Newspaper Page Text
-t-j'sday Mi's" C3 EiT O0EvE..T Ci ? fsxBwtti.t C 0&s ESS-V as T: -V- fteamtt-- ui t A. a-jos oi.a: i ;e)4f. 't.s- -jci: r- ;-n .!-. -;. j - aai li-.r nwctik L7"iif . xwsi-ill I; .:-' - j, has aaad axr tix f-.n t W-e Uie: tt il li .: 3 aa &' ma -i t Ufa !tf th . ; :. 4t (rack- 4a hT Mjs KaM. tM 'W NM of tirt -' THE DAILY ARDMOREITE SKETCHES OF CABINET OFFICERS MEN WHO WILL ASSIST TAFT - i :m H of ;-rof Mtu.f. fJw Dr H franv.iln MaeVejjh. ? : wvbT of boas tfcr tx t.2 b '.be au wwrr of th ;.:rruu M feu sadnJ r4- ?r'arr. m born oo a Um a-- 1 ft A' 1. HQ CO. p-r.t i p .- t ArftanSTe sa em,-, aad '''f -t .Sr same, ; i i :Cjm Ma"Vrr ft b wet: is. grave tr Ms.r U v.: He .'Ttjit im oo Mien of vjrui'"-- - A ttii, m -." -t t-a.n. H t " atS - .una P:. kit' fta. X TiT i -.- -k- O C:St Sr- t-i. ij a - " "- a' .' rt.ra- W- tk imiiiiikI Mia aMti- TIM M A in- !-, aoo : oai . x- -' '1 r c.i kin hiabU Lot School, tfow Vork. in H tH MK preset. When o rtnoT v m to 3t, Uu. M, ad began proctico Jtu b, tt. rw. w- . h : bratkor Wftrao MacVMsii. but bio I' Area?: . i. sa Tft H & pOK. atd to bee rrf-. ox ti Ibdias ap- r is th -EfWi OF ayjsajC.t7.K. UkJ K k. Wn-r. u .r-- i. , " . " . nti b. w foitifi v . ; ;.;-4o3oo Mb aoo4 u ko ftus oti. t ko " . Z :,; ' . ' Utnit kift otboot On4oMtM biu ioihbk. b aooo-a a the M J WOO CfJ M COJ-l VT 1MMIJ .... . ... .... . I'.T iO T XI 3C'., i- Uam a4 r of to of nu bartor bo. tao tL Loai. La- Jel Uafco. la Oioajo tko 'j 8 -c4Tit - ' !( ottf trt eMBC Mr took rfrli lrtr Loktak Ta "rr- r"' ' r' fc" " ' .. 54 tirn mb Imo wroitj. later oaton la '- o kw -i w muom! ofiwiUiii u aaorMT- otkooi . . . ... . ooa sot urooxnt ta rot oo il - u. u . . . iya . ie - stauu is jr. Ml nrif Trrmr mm. . i--t st-fe ? Kar, "","-"rl -ww o.-i..., 6 -x k wnfaar ototc4 m rf E.-cr of U. Mo loau-di- "ooa took ortit pan is amttcv no oi a www w . M lrie o4 10 L .w vart. rafto eaoo Mr toy a(or4 rebe ta nuta4to ,B itio to biM a XaUo Boat, aad ob'r On- lt.- -.- -. m' to Kao la rftr-oli tan M aarioo' t.t mi t. - r twiktf f ta tommt booae of rtat ooraoratloBa. M f.t t-rporotioai rer to oom to aWiiirt .. Mar 4. rtawd hlM ta of Cttaav lotr. aj for four yean r- MacVoao la 4UtiaffvUa4 Jo It no taat 4. tt boa : iuj. aRt fr4st,ia( fnm Movat wraaia. Car aad HonMowor A of too ctt, waci! of t CWeaa aot onJr at a moat iwmwo- -Jb -tf 6 tJack ii i-oioa oa at AHiac Oa h Tar Utor a booaaw BaaaMttar H4k L Attboaa a b tki ai fI rcaaa. bat jxclalj- for aia k . f r-at. atj-aiag H ku ' tt"rT!S ' ,b - Ur7 '.' la Fmotnnr of ia fr of Strrm a&4 Caawaloo. aaa has ao r aali of civic orog- ... . . ,.t . ... .. .. ia n rMoir vs :-at-ii atic aa4 tara m iti .no. ...... . . . .v ... aa taw w. v. ... fmnj reaa aft. mom. Ho oecam trei- JT1!!r!LtLro? J.!: owro potmcal o ha. booa oa of tb Jartt la tb- r ta rtTjtr omh. set. lUtamiar to Umh ta liTJ coaatry. aa from wht It la - d i7f!i.' a.": ;-.