Newspaper Page Text
Ardmcni, Monday, January 25, 1909. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE 8EVEN Fads for Weak Women Nin-Inh nt all the tickncM ol vomin li due to ome derangement or die ca ol the nrfam diitinctly leminioe. Such tickntti cin be cured it cured every dy hy Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription it Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. tt sett directly on the ornn affected and i at the amc time a general retora the tonic (or the whole yttem. It cure female complaint riht in the privacy nt linmr. It makes unnecenarv the dUalreeahle Questioning, examination and local treatment o imperially insisted upon hy doctors, and so abhorrent to esery modest vsnman. We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms cC those peculiar affections incident to women, but those wanting full information as to their symptoms and means ol positisc cure are referred to the People's Com' mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pades, newly revised and un-lii-dnte l'.ditinn. sent frtt on receipt ol 21 one cent stamps tn coser cost of mailing enr; or, in cloth binding fur .11 stamps. Address Dr. H. V. l'icrcc, Huffrdo, N. . in, examinaimni nu and so abhorrent to HE'D STOP THE GRAIN FRAUDS SENATOR DOLLIVER UHCEi. A SYSTEM OF FEDERAL GRAIN IN SPECTION TO GRADE ORAIN. GRAIN DISCREDITED ABROAD the legend, ho spurro.l his steed nnd plunged in." Hut he plunged In oxer hl head, with hi hose untl " him. It was a bedraggled sunlit Hint stood In the presence of bin Iildy love a fenv moments afterward l.letitenant (Inutt took It nil gooj hitinoredly enough Imt there wits a sturdy se riousness In 111 ttsunll twinkling eyes that must have suggested, per haps, to .liillu that lie had come on more serious business, for the tens ing did not Inst long. John eur-lod lllm off to find some dry clothe, and when he returned the usually liaitv soldier looked scarcely more ; Ifke himself limn ho had when hf. Under Present Conditions G-idci Are, came out of his lwtli BATH TUB BUILT FOR TAFT WILL BE PUT ABOARD THE BAT TLESrilP TO TAKE HIM TO PANAMA A MONSTER. Washington. Jan. 25. The navy de partment, appreciating the great dlf lleulty Mr. Taft has experienced in his travels of petting a hath tub of sufficient proportions to accommo date his modest requirements, has decided that Its prospective command- ,Klny (ll ovcnlng. Immediately nf ferred from the battleship .ortli Caro lina to the White House, that Is If Mr Taft should take a fancy to Its pond like dimensions. SLAIN IN HIS OFFICE. Kansas City Insurance Man Is Shot to D:ath. Kansas City, Jan. a I. Stephen 1'. Hood, agent for the Fidelity & Cns unity company here, was shot and Instantly killed hy Walton Wanton It Is said In the office of the com or lu chief Is entitled to a real hath tub on the battleship when he makes his visit to r.inama soon, and has ordered from tho establishment of Jordan I.. Molt, IIS Fifth Avenue, New York City, a specially prepared while uuuuici bathtub of huge dimen sions. (ninnuftjiqtnTPiv uYcJarC tho bath tub will hold four ordinary man and Is tho largest they havo evor turned out. I Is 7 feet, one Inch long. II Inches wide ntid weighs a ton. Juggled and Other Count ici' Prod ucts Are Preferred Abroad A Uniform Plan Wanted. ter the shooting lllniitnu. who was formerly employed by the Fidelity & Casualty company surrendered himself to the police. The two men were nlone In tho office and It Is ! not lenrned how the nunrrel started. Hood was shot three times, onco In the abdomen, once In the chest and once below the left eye. Read This. Yates Center, Kan., Sept. IS, 190S. After my doctors gave mc up to die Hall's Texas Wonder cured me of Manufacturers do not make Taft I kidney and bladder trouble. It Is tho size hath tubs for the trade, and as I best medicine on earth. Mrs. H. S Johnson. Sold hy all druggists. D&W the president-elect will probably find It rather embarrassing to uso the one now at tho White House when ho do-1 The Choral Club will meet at tne sires to make his ablutions, there Is Presbyterian church Tuesday evening, po reason why It should not be trans-' at 7 30. THE KING OF CURES DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR COUGHS and COLDS. FOR WEAK, SORE LUNGS. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS, HEMORRHAGES AND ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES. PREVENTS PNEUMONIA Washington, Jan. 2,1. Senator Del liver In the report from the senate committee on floriculture In favor ot the bill for federal grain Inspection, has presented a strong lnd'ettaeM of the present las methods wltn 'eipect to the inspection n'ld gradln ; of gram. The report nttacs the "many abuses which have tM!ei. Into the system of handling and grading ginln at the great terminals and which oe erato ns n fraud ami Mm-.i lee upon both the producer and the coiituin.'r.'' "One to the Imprope- certification and the almost Impo'bllPy of fce curing a high grade on Atr.ei'can grain abroad," cont'ntial the report. "our grain Is being discredited lu all foreign countries to nich an oMent as to rapidly decrease export trado In many sections, vJiill that of Ar gentina Republic, Canada and A'lt. tralla Is Increasing m initio pro portion that our trad U n-cr-aslng." Tho reports of tin state warehouse commission, show that there are shipped out from the great terminals from two to four times as much of the higher grade as received, while al most all of the lower grades disap pear entirely In the out shipping. This Is regarded as proof of Juggling. It Is shown that tho manipulators and mixers of grain In this fashion receive large profits, but always at the still greater detriment to the pro ducer One trouble with tho present sys , torn whereby Inspectors are appointed by lwiards of trade. Is that there Is , lack of uniformity In tho grading of I grain at the various terminal mar kets. The fact Is cited that tho grain raised on the farm In Iowa may be i shipped to three different points. ! Mlnnenpolls. Chicago nnd Kansas j City. The standnrds In each city are , different and this same grnln would therefore have three different prices placed upon It at these places. Of course, this rouse I more laugh ter, which the soldier look In the same good jtart. hut tlio-e rosy tell tale cheeks of his reddened, an tmial with him when the Ihmh-iI state of his feelings did not nguv with his outward coniHisnre. I think it shows soincililng of the character of the man that Lieutenant (Jrnnt should not have allowed Ms rather outre appearance si the house of his sweethetut that night to have tmsteadlod his mrpo In coin In there. When he left the barracks he hat It In his mind to offer the lady his hand and heart. He offered It. Nothing In the world could have prevented him, probably, since he hnd once had It lu his mind. It whs characteristic of the man. ns his ennipnlgti of after yeans fiuin Spott sylvanla to Appomattox showed. (Stunt was often most slew and lies Hating In his efforts to come to a decision, but when that decision wnti once made It was Irrevocable sml ttct ill upon Immediately. It Is. perhaps, not neressarv lo say that mbeii Lieutenant (Srant rode away from White Haven the morning after he took with hint what he had gone after. Circle Magazine. Titles to Quapaw Lands. Washington. Jan. 25. The nttorney geenral bus agreed that In tho suits brought for the alleged purpose of clearln gtltle to lands In the Quapaw nation test cases shall be tried that will decide all the ciiscn, the ar rangement being similar to that In the live civilized trMies. The Quapaws have all taken their allotments and many of them made too year mllieial or three year gn:i Ing leases upon them. Since that time they have been made citizens of the Hulled States, anil now. from the government's view point, title to their allotments have been clouded by II legal transfers ami leases. Hence tlx suits. I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the grandest medicine of modern times. One bottle completely cured me of a very bad cough, which was steadily growing worse under other treatments. EARL SHAMBURG, Codell, Kas. PRICE BOO AND Sl.00 3 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C i Many little lives have been saved bv Foley's Honey nnd Tar, for coughs, , colds, croup and whooping cough. It ' Is the only safe remedv for Infants and children as it contains no oplatos i or other narcotic drugs, and children 1 like Foley's Honey and Tar. Careful 1 mothers keep a bottle In the house. I Refuse substitutes. Sold by all drug ' gists. d & w ARDMORE PHARMACY The Oldest Inhabitant Says this is to be the hardest winter in ten years, and that reminds us to ask you about your plumbing. Better have it done now hadn't you? We are making red hot prices on both plumbing and tin work. SPREKELMEYER COMPANY West Main Street Phone 9 . Order for Hearing Petition to Sell I Real Estate. 