Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX THE DAILY ARDMOREITE Ardmore, Thursday, March 4, 1909 REDUCTION OF TAX LEVIES TAFT INAUGURATED PRESIDENT VAST SAVING TO COUNTIES IN PRESENCE OF THOUSANDS I A Splendid Cough Medicine For Men Business men sufTcrinc from Coughs and Colds can brirtR a bottle of Dr. D. Jjyne' Expectorant to the office n:.d take inn standard cough inedicine at regular intervals througttout the day. In this way they can get rid cf their ailment with out i.i any way intericring with their business. DR. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT has been rclievinR and curing Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis and Pleurisy, Croup and Whooping Cough for nearly four score years. Sold by all druggists, in three size bottles, $1.00, SOc and 25c Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Vermlfntfe Is a splendid, natural tonic, for attaining a permanently healthy constitution. EUFAULA WINS COUNTY SEAT GOVERNOR. HASKELL ISSUES PROCLAMATION DECLARING SUCH. 3 Governor Haskell :.roclatnaUon declaring county seat of Mcintosh result f lite election Iteld t.iiii of the ;o 1 book", all-slag lb-gal . ' - t .ist fm Kul.u..i w Inch, If eliminated, would le.iv Checotah with Miffictctit vote-, id win 'he clec- (Ion TRIBE DWINDLING. Only v a! 1 a Few Remi.m of Once Powerful Tonkawa Indians. Tonkawa, OWIa.. Mar. 3. One by one the members of the once strong I Tfttiknwu trflie (if Inillfina nru inline In ""'the haWy hunting ground. One appeared for Checotah.; BlrwlR in numbers In Oklahoma tli me onjection to canvass tribe' has dwindled down to less than Haying mat . neeotan i nftv members, hiiiI Natalie, the wife it. ease through the sn.J0f Chief John Wllilatns. died near Canraas of the vote: here yesterday. She was burled whit kj..f.. ul. 1. ..I ... ir . . . all the ceremonies of her iieople. lav en all her belonging were burled with her and brr f.iortte dog w i- shot at the grave She wan a . old woman, wmii' f ht r people claim i'ii; .-!. was ov- 10 i ais t Id that tCttfnula received HMS tah IS 13 'and ten ballots .1 be mutilated Chee.i'ah v three votes ti move it from I'hifaul.i 1. '1 In cit ' eii- ( C'i. II" ''in.. ,i i' i ! !. l'.' - .i t ill Hip. A Want Ad will gi It for you. Oklahoma Real Estate Offers the finest vestment in the We make a farm and iclcl for in Southwest, specialty of land and residence smooth prairie city business property. Farm lands from $10 to 535 per acre, Hooks, Noland & Lantis 110 ICust Mti iii St. Ardnioro, Olihi. Outhrle Ok',.i Ma:!, T; :'. examiner and 'njw-ctor ha com;.tli il a statement gnut'd from tbe :.-j.or!i f the d putle who hav,. cheeked t!.e various count! with refennce t. their tax. levies. Iji manv instances these levies were in.iil,. l'hout a proper knoal ilge nf hat the valuation was and the result wan that in many In stances (axes were exotbltant. House Ml I No. 1 provided for a complete Inspection of all levies and the following is tn result of the Inspection, showing the amount of refection in each eonnu. Thia weans a great saving to the tax payers of unnecessary taxes. A moan t of County Deduction Adair JtJ.lotss Alfalfa 16.S&3.6S Atoka 3.073.6C Beaver ut.oo Beckham 7.32S.S3 Blaine t,l 0.20 Bran 3.0S.56 Caddo not finished Canadian 1.610.S1 Carter . u.2so.6 Cheroke 7.500.39 Cboctam- i 5.151.61 Cimarron Cleveland 16.3H.00 cl 1M81.71 Comanche r 1S.1S0.24 c'k A.0SI.21 f'Mli not finished Custer 17.011.7 new ware ... 1.303.11 IVwey 3.680.12 '-"I 17.0S3.PS Garfield 1S.071..T! tiarvin 0.717.53 Mar,.. : llak-11 Hughes !.;. 0i' 1 Washington Mar 1 Thodore not finished' Booeevet. of Ojster Ha. today re ! tired Into pr'vate life. nd William Jackson 14 Sfil 31 I r or t lnln,,,,l "ties ir. Jefferson "SSSfl " " " lnp 'weniy-seventu l:es Johnston not finished Kay 3ft.HI.53 Itlnirflsher n,37i.$ Orady Klow, 6.2S..40 LaMMPr 0.HM.37 Lflore 6,764.35 Unwta 2ft. 161.