Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Friday, November 6, 1903 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE SEVEN j: : :: :i n i: it it it tt it it it it it u u tt it PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. tt tt It u tt it it tt tt :: tt tt tt tt u it u LAWYERS. George It. Walker T. D. Uuderwool WALKER & UNDERWOOD Lawyers. Ardmore, Okla. a. 0. l'otterf. B. A. Walker POTTERF & WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Ardmoru, OkU. WILLIAM W. WRIGHT, (Ueglstered AitorucyJ fornierlj With Dawes Commission. Cc test, Citizenship Cases and othei matters befoie the lnturlor Utr panineiit, exclusively. Ulflcts Wnshlugton Loan 4 Trust Huilding Washington, D. C. Conpller Indian UQub. J. Kiipjvler. Chas. H. Merllllat Compiler inrthn Active Court Laws nnd Treutle" Practitioner. KAPHLER & MEUILLAT, Attorney and Counselor at Law Practice before all Courts; Cn cress. Government departments and commissions. Indian Casos a ape cmlty. tittup. Pond Uld'e, Washington V. 0. M. F. WINFREY Attorney at Law. justice of the I'eace Notary Public ltooma 14 and 16, Noble Dldg. Phones: lies! 830 bluo. Omce 166. CAPT. J. R. P ULL I AM Justice of the Peace. Rooms in l'ennIngton& Slmma Dldg. HHYSICIANtt. FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. D. Surgery, Eye, Ear, Note an Tonal. Wyes accurately fitted with QUim. 'Phoaes: OfflM 111, Reside TALIAFERRO'S Undertaking and Embalmln North Yfftshlngtou St. Phones 341 and 433. ARDMORE SANITARIUM Dr. von Keller, Hardy A. Henry. Modern equipment tor the scientific treatment of all surgical cases. Trained nurses In attendancco. Ardmore. Okla. W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary Surgeon. Ardmore, Okla. Offlco: 3ml h's Livery Bara. Phone 125. .1.1 IE I ARCHITECTS. W. A. Tnckttt T. W. Myall TACKETT cV MYALL ARCHITECTS Office In Blms-Pennlngton Building Ardmore, Okla. Brown & Bridgman Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers Larpest line of Funeral Goods in Oklahoma. COMPARE OUR SERVICE. WITH OTHERS. Postal Telegraph Cabl Co. N. WashlUfcteu at. Tel. No. II. 4 TIMETABLE SANTA FE. Northbound. No. 18 11.3 a. No. C 12.07 a. No. 20 5:40 p. Southbound No. 17 4:22 p. .So. 6 5:10 a. No. 19 12:55 p. FRISCO SYSTEM. Westbound No. 43 3:45 p. No. 65 (local, dally except Sunday) 3:45 p. No. 45 7:60 p. Eastnound. No. 44 5:00 p. No. 66 (local, dolly except Sunday 6:30 a. No. 46 .'.0:10 &. m. m. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Westbound. No. C51 12:15 p. m. No. 671 (local, dally except Sunday ...15:00 p. nx Eastbound. No. 652 3:15 p. m. No. 672 (local, dally except Sunday 7j60 a. a The- McAlestor NowsCapltal nnd tho BartlesvUlo Kntcrprlso aro hav ing It out over whether It Is hot ter to print a fako story of ono hundred peoplo drowned at Shaw neo, when tho story camo from tho city direct, or bo so slow as to nov- or hear of It until, It was proved false. You can euro dyspopBla, Indiges Hon, sour or 'weak stoinnch, or in fnct nny form of stomach troublo If you will tako Kodol occasionally. Try It today on our guaranteo. Wo know what It vt'll do for you. Sold by W H. Frame. Subscrlbo for tho Ardmorelto. WESTWARD HO! VIA California Common Points jmoo Portland Bellingham Seatlle Spokane Tacoma $33.45 Other points us low in pro portion. Let the "Frisco Muti" tlx your ticket. See II. D. McCULLOM Agent, or write C. O. JACKSON, Div. Pass. Ag't. Oklalioinii City Phone 618 Chas. Kcmer, up-to-date meat "market. I kill my own meats and furnish the very best satisfac tion guaranteed. Give me a trial. Wolverton $ Son Oldest and most reliable ab stracters In Carter county. Send to us for abstracts