Newspaper Page Text
0 Ardmorc, Wednesday, Feb, 10, 1909 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PACE SEVEN LANDS We own and offer for sale in tracts to suit the purchaser over 5,000 acres of farm lands. These lands on account of fertility and location have been selected by us out of 100,000 acres of land in Ok lahoma. By experience we know these, farms to be especially adapted to the growing of corn, alfalfa, grain, cotton, fruits and veg etables. We sell direct to the investor and have no agents and pay no commissions. Write or call and see us. Burwell & Dexter Ardmore, - - - Okla. THE STORY OF INDIAN LOTS' 1 WHITES FIRST TOOK POSSES-! SION AS SQUATTERS AND STARTED TOWN. UNMOLESTED IN OCCUPANCY! Men Believed That Tey Were En titled to Consideration and the Dummy System Was Started. Milfkogt'.', Ok., F l. 0. Possession of town loin by white men in tin1 Oklahoma Real Estate Offers the finest field for in vestment in the Southwest. W e make a specialty of smooth prairie farm land and city business and residence property. Farm lands from $10 to $35 per acre. Hooks, Noland & Lantis 110 EustMalnSI. Ariliiiure, Okla. If Constipated Test It Free Fvcry year intelligent people arc dressing more lightly and paying more attention to tlicir health If a person cats what is sufficient for his bodily requirements he will give the blood plenty of strength to warm the remotest points of the body. It In, Hti you ree, much more a qui tlon of Mood ttilin of heavy clutlilnK, but the Momacli and bowels, uevcrtlii-li-. ri-KUlato O10 quality of tlio blood. Of first linportanco In tlio dully movement of the bowila, o tlmt tlio waste mut ter may bo carried from tlio sytttcm and not get In blood. If a iit-muii In 3 less l in uno inovoment of tlio bnuclo In each 21 hour, I10 or vlio In eonstltxitcd. 1 If constipated tlicro Is no better euro than Dr. Caldwell's Syrup 1'epaln. It cured so ' P.t m''V-'V,1 1 1 It' P 11 , nj'l"lyih"t tvont. , when the Land Was Open:d These cine of any kind, and that Is tlio xlnt you uro aiming at. You cannot exiiect , iwrmnncnt 1 mulls fiom milt, powders, ' cathartic fills or purpitlvn tablet. They ! nro at but but temporary nllefd. Dr. Caldwell's Hyrtip I'c-psln, tic-Ins a laxatlvo 1 tonic, will euro tlio trouble and so tono tho cllgeatlve orpins tliat thoy will soon , learn to do nature's work without assist nnce. That is tho experience, itmotu; I others, of Mrs. Ilvnnlson. of Kewnnn. ! I 111., and John M. Nceski-rn. of Heimi-lt. .. 1111.1 himiiktiui iiciii iiixauvo compound ... .,. ,. . . , m 1 'can be obtained of any UmikkIsI at to , Indian Territory lmit of Oklahoma, cents or II n bottle, frequently In Itself ,,...,.,. IihihiIIl-iiII.hi In- ilw fed. . sultlcent for n cure. Tbousiiii'ls of tell- Utlilir lllosilgailon 11 tlio ri'O 1 ublo families keep It steadily for Just such cntl RoVernniOnt, I the outcome of cmernen. y. If. however, you hae never , ... ,, . . ict used it and would liko tp try it irnro con lltloim peculiar to that country. liuylnr. send your imme and addres to n,.i- , ., i, 11,11..., ,.( Mnw..u tho doctor and a free test bottle III b.i 1 "or U,e ''Ullfllng of railroads rer 'arwoirWi'i "".'' """ Territory In (ho ear- ij loa, 1 ne live rirumcMi mocg If tlicro Is anything about prnrllcHlly were iintllsturtW by the your nllment that you don't , ..... .. , understand, or If you want.' 111 ml"'""'l " "' cn any nieuli al advb ., wrlto tribe hold It hinds and tritml funds. lcrur, " conilliton that piall m charge for this service. I 'il until tho Inn twelve or fifteen cMAwK !"" wh" th f","'1 vcrntnen. Montlc Ilo. ill. negotiated treaties for the allotment' . . . of lauds In govern It y Kseh tribal 1 Mis. W. T