Newspaper Page Text
irdmorc Monday, January A, 1903 ar t With after your derm Kerry Xmas and Happy New Year t W c h p to hi'c V . (arc at our store of t r in i'o. Santa Claus I i t Ik pciftime depart i ' it it our ht"i'. CJcL Phone 618 ('has. KerntT. up-to-date mc it market. ! kill my own meats and furnish the very best satisfac tion guaranteed. Give me a trial. LEE'S SEEDS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO TIIK SOI I'll They .in- ill ways aatlafnctory , Special at tention given to Mull Order. Write for our M0!i catalogue Arthur G Lee SEED MERCHANT Ft. Smith, - - ArK. Stree Pavements 151 A rd more i Mtl.i , Asph Ut Mines. Shelby-Downard & Co. .rown&Bridgnian 'Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmcrs rpcat hne r-f Funeral Goods in Oklahoma. Holiday Fares to till- Old States III tllK Southeast Will lll ERY LOW THIS YEAR today you -'Xpect to ma ki- at rip pint t! till' 111 Santa .t(l''iit he t M' lir'1 ' ' 'I""1' ou "oli- 1 r. t .in. I i Tram V" . Or. Mr.-, f'JrTi t i Is i i s i ' TYLl : IwBjjjfck EXP OU E N C C 'SEES c Marks Oisi.ns U !;n - tt if a a V r r f r la w rt all itrac,,, u H',X a H ' ai vw. IM pl ai - 'ftiei ' 'nail f, Willi ul 1 ientific American. I ii if i.Untrixl rlif I an,t r'r. CClGu f ai. wntil ld Vumal. 'Irn r luonltl, L rVlll.rall MHlfU IN&Co.3C,BreiuU"HewYofk yVjKU OI3i. It! I St. Wi.lilU4l.-l. I. NON-TAXABL AN LAN AUOINT Of THi'j RESERVATION LAROER THAN StPPO'jED. FOR REMOVAL RESTRICTIONS There are In Thle itete Oute,t the Olii and Five Civilized Tribe a TaVll of 2.1J7.W3 Acre ef Lara Nt-t Toablt. W...II1M-I.II tin I Th amount I i,,,, I,. I .UK. to .ervKtl iv. (mn'iniia .in.) i tlitmfore .1 ';i'.l. mi. I lilt no part l tk i ! i: i.r u i ,iiint I mufti 1. umi t! an i K rnl!y KilpiOM'il 1 1 ' . imp f i h- i-rfttoim tkat ih o:,iliom ronrmlonl -Virtu tlon ami Hip wrn-lnry of th . prior an1 iIi-hIi'iiuh of iM'Kliiiitiix Immnllatfly to thm rpttrlrilon from th litniln o tho Iwllan wbo arc comrM tmit to bunillr their own nfTtr. 1'hcrc Hr In the tMt .ruitnldf of ilio. Omi( itl thf five cIvIIIjioiI trltwii twi'iity nHMTvntloim with k total of 2.137.533 tirrp of ltV. noni1 of lil;h In riiIuM or tHxuhlc Hi thlR tlmi. The i!heyi'niic hihI ArajKiho nr viitlnti rontalti fil.0S2 non atlottiM 'o .:,2'.il Imltanii; Iowa wwl Tonka wiin. It. CSS iirrfii ami 1(1" Inillutii": KmisiiN roHfi valliui. '.t;i.S77 arrt' anil '.'17 IihIIhiih; KIkii-K. 22. .".20 arn-a itinl 2K3 ItiKJIans. KIowhh anil Coin-aiichi-. 113,3.1s arrf, 2,75!i Indlnnn: 1'iinkavtMN. ll.27:t n'ti'm miuI 7:: In iIihiim: Otoi-, 127.711 ncrf and Ml IihIIhiih: I'Hwxifen. 112.S."i!i acre iviid M'l linllnn; I'oni-HK. ini.O.'in aon-a and 711 IihIIiuiii; 1'nltn'Antoinli-n Mini Mmi-tit Shaw ni'fK. 2St'..l7il ai-ri-a and 2. n."i2 Indlnna; Sap twnl Kox. S7.r.s!3 acrt-M and ulS Indlaim: Wlrhltaa. 1 52. !!)! iicr.-H an'! tld. Indiana; MihIocm. :'..;7i'i acri'H and US Indbina: Ottawaa, 12 711 arrr-a to 1.17 Indiana: l'orliiN. i:'..l.'il ncica to 218 Indiana; Qnaw iiih r0.'2 tr acra and 217 Indians: SiMicoiiM. 