Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore Monday, January 4, 1909 PAGE TWO THE DAILY ARDMOREITfe 1 1 We Give Azuay A hsolutefo Free of Costrrv . . .. I XI..I I A.I...., ,.. I'!.,,.. B'1 j Tie I'coplc ' i,iniunmi -i-i-c ,,icuiii """! -nftlili. of Medicine Simplified, l.y l N , ''' M Chief Cormillina 1'liy.irun to the Int-slni, I lolel dihI Vir--.-.i i... .1 Knflaln. n Iwidk ill 1 X larir pir anil over 7ll illinlmlu m, in Uron paper cmtrv to xnv our urndinc. 21 onr-cent , c,cr tor of mmlin , ir, hi I rem li Juili hinilin for II Mamp. Otrr (.SO.ICI'.t ropier of lhi complete lamil) Doctor Honk were .old in clulli limdinit cefuUr price of $1 SO, ,V(rf waf 1, one nnd a half million copie were (icn y o st-ovc. A new, up-l''date rried edition it now ready lof mailini llellef end MW, More all arr nne Addre Woaili'a li rrMA.v Miim.i. Aio uiion, It. N . 1'ieree, M. II , I'tetidcnt, lluflalo, N. V. IIK. ril'.Kt I'.'H I-'AVOUITIi PHIMCKII'TION Till' ONI Itl'MI-PY for nomm't peculiar ailment, enough that il makrra re not afraitl to print on it out.ide wrapper its ery Injredltiil. No Secrett No Deception. Till' ONIi HF.MI'llY (or wimrn which contain no sliotiol anJ no lialtit'formintf drotfa. Mule from native medicinal Icirrit root of well e.tabli.hed curative nlue. fHE PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL Miiri ti- i 'I lil iU-mcm Hint li.' cliii'f Htitiitiif lit ttiwir of tin HrPCAPC Tfl PflMPDCCC p'ovl-on was tlmt tll i!icssliii'll WtoJrUlt IU bUf1UlLOO ,M ,,, ih.iimoh.H Wi to be h-I 1 tl-'Bl". In mi'li'ii'itlii llii'ii "' Th l I it'elii' lit. sll'rll Wilt mi attllt l. !! , tl'oiillti'ii il liotii. Pago DlH' I I ,)n , i,. iioli rini!l", If Im Iiik investiustcd 1 '" M't'trt aer j If tin v lit turn to tin- Cotigtex v..c men," or " 'hat ennirre as slmial llccord for M.t 1 hint, pages !iriit was actuated by truit motive." :,;,:,:t to ?M. Inclusive, you will find I o til ot tuaae any mwh nlnli'ini'iit in,. .Irlnili- mi tliln Milij't. Mr. Taw 1, t tils mranBRi'. MtM-fmiT I lm' wr ntade liny iwh ttt.mtTit it ronrrva m a b"l'. nor, tAith ,( f. w liiltlK' oxi.ntlinii, mImiiiI , ,. Mu chief If not h oily nrRii tli ( j II.. I.' 'i d .n Mm' 'lie rrMct j il'i.ti 1 i,) fit n and 1 1 sri rt j f s f i 1 i'k lllollllll l'H llllll ' hllBlloV'l" . . ,i-tlKttH mMn1i'rs of citiKrem i oMi r officers of thn goTernififnt. If i xumlrte th ilt'liute In ilittall I .ipiioarn IImi most of what ws iiikkI in favor if tli ftitwrrriinHtit i xiK tli form of Ihe nlinilt stall'- i. nt thnt Uip commlttw hfH. that Kfi- l.i l j'fl a 'MfUiUtrf i'l lo ' i. the uu of In iwr1 I for oth-r iq.',irjHi Mian ii:proaln .iMiT,r,rff Itlnai (ainl one or two other ; ni.itH r ublch run Ih- ill.'tardl) j mill Hi it nch lananane wa now I to in- tim-rl nn would prfertually rrrB- 1 ii all mich "vlolnilon of law" here- j iiftT Mr. Taw wy, for Inatnnc'. niv- "It nia for th ttrpoa n Hiiilim ti hum of thin service III i-vry hiihIIiIi. uny by lh tlfpart' iiHiitx of ti... Bovprnifipni that this , t Kdul Hrcwnl In tel f i Jij: i M h. 1 1 1 T' t. li,.0ill f t'f i Mill tlnjr 'In- si'ci,( Moivlrr- Inrli to HiVfB j tlTt mfn In the tleimrimpjita, offl-j cors of the army ami nnVy. tiritl titors an- conRrr-ssmon; In column 2 he refers to officers of the navy and memhein of congress; In column 1, imtff 55S7. he refers only to mem Item or congress. Ills sireeeh put most Wright on the InvestlsBtlori of members of congr. What aimnrs In the reconl Is filled out hihI I'xplnlned In an artl- eli. which attm-nrH In the Chicago IntorOeewn of January 3. 