Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO THE DAILY AROVORCITE Ardmsrt, Thursday, Mreh , K1 TAFT'S 1 INAUGURAL ADDRESS Outlines Policy of Administration. PRAISE FOR ROOSEVELT Speech Begins With Advocacy of Predecessor's Reforms, MANY QUESTIONS TOUCHED, Incoming President's Ideas on Trusts and Other Matters. M 'it tarn- Any on wbs ! .. ; h I have jaat taken bsk i ' weight of mpoMiMmy. It !.- do (-ooreptton of to u U .'.utles of the oaVe apoa w - tjt to rater or br l I- - r .per sens f 'be obliga ? ., tb Impo"- f an Inaugural addis-st t t . : uimrj outline of the mala f ' new administration so far .a b anticipated. I have ' r to I om of th ad v.s-r distinguished predece-ssor a.l -.:. t-i bold up bis band la ; tV r ' r- :,e has initiated. 1 should ! be t myself, to uiy pro ml crJ ' ' leclaratka of tba party r".i" - .-.ii which 1 ik elected j c ' : .:d not make tb malnie , ra" ' nforeemeot of thus r. f rzL . t lrnportaat feature of my e- i, Tby ww directed to , tbe -t. ti of th lawltatu at and a, -f ' ;"er of tb great comblaa t! ' .-,! Invested In railroads a 3 ' nal enterprise farrylng c " -f commerce. Tbe iters! , w- s rede-or took and tbe ' Uf' ' ; sed oa bla recooiroenda t - -complisbed tnoch. have i taas -i k-. :-ral bait In tbe vlrks ; I - ; v. . I) created popular alarm ! 1 r. usht about la tbe bal r - 3 .-. ! much blcber regard for t'X " Further Attsvn Needed. 1 r ' :be reform laatlng. bow ev; 1 . ware at tbe Maine time fr ' :, alarm on the part of t - - proper and progressive 1 v ... . i,.t further legislative f 1 i ., action ire needed. Re 1 ' r.illroada front certain re ! : the anti-trust law bar It: , r . . my orede-eir and will ) ' ute. ini tb other hand. t' rith-n Is pledged to lrU- j; to a prer fttli-ral an I ' ! reatiirtian to prevent ei- f : - of UrHlK and atochi by - r.uia aiMl wratlns Inter- h . .. : rallrnada h reonotnbMtlon of tba de j uatlce. of tbe bQTMiu ot te departnienl of coui .i .. hitcrotate c iii i: effec- . ,"t iK-iea l - ure r- r.'!.I anil r- ' ,:fD ' nl' J" m -i '.- :.Ml IlillUi I , - .1. at ' Ml f t ' 111' "! .' le nit del . i - tlr neeii.-.1 atl-trnat aod t ..i.tnt law aod tb. --' in tbe eecutlve de- 'ii their enforce- m . Bta Tirott." tb rbaixe t . ' trk-nn btml rf- .g ' ' roeaettr ( ' . reapect Xu ' b - don and . .. which l !m ' . jrrowtii of a. ' ut icclade ' , ' - Hvail tbmt- : couidlDliiff c - " i vwwary t ' tvnnk ' t 't differentl- b" i,' --'j .oattou bawd jowte reaaont and ' l ,ib latent of creat ; 'r ' -- and artificially control 1 ' g ' I i t f formula! tar into pra . i b chancea U creadre i vi ..'- i t.'bet order and reqalrM a-i - r.itiMi ptawlbte In tb In-: ';n that tiie amendmcnu t f - -1 ar Jaat a naceaeary In : t r .,f leeltlmate boatnoaa ai ii a of tbe reform wMrb fr " ' tbe nani of mr prede-j ft--. - ! Fevmen of the Tariff, ' T'-" t Imjx.r tn'r " r i ir ff I' ii " : ' ' " i t the Ia' r v. ' ' v - f -ed I f awl as the .Vh dai Marc. la e. r V 'i.Bwer'i mat hr at V'" tf '1 'jre an ade- -. .iw iitKt l,ni tbe dattn Ii .i-ief f- afford t' labw .i Uitairiv I t th. coantrjr. of the farm, n it factory, n I r 'Ba: to tb dlCe. ' ' rMi ,4 todactteaj d ( "f pendwthia ber a , ( k Ik b bail pat ) te-tie determina f -rti - fact a btaber or bmxJ i i 'ififl aattnat tbw roaatrte ti-' rsde prky toward tu eqaltably riuiro. n b d tar ri ml nation. It t tb'-obt that there baa bea arb a ban .o i-ooditlun oce the eaavf Te:.: of tbe tnaeley act, drafted oa a n.rarly pente-tire prtnclttl. that th i.-ui of tbe tar's bore atatrd will ir:uit be redo--!'.- of rate in certain loi- and wt.i reqalr tb ad iu runit of few. If any. Tb- proal to re toe tb tart riiafie la acb an aatborttatlT way $ ad l he lairinnw cotnotaalty to ut t u It nn laaarliy bait all i rarfb'- of hasia directly tfrtfl. ami tbee are at la ("Ttant it dltarti tbe whole hwnta- of the o..untr It k lmteratlvely ar Marr. thervfTr. that a tariff Mtl be lntwn In 'd faith In acrordaar lth promt mad lfore tb rw : ii t.r tb party la power and a promt' ed a due coo Id era f loo , ! irmlt Inhentante Tax Advveated. I;, tL- nuklnc of a tariff bill tb .ri:iie mot h I taxation and tbe re 'urins thereby of a revenue. Da Inrerly to tb tmatn deprat4i abk-h followed the fl nan-la I panic of l'.'T. tbe rerentie from covtom and other eoun-ca has deTad to such an extent that tbe expenditure for tbe carrent ftaral year will exceed tbe receipt by jltonniMn. It to Iraira live that Dch a deflrtt aball not coD tlnae, and tbe framera of tbe tariff bill mut "f "inr bare In mind tbe total rerenue Hkeln to lie produced by It and aw arraita-e tbe dntle a to m car an adetjaate Income. Xboaid It le lmioaile to d o by Import dntlei new klnda f tatatlou moot he adopt ed. and iir tbea I m-ommetMl a cradoated Inheritance tax aa cTe. la !