Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Friday, November 6, 1908 THE DAILY ARDMOREITF, PAGE THREE ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft LEGAL BLANKS The Ardmorcitc has a complete supply of legal blanks under theJNew State Laws. Send us your order and we will furnish blanks by return mail. We have: Chattel Mortgages, HeiilJKstato Mortgngos, Chattel Mortgage Books with duplicate copy sheets, Chattel Mortgagos(short form) Releases of Mortgages, Warranty Deeds, Warranty Deeds with lion, Rental Contracts, four different forms of cash and crop rent, Lease Contracts, regulation 1 or f year form, Quit Claim Deeds, Powers of Attorney, Guardians Bond, Administrators Bond Petition for Removal of Restrictions, Proofs in Bankruptcy, Petition for Appointmentof Guardian of Minor, Petition for Letters of Administration, Certificate of Protest, Notice of Protest, Bills of Sale, Land Plats, All Forms of Noted, Affidavit for Renewal of Mortgage, Notary Acknowledgments. Address all orders to ' 1'h.G Ardmoreite Publishing Company Ardmore, - Okla. TOLD SECRETS OF MORMONISM ELECTION PROCLAMATION. SIGNS AND VEALED BY CEREMONIES RE SUPPOSED ELDER. ft ft ft ft lit ft ft ft ft ft CONVERTED TO FAITH IN 1892 "Can" the Password, According to a St. Louis Man Death the Pen alty of Revealing the Inner Workings, He Says. St. I.oulf, Nov. . What purports to lio n description of tho secret ftlKtiM mid srlp of the Mormons nnd tho secret religious ceremonies or hp Mormon Temple. 1h given In a liook called "Mormonlsm Exposed,' written li.v Thomns Phillip Marshall f( at. l.onls. who says lie was or dained as a Mormon older. Marshall snvs lie was oonvortod to Mormonlsm In Memphis In 1S92, ntul that ho was ordained an .older within a year after his arrival In Salt Lake City. Ho says that after his Initiation at the Temple ho was convinced of the Iniquity of Mormon ism and that he has written tho pamphlot ngalnst Mormonlsm to sat isfy his conscience. Of tho secret signs and grips, Ik says: "Tho signs of tho Aaronlc anil Molchlsodec priesthood am as foi lows: tTpon shaking hands, plnco tho thumb over the Index finger, press It. then movo It Into tho hol low between the Index and middle Hy virtue of tho authority vested in ino ns Chief E.ucutlve of the City of Ardninro, Oklahoma, a spool nl elec 'Ion Is heroby called and tho same shall bo held In said City on tho 17th day of November, 100S. for the pur pose of submitting to tho Qualified voters of said City n Charter drawn' and propsod on tho 22ml day ot September, 190S, by tho legally elect oil and qualified five-holders for Its rojictlon or adoption by said voters of said City, nml ttioso voting for the adoption of snlil Charter shall have printed on their ballot, "For tho adop tion of tho proposed Charier of said City of Ardmore," and Ihooo witlim against sumo shall have printed on their ballot, "Against tho adoption of the proposed Charter of the ICty of Ardmore." There shall also he stilmilttoil to tho qualified volorw of said City of Ardmore tho following sopsrsto pro osltlon, to-wlt: At each general election nt which n Mayor shnll be eleclod In snld Cltj of Ardmore, there bIimII also 1m elect eil a CUM of Pol loo; who shall be at the time of his election not loss than twonty-uvo years of age. and who Khali havo boon a resilient of the City of Andinoro for not toss thin two years. Tho term of offloe of tho Chief of Police shall bo two years. Thlso voting for tho nboio propost tlon shall havo prlnUtl on their bal lot. "Yos." Those voting against snld proposition shall havo printed on their ballot, "No." Those voting for the above propoxl nuallflivl voters at tho same time tin separate proposition, to-wlt: "Shall the Alltort C. Ilutzow Mattress Fac tory Compnny bo exempt from mitnlci pal taxation for n purlod of five years?" Thoso voting for the above proKisltlon shall havo printed on their ballot "Yen." Those voting proposition shall have MORE FLOWER SHOW PRIZES Some correction of former prom linn list, and additional pr ai'tiira listed ns havo boon offered . As there si ems to be a mUutul standing resnnled the standn'ds we give tho following explanation' Oil nlm Is to give every one a chance, jmhI this could not ho done by conflnlai' the exhibits to single Items, mid to, those having a stem 10 Inches ben)e branching, so this list of tho stand ards Is to Include nil plants outside' these two classes that have a clear1 stom nhovo tho earth, and wo meant to say "must show a clear stem! aUivo earth, and begin to brunch notl higher than 10 Inches, must have