'State ot Oklahoma, Carter County. ' lu County Court. 111 me .uiiiii r m imu ui 1 iiu- burn and Forrest Donnoll. Now, on this 12th day of December lliOS. Edwin. U Deen, .having filed herein his petition for tho Bale of tho real estate described In said poltlon, for reasons in said petition stated. It Is ordered, That said petition ho and Is hereby set for hearing on tho l.'.th dny of February, A. D. 1909 at 10 o'clock a. in., at which tlmo nil per sons Intoresteil, In said estnto are re quired to appear and show cause, If any they have, why an order should I not be granted for tho salo of so ! much of tho real estato ot said Tho- bum and Forrest Donnell as Is nec essary for tho reasons In ald petition stnted. It Is further ordered, That a copy of this order bo published for throe successive weeks In tho Weekly Ard niorelte of Ardmore, Oklahoma. I. H. MASOX, lS-3w County Judge. A Religious Author's Statement. For several years I was afflicted with kidney trouble nnd last wlntor was suddenly stricken with a sovorc pain In my kidneys and was confined to bed eight days unable to got up without assistance. Mv urine con talned a thick white sediment and passed same frequently day and night I commenced taking Foley's kldnoy Remedy, Hnd the pain gradually abat ed and finally ceased and my urine Leonine normal. I cheerfully recom mend Foley's Kidney Itomedy. For salo hy all druggists. d w We Will Contract To do all j our plumbing work, from mending a small leak to supplying all the labor- and materials tor the plmblng of an entire building. Those who have employed our services or bought plumbing supplies from us are our best roferonccB. Their tes timony will show'that we glvo every body tho Bqiinrtst of square duals, WEEKS BROS. Snni'l A. U ri-Lk, Succrssor S. Washington St. l'hone WHEN U. S. GRANT PROPOSED. Lincoln Centennial Observance. In Deceinbor fSov. Haskell appolnte: one man from each county In Okla homa to meet in Oklahoma City Jan 5th to formulate plans for approprl atcly observing the on, hundredth anniversary of Abraham Lincoln', birth February 12. Mr. Spr.iglns be lug unable to atti-nd. appointed I). Rodfleld as his proxy. Tho committee met and recommended thnt each county celebrate tho day In every school house allowing the school In terests to largely dominate and on dorsed the following program: Invocation. Hattlo Hymn of the Republic. Short Skotch of Abraham Lincoln Lincoln's Cioltysburg Addrog. Patriotic Hymn. Extracts and Quotations ot Lincoln by Pupils. Star Spangled Ilanner. llencdlctlnn. Tho committee hopes that the day will be made a holiday and observed fittingly all over tho country. J. II. SI'RAOINS, DAVID HKDFIKLD, Committee, Ludicrous Attire Did Not Deter the Young Lover From His Purpose. When young (Srant reaehl the banks of tho (Sravlose he found,, it a mad. muddy torrent, which hnd torn trees and bridges fron Its banks and was carrying them .with a roar of waters through the valley to the river. Hut what was thnt to daunt a lover's nrior? Like the hero of HERE IS RELIEF FOR WOMEN, If you bavo pain In ttw) hack, Urinary, Illadikr or Kidney tronWo anil uaul a certain, ploaaant hcrh relief from Women's lll, try MotUer Clray' 'AUSTIUI.IAS.I.KAI'." It I a utrirvllablo rrv.Milnmr. mul rollpvta all Fcmalo Wutkiiwref. Including Inflammation and ulceration". Mutlirr l.rav ,vniriiiMii-i.-Hi i uiuujr umu..i.ui tent by mall for to cti. Sample itnt FltKt- Addrtet, Tno iioiucrurayuo., u uoy, .t.j. Carter County Tsachers' Examination Examination for Carter County Tenchers will be held In the district court room, Thursday and Friday Jan. 2Sth and 29th, beginning promptly at S o'clock, a. m. Examinations for conductor and Instructor certificates and Rending Circle students nnd toachers will be held at the samo place Saturday, Jan 30th. MRS. V. A. NII1LACK. 21d"wl County Superintendent. NOTHING HID FROM SENATE ROOSCEVELT GIVES AN ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF WAR FUND EX PENDITURES NO NAMES. MAKES REPLY TO FORAKER Money Spent In Proper Way to Pro cure information ot Importance to Government Message Received by Senate While in Secret Session. Washington. Jan. 21. The prenldeni .M'sterday sent to the nenate a re- niMHiKc to Senntor Fomkern reuoiu- Hon eitllliiK on the secretary of the treasury for tin Itemlned statement of the expenditure of the Jit.OOO.OOO war) deficiency fund. The rply reached the senate In the form of nn execu tive document. It purports to bo a complete niMwer o far