(6. Ln not finished t I.SW.37 Marshall ll.KSS.oa 1 - s Cafar 10.6.76 12 861.11 McOlaln 10.US.03 McCurtain I.077.2S Mcintosh 22.101.61 Murrar .' 3.865 C Muskogee 242.fl3.tM XObhB 33.2I6.S5 N'owata I3.SS2.27 Okfuskee I1.7.31 uKianoma HO.0 15.83 Okmulgee 7.S77.6G Me 3S.20I.23 otwa Pawn wol finuhni I'ayne not finished i'ltuburg C5.7 11.00 Pontotoc II.; 10.19 I'ottawatomla 7S.55i.00 Pushmataha i.270.o& ltoaer .MIHb oos.30 Koaers 15.212.32 Semlti(le KU71.40 Sequoyah 31.1S2.70 Stephens 2.12S.10 1Vx 17.403.00 Tillman 3.31C.70 Tu,sa 3I.S0I.77 waxouer afi.7H0.75 ashlnaton 'il' ooi nc 15.135.31 I Washita rnnt 37.33C.S3 Woods Ciier not finished .... 10.001.01 20.575.0S I Woodward 15.330.5S PEOPLE'S FORUM tlve rock asphalt. Unexcelled cttv wa t"r and electric light plants, eitfctr:c street railway, cheap natural ;3 for e . lactones ami family use, senvr rvs neason vs. Pontes. tern and best and largest sehoeW In am kohir to use every iio-nlble state. What la morn tho ,n,j mean to envinoe the people of Aril-' progressive, and have adopt-1 cam- IIIM... Ilmt ..... 1l 1 ... . ........ ...... n.iwum an hoik n.r uifi miSHlon form of ini-nrnmon- ivltfc non-partisan officers. n'.i p. lilies I KikmI of Ardmore. that party princi ples or prejudices should be shelved, and convince them that any move op posing the plan of a non-partltsnn com mission form of government Is knock ing on the best Interests of Ardmore, knocking on the ixxir as well as the rich. It dots not confine Itself to the town, but the knocking Is a gal not our fanner friends, against the develop ment of our county. When we adver tise our lands for sale we do so In K.ui-.ix. Missouri. Nebraska. Illinois, Michigan. Iowa and other over-!Kpu-Ions northern and western state. When we want to sell lands, borrow n.. in on our lands, build factories, men to develop our raw materials, build railroads and make bucket bri gadts. where do We go for the men and t. do it ? To the north and the iaht among the republicans. What care wo alnnit the man's tiolltlcs so he ha the money and the willingness to do this. thing for us? Ilelow is my ad running Jn the Merchants' Journal, of Topeka. Kansas. This Is a slieu ed, and the office seeks the mat) The town K built on two sides cf this 500 acre tract and Its nearest ;otit ' .sOO y.itdi .i'Mii li. t.uens ce '" Ti e title .iO is .vr'eer lnd tin own er wishes to sell the tract for town lot :uriHes. Address w. p. Poland Ardmore, Okla. W. P. POLAND. How's This? We offer One Hundred DoHors lie ward for any cfso of Catarrh tha can not be cured by Halls' Catarrh Cure. V. J. CIIKNKV CO.. Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for thel ast 15 years and believe him perfectly honorablo In all business transactions and . nanclally able to carry out any ob Igatlons made bv his firm. Walillng. Klnnan & Marvin, Wholosalo Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally. acting directly unon the blood Journal that goes to business men. I j and mucous surfaces of the system, have farm land ads In a dosen north Testimonials sent free. PIcer 75 cent em and western farmers1 impers and j per bottle. Sold bv all druggists, a few in the south. An ad In an llli-l Take Hall's Family rills for con nols farm paper got me a hog. wlfnl- i gtlpatlon. -j&w fa and corn raiser from northern Kaiisi- lb- is making good. Has! bei n h. re a month. In two weeks he' Supreme Court Opinions. Ollthrto (lllln Mnr -1 t..a.l..i had .Bg, on the market for sa'.e. iimXn , toe d,llvere,, prepay the ,ud plaattog 10" two opinions ttMny. ns follow,: acre In alfalfa, ami 100 acres n! iMn.. ,. ..v, "' " eir. v"it-j v-uiruft ajiu cum has i. ar. d the latvd of more s'unips and dead tres In that short till.