- bard rk. a.;: ! br : to tko bar ta aoat citr Wbn ar . mmkw a rBir m tkM Has to afr mach aaoatjcm tt 4a- o" of th- CltUo Aaaoclatl'n of 'if s.v,rw to ta at w o&4. j.rai that RJ rnt Kaaw vac oaly t-otT.fw yn of iato panambip. . scatoaai Baattors. He ftlia a irofoor- Cbo in 11.4. and continual to larsL tr rttfiloMa!r .f v.. .m (.art-r Ua res port and PaJU. ai. ace be vat obo4b'm4 imiik T'nitMi w. vuw. . bi in tb JH 1m iwi i notd tae oSKe vora jan ff r ' t bo d!aiKr4 crwntutlf, ai.a8t a aiaH itt diotfV. attorsx-T f'r -h Woat- lorf. aaavacr of orpormUoaa aaaoac a mem be- of tfee ooard of truateei T1- alaf It the iaatrumetit for ---3 '-!flsu tcdcta asa tilfc' tieir Wuia came at. fof ra dri of aVuatTiraula. xi'r.- a tarn ta latefteroaaa KaOroad. aad ot 'be MaVlie abrarr. of tike board m Itnportaat political reform. .;- an 3 tidde fiajc' ail flaai feav A 10 d,t tt to popo- oal for Kkaar large laterxt a port-oo of fe remr abroad aad la a acarl aieaiber f tbe repoblkaa aa-. Lira and otaoroia be baa betn ,ltl0 'o itot ta load u ' M a Mr. Xaoa baa re- deroted oqaoatnaa. He baa a eowotrx ;ioa4l comarftte. aorv4 dartac the taUUafuI worker for the beautify aod wr :s tbeir u ort tern ia Ha office bono"ro.-. aa attorae? (or too rallroada la tto , of traacaca of Waafeluion t"n-. At 01 lhe bureu of K to bt aim to atooaat for r"t at I a rald and eaird prlr pracfc faaaoaa Calcaco Traetloa cawe cans rertity and a amsber of tbe board, tJ" b ddd preatly to the tSc- kxiTbiaa- wtkwh BorBta;i e MeOoire ot-jd Jaaaaa H. Xeed. made.- lb 'Irs ietn Hodam twhiie nmataettce. or nuitrai ar ta l ivnt. iiaMaB Ureoeaa of that orxaoliaUon. and the s E P. A!(0 BOOSTER, jui ina.-ti to do H bM brtyK rb tfr "iti i,i J aad mate?ia!ly f itaot a Rd 7 firm be- He U toed of traret maoa'ly poodiac of Fle Art. Mr. Nacel. aa tbe Mit- eaalrmaa of tbe Municipal Ar. a a cbrot. oore-.:. aaboovr opon tfce federal . ' ax-n baa oa urtir MJitir' r..,7.!: "" t tbe tteritortwu fa. and cHt4 e' of th !a.-feot fea erer reaidoae at Cedarbarat. Lobjc lalaad rnt wmi i aa a men her o'la of Chicago, by extension oi th- P' ' u Uabloead afUr r. to MiB,:. reiia the bur4noaee coaditis nt- l n ooofT Dtrrio tbe and aUo a home In Xew Tork Cly. - the itire cosaailtt aad aa la boul'vrd ayatem and in many oth-: a tb , aeHtBtoa of ee of Ita J by ta te4erai Kvrraent ta Homeotaid rtou in H b aa eoaavj i cbante of the western beadaartera. He Haa alao taken an acme a tbaa tacredltiaf tbe aactWet bj4. Oklabonja. Mr. McOvire ot t Sor Co, aad! Rir -. 31". , Socially, be baa bota actiro la bU! P71 work of ibe Katlona. " r5 ? tfet, oatkn of a mat aawwat A A 10 tlae tbee coaton ia li,r1wJ 4 of fataooa FVar atate. nay elalat a propr.- aatjTf. aty B mieaiber of tbeiCiTi Wtlon, Mr. Mav Vt;b ' of cKj aad tro- in a ar of Horn' WM "D biA coiloar- Uv-' dinorbane. Wbea ia 1K1 Mr tart inf-eet ta Kiebard A. BaUiiwer. surtrttty ciab. tbe Cotnmat reial UB;il f011? afllUated with th- iaji .., r. f,,,,. ... to remove tawto. " "rRUi'T appowuw turn attorney- th- n-w aecretary of ta interior . 