at' least threo blooms." In tho publlshod premium list for this sot of stnndnrds tho reading' nhotild bo, "Rott white, open form,' bloom I? lb. box candy by Clias J Uitidon," Instead of "Host White pom ixm form." In Truck Farmers' list, . "Second best bushel pumpkin yams-'l yr. su'i Hcrlptlon Weekly Morning Demo- cnit." Third best bushel pumpkin yams, premium by Joo Rnrall. Tho Mothers' Club of tho Fourth wnrd offers $1 for the hi st olirysnn thonuiin plant raised by a child In tho Fourth Ward school and $1 for host chrysanthemum plant by mom KING OF ALL THROAT & LUNG REMEDIES DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY QUICKEST, SAFEST, SUREST COUGH and COLD CURE AND HEALER OF ALL DISEASES of iiinm D HEALER OF ALL DISEASES THROAT AND CHEST OUnCD DY HALF A DOTTLE Half a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me of the worst cold and cough I ever hod. J. K. Pitt, Kocky Mount, N. C. I i I PRICE OOo AND SI.OO SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY A R DMORE PHARMACY In nges from two to throe nnd a hnlf'raso of their Swansdown Cnke Flour her of the High School living In tho "liv" "' tM r prlz"s. Fourth Ward. Wo wonder If ihol Tho snmo rato of entry feo to be Mothers' clubs In other wnrds wish chnjltoil as tir ohrvsnnthemunm. As tins been publlsliod florists and to offer something spcclnl for tho children In their respective wnrds. For best collection of slnglo stem chrysanthemums of from five to eight plants Ten thousand feet gas by gas company. flngTS Tho Molchlscdcc priest ex tends tho fore or Index finger along against said the wrist, over tho pulse of tho printed on their bnllots "No, friend with whom ho shnkes hands. Thore shall bo submitted to tho "Thoro Is ono more sign by which nunllflod voters tho separate proposl- you may make yourself known to tlon, to-wlt: "Shnll the Cln- Council ORDER TO n crowd or oven a slnglo person. Ttnlso the right hand ns high ns tho 1 head, palm downward, and say 'Can, tnen lower it as low as mo snouiuor, arm closo to tho body, and sa 'Can:' then drop It to tho side, at the camo tlmo say 'Can.' For In stance, 'Can you Inform mc or 'Can on show mo,' or 'Can you tell mo tiioro I can find. Marshall's description of tho on- I domcnt houso ceremonlnls nro very FOR HEARING PETITION I persons may lcavo tho hounds oi ,mnp (0 tho!Ie ,,roll-,lt 0 t nt )0 o r-1 i dc a i rcTATF ' Hi., nitnti mnvltif tlinlr tiorsnnal - - ...... , tho county, moving their personal effects, without having paid their State of Oklahoma, Carter County, taxes for 190S. 11 is lurincr oruureu inai nam m fleers shnll solzo enough property estate of In County Court: In tho matter of tho A. J. Cross, deceased. Now, on this 24th day of October, 100S, A. C. Pickens, administrator, having filed herein his petition for tho salo of tho real cstnto describ ed In said petlton, for reasons In said petition stated. It Is ordered, That said petition bo and heroby Is sot for hearing on th0 20th day of November, A. 1 190S, at 10 o'clock n. in., nt which tlmo all persons Interested In said cstato nro required to appear ana Bhow cause, If any they have, why an order should not bo granted for tho salo of so much of tho real estato of ald A. J. Cross ns is necessary for tho reasons In said petition stated. It Is further ordered, That n copy of this order bo publisher? for four successive weeks In the Ardmoreite, of Ardmore, Oklahoma. I. It. MASON. County Judge. rOTTRHF & WALKKIt, Attorneys for Admr. wk28-4-ll-lb Iteed Smoot trial. Ho describes ox- I haustlvely nnd In great detail the ! religious ceremonials, Including n ! dramatization of tho life of Adam i and Viva In thn Garden of Rdon. of said parties leaving tho county, . ncldnB ,ho np:,cnrnnco of Lllclfcr to pay sold taxes; Mid that the nm, t,1(j t,)o p 0 County Clerk, upon application, will , fi iyR tm ho ,nyg ,iImso)f ,nWo fo furnish said ofdeers with a cortine.l tlcath by rpvcan(, tnego thlnKS( ng copy of said parties taxes, ":I'l-, .,I)V ono who tas tho Initiation cor ing their poll tax and road tax. , , , fc B...u, uu i, ... '"ivow Umt i,p wMl nccopt tho penalty um icmi .ru... -.u u, ""' of having his throat cut If ho re- crin.g Tma lM' veals anything dono In tho secrot Tnnt a copy oi uus oruer uo man- j ft.0 j ed to each of tho nbovo olflcers i PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. (Published October 28, 1008.) State of Oklahoinn, Carter Coun ty, ss: It 1b ordered nnd directed by tht Board of County Commissioners, of Carter County, Oklahoma, that tho Sheriff. Justices of tho Peaco and Constables of