventh St., Vashlnplon, D. C.J For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of tho blad der, urinary troublea and backache use PeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c , o "WITT A, CO.. Qfc tnw, ; For salo by W. U. Frauu TO THE PUBLIC W.imi ytm want ur.ytliini; in tlu IMumliiiiii, Gas, Tin or Sliuol Moltil wo will iiinUc it lo vour uiU'rf.t tu llyuro with us. Our Mock Is complelu and only flnislicil workmen cinployod. One tnutto: Nut how clioiii hut How good. ' Thi, Houio That Wants Your HuMness. WEEKS BROS. 20 South Washli'Ktoti Stn i . Phono 70 Our Show Room I'roscnts ,t oi v p o.s ng nppi ai.ttu i' with its .n k of brand now pliitiilin .j gooils. IJiitln-cii m st-ts and mitror.s hfio in j mansion an t every l.u y h 'sp"iinHy invaetl to call to st o our lint-iiMi.tlhroi in II. Mines. Wo nro equip ped to do ymir pltiihbint: riM anil on hhort iititico Phono us and wo will no g ,nl to siininit ynu an estimalo Phono No. !( SPREKELMEYER COMPANY TDiUtRt. PlUMBtRS AND (AS FITTERS. The Densmore Hotel 9TU AND LOCl'ST STRIil'lS ' , r ,rtl' ,r r r C ..Tf II l"'! tilt Ll-U-k Try us next tune m the Avenue cars at Union Depot, and walk one block south. W. P. Poland EtfiS&i wmmm Poland & Foster Succesui.s to Hohurls t I'oland Loans and Abstracts, Fire and Tornado Insurance. Prompt Service, Keliablo Ooujjianius. SAVE MONEY You can save money on Gas Heaters by buying now before the Fall rush. Call or phone us for particulars. Ardmore Supply Company BOOK CONCERN YIELDS. Victory for thc State in Fight for Ex. change of School Bo oks. (uthrle, Okla., Oct. "Il.Thu threat ( mil suit by tho statu against Clnn & Company was avertixl by a conference held here today between (lovernor Haskell, State .Superintendent Cnmo on ami Manager DeWItt of tho Dallas company. Tho company agrees to the demands of the Rtnte, viz: To exchange books regardless of grade uud establish depositories In county seats and towns of flvo hundred. This Is n signal victory for th state. Kai- ller In tho day Haskell had Instructed) Attorney (ienorai West to bring suit. The Quick Comrort natural gas heating stovo makes tho room com fortablo mileker than any other gas stove. Tho prlco Is a llttlo less and your gas bill will bo n llttlo less when you use them. For salo only by lllvens, ('-rhn & Fronsloy. Hal M. Cannon INSURANCE uud Houd.s Your biismoss will bo up prro'ntod. Office Vnblc Buildipr; Phone Oig OVPEKH tho boat ac cotniiiodations it n d sorvir.o of mi Hotel m Kansas City at moderate rales. We ospeoialli solicit the patronage of tho reat Southwest. Our rates aro Amrrlciin I'lnn S'JZ If ,1 I'rr lln riiriipri-ii I'lnii.SI li S IVr l)a thI llatei liy Week or Montli city. Take Independence fet cfT at Sih and Loctiii W. H Foster Kith National Irrigation Congress Alhinitiurnuc, N. M. He)temher 2!) to October 10 Kxtromely low fares via TKKetH will be on salo d.illy . iiti'mlii r a to October 5, Inc., limited to return Oi tnlirr 31, limn, KtoiHivers allowed i New Mexico on return trip. Our very f ittcie.xtlnir Illustrated fold " on Dili t)tii'.'t Is yours for the uaklnc. Ilnrvey niralv en route Write for vacation biHiklets W. S. Kii iian, (I. 1', A., (iulveaton COMPARE OUR OERVICE WITH OTHERS. Poital Telegraph Cabta Co. V Wmhluatvn Wt Tel So It