Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1909 THE DAILY ARDMOBEI TE PERSONALS BAILEW TAKES THE STANDI," S. A. Brown of Aylcsworth Is In tho city. Lon Frttmo Is a visitor this after noon In Davis. Nov. Jesse Holland wns In tho city yesterday from Wheolcr. W. M. Cox of Durwood la In tho cltv today on busbies. W. A. Lcdbctter loft tolay on a business trip to Guthrie. A. C. Bengo and D. It. Caldwell aro in tho city today from Mndlll Jim Carr of Gainesville Is tho guest of Cha. HuyncH for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wnllaco arc visiting friends In Oklahoma City. Mr. .1. W .King of Gainesville Is visiting her nephew, Chas. Haynes. Leo Frlemel -who has been In Ityan for several weeks has returned to the city. Messrs. K. W. Itlncs. J. It. Mc Kinney and Kd Butler of Durant aro In tho city today. T. N. Kobnett went to Guthrlo to day to work with tho committee In tho Interest of Ardmore. Mrs. Nat Smith, formerly of Wood ford, but now of west Texas, Is In the city tho guest ot Judgo and MrH. Wms. M. Csunpbell. Miss Mamie Nlsboit roturnod laJt (veiling from a vUlt of two weeks to friends and relatives at Van Al styno and Weston, Texas. Hugh mount, a merchant of MP burn and member of the board of commissioners of .lolinston county, was In tho city today on business. GIVES DRAMATIC THE KILLING OF AND BREAKS DOWN. RECITAL OF' FOOSHEE MERCHANT'S RATES To New YorK, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and St. Joseph Via Kates lower than ever. Pullman tickets now on sale at Union passenger station for space in our St. Louis trains. Other reservations will lc made by agent on request. For information regard ing same call on. H. D. McColIom, Tichet Agent or write C. 0. JacKson, D. P. A., OKlahoma City, OKla. The closing scene of tho Ballow trial for yesterday was tho evidence of Ballow himself. During tho whole day lie had listened, without apparent emotion, to tho stories of tho men who had witnessed tho killing of Foo- shee and did not seem to care wheth 'or the evidence went for or against him. During tho afternoon many of tho witnesses contradicted them selves. Men got up and swore to to tally different versions with such startling dlscrepencles thnt one won dercd If It were possible to obtain tanv fmtli ahntif thty trmffnr nf nil The Jury Is a fine and representa tive body of men. They appeared to be studying tho testimony carefully, but oiw could see evidences of doubt In tho expression of tfliolr faces. They are nearly nil old men and appear to bo aware of tho responsibility that ' rests upon them. j But when two men who found the body swore to an exactly opposlv I statement In the finding, It could not help confuse them. Two policemen, -who were tho first to view the man's ! body gave, a different version of tho manner In which ho was lying. One stated that ho wn on his Imek ami another thnt he was upon "his face. I One swore that his revolver ww worn on the left side and the other that It was on Ills right side. And ko the evidence went. Assistant County Attorney Matson ' conducted tho examination of wit i nesses for the stnto and Messrs. A. jc. nsid W. I. Cruce and .1. B. Cham pion examined for tho defendant In turn s none win not no sumcicni io s lf crime and that to Justify a ui con in righting In his soir-d -fenso tho danger need not bo ac tive. Speaking specifically, Judge Itossor ald: "In this case, If you bellovo from the testimony beyond a rensonablo doubt that tho defendant, W, M. Hallow, armed himself with a pistol PEOPLE'S FORUM CARTER COUNTY FAIR Tishomingo. Feb. f, General .1. H. Pulllnm. Ardmore, Okln. My Dear Sir. I devply appreciate. our Invitation of the Ith to be pres ent at the meeting of the John II. Morgan camp on the Hth Instant at 3 o'clock p. ni., ami regrot that 1 occasion. In this connection, however. I wish and stationed himself on tho stairs slmn i, nm,'M , present w this with the Intention of attncklng de ceased, or of voluntarily entering Into a- deadly conflict with Mm, or nl'h to My thal ,,, rul(JS of Ul0 tho deceased and others, upon constitutional convimtlon. i can dls- Kru..n tii iii-.u-uiisr. o imu n lrbuto tho Journals of tho same to public libraries and lodges. 