Cartor County, nro liorobv commanded to seo that na In said County of Carter, and pub- llshed In the Weekly Ardmorclto until January 1st, 1009. And that any party wishing to leavo Carter County can call on thu County Treasurer, In his office, and pay his taxes and savo tho cost that might bo Incurred by tho offi cers forcing tho collection of his taxes. norr. f. scav'Ai.LY. Chairman of tho Doard of County Commissioner. (Attest). Will. IJ. FRAME, County Clerk. Hy n. W. DUKE, Deputy. (SEAL) Oct 2S-to Jan 1 How's This. Wo offer One Hiindr"d Dollars re' ward for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured, by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wo, the undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney for the last 1G years, and believe him perfectly honorable In nil business transactions nnd fin ancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. WAI-DINO. KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Cntarrh Cure Is taken inter nnlly, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7i cents per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. D & W W. T. Dunn Is Located In Dallas. W. T. Dunn, tho young man. of years ; the legate community who suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from S.S.S. A Healthy ramlly. "Our wholo family has onjoyod good health since wo began using Dr. King's New Llfo Pills three ago," says L. A. Rartlet, of Rural llrmln 1 r!iilirn..1 Afnlnn Ttintf cleansn and tono tho svstom In a "ore last Saturday, has been heard gentlo way that doos you good. 2fic. I from. His father was In Ardmoro at W. n. Framo drug Btoro. W! this afternoon arranging to havo soiuo notices published when ho ro eel veil news from home stating that that tho home folks had a letter from tho missing boy bearing a Dallns, Texas, dato line. Tho father cannot nccount for tho actions of his son. Whether ho beenmo tempo rarlly unbalanced mentnlly he does not know. Mr. Dunn, father of the boy, says SEE THE NEW REZNORS USED WITHOUT STOVE PIPE. 18tf ARDMORE SUPPLY CO. THE CURE F02 SCROFULA Swollen glands about the neck, weak eyes, pale, waxy complexions, running sores and ulcers, skin diseases, and general poor health, are tho usual ways in which Scrofula is manifested. The disease being deeply intrenched in the blood often attacks the bones, resulting in White Swelling1, or hip disease, and the scrofulous and tubercular matter so thoroughly destroys the healthful properties of the blood that Scrofula sometimes terminates in consumption, an incurable disease. The entire circulation being contaminated, the only way to cure the trouble is to thoroughly purify the blood and restore the circulation to a strong, healthy state, S. S. S. is the very best treatment for Scrofula ; it renovates the eutire blood supply nnd drives out the scrofulous and tubercular deposits. S. S. S. is the greatest of nil blood puriGers, and- it not only goes right down to the very bottom of the trouble and removes the cause, but it supplies the weak, diseased blood with the healthful properties it is in need of, and in this way builds up weak, frail, scrofulous persons and makes them strong and healthy. S. S. S. is a gentle, safe, vegetable preparation and is suited for persons of any age. Hook on the blood information ulxnit Scrofula nnd any medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. ho cannot express his appreciation for tho aid rendered him by tho ofllcers of tho county and by his friends In aiding him In his search of the City of Ardmoro ho authorized to inako an expenditure In th sum of Eleven Thousand ($11,000) Dollars for tho purpose of purchasing equipment fo rand otherwlso Improving the Fire Department. Those voting tor .ho nbovo proposition shall Irivo printed on their ballot " Yes." Thos i voting against snld proposition shall havo printed on their ballot ' N'o." All persons who nrJ le.;i.l' (p.iill lied under tho law shall have tho right to vote at t-all elfctirn an 1 tho Judges and clerks of snmo shall bo as follows: Voting Precinct No. 1. At tho First National Rank llulldlng, nnd tli Judges shnll bo Dr. W. M. Anderson, U West nnd M. J. Hays; Clorks, J. I., Rlggln and 11. S. Curtis. Voting Precinct No. 2. At McChar en's Crocery Store, nnd tho Judges shnll bu Paul Jones, M. L. Alexander nnd (luy P. Cobb; Clorks, T. II. Ilankd nnd J. C. King. Voting Precinct No. 3. At Weft End Wngon Yard and the Judges shnll bo EUi Hoffman, II. F. Jordan nnd .1 II. Mansfield; Clerks, Ed Deen ami W. C. Kllgore. Voting Precinct No. 1. At Hall's Store and tho Judges shnll bo C. P Hall, F. P. Harlan and Moran Scott; Clerks, O. I.. 