Hell, proprietor of tiJ K"vernmeil ' supreme In Id own uPrislan millinery company, will , ",rr"f.v. enacting Its on lws, and j kao on Saturday for the eastern 1 ,'v,'n '"AWIng; capital punishment j (markets. She will vlalt St. Louis, "I" ' own for certain Chicago, Cincinnati ami New York, j "nine. ' Opportunities for traik attracted i Revolts at Cold Steel. whPe men to tho In linn Territory. ' Your only hope." said three doc-' where they went permitted to en- trouble, lies lu an operation." "then "win tax. usually ti n monin. nml I used Dr. King's Now Life Pills," siiosuoh nd valorem ta on their pinon- writes. 1 ney wnony cured. 1 noy prevent Appendicitis, euro Constipa tion, Headache. 2."ic at Ardmorc l'har-niacy. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that be tween legal hours on the 10th day of February, 1009 f will offer for wile, subject to tho approval of tho court, the cntlro assets of tho Hanlc of the Chickasaw Nation. Said salo to be mnilo at public outcry to the 'highest bidder tqion thrco months' time, with security to bo approved by the court. Tho successful bidder will bo re quired at tho time of his bid to de )Mslt a certified chock of llvo hun dred dollars with me. Kl-lm II. U. KOSTKIt. Uecclvcr. Ml property as might be levied by the tribal government)). These white men were unirtile to buy lnnd on which to erect homes or business buildings though the need of such land was Imperative. U was a custom In thosP days foi a tribal citizen to settle upon un occupied land, and fence as much as ho might need, as there was an abundance for all. From a tribal standpoint such persons were squat ters, who, by common consent, were never molested In their occupancy. Tribal citizens, whose holdings wero touchcjj by railroads or were situ ated favorably to trade, sold to these Invading white men the right to live anl do business on these squatter tracts, the payment usually being an annual rental. The collection of dud (5bw6idet This Fnct that in addressing Mrs. l'inkham you arc con fiding your private ills to a woman a woman whose ex perience with women's diseases covers twenty-five years. The present Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia K. Piukhani, was for years under her direction, and has ever since her decease continued to advise women. Many women suffer in silence and drift along from bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to have immediate assistance, but a natural modesty causes them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and probable examinations of even their family physician. Such ques tioning and examination is unnecessary. Without cost you can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual experience is great. MRS. PINICHAM'S STANDING INVITATION: Women suffering from any form of female weakness are in vited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women. A woman can freely, talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has been established this confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken. Never has she published a testi monial or used a letter without the written Consent of the writer, and never has the company allowed these confi dential letters to get out of their possession, as the hun dreds of thousands of them in their files will attest. Out of the vast volume of experience which Mrs. Pink ham has to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge needed in your case. She asks nothing in return except your good will, and her advice has helped thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be glad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Address Mrs. Pinkham, care of Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co, Lynn, Mass. at the sacrifice of competitive bid ding was dlslnsteful. Then and thoni began the activity to get persons to net as "dummies," and say that they were in possession of certain lots by actual occupancy. This hcIpwiu appealed not only to persons -who held lots than they could con trol under the .