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Ardmore, Friday, November 6, 1S03 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGGE FIVE Hat Pins made out of mm vi .m. mm mw i xCV-VX. Mel nl- UK Real Rose Hat Pins It doc not iccm pouibte, yet It li true, that lh Hat I'lna are made out of live rosca.and changed Into metal by a accrc t procew. This dlacovery la without doubt ono of the lost erta of the ancient Kuyptlans. They are the moat beautiful of all Mat Pin. No two are alike. Made In f inlahca to conform to the prevailing fashions In millinery. Sis alztt at tho fotlowlnir priccai S1.50, $2.00, $2.50, ( $3.00, $3.75, $4.50 v Everybody latatklnirabout them. Don't fail to come In and ace them. Thcaeare the genuine DELAMOTHE Real Hoae Hat rinv W Iter C. Dean PERSONALS ' - at I PICK-UPS HERE AND THERE. 1 1 ! : Sam Oppllnger of Tishomingo Is hero today looking after business. A. 0. Kthrldgo n well known citizen of Idabcl Is n business visitor here to ilny. II. W. Jones nnd wife of Marietta are In the city today visiting with friends. .Miss llooslo Gibson il spond' the week-end iwUh her sister, .Mrs. Sugg's, nt Pauls Valley. q. I). Glbbs, editor of the Johnston County, win nu Ardmoro visitor todny. Deputy United States .Mnrshal Iliir ly, who recently succeeded to tho of fice on the resignation of Mr. Hammer of this place, was n visitor to the city today. T. II. Washington, postmaster of Hentley, Atokn comity, was In Ard moio this morning. Geo. h. Klco of Ada Is among the buslncsx vlsltom here today. Miss Mnttlo Prultt nnd '.Miss Dula ney of Cornish are visiting here this week. GRAND JURY About 150 bales of cotton were on the strcts todny. The selling price averaged from S to S.S7 1-ln. Several loads of fine hogs arrived from the country this morning. (iooJ hogs arc bringing I.Sfi. Ardniore's First Monday Is Ix-com-lug so IniiKirtaut nnd the exhibits are so iunny In number nnd so good that Uio name will havo to be changed to 'Tb County Fair." Frank Harris who lives at Drake Is here visiting mlth bis mother, Mrs. Arch Ciunphell, nnd he 'brought wllh him some exhibits for the First- Momlny In December. Among his products Is some very flue coni which ho says will bring 75 cents it busbVl when other com brings R0 cents, lie eprcts to take off the prize on corn, jMitntoes audi pumpkins. He also brouglit turnips nnd Kp corn. Mr. nikl Mrs. C. W. Anderson nre now occupying tht Judge Gales cot In go on C street, and Thlr.l nvonuc, southwest. CARTER COUNTY GRAND JURY WILL MEET NEXT MONDAY WHEN COURT CONVENES. II MOTHER AND FATHER And the folks would enjoy the evenings between supper and bedtime more if they could listen to an EDISON hatever their mood it may be gratified with the ex tensive selection of records for the Edison Phonograph. Why not enjoy life as you go along. It's easy to own a Phonograph "our way." The Carter county grand Jury sum moned for tho October term of tho district court will meet next Mon day. Tho following citizens huvo been eummoned: J. F. Hnrdeinan, Ardmoro; It. W. llandol, Ardmorc; T. K. Kearney, Ardmoro; John Thomas, Damn; G. D. Lantls, Unr wyn; V. M. Kirkpatrlck, Fox; J. M. Zlko, Ardmoro; W. M. Tubs.v, Tussy; V. K. Nnll, Fox; Ilob i'llce, Ino Grove; C C, Culpepper, Now port; J. D. Payne, Ardmoro; 11. M. Harwood, Hoxbar; J. H. nrldges, IiOiio Grove; T. J. Pollock, Snced; J. M. Shclton, Ardmorc; C. C. Thompson Glenn; It J. Akcrs, Wood ford; W. F. Whltchurst, Ardmoro; J. K. Gait, Ardmoro. SPECIAL MATINEE Special Saturday Matinee by tho Fnlton Stock Company. Prices 10 nnd 20 cents. llert llerry Is reported to have met n 1-ovo county officer and offered to dlsposo of n Ixittlo of whisky to htm for tho angulation price. Tho offlcor refused to buy anil tho offer was re ported to Deputy Ijindrum and Herry was placed In Jail. Deputy nnivilrum found n wagon yesterday on which was loaded 00 half-pints of -whisky. The wet goods woro talicn In chnrgo by tho officer. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS The .Monk voting box leported yes-1 terdny ewnluf; nnd I he official count la Carter county shows the voles heie given: Voting Plnco Dem Rep See llnptlst church 132 30 6 McCharen's store . ... 1 52 48 & Mansfield's sloro lifi IS i!i Hull s store 7 M i Chancellor's store .... $0 S3 13 City llnll (W IS 1 Staples' store 79 80 3 Davis hoiJe .. 33 01 3 Whit Hotel 173 30 I Total Ardmorc vole 130. BOS 1$ Mooro's store 10S I'olhml's store in Canning factory 13 Whitney's' store ....... 2I I'rovenco 3D Durwood 3S Mulkoy 23 llwwyn 102 Springer 50 Glenn , 12 Newport '.... 71 Wheeler lien Id to u Kollau .. K Tbo voto against tho stnto agency seems decisive. Tin peoplo kIo nol want tho tugency ns a constitutional amendment. It howowr romnlns on Uio stntuto 'books nnd tho agencies will probably continue ns they have horetoforo. Alniut a half dozen alleged giimb Hug places and about thnce limes that many whisky Joints wero raided yes terdny by Sheriff Akers and Dopnty I.nndrum. No wet goods wero found an;! no arrests iwero made. LUKE S MUSIC STORE COLD STORAGE MARKET Tho fall season Is opening up and wo havo put on the market many delicacies In tho meat lino. Below wo quote a few Items and the prices for same: Head Cheese, per Id 10c Liver Sausago, pur lb 10c King Dologna, per lb 10c Wenlcs, per lb 15c Minced Ham per lb 15c Pressed Ham, per lb 20c Polish Sausage, per lb 122c Knoblach Sausage, per lb 12'c Frankforts, per lb 15c Dag Dologna, per lb 15c Souse, per lb 10 Scrnppb por lb 10c K. C. Link Sausage, per lb 15c Try some of our Cushlng Cream ery butter, chceso of all kinds, homo rendered lard. Wo would bo pleased to havo your order for fomo of these ogodi, Satisfaction guaranteed. Itespectfully, COLD STORAGE MARKET Jeste James, Prop. Coming to the Roblson Opera House Tuesday night, November 10th, May Stewart and lier excellent coniany will appear at tho Roblson opera hoiibo for ono performance, Tuesdny night, November 10th In Shakespeare's delightful comedy, "As You Llko It. ' In sptnking of Miss Stewart's per formance In Paducah, Ky., recontly, the News-Democrat of that city said: 'Tho annua! opening of the Ken tucky Theatre Monday evening, was n grand success from iolnt of attend nnco and the quality of the attraction Miss 'May Stewart, In tho Shakespeare comedy, "As You Llko It, was all thnt she had been heralded. Shu lies scsscs grace, beauty and power, all three In the highest degree, and her ictlng 'brought forth repented applause from her magnificent audience. This was her first appearance In Pnducnli and she has won a iwarm spot In the hearts of tho patrons of Tho Ken tucky. Mr. Lonniel D. C. Josephs the leading man, made quite a hit with his excellent rending of tho "Seven Ages," ns well as with his entlro role. Tho wholo cast was well balanced and the management of Tho Kentucky Is to bo congratulated on securing such a fine attratcion for Its opening number. I prtimMlT oMiunwllnaU ronntnei. or NO ki, I I Urtl. hriul Mulch iuxlei or ritut". for frr I arRic'L. confiointul. . -leu frucuco I lwik nntlnw In rtlilntn ami onlriil.Vlu,t in. I ": loiidvrlllpar.U iwto a pin nrrinlothr I I T.UIUI1U mioP4Ulluiu prill lire vi Ml tuuina. I ID. SW FT & 00, 1 50 1 Seventh St., Washington, 0. C.l Tho Ilroadway Daptlst peoplo nro planning for a great Thanksglvln sorvlco and Free Will offering. Tho church owes a sum and In this. way tho body hopes to pay their In dtihteducss. Tho city has been dl vided Into districts nnd ono deacon takes a, district and works It thor oughly for offerings. The organi zation Is an excellent ono nnd tho Daptlst peoplo hopo to mnku Thanks ghlng day n memorable one. Mnrrlago licenses have been IS' sued to J. II. Dry and LIUlo Gun ler of Keller; J. M. Caudlo and