2"i.S2l aci-oa to 302 IndlaiiH: Slinwni'ia 10, IS I ncroa tn 81 Indiana: and the VyarfStla. 211.095 ai-n-a to 211 Indian. 'I'h Im amount of untataldt- laud adil- .1 t.i th tn million aonw In thf u. rlvillaod trllH-K and th Oasa nailiMi tnakca i Ri'Minl total of over twi hr million Hcri that Klvia not in' (nl of aunKiri to the alntt' Km .riinifiit. K K'h of thi rHirHtlona numiid ia iimli r 1 hr atiMrvldon of an IihIIhii lviiiv or an Indian arhool auiHrin-i.-icli'iit Tlln aiMifial ilky of the u"vi'mi!ih nt nof Ib to rdiic thi' t ml linlit l-riKH of Ihf IndianH to a mill .'i UL- Intint'aicail anl make th n--ni. im. Ut of thi- land Hsilaldi' and t:iaiili. THE MARKETS AS RECElf.D fcV THE ROVORE ITE EVERY AFTERNOON SY TELEOPAPM COTTON. Lierpcl Future I.hiiiMNd, lit, I Tt.- j !: (ottott fMlli: toiijv- -a-aa. Cr I "iimh ! ibi Cloa Ya. Ian VvU li .!' 1 , K4Mar .1-1 l4 IM Mar Apr . i l i "2 l vj't Toni tiuM f.rrn : 2 ni. firm: I t'hwiM atwady , Liverpool Spots. , Mpot, firm, mil 5 07: aalai Ift.'WO. Amrli n 1 1 rweipia 'OH. Ann-Hi an r,'j mmi j WANTS 3 LINES 3 TIMES 3 DIMES i .i .r tin ' u n c mil 1 1 ,iij New York Futures. S'-w Voik N V, Ian I Cotton i fut.irr oiifd fry atHHilv. clnm-d vy ata!v Thi- tatiRH of cut ton ftttiin-a tinlM 'Adi. ciose Opon I Ilath Ijw Today Vust May ..O.lta tiOl S.'j'i v ICS'S I Ja ,..o:; tt.or. s.'xi s'x:-: Mar ..'.ion 'iiil S'.M s '.i2!i:i S.!i5 New Vork Spots, Snrrt market ijiili-t and itiirtitMiasfd : tnlil, !i:i.'; no hkIi'h ii'iorttil New Orleans Futures. Sow Orh'atiH. I.a . .lua. I. Cotton ftitnr nii'tiiil very ati'iidy. rloacd atoady. The ranK of artlvu fit lures today was: J Close Onon HIrIi Iiw Today Yost .Ihii ..!i.07 !.o7 .S.'oi S.'.i5!h; .Mar ..!i,07 lt.10 S.!t$ A.iiS'in May . !t 17 !l IS !i 0d H Oi; o7 New Orleans Spots. SmiI market attinlv and itiieliniiK' til; mid. S 7S. aalea l.'.'n: f. o. Ii. H!00; on contrnrt 7mi GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Chlcaoo Grain. ChlCHKO, III. Jan. I-Tlie follow InK Is tho raiiRC of tho actlvo ft! turea on tho ChlcaRo Hoard of Trade today: Close Opr-n Illsh Low Today Yost Wliont May HI7H 10iK, 107, l(IS-i;li OST; .In Iv . .W 'Hli !tM. w lnii Kept ..iir.Vi !I5 !t7K HS 11171 Corn May ..i!IU. ill '4 f. iKHtali ispja Inly . .rtl i!l lip,, t!ln He,,t ..en, i;2 r.Ii'i C.M Data May . .T.I i fil. r.i, .-,17; 51" July ..1!. ir,i.', -t;i-4 Hut ..sun :sm Kin miUj I-'ird Jan lfi35 1C.I7 lfi.::.1 1.5.17 1(522 I'ork Jan . .'.150 ti.vr i.r,(l H.55 0.15 Itlbs-. s I'l s 17 .Ian S 10 s 15 S 311 Weddlnq at Pauls Valley. I'iiiiU VaHoy. Okla.. Jan. 4. Mar ( rleil Snmlay immittw in this ritv, Mr Tom M (Itinltai of Oiilvttou. T't j and Mlaa M ir i:inln. CoUmikui. ltev K I". (illliUII of SttMvtietlVille, TfX . fH-IMt ItlK. Mlsa i.'oMtian la hwuhhiK m'1iimi at M.ih4tu antl wHt flnkh her whool it k then ixIkmi alio will Join her li'isltMiid, lio r ;ituiHlhir Iti'turea a' Hi Htni.. m.illool rulta of Tena. PIPE LINE CONTROVERSY If j on will tali"' Foley'a ttrlno m tiive until the I(iIh beeomo reKiilar 1 111 not !i ie t t.'ikf imriiativea c iin'iiniti . a l'oliM'a Orinn'.ve hi.IImv riin rtinmle eotittl,it lop ii 'I ' imr r I"', t . 