anywhero In Oklahoma. Wo also write cyclone and fire Insurance. Wo are bonded abstracter. ARDMORE, OKLA. Patronize Home Industry. ' Wo dispense ArdinoroSoda Water, Ardmore Ice Cream by Ardmore Dispensers be cause they aro fcinost re liable. HOFFMANN DRUG CO. Hal M. Cannon INSURANCE iintl Bonds Your business iwill bo ap preciated. Office Noble Building Phone 619 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE iradc marks Designs QopvmoHTa Ac Anrone ruling a tketrt, ml dcacrlpllnn mtj quickly neerulii our cpinlou frto whuilter au tnvenllm. ! prnhahlf ia(entMhlA. CommunltA ttuiifXrlctlrrotillileiitfiil. HANDBOOK "iil'atenu eut free. Oldest nifncf fur iwurfn patenta. I'tenl taaon through Muim A Co. recal? tfrrtalnoltcr, fflthoulcnarie, lu tho Scientific A hanrtaomtlf lllmlralM watklr. Irrett fir cuialliix 't atir arleutiua luurnul. 1 vrma. li Taari fnur nionllia, L tkilJ liall ranadralera. MUNN&Co.30,n'MdM'' New York much Offlca. OA T 6U Wajbloglou, II. c. I NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES ) TATE RY GUARDIAN. Ill tho matter of tho tluardlanshlp of Maggie, Ned nnd Hefo Sockoy, mln I ors. Notlco Is hertby given In pursu 'mice of nn order of tho County Court of tho County of Carter, Stato of Oklahoma, nindo on tho 19th day of 'Octo1cr, 190S, tho undersigned, guar 'tlliin of tho estnto of Maggie, Ned nnd Hefo Sockoy, minors, will sell at 'Ardmore, Oklnhomn, to tho highest j bidder, subject to confirmation by 'snld Court, on Saturday tho 14th day lot November, 1008, at 10 o'clock a. m., I a'ti prlvato salo nil tho right, tttlo and ! Interest of said Magglo Sockoy, Ned Sockey nnd ltcfo Sockoy, Minors, In nnd to die following described ronl cstnto sltunto in Carter County, Stnto of Oklahoma, to-wlt: S 12 U o: N W U ; K M of S W tt of N V tt I W M of S W tt of N K U Sec. 8, Twp. I South, Itnnge 2 Kntt, cmJlUnlng SO ncres of land, subject to tho widow's ilowor, hcroto foro nsslgncd to Bottlo Sockoy Victor, j mother of snld wards. I Also the following Ascribed rent cs I tato situate In McClnln County, Stato of Okla. i NW tt of 8H tt; K tt of S W tt it S K tt! W M of S K tt of S 1-J tt ; S M of N H Vi of S K tt In Sec. l'J, nnd tho N W i f 3 W of S V tt In Sec. 20, In Tp. 5 North, ltnngo 4 West, containing 110 acres In fco simple. Also in Carter County, Okla.. SM of S K tt of N B tt in Sec. 8, Tp. 4 South, Ilnnga 2 Knst, containing 20 acres in feo simple. Snld ronl cstato will bo sold on the following terms and conditions, to- wlt: Cash on dellvory of deed. lllds for tho purchaso thereof must bo In writing and must ho filed In tho County Court or delivered to tho undersigned at tho offlco of Cabell & Ilass, at Ardmore, Oklahoma, on or heforo 10 o'clock n. m. on Saturday, November 11, 100S. Hid for separate parcels or nil of said lauds will bo received. Dated this 2Sth dny of October, 400S. J. MATT MOOUE, Guardian of Maggie, Ned and Hefo Sockoy, Minors. 20-5-12 Notice of .Sate of Real Guardian. Estate by Stato of Oklahoma, Carter County,, ss, in County Court. In tho matter of the Guardianship of ltaford Dice et ill, Minors. Notlco Is hereby given that In pur suance of nn order ot the County Court for the County of Carter, SUUo of Oklahoma, mndo on tho 31st day ot October, 100S, tho undersigned lx)gnu Iloss Guardian of tho cstntos of ltaford, Jim, Eliza, Kosa, Albert and Ceorgo Rice,, will sell at prlvato salo to tho highest bidder, subject to confirmation hy said Comity Court on or nfter tho lGth day of November, 1008, nt 10 o'clock a. m., nil tho right, title and Interest that tho said wards havo hy operation of law, or other wise, acquired In and to tho following