Newspaper Page Text
PftQE SIX THE DAILY ARDMOKEITE Ardmot Monday, January 4, 1909 United States Depository Oklahoma State Depository City Depository Ardmore National Bank fajilil, Serplos i Mifian! liabililifi $250,000 If t Inn hank In a snfn plneo (or I'm rity, state and tuition to deposit their funds It In n safe plnco (or the lamier mul busl noss mull to Uih' lili funds. THY IT LEE CRUCE, President 0. IV. STUART, Cashier GIVE HIM A I ' K i I I I 1 I I I mmL KUIV For n Christmas gift Tlu-y please tlu mun and lio will like it. p.W, $(U0, $7.50 and S'.I.OO sots complete. Extra blades carried in stock Stevens, Kennerly & Spr;.!ins Co. lf IV TUT WAV V With a resolution to havi' Ihto after only the best Hour. Put your resohi into practice by or doniiK a sack of Hij: Hand Hour today You'll find it bakes moro to the pound and produces bet t i bread, cake and pastry than anv jnu have ever used. Don't ( nx. i tli. naiiio, Wig Hand Hour 1 :i ii my imitators. TYLER X SIMPSON COMPANY i j.M.ile Dmiributort Wolverton Son O i i Aui must relli&lo ab stractor in Carirr county Send to us fur abatraeti anywhere la Oklahoma. We alao cite cclono aud Ore lui'iraoce. Wo arn bonded abstracter. ARDMORE, OKLA. COMPARE OUR OCflVICt WITH OTHERS. ! Poatal Ttlagraph CiliU Co. 4 l N Waahllixtti Bt ThI Nu. II. dubscribo for the Ardmorelta. IN THE WOE WITH MECH LO ANiCS EVES I I'iiIi l.i.tu- ii I .1 I III. Inn Hi' .nlii I i i iff I.10 llll). -i;il.- f.i'i al km of IiiImii Mil It1 inilii i in Ninth llik'HH by spring. ' ll la CBliillHtflU Unit tlli'ln are nl- most K.VOOl) unemployed In Chicago. III. OwIiik lo a wage dispute inon men lui.- Htriirk at l.nrmoigule Collier Hi. KIiimmMhIi Villi . Wales. n at (erupt to fKtalilliih i itmnlrl m brewery In Ii' rlln reaultiil In n !illnHl failure. It itlit plenty of bus iness, llllt IHHt money. A aeneral Increase f practically 2." Mr cent In their wage ecale Is il mini 1 1 In tli' National Window I (i In .-ik Worker. Of ::, dentil of sailor oceurrlna in Hi' iwrU-lK't- of an ImlUMfrlnl In "iirai'cc tvimpnuy, 1". 6 per fi'iii were III- l MCOilll'lltn. Tlii' formation of Women AiixIIIh i I iiIiiiih III I hi' IbIhii- movement ih niiiill liiM'omliiK popnliir (or It Heel nil till' IllM'l propaganda. Census report covering the year I'.MIO to ltMii show Hint out or over I Oilii.iHM) deaths of male, more t li tt ii !i per cent Aero due to iiccltictits. In the rci'i'iit referendum ot( la Ken bt tin bakers, a proM)lllon lo UlCrcllse till' HUlnl'ioH Of till Interna- tionnl officers mul make (lii payini'til of a sick tiul di'iilli li.'iii'flt compili ng was ili'frHli'tl. l'ln iiiuly output of llrltlsh Kit- lti. of Hih value or n'.o.oou.oon ' i mploi iik ISI.iilS pi'ruoim. Twolio I'lilliou dollar worlli of tin- product 1 1 ihi ii'J annually. a.:es an1 to In ti'iluofil In tin" I north of Kuglnml manufactured Iron jund stool triuli' by ii cent pi'r Inn on puddling anil 2'4 per cent on othir forgo niiir mill workers' wages. Tin' lluolypi oporotor gets nn av erage of nearly 71' rents an hour In Chicago, III., wllljl HI'tM hint up UH the ktiiK-plu of nil the Aincrlenu labor world In the matter of wages. Halt Inline, Mil., ha the linhnnnrcd fuistlnctlun o( payliiK the lowest to women workers of any oily In the country, lis., eight cents an 'our to tobacco HtetuiuiirM. A campaign In to be started In San Kiani'iHco, Cnl., In behalf of the : w'mim'ii em yloj eil iih clerliH In Mtoreti with a view to Hecurt) better wiigen j. mil iiiuilltloiiH lor them. Tlie now Labor Mlnlntiy In the j ('.niM'iwiuealtli of Aumtnillu have ilt ' i .i nJ to avoid Heumttlntml IckIk i'ivii iIiIh netiou, or even an at i i,i in ipieKtlou of llll'He policy. . niiipai