- than was done in iwst two years In- our native tenants. I do not ktiowj Ident of the I nltetl States. It ws shortly after noon that the Ohloin took the oath of oflce. whlV? enthusi astic, thousands welcomed the tie-v and applaudel the departing exect tire of the ration. T1ls afternoon. In what Is iparent ly an unending line, thousan upon thousands of marching men. Keeping time to the martial music of a mvii 1 bands, are passing before the nev president ami tramping on throng) lanes of cheering people ami waving flags. An army thirty thousan J strong made up the mighty psReatu. which was witnessed by nearly a quarter mllMwi visitors, as well as a large i .onion of the population cf tin capital. (Jreen and white were the offlcltl colors of the Inaugural committer, an 1 this scheme was carried out to some extent In the decorations of buildings and stands but the great majority of those who took jiart In the .pecta!? adhered to the red, white and Mi of Hie national stamlard. and O'd (Slo.v has t-eldum been o much -n evldtrce as today. Knormou.s does not begin to de scribe the crowd that g.fierel n Washington for today's greu event. It filled the city to overf loving an.', us the momentous hour Tprouhed. lined all Ksilble M)Ints f vantage from which any iart of tb" sjiectacli of a president In the making enuld It.' sien. A great sou of hunrHty. it swept In n mighty wove iron Wash ington Circle, half a mile w. : of 'he White House, to the capltol. a vtlle oast of the president's inaisc.i. nud up and nround Capitol Hill o tn east front of the capltol. A' many places It wa sdozons deep on both sides of the street. How many tens of thousands composed this grcnt swarm of humanity It would bo use less even to conjecture. More tens of thousans had better placrs on the dozens of big stand . nnil little stands, nil of then dec'at the national legislature and ilie I win were nliout to succeed them. Following the gathering of the presidential party, which consisted of Mrs. Taft snd the Tnft children and many relatives ntid Invited friends, the senate pas-seil a resolution of thanks to Its presiding officer Charles P. Fairbanks, ami the Sixtieth con gress brent hed Its last, so far as any formal transactions were concerned. Speaker Cannon at the he-.ul of the members of the house came next, fol lowed by the dlp'-omata In all their glory of brilliant uniforms, and the black-robed Justice of the supreme crurt of the United States. TJverybody on the floor rose as the hoie filed In. SMoker Cannon went up to tihe presiding officer's (leak, but the members were shown to the cane seated chairs on the democratic side of the chamber. Hap. went the gavel. Rvcrylicdy' was up again. The diplomats burst upon the senate like a my of glory. The ambassadors, holm? persons of great consequence, got leather cover-1 ed seats In front of the first row of i tight hand desks. j llehlnd tfiiem appeared the minis-1 terw who had to be content with cane seated chairs. i Shortly after the arrival of the Jur- J lsta a subdued whisper swept through ; United States Depository Oklahoma State Depository City Depository Ardmore National Bank ARDMORE, OhUHOMi Tapilal, Surplus and Additional $250,000 If this bank Is a safe placo. for tho city, state and nation to deposit thoir funds It Is a safe placo for the farmer and busi ness man to koop his funds. TRY IT. LEE CRUCE, President G. IV. STUART, Cashier the building. The big fat statesman, wtlio had accomplished so many big things and was now nlout to tackle the biggest Job of all. had arrived. He sot In the president's room In thel senate with James S. Sherman, of I'tlcn. X. Y.. was sworn In as vice president of the United States. it was a quarter after twelve when the new president, smiling urbanely I as usual, appeared before the notable I assemblage, and with hand upraised,' In the midst of an Impressive silence, j responded with a decided affirmative to the oatJh of office administered by. Chief Justice Melville Fuller. Then followed the inaugural address and ' the drive to the White House with Mrs. Tnft, bowing on the way to the cheering thousands. At 2 