Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Monday, Nov. 16, 1908. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE 8EVEN t: :t tt it tt it ix tt a tt tt a tt tt tt PROFESSIONAL COlUMN. St tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt it tt tt tt tt Lawyers George it. Walker T. D. Underwooi WALKER & UNDERWOOD Lawyer. Ardmore, Okla. U. C. 1'otterf. B. A. Walker POTTERF & WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Ardmore, Okla. WILLIAM W. WRIGHT, (iteglstered Attornoy) Fornierlj With Dawes Commission. Ce lest, ClUzonshln Caaos and othei matters bofoie the Interior De partment, Inclusively. Olflces Washington Loan Trust Hutldlng Washington, D. C. Compiler Indian Oban. J. Kapler. Cbas. 11. Merllllat Compiler "Indian Active Court Laws and Treutlen" Practitioner. KAPPLER & MERILLAT, Attorneys and Counieiurs at Law Practleo before all Courts; Con gress. Oovernmeat departments and Commissions. Indian Cases a spe cialty. Office, Bond Hld'g, Washington D. O. M. F. WINFREY Attorney at Law. iubUco of the Peace Notary Public Kooms 14 and 1C, Noble Uldg. Phones: Ucsl 836 blue. Offlco 166. CAPT. J. R. PULL I AM Justice of the Peace. Rooms In I'cnnlngtonfc Slmms Dldg. PHY8ICIAN8. FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. D. Surgery, Eye, Ear, Not and TotmL yes accurately fitted with OUmm. Phones: Offle 141, BealdaM 44. TALIAFERRu'3 Undertaking and Embalmln North fnshlngton SL Phones 311 and 433. ARDMORE SANITARIUM Drs. von Keller, Hardy & Henry. Modern equipment for the scientlfJe treatment of all surgical cases. Trained nurses In attendancce. Ardmore. Okla. W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary Surgeon. Ardmore, Okla. Office: Sml h's Livery Barm. Phono 125. ARCHITECTS. W. A.Tnckett T. W. Myall TACKETT &. MYALL ARCHITECTS Office In BlmB-Pennlngton Building Ardmore, Okla. Brown & Bridgman Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers Larpest line of Funeral Goods in Oklahoma. COMPARE OUR SERVICE. A WITH OTHERS. Postal Telegraph Cable Co. N. Washlngten Bt. Tel. No. II. a. 4 4 AAyefyyyt TIMETABLE SANTA FE. Northbound. No. 18 11-3 a. ra No. C 12.07 a. m No. 20 5:40 p. m Southbound No. 17 4:22 p. m .o. C Q:10 a. m No. 19 12:65 p. m FRISCO SYSTEM. Westbound No. 43 3:45 p. m No.. 65 (local, dally except Sunday) 3:45 p. m, No. 45 7:50 p. m Eastnound. No. 44 5:00 p. m. No. 66 (local, dally except ' Sunday 6:30 a. ra. No. 46 6:10 a. m. ROCK ISLAND 8Y8TEM. Westbound. No. 651 12:15 p. m. No. 671 (local, dally except Sunday :00 p. m. Eastbound. No. 652 3:16 p. m. No. 672 (local, dally except Sunday 7J0 a. m. 60 YEAR9 EXPERIENCE I HADE DESIGN3 CnpvniOHTS &C. Anyone tending (Wirt and dtarrlnllmt mr qulcklr Mcerlalu our oi'lnloii (roc whether an lilTCiillnr, li rirnhnblr Pleulhli. rommunlfn. IliinotricllrroiiUdenlUI. HANDBOOK nil I'aiciat ant (rra. DMcit aiienrf foraecurtnir puIoiim, I'mmiti taken throuih Munn A Lo, reivlM rprulnolkr, wllhout churga, lu lh Scientific fluiencati. A handiomelf lllntrtel weeklr. Jjirent rlr. dilation of anr arlentlila Journal. '1 erini. IJ a tear! ( Bold brail ntwadnlera. vein ou rnnniui Branch Ufflc. k 38inrodwir. I Branch Ufflc. Oi V SL. Waablunluu. I). ( WESTWARD HO! VIA California 1 ($30.0.0 Common Points Portland j BeHingham j Seattle ' $33.45 Spokane Tacoma Other points as low in pro portion. Lot tlio "Frisco Man" lix your ticket. See II. I). MoCULLOM Agent, or write C. O.JACKSON, Div. Pass. Ag't. Oklahoma City Phone 618 Chas. Kerncr, up-to-date meat market. I kill my own meats and furnish the very best satisfac tion guaranteed. Give me a trial. Wolverton $ Son Oldest and most reliable ab stracters In Carter county. Send to us (or abstracts anywhere In Oklahoma. Wo also write cyclone and Are Insur&zc?. We are bonded abstracter. ARDMORE, OKLA. Hal M. Gannon INSURANCE mid Bonds