Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1903 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE THREE Uiited States Depositor Oklahoma State Depository City Depository Ardmore National Bank mwt, oumoju fapilal, Sarptos loi JttHilicoil $250,000 It this bank Is a aafo placo (or the city, stato nnd nation to deposit their funds It Is a safe placo for tho farmer anil busi ness man to koop his funds. THY IT. LEE CRUCE, President G. W. STUART, Cashier Chas. Kcrncr, up-to-date meat market. I kill my own meats and furnish the very best satisfac tion guaranteed. Give me a trial. Ardmore Concrete Company Quin Wicker, Manager. Sam II. Owens. Assis tant Manager. Office 114 Fourth Ave. Southeast, at the Marble Yard. TELEPHONE 436 Sidewalks built and all kinds of concrete work done. All our work is thoroughly guaranteed. J. L. Wilson Transfer and Storage I have n ooil building leased injwhk-l) I store all kinds of housohold goods ut reasonable rental. Phone 72 and I will do tho rest. Goods hauled anywhere or packed and stored. I'romp und careful atten tion to ovory order. ALBATROSS That's tbo namu ot the best float old In Anlmare. WE CAN DO YOUR GAS FITTING "RIGHT NOW." Don't wait until It gets cold again. Phone 60. Ardmore Supply Co C Boone Taliaferro about your pic ture framing. 21-lm "Ghost" stops Trains. liluoJncKot. Okla., IVb. 7. Foxfire uim:irlnK on ilurk nights In a swampy iilnco whom tho railroad bridge cross es Crow creek, south ot Ulucjacket, has stopjx'd practically every train passing ut night during the last week, the engineers believing they were N being signaled to stop. The country people maintain n ghost Is stopping toh trains, stating It appeals in the form of three chlMtvu carrying ml lights. So strong Is this belief that parties are being organized to hunt the spectre. IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSITIVE Alxmt lite le uf yuurrhoct, lt' oma atlfactlou tu know that iiiniiy profit) cu fr iliw a l.o matter by iiirlnklliitf Allm' KixH-Ksmi lutntbcui. .lint thu llilnir for IHnclin; l'urtln, l'atrnt Uathir SIiom, aud for brraklnu in hew Klioi. W lirn nililKT or ovitIio Uvoim iircraiarr nil 7"' pinch, Allen' Kout-i:' gvr liutint rllr. Mild Kvcry where, .V. tumpl FIIBK, AiUtrr.t, I Allen S. Oliutd, t lloy, N. . ;.. Phone 618 THOUSANDS OF QUAIL GAME WARDEN SAYS IN EIUHTY SEVEN THOUSAND WHICH WERE CONFISCATED, LESS THAN 8,000 KILLED He Also Calls the Attention of he Legislators to the Necessity of Stringent Game Laws If State Would Preserve Game. Outhrle, Okla IVb. 0. "Oklahoma has more birds, game and other valu able birds than three-fourths of the states In the union, and she will al ways have If she acts wlRoly and pro tects them now. "Hear In mind that the only way to keep tho game anil valuable birds now In the state Is to protect them by statutory law." Here Is a significant paragraph from State CJaine Warden J. S. As- I taw's report to which tbo attention I of every member of tho leglflature has bee called, Speaking of the S7,- 000 stolen quail which he captured from freebooters, be says: "Uikiii "ex amination wo find that of the S7.000 quail confiscated less than S.OOu' of this amount were shot, and SO.OOO were netted or caught In some way other than by a gun." Add to the S7.00O which was con fiscated, the 87,000 stolen which be de clares he 'was unable to capture on account of the Inefficiency of the law and the result Is 171.000 quail stolen from the state In the short space of forty-five days last season. Mr. Askew sayp: "Owing to tho fact that all the states bordering on Oklahoma have stringent protection taws for game and birds, hunters from those states come lu thousands to Oklahoma to trap, net, shoot and carry away the blids and game, thus robbing the state of Its legitimate In heritance. "More than thirty-five states have adopted the "Model law" for the pro tection of their game and birds and lu every Instance It has proved success ful. The- law classes the game hlrds by groups, and declares all other birds non-game hlrds, such as Kngllsh sparrows,' certain niembors of tho hawk family, etc. "There are between 1.150 and l.L'OO species nnd sub-species of wild birds In .North America north of the repub lic of Mexico, of whlc IS per cent are strictly game birds. From this It will be seen that It Is practically Impos sible to cover and protect the non