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Newspaper Page Text
AiMmore, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1909 THE DAILY ARDMOncirc. PAGE FIVE ROBISON OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY 1 f FRIDAY NIGHT V ZD. ZO Hnrry D. Carey Presents Miss Frances Hooper In His Great Play of American Life MONTANA A Romance of the Western Plains.. ..A Massive and Magnificent Production All Mew Scenery. Original New York Cast... .A Companion Piece to Arizona. ...Greater Than Ever First Mine at Popular Prices.... See the Great Mine Explosion and the Realislic Knife Duel Curtain at 8 30 Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Tickets on Sale at Aidmore Drurj Company Thursday Robison Opera House, Monday, March 1 BUSTER if , PICK-UPS HERE AND THERE. ! Mrs. .lolin S.uith entertained the j F.ust Ardtnorr Presb torlua Aid So- cloty Tiieadoy afternoon. Those proa-1 out woro Mr. Dr. Polonium, Mm. Cnrnnhnn, Mir. Chun. Rollins, Mm. Gray, Mrs. Fraloy, Mr. Arthur Ju lian and .Mr. Conway, Refreshments iu i'i i! nerved. I W. I). Potter loft lioro today lor 'Muskogoo, wlioro ho goes to lllo briefs In tho federal court In land suits pe-milng tlioro. IlileLi on do inurror on these suits must bo filed by tho flint of March and reply on tho part or tho fodoral attorneys must bo filed by tho 15th. Tho cases will bo culled on tho H2nd or .March. .lohn Mulkoy was heio yesterday from Mulkoy on rotilo to went Toxas, whoro ho will upend a couplo ot wooks looking ovor that auction of country. Tom nulaaoy and Frank ICpporsoii arrlvod In tho city from Cornish yostorday with 113 hales of cotton which they placed upon tho market. They received bids Ironi Gainesville and Oklahoma City. Mr. Diilaney Ik tho ginner at Cornish and has Kin tied this year 1,200 balos which was nioio than Cornish received last year, llo bought cotton all urin-t the year. Ownors of tho Dallas baseball fran chise iihonrd to G. V. Amlorsou yes terday asking that this town accept a place on tho Texas league. Okla homa City Is with Texas slnco thut town bought out Waco. Texas, and another city properly located will bo added to the league. Ardmoro or Tcmplo nro properly located Tho lo cal fans would llko vory niu.-h to hpo Ardmoro In the league. Dan 11. Fitch, aged 70 years, diet' BANK W K desire that depositors bring tholr pass hooka to tho bank at least onco a mouth to havo them balanced. Wo enter all checks Issued on tho pago opposlto your deposits, adJ both pagos and carry your balnnco forward. A check account will serve your needs. Try it. THE BANKERS 1 Master Rice as BUSTER 40 People ! Big Beauty Chorus Prices 50f, ?5r, $1 and 5 1.50 U- rd.i "t noi n fo il' ochnk at 'n fan Ay i' ideiui a - m ,i -.i.lll 11 o: I .! (!') .i' ' .111 i 111 or ouh a ! i.nuiiii- wi'ii lien' trouble Mr. Fitch was sitting In his chair when the attack i-aiiie on. and vJ4ih1 before) iinvtliiiiK rould be done for him. llo ha been a ronldonl of this country for many year ami is well konwn. Tho romatim wore burled this afternoon at four o'clock at ltoo Mill cometery. Mr. Mary llrosden dlod -eterda aftoriioon at the faintly residence sU .miles noinh or this city, after an Illness of only a few days with la grippe. Mrs. Ilrogdon was ":i years old, and was woll known, hav Iiik lived In this country for some time. Tho remains woro buijed this afti rnoon at tho Yates cemetery. Sam Mnnkors. foninorly of this city, dl(i suddonly at Law ton last aluht. Tho dereoseil was a member of the local aerlo Fraternal Order oi Ivaslos. There were four casos In police court this morning, two drunks an 1 two cases of larceny. Tho parties charged with helm? drunk entered pleas or Riillty and woro fined, the usual flaos. Ono of the parties who was rineil this uioriiliiK paid a flue for the s.inio otfense yesterday niorn lug. The parties charKod with larceny woro Messrs. Prophet and .Mm Thom as. Until are colored. Moses, who Is said to bo a minister or tho gospel. Is chargoji with tho theft of some syrup from London's confectionery. Thomas Is charged with the thott