described real cstato, situated in Carter County, State of Oklahoma, to wit. The S V of tho N E tt ot tho S W tt. and tho N 4 of tho S 13 tt of tho S W tt of section 21: nnd tho S W tt of tho S 13 tt of tho S W tt of section 21: and tho N W tt of tho N K U of tho N W tt. nnd tho N 13 of tho N W tt of tho N W tt of sec Hon 25; and tho S W tt of tho N W tt of section 30, nil In Township three South, Unngo ono West. Tho Interest of said wards In the abovo described real cstato Is an un divided two thirds Interest. Said real cstato will bo sold on th followng terms nnd conditions to wit: Cash upon confirmation of salo DIds will lie received for tho whole trpct or for nny parcel or subdivlsl m i;Mi for tho purchaso thereof must rc i" writing anu must :j nieu in tho County Court, or dcllverod to tho undersigned guardian, or left In the offlco of Johnson & McGlll nt Ard more, Carter County, Oklahoma. Imtcd this 31st day ot Oct., 1008. 1.00AN noss, Onaidlan of ltaford, Jim, Kllzn, Kosa Albert and Goorgo nice, Minors, Johnson & McGlll, Attorneys for Quarllnn. 1-13 ORDER FOR HEARING PETITION TO SELL REAL ESTATE BY GUARDIAN Stato of Oklahoma, Carter County, es, In County Court. In tho matter of tho Guardianship of Mattlo James, Joo F. Itoblson, Cur ntor. Now on this 27th day of October, 190S, comes Joo Itoblson ns Cum tor of tho estato of tho abovo named ward, having filed herein his petition for tho sale ot tho real cstnto of said ward for tho roasons In said petition statod. IT 18 ORDERED, That said potl Hon bo nnd hereby Is set for hearing i on the 25th day of November, A. IX j 100S. nt 10 o'clock n. m., nt which ! time tho next of kin nnd all persons Interested In the cstnto of falj ward ro required to appear and show cause, If any they have, why nn order should not bo granted for tho salo of so much of tho ronl estate of snld nrd ns Is necessary for the reasons In snld petition stated, and that per sonal servlco hereof bo inndo upon salt) next of kin nnd persons Interest ed In tho estnto of said ward ns re quired by lew. It Is further ordered that a copy ho published for four sue- cesslo weeks In tho Ardinnro Dally rdmorltu of Ardmore, Okla. I. It. MASON, County Judge. Dated this 27th dny of October, 100$. Cnbell &. Hnss, Attorneys. 27-1 m NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Stato of Oklahoma, Carter County. In tho County Court D. Dreebon, Plaintiff, vs. It. O. Reynolds, I.nurn Reynolds, De fendants. No. 130. Snld defendants, It, O. Reynolds lid I. aura Reynolds, will tnko notlco thnt they have been sued In tho above named court for upon replevin of property nnd tnudtnnswer tho petition fllttl therein by said plaintiff on or before tho 2Cth day of November, A. I)., 1008, or said petition will bo taken as true and a Judgment for said plaintiff In snld action for tho property or Its vnluo will bo rendered accord ingly. Dated this 2Cth dny of October 1008. ,ttest: VM. PFlCIFFlOIl, I. It. MASON, Atty. for Plaintiff. County Judge. Hy filenlo Mltchcl, Depuly. First published October 27, 190S. Notice of Hearing Return of Sale of Real Estate by Executor, tiiti of Oklahomn, Carter County, ss. n the Matter ot tho estnte of William F. Iloiirl.uid, deceased. Notlco is hereby given that Wllllnm F. liourlniid, the duly appointed and (imillfled oxcmitor of tho estato of William F. Hourlnud, deceased, has returned nnd presented for confirma tion, and filed in snld Court his return f the snle of tho following described real estate of snld estato to-wlt: One house iin'd lot located In Ard more, Carter County, Oklahoma, being ot No. 13, In Illock No. -101. for the sum of $100.50 and that Monday, the 10th day ot November, 00S, nt 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of snld day nt the County Court room In Ardmoro In said County of Carter, as been duly appointed hy said Court for hearing snld return, nt which time any person Interested In snld estnto may nppcnr nnd fllo his exceptions In wilting to snld return nml contest the saino, and nro hereby referred to said return for further particulars. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set m hand nnd affixed the seal of snld Court, this 2Sth day of October, 100S. W -1-1 1 I. 11. MASON, County Judge. Notice of Sale of Rest E'talf. By Guardian. In tho matter of tho estates of Silas, Dwlght, 13111s and David But ter. Notlco Is hereby given in ?ursu- nnco of nn order of tho County Court of tho County of McCurtaln, Stnto of Oklahomn, mado ou tho 23rd day of June, 1008, tho under signed Guardian of tho estate of Silas, Dwlght, Kills and David Hut- tcr will sell at public salo to th highest bidder bubject to confirma tion by said Court on tho 1st day ot December, A. D., 1008, at 10 o'clock n. m., at Court House In Duncan, Okla., all tho right, title nnd Interest of said Silas, Dwlght, 13111s and David Hutter In and to tho following described real cstato situated In Carter and Stephens Counties, Stnto of Oklnnomn, to-wlt: KM of SWtt and W,A of SKtt of Sec. 32, Twp. 3 S., It 2 W., In Car ter County; SM of NI3i of SKtt nnd SI3V1 of NWtt of SKtt nnd N'j of SM of SKtt of Sec. 2, Twp. 2 S., R. 4 W., In Stophens County. Snld real cstato will bo bold on tho following terms nnd condition., to-wlt: Cash In hand, Dnted tho 30th day of October, 100S. W. J. WIHTKMAN. wk 4-11-1S Guardian. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is horeby given, thnt In pur suance of nn order of the County Court of tho County of Choctaw, nnd Stato ot Oklahomn, mndo on Uie 2G'h day of October, 1008, In tho matter of tho estnto of Oscar Sauls, Henjnmln Sauls, Hortha Sauls, Lizzlo Klnora Sauls, ii(i Claronco Sauls, minors. tho undersigned ns tho guardian of tho person and estato of said minors will sell, at private salo, to tho high est bidder for cash, subject to con i i flnnntloii .ild court on Ftldny. the 20th ln of November, loos, it Hug Choctaw County, Oklahoma, all the right, i ale and Interest of the wild Oscnr Sauls. Hfnjnmlu Sntils, Hertha Snuls, l.lctlo Klnorn Sauls, nml Clarence Saul, minor, In nnd to the fallowing ik'icrll0(l irenl estnto to wlt: K 4 of S W tt of N 13 tt nnd S '4 of S 13 tt f N tt V( nnd W of S W tt f N 13 V, nnd S H tt of N 13 tt of NW nnd Sli tt of NW'i nnd N 13 tt of SV tt nmlSW tt of NW", of 8 K tt nnd S W ' of S K tt f Sec 23. Tp. I South, llango 3 Knst: and N of N W V, if S W tt of Sec 3.1. Tp. 1 South. ItniiRO 2 West; and S K tt of S W tt' of S 13 V, mil S W, tt of S 13 tt of 13 tt of Sec., II, Tp. 2 South, ltnngo 2 West.1 nnd W 4 of N 13 tt of N 13 tt and, V? U- 1'. .if V 1.' 1'. of S!.m II Tn I 1( ... V. ., South. ItHiipp 2 West: nml N W of S 13 V, nnd N 13 V, of S W tt nnd N i of S 13 Vi of S W tt of Sec. 27. Tp. 1 Soiilh, ItniiKi" 2 West: nnd 13 4 of N 13 tt of S 13 V, nnd N 13 tt of S P. tt of S 13 tt of Sec. 29. Tp. 1 South, ltnngo 2 West, containing in nil 430 nrros; upon the following twins, cnidi on delivery of deed. lllds must ho In writing nnd left nt the office of T. A. Johnson, Attor ney nt law, Hugo, Oklnhomn, office In the Hrndnr Hiilldlng. Dated this 20th dny of October, 100S. GKOHGI3 W. S A PI'S, T. A. JOHNSON. Hunrllan Attorney for Guardian. 