Your business will bo ap preciated. Office Noble Building Phone 619 Notice of Henrlng of Petition for Appointment of Administrator. State of Oklahoma, Carter County. In County Court. In ( ho mutter of the estate ot Hubert A. Jones, deceased. To the holrs, next of kin, and creditors of Hobert A. Jones, deceas ed: You aro hereby notified '.hat W. K Whlttlngton has applied to tho Cuun ty Court of Carter County, Stnto of Oklahoma, for Letters ot Admlnlstra Hon on tho estate of Robert A. Jonos, deceased, to lio granted to himself, and that said application mill be heard at tho Court room of said Court In tho City ot Ardmore In said County, on tho 21st day of Novomber, 1908, at 10 o'clock, n ni., at which tlmo and placa any person Interested may appear ond show causo if any thoy havo why such petition should not bo granted. Witness my hand and tho Seal ot tho said Court hereunto affixed this 10th day of Novomber, 1908. L It. MASON, 10-H County Judge. rno guicK uomrort natural gas boating stovo makes thu room com' fortnblo quicker than any other, gas stovo. The price is a llttlo less and your gas bill will bo a little less when you uso them. For sale only by Blvons, Corhn & FronBley. ELECTION PROCLAMATION, ny vlrtuo of tho nitthorlty vested In nie as Chief Executive of tho City jof Ardmore, Oklahoma, a special elec tion Is hereby called and tho samo shall lj held In said City on tho 17th day of Novomber, 1908, for tho pur- I poso of submitting to tho nullified voters ot said City n Charter drawn and nropsoj on tho 22ml day ot September, 190S, by tho legally elect' I cd nnd qualified free-holders for Its j rejection or ndoptlon by said voters of said City, and thoso voting for the 'adoption of said Charter shall have j printed on their ballot, "For tho adop tion of tho proposed Chnrter of said , City of Ardmore," nnd thost voting against same slipll havo nrliuvu on their ballot, "Against the adoption of tho proposed Charter of tho ICty ot Ardmore." Them shall also bo submitted to tho qualified voters of said City of Ardmore tho following separi'tc prop osition, to-wlt: At each general election at which n Mayor thnli no elected In wild City I of Ardmore, there shall nl-o bo elect ed a Chief of Police', who shall ho at ! the tlmo of his election not less than twenty llvo years of ago, ami who shall havo been n resident of the City of Arvlnioro for not less linn I to yenrs. The term of offloo of tho Chief of l'ollco shall bo tmo years. Thlso voting for tho nbove proposl Hon shnll havo printed on their bat lot, "Yes." Thoso voting against snld proposition shall havo printed on their ballot, "No." Thoso voting for the above proposl qualified voters at tho same time the separato proposition, to-wlt: "Shall the Albert C. Hutzow Mattress Fac tory Company bo exumpt from munici pal taxation for a period of 51 vo years?" Thoso voting for the above proposition shall havo printed n:i their ballot "Yes." Thoao voting against said proposition shall havo printed on their ballots "No." Thcro shnll bo submitted to tho quallfiod voters tho separate proposi tion, to-wlt: "Shall tho City Council ot tho City ot Ardmoro bo autlnii'b::d to mnko nu expenditure lu tho sum of Eleven Thousand ($11,000) Dollars for tho purposo of purchasing equipment fo rand othcrwlso improving the I'lro Department. Thoso voting for .ho above proposition hall lrtve printed on their ballot " Yes." Thoso voting against snld proposition shall havo printed on their ballot ' No." All persons who sirs leitfP qualt fled under tho law shall have tho right to vote at ?n 1 election an 1 the judges and clerks of same ehnll be as follows: Voting Precinct No. 1. At tho First National Hank Iluildlng, and tho Judges shall bo Dr. W. M. Anderson, U West nnd M. J. Hnys; Clerks, J.I Itlggln nnd II. S. Curtis. Voting Precinct No. 2. At McChnr en's Grocery Store, and tho Judges shnll bo Paul Jones, M. I.. Alexander and Guy P. Cobb; Clerks, T. II. Hanks and J. C. King. Voting Precinct No. 3. At West End Wagon Yard and the Judges sh'ill bo Ml Hoffman, H. F. Jordan nnd .1. I). Mnnsfleld; Clerks, Ed Deen and V. C. Kllgore. Voting Precinct No. 1. At Hall's Storo nnd the Judges shall bo C. P. Hall, F. P. Harlan and Moran Scott; Clerks, O. L. 