1 will In how great or how Imminent hi dan gor may have become during tho conflict thus ontoTod. upon." That threats do not of themselves Justify the taking of life. Argument for the defense wns opened by Smith C Mntson. He laid the cane for tho state before the Jury a few days ship to you by express two copies of the Journals of the con stitutional convention . one for tho Chickasaw brigade of tho United Con federate veterans and one for John II. Morgan ramp. You will have to pay expiess charge for the reason with force and comprehensiveness ot . that tho legislature made no upproprl knowledge and remembrance of thiatlon for mo to bear any of this ex testimony of tho defendant's wit-1 ,,0n nnd pott. Is about that 1 nes.ies that showed he had been fol- cnn jKWr m present. Rtntc to Captain lowing tho case thoroughly. , Wood that I mentioned I would sewd Ho was followed by James II. Mathers who torp the evidence of the witnessed for the dpfenao to shreds. IIo made several telling IMiInts. Hp pointed out that only on man, a negro, told the story of th killing In n ninnner favorable to tho defendant. That some of the other evldenen was of contradie ton nature that It became unreliable and made a scathing resume of the testimony of tho witness Mennfe who nssrted that he had seen the kill- him this copy and in-quinted the sec retary of state to (ml him a copy of tihe Journals of tho howo. ! Thnnhlng you for the courtesy ox 1 tended me and promising that If it Is . within my power to comply with the , request at somo laier date, and deep ly regretting by Inability to accept tho present invitation, I am, Your sincerely, WM. II. MUltttAY. 1. S You will confer a mvor upon mo if you will toll the different lodg- TO BE GIVEN FEBRUARY 18 AND 19 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE LADIES GUILD EPISCOPAL. I The locnl tahrat entertainment tho I County Fair, to bo given In the opera I house Feb. IS and 10, for tJio benefit of the Ladies' (lulld of the 1-Jplsoopal church, will bo tho finest nnd most1 Intercfltlng entertainment over given i In Ardmore. This will Ik4 a real county fair with pumpkins, iotntoes, nnd rnbbugc on display and real bl cycle races, horse races ana pig races. Plenty of fakers will lie then with their gold bricks and side shows. A real wild man and fal laly In fact there will le attractions finer nnd grrater than anything ewr hofoio' seen In Carter county. Advertisement hnv been sent to all the neighboring towns and counties mid It Is likely Uiero will bo an ususiial crowd In at tendance. At any rate Jake Sprue, -bv nnd his wifo ibnve sent word the will be on hand and as they are related. fo hu'f tho people of Carter count). tho Sprucely family wilt llkcy Imvo a reunion right In tho fair ground. IMmvn lfrlwrs will be out to look af ter his flock and keep them away from rtio temptations which are boimd to Ho In their path on nn occasion of thin kind. A pliiih parlor stilt has leen offered to nny couple In Carter county wir ing to have tho knot tied at the nn mml county fair. So far there b.ive WE KNOW 1 hat when we sell a pair of Heywood Shoes the customer is getting good value for his money. HEYWOOD KNOWS-IIow to make shoes that lit the feet, with stle and wear combined. of this YOU KNOW If tn have ever tried a pair make of shoes, that you get good satisfaction. Tan, Oxblooil, dunmetal, Patents. Priies $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 LYNN, the Shoe Man in ISA. SI MAIN STKKKT. 