10DI, im dT a Washington headline, and which marlied the beglnnlnx of tills agitation ngaltiat the secret service It was a special article of a lion t .1000 woris w rlttti. as I was tlion In dtalli.?,' it'i motlt t ha" vcr nay no ucen 'i in t'v. mailt U tH ,ii tio.i f mh 1 I f ,ik I 13, a heond sill qu.!" ioji flu- ( ftt'C f that action. Is the house now willing to remedy that utomr? i For a long time I contciiinl insilf with endeavorlwR to penmnle tin house not to permit the wrong leiklng lnfovinall on the FUt.Jert with those menrhers who. I licluvid. knew anything of the inatt. i. n d commtinlcatlnt; oftlrlail) onl in th orttlnnry channel, ait tlirminh Hie secretary of the trrusim In a Ittti-i to the ih'r on April 'J i ,-o teattnp au.ilnst tiu- cnttliiR 'iw u thf. aiiproprlatiijii itally ni'ft!T If the IntiTHiaic I'timnii'rri' tonini kn "iH to entry Into ef'eef tin t..entlitli sirthm f the ll :.liutn law I nl..(l: "ThiK iirinlftlon alio,!1 tli the eiii !o inert of th' .secret m'IIc formed Mid now untlerstand. by Mr. .. W. Utisbey, at that tlirre private i , wltI tl t,.rv ,!..,.,., i.liin uiis Inserted." Mr. I secretary to the senker of the house. I t the Ktiveriiiiietit In ltn enhMS'j- Smith wii: ".Vow, that wn the ALBATROSS FLOUR Quality Guaranteed Pennington Grocery Company Wholesale Distributors !( of Minnesota, Mr. .Smith of Iowa, Mr. Sherley of Kentuchy and Ml. llUgenHil of New Vol It. appear In this dehate us the special ehampIoiiH of the prinlrtkm relet re( m. Mewrii. I'aiHiilin, lleiinett iMHl HlliX'oll were the h inlelK nf thoie who oppoKed the adoption of the aliienilment and up held the right ol the government to ii He tin most efficient means itosslhlfi In order to dtert criminals and to unwise, fit and unfit, grind ntid prevent and punish crime. Th I iilllw1. No one i-'slles more than Htueiriincnt wiiet carried In the com- he Importance. of cooperation mlttee of the whole, where no vHeS ween the eeciillve unit congress. if tlw Individual memders are re . members of congress, In any mes or article or speech. On lit" i.trary I hove always mil only de . nted hut vigorously resented the ,.'lce of Indiscriminate attack up i congress, and Indiscriminate con in.atlon of all enigressmen, wise I l itnd no one holds the authority and iKiilty of the eon k less of the Tnlt 1 States In higher resect than 1 l. I have not the slightest syuipatliy with the practice of judging men. f.r ptl or for 111. not on their sev- r,i merits, Imii In a mass, as mem lei of one particular IhmI- or one i ante. To put togother all men hold In or who have held a pnrllciilar off I. e, whether It ho the office of president, or judge, ir senator, or Member of the house of representa tlwit, iind to class, them nil. without rvKnrx) to their Individual dlllerenceK. a gootl or ld, aeems to me ill- t. rly Indefimslble; and It Is equally i'.ilefensllde whether the kmM are coiinfonndeil with tHe I .nil In n lieati i.l aJ unwarranted clmmplotiNhlp of .ill. or In a heated and unwarranted n i. in It upon all. I would neither at trtir ilefeilil hll executive officers ' a mass, whether presidents, gover- ii'.rn, cabinet officers, or offlrlnls if l"Ar rank: nor would I attack or ' f. nd all legislative offleiTs 111 U ihh The safety nf free government 's very largely In the ability ol ft-ekthltlltlttsminli mh mh mh inhaf ' plain uwrydHy citizen to dlscrlm between thoko public servants . h.i nerve htm well iiimI thom. public -'winta who serve him 111. lie can rot thus disci luilnati If he Is per d to pass jinlKtiii'iit upon n man not with jefelettce to wilpther t,e Ih a fit or unfit public servant i si with rofoteitco to the -whether he I . an wcutlvi' or lenlslittlvp officer. Do-tner he boloiiK to uiiu brand, of t'.e govomiiioiit or the other. corded, so I am mialil" to ilUcrlnil- tmte by iiimiilouinK the members who voted tor and th" niembeiH who oteil Hgalnst the ptovlslon. but its pHsmige the lomiinl t ir.U. was greeted wlih iiiiplniist. I am well aware, however, that In any ce of this kind many