lnon hIid iliat hh re . I wiiKex, Hit ratiH paid In (he I Si. (ten Hie xlartlllijlly IllKliel' i i (ireat illrltiilii. the tlirferene' ini; from si) tu 'Jnti per i-ent more t ii Imh been reeonuni.MiiIed thut a ' ' department of lubor be ih j'l.'lisiinf m Knainml, presided over ,i iniiiiHii'r, witii a Heat In I lie . .iiiiii. t i lui'neil u tt h the dlreelloli of ' .ii li'ior whii'h Iiiim not iictn .il sietii, im t, oitmai i iui'm ami HOW TO BREAK UP A BAD COLD A REMEDY WITHIN REACH OF ALL. Pleasant and Safe to Tako No Loss of Tiuie --AU Danjjer of PneuruoaU Avoided. It niir bi a .urpri to our rvvlon to h'Hfii tluit :i M'Vi-o i"'!d rm in nuiiy in utiiio'H ln iiiiipli'tcl brnlti'ii up in oi'io or in i iIjivh tiuii T i do tln, hiiHvvcr, prompt n-iimi i nivt'Miiry, 'l'lu- tirt vinploiiM of i ti.lil .ire n dry, Imi.l outli, a preiiM w:i. -ry iliM-lurm- fntiu l!u HUM-, .mil .i thin wlnin iHMttiiiK on ilie t.'iigiu'. 'i lu'ii t hiuii. U'rhiin h ( "ugh lC-uttt v it Iii'mmi In double Jomii ererv hour nfwr ilm (lot npN'ar.iiu-o "f lln- Kiu.pii'tiK, it will cniinti'r.H't the 'll t of the cold and n-ittoro the Thtt t.i a hi'iillhy unhlilion wiiliin nuo or two days' time, in aliiiiHt evi-ry , ami nliru i'Iib mill ii imt iiiinpli'toly oiinil In lbl lime, iu Hi-viTiiv will b, srt j'ty lei. J and a "in-pi-t('iiniii4"riina vrry uli iritime. Whrn a. tu n tuwinl curing tlio rold U t-ilifii, .lieiln, loud iNn:i; U fiUnwiil by a pml'iic waii-rvejKMiurulieii,niid by 'a ilillicillty in bri-iiiliiiu', n jtvnliu li)jhtniM ol the lnt ii'id a aliclit ciKVloMlioii of t ry '.mih n d teiiai cmh niui'iio. I ew ihTm iii i.iy uuy iiltt'iilinu Inn mid nnlil n tl iiin lition, tlut i., nut, I the oM liss Uvmip M-tlliil in llm nrini, 'J'lie lirt :iitiniiHhinld nc In relievi llio limo Mii i t. no .'in pliOuil bv tlie fnv ue of i'hamlK'rlain'H i.ii l Ib'Mitily. ThU remedy liiiiii'tioi tlu toiitjh mill ,m mid i.iii-im i I'SpiiVion frmn the air tvIN nf ilu luiici, pimln.v.i a frv i iKS'tr:itiini, aud oik'im the Mvrvtiuitv A coinph'tor.iiu mhiii fiillnwH. In Hune ca'i", liuwi ver, m vitiI ilaisnio uipiinxl, but tlio t'UH'rienro of iIioikiihIh of ihthoih in tlie tm of this reuii'ilv IhuIm'oii tliat it will cure a M'vere nild in h i liiuo th in anv other treati.ietit, ;unl that it losvet the rtem in a natural ami healthy condition, Till remedr alo pieventii a cold from renitltint; It) pueu moui.1 I'rico lio cent, laruu ue 50 tenia. cent, large sue 50 tents. ' OF INDUSTRY YWKERt 'lilt a pi'l'li .1 tu -tl ' ittn jIi i" bo m t up l I The iirilini-liii'iit iimmi:'' of i n (leneial 1'i' lei atlnn ol' Ti.ld' I !. Ill (ireat f Iri I ;i I it hua Inaiinl a in.ini f''to In which all the trade iliilutii aro ml vln'-il to Inmliuct their mi m 'org to refune to work owitlnio AluniiK nut mid bolt worker in I I'enimybHiilu the r"tuni of the rhlpf (actory limp-ciiir kIiowh tlml la tn iici'lili'tit inle I in t n ten yeatu to lnne liei ii ."I per cent, ami In niN rellaueouH uteri aud Ii on unik Kr 1.000. A penalnn fllhil for tile benefit of dlwibleil mlnerw, to bn niiiluliilm" t Jointly by llii'lii liieni ami operatntH Hml of which the Ktnte will be I run tee, will be pi (i of ul lo the i.i.t Indiana It-Kfatliit ti r. The Initial ntp him been taken looklitK to the enactment of tt law by tlie .Mlniieaotii loKlHlatitre requlr lux that nil moat cutter be subject lo an examination an to their tptall flcatlotiH luTore u board appointed by the Htntc aullinrltlcH. A conference of I? delcKateH fioin trnderii' toMioclatloiiH In an, I around Ismdon linn Just formed a Uimloti mill Suburban TradeiH' Kederntlon. which many local iiHHoclatiomi rep- renentlim L-OO truilcHiueu, have al