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s WITH HEL1ABLF. CORESPONDENTS IN GUTHRIE AND WASHINGTON ARDMOREITE GIVES NEWS FIRST WANThD-I'ninily wash ing fic jur pound, Hat work Included. Ardmorc S ( c n in Laundry Telephone No. lO Ardmoreilo Wan I Ads Jftrino; Results I'hono.s fl mid 5)8 7 m VOUWIKXV CITY EDITION ARD.MORK, OKLAHOMA Y ICONICS DAY KVKN1N(J FKllIil'AHY 21 IDO!) Ifemii CHILD LABOR BILL PASS FRANKLIN Muthrlo, Ok!a , Kcb. 23.- Th liouso liouso I'd the c Jllt ' U it kin . '. )f representatives today crowno efforts of Kate Harnnrd for tho throe years for antlchild labor It latlon by pnsslng finally tho bill Senator Franklin regulating tho cm ployment of children, nnd It In now on its way to tln governor. The bill had tho support of the stnto federation ot labor. Other Important measure pass ed were blllH by Wilson of (Iroor lo cating the brunch penitentiary at ttrnnltc and by Turner locating the school for tho deaf permanently at Sulphur. The limine passed several minor bill, and devoted a consider nblo portion of Uiodny tore-framing tho fish, game and bird bill by Keyi of tho senate. Tho successful pass-IRQ of the P.rnn lie secondary penitentiary bill was dramatic and unexpected. The vote on It stood Kl to .1 1, nnd tho emergen cy was Ion by a vote of 41 to 10. A remarkable change of sentiment was Indicated by the fact that nil the (liouso lenders who havo heretofore opposed tho public bulldlngH bills vot ed for the measure, while Messrs Durant, McCalla and other leaders of' tho fight to locate Institutions, voted against It. McCalla made tho motion to tablo he bill, which was defeated by a vote of 38 to Gii. Klghteen re- ,10,,1 1,1 Muskogco county List Novom publicans voted against It. with eleven! m'r for r()lula a,,u bridges for It. For the other bills the repub-j In the work on the Keys fish and llcans have voted almost unanimously Rnmo bill Gilmer secured an amend and this arraying of minority forces tnent making Uio dally limit on quail against the bill Is regarded as Rlgnlf-j2. Instead of 15; Mnthls, cutting out leant. Tho bill carries n npproprla- provision that hunting might bo done Hon of $f;o.000 with a limit set of ion unoccupied lnnd not posted. Dixon $2,500 for a IGOacre tract within onoiof Okmulgee jnade a val nefort to got mllo of Granite. an exemption from hunting license Tho bill locntlng tho school for the ! t" full-blood Indians of the east side deaf at Sulphur carried no appropri ation for buildings. Sulphur has agre el to furnltdi quarters free. It passed 'Hty a voto of 7C to 10. Tho emergen cy carried. After a brier but lively discussion In which thoro was much talk of lot ting the people rule and tho counties do as they deslro tho house passed finally tho bill by Senator Russell ro pealing tho law by which counties; were in territorial days permitted to voto for the establishment of county high schools. The Itussell bill does not (interfere with those schools al ready established. Two bills by Senator IVrownloe of interest only to his district passed al so. Ono legalizes tho special election nt Kingfisher at which $0,000 worth of sewer lKinds were voted .and tho other legalizes tho $12,000 Issue of school bonds nt Geary. Hills reported out favorably wero Anthony's, reducing the gross produc tion tax cn coal from onohalf of ono per cent; the Uoddle banking bill, no changes being made except Mint section four, exempting secured banks from putting up other security, wa? ytrlcken out. A minority report op. posed the change. Tho .lapp'Casteel 1)111 for tho establishment of a stato printing plant wns ulso favorably re- ported. The point is to bo located accept duck, brant, crane or geese was the state capital and It is not to bo, amended so an to also mako It unlaw pennnnonly located until the capital Is ! ful to kill tho enumerated birds be permanently designated. i tween those hours making tho prohi- Kills Introduced Include one bylbltlon to apply to all birds. Knox, Merilcknnd Cook of Muskogee, An amendment by Cnsteel reducing legalizing a JlfiO.OOO bond election, the open season for hunting quail to ! No ("KI-RO-PRAK-TIK" Dl'UgS (Done by Hand) Dr. C. Sterling Gooley 7-9 Sims Building. Telephone 409 1 DO XOTTUEAT HFFECTS, but REMOVE THE ('A I'STS of ninety live per cca of all diseases to which tin- human tmdv w heir, hv Spinil Adjustments. When tho OA ITS E is HE MOVED nam al recovery is the. QUICK anil INEVITABLE result Tha which is inti"isille cannot he itccomplisherl, but CliP'oprm-tie ha- in mniy