memhcia who have no pHittcular knowledge nr the imiIiiI at Issue, a i" content simply to fol low the lend of the e.uuinlltee which had coiiNldereil the matter, titul 1 havi- no doubt that many members of the 1ioiim. simply followed the lend of Mesm s. Tawney turd' Smith, with out having bad the opportunity ti I, now i-r much as to the rights ami w tongs of the question. I would not ordinarily attempt in l bis way to dlscrmiliiiite between iiieiiilieiH of the lion", but as objec tion has been taken to my line Ktiiie. in whlrii I simply spoke ot the action of the house its ti whole, iMi'i as nppureiitly there Is n de sire that I should thus discriminate. I will state that 1 think the re KpoiiKlldllty U'rtteil on the commlttc) on Hpiiroprlatlons. tinder the lend of the members whom I linve men t loned. Now as to the teqtiest of congresx that I gle thv evidence for my stole, inent that the chief nrguuieut li fa vor of the provision was thnt tin congre 'allien did not thomselves wish in lie Investigated by secret service men. The part of he CoiiHtesslomil Itec onl to which 1 have referred nhovii entirely supports thin st ;i t i-nifnt . Two distinct Hues of argument were fnl This allegation In the resolution. j mV(Hl ln tlll, ,j,.,.,t,.. (m. coiicemed Hierefore. mtift certainly be due to lhli iiWtmu whether the law war- nn entire falluie to undei Mum! my ,.,,. , n,e employment of the secret t .ige. -irixin. in'l llH'tit - other than T' ri olutim , iiiHloi.s ' That 'to- 1'iasim ' i iiiiiden i ' i 1 que-, I'd ti 'hp tneilts .if the hi i in whether : i. t ii'iu ii i Mlei, e upon iiwfiittj .ir unlawfully m,'loMd and onl way In which nny limitation ..Mild . put iiKn the activities ot the sort it service." Mr. ntxgerald follow., it, the same vein, and by fur ttic hiiK'st part nf the argument aciiiiist tin' employment of the se cret .service wits confined to the stiito incur that It was "In vlobvtUm of liiA." Of course such n atiitement Is not. In any w-ny an argument hi lav or of the Justice of the provi sion. It is not an argument for the provision at all. It Is simply a state ment ,f w-hat the gentlemen making It eniicelve lei have been the law. There was both by Implication and direct statement the ass. rtlon that it was .the law, and ought to be the lav that the secret service should j only be nseir to suppress connter- felting; and that the las should 1e made mote rigid (.him ever In thh respect. Incidentally I may say that in in) Judgment there Is ample legal author ity for tht) statement that this ap propriation law to which reference was nisrtV Imiiosea no restiictlima whatever upoo the ttsy of the scnit service meet, lint relates solely to the expenditure of the money appro priated. .Mr. Tawney In the debate, state) that he hid In his tHiawos slou "a letter from the secretary of the treasury received it few days iigo" In which the secretary of the treasury "himself admits that the provisions under which the appro. prlatlou has been nindo must have been vlolatiil year alter year for n number of years In ills own depart menu" 1 nppeiul hurewith as Appen dl. A the letter leferred. It mnke no such a Emission nr. that which Mr. Tawney alleges. It contains on the contrary, as you will sec by read ing It. an "emphatic protest against any such abridgement of the right Negated to the secretary of the treasury by existing law." and con eludes by nssertlng that lie "Is quite within his rights In thus employing the service of those M uenls" and that the proposed modification which .Mr. Tawney sticoeedi In car rying through would be 'dlslliictK to tin advantage of tlio violators o' criminal statutes of the 1'nltcd States." 