n the use of the war deficiency fund Is concerned, but some of the names of persons to bom ltayments were made were llhheld. In the message, which was read In secret session, the president says If thetv names are desired he will fur nish them to the committee on mili tary nfftilrs. While the Fnrnkcr resolution was agreed to In executive session and the reply thereto would ordinarily be FREE (Ladies' or Gentlemen's $5.00 BAHNATTO Ilrllliancv SAMPLE OKFKR 15 DAYS ONLY lioHiitlful, Ilright, Sparkling, Famous Diamond Ring i(tials g 1 1 i it- ill tectum Ulfflt efr,s fills nm runn tnent of .lie muM e,K iiin-- plf a-i-H the tmvt fa-tniiou, .r only mi. ti.j. tleih the ost of tli,- diuiiKW', As a means of Introducing this marvelous and vvonderful. scintillating gem, ami securing bh mntiv n. w friends as quickly h sylble. we i.u mnklng a spsclal inducement for the New Year. Wo want you to wear thl bcHiitlful Ring, this msuttrpieee ; of man's handicraft, this slniuln'ion that si.aiitl.-s -h all the biity and flhe-, with all the fire or A GENUINE DIAMOND Wo want you to slum It to onr friends aid take orders for ns, km ' iells lUHf sells at sight - Hint makes 100 Percent PROFIT 100 Percent fur you, nbfolutel) without effo.-t nn your part. We wnnt good homst l epi esi-ntntlves every where. n , very lmalll, city or country, lu fitct. In every country throughout the world, both mtt ai d women, young or old, .who wiH not sell ur pawn The Darna'to Simula Hon Diamonds tinder th pti tense that they are (tannine (Jeina, h. such action with slmulHtln.i diamond sometimes trails to trouble or m bHrrasstneiit. If you want a simulation diatii"tn) i-ulistl'iite for th genuine DON'T WAIT ACT TODAY, as this advertisement may not appear Main. Fill out Coupon below and mall at once First Come First Ssrved. Write here name of paper In which you taw this advertlsemont Tl: B.irnatto Diamond Co,, Girard Bldtj., Chicago Sli Phase send Freo Sample Offer, Ring, Ka-ringi, Stud or Scarf iSHek) I'ln Catalog. Name R. F. D. R No No St. P. O. Ilex Town or City y State sent to 'he senate In open session, no respoiislhllt'y of criticising President Roosevelt's course lu keeping the lu formation secret. Inasmuch as Mr Foraker Is a member of the commit tee on military affairs, he lias the op portunity of ohtnlnltig a statement In detail. He was not present wlion the reply to the president to bis reso lution was received. The president's reply was an Item ized statement of expenditures from the war deficiency fund, which was given Into the hands of Secretary Kennel t ami who will retain It until It Is called for by the committee on military affairs. It was mot examined by any member of the senate and therefore It Is not known whether It contains any matter other than ex- pitullturos for the procuration of mill tnry Information of necessarily secret haracter and funds expended for tho 'iitertalnment cf foreign observers at American military maneuvers. From the reading of the president's niessair.' the Impression prevailed that all of the payments from this fund were for that character of work. Senator Foraker Introduced his res olution following aiMioiincenieiiis ot the Investigation o fthe Brownsville affray by private detectives that hud bi'en paid from this fund. The Ohio senntor took the position that such an expenditure was not 'wmrnnted by the purposes for which the fund was Intended. The precedent for President Roose velt's action, in withholding the names of persons to whom payments have been made ' found In a response to a sennto resolution calling on tho late President McKlnley for the accounts of tho treaty of Paris commission. Mr. McKlnley sent to the sennto li statement of all payments made hut kept back tho names of a number of persons nnd some of tho details con nected with the expenditures. The sennto realized that such information should not he made public and did not press the dcmn-tid for a strictly Item l.ed statement. T.N.CQLEIVfAIV Tolephono n. THE CITY DRUGGIST .... 8 W. Main St. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that hi tween legal hours on the Kitb day of February, 1909" will offer for sale subject to the approval of the court, the entire assets of the Hank of the Chickasaw Nation. Said sale to be made at public outcry to the .highest bidder Uxin tbreu month:.' time, with security to bo apprcved by the court. Tho successful bidder will be re quired at the time of his hid to de posit n certified oheck of live hun dred dollars with me. Kl-lm H. E. FOSTER. Receiver. Notice For Publication. State of Oklahoma, County of Car ter. In the District Court. R. M. Cnmmlngs, el nl, plaintiff, vs. II. S. Wottos, Newton Kelsey nnd W. P. Terrell, idefendatits Said defendant?, II S. Rettes and Newton KeUey, will tako notice that they havo been sued In tho abovo court for money accounting Injunction and receiver, and must answer the petl Hon filed tehreln by said plaintiffs on or beforo the flrd day of March, A. I)., 1909, or said petition will he taken as true, and a Judgmont for sail plaintiffs In salA action f 127,000.00 at C per cent Interest from October 1st, 1903, will bo rendered accordingly. Dated this 21st day of Janunry, 1909. II. A. LEPBETTER and R. A. HOWARD, Attorneys for Plnlntiff. Attoet: C. T. VERNON. District Clerk. Ily S. M. PARKER, Deputy. Notice of Application for Appoint, ment of Administrator. In the County Court, Carter Coun ty, Oklahoma. In the estate of J. L. Wells, deceased; The State of Okla homa, to the heirs next of kin nnd creditors of the said J. L. Wells, de ceased. You are hereby notified thnt Mattle Wells has applied for letters of ad ministration on snld estate to be granted to herself and that aid ap plication will bo heard at n regular term of snld Court held at the com l room of said Court on tho 30th day of Janunry. 1909, at 10 n. in., nt which tlmo and place nny person Interested tnny apear and show cause. If any they have, why such petition should not he granted. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court hereunto affixed this 15th day of January, 1909. I, R. MASON, County Judge Carter County, Okla. IS-Hit : i: rt n u PROFESSIONAL COuUMN. U t: t: M K tx ii t: n jj :: :: rt it LAWYERS. WE CAN DO YOUR CAS FITTING "RIGHT NOW." Don't wait until It gets cold agsln. l'hone 60. Ardmore Supply Co. 211 ALBATROSS That's tho name of the best Sour old lo Ardraore, Notice by Publication. State of Oklahoma, Carter County, Ileforo M. F. Winfrey, Justlco of the Ponce, In and for Ardmoro Town ship: Win. Pago. Plaintiff, vs. J. P. McRne and Mnry McRne, Defendants. No. 4C5. You nro hereby notified that Wm Page, plnlntiff, has filed suit against J. P. McIUu nnd Mary McRne for the sum of I3S.11 with Interest at 10 per cent per annum from the 1st day of November, 1908, until paid and warn defendant, that on February lGth. 190H, on their failure to answer will take Judgment nga4nt them for said amount, Inter est and costs ot suit. (liven undor my hand, this ICth day of January, 1909. L F. WINFREY, 17-4w Justice of tho Peace. WE CAN DO YOUR GAS FITTING "RIGHT NOW." Don't wait until it gets cold again Phone 60. Ardmore Supply Co The Deit Oil. For tho best oil and tie host ser vice nd tho lowest price, call phone S42. Retail Oil Wagon. 10-lm Read Ardmorelte wnnt ads. Citizenship Rolls If your name has been stricken from the rolls of the Five Tribes or you have other business be foro the Interior Department, write immediately to WILLIAM W. WRIGHT RHOLSTERIJI) ATTOUNRY Washington Loan Trust Hldg. WASHINdTON, I). O. : tl. C. Potterf. R. A. Walker. POTTERF &. WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors at Lxw Ardmore, Okla. M. F. WINFREY Attorney at Law. 'uetlco of the Peace Notary Public iloomB H and 1C, Noble llldg. Phones: ReM 36 blue. Olllce 1CB. CAf-T. J. R. PULLIAM Justice of the Peace. Rooms lu Pennington Slmma Dldg. 'Jornpller 'udlnn T JhHH. J. Kapler, Cbas. H. Merilllal Compilei "Indlnn Active Court Lawb nud Treaties" Practitioner. KAPPLER A. MERILLAT, Attorneyi and Counselors at Law Practice before all Courts; On tress. Oovernmout departments and Commissions. Indian Cases a sne- tlalty. Office, Bond Rld'g, Washington D. C. PHYSICIANS. DR. GEO. L. BARRETT Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of Children a specialty. Office out Hamilton's Shoe Storr ResMeuco comer 11 street and Sic ond avi nne, northeast, FREDERICK" PTVON 1ELXtFM7"Dv Surgery, Eye, Ear, Nose and Taxsat, yoa accurately fitted wlta OIsjsm. 'Phones: Offlc HI, BeeldetMe ii. ARDMORE SANITARIUM Drt. von Keller, Hardy & Henry. Modern equipment for the scientific) rentmout of all surgical cases. Trained nurses lu attendancce. Ardmore, Okla. W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary Surgeon. Ardmore, Okla. Office: Sin! h's Livery Bans. Phone 126. ARCHITECTS. W. A. Tuckett T. W. Myall TACKETT &. MYALL ARCHITECTS Otfle la Sluif-Penulngtcn HuIUIdb. Ardmore, Okla. Read rdnieite i ads.