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Em wmlm VOLUME XV CITY EDITION A RDM ORE, OKLAHOMA SIWHAY M()RNlN(i APRIL II HUM) NUMBER 2()2 Just Tfhat "We Expected The Iiastcr rusli panned out just as we had anticipated the best day next to Xmas Eve an unqualified en dorsement of this store as a trading place for all the people. The passing of Easter really marks the beginning of spring business, it settles the style question. A large per cent of what you will see worn today came from Madden's, another unqualified endorsement of this store as a trading place for all the people. Monday morning we begin with renewed energy, we mention below some very special BARGAINS for Monday's selling. 25c Zephyr Gingham in a wide range of patterns - Q a yard ... . I 50 20c Zephyr Ginghams, lisrht weight and pretty - C patterns, a yard I uv 5c Scotch Lawns, the old time staple patterns QIAa (10 yarns to a eiihtomor) a yard 0 ZC 5c Apron Ginghams, in all the staple checks ft-J A. (10 yard limn) u yard 0 Zw 1 5c quality in white and colored finishing braids. 4 n nice wide braids in fl yard lengths, Monday a piece. jC 10 Dozen Tailored and Gibson Lace Stocks. - A special tor Monday, each q $Q 1 Oc Toilet Soap, a sweet scentod pure article, spe "jr cial a cake f C Pure Linen Torchon Lace, in edgings and inserting tamateli, a 10c value, at a yard Ql The Balance of those nre'ty hand made lace doilies, made in the lloly Laud near Damascus, worth from 2."c f 00c each, on sale Monday at Half Price New Colonial Draperies, more than twenty ditferentcolnr combinations just received in new arts and crafts designs. Tlie E tontines -ell at 2jc a yard the Casement Cloth at 20u a yard Wo will cut and plain horn free of enarge as imuiv curtains as you want to buy on Monday. Measure your windows before leavinir home, select and pay for your cur tains and wo will deliver them to you ready to hang. White Waist Special, we will place on salo for Monday only, 10 do.en ladies new white waists, neatly made CJC9A and a splendid Tuc value, offered Monday each. ..OOC oAkdden'd The April Dolinontor was u '"bird," tho Mny number is a "none; str," tu!to a peak nt it Monday. INDICTMENTS SEVEN KILLED ARE QUASHED IN EXPLOSION MOTION OF ATTORNEYS FOR HAS. PREMATURE EXPLOSION IN A KELL AND OTHER OKLAHO- PENNSYLVANIA COAL MINE MANS UPHELD BY JUDGE. RESULTS FATALLY TO MINERS JURY OF UNLAWFUL NUMBER DEAD BODIES RECOVERED Grand Jury, Which Indicted Haskell Rescuers Worked All Day Yesterday and Other Defendants Numbered In Getting Out Bodies af Unfor- Twenty-one, While Arkansas Law tunate Miners Three 'Instantly Provided for Only Sixteen. Killed. Johnson, l'a., April JO An a iv milt of Iriot nlfihl'f t-ii mature ex opinion In initio No. .17 of the Mcr wind White Coal comtmny near Wind Iter, seven minora aro dead and sev eral others Injured. Three of tho dead were instantly killed and a law force of rescuers today extricated the bodies of the four other who hail In en entombed. Tulsa, Okla.. April 10. -Coventor C. N ItaHkell and nix other Oklnhomnn Itidleted by a federal grand Jury, on charges of fraud In .Muskogee town lots, will not have to Htnml trial. The motion of defendants to pmsli the Indictments was uphold here to day by Judge John A. Marshall of Ttah In the united States circuit court. The court In Its decision, which was a very lengthy one, quashed the indictments on' tho ground that they were returned by ti grand jury com posed of iwonty-threo men under the fi ll, nil law, instead of by a Jury of sixtieii, as provided for by the Ar kansas law. which was held to be in force in old Indian Territory by fed eral etiactiiKMit nt a time whan the al lewd frauds wero committed. Sylvester Hush, sHjclal assistant at torney genet al. who worked up the pn:i f.if tint irfii-nrmtifint utntml utter the opinion was down today ' ,"1 to 0,10 yonrV irionment it. A NIGHT RIDER CONVICTED KENTUCKY NIGHT KIER GIVEN ONE YEAR'S SENTENCE FOR PARTICIPATION IN RAID. Padueah. Ky.. April 10- John Jackson, charged with participating ( In the night riders' raid, In which ; an aged negro and a negro baby wero shot and killed and five other I negroes wounded, was today Kcntcnc- the state, penitential . Jackson Is the second man wtitctir ed in connection with this raid. GIVEN A LIGHT SENTENCE MAN GETS FIVE YEARS FOR HAV. ING MOCK MARRIAGE PERFORM ED GIRL TRIED SUICIDE. ORDERS BILL ENGROSSED. Missouri House Wants More Author ity for State Railroad Commission. Jefferson City. Mo.. April 10. Tin house today by unanimous vote or dered engrossed tho bill giving the st.ite lallroad commissioners author ity to tlx passenger rates and It vm made the special order of business for next Tuesday. Sam J. Kennorly -was In tho city yesterday from Gainesville. Ho says C'ooko county needs a rain. Tho far mers there have done a vast amount of work and have their land In fine condition that he would again ptosent the mat tor to the grand jury, submitting It without delay to the body now In ses sion here. Attorneys for tho defendants assert th.