Newspaper Page Text
Ardtnore, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1909 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAQE THREE A BAD BACK IS A BAD HANDICAP Few of us can afford to bo Idlo, nml to those who wors, a sound, strong bnck I a. necessity. A bad linck prevents rest or sleep, and aches all day with a dull, tired throb. Don't think because sharp twinges strike vou when you lift, or twist about, or reach, that your work Is I too hard for you. Had back aro common In evory occupation. Those I nches nnd twinges nro only Na- i two's warning that the kidneys need help. It Is onsy to teM If the kidneys aro sick, and aro not thoroughly do ing their work of filtering the blood. Uackache Is an enrly warning. Head- acne, dizzy pons, puny sweinngs under the eyes or in the ankles nn' legs, nervousness, Irritability, rneu niatlc pain and tired feelings also tell of kidney Ills. Hxnmlne tho urine. If It Is ex tremely pale and light, the kidneys are not getting out all of that uric polrou, If It In dark colored an 1 thick, passages too frequent, or too scanty, It them Is any sediment de posited wnen P stands if passages burn or pain, that is proof cuougii Donn's Kidney Pills have given ; thnt the kldtios need nttention j Kidneys. For Daily Work, One Needs' s,ro,,- s0,,,ml ,wck" ,0 i. ,, l '.,n This remedy cure backache and url- a oiron ' isdCK aiui en i,i,) ,.. mnvim tin. rn i by cuilng the kidneys. Sevens-five years ago Dean's Kid-! ue Pills were curing kidney trou-1 hies in a settlement of Quaker far inert Now the remedy Is used In nit , the rUillzed world. It Is praised, abroad In many tongue. It is ree-1 iniiiieiided at home by people you know ARDMORE TESTIMONY. A. P. Whiten. Whlttlngton Hotel, rdmore. Okla.. says: "'The euro Doan s iKdney rills effected In my rase some years ago has remained permanent, and t believe I will nev er hate the slightest sign of kidney tiouhte again. In 1H0I I was boher ed greatly by the secretions rroi.. mv KidiH'.xs. There was a retention of same ami passages were genor aliv ateudeil wltli pslu. I found Donn's Kidney Pills, which 1 procur ed from Frame's Drig Store, to lie nu excellent specific ttv uuS trou ble. They cured me promptly, and I have since recommended them to w m w w s s nrt ip if nun rAUL IMS ntVtAL YUUK What Ails You? TRADE; EACH INDIVIDUALITY! 4IKMEX3TC t'LRY PICTURE TELLS Chlcatto n ; maintain that Feb i Phlliwophc! s1 of nun.' -ho If we lud the re.iiNI-e' --aiiie flii.uirl.i lloWcxiT til brains and knowledge we could ril i N not li.itni'Oied h tlicj , I . .'iiniii.'i ... imin Islioie the latter coll Kldernllrii. It would lie obviously Im possible for her to wear her sweeping cnrlnns to note tile effort which oc eupntlon and environment hsve on physlcirl appenrnOce readily to fall Into classes and types which eun be nudlly distinguished by the acute observer. If ou walk through the loop dis trict any afternoon you will meet Kotne thousand of men and women, evervotie 1 have heard complain of i everyone of whom hns nn Individual hiiini v iiouuie i neneve uoan s ivki n y ,,f his ney nil-, to uo "lie nest remeiiy lor th kldnrva on the market today." the hlstoiy of any Individual's life . . . i. . ... . .. i t . . '"- " ""'j vestments If she had to spend her face. IJarh little penciling drawn byi(jBy ,5 dreury. HBi oftentimes dirty, time on the human count enstieej cotninrrrlsi rsisbllstiments. Ilehlnd means so much piln or sorrow It ls.hpr clothes there Is another and more I snlitlo illstluction to note. Her move meats nre slower than those of her Mankind seems, unrttlnr aluterii. for time In not nm ally a vital consideration with her. i ami to lie Into at her afternoon eallj Do joii feci wenk. tired, despondent, freipient bend iiclic. coined lonipir, bitter or hud tnMe in itiortiin, iir.irt-hiirn,'' bcli-lmnt of (jn, ncid rionits in tliront after cutiiil!, Motnacli (!nu or burn, foul brrutli, diy spell,, poor or unable uppitite, lumeu t tiniri unit Uindnd )iiiptom ? If joii Ii.itc iiny eoimdcr.iblo niinibcr of tho nlioc inptoiiM on nre iifli'rltiii from IiI.Ioik torpid liter nith imliieitioii. or dyspeptiii. Dr. Pierce (ioldrn Mcdiciil llltoourv i iimdc lip of tbu must viiliiulilc ineilivinut prlnuiplc knonn lo nieilioiil loirnor fur I lie pernmneiit cure of ucli iiliiiiiriinil conditioiH. Il i n mint efficient liver Im ijor.itor, stoin.iuli tonic, him el regulator iind nerc Mrengtliciicr. Hie (.olden Mrdirul l)ioerv" i s pulent medicine or ecret noMnim, n lull lit ol it inrrdirnts beuU printed on its hottle-H rspper ml Httnted under oiilb. A liiiur nt these t .lion Ihst it ei.ntHino mi alcohol, or l irm fill liubil.lormum dniv It is ,i tl.nd evlrct irntde ith purr, triple-n hoc J jilKrrine, 'l proper Mrenth. from the root ol nmie Amerienn meduul lorcst ilant. World Dispciuury Medienl Atioeiiitiou, Prop., llulTtflo N. ijsmi il I'.tiJiggBBnmTttirmvr DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS I I V of his oi her o ii. and yc4 who j can be roughly classified Into about a doren types. Of enpeolal Interest are j i he women one meets In their types. That little, modestlv dressed girl i a ho pome hurrying nlong with a i.mntv ntrlde nnd a confident hiIko ! an belong only to one class. Hhe ! 'h ewxent hilly one of the hundreds of 'ihousnnds f her kind who nre work- Is of little ImiHvrtnnce compared with opposed, nnd on account of our know ' ed in the country, I now being latest the office or fuctoiy i ledgo of the sources from which j the approval of liovemor i' i II. i Her life has Imbued her with a cer- springs the ino'lve tli-nt prompt hI the tain lr of repose which mav ix- d's-1 Muskogee Indictment the poplo of tlngulshed Henenih the iimxlmuni ol , Washita county, wlu, nt rcgwril to vivacity. She passes down the street j party affiliation, Htit.scribe anew their us she would cross the ballroom, ami j unfaltering fal'h In the honesty. In ner position In the world Is written ' tegrlty nnd statesmanship of Oover- plain ncross face and figure. Ktillowlng her closely there Is a girl whom a careless observer might Imagine belonged to the same class, but the more acute would not fall In to tho snino error. He would not ned to watch her turn down that alley THE GREATEST GUBE FOR COUGHS "COLDS dr. mms NEW DISCOVERY GUARANTEED CURE FOR Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Quinsy, Hoarseness, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Weakness of the Lungs, Asthma and all diseases of THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST PREVENTS PNEUMONIA Eleven years ago Dr. King's New Discovery permanently cured me of a severe and dangerous throat and lung trouble, and I've been a well man ever since. G. 0. Floyd, Merchant, Kershaw, S. C. PRICE 50o AND SI.OO SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY ARDMORE PHARMACY 'o win, l'2 r In ch l,nmH this Is no. and oi. ( d,i up in Sheffield, a rival pat rcu who was backing a iMixer played a mk' on me that I shall ncer for get The old rascal nrmnged that turnstiles should be placixl nt every ili'i'.iuce to the hall ami of when 1 came up I couldn't through, much lest over; so my ing In the factories of the country, and disappear under that sign, "stage I'rolmlilv not more than it years of ilt.or," to know her place and oceu- age. the alert and se'.f-assitretl look In her eyes betrays the fact that she has already spent an apprenticeship In life's training school and Is not Ignorant of tho world. The confidence with which she course' trends her way through the crowded get j sheets bespeaks the city girl while hid' her simple clothes tell of her condl- was nefariously deprived of my inortil support He wo'i, nevertheless, so that It tided happily after a'.l. ,l enormity has lel me into some pickle I can tell you. I weigh ".7 s'one Mgh ".H, pauncli il Inches and foot Inches long. Once when I was going to Coventry I found I couldn't set Into tho carrlngH and j Wien I asked tho Kuard to put mo In tils van he liiatiKiy reiugeii. tlou In life. The little Imnils are ungloved and a trifle coarsened by manual labor, but the natural coquet ry of her sex peeps out In the bow or rlblKin with which her hair 1 lied In !4,".Vfc Inches, i taste. Her coiffure Is simple, for she feet 1 Inch, j and which Is perhaps a little crude with chest fi : inches calf feet 2V4 Inches, arm 23 'has no time to waste In the morning on elaborate hnlrdresslug. This Is a point worthy of note, for a whole book might be written on the reveln Hons to bo foitiwl In the way n woman does her hair. "So I had to travol ns luggage In tho Tho lltlo factory girl passes om her luggage van: when the porter saw me he said: "Which sldo up?" because I'm further around than up and down, and he wanted to make me pay ex e. us lugRiige on myself. "I havo broken the springs and bent the sVps of Innumerable calls and car's, and nine times out of ten the cabbies refuse to take mo as a fare. Tho railway carriages have signs that say. 