-1t-!le and a certain and eaay of illetlon Cvernmet Enmy Vrjti. Tb obi Ural to u on the part of tboae rep(lbl for tbe exnditare made to carry on ibe jtoTemment to be a ronomk-al aa Mible and to make tb harden of taxation a llsbt a- po IM la plain and abould be adrmecTu rrery drclaratlou of government pol icy Tbla U ete la!ly tra whea we are far to face with a heavy deficit. Mat wbn tb delre to win tbe popu lar approval lead to tbe cattlns oC of expendlturtw really needeJ to make tbe covernmetit effectl. ami to en abje It to aifompIUb It proper objects tbv result I a much to be condemned tb wate of eovemment fundi In unoece arr exindlture. In tb dejianment of asrtcultur tbe um of wleutlfic exMrlmenti oa a large -ale and tbe apread of Information derived from them for the Improve ment of general acrk-ulture muat r on Tbe Importance of Fuperrlins bul-ne- of xreat railway and Industrial combination and tbe neceaaary lnve tliratlon atid pru-cutlo!i of unlawful bUAlneas metbl are another uecea nary tax iin zeniment which did not exlut half a entury a. Praaer Farmi f Ependiture. Tbe putting Into on-e of law which bll secure tbe . ouwrvatlon of our reaource far a tiny may tie with in tbe Juridlctlon of the federal sov ertnnent. im iiMllna tbe niMt Important work jf aai lux and reatoriiuc our for est, and tbe areat Imitruvenient of wa terway are all proficr sovernmen; fttu-tliua whi'-h mual tnvoire larxe npeiMllturc If properly ieriormed. While aotne of tbe in, like tb reclama ttou of arid land, are made to pay for themaelve. other are of such ao Indirect lieneflt that thi cannot b ex o'cted of tbetu. A ivrroatieiit lui i r-. i r..-ht. like the l'auama canal. -I. il. ( I rcst.-d a n distinct eoter i . - .ni' I shou.d f paid for by tb ; r--. -.1- of iMnd. the twue of whk-b 'Iltrlut it -t lietweeu tbe r. .-i.t mid future generations In ac 'l.:t - with the lieiieHtN derived. It . .. ., In- kubmltted to tbe wriou 0 !il.-riioii ..f i oitare altctber the !i . nml control ,,f the chanoel f .i fr.-.ii rher tt-tu like that of the ! o . r of the MUil..l when defl in- uint practical plan for the enter prte lune been appr.ved and deter tnlntl u;iii abould not he provided for in tbe kame way TbeM. tiM., there ure expenditures of jrovernihrnt absolutely neceaaary if ar country l to maintain It ir-er place amoug tbe nation f the world and I to cxer ie It pncr Influence In de ferse of It own trade Interest In the malntenatie of traditional Amerienn ll-y agx iimt the .-..lotiiiatlon of Ku ropean tnon hie In thl hemispherv ami In the prnioti..u of m a'Kl In te-raatlona1 morality I refer to the ciwt of pmlntaltilTii: a pnier army, a lofwr navy and u!ta'.i' fi rtltVatlorn. Un the main'Mi-t of the I'nlte. State ajwl In it ilei'ttdnclc The Army ana tlivy. W snouU have an array ao orcai: laad and . , Bice red aa to be capable la Mm of emergency In co-oMrnflia with th national militia and under tb provNton of a proper national volunteer law rapidly to exhai mto a force auttkient to raatat all probable. Invnitlon from abrijad and to frruU' i r.---. ta'.le ev-dtt louary fon-e ,f 'i li lui'i i , t , ,,r tr c . l. -. " I . r I ' i'r. . r , " r ' f -i - (. ' n n n t'n' 1 n r-n'a r t "e n and tfce rjaart". '. saea to aaaa rtaeas u tmS , rtent l-i a few yr. h weter. tb ' aual t,uoal tj-pf -i riatt. n f-r ur coat drfene. !(. . ! mainland and Id iv defa-ndere le. will make tbeta oulll' I'tji to relt ail dlrei t at- . tack, and ly tSat tlm e mat btv j that tbe men to man them wtil be pro- ridd aa a aanaaary adjaact. Ta j 4 lata nee of oar a bore from Europe and Ait oajra. redace tb a- I reawity for BMlatalnin. ander ara a , rreat amy. ba: It doe bot tak away th rqalr;ant at mere pradrac. 