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I MAKE THE STAY OF THE VISITING CLUB WOMEN IN ARDMORE A PLEASANT ONE WANTED rmllj wuk Is ( par ponjg4, flat vork lolnd4. Ardmore Steam Laundry TELEFflONE NO. to Cream Bakery Rread Try tho New ProceM Craa Lot JOHN N IMRH Phon Hi. VOLUiMEXV AKDMOlttf, OKLAHOMA Til UHSDAY KVKNFNCi NOVKM1JK1J 1)0S NUMBER 137 ELECT DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS HARMON CARRIES OHIO Although the republican national ticket has been over whelmingly elected, later returns show democratic gains and many surprises on state tickets. Notwithstanding Ohio's electoral vote is for Taft overwhelmingly, Judson Harmon, the democratic gubernatorial candidate has been elected by probably 20,000. Indiana also has elected a democratic governor and today's returns continue to cut down the Taft plurality and build up the plurality of Marshall, democratic candidate for governor. The only disheartening news to democrats on the late returns is the fact that the electoral vote of Missouri and Maryland may land in the republican column on the final count. Democratic chairmen in both these states however claim that Bryan has carried them. Hadley, republican candidate for governor of Missouri, has carried the state over Cowherd, who ran thousands of votes behind Bryan. New York, N. Y., Nov. 5. Maryland and Missouri held the center of political attention, of the republican and democratic politicians, to say nothing of the voters, when they today began to look over the results of the election Tuesday. Today's dispatches show that the results In these two states are still unsettled. , Leaving Maryland and Missouri out, Taft Is assured of 301 electoral1 votes, Bryan 156. Maryland with eight electoral votes Is claimed for Taft with a margin of 136 votes, and but few districts to bo heard from. In Missouri the late tidings glve Taft the apparently narrow mar gin of 67 votes and seemed to make practically certain the election of a republican governor for the first tlme In 35 years. Hadley's plu rality today appears as 15,148. Indiana democrats have apparently elected a majority of the state legislature and It Is rumored may send John W. Kern, the defeated vice presidential nominee, to the United States senate. It appeared today that the socialists are disappointed In their avowed expectations of casting "one million votes for Debs," but their vote In general showed a material Increase over that of 1904. The prohibition vote totals disappointment to those who expected the "prohibition wave" would show a surprising Increase. Missouri 'Uncomfortably Close. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 5. Unofficial returns to tho Post Dispatch from 114 of tho 115 counties In Missouri, eighty-six counties bolus coinplote, glvo Taft 290.177. Dryau 2S9.C08 Tart's plurality 479. iFor governor, Hadley frop.) 301, 737, Cowherd (ilom.) 2SC.C04 Had ley's plurality 15,153. Only tho official count will decldo tho political complexion ot the i stato's electoral vote. Tho missing county Is Morgan nnU the republican state committor- claims this for Taft by a plurality of 350, two loss than Itoosevolt received In 1901. On this hasls Tart's lead In tho state Is now 839, Unit In tho nl senco of complete returns, this result Is far rrom decisive. Neither party Is Hiiro or tho legis lature. -Tho estimated riguro follows: Senate, democrats 23, republicans 11. House, democrats C9, republicans 73. (With these margins tho chances of any ono candldato cannot bo forecast A hard fight for tho placo is cer tain whon tho legislature meets to chooso a United States sonator and party lines may ho -broken. Bryan Issues Statement. Lincoln. Neb., Nov. C. W. .7. Bryan today issuxd u statement of about flvo hundred words thanking his friends for their support and saying he had faith that tho iriuclples in volved in tho Denver platrorm would yet recommend themselves to tho American people. Ho said in part: "If I could consider tho defeat as purely a porsonal ono I wopld con sider It a blessing rather than a misrortune, ror I am relieved of tho burdens and responslbllties of an orflco, attractive only as it gives opportunity