1 1 2 Per cent MONEY To Loan on Farms Per 'ci f Money paid when papers are No commission or examination charges. Gorman and Bogie Insurance and Loans Ovt'f City Nnt'l Hank. IM one fill Awlti'orc, OUl:ihon..k lug of l'ooshee. but could not prov- of nlmore, especially federated p no wtmr nui it is i""ti Hint he was In tha city on that day. bor nnt others, and the public 1.,",l'", nt wl" inli(' w Ho paid Means a great compliment i.rarles. that If tln-v will make nppll- " ,''u' ,,m" ,M", for his wonderful memory. In that cation for a copv of tihe Journal, in, " hn" lHM,n "i""1' ,K' '"r ho remembered down to the small- the ease of libraries to show the date ""v""" Pr.nldent and oih.r 1.1. n. est detail the clothing worn by Foo. t Was founded, the number of books j "f Wwrtilnntoifi. dlplomm v will shoe. lit i1(18. iU prldent and secreUry. ! tJtere. but this may be an exK At a late hour In the afernoon Hi.mni,.,. ......1 hoard of .llrectora. the '"n but at miv rale wo ate s .re During tho wholo ot the hearing nf attorneys wore still arguing the case ' application to bo signed by the pr-sl- 11 wl" Krni1- i the trial the relatives of the deceased I- man have been In court watching tho enso with Intense Interest. They lend a llttlo of dramatic in terest to the case these women who cared for Kooshce, nlthougih they have have not yet shown much emo tion. But the sympathy of all those! who know who they are must rest wltih the quiet, gray haired woman Officers Ikard and. Hednion who called Fooshec "son." tlu, clly thIg n,nrnlng for Marietta Ballew made an excMlont witness. for himself, and the grilling cross- and It Is not expected that a verdict ' dont and secretary or proper officers i . M ... . lit. .i. , i , . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . h im in- ri'iii'iii'd iiuiuro iiiiiiorrow . i oi illo Ullnliy iiiim'ihuuii. hi uij to PICK-UPS HERE AND THERE. AMUSEMENTS ! :: :: :: :t case of lodges of different kinds give the head officers or directors of I tho several lodges. lTpon this Infor mation I will gladly send them a coiiy for tlu-lr 1olcr llbnirv nr RSOclatlon ,. . , ! The Rosabele Leslie Co. tin the iwso in IV lie. I I Panlon me for r.utlng this 11 "vl'0,lt "nt tho , left! favor. Murray. Co. does not select tho best, mil or the repertoire tor tlio iirst Ciuthrle, Okln', Feb. S. j night. Judging from tho enthuHlaBin IMItor Ardinorelto: dlsplned last ovenliig during the I notlco that the "Statesman" j performance of "The Burglnr's to confuso him at all. tho days ago, charged with the burglary I ,,, . na saying that Anlmore's ( Daughter." The east was excellent, to confuse him at all. He told his! of i Grand Avenue Hotel AMERICAN PLAN GUY V. FERGUSON, Prop. Most com rally located hotel in Oklahoma. Mlognnt cafe in connection. 'J'lie hobt of Service. Oklahoma City, Ok la. to attend the opening trial of a man examination of Matson did not seem, w,1(,m t,, nrrwtod hero several London's storo In that city. Hni phnneos flr a normal school wnsMI I-esllo being particularly plead' story of the killing with plenty of,,ras nrresteil hero in- ilu. orcif-nrx: r.m,i. 1 ileslr,. to nut myself right, Ing ns Meg, tho Anlf. Tonight gesture nnd life, but wns compelled mentioned whllo attempting to sell I to juiifo for several minutes at thOjSnmo f ti,0 stncn goods, beginning of his testimony; because : of his emotion. Ho told of meeting T ,, () ,.. ,u,,(, ,lltl.rpHt. 4 fil A - . I i vmsnoe wiiiioui a weiipuu. ui minis , ..... K.BinI1 !( i..)lf , ini.. members of the ordor from dallies- A irnt n nnnnn ,1 1,1 1 1-( ,1 ti .nl.1 ridges and then of going down to hlsi vlllo wero present and nsttlsted In lnl .!. -I , t 1 . lit...- . j.iuu .ill V..I.1.H. Mn-.-L ...m .u tIlllorj, work. A SIn0I;c,. w- tllO event sco wiiat would Happen. i it () evt,ni? Tho defense has sought to show conspiracy and se'f defenwo and tlu et.itn ilnlllinrnln imiriloi ' . tn lilij fnrm linn, frMlititit II,. McFARLAND'S HOTEL P. J. McFAIH.ANI), Proprietor. McALESTKR, OKLA. European Plan. 75 modern rooms 75c and St. 00. Large sample room. Popular priced restaurant in connection Fish dinners a specialty. with tho neonlo of Carter county "'Hint rendu win no preseni nnd I want to say that I don't be-Jed. This play Is something out of Hove Ardmorc's chances aro very the ordinary of repertolro perform- aml wlst edcavor to maintain tho good for n normal school but the1 chances are first class for an Indus trial Hchool, and I think IJepr'cnt atlve Whayne I working to that end. Yours very truly. HAM P BF.H It. T. ! This 1 tho rebuttal 1 Bargains for Women All our ?2.00 Shoes for Wom en nro selling at $1.G5 In our big senil-annual clearanco