1 that we vboaid bar an army ajal--leatly kinre and o roa; Prated a to form a nadeu .nt ; which a .liable fore can uukckly Kro What baa la atd of tb amy may b- affirmed la era a too.- em pbatlc way of tb Mvy. a modem aavy cannot b Improv-. It anaK b built and In existence when ta emerew y art which call for lu as and operatbu. My dit!nrutbed nredei'gaawr baa In many apcb and uxaaacea art "Qt with neat fore and strfklb lanruare tb necesalty for malatalnUia a stmnK nary commeoa rat with tbe cait line, tbe rovem mental nmource and tb foreurn trad of bath.n, and I wlab to reiterate II tb rraoa wbk b be ba pre n ted la favor of the poll, y of maintain tar t trnar navy aa the heat conservator tt '-or I-' with ther nation and tb best mean of wurttir rsfct fr tb asf rtk-n of oar rlcbt. tbe defen .f it Interest and tbe exercla of jut Influence In International matter Matt Arm at Other Natleni Ds. Our international polk-y I alway to promote peace We ba!l enter Into my war a lib a ftili coBarlouan of 'be awful conaequi.neii that It a I way n talis, whether saceiwful or not. and we. of coure. shall make every effort. xmsiMeut wttb national bnor and tb ntabeel national Interest, to avoid a -cajort to arm. WV favor every lntrv inenulKy. like that i f Tbe llara trl 'unal and arbitration treat Je mad with a vkw to If ue In all Interna tional rontrover!. In order to main tain peac and to avoid war. Bat w tboaid le blind to existiuc condition ind aboald allow ourseiv to twroo fJl-h Ideallsta If w did Dot realise that, with all tb nation of tb world armed and prepared for war. we mast he ourselves In a similar condition In wder to prevent other national from taking adanta of as and of oar In ability to defend our Interest and as sert our lisbts with a strong hand. In tb International contrvivemkn that are likely to arte In tb orient, grow In out of tb question of tbe open door and other I ws. tbe t'nlted State can maintain ber later-' rats Intact and can s?are respect for ber Jut demand .-'be will not be able to do o. however, if It U under stood that be never Intend to back ap br assertion of rttebt and her de fen of ber Intere-t by anytftlng but mere verbal protect and diplomat I note. For the reaaon tb expense of the army and navy and of coaet de fen nould always be considered a oomethiug wbl' h tb government mu-t pay for. and tbey should not be cut off through mere considers t km of econ- . omy. Our government l able to af- , font a suitable army and a suitable j navy. It may maintain tbem without 1 ;tb lightest daiim-r to the republlqor i the cau-e of free institution, and fear of adilttk.nal taxation ought not to i t-banye a proper -.r. y in tbl regard j Proteetian For Our Citiient Abroad. : The polk) of the lulled State In tbe panlb war und since ha given It a sjitkn of Intluen.e among tbe ' uatku that It neer bad before and i should be constant : exerted to secur- ' ."ok to lt bona fide citixenc. wbetber I native or naturalized. rep-t for tbem a su.-h In foreitrn countries. We I bould make eep effort to prevent humiliating and detrradlnr prohibition arainsi any of -ur tttlaenf wtihln" tetriporarily to mrti in foreign conn trie, because of race or religion. The Japanese Quctusn. The admission of Asiatic immigrants a bo cannot I amalgamated wttb our ! Mpulatkn has been made the .-ubjt either of problldtory claus In our treaties and stnrtttes or of strict ad ministrative reguution curd by dip lomat k- negotiatkin. t sincerely nope that w may combine to minimise the evils likely to arts from such Imml nation without unr.ecaary frk-tion and by mutual con-ekn U-i ween ilf rkii'tln governments. Mean time we ui.wt take ererv precautk.u t prevent or. failing that, to i.unisb oiit bursis of ra e feeling among our w pie against foreigners of whatever na tionality who have by our grant a treaty right to pursue lawful busln-t here and to be protected agalnet law less assault or Injury. This lead me to point out a serious defect In the present federal Juri-di. tlon which ought to he remedied t once Having assured to other tHMin trts by treaty the protection of oar laws for such of their subject or clti sen" as we permit to come within our lurisdlctlon. we now leaxe to a stata nr a city not under tbe ontrol of tbe federal overuroent tb duty of per- rormlaa "or Intematloual ulill-railoo-i , In tbbt resptvt. By pnier lezlslailon we may and ought to place In tb I hands of tbe federal executive tb ! meattA of enforrlng the treaty Hgbteof ucb aliens in th courts of tbe federal government. It puts our government lu a pusillanimous position to make tlednlte encase men is to protect alien aad then to ex. use tb failure to per form those engagements by an expla nation that tbe duty to keep tbem is la MK- or cities not within oar control. V. we would iwomUe - must u: ourselves- In a iltion to perform iar protnlf-e We enmiot i-rmlt tbe tssl- M.