() per cent appraise ment valuation, but to speculators and plunders, fresh from othor states. to get A bllnllU'HM litt imhii'iIkp1 fnr Inulnnnit fill,. foi.iol ... na .It 1... si... I I""" 11 ,,,B ""l '"""' "j:it $Sim. mluht bring $1,500 at pub- " - - n. .(.11--. 1 fri....t.,....t n...l ...... . .-1 1 ' Pioucc rur ruuiicaiion. ........ min-in, .him n.m miiaint-u H auction. The opportunity State of Oklahoma, County oflhy usage to such nn extent tlmt I ir jinn .ns Invltlnir I Carter. 'he white man sold and transferred 1 .Iicforo S. II. Itexroat, Justice of 1 his occupancy rlht to other persons! In such towns as Muskogee, Vlnlta.j nuraut and McAlcster white men In-' vested thousands nf dollars In build- tho Peace, In nnd for Hewitt Town ship: Jar-kson ft Jackson, Plaintiffs vs, Joe Shaw, Defendant, No. 31. STORES WILL BE CLOSED The People of Ardmore Who have tried the famous BKOMIDE WATER are highly pleased with it. The demand for this wonderful water is growing every day, E. M. Goff, Agent PHONE 497 ARDMORE, .... OKLAHOMA We Will Contract To do nil jour plumbing work, from mending a small leak to supplying all the labor nnd materials for the plmbing of an entire building. Those who have omnloved our services or bought plumbing supplies from us aro our ucst reterencos. Their ten tlniony will show that wo give every body the squnrest of square deals. 4 1 WEEKS BROS. .Sam'l A. Wrrks, Successor S. Washington St. Phono Street Pavements Ardmore, Okla , Asphalt Minet". Shelby-Downard & Co. Foley's Orlno Laxative curot con stlpation and liter troublo and makes tho bowels healthy and regular. Orl no is superior to pills and tablets as ' it docs not grlpo or nauiieato. Why talio anything else? Sold by all drug I Rlsts. Head Ardmoreltc want ads. ALBATROSS Tbat'i the name of ti best flour told In Ardmar. You aro hcroby notified that, lg that stool, on land held only Jnckson & Jackson, plaintiffs, have 'y this occupancy right, this da filed suit against Joo Shaw When the tribal governments com- for the sum of $113.00 nnd all costs ! seated to divide tholr common piop- of said action, and warn said de-ierty and give -ach citizen his per fondant that on February 22, 1909, capita share, theie was more or U-ss on his falluro to nnswor, will take uneasiness among white non-cltlz'-ns, Judgment against him for said, as to what protection would bo Ml'SINKSS MEN WILL OBSERE LINCOLN DAY BY CLOSING UP STORES FRIDAY AFTERNOON. amount nnd costs of suit. Cilven under my hand this 22nd day of January, 1909. S. II. It EX UO AT, 21-317-11 Justice of the Peace. Notice by Publication. Stnto of Oklahoma, Carter County, Tho following business men of Ardmore have signed tho petition agreeing to closo their places of busl ..!..... I ..I 1 ,. ,, , . , ,. . , , . , ness l ilday afternoon at 2 o clock, sqtintter lands. Their Industry and I. , enterprise had opened the resources', of the country to development, unci from a commercial standpoint had enriched the Indians. Theso hlto men felt that In Justice they held I some equity In the land they had oc- Heforo M. F. Winfrey, Justlco of thej ,.,,,,, B() nmy years. In some of tho Peace, Ir, and for Ardmoro Town- tmvllH wllIt0 Im, C0I1trolC(, ns ,,.,, B',,I,: 1 as five or ten acres for resldenco win. I'ago. l'ininiiir, vs. .1. p. Mcltno: and .Mary Mcltao, Dofcndants. No. -ICS. i You nro hereby notified that Win. ! llnnn l.tnlnflff l,no flln.l nn.ln.t r Ys , 7, land that might be hold lu this wa. J. P. McKao and Mary Mcltao for tho, ' 1 no pi.ui aiiupieii my tue icuerai pnrS)ses, and owned tho occupancy right to many business lots on which they had 'buildings, there be ing no restriction on the amount of sum nf J.1S.I1 with Interest at 10 tier cent per annum from tho Jsti""'1 ,,",ln" Kv''n.monts In the dls day of November. 