1 call attention In the fact that In Ill's I ! . r of Sciretarv Cop telyou to Mr. Tawney, as In my let ter to the ipcrkcv quoted : 'ov tin explicit slatcmout Is made that the proponed ('limine will lie for the benefit of the crtmlmil. a statement which 1 simply reiterated' In public form In my iiiossukp to the congress this year ami to which Is also con lal'iied in effect In the report ol I inclose a copy of certain extracts t0 ,,r,.vent and punish crime. T!iet , from the article, marked Appendix ,r foolish outcry tha.t lhl H. It conulned au utterly unwar- against HlleH:, only rrtnmuls nee ranted attack oo the secret service, u-nr our detectives. ' (I Inclose ropv dlvtalon of the treasury deportment Lf the whole letter, marktM M.r ' arJ Its lef. The opening paragraph .,1K C." The postscript is blur c,l ; luclmles. for Instance, statements, ,v ,.(i,,jbook, and two or t'.i"e like the folkiwlng: Lf ,,,. words cannot be deciphered' "lie Uh chief of tUrT division) uikI.tIoho methods proviJ tinavnlllni; Ir his niHi ore dmltotii of doing tho .ho- Is cret detective work for the whole government ntl are not particular about drawing the line between the lawmakers and the lawbreakers. 'ITiey are rea ly to shallow the for mer" as well as the lattor." Then, after saying that congress I will Insist that the men shall only be used to atop counterfeiting, the article goes on: pi event the wrong'. Messrs. Tuwneyj and Smith and ther fellow members, on the appropriations committee p.iid no heed to the protects; ntid as tl.. j obnoxious provision was incorporate ! i in the sundry civil bill. It w tit im losslble for me to consider or .is ! cuss It on Its merits, ns I i'oiilii" have done had It been In a sc.i.vpti bill. Thetefoie 1 have now taken the only method nvallable, that of ills Congress does not Intend to have cusiiln; it In my nieHsage to con a Fottche or any other kind of min ister of police to be used 'by tho u tcuttve ilepartntenu against thu 1k islallve branch of thu government. It hit been so used, and It hi sus pected that It has been so used re ciiitly. Tho legislative branch of the government will not toluratu the inoJilling of directives, whethei they represent the president, cabinet oiflcers, or only theanselves. Congressmen resented the secret In terfer. ! of the secret service men who for weks shadowed soino of the most respi'cied members of the house and senate. When It was discovered thnt the xecret ser vice men wore shadow Iiik congrvRS men there was a storm of Indigna tion at thu capltol and' tin; bureau ontue ueor lieliiR nliollshed and the appropriation for tho suppression of counterfeiting cut otf. At an other ttlllo the chief of the secret liorvlce had his men shadow com giessmt'ii with a view to Involving them In scamlaU that would en- olile the bureau to dictate to them its tile price of silence, Tho sec-rot service men have shown an Iflcllniiiiou to shadow members of ongress. knowing them to bo law- nmkers. ami this Is no Joke. Sev eral of tho departments have nuke? congi-i ss for secret service fundi. for Investlgntlim. nml the treasury (leiNiitment wants the lliullatlon re moved from the appropilatlon fot siipprct-sing counterl'eitliiK. Thin shows a tendency toward I'ouehelHUi and a secret watch on other officials than themselves. At the time of this publication the work of the secret service, which was thus assailed, included especially the investigation of gmit laud frauds In tile west, and the securing of evl- Thousands of liulics sulYt r ni; every month. If outlo. Mop ami think. Js it .-.iMural? Kniiihati r.tlh ami jiositivth- 0! 