'Elvlngton nnd Ed Allen Voting Precinct No. C. At Chancel lor Bros. Storo nnd tho Judges shnll bo C. E. Fraley. Sam Daube and James Smock; Clorks James Chand ler and L. N. Murdock. Precinct No. C At City Hall and tho Judges shall bo W. M. Iloblnson W. P. Poland and Georgo Dashncr; Clerks, A. G. Edwards and S. A. An- plo. Voting Precinct No. 7. At Tortcr Staples' Storo and tho Judges shall be Porter Staples, Z. West nnd W. C, Kendall. Clorks, W. F. Whltehurst and C. O. Uunn. Voting Precinct No. 8. At Whit- tlngton Hotel nnd the Judges shnll bo J. M. Ioyd, C. D. Wortham and Tom Hell; Clorks, F. M. Snyder and M. J. Hnys. Voting Precinct No. 9. At W. P. Davis' rcsldcnco nnd tho Judges shall bo T. J. Jones, C. H. Lndd and A. F. Pycntt; Clerks, Chas. Cook and J. F. Varnell. Said Polls shall bo opened nnd closed within tho legal hours. Wtlness my hand on this tho 4th day of Novomber, 1908. It. W. DICK. 4-10 Mayor. ORDER FOR HEARING PETITION TO SELL REAL ESTATE BY GUARDIAN State of Oklahoma, Carter County, bb, In County CourL In tho matter of tho Guardianship of Mattlo James, Joe F. Roblson, Cur ntor. Now on this 27th day of October 1908, comes Joo Koblson ns Cura tor of tho estato of tho above named ward, having fllod herein his petition for the sale, of tho real estato ot said ward for tho roasons in said petition stated. IT IS ORDERED, Thnt said pctl Hon bo nnd hereby Is set for henrlng on tho 25th day of November, A. I). 190S, nt 10 o'clock a. m nt which tlmo the next ot kin nnd nil fwrsons Interested In tho cstnto ot said ward aro required to nppenr nnd show cause, If any they have, why nn order should not bo granted for tho snlo ot so much of tho real estate of snld wnrd as Is necessary for tho reasons in said petition stated, nnd thnt per sonal service hereof bo made upon said next of kin and persons Interest' ed In tho cstnto of said ward ns re quired by law. It Is further ordored that n rot bo published for four sue cesslo weeks' In tho Ardmoro Dally Ardmortito ot Ardmore, Okla. I. R. MASON, County Judge. Dated this 27lh dny of October. 190S. Cabell &. Hass, Attorneys. 27-1 m NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Stnto of Oklahoma, Carter County. In tho County CourL D. Dreebon, Plaintiff, vs. R. O. Reynolds,' I.nura Reynolds, De fendants. No. 13C. Snld uVforidants, R "). Reynolds nnd I.nura Reynolds, will tako notice thnt they hnvo been sued lu tho above named court for upon replevin of property nnd mustnnswer the petition fllod therein by said plaintiff on or beforo tho 2Cth day of November, A. I)., 190S, or said petition will bo taken as true nnd a Judgment for said plaintiff In salt! action for tho property or Its vnluo will bo rendered accord ingly. Dated this 26th day of October 190S. Attest: WM. PFEIFFER, I. R. MASON, Atty. for Plaintiff. County Judge Hy Olenlo Mltchel, Deputy. First published October 27, 190S. Nollce of Hearing Petition for AP polntment of Administrator. Stnto of Oklahomii, Carter County. In County Court. In tho Matter of the Estate of Alvn I) Roff, Deceased. To tho heirs, next of kin nnd credit ors of Alva . Roff, deceased: You nro heruby notified Hint W. H Roff hns npplled to the County Court of Carter County, Stnto of Oklahoma, for letters of administration 011 the estate of Alvn H. Roff, deceased, to bo granted to W. II. Hoff, and that snld nppllcntloiw'lll bo heard nt tho Court room ot said Court In the City of