ciss n'-eomplishod tha' which other svstems have copsidert 1 i''pn-.vil)i. If rmr case is number ed luiionu thoM suoposed imp issihilities do notdesp.iir. Try Chiropractic and yot well. ConsulUtiou and oxatnin thn FREE. Mv former pitionts are mv best reference Member American Chiroprac tic Association, Secretary Colorado Chiropractic Institute A'socintion. Over China Palnce and Wonder Store. LADY ATTENDANT 1 MEASURE GOES c ., MISS KVTK HAKN'AHD State Commissioner ot Charities of the state; nnd Cope was equally unsuccessful In endeavoring to change tho minimum -ago limit of licenses from It to 10. "There are more boys killed." ho said "between the ages of It nnd 10 than of grown men during tho hunting season." The section of the bill making it unlawful to shoot any game on. from or across any public highway was nmended upon motion of Faulkner of Kiowa county by prohibiting tho shooting of game on, from or across any railroad right of way. An amend ment wns adopted to section 9. mak ing it necessary to obtain the consent of both owner and occupant of land before a person can shoot gnnio upon it. The provision of the section that such consent for hunting or fishing sha'i not be required upon unoccupied lands except where objections are posted by owners wns amended to al so permit hunting or fishing upon un occupied or uulensed state lands. The provision of the senntn bill al lowing tho owner or occupant of land to capture game with trap, not, snnro. but fixing a bag limit was stricken from the bill by the house. Tho pro vision of tho senate bill making It unlawful to capture or kill any gamo between one half hour after sunset and ono half hour beforo sunrlso. ex- No Surgery ii days, making it from December 1 o 1-Vbriiary 1, was adopted nnd bin amendment nlmi Including Mex'oan or b'ue quail lii the category of birds that It Is unlawful to shoot except during the open season was also ad opted. After considerable discussion th provision of the senate bill mak ing It unlawful to kill any wild turkey except one wild turkey gobbler from April 1 to May 1 was amended io as to mnke the open sensou for turkey extend from Mnreh 13 to April 1. The provision of the bill making tt unlawful to shoot nny game on Su-i-dsv was amended by mo' bin 'f Faulkner making It prima facie evl deuce of Intent to violate th'' term of the net for nny person n i.c fmind with n dog and gun whe-o g.nne Is found on Sunday. l'o", , of 1'uM pave notice that uiin the ftnnl pas-. igi of the bill he would move to ri conslder the vote by which this am endment was adopted. Helm of Creek county made an tin succ.v.sfiil attempt to hMleflnllery postpone the bill. hl motion being ruled out of order but a motion 1" Tlllotson to arise from committee of the whole temporarily utopped further consideration of the bill for the dsv. During the consideration of the b'U C pe of HI Heno believing Mint lobby l.sts were at work upon the floor gnvo nolle that he would Innlst upon a strict observance of the anti-lobby law. Contents of Labor Bill. GuMirle. Okln., Feb. 23. Without any tight the house pnssod the. Frank lin child labor bill with amendmnutu only to tho phraseology. The bill doe not carry any emergency and If it re celveH the signature of Governor Hn kell will not go into effect until '.10 days after tho adjournment ot tho legislature. The bill prohibits the emp'oym.lit of children under the ago of U In factories, workshops, theatres, bowl ing alleys, pool halls, steam Inuudiles, 1 or any occupation injurious to hoalMi or morals. Occupations coming under the latter classes nro to bo dete.'mined by the state labor commissioner. Employment of children unde1- !ho ago of 12V& years is prohibited around! machinery, In mills in preiwrlng coin Ksltlou In which dangerous or ioi? onous ncids are used, In the mauufae ture of paints, in dipping or dyeing; around explosives nnd In the mnuufne ture of goods for Immoral purposes. Children under 10 nnd women Mid girls nro prohibited from working In mines. Girls under 10 are prohibited from selling papers, magazines or periodicals cn the streets or out ot doors. Children under 10 but over II aro not permitted to be employed nt any of the occupntlous prohibited for thoso under II unless they can read: and write, or attended school during the preceding year for the time re quired by the compulsory education law. Schooling certificates nro re quired for such beforo they can bo employed. Hoys under the age of 10 anil glils under the ago of IS are prohibited from