to render larger public service." Mr. ntul Mrs. I. It. Rest havo moved from thlr old homo placo and havo rooms with Mrs. Dan Conway on Sec ond amnio southwest. Mr. nnd Mrs. nst havo none or their children with them now. Their youngest son, Jesse Is In school In Dallas. See our new line of Photo Mounts in black, white and sepia nothing nicer. Webb, The Leading Photographer P. 8. Don't forget tho babies. DID EMPLOYE ROB BANK. Oklahoma City, Nov. 4. That tho $3,700 bank robbery at Kallis, Oc tober 24, was tho result of Insldo work nnd not duo to safe blowers, as has been reported, was tho state ment made at tho Thrcadglll last night by Sumner A. Ely, vice pres ident or tho Ely-Norrls SaTo com pnuy, who has been Investigating tho matter with a corps or oaatoin exports. According to Mr. Ely tin only damngo dono to tho safo was the bending of several or tho de tents, dono by tho robber, it Is suggested, to glvo an appearanco or tho saTo having been forced open. Mr. Ely, who had Just arrived rrom Fallls, said that Cashlor ninohart and Assistant Cnshlor Schwako nre both undor suspicion. Tho latter in a signed statono'u says that HInehart accused Mm ot tho crlmo as soon as it was learned thnt tho bank had been robbed. C. W. Toblo of tho PInkorton dotectlvo ngency is in Fallls making a carerul Investigation. Whoever may havo robbed the Bare it is certain thnt it was dono by someono who was mnstcr or tho combination. For Geological Survey, Sulphur, Nov. 4. It was officially announced last night to tho large crowd gntliored to listen to the read' lug or election bulletins that a corps or engineers rrom tho geological de partment at AVashlngtmi would de rive in Sulphur within tho next few days, nnd commence upon their work of making a geological nnd topograph ical survey of Piatt national park. These surveys, explained Col. A. H. Open, superintendent or tho park, havo been ordered out or tho fund of tho geological survey, nnd are pre liminary to a landscape survey Avhlch will immediately follow. This an nouncement of tho government's plan for beautifvlng tho national park, and or other extenslvo Improvements set the crowded hall to cheorlug wildly. W. S. Tlnsman, an offlclnl of tho Hock Island railway company, ib here today In his privato car. Ho stated that ho was making a trip or inspection over tho lino and thnt his visit was or no special slgnifl cance. Vso DoWltt's CarlMinized Witch I Hazel Salve it Is healing, cooling and cleansing. It Is especially good tor pues. som py y. u Frame. BRYAN MAKES STATEMENT NATIONAL DEFEAT NOT SUCH A GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT. CONSOLED BY MANY THINGS Hopes as a Private Citizen to Cause Reform and Do Many Things In Which He Will Find Much Joy Bears Defeat Lightly. Lincoln, Nob., Nov, 4 - While not caring to discuss nt this tluio tho political ctrect or tho democratic victory In his homo state, or anal yze tho cause. William J. Bryan this afternoon In an Inrormal talk io n number or rrlcnds who cnlled on him expressed his pleasure nt th? result in Nebraska and tho satis faction It afforded him to loam of tho election or so many or his political friends. A delegation numbering nearly 100 rrom Lincoln visited Mr. Urjnn nt Fnlrvlow to express to him their conridcnco nnd devotion to him and to nsstiro him that such was tho sentiment of a majority or tho peoplo or his city and state. Mr. Bryan In responding said: "I am highly gratified over tho result In this state. Tho national dofent has not boon such a disap pointment, as wo havo hnd so many things to console us. .1 hopo I hnvo convinced my rrlcnds that running for orflco has only been an Incident to my work. My heart has never been sot on holding of. rice, but I wanted to do certain work nnd It looked Ilka tho presi dency might offer tho opportunity to do that work. I am suro that In privato lir0 I can havo tho chanco to do something. Ono Is not required to hold office In or der to do big things. Ono Is simply required to do those things within his reach, and that much Is within the rench of each of us. "Personally, I shall rind as much Joy being out or. orflco, It tho ro turns show I must bo, as I would In