Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Monday, Nov. 16, 1903. THE DAILY ARDMOREITT. PAGE THREE When you think of NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY you naturally think of Biscuit. When you think of Biscuit you naturally think of . Uneeda Biscuit Sold only in Moisture Troof Packages The only Soda Cracker possessing National - Biscuit- Goodness IN THE WORLD OF INDUSTRY WITH MECHANICS EVERYWHERE has ever suggests putting men in I hav o u tendency to enlighten the their places, members regarding the Is- Tlii' liiHt flimnoliil statement of tin-1 i' 'f tho diiy, and all parties will Albany, X Y., lalior unions lmvet eroded ntul opened a tuberculosis pa- vlllon. Hodcarrlerp. at Hot SprhiKS Ark., have advn:,ed wages from J 1.75 to $2 a day. Textile inui operatives at New Or leans, Ui , linvo boon out for some weeks resisting a 20 per cent cut, and liavo organized and aro gaining ground. In Now York City, the prevailing i ate of wages for bollermakcrs is $3 a day. Strikes In Germany in 1900 number ed 3,328, affecting nearly 700,000 workers. An estimate, of tlio present mom bershlp of labor unions In Scandinavia places tlio number at 200,000 A firm of l.eltli sblpbullders lias received 200 applications In answer' to an advertisement for a night watch man at $." lw iwiek, The labor unions of Sacramento, Cal., are working energetically for the erection of a building trades lein- plo In that city. It has 'been decldtd by the leather workers -to make a universal demand for the eight hour day within the next two years. There ar 21 breweries at .work In India producing now 25 1-2 million gallons of beer. ' According to Kelr llardle, three quarters of England's 2,22.r,000 iiiieini pioyod are skilled artisans. Sixty per cent ofthu silk weavers at St. Ktlenne, France, are idle and the balance nre working on very low wages, A com-apondenco school m 111 be es tablished, by the Brotherhood of Ico motlve Firemen and Engineers for thii education of young firemen. In the cotton mills at Itoauiie, France, the seat of the calico Industry earnings of the most skilled men do not average over 5S cents a day of ten hours. Twenty-five high school principals In Kaunas are women. They are said to do their work so wll that no one The Flower of the Grain product of the country is used in tho making of our "Big Hand" Flour. Bread baked from It is naturally bet ter than that nindo from Inferior brandB. Trv a snek for your next "batch." Tho wny It will bo eaten will bo n compliment to your baking ns well ns to tho Hour used. TYLER & SIMPSON COMPANY Wholesale Distributors, Weak Women f requcntly suffer great pain and misery during tho change of life. It is at this time that the beneficial effect of taking Cardui is most appreciated, by those who find that it relieves their distress. TAKE CARD U I It Will Help You Ju Mrs. Lucinda C. Hill, of Frccland, 0., writes: "Before I began to take "-ardui, I suffered so badly I was afraid to lie down at night. After I began to take it I felt better in a week. Now my pains have gone. I can sleep like a girl of 10 and tho change I of life has nearly left me " Try Cardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES International Sterotypcrs' mid Klec totypers' Vnloii of North America bIiows n balance, in the treasury of $10S.'il.00. I'nlted Brewery workmen of Ameri ca linvu a casli surplus on hand of $J7,(' and an Investment In mil ihonds of $300,000. Blasting marble Is impracticable, those who (piarry it having to split off blocks In the same im thod In vogue when the Parthenon was 'built more 1 hail 2,300 years ago. Bakers' and Confectioners' Interna tional I'lilon has adopted a plant to fully organize nil the lnrge cities of the United States, with tho Idea of having a membership of 100,000 with in a stntedi time. Tho present mem bership Is 14.5S2. Reports from Minnesota, Mississip pi and Missouri say that work Is fair ly plentiful. NVw York state Is the slowest to show any change for the better, but there nre indications 'of a slightly Improved demand, for labor there. In the colliery township of Walk den, near Manchester Kugland. there Is not only a female sexton, but aim a female "knocker-up," She rises nt 3 o'clock each morning to commence her rounds awakening clients. The roiKirt for the last fiscal yenr lssu.l by the Journeymen Barber's In ternational Union of America shows that during the fiscal year tho re ceipts amounted to $120,770, and the exixiidltures to $!)2,fiiri. The executive loar.l' of the United Mine Workers of America is on tec ord ns favoring any movement which will suppress child labor. The Hiib- Ject mas brought to the attention of the board by tho I'eiinsylvanla Child Lnlwr Association. Of 47.200 linen workers employed In the United Kingdom ami Ireland In August last, 32,200 werv engaged In Ireland, viz. 10,732 In Belfast nnd U. In other places. 