- f .i!nr- . ' :' . .' -.. .. -ii ,.r-J-i . g. T( r 'a f a i r ' i -f fii'tr J r v -."- f f 5' ' iC I I' - r s rr . I lef.k-'a'" by ;-- d rr!tf t by "r pr pr--e! imitated by tb i" T'-e - ff the a ;k tia c 'fnwt' Vintlity Liwi Neei C"ie. one . f tiie ref.-n- .' arrted oat durinc tbe iucrtrlb .i-rt a a a cbaute of oar ne : ' ry and banthir law to aa to secarr greater elastk-lty In tb forms of mrryj svallaM for trsde and to prevent tbe limltatka of law frotn operating t.. iareae tbtj eta ba rras inert of a fir.i iai panic Tbe aoaary comraakn appointed rivlag fall coauklers..on to exMiac cobditioiVi aod to all r-posed ren dies aad will doabdss" sacgeat oa tbat will naeet tb resialremeats of bastn and of pubJk- Interes' We may b"f- tba: tb report w!'l etnVsly neither tbe arrow view of tbn who believe that tb eol par of the new system ba Id ! t care a larre return on banking capital aor of thie who wonid have greater exrt.i--n of currency n-ltb llftle retard t.. provisions for it Immediate rdtopt! a or ultimate se curity. There hi no sni.ject of rc- Don lr dlsraaaixi ao inrrf-ate and so likely to evoke differing view and dogmatic statements a this The commls- loo In tudytbg the general Infruene of currency oa basilicas and f luI nea? m etirrenoy bae wisely extend ed their investigation In European banking and mooetary method. Tb Information that tbey have derived frotn such exprt as tbey have foand abroad win andoalted:y found helpful in the solution f the dUBcalt problem tbey bar In band Favsri Psttal Savina QanVt. Tb Incoming congrea sbouid promptly .'u flll tbe pn mis of tbe Re publican, platform and pas a proper postal savings bank bi:i. It will ncK be unwls or xcesie ternansm Tbe promise to repay by the govern ment will fornlab an lntucemm to saving deposits whkh julvate enter prta cannot asjprily and at such a low rat of Interest aa not to withdraw cttPtom frora existing tank. It will rotsptantlally la-rrie the fund aval! able for Investtner.t .- capital In use ful enterprise. It mill furnish the absolute security whl h make tb proposed scheme f government guar anty of dep its ailurlng without It pernicious rult. Shi Subiidiei Atfvcatea'. I sincerely bop that tbe incoming concresM will be alive, a It should be. to the lte;ort.m-e of nr foreign trade and of encouraging tt in every way feasible. Tbe possibility of Increasing this trade In tbe orient. In the I'bilip plnes and In South America is known to every one who ha give t-c matter attention. Ttw dfrx-t efltvt of free trade between this country and tbe Philippine will b marked upon our safe of cottons, agricultural machinery and other manufacture. The necessi ty of the establishment of direct lines of Hteamer between North and South America has been brought to tbe at tention of iinarr"wi by my predecessor and by Mr. lt"t before and after bis noteworthy visit to that continent, and I sincerely hot that congre may b Induced to se- tbe wisdom of a tenta tive effort to e-tsbli-b ucb lines by tbe ue of mail tubkJle. The lmiwrtanve which the depart ment of arricuitut? and of commorc and labor may play lu ridding tbe market of Kurop of prohibitions and discriminations against tbe importa tion of our products is fully under stood, and it Is hoped that tbe u-e of tb tmixlntum and minimum feature of our tariff law to be uon pasd will be effective to remov many of tboe restrictions Lock Canal Plan Defended. Tbe 1'auam i anal alii have a mt Important bearing Umu tbe trade be tween the eas:eru aud tbe far west ern ststloti of our country and will grvatly in reae tbe facilities for trunortatin between the eastern awl tb aeeteru seaboard and may possibly revolutionise the transconti nental rates with respect to bulky mer chandiae. It will also have a