0 tk. cin th RoimuI democratic party and' la 1S'., he r.-l y c V ' f . f 1 1" . - v . - -as z. a H a - .-! i ita ' -. ' tr .v It. K a -Vrttl - .r,!ty la V 1 V atH t Tr dooa a.' ' tilag :'"mmm of aia ktn t -.i that be ia oo aeoalBk - that b "'can't aa) The knorkr U foaad bt oiace and baaslet oa tb ' - vtb tbere arm eroa . i-rpke baa a atraer rtval The 'bfrOater- i Who" .v.. -iia w. tii 1 1 t tree 10 . -y.mUL H aooa ao--)!1 , tciai :' " -aioa tbe chair witb tbe L aoddJ. exviruar tribatt grtaoaos of tbe iofcal- ' tbe Uattad Mat. H baa fu ta atrtborl-v tb cot by x '.tut L fTor1t ' -r.. tb j (. r. of It ia Juat aa we to ke tb rm3 Mr Kawio partlelpmtion to H- ia a natle of Iowa. hariBf ben!Tlbl. ud OotMxr Claba and a lad wa f"-toat'd ta coBTentloa by th- nAttm ta aslad. Tbe record U too Hocnt affair rauaeu aotae op- tom ia Boonaboro in 15. after MetropoUun Chib la Waah-' dWBuC"cJf W"1 fr th I'nlt: i-:ar to penait coetreray Tbe dia- !,,0n 00 tk P" ltor oraaalt- practlaiag law in IllineU for a wall Vxtlo City. Ute -nate. He made a ram as patch to tb Ardmorefbe, and tbe tkM to ku ebofl'tnatlon. As anor B(. restored to Alabama, and In 1! of tbe ;ate. but aa if-atd i.. CQBaraaatoaal record faratah tblr ? 88'!, M Kif 001 "Jjr Jrt" b became a resident ff Port Town- Felak H. Hitehsa;. lefialatu.-e. He marrll Mi Enii ; Jf 2T!!!!!L'? d WMWU ut Th MXt Altbom,b tbe nr. member of 'year ne ipHBim i iBlw"Va r, .lMlM bot eoodaeted eommlakloner at Port Townaead and Frank H. Hitch The Lurid Glow of Doom. There emlata abwum wiHi "rrues roan pan r j r... ... 4 to the - tWo noUtitmi parties They : ,b alt the so-called beef Ut4t. w of the 9.!coclt- Mr TtX l PoaUnaater waeral, was a In th red fac. band aad a a .j-Jif-jal tnterpr. .. . kv .v .troat wlih tbe rsonlt that that nmU. . . ... ! im nrohablr hotter known to th body of die Mule son of H. M. Adast I. ,w . jurnor prar. v SnM. . - - , Mrtetl. p. u. - -. i l ' . Milt: ' '1',ItuI ni' . ... MtM t..).. J v . a ' 1 ..... ;w(., ,r .ir Z: "a -t'y aocery to good " iZSlT." Xr BaUing-r olmed ; tral pwblic tbaa any of hia ccw- lrom h, ro. flv, remrS. del i . - ivimnmi. OB mtIt alanrf. n. , mvn. r ttl nrf tn hi Um K Maui.. fk. wiiiiiiv, 1H all remedlAs amt rmfn H ..v v.7T . . major expired President Rooms- a obtained aa chairman of th 1 sal' a cabit vfl.'-r j-amed ta law , oa met of principles that arm clear- court. real bad He ;uWy aad "does tbisg. A 1U aad haaUe. aever doctors, irbn sairi tia nntannAt W htm jadicial ad- u .- ' .. also with baring pr-pared and cr ''".' ,, , - ' . had affects bis lunps and aoLalns a n baa arr ' -T V ,Dr rled tb.