190S, untll! I1 "f this squatter property where, paid and warn defendants tlmt ,mvns wt'ro Mtl" " "' on February ICth. 1909, on their; Kat0 tho "wnslteg from nllotmem. falluro to nnswor will tako Judgment. ai)1,,alK" 4,10 val,, of 'ach ,ot ac'' against them for said amount, Inter- copJ,n? lo 1,8 'l'rablllty for busl-, est and costs of sulL "Cf,s or residence purposos. and sell Olven under mv hand, ttils Ifilli ilnvl 1' nl public auction to the I In observance of Lincoln Centennial day: Stevens Kennerly & Spniglns Co. (1. W. Anderson, Pennington Cro. Co. A. M. Itlce. .1. K. Hamilton & Co. Madden & Co. Westhelmer & Dntibe. Ardmore Wholesale Mer. Co. H. P. Wolvorton. Now Slate Hardware & Humes Co . Jones (c McChnren. P. U. Martin. Sprckelmeyer & Co. J V. llarall. M. T. Felkcr J V Wliltc-hurst I h den-1 lodges Co. C Young. H. M. (loff. The Ilankrupt Store. Dltzler Dry Ooods Co. Tyler & Slnipron Co. Frank HorryhIll. Conway fi Julian. Ardmore Wholesale flroc. Co. It-nily & llrady. W. W. Tnllnrerro. W. A. Pride. l-'ronsley Pros. I.umber Co. Ardmore Supply Co. Chickasaw Lumber Co. Nelson llror. Wobb's Art Gallery. T. K. Kearney. Hiissell. the Photoi(rnphor. 1). K. Allen. J. J. I.uttoroll. .1. F. Havens. Thus. II. Hoterts. (ieo. K. Crlnur. Frank Hunt. The Wonder Store. Chickasaw Furniture Co. The Paltlmore Mer. Co. P. A. Samtuons Lumber Co, Hudson-Houston Lumber Co, Koenlg's Shoe Shop. oPInnd & Foster. 11. J. Taylor, Tnrver fc lorrtih. W. C. Dean. Sealshipt Oysters RETAIN ALL THE FRESH NESS AND FLAVOR OF OYt. TERS JUST TAKEN FROM THE WATER. PROTECTED THORO'LY FROM WATER, AIR AND POSSIBLE CERMS. THE INNER SHIPPING CASE IS NEVER OPENED UNTIL THEY ARE RHADY FOR DE LIVERY TO YOUR HOME SOLD ONLY BY Cold Storage Market JESSE JAMES, PROPRIETOR, Soldier Balks Death Plot. It seemed to J. A. Ston, a civil war votoran, of Kemp, Tex., that a plot existed between a desperate lung troublo and the grave to cause his death. "I contracted a stubborn cold" I liM writes, "that developed n cough , that stuck to me, In spite of all rem I edles, for My weight ran down Ito 130 pounds. Then I began- to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which re stored my health completely. I now weigh 178 pounds." For severe Colds, obstinate Coughs, Ifc-morrhaj, s. As thma and to prevent Pneumonia it's unrivaled. 50c and $100. Trial bottle free OunrantecHl by Ardmoro Pharmacy. of January, 1909. M. F. WINFREY, 17-lw Justice of tho Peace. Citizenship Rolls If your name has been stricken from tho rolls of tho Fivo Tribes or you have other business be fore tho intorlor Department, wrlto immediately to WILLIAM W. WRIGHT m:nisTEitED attorney Washington Loan &TruBtIiltlg, WASHINGTON, 1). C. highest bidder. Provision was inadej In recognition ot tho alleged equity- of non-citizens In lots to which they held occupancy rights, that such per sons should be permitted to buy two residence lots nnd ono business lot at ono-half their appraised value; for such other lots ns they might hold, title could bo obtained only by competitive bidding at public auc tion. In many Instances tho lots on which this privilege was given were only a small per cont of the lots held by a white non-cltlzon, who had Invested In tin so occupancy lights from year to year, and tho prospc . of having to acqulro theso other lots s. s. s. THE REMEDY FOR SOBES ULCEUS New Management I have por'.