'llieu make up our muid to prevent or euro this medlcss Mit'tVi'tng! WiU Help You ''I suirerod 9 yearn" wntts Mrp. Sarah J. TTos kins, (it'Caiv. K. "I had IVinale trouble ami w mild luaih i riiiiii) lo death. My bat K and sidf would n, , iU 1. ill 1,1,. titli l.oin I tl' nvnt'Vt llllir fll irnl rein 1, 1'tit t.'iileil. iiiitl at last hctraii to taue uaraui. V ... i i . . . i i. .. : . l l t FiS " 1 '' llu"sl U(,,K aM .inn i uivt.' pflCardtii the praise for Hie health 1 enjoy." Tr. AT ALL DRUG STORES the secretary f the rtetwury to eon- and thin did not toiieh , Kll.HK. I careful reading of the emigres iiuiiil Keoord will also show that I'l.u tiealiy the only arguments ad van. il ill favor of the limitation o o.iosmI by Mr. Tawney 's comiiiittoe. ' wind what -may be siipmsed to '.. eontnlned by implication in ccr .i ii -eiitences ns to "ablises" which mc not speciftol, were thoto con ' i i l In tne reieated stntotnents of 1 M 1 Shelley. Mr. Sherley stated that .'oie hod been "pronounced abuses ..niiK out of the use of the secret nn' for purpose otlHr than those '"led," putting his statement in " - foi -ii of a question, and In the i ' form further stated that the vate conduct" of "members of ii.ipt'Mss, senators," and others . iktit not to bo Investigated by the , t service, ami that they should I nut inveatlgnte a "member of con R'..s' who had 1icen accused ol r ie duet unbecoming a gent Ionian at d a member of congress." In ad li ion to these assertions couched as hi. "-'Inns, ho ma Jo one posttlve dec- I ! i'ainn, that "This secret service :t one time was used for the pur po of looking Into the personal ..''duct of n member of congress.' l'Uis argument of Mr. Sherley, the "ii U real argument ag to the merits r the quentloii made on behalf of the iimniittee on gpproprfhHotm. will b '.Mind in columns l mnl U of page r.'.Mi and column 1 ot poe 6557 of J Si i Kress; and as nil efforts to secute what I regard as proper treatment of the subject without recourse ' plain speaking had foiled, I have' ssikeii plainly and' directly, nnd have! set ofrth the facts In explicit teims-- , Since UHU the investigations cov ered by the S'.Otet service division under the practice which had bee . for many years recognized as prop er and legitimate, nnd which had re ceived the sanction of the highest law- officers of the government have eovenvt a wide range of offenses sigiiVt-Ht the federal law. Hy far the most Important of these related to the public domain, ns to which thete was uuisjveted n for-t caching ami widespread system of fraudulent transactions involving both the Illegal acquisition uul the Illegal fencing or government latvl; ami, in connection with both these offenses, the crimes of perjury and subornation of per jury. Some of the persons Involved In these vlolatloim were of great wcolth and of wide political and social Influence. Moth their corpmo" associations and their political iiffii lotions, and the lawless character of, mmiio of their employes, made tin I Investigations not only difficult but; dangerous. Ill Colorado one of tin secret service men was assassinate d j In Nebraska It was neceswary to re move a United States attorney and a I'lilted States nmishal before sat Isloctory progiess could be made In I lie prosecution of the, offenders. j The evidence In all these cases was chiefly seemed by men trained in the secret service and detailed b the depaitmcnt of justice at the ie quest of that department and' of the depot Uncut of the Interior. In thr slate of Nelnaska alone sixty de fendants were indicted: and of the donee to help the department of I tlilny-two cases thus far brought to Justice In the beef trust Investiga tions at Chicago, which resulted In successful prouccutlons. In view of Mr. Ilusbey's position, I hnvo accepted the above quoted Htutemeiits ns fairly expressing the real miiinliig and animus of the at tacks mink' In general terms on the use of tho secret service for the punishment of criminal. Further more. In the performance of my duty to e ml on vor to find the feelings of congreasmoii on public questions of