omco. I hopo still to bo or Influ once to bring about needed rororms. I npproclato very much tho conri dcnco of tho peoplo near us. It hn been tho greatest comfort thnt tho election has given us. Tho fact that those among whom we llvo havo shown this conHdence, w0 appro clnto more than I can tell you. It ha been very kind In you to como out hero and visit us on this day." Tho doreat ho sustained yesterday did not weigh heavily on Mr. Bry an. Ho was ono of the most cheoi ful or thoso nt his homo nnd lnugh ed and Joked good-naturedly with his visitors. Tonight Mr. Bryan was tho guest or honor at the banquet or tho Stnto Teachers- association, where ho made a short address. Ho bus no other lmniedlnto plans than to rest at homo following his canvnss. TRUE COWBOY STYLE LASSOES MAN ON SWIFTLY MOV ING TRAIN, KILLING HIM INSTANTLY ESCAPES. El Paso, Texas, Nov. 4. Flourish ing a pistol and swinging his lariat in tho nlr, Jesso Ako, a cowboy, rode madly toward a rnpldly moving Santa Fo work train, nnd lasstos Ba mon Aragon, ono or tho men on tho train. Aragon was dragged rrom tho top of a car at tho end of tho ropo nnd was Instnntlv vm,i Th ftraln was running twenty-Hvo nillei. nn nour. i Alio escaped to the mountain. outh or here, but ho Is being swirt- iy pursued by n posso which was organized immediately following tho murdor. Palmer Favors Davis. Palmer. Okln., Nov. 4.-Tho people of this placo are decidedly In ravor or Davis ror tho permanent county seat and will roll tip a good voto ror that pushing town. LATEST ELECTION RESULT. it :: :: :: t: tt it .: :: :: :: :: Indications 11. is iifv- iinnu that tho iltctornl oto Is follows: Ilryan.Tuft. Alabama 11 .. Arkansas t California 10 Colorado 5 arr as l)t. Connecticut 7 Delaware . ...i 3 Florida .,. . 5 .. (Joorgla 13 .. Idaho :i Illinois 27 Indiana 13 Iowa .. .. 13 Kansas 10 Kentucky 13 .. IOtilslnna !) .. Maine G Maryland Massachusetts . ;'. . . . 10 Michigan II Mlunesotn 11 Mississippi 10 .. Missouri Montnnn Nebraska ' S Nevada 3 New Hampshlro .. .. I New Jersey 12 New York 39 North Carolina ... 12 .. North Dakota t Ohl( 23 Oklahoma 7 .. Oregon 4 Pennsylvania 31 Rhode Island 4 South Carolina .... 9 .. South Dakota 4 Tcnnrsseo 12 .. Texas 13 .. Vtah 3 Vermont 4 Virglnln 12 .. Washington 5 West Virginia 7 Wisconsin 13 Wyoming .. 3 Totals 1 50 301 '"I ::' :: :: :: :: tt :t tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt it tt BATTLESHIPS LEAVE AMOY SHIPS DEPARTED FOR OLANGA PO THIS MORNING. LAVISH GIFTS OF CHINESE More Than One Million Dollars Ex pended by Chinese Government In Gifts and Entertainment of American Fleet. Aniny, China, Nov. 5. Tho second squadron or. tho American buttln ship fleet, under command of Boar Admiral Kmery, brought their vis It to n close this morning, when the squadron steamed out of tho harbor to Join tho rirst squadron under Admiral Spcrry nt Olongaiiu, 700 mllos distant, which 7oInt they expect to reach November 8th. Tho departing wnrshlps woro giv en a demonstration upon their ar rival here. The cost or this (ecop tlon exceeded ono million dollars. Tho Chlneso government was lnvuh In IU gifts to officers and men. Tho battleship Oeorgla, the Hag ship of Bear Admlrnl Envjry. will leave tho fleot nnd go Li Hongkong, where Admiral Kmery will tako n liner for homo. Thcf lagshlp will then continue to Olongipo. : tt tt tt ti tt tt tt tt tt it it tt it tt tt BRYAN CONGRATULATES It tt Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 5. W. J. it tt Bryan sent tho following tolo- tt tt gram to Tart today: u tt "Hon. Wm. H. TnB, : It Cincinnati, Ohio,,, j tt Ploaso accept congratulations tt It and best wishes for tho success tt tt qt your administration. tt tt (Signed) WILLIAM J. BRYAN." tt tt tt tt tt :t tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt CH'MANMACK ON RESULT DECLARES MISREPRESENTATION DEFEATED URYAN BRYAN MAGNIFICIENT FIGHT Democratic Party Is More United Today Than It Has Deen in Many Years Fight on High Tarlfl 1 Will Continue NVw Vork, Nov. I. Dedailng the democratic party Is nmr united to day than It lias been In nmny years; that Mr. llrytui was defeated by what ho claims was misrepresenta tion to tho vrrct thnt his