ready Joined. HeportH from the Keneral office of the ClKiir MnkerH' Union ulnnv that nhirliiK the fUe moutliH that the out- of-work roKlntor was open dutlim thii current year the payment of out- of-wtirk benefltH amounted to $I.V00i u moutli. Diii'Iuk ono month the iimount paid reuuhed JI!.lH)o. Ofthe more than :I0 1100 wa(e earn eis killed by accident In the coiithi1 of a jour It Nhoiild not be impossibb to nave at leant oue-thlrd. pet haps one-half, by iutelll;eut ami rational inelhodH of factory Inspection, loln latlou imj control. It Is n-iMirted b the Not thumber hind, KliKland, inlneiH to abollnh piecework In milieu. The matter Is to ho hmilKhl otTiclally lnfoie the next annual conference of the Na tional I'Yderatiou of .Mtitcix. It Is a momentous proposal, for a mod deal of the miners' work Is done on the piece-work system, it Is pin point! to Introduce a bill into put Ma im tit to prohibit it. Of thoe employed in factories an I woikMliops probably the most c poed clans are the workers In lion and steel. Itopoits of !M,h; accidents of tills clatiit of wolkmcu diil'lm; the earn ltini to l!m:, show that I I per cent of the acclditits to tin u cmpln ed in rollliiK mills i emitted taially Theie are fi.OOO.onil skilled uoik ers iu tin-iit llrltain, of wluuii 10 per cent lire totally or paiilall un einployed. For every sMIIer work iihiii out of employment two unskilled men are woikleHM. Kveiy w inker rep ii'Mi iUs a family of (he. Skilled work ers unemployed, rU0.iil)l); unskilled, 1 .000.0110; their (.Utlllles OOO.OilU; to- Ml. 7.roo,ooo. In the anthracite mines of I'.un .vhiuil.x the slate luspcclois hae round that diti'liiK leu ears theie have aveniKetl annually ?,.ls fatal ac cidents (or eery l.uoo men emplovid mul the rales een higher than this for certain specific occupations It' the mines. That this is excessive la shown by comparison with the death rale from accident of I. I'll per cent Iu the Ilt Dish coal mines. l-ilior In Mexico Is not mlciiuale to the demand of the country's expand Iuk Imliistrleis. Theiefore. the einlra i mil to the I'tilieil States, thouuh It withdraws from the labor market but a small fraction of the total supply In huvllIK a ilecIJcd Influence hpon waa-ftf Not oulv does it make the existing shortane more negte Imt the Influence of the many retuiniiiK cm iKl'.Uits litis nlieady been to educate local labor to hi slier waxe demamls Don't Get a Divorce. western judge granted a divorce oil account of 111 temper and badj Mr Itooseielt began his phrase breath lr King's Nen Life Pills , making before he became president, would hate preiented It They cure I( .1(Il,rHfS Illfoiv , am,ton i.' nsii iiiiiiio causing oati nre.iin. ami t.r Trouble the 111 t.inper. dispel colds, banish headaches, compter chills 2 "ie ,u Vdmoio Pliartn.iei d X w ALBATROSS That's the- name ot the beat old In Ardmore. flout WE CAN DO YOUR GAS FITTING "RIGHT NOW." Don't wait until it gets cold again. Phon 60. Ardniore Supply Co. Subscribe for ttie Ardmoretta. PHRASES MADE ROOSEVELT SQUARE DEAL" ONLY ONE OF V ANV THE PRE5IRENT POPULAR ROOSEVELT OVER ACTIVE "Undesirable CitlienV "Muckrak crt' "Strenuoua Llfs," "Dig Stick." and Mollycoddle Are j few Frcm the List ftecalled. Washington, .Ian. I. .lames I li ve, mote that tin. Iimis.