of a pair ot shoes. Their cases won continued. Revolts at Cold Steel. "Your only hope." snld three doc tors to Mrs. M. rc. Flshor, Detroit. Mich., suffering from sevoro rectal trouble, lies in an operation," "then I used Dr King's .Vow I.lfo Pills," she writes. "They wholly cured." Thoy prevent Appendicitis, euro Constlpa Hon, Headache. ;,ric at Ardmoro Phar macy. TALKS o fit bookkeeping for de positors Is neatly done. Any points not clear to tho customer will bo cheerfully explained. Wo Invito you to open an account with us, as suring that ovon though your deposit Is small, you .will rc eelvo our attention. NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, Oklahoma ORATORICAL CONTEST! J , no volcr In the srnlor cl. Tho ?t ruing' e.errlr were onrn GEORGE WILLIAMS AND MISS MA-1 with prarr hy Iter. Roper and MIE GROSS WERE AWARDED i r red with a bountiful bcnedlcltotl FIRST AND SECOND PRIZES. PATRIOTIC SUBJECTS CHOSEN Mr. Lowensteirt and Miss Va" Wormcr Were Given Honors The Feature by High School Orchestra and Senior Girls' Sextette. The Winners. Mr George W IMams. M ss Mamie Grots, T in .. i Interesting of all rntpf ins ear wg tho oratorical i n oporn hoiii last nlghl. T..r. i ,i ifr iiii-n nm two yMinx In- ' w i. red In th rronlwit and i'i fs was inloiDio throughout. Win' 'he rrowd wrro gnlhrrlng hi ' ,b vehooi pupils ocrtiplwl the f!0" ii d entertalnrd tho rrowd with ro'tf. dj choorhur thHr cla-nmtr " it. Thry wore original ar l l etit He emwd laughing unit V orlrg. Vli Me rnrtaln roo fluporliitentl (ri ltU s(.pod hoforr thr foot V'1' il l made ntv lnlrmlitrtnr- talk ii'i n the wnrk of th rvrnlnir ami .ill !) o'lnlorlrnl contents on Wash- tn. on , birthdnv were a ponnanrnt tiling wl'h thr high rhool ami would be kr;t up from yrar to yrar. Ho r- ti(rratiilatrd the people upon the splendid work bring dour hy trarhrr and pupil!". Ho dwelt upon thr mimical frature or thr school and said thr school had an orchestra or It own that took the plaro or hired musician under ordinary rlrrnnistn.nrr. He then told or thr work or training the orehofdra and how rortitnato thr pro pie had been In arrurkig as Irndor Mr. Sol TiOwrnstrln. Mr. IiwrntrIn's popularity was expressed by a hand some present bring presented to him Vast night. Miss Van Wormrr' work was then dlseUBSrd In this connection and a souvrnlr was given her by the Hchools. Tho announcement or thr judges showed that out of town people had been selrrted for this Important work. Thoy were .1. I'rank Mly of Tisho mingo, It. H. Hayes of Marietta and H. H. Porter of Davis. Tho Judges were not unanimous In tholr decision. Itrally It was difficult to select the winners but nil d'd so well that no one cou'd otter crltlrlsm. The rirst prize went to Oeorgo Wil liams. His subject wub "Legacies of Irfo and Lincoln." Young AVIlIlaniH lias mastered to a remarkable degree the art of oratory. His enunciation was clear, his bearing fine mid ho captured the crowd. Ho Is a hard worker In t-ohool and Is a favorite with his mates. Tho srrond award went to Miss Mamie dross, her sub ject being. "Washington. Ileal or" Miss dross has a voice nnd expression that Is .well fitted to her subject and she was picked by tunny as tho winner. "American Ideal." by Miss Jewell Wheeler was an entertaining number. Sho appeared well and hor dellveiy was good. Her voice was not well fitted to patriotic declamation which accounts more for her loss. Sho wns nono tho less appreciated and was favorably considered by tho Judges when they first retired. "Tho Minute Man," In which the men Ira tho furrow nud at work bench In tho revolution were eulogized is probably no lawyer in Ardmoro could euloglzo them was presented by Jun ior Murnliy. He entered in" l'u spirit, of his speech nnd tlioro were points of vory 'ilgh oratory that made the Judges puzzle. Junior Is n lino typo of tho progressive and ag gressive American school boy with American Ideals thoroughly grounded Into tho fibre of his existence. If there had been no other number on tho program his sperch alono from a standpoint of