-oorb the Panama canal ,r- -- -n-v-., "'.poDacaa aauoaai committee m the could aare him. -But." writes hi o hks.o.J w.. IT!"' p"n7 MB'M Ior chase of IMS. It wa. .hr.i, .f. . J" . . .. campaign. Mr. Hitcbocock I ber. aeren boules of Electric .ttto.a witbo-t ....... I" "riw onaop. ot gorerameat I A. a pracuoaor at the bar Jt oe1r fortynwo year, of are. and l.L . lcr T'.'TT: V1 tU!M they V ,uHy . ttk., odrta, for aa opto- atood. As long as A. has waatonly and repaatedly , ... ,, . HrMM. .u. .a.. r r, me taaKii or 'aj .- omaunitioDai w;u there bo dlCerences aa well under- "rtra has think- so long eonelasion that Mr. Knox was appointed to the' the Panama purchase r,,,,-. , anmMaXt- ,y, .-.: v, ' Eruption. Bcrema, Salt Rbeuni. Vnlted States senate by Governor f mU,,y riUm d v9U7 of the soveroment He la a saaUam EItrlc Bitters la Miproae, Peaoypacker to fin tbe rmeascy! position as comtn aioaer of tbe -; native of Ohio, bat retired his -it- Only bOc. Goaraateed by Ardmore p4 a pom htm In this Wn of the states. He has out ion. of ou.a- . , .. . . eral land o&iee mm him a wide: cation ta Maaaachoaetta tr. wsh barmacy. ..j ji.. . ...... oy in ixaai oi saaor uaay. . . . ..... . i . i . auHt uBvrwi uomicai suum . . howimu of tae iann laws ana . ki. mi. pimj v. 'n- aecret serrk t,r a system Th- m.. ... v ana afterward be was elected by the . v, " Majestic Benefit Shsw ,0. wlthah-rty -Poa membe';. obTb L' T TL S ri. OradmaUa, from A J ".tre lBS. ilia the boonttag splrU roagress. 'ucb admiaistra- , MW - Maaamaaaai la IfajtX .a kffsaVamal IfWla ftwaad e. . March. 111. i fall under Ma Jurisdiction aa are-1 Harrard ia 111. be obtained a tary of tbe Interior. v. think. .. .. " - " w. ,. . . ,w , , .. . o K-en at tae .Majestic fTMa . .. - wihS w avceiTf u.v. kfvit m-i , lavner . stuoira , cuiuir'. Later secretary Wilton made , ... . boater" meMiag at the net-. aceptlng a few plotoc.ata. attorney of 5ark county, and th ae- jot conmeror ana oor wm oiran-. .My ,re year old boy was bad wh onaplracles scaiast th not- Chelsea m.rrhVn.. Tr,i latance beartxa when both were ; 'ul" "oa w a made iu flrat chief coast -pated. bad a blsrh fever and tos. JKr .v. ,M m-hed toJoy TTi " 1?, J! Hrod into tb fHend- tor theVoW'c clerfc. In Mr. Hooeerelf. Cr.t cam-. condlU. I ve him two .-d of diJcTlln. b "l?..!0' '"P of later and ted1'"' h wM aaalan, secretary to 9? ' woo.,, .v. t .. Cotleae Tlaaa f il H U ta au-th ....Kll.- ..... . n :.a often nbik.-d tbe ,! i bad been bavfa. ,.1..!'" "" 'tf ;' ' 7. ' " vuu""'l"rr' atw n wai enUrly well ior class of the Ardmore h:pfc school 'lofght It will do them Vyjetr spirit. ' tb date March 10. "0T for their appeal' nl.fcri. i ' . .i - " n roioy & second McKlnler cabinet It bay al-i,nor ol namnser on common: ani was later appointed arat asaiat- Orluo Ijucatlre sTed hte life." A. and of "Baillagtr's An-; ant postmaster senerml. H reolrned wolkuah. Caslmer. Wis. Sold by all I ' ' vi a w - wr lu .neia 10 matte. . ... . . ' . . . ... ... f . VM nt 1inflMtf . Tp..LilmB. 