most Is-netkial effect to Increase the trade betwen the item seaboard of the I'nlted States and tbe western coast of South Amrrka and indeed with some of tbe important ports of the aist coast of South America reached by rail from tbe west coa-t . The work 00 the canal i- niakln: tuoet sat isfactory progress?. The type of tbe canal as a 1, w canal was fixed by eonsr" after a fall consideration of the conflict lug report of the majority and minority f tbe consulting hoard and after the rvcommendatiou of the war dejiartmcut and the executive upon those n rta. Recent suggestkw that i-ometliing bad occurred on tbe ithmas to make tbe kxk type of the canal less; feasible than tt wa sup posed to lie when the reMirts were made and t'-e slsry determined on led to a vlit to tb isthmus of a board of competent engineers to exam ine tb tlatun dan and locks which are tb key of tb lock type. The re port of that hoafu show that nothing has occurred in tb nature of newly revealed evidence which boald change the views on. e formed In tbe original discussion. TV- construction will go on urnler a tuoft offectlv organlzatk'n controlled by folorel Coethals and bis fellow army engineer as x-lsted wttb him and will certainly he completed early i ibe next administration, if not before Some tyi of t-aoal must bn con structed. Ibe k-k type has been se lected. We atv all In favor of bavin: ft lull! ns irotnptly as possible. We must not now. therefore, keep up a fir In tbe roar f th agents whom we have authorised to do our work on ibe ltham We must bold up their haadH. atd. st'-aklng for tbe Incoming kdriilr 'r t' 1 v:.h .. k.-v :f.. J T' ;- s : ' ' '! ( 1 : st f e 1 t- . , r 1 r "1 r i 1 trf tave fe t(J ; J 0 ' li asea vi tr detag fxJebral bird ; w.t t brrag abeat tbe early csasySt , Ma cf this the greatest cxaracttre eaterTrase of isoera time. Free Trdt Wit.i Phslipglnet, Tbe rvvernwm of our defadea-cle- la iVsrto ltk. and tbe Philippine ' are progressing a. favors My as could , V desared Tbe prop1ty of Port Rico cvattaua aaabated. Tbe bat ae.s coadittoo la, tbe Philippine are 1 aot xli tba: e coald wtb tbem to be. bat with tbe paag of tb new tariff bill psratltUag free trade lweea tb I'nlted States and tbe arcblpetago. j with sKb limitation la ntear and' . taoaysco a 'hall preveat Injury to tbe do taw tic ta:eret oa tboe prtJnct. , wr can count oa an Improvement la i 1 balnes condltkans la tbe Ihi:ippine ; sad tb development of a mutaally j , produble trad between tbU country , , a4 tb lland. Meantime our gov erameat In each dependency u uphold-1 tog tbe traditions of civil liberty and bvrea-inr p .pular control, whk-h might ' ' b expctei under American aapre Tb work whkh w are doing there' rtsdoond to our credit as a nation . Werd ef Friendihip Fo the South. I I kk forward with b"ts t- lacrea , Ing tbe already grssi feeling between tbe Matb and tbe other k.-:1o&s of the country. My chief parpo is no: ic efect a change in tbe electoral vote of tbe foatbera :ates. Jlbl U a second ary consideration, tvbat I look for-! ward to Is an Increase in tbe tolerance of political rlews of all kinds and' ' tbetr advocacy throughout tb south i aad the existence of a respect We po-! , titlcal opposition !n every state even more than than tbK to an increased ; feeUng on the part of alt tbe people In , , tbe south that this government Is tbetr , ! .government and that lb ot&cer In 1 tbetr states are their officer. 1 The Nejrs Queition. I Tbe c neldt ration of tbi question 1 I cannot, however, le complete and full I ; without reference to tb nerro race, 1 Its procres and Its present condirJon. ' Tbe thirteenth amendment secured' tbem freedom, tbe fourteenth amend- j meet due pr-c- of law. protection ; of property and tbe pursuit of bappl-i ne-s. and tbe fifteenth amendment at-! , tempted to secure tb negro a rain-: any deprivation of tbe privilege to 1 rot because he wa a negro. The ' thirteenth and fourteenth amend I mnts have been generally enforced 1 and have secured the object for which tbey were Intended While tbe fix-, teenth amendment has not been gener-' ally obeerved in tb past. It ought to be observed, and tbe tendency of' ' southern legislation today 1 toward -tb- enactment of electoral qualiaca ' lions whkh shall square with tba: amendment. ! No