o'clock he took up his place In the reviewing Sealshipt Oysters RETAIN ALL THE FRESH. NESS AND FLAVOR OF OYS TERS JUST TAKEN FROM THE WATER. PROTECTED THORO'LY FROM WATER, AIR AND POSSIBLE CERMS. THE INNER SHIPPING CASE IS NEVER OPENED UNTIL THEY ARE READY FOR DE. LIVERY TO YOUR HOME. SOLD ONEy BY Cold Storage Market JESSE JAMES, PROPRIETOR. ed la red. white and blue. vV!e t lions- stand In front of the Whito House, amis more viewed. the paraie frn.n the' while one of the greatest .cavalcades, Flour Excellence windows of houses along the wav Nearly everybody had a flag oi a stick tied with red. whl'e ,iid blue ribbons, and these were wavd when ever then apienred to be Bny call for enthusiasm. Housetops were crowded too and the many big trees with which Penrylvanla avenue Is lined, were black with delighted small boys. The Inauguration proper took place nt the capltol. Here was the Mecca of tho.. fortunate enough to secure the necessary tickets -which entitled the holders to admission to the great In modern history filed jwst. J President Taft was escorted to tho j capltol' this morning by representa-i tlves of the Crand Army. United Con-j federate Veterans, and Spanish War veterans. In this afternoon's pn'ade. the honor position at the right of the line was accorded to the Yale class' of '7S of whliiH President Tnft was a member. First behind the mounted police guard and a full military band were. Major General J. Franklin Hell, chief j of staff U. S. A., grand marshal, and old building, whose massive dome Is j hN staff, made up of many officers of visible from every section of the city. Inside everything was animation before the ceremonies were begun. The Interest was In the senate wing for It was in that part of the building In the famous chamber of the upper house, that the Inaugural program-was to be begun. Tlie senate galleries filled rapidly when they were opened to ticket hold ers. IJy 11 o'clock all the seats were taken except a few In the constricted space reserved for tho diplomatic corps and half tho chains In the exe cutive gallery. In which the p-osl- the regular army, the national guard of the states and Independent military organizations. At the head of the military division marched the West Point cadet.', fol lowed by the midshipmen from Anna polls. At the head of tho I. S. regulars was the Cuban army of pacification. 2 500 strong, followed by infantry, cavalry and artillery from various army posts In the United States. The Jackles from the battleship fleet fresh from Its world-enclrcllnjc voyage of peace, headed the naval Tho product of the Dig Hand Mills stands pro-cmlnent among pure, white, wholesome, health giving, and therefore nutritious flours. It's not oDly fluo Ir. appearance, but In quality as well. Ask your grocer for it Tyler Simpson Co. Wholesale Distributors. wha' bis politics are. and I don't care We wai t men who will make that Is the onlvj thing thit count I venture the assertion that A. Jack Howard, vs. Gertrude Heiisc ly. appealed from the United' States court at Muskogee, reversed. School District No. S and School T hue spent more money advertising mUl.d nt co of tne ntanUff Jn District officers vs. W. A Kakln, 1.. , B. Nell. W. ( Langford an! John H. i Duucan. appealed from the district ; court of. Jefferson county, petition dls-l dent's wife, children and Invited i division. They numbered altout 3.000. guests and the vice presidents wife. Inst behind them marched a full regl and famllv were to sit. I nient of Uncle Sam's sea soldiers, the Women occupied nearly a'l the gal-1 marines, who have taken the Inltla Jery seats. Here nnl tliere a ioor. .tlve In almost every warlike affair In lone man among them was brought J wihleh this country has been engaged Hharply Into relief through his eon- j since the revolution. ventlonal black In a framework of f e-; Then came tho national guard of. male gorgeousnes. Some of