'VWUJ tie fellow with am a,""-' '.' or eaieting i.w. their purchases and many new JT" ' matated rd. ttt. t ia-..s.'.k.. .u. " droprliu. If. i f uIk it . esmfarr; avgaiv IV MVUtlf . XVOV ' t "-wa, -r ee-osa tail jrvrain. iwetlt ; tooH-r for th town wr- won. . . 1 inartm i- tii,-av. i. khJ - i v m.'jh vum- itvkiiTT KVaurn um ;n : -- - !- -vviiv -dac vuw c Da.mi-.-. p. nw.tiuii iur nwscvcn : ut William Howard TaJt I' -o- ,tt to keep I' fr-'xh in -tbe date Is Maroh la. trH touight at th 'ik tiiasa n bulMr a' i!n- eour Vrdmore by i. .'.otntt mrcb: ' - nig yo t ' boosters iilgbt. lie hand c ante in 111 1 t Urol r lions." , t nontl i'luaton '' - .-ant 1 -ild UH' ,o- - - f 1 .-ep "b : oa. cH rt wl' Uptb) : 'ntnf . 'tt A .1 nd I a ji a' tun Ccr.-rr, at--! unst. if ,,llfy. ft, t'-'-. f 'a h - r.- 4tlon 'Tt ,)l i for "f ST- l '..II a ,. .'.Trt. ; ' if .. k h n - ' ' r:-n I: ov u.d t ' i- rid : t- t . M! ti-n .'C- -i in- ' It i. , .! t U . Kma Mfrttt i rut i r Mi 'fuaei ; to accept tbe attorney gteoratehip In afton." Mr. Ballinrer la a republl- psixn ' was opened o take c barrel , his first cabl-ie, bat the offer wani611 tw committe-man for the! of sir. Tafts lnterMa. Subaeaueat-' i!pated the sov- - . v.d arourmged the . WM ' bsnd in, ?L Ti Z 'ZT uT a ... . - ! " "TT!: T Oystsr Bay. L. 1.. March 4 -Prep. ' H. b-s not iscked;1 " ticket with " vr.Jll . T .t ThT 3 L " , 'Tr.!-!."" 0..,n compw-ed for I t ... .1.. 1. ... . . -.WW. aktwi fnr eh- i"ivw woo uitieo to atan Jacob r7r7cv,,0n ' mMT " TTZ reCt,y f0,,W" "!on of Jacob M. DleKnon. , n Washinfton Mr. Httcbocock found i.rldnt Tift it . . Job .McCroch Dlcklwoa. the; time to Uk. a law course at Colam- Jre Idlnt aid , Cw . new ecrt.ry of war. I. tbe month. .Wan Vnlversity. and oa gndu.tion ,hP ,l! "'."J m ' wU ern metnir r TnMi4 T.'f. ' . . . " "' " i - - - - w. auiuiiiiTa to in oar in ine .k .k. m ... Knox Is entitled to twice! member tb adrisory committee ; republican ...a l . and con I' meeting which wa. of LUD W' - .M T callad . u. JL .. 1. T! .' lA-rer.lty of Pewwyl- r, ! .-h . t .fcf hi demand, i c,ld to P'001" harmoay by cir- him aad h!ea,"M8 n nl circular con- "iK mori flxtble -nrh The Hep '. -4ure after bla ' "'iid have bad i ' ;oaible for! demiting the council? vaaia and Vale falwenrtty barln? conferrfd that honor upon him. Do you atand tor maobin politics! Gef,e von Ltnserke Mtyer George ton Leasers Meyer, who, abltvt. A MlaslMippian ,by blnb, Diatric of Columbia aad three years' train for Oy. : - t.t into I.rolmd coaiprv , aw- in. nil . it n. . . . . . j ' " m. - h am . vj .i r.. .111. ... uiubiuu ua in . . . . i""""- e Ju , ..u. . ... " T ' ' wr nay tonight. Th S train arrlvea want forty nun ,0 nam your of " i-ar senera.s wnce na oi 1 tram aare ana as.i.ter wsa admitted to practice before,,,- ,ft4 ,,., tw . to Ae nary department, wa. brouxhl, a Cleveland democrat wpported Mr the .unrem court t the t-n., ' r !!er ml,Inist'' ; ;!'h n;baad i. U ; -; for the presidency. Probably j Sute.. Amon other aamocUtion. h, nWLl rber.