working nt the (tccu patlons denied those of 1 1, between the hours ot 0 p. nt. and 7 a. in. No chTd under the age of 10 can bo em ploed, except in agrlculutral or do omoBtle. service, more than eight hours In ny day of IS hours in a week. Seats must bo provided by tho em ployer nnd girls under 1 1 nro prohib ited from employment necessitating their stnndlng. Violations of the act are. punishable by fines from $10 to $r0 tind Impris on mont 10 to 30 days or both. Km ployinent of children without the schooling certificate, employment of children or women in a mine or false statements In tho certification are made prima fnelo ovldenco of guilt. The state labor commissioner and tho mine Inspector aro required to on-fi-rce the law. Niagara lee Jam is Broken, N'Uigara Falls, ts Y Feb. 23. Nl luani's ice jam has broken. Aided by a sb'ft In the wind, a heavy downpour of ra n and warm weather, the havy ice foes In the 'Canadian channel gave way yesterday and that roar so familiar to natives and tourists has returned. Morn than the usual qunn Mty of wa'er Is pouring over tho great horsewboe. Tho volume going over tho Amorlcan falls Is hardly hnlf normal. Read Ardmorclto want ads. t: :: :: l JOHNSTON IN WASHINGTON Washington, D. f . K. b. i --Governor 0. II. Johnston of the Chickasaw Is here mi a summons from the secn tui of 'i.e Ulterior for a eonfei :: em. on the payment for 1 it i proemeuts on th,. kh-kslvI coal lands :: :: :: :: t: :: :: :: :: :: ROBBER KILLS XPRESS CLERK JESSE HAYMAKKER SHOT TO DEATH BY UNKNOWN ROQUER AT HUTCHINSON TODAY. EXPRESS OFFICE ROBBED Of'lce Gave Appearance of Desporat'j Struggle Between the Dead Clerk and His Slayer Little Booty Was Secured by Robber. IlutcJiluson. Kan., Fob. 21. Jesse Ilaymnker. aged 22, 'night cleik In the Vell Fargo Kxpress comwny'i Santa Fe depot office, was shot ml I llled ally today by an unknown robber, who then looted the express office safe by the nld of Hnymnko'-'s keys The robbor ontored the uptown e press office and rifled the' rio'ify drawer. Very Utile booty was secured by the robber. The depot office bears evidopce ot the desperate struggle between Hay maker ami the robber. GIRL SEIZED AND DRUGGED CHICAGO POLICE HAVE ANOTHER MYSTERIOUS CASE GIRL UN CONSCIOUS MANY HOURS. Chicago. 111.. Feb. 21. That she was seized by two tnott Monday night, dragged and carried to a hotel near Lincoln Park, whore sho remnined un conscious for twenty-four hours, is the experience related todny by Marie Melnrue. aged 10. tier stnrv resembles the case of Klla Glngles. who was found bound In n hotel here a week ago. FINISHES INAUGURAL ADDRESS PRESIDENT-ELECT PUT IN BUSY DAY TODAY TRYING TO CATCH UP WITH CORRESPONDENCE. Xew York. N. Y. Feb. 21 - President-elect Taft today took advantage of the coveted opportunity of catching up with his correspondence and io prepare a portion, of ono of tho maga zine articles he bad contracted to write. Ills Innugural nddress received Its final revision today. EXPRESS PEOPLE NOT LIABLE CARRIER COMPANY NOT RESPON SIBLE FOR DESTRUCTION OF LIQUOR IN PROHIB. STATE. Washington. 1). C, Feb. 21. Tho upreme court of the Fulled Statns yesterday reversed the decision ef tho Kentucky court, which hold the Am rlciiu ICx press company liable for loss to consign In Kansas of liquor sunt through the companv. which wn de ttroyed under the Kn'isas "H-ohlbitory law. ! l- 4-. : WARMER WEATHER. New Orleans. Iji . Feb. 21. The weather forecast for Okln- f- honia tonight Is fntr and warmi-1 In tho wostern portion. Tlmrs- day fulr ami warmer. a - :: :: :: i: :i :: :: :: :: n SEVERE STORM ; LAST NIGHT: ARKANSAS. MISSISSIPPI AND TEN. NESSEE SUFFERED. SIX KILLED iN ARKANSAS Town of Fisher, In Poinsett County, Practically Wiped Otf the Map, Only two Buildings Remaining Where the Town StMd. Memphis, Terni., Peh. 2 1. -That the ittortn of wind awl rain, whlnh prevMll it In imrts of Arkansss. Mhwlislppl atl Tennessee Inst ntstht was most severe, la confirmed bj advices re ceived enrly today. In the counties of linoke. Woodruff. Prairie and I'idiisett, In ArktitMNU. The force of the storm, which ppnrently originat ed In tho rirst named county wis folt in Mm town of Flisher, In Poinsett county which wns practically destroy ed, but two buildings remaining In tact, whlk six persons wero killed and a number of others seriously In jured. Near Augusta the dead number six nnd several injured. Telegraph and teluphotio wires aro prostrated and the full extent ot the dfitnage is not yet linown. Louisville, Ky., Feb. 21. Vile