game birds by name but quite possi ble to name the game birds lu any law. and then with one sweeping clause, place all others on the nou- game list; and protect them." Mr. Askew would have enacted thu state game association bill now before t'lie house and save thu birds and game of Oktahomii. Ho says In regard to the Insuffic iency of the present law It Is practi cally Impossible to hold the game force togetheivas there Is no way the warden can 'pay the deputies. Tho game and bird bill prepared by Judge S. If. Harris and tho state game association Is endorsed by the state Audnboii society and lias been care fully examined and approved .hy many of tho ablest lawyers in the state. MILL CREEK. Mill Creek. Okla.. Feb. 8. Hugh Haidy and family have removed to Wattrlka, their future liomo they hav ing disposed of their hotel prnp?rtlei to Dr. II. It. IJonoy. but will still conduct the store here as usual. K. It. Jones of Sulplntr Is In chargo of tho Mays lumber yard here, in the absence of O. M. Seeds, who was called to Wichita on account of I'm death of his -wife's mother. Miss Mnudo Penny of lloldenvltlo Is a guest nt tho homo of her mido and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. O rove 3. n. h. Xovlllo, our dontlst, spent latt week lu Havla practicing Ills profes sion. I?. H. Oroves. cashier of the First National bank, who has boon confined to his bed for the past ton days, la i;'ln tit his accustomed placo. Tht pleasant spring weather I coming. Many residents have their C. It. Kluger, the Jeweler, 10C0 Vir ginia avenue, Indianapolis, Ind., viltts: "I was so weak from kidney rouble that I 0011M hardly walk a hitndrrd feet. Four bottles of Foloy's Kidney Koiuedy cleared my complex' Ion, cured my backache nnd the Ir- rcgularltlos disappeared, and I can now attend to business ovory day, and recommend Foley's Kidney Reme dy to all sufferers, as It cured mo af ter the doctors and other remedies had failed." Sold by all druggists. residents have their gardens broken for early planting. Mrs. S. V. Smith has been on tho sick list for the past few days, but Is much Improved nt this writing. The contrnct for operating the glass sand IkhIs adjacent, to town has been closed, -wo are Informed, and work will commence In a short time. Attorney J. I. Walter sinnit several days of last week In Tishomingo on legal business. K. M. Frost has purchased property In Sulphur nnd will shortly iemoe with his family to that place. County Superintendent MUey spent one day last wcwk visiting our city schools. C. T. I&istur returned from n Rip to Di'iilson, Tuesday. W. S. Kubanl; Is In Outhrle on bul uess. Tli-e oil agitation seems to have subsided, but there Is no telling where nnd when It will break out again. It Is reported that the It. 1'. lodge will give a grand supper, entertain ment and ball lu the near future. RESOLUTION. Whereas, It has seemed good to the Grand Mnstor of the universe, the dispenser of events, to en'.l from la bor our kite Brother. Jolm Massey and Whereas, Tho Intimate relation Ioiik held by the deceased with the mem bers of this lodge render It proper that we place upon our minutes our appreciation of his service n a mem ber of this lodge, mid his merits as a man and a Mason. Therefore, Resolved, That we de plore the loss of our Hrother with deep feeling of regret, softened only by the confident 'hope that his spirit Is with those 'I10 have followed the Oreat Light by faith and practice honv and now dwells In perfect lodge on high. Resolved, That we tender to his I;- roavod family and relatives our sin cere condolence and sympathy In their affliction In tho loss of one who was n good husband and father, a good citizen, nnd a mluablo member ot llerwyn Lodge No. 5'J. A. 1. &. A. M. Resolved. That a copy of these res olutions bo furnished the jvlfo and relatives of tho deceased, a copy Ik) published, and a copy be spread upon the minutes of our lodge. T. J. CARSON, F. W. FISH Ml. O. A. SPARKS. Commit lee. llerwyn, Okla.. .Ian. I'.O. RiO'J. Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds, Hint may develop into pneumonia over night nro quickly cured by Fo ley's llonoyi and Tar .and It soothes luriamed membranes, heals the lungs, and expels the cold from the system. State Insurance Department. Citlthile, Okla., Feb. As a source ot revenue to lite stato and protec tion to the people, the statu Insur ance department hag taken a rank much higher than was anticipated when the office was Inaugurated with statehood. Wildcat companies hay been driv en from Oklahoma. Unsafe Institutions have been exposed and the search light thrown upon every kind of In surance company doing business in tho state. Hi fore the legislature now lu a comprehensive bill by Senator Rod die, which Incorporates many of tho Ideas of State Insurance Conimlh sloner T. J. McCoinb. Tho bill has already passed the senato and Is now pending before tho house committee. Commissioner McComb is strongly urging a resident agent's law. On this subject he says: "If there Is one thing we need lu this state in the way of Insurance legislation, It Is certainly a stringent resident agents' law. Companies come Into this state, meet the re quirements us to capital, pay their losses promptly aud appoint their ngeuts and pay the fee of threo dollars for each license, as required by the constitution, anil the local agent, armed -w It It his commission from his company and his license from the state Insurance commission er, Is equipped In a legal way for business. He lives lu the state, obeys Its laws yet wakes up to tho fact after awhile that ho Is being robbed out of that which Justly belongs to him, a law-abiding business man, by Home unn-resldent agent or by a wild cat company. The people of tho stato should require the agont to display his license before giving him any buslnesti. This Is protection. I'nless the public assists this department w o will bo powerless to prevent some wildcat concerns from captuting vic tims." Foley's Honey nnd Tar clears the air passages, stops tho Irritation In the throat, soothes tho Inflamed mem branes, nnd tho most obstinate cough disappears, Sara and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and the cold Is expelled from tho system. Tic- fuso nny but the genulno In tho yo'.low IS GOULD TO QUIT ROADS? PITTSBURG HEARS THAT HE HAS PROMISED HARRIMAN TO RETIRE. HARRIMAN TO HIS AID Already the Railway Master Has Started a Terminal Combination In ths Smoky City Did He Deat! Rockefeller to It? rittMbursr. I'n.. Feb. 9.--From Pitts burg railroad ami financial circles tho news has crept out that George .1. tiould, sou of .lay (mild, has de cided to quit the railroad business entirely just us soon as he can get out. It Is ritild t lint he promised! this ro K. II. Ilarrlman u lieu he In; IHMtUlli'iI Il;ie. Iniilll to '. me to tils asslstniKv In the I'ittslmrg district llarrlinnii is Known tu he moving toward the lifting of ilu receiver ships from the West Sid- lMt. the Wheeling ti lko Krle and the Wa bimli-l'lttsbiirK Terminal railroads, which have heen plunged Into finan cial straits, It Is reportel. by mis management on tho part of the Goulds. Within the lost week Harrl J mini, not Gould, lias started a move to combine the llaltlmore & Ohio In Pittsburg with tho Wahash-Pltts- J burg Terminal under one roof. I It would iippear that Harrimati Is, to a certain extent, In control of' Gould lines already, ami lu this con ! uectlon Interesting stories of how ho beat John I). Rockefeller. Wll- Until Whitney and others to the j Gould camp tire being- told That the' Wabash entrance into Pittsburg cost: "0 million dollars Is known ami that It has for some years been practical-1 ly a dead Hue also Is known. AVheti President Ramsey of tho Wabash had his lino Into Pittsburg almost finished ho Oeslred to let nil largo contracts possible to firms which could give his line freight when completed. He nrranged to let contracts to Jones & I-nughlln for steel and equipment. It appears, how ever, that Mr. iGoitld objected to this and let the contracts to outside firms, from which tho Wmbash could, not hopp to derive benefits. This brought nlKitil a row. Locomotives were wanted and 1,000 enrs wero needed, but Gould Is snld by Pitts burg people to have told Ramsey that he would not place orders at that lime and asked Ramsey to take a much needed vacation. When Presi dent Ramsey returned he found that Gould had placed an order for cars and locomotives at a point Ramsey dlil not consider advantageous. "Can't I spend my money as I choose." Gould sali when Itnmsey had durst lu on him for his 'meddling Interference " "Not as long as I'm presldont of the Wabash ralltoad." said Ramsey, ns ho tendered his resignation, which, however, was not accepted. Then followed tho memorable fight between Ramsey and Gould for con trol of tho Wabash. It Is known now that those back of Ramsey woro John I). Rockefeller and tJlllnm Whitney. Gould outvoted Ramsey for the presidency. The Rockefeller and Whitney interests withdrew from tho flell to await developments, hut when Gould sent up his roo'nt cry for help, Ilarrlman was the first on the ground. Read Thli. Yutes Center, Knn., Sept. IS, 190S. Alter my doctors gnve me up to die Hall's Texas Wonder cured mo of Kidney and bladder trouble. It Is tho oest medicine on earth. Mrs. H. S Johnson. Sold by nil drugglbis. D.tW ALLEGED TIMBER FRAUDS. 