salo. HAMILTON &. CO. Tho Comer Shoo Storo. with evidence of both sides and .ludgo Bosser retlrPd shortly be fore noon to prepare his charge to the Jury. j An important witness for the stale Don Holt, was brought Into court tills t this morning by Deputy Sheriff drum. I.nndnini has been after Uui man for two days and finally loca'e.l him In Shawnee. He wns delayed In "his search by a wreck on the Frisco and only mnnagod to get his man hero 011 time by a margin of several hours. Judge Bosser delivered, a clear, comprehensive nnd exhaustive charge to the Jury. Ho defined very clear!' tho different charges upon which tho defendant might bo found guilty and explained what constituted tho dif ferent forms of murder, Justifiable homicide nnd excnsablo homicide. IIo said that a baro fear of tho offenso to provent which tho killing Itlcketa Is preparing to movo farm near (rnhnni. He has nioro than ".00 acres there In 0110 tract and will begin tho work In put- but the genuine In the . How- ting most ot tho land in a statu ot ,m "y " "rS"!'H cultivation. Pneumonia of'on followx 'a 1 1' ' but never follows the us,- of Fob " Ilonev and Tar. for la urlppe re v:h and deep seated colds. Itifi1"' am i I. The Hardware and Implement Deal irs' Association of tho state will be In session tho latter part of this week In Oklahoma City. Sum Noblo and J. B. Hpraglns from this city left hero today to bo ln attendance They wore accompanied by B. K. Cole 1 of New York who Is a guest of Mr. Xoble. j Suits Filed. Tin- following suits hno bcrn filed In the district clerk's offic Jennie. Williams vs. Jim William. , divorce on tho grounds ot cru lty ' Petitioner prays for custody ot horj three children. I It. P. Carpenter vs. Mr. and Mrs 1 F. F Tumor, petition In foreclosure. I. B. Mason vs. Ardmoro State Bank, T. D. Barrlngor anil Harold Wallace. Cotton receipts wero light lVlces ranged from 7c to 9c. today. BANK Wo aim to servo each custo mer alike ln all business mat tors, and wo glvo each tho best bank sorvlco. A man with a small volumo of buslnoss receives the samu at tention from our olllcors ns does the largo depositor. TALKS Our service meaiiB accommo dation. Servlcn In matters of coii80tuonco nlso moans with us, sorvico In minor dealings In every detail. Wo aro nlways glad totnlkovor buslnes" matters with you, whether you aro a customer of tills bank or not. Wo are con fident that our Borvlcewlll glvo you entire satisfaction. THE BANKERS NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, Oklahoma The Holy City. At tho Presbytorlnn church last night tho members of tho Choral club practiced the "Holy City." They Intend to give it at somo time In the end of February. The daty will bo announc ed as soon us arrangements can bo made with the opera houso umiiago mcnt. Tho Holy City Is of tho highest class of oralorlal music and will provo of groat Interest to tho lovors of good music In Ardmore, To club under tho leadership of Miss 1 lamia Is well qualified to give It a splendid rendering and tho scoro Is so dlvcrsl tied and presents such opportunities for tho introduction of solo, duet and quartetto parts as well as ohonm that it Is well qualified for public presentation. Piles Cured In 0 to 14 Days PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to euro any caso of Itching, blind, bleed ing or protruding Plies In 6 to 1 '.ays or money refunded. 50c. Cottage Prayer Meeting, A very Interesting cottagei raycr meeting was held by niembcrs of the First Baptist church last night nt tin 1 home of Mr. Buchanan, the manager of the Madden department sorr This Is the first of these jnooMngs' and It was well attended It U fx 1 peeled that iheso prayer meetings ( will becomo a regular part of the religious work of tho church nnd j that they will bo hold weekly. I ' $ifck 1 high piano ot excullenco heretofore ninlntalned. The performanco la nn lnterstlng ono to grown folks, nnd affords unbounded delight for the llttlo ones. It Is a trent to bee their : blight faces at a "lluster Brown" j in . uirmanee A lot of happiness for, i l 'tle outlny, M- Minstrels Coming Here. F w . Indeed, aro