111 . ,. t.ik.. r i . ii I i i ii a u PRAIRIE OIL AND GAS COMPANY DUSY SECURING RIGHT OF-WAY THROUGH SEVERAL COUNTIES. WANTED WIKII l ! l . 1 i Ml Ml U.llltJ 111 lat "1 Kltll- ft ll'llll! Kill Kl'ld ill!m !' Weil., c") H roll- a'alit i r.l 'tre tin in Ts ! at-lioiui hfnp ttH'ludea lonla. deiuoiiatraMiiiia, u-i atnlnalloiiii .mil dlihmuM Write fur , OHttiloKut. .Moler Ilarber Coll'-xi. .' Kaixaa I'it, Mo. , 3C A NfT:TTt"tiirdtj): a embolic! MeliHfliiall ua loeal repreatintatlve. tse reipilit' u ieraon of 'iMra;yl and will Illy for tho itoalion. Salary j $ls per weik write at once for, imttlctllnr-i. Tin- Holy fublUhlnj; . Co, 323 lifarliorti St.. Chlcano. Ill i 3 FOR RENT. KOil HI. NT Three ,m, nn'-hd r'.'n for l.ght h-'Usckiip i,b, fur tiNti, .1 with nua. Apply Mrs llul,, loinei Heci nd axt'tiuf and A aire t, N. W. l'hone 452 blue. 27 tf KOH KENT Kitttit im lioun- vlr-v In, electro IK'litH, ku. "er. utul Ia41i. Mel vnntV Iioiim; and ii.itu W. i Dltxler. 4 J PTfTT'KfJK'T-l-Si rn7sheoT''7ouni s, oi. modern convenlencus, close It. Phone 116, V. It. Roberts. IStf FIRST STATE BANK Artlnioif, Oltlnhoiiui 1909 h Ut SfniuU OlfcefS fo Ihr I'orapldeSilisljdian. tfiD,Sfnr ho Likewise. IK) IS THE NEW YEAR Ih at Imml It's about Linn to turn our a new leaf, to make nine K(i(l resolution. W b not re ole to atari out January with n lunik ait omit .' Hum bank will welcome otl iih a tlepONltor, will iiplireeiati' vour linaincas, will pay mmi 1 per cent intercut on jour iiioiikv, and oll are protected by the t'i'ioHltora' (iliarnnt 1 utul of the .State ot UWIaholiia. WANTKli Two linmirej medium ai.e aecond-hati ! ciaik atovm and hatera. Mul be xomid. no break will pay amt cnali. Send full ad dreaa und deserilitloll of atovea to H. IJ. Moore l-tirnlttne Company. Wavahachle. Texan. l-3t WA'N'TKD Toinaktryou farm loans, ipiick action, no delay, reasonable rate of Interest. O. It. Chancellor, over Ultiilcr Dry Goods Co. lOtf WANTKOl'TwIUinTl t iMKikkii'iMT IU'fiTonce Addresa Helen K. Itrock, 22 Mill atreet. 1-3 WANTKD To "ibf your aewlnic-nnd wanhlnc Mrs I II. Scarbeiry, 1313 Fifth avenue, northeast. 1-3 WWNTKllHnoardera by frs" WllllaniR. nil lU'd. l"y 131 II atrcet S. W. Phono 1-3 todav. It e niK a fair bid- for aomi pipe line eoniiKiny to come In audi tet a pipe line rlKht-of-wtiy under! more favorable lotidltlnnH than thine now operating. As tho Parlrle Oil ami (!na coinpiuiy la pretty bttav KettiiiK rlRht-of-wny through several j counties from county commlaalonerH. j it would appear that thla company will be the one that will be first to call the departments proposition j with nil application to build a new i line Oil producer aru urKliiK Hum kS'piirtment to make roKUlatltms auchi that some pl- line couiiany will I hilild a line to Rive them relief ) tl'rtliiK in llmellKlit j OH HRNT Two upstalis office room. Apply H A. .lonea Furniture 8tor. ia tf PUR nihTrTr-PuTiiTbhed" "downstat s room, within two blocks of Main street. ,1'htmo Gil. FfJIfTlKNT :-Nlce 'in ni'n t"l i Titi7. 115 V. Uroadway. Phon.: 117. 