Repeal ef Fifteenth Amendment, j Of course the mre adoption of a constitutional law Is only one step In , - the right direction. It must be fairly and Justly enforce! as well, lu time both will come. Hence it is clear to , all that tbe domination of an ignorant, irresponsible element can be prevent ed by constitutional laws whkh shall 1 exclude from voting both negroes and , 1 whites not having education or other (jualldcatlons thought to bv neco-arr I for a proer electorate. Tbe danger , of the control of an Ignorant electorate has therefore ja-sed. With this change ! the Interest which many of the south-1 ern white citizen take in tbe welfare of tbe negroes ha Increased. Tbe col ored men most ba-e their hope on tbe ' result of their own Industry, self re straint, thrift and business success as well as upon the aid and comfort aad ' sympathy whkh tbey may receive1 from their white neighbors of tbe 1 south. There was a time when north- j enters who sympathized with the ne-! gro In his aece-.Nry struggle for bet- j ter condition sought to gtv to him 1 the suffrage as a protection and to en force It. exercise asin: tbe prevail- J ..lag sentiment of the soufli The more- ' raent proved to be a failure. What re-, main is the fifteenth amendment to ' tbe constitution and tbe right to have ! 1 statutes of states specifying quaiiaca- ' lions for electors subjected to the tet of compliance with that amendment. 1 This Is a great protection to the negro. ! It never will be rejtealei!. aad It uerer ' ought to be repealed. If tt bad not ! been passed It might be difficult now , , to adopt tt, but with It in our funda-1 mental law tbe ioll-y of southern leg-, fetation must ami will tend to obey It. j and so long as tbe statutes of tbe states meet the test of this amend- j ment ami are not otherwise in con- 1 diet with tbe constitution ami laws of tbe I'nlted States it 1 not tbe dlsposj. tlon or within tbe province of tbe fed-, oral government to Interfere with the regulation by southern state of tbetr rtomcMlc affairs. j "Negro It Now American." ' There Is in tbe south a stronger feel- , log than ever among tbe Intelligent. ' well to d and mauential el.enent In 1 favo- of the Industrial education of tbe negro and the encouragement of 1 the race to make themselves uvful i members of tb community. The ' progress wbk-h tbe negro has- made In ' tb lat fifty years from shivery, when Its i-tatl-iks are rertewed. is marvel- , on, aad It furalbes every reason to j nope that In tb next twenty-five years a still greater Improvement tn bis con- j dltton as a productive metni-r of so- , etety. on the farm and in the shop aad lit other occupation, may come. Tbe negroes are now Americans. Tbetr aaceMHs cam here years ago against tbetr will. a.l this U tbir only coun try and their only flag. Tbey bare shown tbemselve. anxious to live for tt and to die f,- it. Enrsounterlng tbe race feeling against tbem, subjected j at times to cruel Injnsttk- growing oat ! of It. tbey may well have our profound ; sjiupvhv and aid Ii the struggle tb-r ' ire :: (. g We i iri-.l 'h f- ss '-! .' . f . ko ,. .. r .,.lj , tr. j- ' e v , we r. Ary rt sr. .. , g.ej a any r ' t efrnacrp tbetr number. ! property taken as aa focourareroetit and an appreciation of tbetr progress, and this just jy iball l.e pursued The App-sr.iment ef Negret. Bet it may wei. admit of doubt better in case of any race an np pointmettt of cm of their number b a koal otnee ta a cc.mmurf.ty In wbl- b tbe race feeling I so widespread and acute a tfe.interfere with tbe ease and faculty mtb which the local govern asent bOflne ran Is? don by tbe ap pMntee H of satadent tsrnefit by way of easirageasPUt tc the race t out weigh tbe recurreciN' . J Increase of race feeling whkh m ti an ap;'i:it mea: I likely to ecce:,.er. Theref. re tbe executive in rec gnhtirg the iiegr" race by app irtment raut exer im- j careful dlsrretk.u not thereby t U" t more barm than gusL On the t tier hand, we must b- tareful not to e-. courage tbe mere preten of ra e fc lng ma lu fa tare 1 in the Interest tf dtrtdaal political ambition. No Raee Feelinj In Vhlt Houie. Perwnally I Lave not tbe llgbtet race nrejudl. e r feeling, and r- -g-.j tloa of Its existence only aw.i.