tho people in j . i w strenuoiiH days of money mad-i nSrf who go to the theater to bo in-tructel. What they nook Is amuse ment, a hearty laugh; a chance to: forget hiislness cares and worries, ! ' To such people, nnd they nro lc-j glon. no form of entertainment ap-, iuals inciro strongly than minstrelsy.) Bealiing tills fact the managers of ' lllclinrd & Prlngle's F.udouh Min strels, the oldest organization of Its j kind In existence, have kept in closoj touch with tho public pulso of Amor- i ica's laughter loving millions, and i offer a program this season replete I with novelties nnd surprises, LEST YOU FORGET Money refunded if our Ideal Vanishing Cream, and Htiderma Cream docs not give satisfaction. They are skin foods and keep the skin in a healthy condition. Coleman Bros. Drnxgist-Jewulor. Whllo adhering to tho cardinal principles that havo made this form of entertainment so populnr, all Um old lime-worn nvor-worked Ideas havo! hern slKlved. and those who witness 1 0ut Floww' ,,oral "ImIkhh. h entertainment given by this com pany u ItobUon opera house on Monday. Ft-liruary 15th, cannot but volco tho verdict of ovory city where they havo appeared this season, nnd aiiccs, tho plot and situations bclngjthat Is "tho best over." MISS BOSABI2LE LESLIE to Licensed to Wed. Marriage licenses wero Issued tho following: W. I). Kennedy, 1M, and I;na Bus soy, 18, (lioth of Ardmore, Joo McQueen, 21, and Joslo Mc Konncy, 20, both of Poolovllle. W. T. Bennett, IS, and Kmnia Floyd, IS, both of Hcaldton. Reward $10. For Information loading to the con viction of tho person who poisoned my bird dog on February S, I will glvo a reward of $10. Otf T. K. KKABNEY. Bead Aidmortite want aus. Attention, Guards. An interesting featuro of the Lin coln day celebration will bo tho par tlclpatlon of Compnny O of tho Na tional Guard. Captain Hutchinson will bo ln command nnd. tho niftfihor.s of tho company will appoar that day ln their blue uniforms. To Cure a Cold In One Day, Take LAXAT1VK BBOMO QUINI.VB Tablets. Druggists refund mouey If It falls to cure. R. W. OBOVK'S sig nature la on each box. 25c. much llko that of tho "Chorus Lady," Boso Stalil's latest success. An en tirely now lino of specialties will bo given each night, also numbers for tho handsomo diamond ring o be glvon away Saturday night to the lucky, holder. "A Man of Mystery," ono of tho strongest bills ot the ropertolre, will bo presented tomor row evening. Blister Brawn Coming. Ask any youngster when "Bustor Brown" will bo here, and ho or she (for thoro nro scoros ot "Busters" and ''Mary Janes" In town) will probably tell you thnt the date Is Moii In;, March 1st, and that ho will appear at tho Brtblson ojcra house. For this acason, much In iho way of new costumes, scenery, songs, funny situations havo been added. Tho management realize that the phy Is good for many years to come. H. KADEN FLOHJST Plant for tho house and lawn. Hoth phones Gainesville, Texas. the caro-free negro of antebellum days like tho dusky &u& of Ham Win self, and to hear them sing and no them dance Is like turning back 1- lory's pages and witnessing a scu. In tho south, beforo the war. Thcro aro forty of them axd Lo Head Ardmortito want ads. Good Show Soon Here. Thoro Is ono big, Jolly, Jolting, laughing, musical dancing night in storo for thoso who llko that sort of thing on Monday, February 15, when' full will bo fast and furious. Blchnrds & Prlngle's famous mlns-l trols aro tchedulcd to appear at thO' IloblHait opora ihouse. This company havo been coming! hero for years ami need but llttlo In troduction. "The oldeht and tho best' i Is tho motto they havo proudly borne. Not a good show this season, and a poor ono iioxt, as It Ih oftoti tho cas" with tho whlto minstrel companion,! "but a llttlo bettor thin year thaaj last," till with each appearance 't seems as though tho acme of jrf't' ' tlon must have vv attained. , Prw reports fnmi cities where tlKy havo npiMtareil this Mtison are loud In praise of their porfoniiance. No whllo performer can delineate Clearance Safe WALKOVER $3.p,0 Shoe now It.DO 8h(N. now. HAMILTON SHOES. d CO. 2V 43.70