-arTHtt, ' ,""",n "n r"J . v.-r. ... ..... .. wicceed Porttnaster General Corte his moat notable public aerrice waa'la a member of tb. American VWw- lnmmur :,you- He ma ,t that lime Amba-a-, aa counsel ,or the United Su.e.'nomic Aaeocl.Uon. the AmerTu, TZT" T ' rt'raal" to Bt. Pt termburg. to which post, in the Alaskan boundary caae be-; Stattatlcal AaaoitJatw ,nri th 7. " " " """"y- r. rtard bla newl : Thp 8ulphur JMiper, cotriD).tll had been traaaferrei from Rome I tor the Arbitration Tribunal in Lxm- ericaa Association for tbs Adrance- ZZT , Awh"w uu f whom be eoa-jaaiM, loaded with wood occupy wh'r h" ht1 nr"' nv" M don He was an assUUntiment of Sendee. Mr. Hitchcock la a'TfT 'r ,h'r trlp ,0 k '.ub The Hep., the main business section of tbe ; mbMnor Mr. Meyer is a natf re' attorney general of the United Sutea bachelor. , !' "' a las , city and in front f buaineas houses 'f Bo,,on- ln wMcB w" born, during ct-eiaads sdroltrtatrstlon. ; S .l.Mered tha- f th ...u f other vehicle.. ,n After grad-ati.g from Har- and ha. been general coun-l for the jamt. V.l,o. I A alSlow nSre r,uwte. for, Seem. tt.t the council .bould take Vfd T" th" "mploy ot ,l,tncU cntr- R-roi Company' If Secretary Wilson continue, to ch with many rtctlma. Hut Dr f' l' d and the Kl aome action to produce relief wmmlaslon firm and some year, later for aotr.e year., .ndlng moat of hi. j bold the aarricmliural portfono until K,ns's Now Ufe P11's kill It by pre-' 1 "'k , r"1- . 8 membr of th firm of time la Chicago, where tb, rneral!nxt Xorember. he will bars broken loh'mlff ,penl!' sUmu,at1 8,on'- af,..r 4e.r. The -war oa pr" between thl. ! 'S'mJT - -..! the' record fo contlnul clnet lt -n.0 -be Hherman country j.p.B 1. becomes; "r, ?f been es.abHr.hed by Mr. nicking I. flftybt ; rvlce. wch to now held by Al- Constipation! UlUousn! ;!. d or re monotonous All the talk being th- 7 . a officer or dlree- old. having been bora la Columbus, bert GaUatia. once secretary of tbe ;N!ateria- Jncho and InUlgw-Uon. vngr... dUlgtMt la about the little lt. w.tinring ans aa, Dn. I- 1,51. u, ta . aradnate' tr-,- -h ... . : -""'""r" . uariwicy. ! not I U'lMf. h. magician at trutt, ' i r.el(" . f would ing .pent yearn m romore property ia cheap Mng and rountermarr-hltif . ad !"' tiut u w"1 ver again 'i-k and r. treannr. i I. '. ipm. W"d ia tbs heart of Oklahoma &,! .)...ii . .. 1 .. it.i.k.j greatat oil. ataa and asnhalt fl.L. ' ! - ,.M beylANUTOUit, Cub 'th. , , .. . ... 1 I i ! - VM vr.-m.j "" " Se ln v. j 1 j. .. reasnry. who served twelve year.i Ths Missouri Girl. a member of the Boston common i u.... 777 . , "7 . . . " . " TT ' T.."w"" w. "l 106 Gl contains all tho . . ... . ... . . - .iaeuiine outset 01 ins .MCKiairy mdmlnis-, eiomontc tht ... mn... .... 1 ..uiiu" . . . . 