the wo-j the several states, arranged In the or-' men wore white, but mon were dress-1 der In which the states were admit tHl In gay colors. A majority of them j ted into the union. I were the wives and daughters of sen- Following the military division ' ror. A. 13. HYDE Miner and Refiner of Asphalt WOODFOKP, OKLA. Ynur : juiries and patronage solicited if interested in r ck asphalt for paving purposes, refined asphalt fotJroofinf, etc. Write l r priics and samples. Shipping point Ardmc re til more along with my own buslne.? !n the past two years thu all the u,.m, .i-nW, ;w ct, How Mn person risk taking! t'Ning to control the destinies of1 enma n.u.. ...i. -..i,. ..., "- . " " vwt.M.l 4 -UU, U.Jill V-.lmore. Following I the ad above fo-red to- I, WD FOR MTY VDDITION ' aor. s adioinlng corporate '.It. o' rdm ofcl.i H'ist'ing town "f ff. en -!i.i-:.ind i" ople Itest p' . I H're.-' oil e.llM P.l .'. Tl .HI' '.a- ators and representatives. The man or woman wtoo happened to be oo the lest terms with a member of con gress whose wife and family were not In town wa fortunate Indeed. Dawn on tho floor tho senators sat around and told stories while they waited for the ceremonies to begin. enme the civic organisations. Includ ing more, than a hundred clubs and political associations, many of them' In fancy and unique uniforms. President Taft's program for this evening Is as follows: , S p. m. First dinner at the head of the table In the 'White House. Phone 618 Chas. Kerncr, up-to-date meat market. lt kill my own meats and furnish the very best satisfac tion guaranteed. Give me a trial. The Best Cough Cure ha'f of Virgin 01 of Pine. to ounces of CJUreriae and a half plM of Whisky. m!xei will cure any oimh that U curable and break a cold !n 21 hours Tase a teaspoonful ovary ' ur hours. Ak yur dniggist for 'he genuine Leach s Virgin Oil of Pino compound nure prepared and guaranteed by the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. The Little Prospector. Th l.lttie Prospector" Is the most wholesome and cleanest tje of west-rn drama ever put together. It Is a play of tolav of the better kind and will be seen at the opera) houe on Monday night. i offins"o Caskets Foley's Honey and Tar costs them no' The big oufortable leather arm- S:80 t m. Watches Inaugural fire-1 more? is a safe remedy, contains 1 chairs In which they lt at other j works In the White lot. Listens to "kJT'"1 T.6 r nMMtl time, had been removed ami p'alnlthe nr-lse of enthusiastic militia and obstinate coughs and cokls. Whv ex-i . , . , w , . , L. perlment with your health? Insist I cnno ""d ,fa,r of ,h' k,"a j PtrloU. u'on having the genuine Foley's lion-1 ,n lecture halls had been substituted.! 9 p. in Tries to forget the sr-r"- and Tar. Sold by all drugists. i Taeae unpretentious aeats had lieen 'nndlng parties In front and puts on plaoed as closely a possible together his white tie, dross clothes and s Ik behind the rows of desks. I hat to go to tho inaugural ball Ilack of the last row on both sides j 0:ir. p. m. Stop on wav tj tr iko of the chamber more chairs were n speech to Georgia military c id- 's crowded In. The chairs to the rlght at the Arlington fcotel. of tho presiding officer's rostrum were j 9-30 to 12 m. Leads the gtanl empty and looked all the lonller In march and waltzes at tho Inaugural contrast with the animated space on ball. she o'her side of the chamber Here 12-H0 n m First mldnlvht inn ' for thohousu and lawn. Hoth ohones F'-'Vs Honey ami Tar euri coughs nll th(, senators sat crowded In to- In the Whlto House, ns his own boat ( rnl.,nC:n T" ! H. KADEN 4 FLOIUSl' Cut Mowers, lloral do8lj;ns. Plants, rj"t'l "v strenir'ht'oa the lungs and et' P' 9 cnlds Ge U:o trenulne in n. i jel ow jiaekago. Sold by all druggists. thos wno werft JU8t about to leave i colds Ge tho genuine la a K"ncr repuojeans mm uemuviais, xainas u an over. uocs to ieu. Head Ardmorvlte want aas.