- o fconiiiiu, seemed empty after (ilinlslone ift it And WashliiKton won't seem tli same city ' ufter March I when It will no lonip'r (eel the reMless and ceiidelesH activity of Theodore Itoose velt. Mr. Taft U expectej to make a meat preslileut. but lie iloe.n't hup- pen to be Interested In all known phases or human ncthlty. It 'Isn't supposed (bat he will be able At converse with eipinl enthusiasm with cowboy, naturalists, prize flutters. artists and historians. Hill President ItiMtsevelt'H departure wont be regarded with unnilxml ro Kiet In Washington. He has Kot a liace that a city permi-ated with tra ditions has found hard to keep up with. congressional committee was no Inn over the ipii'sllon of nddltloiial liiarters for certain government de partments with Colonel '. S. llrotn well the other day. llromwell Is the officer In cli.nm- of public InilhlliiKX ami Krouuils. A cleer Idea struck n member. Why not use the old, unsightly l'euiisylvaula railroad sta tion that was ahamlomxi a few mouths iiko? "Impossible." said the colonel. "1 tore It down last summer." Tore It down?" sasped the nston - . , . . islied committee, "t'otieress s'hoilhl have passed on the question. Who save ufli the authority?" "The president nrilen-l It lorn dowri," replied the placid llromwell. 'He said it was In the way." Ten persons realize to which this man In has affected the dally count i y. The IiIk thlims the extent Washington life of lh he has done liaxe I n widely eonimi'itti- on his Influence for n higher moral stand aid, for the squate deal and for abat ing the woishlp of the dollar. Hut consider such ,i minor thin as the use nf words. The! o ate scoies of expressions that have passi d Into the dally lire of the country Just because Kootie telt has giv.'ii them virality. Most or tin in piobable bale been llsi-l before. He took them wherever he found them. Hut It was the pecullai I'm- he put them to thntm.lde them live. A gtoup standing on other night of conespondetits was I'euns.vlvatila avenue tlie wailing for a street car to the capltol. "1 could wish." one ot them said, "that some malefactor of great wealth would come along ami lake Us up I hee" Th. "malef.ictor of great wealth" has been made u public character . by the ptesldeiit along with the "unde sirable cltli'lis " Pi nimbly the most effect lie mid j lasting phrase Is the square deal. H j was a whole sermon In Itself and j when t caught the attention of thej country thj regime of special prlvb lege wa doomed. So far a can be leaitii'd the phrase was fltst ued In a si eh at Spriugrield. III., on July I. i:m:i The pnsldent said: "A man who Is good enough to shed his blond for his country is goid enough to be given a fquarc deal altetward. More than that no man Is entitled to, less than that, no man shall hate." i , , . ,,. . , . ,, l,llb l,f fMrailo iu IMS he said: "I wish to preach, not the doctrluo of lituoble ease, hut the doctrine of the strenuous life." "Mollycoddle" appeared In nn ad dress to the Sphinx club of Hartard. "Muekiakers" or rather the modern application or Hunyan's man with the muckrake- was used In an ad dress in Washington nearly thtee years ago. It was September 2. 1901. Just before McKInley's assassination, that he quoted Iu a speech In Min neapolis the oil proverb "Speak sofHy mid carrj a big stick you will go far" "Nature Fakers" was the tl- BY tie of an article hp Oonli ilmt, il to 'in' hi? "Hit the line hard lloti'i toil I 'Ml il"!, I sill! ll. llllt llll the .. ''.ii'l ' w ,s Ii s adi lee lo school'.ilH, Hit .ifo fnlN to Kit il i 'in ;i!eti lli'i of his saylncs that hae o.ii.'