selection would hurt business Interests, Chnlr man 'Mack or tho democratic national committee, tills afternoon Issued u statement In which ho announces ex ecutive committee plans to advance tho party's Interest during tho next four years. Mr. Mack's statement in full fol lows: "Tliero Is not much for nie to say, and no aologlos to make relative to tho victory of the republican parly. Mr. Bryan made tho most ningiiiricent fight over waged by n candidate. Tho party was niado tho victim of misrep resentationa misrepresentation 'that democratic success would retard tho ihuslucHS Interests of tho country. That was or course, an argument with out foil mint Ion In fact. "Notwithstanding; yesterday's de feat tho democratic party stands more united todny titan it has In many yenrs and In this uiiiou lies Its future strength and iiowor of recuperation. "it is my Intention to continue bend- quarters in Buffalo and Washington for tho next four years to keep In touch with tho loaders of nil tho states nnd promulgate democratic principles nnd democratic thought by tho printing or literature to aid tho leaders or tho party In righting tho high tnrlir which In nil probability tho republicans will continue, not withstanding their promises to revise I am supported in this by the mem hers or tho nntlonnl committee, str .e chairmen and other loaders all ovor tho country. "In his own state, Nebraska, miliero ho Is best known, Mr. Bryan wns vic torious. (Whllo It Is truo Hint ho met i-fit In tho nation, bo did so as the candldato of his party, supported by tho 0,000,000 or 7,000,000 or his coun trymen who voted Tor him and his principles ho so splendidly espoused, nnd with tho respect and admiration or tho entire nation." ONE DEAD, TWELVE HURT RAILROAD TRAIN BACKS INTO TROLLEY CAR AT LaPORTE WITH F-VTAL RESULTS l4i Porto. Bid., ,.ov. 5. John Wit son, a motorman, was killed, Mrs. 'Edgar Austin was seriously hurt and a dozen othtr passengers slightly In jured when n ljiko Erie audi Western passenger train Kicked inui a limited trolley car from South Bend this ' morning. Prosperity to Farmers. Hohart, Okln., Nov. I. llojiorts couipllod by tho Hobnrt Chamber ol Commerce show that formers In tho vicinity or this town will receive more money for their crops this yoar than in any previous season slnco "Now Oklahoma" wis opened, to settlement. Corn mill nvorago rrom seventy-flvo to olghty bushels per aero. Cotton will nverago thrvo-fourths or a halo to tho aero nnd ton tons or nlfolfa per aero has been cut on many farms. Tho pretty minny weatltcr which has 'boon prevalent all ovor Oklahoma during tho past weok has enabled many rnnnors to pick practically all of their cotton and hundreds of bales n ro being marketed In Hohart dully. I "W. P. Higglns, a prominent citi zen and banker of Poolvlllo, Is a OKLAHOMA FOR LOSE ONE Oklahoma has given Bryan a plurality of to 25, 000, notwithstanding the claims of the republicans for the past twentv-four hours that Oklahoma would give her electoral vote to Taft. The early returns from the northern part of the state showed republican gains and led many radi cal republicans to believe that the state would give a Tift plurality. The result in the big democratic counties of the southern part of the state, however, have been slower reach ing headquarters than those in the northern part of the state and the present Bryan majority will be considerably in creased when the result from the southern part of the state is reported. It is estimated about 20,000. Sam Mayes, member of A. P. Watson, corporation commissioner, have been reelected Thompson Says 25,000. Pauls Valley, Okla., Nov. 5. J. B. Thompson, democratic stato chair man this afternoon said Bryan would win by a plurality ot from 20,000 to 25,000. Ho said: "Oklahoma Is safely for Bryan by from 20,000 to 25,000. Returns rrom forty of tho soventy-flvo counties or tho stato glvt Bryan n plurality or 13, COS. Severn! or tho big demo cratic counties or tho southern part or tho stnto aro not Included In tho abovo nnd when tho roturns be gin to como In rrom that part of tho stato, our totals will Uo con siderably increased. "McOuIro has been ro-olectod In tho rirst