3 .'! FOR BALK. I FOR SAI;K My farm consisting of 230 acres. 100 acres in cultivation i bulance In pasture and timber, close j to Wheeler oil fields. Call or write J. H. Hector, Healdton, Okla. 22d&w lino j FOIl KXCIIAXC.I-: A nlco farm to exchange for good work horses or mules. Iiiipilre Ilurwell & Dexter, An more, Okla. 3.3 FOH SAI.i; Old iiaticrs, good to go under carpets, paper the walls otl your rooms or make warm fires I Ardmorulte office. 1 FOIl SAI.U Spnn of kooi! horses. Applyy coror Third avenue and .Si atreet, northwest, phone .V.ifl. Wiley Small. 3.3 FO 1 1 S A I . l5H) nTi"HniTl s li lu "any I annuity Apply I. lkijser l-3t' Put Some Money Away Now. Vou will not always bp able to earn as much as you arc earning today. Hut by saving a portion of your income and by put ting it into a certificate of deposit in a per fectly safe bank like the AidnioreState, where it will not only be secure but will also earn 4 per cent interest and grow rapidly. Vou will be prepared for the inevitable day when you must leave work. It's the part of wisdom to save and deposit in ARDMORE STATE BANK "A Good Bank in a Good City." FOIl SA1.K Couiiou Uooks at Ard morelto office. READ ARDMOREITE WANT ADS. HORSE FELL WITH HIM ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION DR. GOODWIN SUSTAINS PAINFUL INJURIES BY HIS HORSE FALLING WITH HIM J. A BIVEN8, President A, H. PALMER, Caahler. DON LACY, Vic President FRED C. CARR, A11L Cashier. THE CITY NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OKLA. Capital 1100,000.0 urplus Fund $100,009 ,...... Accounts at Inns and Individuals solicited" Courteeaa treat ment accorded te all alike. NIGHT RIDERS SEEK THE LIFE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL FROM UNDER COVER ESCAPE. WaahliiKton. Jan 1. -What's the uae to chanxe the regulations 011 bilildlilK pipe lilUM acriiHK testriete) 1hiII.ui laiula unb'SK there ia some one who wants to build audi a line" and when vouie one malv a uppllca ll.'n for a penult to build, tin ; w.ll ptobably be omo chaut a in the i, filiation. 1' ... it ti,,, I,,. .1, i,r .1 b, .t.. ... t 1 . ' 'I 1' , l'"l it I f !!., 1 O' rulon Clly. Teiin.. Jan. 2. An at tempt to iiKsasHluate Attorney Oen eral Calthe. who la active In ninht rider prosecutions, waa made at t:30 o'clock last iiIkIii near his home, lie nus follow eil from the deot liy a man. who abut at him twice aa he tiearetl his home. Culim City la not! "II lighted and as the man ran af ter CiliiK tlie shuts the attorney gen , ei'iial coiiM not identify his aaaailaut ; A little behind' the attorney general who the local Associated Press cor respondent, who shut twice at the would-lie muidcrcr. but missed him. The a la tin vuis sounded ami a cor don of soldlets auM a xisso of citi zens seat ched the neighborhood, but without avail Dr. OtKidwin was a!nfu1I Injured j thla morning by Ids horao falling with 1 him. lie wria en route to his office; and was turning Uie corner at tho Hankers Natltxnit Hank when tho hoimj aillix'tl and fell to tho iaveinent, cfttohlng" Dr. Croodwin under Ita botly. 