13,101 ill Scotland (0,100 In Flfeshlre and (1,791 In other places-, and 1.800 In England. It has been the rule In Queensland Australia, since 1S7U to 'pension wid ows with children. The state hap found It wiser to pension the mother for the care of her children than to condemn her to follow employments In -which she would bo obliged to neg lest tli( in to suport them. A now scale of allowance has been authorized by parliament. In Kussla where over 00 men are employed In one mine It Is provided that 'Vvery colliery must have n res- 'cue corps trained to work in Irresplr- able gases." that "the number of men in each corps must be equivalent to -I per cent of those engaged in Uv largest pit or shaft work," and "that tho number of completely equipped sets of breathing apparatus I at each colli ry must not bo less than I threw. Cleveland, Ohio, carpenters' unions i are making nrriuigcmcnts to hold o- J lltlcnl debates at their weekly meet ings. Tho plan Is to Invite spsnkers from the various parties to participate In the discussions. The union offi cers helluva that tho debates will be given a fair chance to define ihclr positions on any or all questions. Charha S. I)eneeni governor of Illi nois, has apK)lntcd Peter W. Collins, grand secretary of tho International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Edwin Wright, president of the Illi nois State Federation of 1 Elixir, and William M. Hussell of tlci Chicago Federation of Iabor, to be members of th commission to In-vestlgate ami report on necessary legislation for the health, safety nnd comfort of em ployes of the state of Illinois, The npiKiintment of this commission was authorized by the last legislature, and Its duties mill be to investigate and. advise the enactment of remedial legislation for the protection of the health and lives of the workers. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. (Published November 11. 190S.) Tho Board of County Commission ers of Carter County, Oklahoma, mot this the -1 tli day of November, 100S, pursuant to adjournment, 'with all members of the Hoard nnd the Depu ty County Clerk In attendance, and the following business iwns transacted, to-wlt: Allowed- claims and Issued warrants on tho following Funds, to-wlt: Court $122.10; Election $1.00; Contingent $100.0,-; Bond and Bridge $; Poor and Insane $137.00; nnd Supply $00.00. Upon affidavit of O. P. Solvldge. showing thnt under the Constitution of Oklahoma at Section 200, page 71, that Selvldgo Business College, le lug used for school and college, was erroneously assessed, the tax Is here by remitted,. Tho County Weigher proposition which was to havo como up at this mooting Is hcrnby postponed on ac count of tho Supremo Court enjoining ub, nn-d wo await tho action of tho Supreme Court. Tho Clerk is lioreby ordered to change tho proKrty duo School DIs trict No. 70 from 3 anili 9. Ordered that this Board stands ad Journed until Wednesday, November 11, 1008, at 2 p. m. Witness our hand andi seal this the fith day of November, 190S. BOUT. F. SCIVALLY, Chairman County Board Attest: W.M. B. FRAME. County Clerk. By B. W. DUICE, Deputy. (SEAL.) Notice of Sale of Hesl E';. By Guardian. In tho matter of tho estates of Silas, Dwlght, Kills and David But ton Notice Is hereby glvon In pursu ance of nit ordor of tho County Court of tho County of McCurtaln, Stnto of Oklahoma, mado on tho 23rd day of Juno, 1008, tho under signed Guardian of tho estato of Silas, Dwlght, Ellis and David nut ter will soil at public salo to th. highest bidder subject to confirma tion by said Court on tho 1st day For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache uae of December, A. D 1908, at 10 o'clock n. m., at Court llouso In Duncan. Okla., all tho right, tltlu minilCo of nK or,ior 0f u,,, County ; s,a"' of Oklnhonui, County of Gar- Court of Choctaw County, nnd State of Oklahoma, nindo on tho 2Sth day of October, 1908, In tho matter or tho Guardianship of By nlo Taylor, a minor, the undersign cd as guardian of tho estato ot said minor, will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for ensh, subject to confirmation by said County Court, on tho 21st day of Novomher, 1008, botweon legal hours, at tho front door of tho Court llouso In tho City of Ard more, Carter County, Oklahoma, all tho right title, Interest and estnto of the Bald Bynlo Taylor, In and to tlio following described parcels of land, to-wlt: The contingent remainder In tho allotment of Sophia Schoate, deceas ed, described ns follows: Tho NWU of the NE-U and tho of tho NWU of Section 1C, Twp. 5 Souta, Bnngo 3 West; tho WV4 of tho W'Ys of the SWU of Section 1C; and the KV4 of the NKU of tho SHU and tho SWU of tho NK1 of the SKU nnd tho N& of tho SHU of tho SHU of Section 17, Twp. C South, Bnngo 3 West, In Carter! County, Oklahoma. 