1 Federal Grand Jury at Muskogee at Work on Proposition. Muskogee, Okla., Feb. it. -Alleged timber frauds aui thefts of gigantic proportions, said to have heeu un earthed by tho government timber lu spectors lu southeast Oklahoma, arc under Investigation by tho federal grand Jury, which re-convened this morning after a four days' roc ss, Twelve witnesses wero examined this morning. Altogether thero nro about fifty. Today's witnesses are from the neighborhood of Tallhluu and Grant, In tho Choctaw nation Relative to tho alleged timber frauds tho government officials remain ret (cent. However, from other sources It is learned that several large lim ber companies aro alleged lb have ft 1 1 BUILD RIGHT AND YOU BUILD BUT ONCE Wo htivo spent liulf 11 lifo lime loHtning how to construct Husincss Mocks. School Houses, Good Residences, Good llarns. No building too largo for our capacity no building too small to appeal to us. Tho larger tho building, tho nioro particular the owner tho bolter pleased wo are. Wo know how to give you your money's worth. Wo tako contracts anywhere in Oklahoma or North Texas. Wire us or sco us. M. J. Gill Construction Company 1 ( Court House Building been cutting flno hardwood timber on Indian lauds for years. Much plno timber Is also said to have "been used, Tho United States Indian agent In 11 number of In stances iind been compelled to eject persons from the timber lands. A special examiner, who has been gathering evidence for tho govern ment and who will probably appear before tho grand Jury tomorrow, It Is understood, hns gathered evidence against the largest timber companies lu Oklahoma, LOCAL MARKET. (Hy Wm. Xowninn) Chlckone, Sc gross and fS.OO dozen. Turkoys, 1214c. 'Kggs 2!ic per dozen. Green bides, 7c. Dry hldos, 12"ic Putter 20c to 25c. $1.00 to 3.M). Coon, 2."c to 7iic. Skunk, 2.-ic to $1.00. Opossum, 20c to 30c. (Hy Cold Storngo) Hogs, -lc to Gc gross. Cows, 2c to 2Vc gross. Calves, 3Jc gross. (Hy J. 11. Hrndy) Corn. Ouc. Wheat. $1.50. Corn, shelled, $1.10 por 100 lba. Chops, $1.3,. Hrnn, $1.25. Cotton seed inonl, $1.50. Cototn, Strict middling. 9 25. Middling. 0c. Good middling. 9c. Strict low, 8.75. Iow middling, 8c. C I'oono Taliaferro's now line of t Ictttre mouldings nnd mat boards. 21-lm Keep It on Hand! Couarii amj ttlU may mie njr -TKnfin-t 4 ll Uiruly ny lime. NUny m(1 cJJ ti4t ln veiled and much ticVitru ih! tutfenng ttAi Lrm vnl by (He prunpt un ti I'iki'i Cure, I r.rre u nothing jiteil toLirkupcouvliiftrulcf4di. 'Ihrrr ii no Lfomrual of lung trouble lUt it will not rd.fvr. Tire from Pptlri or btrrnful in srnliffiU. --ne ot cluUttn, At all druusWu'. 25 cti. eii'R'ET mm lip; mm 1 The Oldest Sa)s this is to bo the hardest winter in ten yours, und thut reminds us to ask you ubout your plumbing. Better huvo it done now hadn't you? We arc makiii" red hot prices on both plumbing und tin work. SPREKELMEYER COMPANY West Muin Street A. D. HYDE Miner and Refiner of Asphalt WOODFORD, OKLA. Your inquiries und putronage solicited if intcrested in rock D.splialt for paving purposes, refined asphalt for roofing, etc. Write lor prices and samples. Shipping point Ardmore $25 TO CALIFORNIA (I nn 1 Ml.litly I jiiTfrisn' - M'ltl , VIA ONE WAY COLONIST TICKETS ) S,.r, IIAII.V I Ml AI'HIL M), l!)t)). Tourit SUi-iH r (iiilvt'it'iii to I mi V - Ir - t v ry lucMluy Stuuovtr will ti' nt'ow- I ut Hi" lir.iiid ( .iiiyon i iirlti L'n .H sf woridt"- llttrvty Meaia I'i rfi t Kmni men 1'iiht 'linn A iHittuI Mill tir 1 k-y 1 our 1I1 Iuxb b. ckli-ts oil 1. ulltormu 1 '.r (M'linit'ii lui iriiiiiiiMii, Mt .,utTn r, Use Ardmoreite Want Ads 6 Ardmore, Oklahoma Inhabitant Phone 9 . ruiliirm u u s. ht:t:N,N. o. r. a,. ;i .,!.,. package. Sold ny ail druggists.