rntertnlnmont .would havo boon, worth tho rvrnlng. Jack London, a boy of flno physique, fine appearance and n masterly volco ol superior training had for his sub ject. "The Hero of Saratoga.' Hone diet Arnold was pictured as a soldier, an a leader and tho condltons that led to his downfall woro portrayed by tho bright white light of real and original oratory. When tho Judges retired n very ap propriate song was struck up by tho Juniors led by Miss Iwibello Dean, which began. "Farowell Seniors." Tho words caught llko nn electric sparl and tho Interest was Intense, until the Judges made their report. Ono very pleasing fenturo of the evening was tho appearance of tho rmr :i !' sixtotto. Di- y sang a n ni b. r of sours and were applauded r tvi'i v appoorancr. They are Miss . c Marguerite Noblr, Hutli Hopson. Mrtli Frame, Nellie lkard. M.trjorte i liams and Luollo Hell. These i wro selected, fioni t wont) -eight vory i lir. Vnno. Hexarnethylcnctetramlne. Tho alwivo Is tho tintno of a German rli mlrnl whir is ono of tho man) valtinh o ingredients of Foley kldnoy Koiuody. He.nmothyliii'tetrnmtnt Is rrrognisod by inedlcnl textbook and authorities a a uric add solvent and atitloitlr for tho urfoio 'INke Foley Kldnry Itoniody a soon "a you notice any Irregularities, and avid u serious miilady. Sold hy nil d uggUt. Y. M. C. A. Auxiliary. The Y. .M. C. A. Auxiliary will moot with Mrs. Frank Little Friday nftrrniH n at :i o"clock 1 members a:v n-nnotrd to bo ii n as o ha- urgrnt bnslnr Mtt8. A. .1. Will VKt'l ON. I'ro.-ld. it BOOSTER MEETING TOWN BUILDERS WILL BE AT COURT HOUSE TONIGHT LEG ISLATION TO BE DISCUSSED. One of the most l::iui ,anl coiu- niei elal meeting that ha - t u call 'd in thl city in inonMi lia.t i :i rolled for the OOIII t h ia.-i" lenlcln at 7: SO. Some good iIiiiiks are Jiihi ahead of tho town a::d a rousing mw,tinK tonlR,,t wln ,. ,lf !l!ll(.i1 al , . .,. ,. .... to thr city, ho brt announroim nt mailo in connection wl'li tin- affali Is that the rhair will declare nn man out of order mho attempts to dlsriiHH politics In guy way. Some Important lcKlslatlou will probii'.dy bo discussed. The sentiment of th- people lll lie gathered in reforenro to thr pro poned change In thu constitution. One Hrilelo of that document prohibits tho merging of railway line nnd this fart ha stooji In tho way of rail road development In till state nud no Individual has over bren hone mod. The general elfect and scope ol the law was oviiontly not seen by the body of nion who wrote the con stitution, while at the same time some or the best Informed men m tlh. convention opposed Its adoption at tho time. Any way. It vould be best for the local people to come to the court house tonight and hoar the matter discussed. New inonibors by the ncore sir" now coming Into tho club. Tho jmlllteal Is clearer than It has been for week and every thing hns a more ios.v hue tnr the promoss and linnx dlate Ki'owth of i lie city. DISTRICT COURT HENCE LOVE IS ON TRIAL ON CHARGE OF KILLING W. A. WATTS AT BAUM IN 1907. District court conuued this morn ing with Judge ltuM.'ll on the bench. Tho llenco Love inunb'r cane was called and liotli slV aiinouiiced toady for trial. Tho work of select ing a Jury required tho larger por tion ot the ily and at threu o'clock the attorneys were making their statement to tho jury. W. II. John son I for the defence while the state Is represented by Attorneys Mat lu ra and Malawi. Uivo I charged with the kllllnc of W. A. Watts at Haunt In tho summer of liMii at picnic. Mr. Cornish. I.OVO now live near i ii 22 EQUITABLE LIFE t: ''Strongest In the World." Llvo Uepresentntlves Wanted. Call on or address GEO. H, WEBB, General Agent Ardmore, Okla. :: t: j: :: :: :: tt :: :: xt " $200 REWARD For tho arrest nnd conviction of tho dirty low down fiends that nro poison ing valuable bird dogs In this city wo will glvo n rowanl of ?200. ID C J. H. SPItAdlNS AND OTHKKS. ALBATROSS That's tho name of the belt Hon. told In Ardmtre. COTNER FOR MAYOR DESIRES A FULL AND FREE DIS CUSION OF ALL THE QUES TIONS INVOLVED IN CITY. In announcing my oundldne for thr nomination of mayor. 