'Elvlngtoii and Ed Allen Voting Precinct No. C At Chancel lor 'Hros. Store and tho Judges shall bo C. E. Fruloy, Sam Daube and lames Smock; Clerks James Chnud ler nnd I.. N. Murdock. Precinct No. C At City Hall and tho Judges shall bo W. M. Robinson W. P. Poland nnd George Dasbner Clerks, A. G. Edwnrds and S. A. Ap ple. Voting Precinct No. 7. At Porter Staples' Store and tho Judges shall ho Porter Staples, West and W. C Kendall. Clerks, W. F. Whltehurst and C. O. Dunn. Voting Precinct No. 8. At Whit tlngton Hotel nnd tho Judges shnll bo J. M. Ixiyd, C. I). Wortham on Tom Roll; Clerks, F. M. Snydor and M. J. Hnys. Voting Precinct No. 9. At W. Davis' residence nnd tho Judges shall bo T. J. Jones, C. II. 1-ndd and A. F. Pyeatt; Clorks, Chas, Cook and J, Vnrncll. Said Polls shall ho opened an closed mi thin tho legal hours. Wtlncss my hand on this tho 4th day of Novombor, 1908. R. W. DICK. 410 Moyor. $1X0, Our list of premiums offered Jdstl- fy tho following extras: Rest collection ferns 1 year's sub- crlptlon Ardmoro Morning Demo crat. Rest fern, nny variety fl.r0. Rest collection palms and ferns $3.00. Rest ono dozen cut roses $1. Rest 23 cut roses $2. Second best 25 cut roses Clcmat- exhibit and Instructions In tho cull- Is, by Mrs. Joo M. London, and ono nary nrt by an export wo cxpoct to dozen chrysanthemum slips. , bo ono of tho attractive features Rest bouquet mixed cut flowers Tho Inglohenrt Rros. of Evansvlllo, premium to be nnmcd lntor. Intl., hnvo written that they will ship Another class of babies ranging to us within tho noxt fow days a full Raw Lungs. When tho lungs nro soro nnd In flamed the germs of pnoumonla and consumption find lodgomcnt nnd mul tlply. Foley's Honey nnd Tar kills tlho cough germs, cures tho most ob stlnnto racking coughs, .heals th lungs, nnd prevents serious results, Tho genuine Is In tho yellow package, Sold by All Dmglgsts. D & W Subscribe for the Ardmoreite. Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada I Croom, tho widely known proprietor of tho Croom hotol Vnughn, Miss., says: "For sovora months I suffered with a sovoro cough nnd consumption sonicd to havo Its grip on me, whon a frlond recom mended Dr. King's Now Discovery, began taking It. and throe bottlos of focted a comploto euro." Tho famo of this llfo saving cough and cold romc dy, and lung nnd throat healer Is world -wlilo. Sold nt W. R. Frame drug Btoro. COc. and $1.00. Trial bottl froo. w nurserymen ui solicited to exhibit their plants, but only amnteiirs may compote for prlzos. ' Ry oversight wo omitted Rule 13: "All exhibits Intended for compctl- Second best collection single stoms tlon must ho In plnco In Exhibition Hull by R o'clock on tho day boforo the show opens; cut Rowers by 9 o'clock on day show opens." A small ndmtsslnn feo will be charged at door. This to bo decided later whon wo can determlnn Just how many other attractions wo shall havo. Wo expect to havo a large number of nttracllvo booths for ox hlblt and demonstration of pure foods and other articles. A cooking and (irahnm with other Interesting articles that will be used In tho cook ing demonstrations. Tho pickles of fered as prizes iworo given by Ard moro Wholesalo Grocery Company nnd nro tho Imperial Gold Medal. Second and third prizes will bo given for tho fonts nnd miscellaneous plants If orfrrod Inter. Let everybody try to forco their chrysanthemums to open by Nov. 10, Glvo lots of sunshlna nnd on cool days use romo warm water to water tho chrysanthemums. MRS. J. A. HIVENS, Chairman Board Mnnngors. If you suffer from constipation and liver troublo Foley's Orlno I-axntlvo will euro you pormnnontly by stimu lating tho dlgcstivo organs so they will net nautrally. Foloy's Orlno I-ax-ativo docs not gripe, Is plo.Eant to take nml you do not havo to tako U.xatlves continually nftor taking Orl no. Why contlnuo to bo tho slave of pills and tablots? -Sold by all Drug gfats. D & W Subscribn for tho Ardmoreite. . -1. . ' '"I'M',..; . a. -fjij SSL wmm BUILD RIGHT AND YOU BUILD BUT ONCE We havo spout half a lifo time loiirnlnj,' how to construct Business Blocks. School Houses, Oood Resldencos, Good Barns. No building too largo for our capacity, no building too small to appeal to us. x Tho largor tho building, tho more particular the owner tho belter pleased we are. Wo know how to give you your money's worth. Wo tako contracts anywhere in Oklahoma or North Toxas. Wire us or seo us. M. J. Gill Construction Company Court House Building Ardmore, Oklahoma 6U MVlUUUlltU -1