flood of ruin which raged during tile pnst twenty-four house over nearly all or Kentucky and portions of Indiana, has done tlious:iiiJ of dollars nknnnge In Loulsvlllo. Kvery river and oreek throughout' tin. deluged territory Is bank-full and ninny hnve overflowed. The lower Ohio Is rising rapidly at all points mid a big flood Is predicted. High Water at Cincinnati. Cincinnati. Ohio, Feb. 21. With' the lll-foot stage reached at noon nnd a promise or fifty fuel before night, the river conditions In this section today are very sorbins, A continuance of the present condi tions menus tin .".fl-foot stnge by to morrow, which will ililve nil rullroads from the Grand Central station and compel the abnndomiiet of business along Mih lower part of the city. Says Statehood Improbable. Washington, Fob. 211. At th,. sec ond session or the sen ile committee on territories to consider the .Vow Mexico nnd Arizona statehood bill today a number of amendments were otfered. -tt Is admitted that It Is practically Iiiih)hsI1i1d to get action by Hie somite during the present session. Another meeting ll be held tomorrow. The sounto twiuy passed, the dip lomatic and consular appropriation bill carrying :t,0 10,380. The house provision vesting In h vice consul general Judicial authority in civil and criminal c.ises heretofore vested In tho (oiiMtil general of China, was on motion of Mr. Huron, stricken out and the Lodgo amendment appropriat ing 1100,000 for ground ami a build ing for tie American embas.iy wis. on motion by .Mr. Hale, laid on the table 12 to 21. Big Onion Crop, San Aiiloulo, Tex., Fell. 21. An nouncement Is iiiiido by the Southern Texas Onion Growers' association Uut the shipments of this year's onions will begin on March 10th. Tho onion crop is said to bo much better this year than last, as heavy spring rain put too much water on tho onions at the wrong time anil caused consider able loss. The Toxs Hermuda on Ion, raised by the six hundred grow er of the association, has not the rank flavor ot the ordinary onion, but is more delicate and has made a pluoe for ItsoK In the markets of the country. Last year the association shipped about two thousand oars of onions nnd expects to mnk still larger shipments this your. FURMAN ON PROHIBITION SHCWS THAT TEST CASE FAILED 1 TO POINT OUT WHEREIN WAS! NOT ADOPTED. I Guthile. okln , Feb. 2.1 - In the text ime ap uled from Comanche county ! Xlok A He to test the prohibition urtlrle la th criminal court ot ap peals on the (.rounds that It was not lroHrly submitted to a vole of the IHMiple, Justice Furntsn handd down an opinion yesterday In whbh In holds that the warty assallltiK tlf article rail.. , to point out In what pa-tlcubir It was not propel ly submit led or adopted. He shows n herein It was declared adopted and accepted and recogntsrA by the political do pnitmenta of both the federal and the state governments and that It wllf not be declared InvalK- b) the courts. lustl.e Furnmii holds that It Is not .necessary that Indictments. In formutlons or affidavits shall show Hint they ure toeing prosecuted In the name and iy the authority of the stale. It Is sufficient If this appenrs from the record. Tho syllnbll In full rollows from the supreme court nnd the criminal court of appoals. The prohibition nrtlcle which was separately submitted ilth the consti tution for rntlficntlon or rejection, the party assailing the same failing to Klnt out In wlint imrtlcular It was not properly submitted In accord ance with the enabling net leh. :t3;tR, SI V. S. Slat, at Urge, 1 DOR-1 000, part 1. page 217). It having been declared adopted nnd accepteli and recognized by the political demrt iiionts of both the federal and state governments will not bo declared by tho courts Invnlld on the ground that It was not proporly submitted or adopted. ''It was the Intention of tho frniu ors of the constitution that the pro hibition provision required to Vo In corporated therein by virtue of par agraph 2 of section ' of the enabling rot CI I V. S. Stat, nt Ijirge, eh. MSB. part 1. page 207. lOO.VOli) should be enforceable In tho courts of the state linmeiUntely upon the admission of the state Into the union. "Such provision was Incorporated In section 7. nrtlcle 1. by the trainers thereof with a Ilko Intent. "The prohibition article (lluun's i:d. sec. I!l!i; Snyder 11. p. 3!H: Gen. Stat. Okla.. 1!H)S. Aim., p. 1021 was submitted us a separate prop osition with the Intention that it should become effective over the en tire suite In like