Ard more lu said County, on the 20th day of November, 1908, nt 10 o'clock a. m., at which time a id plnco nny person Interested may appear nnd show cause If any they havo why such pe tition should not be granted. Witness my hand and seal of the snld Court hereunto nffixivii this 9th day of November, 190S. (SEAL). I. R. MASON, 10-10 County Judge, PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (Published Octoticr 28, 1908.) Stato of Oklahoma, Carter Coun ty, ss: It Is ordered and directed by tht Hoard of County Commissioners, of Carter County, Oklahoma, that the Sheriff, Justices of tho Peace and Constables of Carter County, nro hereby commnnded to seo that no persons may leavo tho bounds ot tho county, moving their personal effects, without having paid their taxes for 1908. It is further ordered that Bald 01 fleers shall sclzo enough property of said parties leaving the county to pny said taxes; r.nd that the County Clerk, upon application, will furnish snld officers with a certified copy of Bald parties' taxes, lnclud Ing their poll tax and road tax which shall bo collected, unless they hold receipt from road overseer cov ering road tax. That a copy of this ordor bo mall ed to each of tho nbovo officers In said County of Carter, and pub llshed in tho Weekly Ardmorclto until January 1st, 1909. And that any party wishing to loavo Cnrtcr Ceunty can call on th County Treasurer, In his office, and pay his taxes and savo tho cost that might bo Incurred by tho off! cors forcing tho collection of his taxes. norr. F. SCflVALIVY, Chairman of tho Board of County Commissioner. (Attest). Wm. H. FRAME, County Clerk, ny H. W. DUKE, Deputy. (SEAL) Oct 2S-t"o Jan Notice of Sale of Real Es'ate by Guardla". In tho matter of tho Guardianship of Agnes Sanders, .Minor. Notlco Is hereby given in pursuance of nn order of tho County Court of tho County of Choctaw, Stato of Okla homa, m ado on tho 2nd dny of Novom her, 1908, tho undersigned Guardian of tho estato of Agnes Sanders, Minor, will fell nt private sale to tho highest ( bidder sulMtet to confirmation by sail Couit. on the Hid day of December,' A. 1)., 1 90S. nt 9 o'clock 11. 111., nt Hugo, Choctnw County, Oklahoma, nil the right, title and Interest of said Agnes Snn.ler. Minor In nnd to the following described real estate situate lu .Icfftrsnn nnd Carter Counties, State ot Oklahoma, to-wlt: S'4 of SV, ofSWti See. 2fi. and N 4 of NV4 of NW'i See. 3B. Twp. R North. Range 2 Most; nnd W 4 of W t6 of S E 'i Sec. 7, Twp. f, North, Rnnge 2 West; nnd E of N W'i f S E V less (VIS acres right ofi ny of the A. T. & S. F Itnltnny. j nd South C IS ncres of Lot :i, See 1 afi. Twp. 7 North, Range 2 West, nlso! i of S E i Sec. 7, Twp. 2 South, I nnge 7 West; nnd also S E ' ofi E Vt of S'E Vt. Sec. II; nnd W 1 " f N W ', of N E U nnd N E U of)" N E Vi of N W ,,. See. 2:1. Twp. I North, Range I West. , Snld rcil estate will be sold on the I following terms ami conditions, to-wlt 1 Ml ensh. ! Hlds for the pureliiifo thereof must. o In writing and must be filed In the County Court or delivered to the un- rslKiied nt Huso, Oklahoma, nt the fflec of Humphry Strange, In snld Ity. Dated this 2nd day of November, 190S. V 111S ROI1ERT SANDERS. Guardian PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. (Published October 28, 190S) into of Oklahoma, Carter coun ty, SS. It Is ordered by tho Hoard ot County Commissioners ot Cnrtor County, Oklahoma, that under tho laws now In forco In tho Stato ot Oklahoma, all section lines In Car tor County aro hereby deslgnntcd as public highways, and that on all such section lines shown on pints ( filed in this ofllco by the township ; trustees, designating that they , should bo opened for tho benefit of j tho public at large, obstructions nro hereby ordered removed, on or bo for0 January 1st, 1909. And It Is further ordered, that any section lines not designated In the pints filed In this ofllco, It will bo necessary for tho people wnntlngnny such linos or roads open ed to fllo a petition with this Hoard! signed by at least 12 freeholders, and any roads other than on scctlou lines, tho petition must 00 accom panied with a bond satisfactory to this Hoard; nnd that this ordor applies to nil land and lcaso own ers, nnd shnll bo published In tho Weekly Ardmorclto until Jantiai. 