-hHHcil the la.uc llsrber Shop anil want ctir business. I have the In-sr bar born in the city, tho bust equip pod shop in tho elty nml can give you better service Look bore, something new, PAI'lItj HI'NDAY MOKNINO as will nn at any other time during tlx eek, Come to see me. Palace Barber Shop (5i-orK? Crincr, Prop a :: :: :: :: j it t: It PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. it k :: :: :: :t t: :: ti n LAWYERS. H. C. Potterf. U. A. Walkrr. POTTERF i WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Ardmore, Okla. M. F. WINFREY Attorney at Lav. Justlco ot tho Pence uVotary Public, Humus j 1 anil lu, .Noulo IJIdg ''hones: Itcsi, 33C blue. Offico ICC. CAPT. J. R, PULLIAM Justice of the Peace. Itooins In Pennington & Sims Illdg, Chas. J. Knpplcr. Chas. H. Merlllat cjompiier "Indian Active Court Laws and Treaties." Practitioner. KAPPLER &. MERILATT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Practice before all Con rtM! nimpriw-j (Jovernment Departments and Com missions, imiian enses a Specialty. Office, Ilond Mil's.. Washington. D, C. Josph lv. Chumplon Thos. W. niamp'rni CHAMPION S. CHAMPION Lawyers Will do a genoral criminal and cL.l practice. Offico lu Noblo Illdg. Phone 274 WM. FRANKLIN BOURLAND Lawyer and Real Estate Dealer Itooms 7 and S Wheeler Ilulldlng Ardmore Okln. L. G. SHELTON Attorney at Law Offico Wheeler HIdg. Phone 298 PHYSICIANS. DR. GEO. L. BARRETT Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of Children a special'). Offico over Hamilton's Shoo Storo Residence corner H street and Sec ond avenue, northeast. FREDERICK P, VON KELLER, M. D. Surgery. Eye, Ear, Nose nnd Throat. Eyes accurately fitted with Glaosc. IMionos: Offico HC, Resldcnct" 4J. ARDMORE SANITARIUM Drs. von Keller, Hardy 4. Henry Modern equipment for tho scientific treatment of all surgical cases. Trained nurses In attendance. Ardmore, Okla. The combination of healthful vegetable ingredients of which S. S. S. ia composed, makes it nn especially desirable nnd effective remedy in the treat ment of sores nnd ulcers of every kind. Since an impure condition of the blood is responsible for the trouble, n medicine that can purify the Wood is the only hope of a successful cure; nnd it should be a medicine that not only the circulation, but one that ut the same time restores the blood to iLs normal, rich, nutritive condition. S. S. S. is lust such n remedy. It is made entirely ofhcalinu, cleansing vegetable properties, e.Ntracted from na ture's roots, herbs nnd barks of the forest nnd fields. It has long lxxn recognized ns the greatest of nil blood purifiers, possessing the qualities necessary to remove everv impurity in the Wood. When S. S. S, has purified the circulation, nnd strengthened nnd enriched it, sores nnd ulcers heal read ily and surely, localise they nre 110 longer fed and kept open by a continual discharge into lliein of irritating disease-laden inatterfrom theblood. S. S. S. brings nbout a healthy condition of the flesh by eup Iving it with rich, nourishing blood and makes a permanent and lasting cure. Rook on Sou and Ulcers and any medical advice ni .iled f- e to nil w'-o write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary Surgeon. Ardmore, Okja. Office Smith's Livery ITarn. Phone 125. ARCHITECTS. W. A. Taekett t W Myall TACKETT 4. MYALL Architects Office in Slnib-l'i-qnliiRton Ilulldlnp, Ardmore, Okla. Adam's Cafe. Extra select oysters always o'i hand and properly served. Cosy dinlr... room for tho ladles. A first class cafe 10-lm WE CAN DO YOUR CAS FITTING "RIGHT NOW." Don't wait until It gets cold again. Phone 60. Ardmore Supply to.