1 do so. not for the purposo of creating a facum 0 Ugh! In tho rlty of Ardmoro. but lui tho ptirposr of bring hlr to fullv aid frerly dlsril thr dvlc nurstlons which are siirr to rngros th minds of (hr Incoming rlty offlcla's dm inn thr next two yrnra. ' I think thr votrr ami tax p.ixeis of Ardmore chouUl know) Ix-foie tln-v rat thrlr ballot on tho 2.1rd i.iv of Marrh. Ifinp what rarh and candidate stand for or hot her hi' stands for anything mid win' h policies will br. Personally, t hon' thrrr Mill be a groat many ni'notinrnnienN fur mn . i and for commlftsloner (mm onr!i w.ut! n we mn. a I have said bof i . tho (lliratlnli th. very bo-' i'kiii.'V ai d dlsrulnn and o we nm i r.ii to aronur thr Interest, ohtluinlaim and rlxlc prlrto of rvrry votrr and tax payor In Ardmoro, 1 dlsagreo with lhor who bilb v.' that tho hrt way to rleot a tlrki' Is to do o without opposition nomi--tor how alnrrrw and honrst that on position may br. Neemaarlly wo ran not all agr'o upon thr samo prlreipl. h of governing a rlty. Wlthou a full and frrr d!ruslon of all thes (pies lion bofcrr thr day of rliTtUui how ran wr trll w bother wo ore voting for thr right men? Wo nuiv know thrm Knonally and thry may bo hon )t, upright and bonoinblo rlt! nnd our warmest and bwt friends. hut does that signify that thoy will i make u good rlty offlrlal? Iet us find out what thr eamlldati stand for and Irt thr votrr return thrlr vrrrtirt with n full lenowlwlge of thr fart. JAMICS A. COTXISIt. PRESBYTERIAN BROTHERHOOD. Main Value I Discussion of Work of Local Churchcs. Pittsburg. Pa.. Keh. 21. It I r tiinnled that R.OoO delegate aro In Pltlabiirg today to take part In tho session of thr Presbyterian IVrolhor hood of America during the next threo days. The brotherhood Is o fedoratlnn or all tho men's organizations In tho Prosbytorlan churches or the country. choir of 500 voices will s'ng during the convention. The flnnl session of the conference will br held Thursdny and on Friday a general conference of representatives of the men's clubs of nil Protestant, denominations ,wjj lio hold, at which plans for co-operative efrorts will bo nwnlo. Loodlng layinon. or thr Presbyterlnu ohitrch will be the principal speakers, but It Is expected that the main value or tho convention will be the presenta tion and discussion or methods or work for men's organizations In local churches. Tho scope of the Presby terian Hrothorhrod I suriclontly broad to cover all form of Christian effort by men. and among tho local or ganizations federated In tho national brotherhood are represented many dif ferent forms or work, most or them having, how ovor. tho common puriKisn of Interesting men In the churches and holding their allegiance to them. Men's o'.uhs that havo no more def inite object thnn tho promotion of so ciability among the mci or a given church are eligible ror represent ntlon In tho brotherhood, as well a those which undertake some definite form of missionary service. Tho convention theme, "The Broth orhood and the Church," ami tho fol lowing topics will bo discusord: "The Man for the Hour In the State:" "The Hrothorhood nnd tho I5vnngellt!o Opportunity of tho Church:" "The Hrothorhood and the Social Message and tho Ministry of the Church; I'ho Hrotherhood and the Homo Missionary Hit trrp rise,' "Tho Hrothorhood and tho Foreign Missionary Program:" "The Hrother hood and tho Supply of Ministerial Leadership;" "Tho IfroMi 'rhood nud tho nenoinlnntlonal Agendo;" "Tho Challenge or tho Church to the Hroth erhood:" "The Hrothorhood and the Hrend Winner; Hie Presbyterlnu lirrothrrliood of America:" "Tho Hrothorhood and tho Hoy:" .,:eiara tlon tor Service;" "Paitnorsh'p In Service;" and "Power ror Sorvlco." An open parliament on Hrothorhood Methods" will ha conducted ench day under experienced loflderaiitp. A choir or 500 voices will 1-ad the sing ing. Day soaelons wl'l bo held In tho Pittsburg Firt Prewbyteriacv church i and night sessions In ICvponltlon Mu Bin hall. WE CAN DO YOUR CA3 FITTING "RIGHT NOW." Don't