. I In the p lllbr Ci'liscloiisiie." - W' il.!ine." "eraveti," "t.ic" suable l a letni of I'rof. J. A. Hons', imt jfoiotten until tll presldnit wiote his letter on the nibjecl "a shorter ami ilKller onl " ilsir at b ast ib early as mime ecclesiastic's contio versy lth Hob Innersoll a ipiarter of a c. ntury nno "wlckiil falsehood. ''," "dellnhttsl." ami the Scrip titi-H I "ilghtiKiuntiesH that oxnlicth a nutloii." The lint days of an administra tion that lma mi liupiosin-l- Itself on the Amerlcati liniiKlmitlnu cannot fall to bear a tlnne of regret to Ihow who are walehliiK tlieiie last two mouths of Koonevclt. i.ndy bin nisi iiiit not with a vial hie burner like the Direct Act'on Kns slovta hav that nre sold by Kearney. ltf ONCE THREATENED WAR ? AN OLD DISPUTE BETWEEN ENG LAND AND UNITED STATES IS SETTLED. Washington, Jan. i, After many . months of neRotlatlons Secretary Hoot and Mr. llryctv thu Ilrltlsh am bassador, formally have nBieeil on the three main ipiestlons that have for so oIiik been at Issue botwcLMi Cleat llrltalu and the United States uffectliiK Canada ami Newfoundland which more than once have threat ened the stability mid kooJ relations between this Kovuriiiucut and thnt of (ireat llrltalu. The .'iKreoment takes the form of .three draft treaties, which have been submitted for the assent of the Im perial government an, im. acquies cence of the KKvernments of Canada mid New foiimllaiul. These three questions are submission to the lliieee of the Interpretation of the 1 t .11 i lif Itiitt cvlltr t.i Mwt-li.fin l ,, . . , . ... ,, ., cltlxcns rlulits in common with llrlt Ish subjects In the fisheries of New foundland; the control of Internation al waterways and the proper dlstilbu button of water to be used for powet purposes from Niagara Falls, and the settlement of outstanding p Titulary claims. hen these treaties have been rat ified hy the s'-uale, un-b the ndmluls t rat Ion Is very hopeful that Hie sen ate will intiipDse no obstacles fo their speedy ratification, there will be no sreat questions to ex dip lomats on either sUe of the Inter national boundary line or to disturb , the harmony of the cordial relations now existing b 'tween the raited States ami (ireat Mrltaln. Mr. Itryce. In the short time In which he has been In the t'nlted States, will have erected for him self a great monument and will have camel thu thanks of both countries for the services he bus performc!'. Secretary Hoot Is entitled to equal praise. Brave Fire Laddies, often receive severe minis, putting out fires, then uso Ducklln's Arnica Salve and forget them. It soon driven out pain. For Hums, Scalds. Wounds, Cuts and Itrulses It's earth's greatest healer Quickly cures Sklu Krnptlotip, Old Sores. Hulls, fleers, Felons; best File cure made Heller Is Instant. 'J.'ic at Ardniore Pharmacy. d & w WEEK OF PRAYER UNION RELIGIOUS SERVICES WILL qe HELD FOUR NIGHTS THIS WEEK SERVICES WEDNS. The Pastom' association of the city met yeitenlay morning and decided to make ttie week beginning J.'iiunry I, a week of prayer. All the ciituih.Hi will meet In umn "ttlciw during '.hi' week. Moi'.iv 'lig'n li'J nu ,.i: will be held at he I'l-'sbyterlan ehi'ib, with Hef. J. A. Wynno as leader on Tuesday night it the Hroadwny Meth odist rhiiruh with Hcv. II. G. Connel ly as leader. Wednesday night, each oh a roll will hold Its own pmyor ser vice nt Its own place of worship; on Thursday night Uio meeting will bo held with the ChrLstluti church and Rev W II Hoper will be the lender; Friday night the service will be held at the IMptlst church with Ur. Welth ' , ivs leader, All religious fieople of every denomination nrxt cordially Invited to Lit end each of thes services. Many little lives have been saved by Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. It Is the only safe remedy for Infants mid children as It contains no opiates or other narcotic drugs and children like Foley's Honey nnd Tor. Catvful mothers keep n bottle In the house, Refuse substitutes. Sold by all drug gists, d L w THE KING lif I DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR COUGHS and COLDS. FOR WEAK, SORE