Dora Patrick, Hoxbar; Dr. .Tames V. Webb and Lulu Maud Gilliam, O. A. AVells has written a lot ter from Alaska to W, S. Wolvcr ton of this city. Mr. Wells snld that' everything was ' freezing thero and the letter ho wroto would have to eonio overland In sleds. It was morn than thirty days reaching hero. Ho said his family had nr rived and liked tho country only fairly well. Mr. Gcorgo F. Oaten from hero arrived there on tho 17th of September nnd Mr. Wells ex pressed himself as being happier to see Mr. Gates than ho was over boforo to boo a former friend. Two Hundred Drowned. Amoy, Nov. '8. A smnll steamer, carrying COO passengers from Amoy to Tungnn, a few miles distant, snnk last night. Two hundred of tho pas sengcrs iwero drowiml. Chinese Junks rescued tho others. Subscribe for tho Ardmorlto FOR SALE My land, ono mile north of. city limits, near street car line, never fail! springs. Dwelling and two barns, stalls, cribs, wagon sheds, a hog lot, hog xasturo fouced with spring-coll hog-proof wire, a good small pasture, water in it never fail' Ing. Pnsturo larg0 enough for 20 head of fctock. A small orchard, fenc ed to It elf. This land can be bought on satisfactory terms. I only sell becauso I am not a larmer, and to get some farmer to own my allotmoirt. See mo. A. D. CHASE 315 Second Avcnuo, cor. D. St. Ardmoro, Okla. An Ardmoro man would not pay hi "board bill and Iho good lady who hnu been feodlng him npinonled to Mr, Land rum of tho sheriff' office. She follows! his ndvlco and sworo out complnlnt ntraltiBt him. The man wns very glad to have an opportunity to pay tho boar3. bill nnd Uio ndlltlonnl amount charged for court costs. The tellow thought Imprisonment for dobt was obsoleto but ho -was con vlnced Oklahoma has a law designed to protect peoplo who run boanllng houses. MATINEE TOMORROW At 2:30 tomorrow nfternoon th Fulton Stock Company will glvo speclnl matinee. Prlcos 10 nnd cents. Catholic Church. Next Sunday Holy Mass will be read at ten o'clock in Ardmore, be causo thr resident priest will not havo services In Duraiit. A Call to Company C. On Sunday" nftornoon next, tho new dress uniforms will bn Issued to Company G, at 2 p. m. nt thol headnunrtnrs. Tho company will pleaso attend in full forco. Subscrlbo for tho Ardmorel'.o. Ill 21) 50 35 !l 12 h; 33 IS 37 33 IS 30 13 10 123 73 2S 2S II r i 3 21 21 ir, o 30 Hi 31 71 02 33 It II 3 1 1 12 12 1 35 Id 3 12 31 37 1(1 2(1 30 II 13 10 5 17 10 2(1 S by HARGROVE COLLEGE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK AWARDED TO GILL CO, WILL COST ABOUT $20,000 Superintendent of the Company An nounces That Work Is to Degln at Once The College Is Rising From Ashes Greater Than Ever La France Shoes FOR WOMEN Tho stylo of cut allows our $3.50 Kiii-sia Calf, Button Oxblood A I .ititif nl design uiiil i'li ,'unt (Irtish. It Is intended (specially for Pall weir by woin n who drtss smartly mid correct'y. 2.1Sli 1.30B 2.1BS 1.2S5 5S el ler Iine Grove Cheek Grnliam Fox Chugrls 31 Woodford 7(1 Ilauni 13 Howlit 07 Poolvllle IS Monk It) Following Is tho vote received ;iuh candldnte: For President. Hryim Tatt Dubs For Supreme Court. Hays Dickorson Dennett For Corporation Commissioner. Watson 2,102 Reynolds 1,21)5 Oilryan , 5S3 For Congress. Cnrtor 2,000 Hneki'tt , . .J". 1,107 M C. Carter 411 For Stnto Senate. Mien 2.15S Hutchinson l,2ati Illgdon 502 For Representative. Gllnior 2.1110 Wlmyno v 2,177 llarreld 1.30V Taylor 1,207 Knsworth I 5S0 McKnlght 5S( For president the Independence par ty received 3 votes nnd the Peoples pnrty 1. On tho stnto questions tho full vole of tho county gives tho following ro- suit: Question No. 1. for 1,281, against 2,301; question No. 2, for 2 125, ngalnst 1,033; question No. 3, for 2,027, ngalnst 9'J3; question No. 1, for 2,043, against 9C1; question No. 5, for 1,222, against 2,072. MATINEE SATURDAY Tho Fulton Stock Company