'Seat live.' but when I got In they say 'Sent thee.' I have to wear specially made coa's, trousers and way to be swallowed up In the rcii eral sea of humanltv which surges backward and forward, ami attention Is attracted to another girl who steps out of the mass to cross the road. It Is only necessary to mark her hcsltat Ing and timid manner and the anpre heuslve way in which she glances over her shoulder to know that she Is a stranger to the big city. A closer Inspection leaves little doubt as to her classification. N'o matter how clear the skin and There is Only One Thai is USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLO IN OWL DAY. boots and once. -in outfitter who bright tlio eye of tho city girl there Is nimle me some dress shirts exhibited a peculiar freshness of complexion one in the window and It took up the whole space. "I eat every thing I want except po tatoes and ns for the anti-fat prepara- Hons, don't you believe In them tit all. pa Hon. It Is utmost Impossible lo define exactly why. In nine onsen out of ten. the stage girl may bo known Immediately she appears in public. Perhaps her colors are n trifle gay er, her actions a little more ostenta tious, and her voice pltchtHl sllghtl) higher than her sisters' but even those distinctions do not wholly ac count for her iinn'lfctnkuble type. It must be sufficient to note thnt rarely j would a man or woman of the world fail to mnrk the girl In the theatrical profession on sight. liist III the list comes the seleio' j girl. There is Utile trouble in deciph I erlng her. She may not be any 1 younger or ns young, ns the factorv hand or the store clerk but her ap pearance cannot be mistaken Llfe has not yet loaded Its responsibilities on hiT shoulders or broken the spell of her Illusions by Its rude contact Tho buoyancy of her step, the clarity! oi her gaze, ami tho Innocent manner' In which she confronts the world all (ell the story of olio whose life still flows In quiet and shallow streams, So they all pass down the busy street, each with a little history of her own written In letters big enough for the philosopher to read If he have the Inclination. nor 'has. .V. Hnskell. and 1ld him Ood speed in his efforts to rid this fair land of umlealrable cttsens from abroad, unlawful combinations of cap Ital from wilhln this state, and to make It the permanent abode of pence plenty nml prosperity. Unanimously adopted In mass con vention with erery aectlon of the county represented. (Signed! M. it. IlltOU'W Chairman. .I. .I. McCUIUjUY. Secy. DILL GOES TO GOVERNOR. The Antl Child Labor Dill Now Re.idy For Approval, r.uthile, l'eb I'll Oklahoma s auti child lalKir bill a compnix n -ne doc lltlient and .-mil to lie the he i u l( The bill passed the Iioiikc r i morning without amendment Conspicuous In the camp.nn education necessary to seem adoption of such legislation, . M Kate Barnard, state commissi charities. Kver since she tnt i life, and especially since i has the little woman appeal. ,! people to protect the chlUli.,, employment that Is dlaastro i i life and demoralizing all so ! AlthoiiKh III for several w .Miss liarnaul lelt a hhiiIi,i ,i i i (dllle buck tn tilltlirle Her i, a, i I I the enactment uf a hill Unit i- i, f, 1 pleasing to all coiiccne-ii In tie c .1 toward hiiiua ilu s in-thtnnnt IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSITIVE Alxiiitthofloof yiHir-liof,, It t homo tif m to kumv tliftt Hiilu rim in nr phiua A i . mllrrliyrirlnl.linK AHi'ii'n ro-)t-l"0 Imthrm. Iiitttliu tliliiL' for Pinnni; l'rtlin, I'.Krnt Lrn'litr rihm-p, aiul for lirrtikliiK III w HIhh-a. Wlictt rutilHTfl or ovithImh' l' nim lu'icamuy ntril y:ar hix'H pinch, Allen' Foot I'vo rivi-n liHtant rt jf Sold llviTrwIiiTi'.V.Ic HiwiiIo 1'HKK MV.r.f, Mint S. UIiiikUhI, Im llojr, N. Y. Ihntar ,lnny FELKER I Kxerclse Is the only thing for fat folks and 1 recommend them all to try lit. about her rival from tho country which apparently can never be dupli cated. There Is also something dlstlnc tlvo nbout her walk and carriage. Her movonionts aro freer, her stride long erIt Is the gait of a person accus. 