LUNGS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, HEMORRHAGES AND ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES. PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I regard Dr. King's New Discovery aa the grandest medicine of modern times. One bottle completely cured me of a very bad cough, which waa steadily growing worse under other treatments. EARL SHAMBURG, Codell, Kas. PRICE 50o AND Sl.00 3 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C ARDMORE CHRISTMAS Will soon bo hero und wo are fjoing to have a bigger and butter stoclc than ever before. No old stuff car ried over. We would aprreciate your December groc ery account. Prompt service and courteous trout men t our ir-otto. Felker, The Grocer P. S. Just received a car of our Celebrated "Queen of the Pantry" Hour. MONEY To Loan on Farms Per cent Money paid when papers arc signed. No commission or examination charges. Gorman and Bogie Insurance nntl Loans Over City Nat'l Uank. PI one 50 Ardmore, Oklahoma Notice of Sale. In the District Court for Carter County, State of Oklahoma, at Aril more. Molly It. (Jwlnn, plaintiff, vs. O. A. Drain, Ciuardlan for Thos. Andrew Drain, Defendants, Notice Is neretiy given that In pur suance of an order of this court on the 21st day of December. 1908, In thu case of Molly It. O.ttlnn vs. (5. A. Drain, Guardian for Thos. An drew Drain, minor, pending In the District Court of Carter County. Ok lahoma, nnd being nn nctlon for a partition of lot number One In Hlnck 2112 In thu City of Ardniore, Carter County, Oklahoma, I will offer for sale and sell for cash to the highest bidder said lot number One In Hlock 2:12 In the City of Ardniore. Carter County. Oklahoma, at twelve o'clock noon, on tho 22ml day of January, 190!, In front of the Court house In the City of Ardniore, In anld County and State. Witness my hand this the -lftt day of December, 190S. J. II. AKKHS, Sheriff of Carter County, Oklahoma. 22-1 whs. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Tho regular meeting of tho stockholders of the l'lrst Na tional Hank of Ardniore, Okla., will be held In tho offices ot the bank during legal hours on tho second Tuesday in Jan uary, 1009. which Is tho ISth of tho month. Said meeting Is to to be held for the purpose of electing directors for tho ensu ing year. C I ANDBRSON, Cashier. It tJttOtttttJttttOB OF CURES PHARMACY Per cent k u li U it : a rt tt tt PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. tt a tt tt tt tt t: tt tt 11 it :i tt tt :t tt n LAWYER8. L C. Pottorf. B. A. Walkor. POTTERF & WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Ardmore, Okla. M. F. WINFREY " Attorney at Law. ustlco of tho Peace Notary Publlo looms 14 and 16, Noble Uldg. r'honos: Rest 830 bluo. Office. 166. CAPT. J. R. PULLIAM Justice of the Peace. Koouia In Pcnulngtou& Slmms Uldg. Compiler Indian Jhas. J. KappJer. Chas. II. Morilllal Compiler "Indlnn Active Court Laws and Treaties" PractlUouer. KAPPLER A MERILLAT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Practleo before, all Courts; On tress. Government departments and Commissions. Indian 'Cases a sDe dal'y. Office Bond Uld'g, Washington D. O. PHY8ICIANS. FREDERICK P. VON KELLKR, M. O. Surgery, Eye, Kar, Not and Taraat yes accurately fitted wit Olasaca, 'Phoaes: Offlaa 141, Besides 44. ARDMORE SANITARIUM Drs. von Keller, Hardy & "Henry. Uodern equipment for tho scteotlOa 'xeatment of all surgical cases. Trained nurses In attendancco. Ardmore. Okla. W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary 8urgton. Ardmore, Okla. Orrice: ttail h's IJvery Bars, Phone 125. ARCHITECTS). W. A.Tailett T. W. Myall TACKETT V MYALL 1 ARCHITECTS Wlaa 1st BlBsa-PenaiBataa Aramore, Okla.