will glvo a special matlneo at opera house tomorrow nftornoon nt Prlcos 10 and 20 ccntB. :30, A few days more to got a violin, mandolin or guitar FIIKK; olso n guarantco with each term of l?b Ions with the Saunders Conservnto ry of Music. Thoso wishing to tn roll cnll at our studio at 207Vi W Main St.. or Phono 7C7. and our representative will call and explalu In detail our method and tonnu. Our rapid enrollment of pupils combined with our liberal tcrmh, places a mu slcal education within tho of nil. Wo havo a limited number of Instruments to placo In your city. So "get In line,' nnd lot us leavo ono In your home. 4-3 At Irtet the propect of llaipot! coilepo n rising from Its ashes, so lon I looked forwrd to by the peoplo uf Ardmorc Ik to be ronllgtd, and It Is I only a matter of months now herorvj the Muck cloaks and mortar bonnb of thp college girls thnt wero fonnerlv j ueh a fnmlllnr sight uikiii the streets of Ardmoro, will awulu gnet the eyes of our cltlrciw. When Hargrove ed lejto was consume!, by the flnmi, unl verttul sorrow filled nil iheurts. It whs an Institution that everyone iwns proal of. Standing on an eminence vlslblo from all portions of the city. It was the flint rtJ't iKilnted. out to visitors nnd It loomed up constantly before the people- ns a grand monu ment to tln educational spirit ns i"ll ns to the architectural taste of the people of Antuione. It will 'bo renieinlerod that a strong effort wns made to remove the site of the college from Ardmore nfter the flr nnd It was only by the must en ergetic work upon the part of ninny public spirited (it Irons that tho dl rectors wero Induced to keep tho col lege here. Tho old site, however, wns Bold and n now ono chosen In the northern part of tho city, better situ nted uihl Upon higher ground than the old site. Yestordny afternoon tho directors of the college met In the bonrd rooms of the City National Hunk for the pur pone of opening the bills for tho con structlou of tho college building. They found thnt thero were six bids submit ted, four from Ardmore contractors, and two from out of town builders. The four Ardmoro bidders were C. F. Frsiloy, Iifo Crnce, George Krlckhon nnd tho M. J. Gill Construction Com pany. Tho foreign bidders wore Al Alexander of Oklahoma City and F. Sutton of Arkansas. The board of directors wore In sec ret session for over three hours nnd thoroughly cnnvnHHuf nil of tho bids. All the bidders were either present in porhon or hnil their representatives on tho rmund, nnd were sevornllv cnlUd iboftiro tho board aiuli subjected to the most rigid examination ns to their qualifications and the uharactr of their references and every detail of the construction work was thoi oughly entered Into njoforo the con tract wns let. The contract wns finally awarded (o the M. J. Gill Construction company of this city. Mr. M. J. Gill, tho presi dent of tho company was recently called to Pennsylvania by the death of his father, but Is oxiiocted home this evening or tomorrow: morning. He is amnu of wide experience In Un building of public buildings nnd bus n great reputation for, thoroughness and technical skill. His represent.! tlve, Mr. K. J. Gallagher, who Is the compnny's, superintendent of construe Hon, announces that tho work will ne begun at onco and pushed rapidly to completion. The new building will bo mucfi 'hnndbomor than tho former one and of a difforont stylo of urehltec'u The architecture will bo nlong Gothic lines and a combination of brick nnd whlto native stone. It is designed, when complotod, to be of larger ca pacity than the former college build' lng nnd will 'bo a monument of archi tectural beauty thnt Ardmore will be proud of. It will cost In tho neighbor hood of $20,000. Lynn,The Shoe Man Ardmore, Oklahoma T- N. COLEMAN Telephone. . THE CITY DRUGGIST .... 