-, in nty bear: a deeper sympathy for ', who have to bear tt or suffer fr. n it and I quetka tbe widom f a j--.kv whlh l. likely to increase If Mem time. If nothing U done to prevent a better feeling between tbe negroes and tbe white tn tbe south will continue to grow, and mere and more of tbe white people will come to realise that the future of tbe south Is to be much bVneflted by tbe Industrial and Intel lectual progress of tbe negro. Tbe ex- ' errte of political franchise br tbo of hi race who are intelligent and well to do will be acquleMed in. and the right to vote will b withheld only I from tbe Ignorant and irresponsible of ' both race. f The Labor Quettlon. There u on other matter to which I shall refer. It was mad tb subject of great controversy during tbe elec tion and calls for at least a passing reference now. My dltlngul-hc-1 pred ecessor ba ul-tn much attention t . th cause of bor. with whose strug gle for better things be bas shown the s-lncerest sympathy. At hl Instance conrn-s ha passd the bill fixing tbe liability of Interstate carrier to their employees f.-r Injury sustained In tbe ' course of employment. atxllhlag the ! rule of fellow servant and tbe common I law rule as :o contributory negligence j and substituting therefor tbe so called rule of comparative negligence. It has j alo passed a law fixing the compen- I atkn of government employees for ' injuries sustained in tbe employ of the I government through tbe negligence of 1 the superior. It also pas-ed a oxslel child labor law for tbe District of Co luabla. In previous ahmlnlstratlons aa arbitration lew for Interstate com merce railroads acd their employees aad laws for the application of safety devices to save tbe lives and limb of employee of Interstate ralh-oad bad b-en passed. Additional legislation oM this kind was passed by tbe outgoing congress. I wh to say that. In so far a I can I bopo to promote tbe enactment of 1 further legislation of this character. 1 am :rongly convlnced'tliat tbe gov ernment should make Itself a respon sible to employees- Injured in Its em ploy as an interstate railway corporv tlon Is made responsible by federal law to its employees, and I shall ls glad. whenever any additional reasona ble safety device can le Invented to reduce the lo of life and limb among railway employee, to urge congress to require tt adoption by Interstate railways. Ute ei Injunctions Necessary. Another labor uetiou ba arisen which ha awakened the mot excited dlcuson. That Is lu repct to the jower of the federal court to lsue Injunctions in lndurrial disputes. A to that, my conviction are fixed. Take away from court.. If It could 1k taken away, the jwwer to ue Injunctions In lal-nr dispute, and It would create a privileged cuts among the laUirers and ave tbe lawless among their num ber from a roost needful remedy avail able to all men for the protection of their business against law:? Invasion Tbe imposition that business l uot a property or js. uulary right which can be protested by equitable Injunction is utterly without foundation In prece dent or reason. The proi'io I Ufcually linked with one to make the secondary boycott lawful. Such a proposition is at variance with the American instinct and will find no support. In my jidgment. when submit ted to tbe American eop!e. The sec ondary boycott is an instrument of tyranny and ought not to be made legitimate. Tbe Issuing of a temporary restrain ing order without notice has In several Instances! been abused by its Incon siderate exercise, and to remedy this tb platform upon which I was elect ed recommends tbe formulation tn n ttatute of the conditions under which such a temporary restraining order ought to tssne A statute can and ought to be framed to emltslv the best nvslern practice ami can bring the sub- j " . .rvij 10 1 up aiieuiion ox me court as to make abuse?) of tbe process unlikely ta the future. American peo ple. If I understand them, intlst that tbe authority of the courts shall be sustained and are opposed to any change in tbe procedure by which the! powers of a rourt may le weakened 1 and tbe fearles and effective admin-' 1st ration of justice 1 Interfered with, j Having thus reviewed tbe questions likely to recur durli g my admlnlstra-. tlon and having expressed In a sum- ' mary way tie lt..n which 1 expect j