1 11 i- Notice of Sale of Real E'tate. Notlco Is hereby given Hint In pur-, sunnco of nn order of tho County Court of Choctaw County, nnd j Stnto ot Oklnhomn, made on the 28th day of October, 1008, In tho matter of tho Guardianship of Hy nlo Taylor, a minor, tho undersign, cd as guardian of tho estate ot said minor, will sell nt nubile nuc-1 Hon to tho highest bidder for cash, 8 subject to confirmation by snld County Court, on tho 21st day of November, 100S, between legal hours, nt tho front door of tho Court llouso In tho City of Ard more, Carter County, Oklahoma, nil tho right title, Interest nnd cstato of the said Hynlo Taylor, In and to tho following described parcels of land, to-wlt: The contingent remainder In tho allotment of Sophia Schoato, decens ed, described as follows: Tho NW4 of tho NI34 and tho KM of tho NWtt of Section 1C, Twp. G Soutn,, Range 3 West; tho W4 of the S'M of tho SWtt of Section 10; nnd, the KM of the N13U of tho SKtt I nnd tho SWtt of the NIOtt of tho! SEtt nnd the SM of tho SHtt of the SI3tt of Section 17, Twp. 51 South, Range 3 West, In Cniter County, Oklnhomn. j And tho following In Stephens, County: Tho S13tt of tho SEtt of! the NWtt of Section 3, Twp l' North, Rango 4 West. " Dated this 2Sth day of October,' 100S. i SEI'lN TAYLOR, Guardian.' Stowart, McDonald & Armstrong, , Attorneys for Guardian. wl 4-11-18 A traveling preacher nt I'ocnsset' remarked that if William Jcnulnghi Hrynn was to como up tho nvenuo In ' one direction nnd Jesus Christ in , the other, tho peoplo would flock to Hrynn. And ho might havo added , Hint Jesus would probably como too. The Quick Comfort natural gas heating stovo makes tho room com- ' fortnblo quicker than any other gas ; stove. Tho prlco is a llttlo less and t your gns bill will bo a little less ' when you use them. For sale only I by Illvens, Corhn & Fronsloy. I. W. FOLSOM, M.. SPECIALIST Over 30 years experience In ma laria nnd Its complications, hemor rhoids (piles), rheumatism, cancerous conditions, venorlal diseases, nervous affections and diseases of this cli mate. Office Phone 15. npBldenco PhoiiA 126, red. For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and bucVache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pill. A Week's Trial For 25c R. O. P.WITT CO. For sale by W. B. From The Oldest S.iys this is to be the hardest winter in ten years, and that reminds us to ask you about your plumbing. Better have it done now hadn't you.' We are making red hot prices on both plumbing and tin work. SPREKEIMYER COMPANY West Main Street Phone o The Densmore Hotel 9TH AND LOCUST STREETS mm cue Try us next time in the Avenue cars at Union Depot, and walk one block south. Grand Avenue Hotel AMERICAN PLAN GUY V. FERGUSON, Prop. Most centrally located hotel in Oklahoma. Elegant cafe in connection. '1 lie best of Service. Okiahoma City, Miss Hinds linn elinrgo of training school for nurses. Receive? hot!) medical ui d surgical j a tienis. Thoroughly modern in every particular. Special operating room. Good service, terms reasonable. Tho medical profession solicited. DRS. HARDY, VON KELLER & HENRY Ardmore, Okla, J ALBATROSS FLOUR. Quality Guaranteed Pennington Grocery Company Wholesale Distributors A. D. HYDE Miner and Refiner of Asphalt WOODFORD, OKLA. Your inquiries and patronage solicited if interested in rock asphalt for paving purposes, refined asphalt for roofing, etc. Write lor prices and samples. Shipping point Ardtnore Inhabitant OWBKS the best no ciiminodat ioiirt it n t rerviro (if nnv llotol in KutiHus City at modcrnt riite.s. Wo especially solicit tliepntronngo of thu great Southwest. Our rates arc "ft Amnltn rin Si in 5.1 Pr Day I I.aniprrn I'lan SI In S Vrt Day rial Hntrs by Wirk or .Month city. Take Independence get cfT at 8th and Locus Okla. llL I to