1 . . . ... - wh M..MM wuv-mi.. m im nvi .iv .w. .... - . . . ... -;u, ,0 ugni your vnci . - . - tniverauy 01 aaaaviiie. trom eight moathe aad twnty-ave day?.' notain. - ...... - wnicn acnooi he baa a dt-ree a. Secretary Wilson war anurinte.1 at "'"U M.a. HUIr or let. .nil V .... 11 eounell. an aMerman . eounell. an .Merman a member of!i.. .. Z rivweuu, mm p0 to make up an on- ' -;,h...egW.,nre.n1nga..Uk1 . ta r..' jabW evening ontertalnmont-a l'-rof the lower hooe for three con- r" ta. 11 ? 1 ' ' " 'l01 ptot- wl,h lntt' ntelnR Tkt; Mr. Meyer wa. elected 2 ArrtT -'T! br0USht 10 1 tatlon.. novel .noeiahlo.. r"i '-' ooome authority Rooae- " a , .ei.tently discredit d. hare thh'mit a betjnntog f.-a-j ruoutrtng -'to settle, wail the glut l rhjb take, hi. exit, lesr behind him a government fast ' passing iato insolvency, and a record sjof absolute fiasco, while be departs -- tr darkest Africa. The Amertcaa T'if . n !! tier. : bun 'rf. Th aonpartiaan. bare pUced the .r u, mm netonxc to th country by hU parenU. He wa edu- i-opular dances, tho verv 1h,, c,.,. the Iroquois Club, all of Chicago Italy. H I. a member of the Ath- Mr. Dkkiasoa is the owner of the . novo in pom.. The uwmo-. . . . , ,A at " ' " , mou. oeji Meade stock farm la i rrats want t0 see mn elected on IT " - """' Nashville the achr..i ti .k.... ctjh o. rtoaton. anu among otner --- t.Htvm ivivivuvt to party afllUatloa. ' bu.tnesa office. president t f the Ames How Co., and a director cf th ixwi'a allow th Charles Nagel. cautq m tne paniie wbOOL, of lowai.n,! mechanical staca off.ot r,rt and at low Coneae. He enea.ed in the moc ludiorous situations over farming and, ent.rmj; aut pollUcs., n one play, was a member of tb 15th. 13th. ; -The company' is the pick of the aad 1Kb assemblies of wa. belntc profession; no 'sticks" to ln yon. elected speaker of the aaaembly In' tout every one an nrtlat in 'his laat term. He serTed three terms This attraction will bo seen at tho Old Colony Tru.t Co. and the Amos- cnM" of !' ia conaress. In the ISth congress Iloblson opera house. Tuos.hv hr .. . new secretary of eommr tA i..'vi. ..... ... ...... .w ' ..... i-""1 eamsaica to - v . u.nni.r,.. r- vi. .. Daw aecretary of commerce and la-'hi. seat wa. contested and the nr. tract roar latsrest from th boadja Ul) ar,.r la bttter knon among law ponen, of General Grant, who wa. election a-d Ardaaore must move for- known as a crack shot. th. March 10. Ceoroe W W ckersham New Vork s rcprv-' "'a've -now ca"nct, ta G'ge W V .HI i lo puu-iinen n'tnn; nil at Mount .Mc Monev t loan lie l..rg-. ..h..ugh he W..I hF Gregr,r .j.-d tJie .eaMr.jj content f,rr 1 On farm lands at low rate of Inter- a r-iW of 'V- M-.tvo. i c a fliir.j.f,- t0 d'-f-a' 'he .inn -,. est on flvo and seven years' time .v; r-,rf.-rr.tatvcs and Is a member of -r ' Mr w.Ison savrcl th M L Alexander, Ardmore, Okla .Ti'ise rc, a:can'Dnal c e (n asa ly reiiffnlcg on tho stlpa. 2C-lra