9 W. Main St. DISTRICT COURT. i sei lor llie -nu oi m I II IP lwt Thursday, November 5 FULTON STOCK CO. In ti Now Repertoirn of Comedies nnd Dramas Mr&. S. E. Wallaco returned yos torday evening from a brief visit with her daughter, Mrs, W. K. Hus ton nt Valley Vlow, Texas. ALBATROSS That's tbo namo of the beat Cour sold In Ardmore. G. M. Tlppltt of Oklahoma City- was hero today representing the Wnrden-lObrlght Printing Co. Grand Jury Will Convene Next Mo day Criminal Docket the 16th. The October term of the dlstilct court which was set for the 21th of October, but wn ninth of November state supreme court, will convene liu this county Monday morning. The grand' nnd petit Juries huvo been sum moned nnd the eilmlnal docket will be taken up on the 10th of the month. Tho grntul Jury will convene on the lull. Following Is the setting uf the docket. Monday, November 10th Duck Hampton, larceny; Walter Green, for gery; Walter Green, forgory. Tuesday, November 17th Joe Hob- irson. murder; W. T. Cnple, iiKsauli' to kill; W. T. Cnple, nin. Wednesday, November ISth Stevenson, murder; 12. 11. Franklin nssault to kill. ThursHrny, November llttli Arthur ami Walter Jomn, larceny; Ilort Hill- ott, larceny. Frldny, Novwnbor 20th J. II. Uive, murder; Con Prultt, false pretense. Saturday, Novmber 21st John Wright, false pretense; John I.e Hoy, burglary. Monday, November 23rd Ud. Dan lots, murder; John Children, larceny. Tmtiday, November 21th llert Join er, murder. Wednwdny, November 2Sth George Shannon, larceny; Uzstlo Pickens, lar ceny; Osetw wiiKerson, inibo pteieusc l'hursday, Novomler 20th Henry Stevenson, larceny; I.ovitt Simpson, larceny; Cairo Christian, ntttmpt to kill; Frank Turner, murder. Friday, November 27th Georgo Km beiilu, minder. Saturday. November 23th Owen Aubrey, larceny; Owen Aubrey, lar cony. Mondny November 30th Zobe Kdge and Ilrowule Carlock, murder. Tuesdny, December 1st G. G. K wr ing, muivler. Wtdnesday, Decembor 2nd Jim Or gan, sodomy, Tuobday, Decomber 3id Hence Co hee, murcU-r. Grand Jury to bo empaneled Mon day, November 9th. Jobison Opera House 0 Nights Commencing Special Scenery and rccitlcal Effects j r Two ladle -nnve Ladies free Two ladies or ono one gen-admitted on one paid 30o ticket If purchased ueture ll p. in. l nursiiny evening. Opening 11111 "The Hand of Man" Night Prices .... 10c, 20c, 30c Saturday Matinee nt 2:30 P. M. Mntlnco Prices - - - 10c and 20o SEE THE NEW REZNORS USED WITHOUT STOVE PIPE. 18tf ARDMORE SUPPLY CO. Beckham's Cafe... Opens November 1 Now fixtures, new fur nishlngH. Courtesy and Satibfitcj'.ion guaranteed Open day and night. At the Gilmer Hotel The Wrong Color. They havo a fine turkey 'round at Newman's. Ills namo Is Howard and they nay he Is a republican tur key. Dut tho Ardmorclte is of tho opinion that ho Is t wheorng color. Ho is pure whlto. For Sale. SO aero farm, five miles south east of Ardmoro. J1.000 cash If taken nt once. Cholco resldonce, lot on D street, southwest $1100 liberal terms. Lots $100 each $10 down and $10 per month. , ARTHUR SINCLAIR, Opera House Building, Ardmore, Billings Improving. Jim Billings, wounded In arm and hip In tho desperate fray tho night before election, In which two other men wero killed, Is Improving rnp- Idliv Tho physicians now sny that i his arm will bo saved. Hillings wants 1 to got up. Says they won't let him I havo any tobacco whllo ho can t help himself. I ROBISON OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY, NOV. 10th. The Society Event of the Season J. E. CLINE Presents America's Youngest Legitimate Star MAY STEWART Supported by a very capable company in a musical production of Shakespeare's delightful comedy "AS YOU LIKE IT" "All tho world's a stuge and all tho men and women merely players." Special Scenery. Magnificent Costumes. Prices -$1.00, 75c, 50c, Children 25c, Boxes 51.50 TicKets on Sale Mondoy, 9 a. m. Krct List SusiKMided. No Tickets Laid Aside