1 And tho following In Stephens ; County: Tho SKU of tho SKU of. tho NWU of Section 3, Twp 1 North, Itango 4 West. Dated this 2Sth day of Octabor, 1008. SELIN TAYLOlt, Guardian. Stewart, McDonald & Armstrong, Attornoys for Guardian. wk 41118 ORDER FOR HEARING PETITION TO SELL REAL ESTATE. Stato of Oklahoma, County of Gat vln, S3. In tho County Court; In tho matter of tho Ouardiai.sMp of Tiimpy Ann Jacobs and SubIo Ann Jacobs. Aaron Jacjb.i, as gu,.i dlan of tho estato of Tumpy Ann Jacobs and Suslo Ann .'ncobs, hav ing filed herein hla potltloi for the salo ot tho real estato ot tho above named wards for tho roasons In said volition statod. It Is Ordered, That said petition bo and hcroby Is set for hearing on tho 28th day of November, A. D., 1908, at 10 o'clock n. m at which Umo all persons Interested In tho estate of tho said wards aro required to appear and show cause, If any they have, why an order should not bo granted for tho salo of so much of tho roal es tato of said wards as is necossary I for tho reasons in said petition j stated. i It Is Furthor Ordered, That a copy of this ordor bo published tor four successlvo weeks In the Week-1 ly Ardtnorolto, of Ardmore, Okla. j Dated 20th day of October. 1908. 1 PcWItt Kidney ! w. n. m. mitchell, ! nd Bladder Pill , , . County Judge., It l J mO'1'1 119 mid Interest of said Sllns, Dwlght, Kills nnd David Butter In and to tlio following described real estato situated In Carter and Stephens Counties, Stnto ot Oklahoma, to-wlt: :t, of SWU and W4 of SKU of Sec. 32. Twp. 3 S It 2 W., In Car ter County; S',4 of NKU of SKU and SKU of NWU t SKU and NVS of SH of SKU of Sec. 2, Twp. 2 S., It. 4 W., In Stophens County. Said real estate will bo sold on tho following terms nnd conditions, to-wlt: Cash In hand. Dated tho 30th day of October, 1908. W. J. WHITKMAN. wk 4-11-18 Guardian. ORDER FOR HEARING PETITION TO SELL REAL ESTATE. Stato of Oklahoma, Carter County, In County Court: In tho matter of tho estato of A. J. Cross, deceased. Now, on this 24th day of Octobor, 190S, A. C. Pickens, administrator, having filed herein his petition for tho sale of tho roal estato describ ed In Bald potlton, for reasons In said petition stated. It Is ordered, That said petition bo and heroby Is sot for hearing on th0 20th day of November, A. !.. 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m at which time all persons Interested In said estnto aro required to appear ana show causo, If any they have, why an ordor should not bo granted for tho salo ot so much ot tho real estato of said A. J. Cross as la necessary for tho reasons In said petition stated. it is runner ordorcd, That a copy of this order bo puhllshort for four successlvo weeks In the Ardmorelto, of Ardmore, Oklahoma. I. n. MASON, County Judge rOTTKHF & WALKER, Attorneys for Admr. wk28-4-ll-lS Foley's Honoy nnd Tar clears tho air passages, .stops tho Irritation In tno throat, soothes tho lnflomud mom brnnos, nnd tho most obstinate cough disappears. Soro and inflamol lungs aro healed and strongthcnol, nnd the cold Is expelled from tho system. Re fuso nny but tho gonulno la tho yel low package Sold by All Druggists. Notice of Sate of Real E'tate. Order for Hrarlno Petition t) Roll Nnttrn In lioretiv clven thnt In titir RmI Estate. vln, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of tho Gunrdlanshlp of Benjamin Johnson and Jesseo Johnson, Kll Johnson, ns guardian of the estate of Benjamin Johnson nnd Jesseo Johnson, hnvlng filed herein his petition for tho snlo of tho rent estate of the abovo named wnrds, for the reasons In said potltlon itated. It Is ordered. That said petition bo and hereby Is set for hearing on the 12th day ot December, A. D., 1908, nt 10 o'clock a. tn., at which time nil persons Interested In tho estnto of said wards, aro required ti appear and show cause, If any thoy hnve. why an ordor should not bu granted for tho sale ot so much o. the real estnto ot said wards, as Is nes cssary for tho reasons In said potl tlon stated. It Is further ordorcd, that a copy of this order ho published for four successlvo wenkB In tho Ardmorelto of Ardmore, Okla., and thu Elmoro Democrat of Elmoro, Okla. Dated this 4'h day of Novcmbor, 1908. 11-wk-l W. B. M. MITCHELL, County Judgo. Raw Lungi. When tho lungs are Boro and In flamed tho germs of pneumonia and consumption find lodgement and mul tlply. Foloy's Honey and Tar kills tflio cough germs, cures tho most ob stlnato racking coughs, .hcalrt th lungs, nnd prevents serious results Tho genulno Is In tho yellow package. Sold by All Druglgsts. D & W I. W. FOLSOM, M.D. SPECIALIST Over 30 years experience in ma laria and Its complications, hemor rhoids (pllos), rheumatism, cancerous conditions, venorlal diseases, nervous affections and diseases ot this cli mate. Office Phon 16. Residence Phon 128, red. A Week's Trial For 25c . o. TV.WI TT CO.. OhlMS. 1 For sale by W. B. Fram The Quick Comfort natural as heating stovo makes tho room com fortablo quicker than nny other gas stove. Tho prlco Is a llttlo less and your gas bill will bo a llttlo less when you uso them. For salo only ! by Ulvens, Corhn & Frensley. THRU SLEEPER To Chicago Via yy Leaves Cleburne Every Night Vacation Fares very low this year. Colorado, California, and Great Lake Region. Harvey Meafs En Roufe. Wrltu for Vacation Booklets. They uro FREE. W, S. KKKNAN, O. V. A. tlalveston.