note. I have frequently discussed this particular matter with members of congress; and on such occasions the reasons alleged to me for the hostility of congress to the secret service, both by those who did and by those who sjdil not share this hostility, were almost Invnrlobly the Kme as those sot forth In Mr. Uuf' bey's article. I mny odd, by tho way. that those Allegation a to the se cret service are wholly without foun dation In fact, libit nil of this is of Insignificant Importance compared with the main, the renl Issue. This Issue Is simply, doe congress desire that the gov ernment shall have at its. disposal the mot efficient instrumci t for the detection of criminal nml t'u pre vent Ion and punishment of crime or toes It not? The action of t'v house last May was emphatically au action ngnlost the !nterU of j'tstin ami against the Interest of 1 iv-nblillm: people, ami In U effe. of mmoflt only to lHworonrierr I nw not now trial twenty -eight have resulted In conviction; two of the principals. Messis Comstock and Itlchards, men of wealth and wide Influence, be ing sentenced to twelve months in Jail and lined 1..V0 each. The fol lowing secret service memorandum mude in the coiiiho nf a petijlng case Illustrates the ramifications of inter est wit It which tho government hits to deal: Charles T. Stewart, of Council Illuffs, was indictol' at Omaha for coiispluicy to defraud the govern m nt of the title to public landi In Mcl'heisou county, Nebraska; also lidleie.i for maintaining au unlawful lliclosure of the public lands, an, also under indictment for porjury In connection with final proof submit ted b him on lands filed on by him as a homestead. In his final proof he snore that he nnd his famih had resided on the lands ln Mc I'liersoii comity (which are within his unlawful luclosure), when us a matter of fact his family hus at nil times rvsiditl in Council Illuffs, Imvo. He is engaged In the wholesale grocery business, his store being lo cated in Omaha In the whnlcsab district there, lie Is reputed to be quite wealth. Stewart's attorneys nie Hurl & Tlnley. of Council Illuffs. Iowa, who J are also the nttornes at that place for the Omaha nnd Council Illuffs Street Hnllwny com pany, In which company llarl holds considerable stock, Stewart, being olio a stockholder ami jtogslhly a ill The Oldest Inhabitant Says this is to be the hardest winter in ten years, and that reminds us to ask you about your plumbing. Better have it done now hadn't you? We arc making red hot prices on both plumbing and tin work. SPREKELMEYER COMPANY West Main Street Phone 9 A. jD. HYDE Miner and Refiner of Asphalt WOODi'OtfD, OKLA. Yourdnquiricsand patronage solicited if interested in rock asphalt for paving purposes, refined asphalt for roofing, etc. Write lor prices, and samples. Shipping point Ardmore The Ardmore Sanitarium Miss Hinds has charge ot training school for nur.sf's. Kcceivoi? both mcdicnl nnd surgical pa tieiiis. Thoroughly modern in every particular. Special opera1 ing room. Good sorvico, terms reasonable. The medical profession solicited. DHS. HARDY, VON KEI.LKR & HENRY Ardmore, Oltla. Grand Avenue Hotel AMERICAN PLAN GUY V. FERGUSON, Prop. Most centrally located hotel in Oklahoma. Klegant cafe in connection. 1 lie best of Service. Okiahoma City, Okla. We Will Contract To do all your plumbing work, froni mending n small leak to supplying nil the labor and materials fur tho plmblng of au ontiro building. Those who have employed our services 01 bought plumbing supplies from us nro our best references. Their tcf tlmony will show that wo rlvo every body tho squnrest of squaro deals. WEEKS BROS. Smu'l A, VWrlt, .Succritnr 8. Washington fit. Phono 7!) ' T. N. COLEMAN ... THE CITY DRUGGIST .... Telephone . 9 W. Main St. READ ARDMOREITE WANT ADS f1- 4