-.t the statute of limitation will In ter1, one to prevent now indictments being returned. It is stated that the last overt net charged against tho de fendants was committed In April. 100(1 and that the statute of limitation In cases of thli nature runs for but three years. i j Waco. Tex.. April 10 -Knu -t Wll- Congratulations for Haskell. kersoti. who was found guilty of hav Tulsa. Okla.. April 10. Judge Aim-1 lug a mock inarrlaae performed with shall or the United States circuit 1 a young woman of this city, has be n court, after three days consideration sentenced to the yi ats in the pcnlten- of the motion to quash tho Indict-, tiary. meats In the town lot cases against i When the young woman learned (lovernor Haskell and others, this that she was not Ically married, she tuorutug entered his order quashing attempted to commit suicide, till of the indictments. t'ONTINl'KP ON PARIJ KIOHT. 3 THE BIG 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday We arc too busy to write an "ad" but the three days following Easter will be the greatest bargain days of the sea son at the Big Store. More specials than ever will be thrown out. Numerous lines will be closed out, and bargains of every descrip tion will be offered you. Remember the date, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Chi - ro - prac - tic If you have aches and pains you hav- tried every way to get rid of but failed, don't ho discount ed. Constt't Dr. Win. Kennard, fhlrt praetor. Ho romoves tho cans' of dlseaso and makes a srcalty . of nil the so called In curahb s. Mrs. Dr. Kennard (Oraduatcd Chiropractor,) In daily at endanco rendering all assistance necessary with In dies and chlldien. A correct dlairnosls of your oaso and cnii-.iltatlon free. Adjust'ng parlors, first stairway wist of Lon Frame's drug store, 207,. W. Main St. Phono C01. FIVE DAYS ARGUMENT KELLOGG YESTERDAY BEGAf i CLOSING ARGUMENTS AGAINST STANDARD OIL COMPANY. St. l.ouK Mo. April 10 After flvo days' continuous arguments, the longegt ever granted by a federal court .special Vnlted States attorney (leneral Kellogg today commenced his closing -address In the govern ment's suit to dissolve the Standard Oil company of New Jersey. kjreezma We wish to express our hcartx appreciation of the liberal patron age extended to us during vour Kaster Shopping. This Weelzs Special Offerings One Piece Silk Dresses One Piece Linen Dresses Now York's very latest creations New embroidered and tailored ellet ts Colored Linen Suitings Silk Petticoats All the new colorings Largest assortment we have ever shown Our "Mail Order Department Growing Daily Express Prepaid " Forrest Mills" Underwear Superior to Any Exclusive Here THE WOMAN'sfo YO UR NEW SUIT! V7"1IEN you buy it of us, you get a Hirsh-Wickwire gar ment with years ot solid reputation, solid experience and skill behind it. The newest arrivals are far ahead of the clothing parade in style, cut, fit, design and patterns and the odd little touches of the artful clothing designer are all included. If you arc a genuine lover of style and elegance, let us show you these late models. The prices will sur prise you. Nelson Bros. Outfitters For Men. Mrs. Sampson Not Guilty. Lyons. .V. .. April 10.-The jury which tried Mrs. Ceotxla Allyn Samp sou on the charge that she murdered her husband. Ham Sampson, brought In a verdict of net guilty tonight. ! i, xt u it it ia Give Us a Visit When wanting dishes, glassware, tinware 5c and 10c goods. Finest line of candy at astounding prices. NICKEL STORE ? CHINA PALACE Tel. 87(1 TI. I, Wolverton :: :: t: :: :: :t :t :: :: :: :: :: t: ts ts :: t: WEATHER FORECAST. .. t: FARM AND CITY LOANS. Wo are In position now to mak0 quick lanB on good farms and city proporty for 5, 7 and 10 years. IWerenco to any bank In Ardmoro as to our reliability. DUFAV & UAMSBY. NOTED POET DEAD. Algeron Charles Swinburne Died of Pneumonia In London Yesterday. London, Hnic.. April 10.- Aileron Charles Swinburne, wet and a IhI. died lioro today. 5- DO IT NOW. Tho Tornado Sennoti I hero Protect your proporty from that powerfully cnt'rttetlc and Irreglgtahlo twister th0 Wind. A $1500 policy costs less than a penny day. See I'M 1 1 s I New Oilcan Tho wta' 'i Oklahoma for with Incrn-i'i :: t: s: :: :: :: :t La., April 10 forecast for 'untlay is fair cloudlncc fiORMAN. IJOOIK & nonniNS Over City National Hank. Dr. C. Sterling Coolcy NEKV13 SPECIALIST. $ "KI-RO-PRAK-TIK" I Drugs ( Done By Hand ) Surgery "Tho t hort cut to Hoalth ' l-oro 40D. 7 0 PnliiK'on Sims ll!d Over China Palace, Wonder Store Lady Attendant. "One Thing That Can't he Bought" 1- Mm,- 1 .iiiltdi in e. Hut o have the confidence of all who have f.t himuiit moienej from us. They know that wo always handle the in -1 of . verjtliiug to oat. V nm alwayrt the llrst to not tho r.pei 1 lit 1. - in .MtableH, such ns freuh voKetables, straw iMTritw, sprln : c titi kins. eti'. The lllen's and Club House noods never fait to tat IsP HwUis 1'iidi' soap and wnshlm; powders will make blaik whit'. Knit hIhjIc-..' and retail, and "scads' of 1:1 lie Ulbbou Flour. W. J. Lane The Up-to-date Grocer 306-308 E. Main St. Phones 247, 441