manner If approved by the people, and the constitution was nlM ratine). "A llcoiise Issued under a general statute to a dealer in liquors Is In no sense a contract botween the state and tho licensee, and Is not pio teeted by the contract clause of the fede-al constitution being a mere permit, which may be modified, an nulled or revoked nt the pleasure ot the legislative power, "A schedule to a constitution gen erally contains tomporary provisions for the preparatory machinery nec essary to put the pilnclples of the sovennment under the constitution In motion without disorder or collision, not as n rule to control the principles of tho orgunic law or to limit the same, but to curry the whole Into effect without break or Interval. "The laws licensing the liquor traffic art. 1. eh. lit, Wilson's Itev. and Ann. Stat., 1003) at the time of the admission of the statu Into the union were repugnant to the pro visions of the prohibition article thereof. auJi were not extended to ami did not remain in force in said state. "A license to carry on the liquor traffic Is revoked or annulled toy the repeal of the lav authorising the granting of such license. A liquor license, the period for which It was Issued not having ex nlred when the state of Oklahoma was admitted Into the u'.lon. was re voked and discontinued and on the a. 'mission of said state, the prohi bition article thereof berooitag then and there effect 1 vs." 'Syllabus by orimlosl oourt of ap puals: 'It lis not uesoetary that I ml lot mcnU, Informations or affidavits CAPTURE AND FSWI SWINDLERS LITTLE ROCK OFFICERS ARREST LRADBRS OF BAND OF TAKE wnmrLiNe swindlers. AGENTS IN EVERY STATE Police Claim to Have Ev.denre of More Than Thrse Hundred Agents of Band Over the Country Fic ed Now Orleans Man of Big Wad Mttle Hook Ark., Feb. II.- Tie- a I tborttlea dee's re that J. C. M.ii. , nnd bis threw alleged nceompllces ar rented yeatierdtiy. are the lender,, of an orgnuliml Isind of swindlers. whoso operations extended over tho entire country with hundreds of vic tims. It Is nlloRod tlm man promoted fako wrestling mulches, foot ami horso races. The police nssert that record In Muybray's possession established tho oxlstenco of nmro thnn tliroo hundred ngentu of tho band In every state In the union nnd Cannda. The me woro Identified by T. P. Covnnniigh of N'ow Orleans, who de clared ho bnd lost $3C,000 on a pre viously arranged wrostllng match. shall, upon their faces, show that they ore being prosecuted In tho name and by the authority of the state. It Is sufficient If this appears from the record." WOMEN TO SEE FIGHT "LADIES' NIGHT' AT PHILADEL PHIA ATHLETIC CLUB SO CIETY MEN TO BOX. I'hlladelplila, Fob. 23. Clasr-y so ciety damoii of tho Qiiakor'Clty 'loo" wl!! occupy scats of honor nt tV l'lilla.Jolphla Athlotlo Club tonlt'li', when Anthony .1. Drexul Uiddle, so clely man nnd millionaire, meet "IMilladolpbla Jack" O'llrlen, prrfih slonnl pugilist, In a six-round ba'.tle. A ladles' night has been arranged Tor this occasion to gratify the or expressed wish or curtain well known women of this city to sco a Meal prlzo fight." Hurry I. llurke, captain U the club, said today; "1 bullovo a ljro crowd or well known women u 11 bo prvsunt. 1 think thero is caver nosa among many of them to see Mj,h class boxing, such lis Mil will be. I expect Mrs. lllddle, will bo there, and Mint a number ot woll kniwn women will act as chupe-.Jius for young society girls. ''Thoro will bo nothing to shrik any one. I think tho arfulr will have a tendency to oluvuto thy tone of the sport. "Mr, Illddlo and O'Brien will near rul) ring eostuuio and all th; ti:uui formalities will be observe!. Tbre .111 bo no duclslon, however wa en, ot course, obviates hard h'tNti in u man who may think he U hik outpointed." Mr. Huddle, one of the best known amateur boxers In the Mu'ted States, member of u family who name Is Identified with Philadelphia society, m an author lu addition, first cam' Into pugilistic prominence seni.ii years ago when he sparred wi h "Bob" Fltsslmmons. H has n! ip peared In exhibitions with ti Url n. Flse to Indians. Evaisaville lnd.. Feb. 24.- As a di rect result of the passage of a pio htbltton law by the Tennessee legisla ture, BvansvH'e is rapidly gaining in Itopulatton ami Industries. Sew ml wholesale liquor dealers, driven from TanuessM by tiie strong arm of the law, aavtt established themselves lu re and many others art likely to conu . A. J, Harris, a promliiunt farmer from nsnr Durwooil, Is a vUltor here today.