1 j tonied to big spaces nnd lonely roads. I I Then thoro Is something in. tne way ! she dresses. The style ami fashion Foley's Honey nnd Tar clears the air passages, stops the Irritation in; tho throat, soothes tho Inflamed inem-j brnnes, and the most obstinate cough j disappears. Sore and Inflamed lungs nro "healed and strengthened, and tho 1 cold Is expelled from the system. He-1 fuse any but tho getiulno In the yellow j package. Sold by all druggists. The Grocer Everything good to eat un der one roof. ENDORSING GOV. HASKELL1 Always remember tho full n; lor this signature on every box. Look &VLJ, CHAMPION FAT MAN. England's "Jolly Jumbo,' Holelkeeper and Trainer of Fighters. Kngland's champion fat man, u, 100 pounder, who Is one of tho lead ing sporting celebrities on tho other side, is William Thomas Ecclcstono, better known as ".lolly Jumbo.' It Is his boast thnt ho Is tho biggest human being on tho faco of tho carta. Ho has a carriage, chair and bed specially built for him and a heavy drav horse lugs him from plnco to place. If he could havo his weight In gold he would bo ablo to salt away .caO.000. Hut with all this avoirdupois Jolly Jumbo can movo nround as live ly on his feet as tv feather-weight. - In telling how ho got his nlcknamo he says he once helped to put 1. T. Humum's famous ok'phant Jumbo, aboard a ship at Liverpool and thnt ho rendered so much valuable assist anco that tho bystanders dubbed him Jumbo without further ceremony. His Jovial disposition, he says, caused Jolly to be tacked on lntor. Tho big man soon wonit into tho hotel business and opened n sporting resort, which has been made tho bend tpiartera of many pugilists In recent years. Jolly Jumbo minwhllo learn ed so much about boxing thnt ho be came an expert trainer of pugilists. "One of tho most vnluablo qualities a trainer can possess.' ho said recent ly, is that of Inspiring confldcuco in his man. Well I havo that, and when I nm nt tho ilngslde my lad Is sure Washington Once Gave Up. to three doctors: was kept in bed for five weeks. Blood poison from a spid er's bite caused large, deep sores to cover his log. The doctors failed then "llucklln's Arnica Salvo com plotely cured me,' writes John Wash Ingtoii, of Bosqiievllle, Tex. For ec zema, boils, burns nnd piles It's su preme. 23c at Ardmore I'hnrmacy. New Labor Paper, (luthrle, Okla.. Feb. 2!l. To encour ace closer sifllllatlon between larin- may be all light, at least as a mere I man may tell, but she affects a' grenter gaiety of color, something more of a gala attire than her city sister. Of course this Is easily ex-' plained by the fact that thp country! girl In tho' city Is usually on a holl- day, but at the safe time she has CITIZENS OF WASHITA COUNTY REGARDLESS OF POLITIC S ADOPT RESOLUTIONS. Cordell. Okla.. Feb. 22. Washita ! county, citizens, regardless of politics, in mass meeting here, adopted ring- grown up without having always to j resolutions endorsing flov. Has- take Into consideration smoke and sent a copy. kull and .. ,. n . . t . . , u.,,1.1 ...l,nn nlwtnallltr ll..r fnullltneu 1-AftlHl'U III pell Ullll 1I1K Tl.eri. i 0,10 tvne of ulrl. neeuiar J. K. Illllups. who personally beautifully to Senator pre- ers and IsUicrers Is the ma! npurposoto tno city, or modern creanon, pur linmalso distinctive that It is almost Im- Farmer nnd laborer, located at Shaw nee .and to publish Its first issue the first week In April. The periodical will be edited by I'. ,1. Henretty. bet- possible for the city bred man to mis take It. This Is tho stenographer. It seems us If there must be some subtle psychological Influenco exercised bv Milted the parchment to the governor. C? 1 tlb tHb mmro ssasym jk&'Q M0STHE SYSTEM OF CATABBH Catarrh is a blood disease which causes a general inflammation of tl'e inner lmiit,"' or mucous iiiiiiibr.uu-s of the 1km1. The diseasing of tlit-sc dclkate surUccs nml tissues products nil the well' hnown svuiptoiiis of the trouble such ns ringing noises in the head and t irs, tight, stuffy feeling in the nose, pains above the eyes, irritation r f t'.ie throat, sometimes slight fever, and a general feeling of weakness nnd ill hclth. liven the lungs become affected by the continual passage of impure Mood through them, and there is danger of consumption if the disease is allowed to remain in the svstein. K. S. S. cures Catarrh because it purifies the Hood. It goes into tiiecircubtion and removes every particle of the catarrhal matter, making this vital iluid pute, rich nnd healthy. Then the inflamed membranes begin to heal, every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and