wait until It gets cold again Phone 60. Aramore supply Co Head Ardmorelto want ads, Protect your chil divn's lect with our lui v sole School Shoe A shoe that is solid leather and will mvc iood wearing satis-faction. S 1 - 2 tO 11 II 12 to 2 1.00 to 1.25 .1.25 to 1.50 LYNN, the Shoe Man in liASl MAIN SI KM 11. zssanxsn T.N.COLEMAN THE CITY Telephone PERSONALS J. W. tlnee nl'iin is ,i r Iter here toil ('. K. 1 .mull. mi of liuiliiie Is In the ll on a brier lsit F. K. Chase I a business vlaltor ! hero today front Dallas, Trxas. j P. C. Chnanioti of Muskogee was a business vlaltor hive today. Stove Cole of Herwyn Is here today ! looking after business matter. H. II. Uverott and W. T Hoaslty! of Madlll are visitors hero today. I H. 11. Thompson or Duwiit is I IimIh.v looking after btisinrss affairs, j and a formrr realdont or thl city 1 a visitor hero Urtny from Guthrie. T. C. lk'nnott and wHo or Marietta aro in the city visiting with friends. J. U Keliey of Chlckasha Is among the out of town visitor here today. J. II. Shlmui or Huasellvlllo, Ark.. Is nmoiig tho out or town visitors hero ttday. J. H. London, u prominent young huslnoss man or Marietta, was u visitor hero Inst nlghtf. H. P. Howies and wife of Durniit aro In the city visiting with friends i C. K. L'lnghain, u newspaper man Miss Mabel Schant7. of Chicago has rottirnod to the city and resumed hor position as head, trimmer at Iiwenstolu's. Mr. and Mrs. H. I), iteasor and lltth- son aro visiting Mr. and Mis. Frank Little. Mr. Iteasor Is county Judge of Pottawatomie county. j Curry dlonn and Hoy Starks, two; rormer Ardmoro boys, arrived In the city yesterday from Lawton and will visit hero several days. LOCAL NEWS. S. C. Dickinson, traveling freight agent of tho Santa Fe, arrival In tho city today. Ho came here for the pur Iiose of turning tho local fcrlght of fice ovor to tho now agent who has boon appointed to succeed Mr. Illley. Mr. and Mr. Chas. W. Gunter of .Tnckson. Mis., havo written the sec- rotary of tho commorclaly c'ub tint' thoy will be hero within n fow days to, inako Anltnoro tholr homo. Mr. Gun tor will conduct n geiiornl life In ; miranco agoncy. 1 Secretary SKtiildlng of the commer-! rial olub ha for aovoral day born preiwirl-ng matter for M10 Opportunity IUMik published by the Frisco rallw.-y company. This book will sot forth tho advantages offured by Ardmoro and surrounding country to proipoo'lv.' Bottlors. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mar tin. .1 ten pound boy. Ho I already talking about tho merit of rdi.ioro flour. Piles Cured In 0 to 14 Dayi PA7.0 OINTMENT is guaranteed to euro any case of Itching, blind, bleed-1 lng or protruding Hies in C to days or inonoy rofundsd. COc. i Head Aramorolto want ads. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination of mayor of the city of Ardmore, subject to tho decis ion of th.- demorrH lr votws nt the di tnocnit'c primary to bo hold In said . v on m i i n io. v.m cori;n. 1 DRUGGIST t i) W. Main t. Ardmore Concrete Company Own Wicker, Manager. S.tin II. Owens, AkMs taut Manater. Ollico 114 Fourth Ave. Southeast, at the Mai Me Yard. TELEPHONE 436 Sidewalks built and all kinds of concrete work done. All our work is thoroughly guaranteed. J. L. Wilson Transfer and Storage huve n good building loused injwliich 1 htoro all kinds of household eoods tit rests-unable rental. Phone 72 and I will do the rest. C5oods hauled anywhere or paclted and stored, l'rotnp and caroful atten tion to every order. Plenty of Money We make city loans or farm loans in amounts to suit from $150 up. Rea sonable rates and no dc lay. Booker & Anderton Ponnington & Slnmlllil. Ardmore, - - Okla. Now Complete Tho L'ulaco Barber Shop has been remodeled and is now tho most eoinploio bar ber shop in thu city, the b ht harbors and tho nicest bath rooms in Ardmote If it is tho best i-eivicu you want, you will j,"vo us yiur business. Baths on Sunday morning. Palace Barber Shop (Jeorge Criner, Prop. CLAIRVOYANT 20S l' STUF.F.T, NOllTUWFST ALBATROSS That's th name ot the beit (lour lu ArdUir.