1st, 1909, and shall servo tho pur-, poso tho same ns If It had been scrv-. ed in person on tho pnrtlcs owning or occupying tho land. Thnt any lat.d owner can ascertain whether this order will apply to nls land from tho maps on Illo in tho Coun- Clerk's offlco; and It no protest Is filed within sold time, that said . overseers, under tho ordor of tho township trustees, shnll proceed to, tako chargo and open up and work said highways. 1 Do no in open session, this tho ! 20th dny of October, 1908. ROHT. F. SCIVALLY, Cr airman Hoard of County Commls- mlssloners. (Attest): Wm. H. FRAME, County Clork. Hy H. W. DUKE, Doputy. (SEAL) Oct. 28vk-t Jan-1-09 Notice of Suit. Hefnro J. R. Pulllnm, Justice of. tho Pence, Ardmor0 Township, Carter County, Oklahoma. W. A. Gilliam & Co., plaintiffs, vs. C. C. Clcmmons, defendant. Tho said defendant, C. C. Clom- mons, will tako notlco that ho has been sued In tho nbovo named court in tho sum ot $13.35, for money had and received, nnd must answer Ba'.d petition filed on or beforo tho 14th dny of December, 1908, or said po tion will be taken as truo and Judg ment rendered accordingly. J. R. PULIJAM, 15-22-29-fi Justlco of tho Pence. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. (Published November 11, 1908.) Stnto of Oklahoma, Carter County, ss. Tho Hoard of County Commission era of Carter County, Oklahoma, met this tho 2nd day of Novomber, 190S, In regular monthly session, Robt. F. Sclvally, A. W. Spcako and tho Dopu ty County Clerk Delng present, and allowed claims and Issued, warrants on tho Salnry Fund for 1.272.71. and on Supply Fund for $003.15. Ordered thnt this Hoard staiuln ad journed until Wednesday morning, November 1th, 1908, that each mem ber may go homo and vote. ROHT.F. SCIVALLY, Chnlrman County Hoard. Attest: WM. II. FRAME, County Clerk, 'By H. W. DUKE, Deputy. (SEAL.) The Oldest Says tin's is to be the hardest winter in ten years, and that reminds us to ask you about your plumbing. Better have it done now hadn't you? Wo are making red hot prices on both plumbing and tin work. SPREKELMEYER COMPANY West Main Street Phone 9 The Densmore Hotel 9TU AND LOCUST STREETS Ill Try us next time in the Avenue cars at Union Depot, and walk one block south. Grand Avenue Hotel AM1S1UCAN PLAN GUY V. FERGUSON, Prop. Most centrally located hotel in Oklahoma. Elegant cafe in connection. The best of Service. Okiahoma City, vSzl T'hf ArHtnnrp Snnihnrinm YSl Miss Hinds has charge of training school for nurses. Receives both medical and surgical ra tienls. Thoroughly modern in every particular. Special operating room. Good service, terms reasonable. The medical profession solicited. DRS. HARDY, VON KBLLI5R & HENRY Ardmore, Okla. ALBATROSS FLOUR Quality Guaranteed Pennington Grocery Company Wholesale Distributors A. D. HYDE Miner and Refiner of Asphalt WOODFORD, OKLA. Your inquiries and patronage solicited if interested in rock asphalt for paving purposes, refined asphalt for roofing, etc. Write ior prices and samples. Shipping point Ardmore Inhabitant OKKI3KS thu best ac commodations and M'rvlco of nn Hotel In Kansas Uity at iiiodcruto rates. Wo especially solicit tho patronage of the great Southwest. Our rates are American Plan Ml 111 S.l Vrr ltmv KMroprrn I'lan SI In SU lr Day JIH.C Units by Week or Month city. Take Independence get cfT at 8th and Locus Okla.