to talc !i rs-omtm-r datlons to coi. gresn . ! rur 1 onri. t ns an exi- u-f-e I 1 f i' e f r s-jden'e fit-;. jade -i t-vft rt my fe' w ,, xer.s a- ' o.l f f Almighty God In tfce Alt -r-e of ray resnor.sllle duties. MADE WELL AND STRONG By Lydia E. PinkhanVs Vegetable Compound IlarJstowa Kr. ' I sufTered from ukerati nand tr.erfemaletroublesfor a long time. 1 Joe tors had failed to help me. Lydla K. Ilnkham's yese ta lc? Compound was t t ffl 1 re mmendeu, ana and imwif me well -and strong, so that I can do all myowu work." Mrs. Jo 1 mi Hall, JJards towii. Ky. AtiotlnT-A omati Cured. C : r.s'.i Tei.n. I suffered from :!,e w rsf f rtn of female trouble so hat at I Nought I could not live, and my nerves wire In a dreadful condition. Lydia h. Ilnkham's Vege table Compound cured me. and made ne feel like a different woman. Lydia E. Ilnkham's Vegetable Compound is worth Its weight In gold to suffering women -Mr.. Mary Wood.K.F.Ij.8. If you belong to that countless army of women who suffer from some form of female ills, don't hesitate to try Lydla K PinkhanVs Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs. Por thirty years this famous remedy ms been the standitrd for all forms of female ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements, tibrold tumors, ulceration, inflammation. Ir regularities, backache, and nervous'.o'i. If yon want speolnl advice write forlt to.Mr. I'lNkliam.I.yiiii.Miiss. It i free and tiluuy.s helpful. CREEK INDIAN ALLOTMENT BELIEVED NATIONAL COUNCIL. WILL NOT RATIFY EDICT GIV EN OUT FROM WASHINGTON. Okmulsee, Okla., Mar. 3. Informa tion is here from Washington that tic Indian a;spropriatlon bill carries a provision to equalize allotments of that nation to the amount of 1501 in land or money. For this the Creeks will be required to sign a receipt la full for all due from the government tbat is the outgrowth of the treat -under which they took their lands in severalty aad gave up a tribal form of government. Before any action !. taken the compact muat be ratified by tho national council which, it is Intimated, tbe council will refuse to do. By terms of the treaty Creek Indi an were to receive equal shares in the tribal estate and any Indian re ceiving land of lee value than" was to have tbe difference in cash When the government figured It oir t: was about 13.000.000 in debt tf the Creek under the contract, and the appropriation referred to is sup posed to wipe out the claim, but somewhat short of the original agre. ment. The Creek leaders point out to the proposed payment as another exhibition of th federal government refusing tc carry out its contract with them. They charge thin has been the hlstorv of Its other treaties Tho Indians ar willing that the matter be referre to the court of claims with the right to appeal to 'hf s iprem- court of the Vnl'ed Stat- s HOW COLDS ARE CONTRACTED ALWAYS RESULT OF UNDUE EXPOSURE. Rapid Cooling of tho Surface of the Body Brings About the Common Ailments of Mankind. An acute catarrh, that it a cold, ii alwarr the rulj of undue exposure to low temper xture. The rapid cooling of the surface, when ii'it balanced by proper reaction, pro duces congestion and inihiumatton of tln nasal and bronchial membranes. Obvioudr such an ailment is. not communicable, in the ordinary sense from one individual to an other. As the slightest 'Void" prediipo-e the individual to attacks of the mot Tero and dangerous catarrhs! -.(lections, the nr ces-sity for quick cure need not be enforced. These facts cuiphasiie the mvefsitv ef extra precautionary measures against thoonlinarv cow. hrerynno cannot clianpe hi climate at sill but may male tho most of what lie ba at home, vir., take CliitinU'rlain Couch l.emedy aasoon ns tlm irt indication of tho cold appear. It not only cure a cold quicklr but counteracts nnv tcmlcncv of the cold to result in pneumonia. Thf fact has been fully proven diirim; tho epidemics of colds an.1 grip of the isi.t few years. No ense of eitlier of these diseases having resulted in pneumnrla when this reined v was ucd has ever len rjiv.rtM to the 'manufacturer. 1 1 ?fnJ ' Ul,!,,s fit are sold everr day, which thowsooncln-ivelv that it is not only the bet and quickest cure for colds, but a certain preventive of that dangerous dls eaie, pneumonia. 3