1 breaking tho left wriat ami two rlba. 1 Ilia leg waa also bruised coiwlderabl) , 1 but no lionea were fracturetl. He waa given aHenllon at once anil was renting vory nicely this afternoon. M'CUMBER ACT INVALID L. P. ANDERSON President. D. F. FREN8LEY, Vice President C. U ANDERSON, Cashier. ... ED SANDLIN. Assistant Cashlsr FIRST NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE, OKLA Capital Paid In I 60,000.00 Hurplua Funds 165,000.04 Total t2o,00.Qf The oldest bank to Indlar Territory. J counts et Arms aal Individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with good banking. Read This. Yates Center. Kan., Sept. IS. 1!0S. After my doctors gave me up to die Hall's Texas Wonder euied me of lil.lnev and blaild. r trouMe. It Is the. beat tnedliitie on earth Mrs H. S ' tobimon Sold !v all druggists D&wl COURT OF CLAIMS HOLDS THE ACT TO BE CONSTITUTIONAL IN DECISION TODAY. Washington. 1). C Jtur. -I. The cou.t of claims In a decision today In the ciimi of D.ivid Muskrat. J Henry Dick, l'Vl (iritts ami othirs. holtla the unit'twlmeiit to If valid. 'INils wa sun act extending the re Mrli'iiotiw on full bloods 2.', yeara from June 2i5, l'JOfi. The une iitled sietltlinm In the eaat 11 ( h mk'e (jb'1 were dismissed. ....... The Womans Christian Temperance MICHIGAN BANKER SUICIDES ' r I wnter Instead of wino he usitl in chtifttctllflf tho Itflt tll'tililii Mnri-lmut. HENRY C. POTTER, SUFFERING I Ww "loroughly ngreo with the ladles. FROM NERVOUS PROSTRATION ENDS HIS LIFE. IMrolt, Mich., Jan. 4. Henry C. PoMcr. Jr, vlco pix'aidctkt of the Peo ple's State lkiuk of thla city, commit ted Hiiicldo at his homo here thla morning. Ho bufforoKl trom nervous prostration. Subscribe for the Ardmorelte. Wine coats 14 a tpiart. Why throw it away? Dissolution Notice The firm or Frldgo k Dyer, retail dealers In fresh meats, has been dis solved. W. H. Fridge will contluuo the business and1 asumea all Indebted ness of tho firm and will collect all outstanding accouts due the firm. W. H. FRIDfiE. J. H. DYER. January 2, 1000 3.2 Attention lire) Men. , n.. ii '), "! ahlta T be In .Mv.. I nub 1 ' f Red Men It -HVI to lie lit Red Mel' S " S11nd.1v ifteuioon at ,'.u n 1.1 1 1 It. nil 1 iifcja 1 a iim nil i h I VWtVWkW WMMmmmmasmm I A Play that ffi J ' j M(Li.'l , - i I I will retain its position on the !i;y . I-. V"11l m and years to come. WW .1 I I I I stage tor years MT; ii Pl'-fe 'Kill Mi 1 You WilLlbtit I Love Act 1 ,Oa m THIS IS THE REAL THING human interest, and while brisk in motion vTr "T never borders on the sensational. T II K VARIOUS PICTURESQUE CHARACTERS ARE ALL IN THE HANDS 0 CAPAHLE PLAYERS and a complete scenic production is given. IT IS THE KATE CLAXTON VERSION, (that noted actresa having made the play famous,) that will be presented here aud the management says, "VOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK." A PLAY THAT HAS ATTRACTED UNIVERSAL RECOGNITION THE WORLD OVER IS THE TWO AT ROBISON OPERA HOUSE TOMORROW NIGHT lllll Ak'l in IIIVI WIMIItf tUiNIHJKl. 4 q iuii cat. i" uriv"i COir JsACHCM Posts N W dubscr1