district, tho second tUr trlct Is clcso, but I hellovo Fulton has been ro-olcctcd over Morgan Crcager on tho Inco or returns has dofoatcd Davenport In tho third dis trict. Mnys nnd Watson havo both been re-elected. "Tho democratic nia irity on Joint ballot will bo between 70 and 75, which insures tho rotora or Ooro to tho United State.!" Norris Concedes State. (luthrlo, Okln., Nov. 5. Joo Nor ris, state republican chairman, this afternoon conceded tho stnto to Bry an by from 11,000 to 7,000. Ho claims McOulro's plurality will reach 2,000, Morgan's 000 and Creager's 2,500, Ho admits these fig ures are unolllclal, but claims thoy aro practically -correct. ELECTION RETURNS. Mill Creek. Mill Creek, Okla., Nov. 4. Tho election passed otr very qulotly here. A light voto 'being iolled, hut weather Ideal. Tho following Is n partial list of tho results for this precinct: For president Bryan 131, Tart C!f, socialist 13, Tho voto was one majority against the stato ngency systom, or tho liquor system, holng -no for pro hibition last year. Tho county bond Issue, tho salo of tho school lands, Now Jerusalem, and tho Torrons land system of registration, all carried this box by good majorities. Tho only surprlso was tho In creased vercentngo or republican and socialist votes. Sulphur. Sulphur, Okla., 3iov. I. Tho ro- turns rrom tho city or Sulphur glvo Brynn 397. Tart 200, Dobs -12; Jiwtico supremo court, 2nd district, B. h. Williams 397: 4th district, Samuel W. Hays 397, and Joseph T. Dick orson, republican, 200; corporation commissioner, A. P, Watson 397, William T. Boynolrfs 200. Tho tickets woro voted straight throughout tho county, nnd It Is believed that tho following rigures, partially estimated, gives tho coun- MISS GRAY MILLINERY AT DITZLER'S BRYAN CONGRESSMAN that Bryan's plurality will be the supreme court bench, and ty vote practically correct: Bryan 1250, Tatt 550, Dobs 200. Tho voto on all other candidates aro tho same In proK)rtlon. CARTER COUNTY OFFICIAL RETURNS FROM EVERY PRECINCT EXCEPT MONK DOTH OLD PARTIES LOST Iteturns in this county aro coming in slow. Tho county board has been In continuous session slnco tho even ing or tho election and has canvassed nil tho products received. Of tho thirty-four precincts In tho county thirty-tlireo hnvo reported and tho official count on these thlrty-throo aro given hero. For Brynn 21G0, for Tart 1213 and for Dobs 578. Tho box not Included In this count Is ,Monk nnd It Is expected It will glvo a nmjorlty to tho republican candidates. On tho stato questions tho thlrty-throo pro clcts show tho following results: Question No. 1, for 12C8, against, 2230. Question No. 2, for 2109, ngalnst IOCS. Question No. 3, for 2002, against 901. Question No. -I, for 2012, against 9IC. Question No. 5, for 1203, ngalnst, 2022. Tho rirst question Is tho stnto ngency proposition, socond Torrens land system, thin! tho loca tion or tho capital before 1913, fourth wns tho Now Jerusalem question und tlio fifth was tho proposed salo of school lands. Mr. Drew, chairman of tho boanl, said this morning that tho ioplo woro learning how to conduct elec tions nnd mako returns very rapidly and thnt tho precincts outside of Ardmoro iworo in bettor shapo than thoso In Ardmoas Tho clerks In tho country took more pains with hand writing anil nlso rend tho election law more closely and followed it hotter. Man Struck by Train. Cbickasha Okla., Nov. L An un known man wns struck by a nouth ImmiiuI rrelght train today n few hun dred yards south or tho yards In this city. Ho wns knocked rrom tho track nnd picked up in an unconscious con dition. The train stopped us soon as posslblo altor tho accident and brought tho Injured man back to tho city whero ho was taken to tho oHIce of Dr. Walter Ponqulte, tho Bock Is land physician, and examined. His recovery Is very doubtful. Hu bns a bad skull wound nnd a deep gash across his right shoulder. Ho was a young man of good appearance. Thero was no menus or Identification about his person. Dr. W. A. Darling ol Howitt Is In tho city. Ho Is working now to se cure a good school building for his town. Ho thinks Hewitt should spend 1 5,000 on a school building. ( visitor horo today.