health restored. S. S. S. rids the system of catarrh by attacking the trouble at its head and entirely removing the cause from the blood, thus unking a perma nent and lasting cure. S. S. .S. is made entirely from health-giving roof,, herbs and barks, and for this reason is an especially safe and desirable medicine. Book oa Catarrh and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. The resolution was ns follows. j I (10 IT UXACTKD BY TIIH I'KO-( IM.H OF WASHITA COFN'TV. OK-, LA HUM A: 1 That tho people of Washita county depreciate, condemn and denounce tho efforts of foreign conspirators and malefactors to trnduco and malign the namo and character of our worthy irjwiiiir, tho llonornble f N Hnskell. bly the latest word In coiffures, but, " " auncKS irom su.n -ourc which make the male mind grow .11 j' only tend to further endear his zy trying to fathom how It Is done. ; groat public services to hN admiring Tho shop girl somewhat approaches countrymen. there is not quite the 1 "nt mo prosom ouirnge perpeinu- but never follows the use of Foley's snmo alertness In her walk nnd ges-,"' "Ion ms nonoreu name, une Honey nnd Tar. for la grippe coughsL....,,. nnP 1. Bh( ,milv so couuettlsh' kK00 ludlctinont) is, In our Judgment. land deep sented colds. Bnfuso nnyi. , . , ,,.. ,,. t1(, outgrowth of political envy In ,,n I work Involves a much gronter demand , trlguos and machinations from with tm her vitality in tho first place an.l 1 out tho stato as woll as from unlaw ! 11.. i... ui... u ...11 n.. eiimou-lful and grafting oorporntlons from I-.t.l.l. .1.1.. I.I .r.iilrd ullli men and under mas- wuuiii mo mum aim irom mm .ui.iui The Oldest Inhabitant Says this is to bo the hardest winter in ten years, and that reminds us to ask you about your plumbing. Better havo it done now hadn't you? We aro making red hot prices on both plumbing and tin work. SPREKELMEYER COMPANY West Main Street Phone 9 tor known ns "l.Utie Pete," or ,i)yna-i tho typewrltor to cause a curious un mite Pete." who has for years been 1 Iformlty In Its feminine manipulators, one of the chief legislative agents of j The stenographer Is always pent nnd the coal miners of Oklahoma. Othor'iulet In her dross and movements, Incorporators are C. h. Dougherty,! nnd her hnlr Is usually done In weird state labor cnmmlsolnnor: F. C. Clay-1 and wonderful styles which are possl- pool. John I.. BrlUon. W. T. Fields nnd S. O. Dawos, well known state labor leaders. I'neumonla often follows !a grippe, this type, but but age. th( genuine In tho yellow Sold by all druggists. If you happen to be in Oklahoma City over overnight don't forget the Grand Avenue Hotel Good Cafe in connection. We'lman Advises Carnegie. Columbia. Mo.. Feb. 23. In an ml dress on journalism before the Unl- cullno Influonco as nor sister of tho verslty of Missouri today Walter! keyboard. Wellman advised Andrew Carnegie to "build ills most useful nnd enduring monument by founding at Washington the greatest newspaper In tho world.' "It should be a newspaper, not for profit (though mnnaged on tho basis of a business enterprise), but n news paper with a purpose, and that pur pose tho promotion of International peace and of good govornniont.prog ress and reform in America " Next In consideration ns a typo comes the society girl. Who does not knew her and recognize her when he sees her? Her costunio is stylish, of course, but It is something more. She tolls pot. neither does she spin. ,nt least. In the ordinary acceptance of tho term, nnd consequently sho does not have to meet the requirements In dress which must bo considered by the girl In tho storo or office. Also nation of character assassins U10 iieo- pie of Washita county stand forever C U. Kluger. the Jeweler. tC0 Vlr gln'a avenue, IudlnnaiMiHs. Ind., writes: "I was so weak from kidney trouble that I cou'd ha-dlv walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Folov's Kidney Bemedy cleared my complex Ion, cured mv backachn and tho Ir regularities disappeared, and I can now nttentl to business every day and recommend Foley's Kldnev Itetne-, dy to all sufferers, as It cured mo nf- Icr the doctors and othor rcineiilci had failed." Sold by all dniKglits. vi t I 1 1 iiis m 9 9 1 iit m McFarland's Hotel F.J. McFAItLA.N'l), Proprietor McALKSTKU, OlvLA. European Plan. 75 modern rooms 75c and $1. Largo sample room. A popubr priced restaurant in con nection Fish dinners a specialty.