Newspaper Page Text
Ardmor, Sunday, April 11, 1909 THE DAILY ARDMORCITE. PAGE THREE ... SOCIETY ... With a wealth of Independence Within hor maiden bre'ast, That makes hor fond admirers Tho banner high unfurl, Of lore niiit admiration For the Oklahumi girl. COLLEGE NEWS NOTES REVIEW OF THE WEEK AT AGRI CULTURAL AND MECHANICAL SCHOOL AT STILLWATER. Twas Knstor Sundn The full blossomed trees Filled all tin- air with fragrance and with Joy. 'I'lio priests woro singing, and the organ sounded, And then anon the great Cathodntl bell. It wan the elevation ot the Host. Wo both of us full down upon our knees, I nder tin" orange boughs, and pray ed together neor bad been happy till that mo ment.'' Longfellow. Mrs. Coo. II. Wobb and Mlas Vera Ollvo who won- delegates to tli Child Labor Convention at Now Orleans, March 29, .10 and 31st. returned homo laHt Tuesday. This conference accomplished Its purpose and resolutions containing the Important, provisions to bo em-' bodied in a uniform child labor law to 1 be proposed In tho legislature of all the states in tho South, were adopted. Oklahoma was well represented by her delegates and they were notably , recognized ill every meeting. There is no doubt but that the Child 1 Labor Laws of Oklahoma were, in a ' grout measure, instrumental in bring ing success to tills convention. Miss Kate itarnard of (liithlro. and ' Miss Cordon of New Orleans, spoke at the meetings and groat deal of credit is given to these young women. Miss llaruard was one' of the prime niovpin in passing the Child Labor Uiws of Oklahoma. 'I nose laws are considered the best laws of all the s'ntos, they wore drafted by people who wens enabled by the help of an eastern capitalist, a philanthropist, to continue their study from men who bad made this question a life study. Speeches such as this brought mem bers of the Oklahoma delegation into such notice. "Protect the Child. If thou you would protect your own life, take the child out ot the mill. He warned of uklahoina lest her fu tujp children have that superior abil ity which win distract your children In their future competition ot states. With the future ever before us wo are protecting tho child. Kor tho children of tho poor, wo have enacted a Child Labor Law ami a compulsory educa tion law. which groat workers for hu manity have pronounced the best in the world. Wo have made up our minds that oMior states may work for the lnnstery of tho world's markets, but Oklahoinnns will stake their life work as moulders of splendid physi cal, mental and moral men and wo men." Some other notes rrom tho Times Democrat of Now Orleans have "A descendant of American Indian roynlty is hero with the convention. She is Mrs. Webb of Ardniore, Okhu, n descendant of a line of Chiefs of the Choctaw and Cherokee tribes. She Is of the llnost Indian blood and both she and her ancestors woro well edu cated in lie Indian schools." The following olllcers were elected: (Sow Sanders of loulalana, president; and the following vice presidents were unanimously chosen: (low Hoke Smith of Atlanta, (in.: W. K. Ste vens of Virginia; Miss Kate llarnard, Oklahoma; .Mrs. Mary Smith. Mis souri; Thomas Harrison, Louisiana; O .11. King. Tennessee; Mrs. James M. Leech, Kentucky; Thtid II. Lamp ton, Mississippi. The Child Labor Law originated with H. (J. Murphy of Alabama, a na tive of Texas. Senator Colvllle of (Juthrle was the only speaker of the convention who was encored three times. Mr. Col IIlo has earned the proud title of poet laureate for the reason, as ho puts II, that he innkes verses, mid tho gentle man proceeded to try soino of Ills versos on tho gathering. They lit like a glove and with "Child of the Man With the Hoe," and "Tho Oklahoma Uiii" his own composition. Mr. Col villu carried nls audiences oft Its foet. Ills orses woro so appreciated ho Was requested to repeat them the next night, and after reciting the "Child of the Man With tho Hoe," tin- band played "Dixie" and every one stood up. "The Oklahoma Girl." Her eyes are bright and sparkling, As alio greets yon in the way And the atmosphere nnUind her Makes one dream of flowers and Mny. A ruddy, healthy vigor, Anil a brow ot polished pearl, Makes up the simple portrait Of the Oklahoma girl. She's a mighty institution. This neiw girl ot the West, Her dad's an "S9-or, And one spring day long 140 With him she cfUA'rt th" bonier Into lands they did not Itm-v; Stillwater, Okla., April M Kev Holt of the llaptlst ihur.h of Still And with him she braved tho ilangcm WH,or t,"",ipt(?' - I"wHonal exi r Which nature sought to hurl, And It ndded graco and beauty To tho Oklahoma gtrl. She's lived in shacks and dugouts, Hut that was years gone by, Now a modern roomy cottage Lifts its gnbles to the sky, Within all neat and handy, Anil as cozy as a squirrel, Upon her throne of labor, Sits the Oklahoma girl. olses at chapel, Tlmrstlm. prll 1. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sugor, and Mr Mo sor, ot MIiipo, Okla.. were iitora at chapel Thursday, April lt. Mrs Saner spoke of the odu ational work tlmt she has been ene.-red In for tho past eighteen years, mid of her ambition to cause tin- totinc men , and the young women of today to love the farm. As she cpr'tiil it. she loved tho farm and farm life best, she loved her profession as a teacher second because it gao her She's worked her way through col- " opportunity to mnke others low the farm. Capt. .lack Alley hns b. eii absent logo. She's a skillful athlete. And when it conies to winsome ways, from his clnssif and rounding up She simply cant be beat. She's the rosebud of the prairie, She's the center of the whirl, And we doff our hats tu honor Of the Oklahoma girl. ''Baby Becoming a mother should be a source of joy, but the suffering niciueni 10 me orueai muxes I its anticipation one of dread. Mother's Friend is the onlv rem edy which relie ves women of of the nam of maternity . this hour, dreaded as woman's severest trial, is not only made less pain ful, but danper is avoided by its use. who u e tins remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distress ing conditions are overcome, and the system is prepared for the coming event. "It is worth il t,rtlrill n nrt " tu, ... ..... who havp used it. ITW-Vk. tttT lllii mt bnttli. Ilonk iif rutin-to ull i'Xhci.mii moii.-r in it il In. TkeUradfifMRtjulatorCo., AtUnU, Ga, Indians In the Snake Indian war. Ho returned Sunday, hut can show do Fcnlps, President J. H. Connell -poke in chapel ot the Indian war In Oklaho- ins. Ho cnllod nttontlon to the fait I.nst Tuenlny evening the members Hint the state militias, the United of the Chafing Dish club enjoyed a States army and tho Unltejl States trolley ilde and supper at Lorona nnvy are not maintained to cause park. bloodshed, but to prevent bloodshed. Mrs. nieakmoro' chaperoned and ' tho recent Indlnn war it w.m not those present were Misses Clara Wol- onnso bloodshed that the state verton, Kllon Dickson, Klla (Jlon -Oil- mllltla wore called out, but to pro- mer. Marie Olliner. Clr..u Tate. Hen- vent lawless acts and bloodshed and nlo Itlgglns. Margaret Hlols, Klodlo lo bring to Justice certain lawless McKay; and Messrs. Young Suggs, uion. Dobbins, Hogle, Criice, Frame1. Kear- Saturday afternoon, April !t, the fao- ey and Nelson. ulty played tho Juniors a game of Miss Clara Wolverton will be host- baseball. They faculty mav say with ess to the club Wednesday night. Theodore Iloosovolt, "We've whipped them to a frazzle." The game was Tho Mothers' Club of tho Second fast from start to finish with the ward held a business meeting at the fneiilty doing most of the scoring. Washington building Friday after- The final score was twenty fie to noon. Those Indies are busy planting five In lnvor ot the faculty, flowers to beautify tho school The niuslcnl cantata, the "Last grounds. Seven Words of Christ." will be glv- Some time soon they will have a en over ngaln Friday evening, April home talent production, a "(Senile 0, by request. The first part of the Jury" beiiellt of school fund. program will bo entirely changed from the previous performance. Tho Third ward Mothers- Club . Many of tho athletic events and meet l-.iday afternoon at the Lincoln college entertainments will hereafter building. All members are urgently bo given freo of cost or with a very requested to meet. nominal cost. This is done tu order "" that every student in the school mny In honor of .loiTerson's iilrtlulay. n,,j,)V , tako part in all the dif- April i:ith( the Mothers' Club of the feront phases of college life. Fourth ward will entertain Tuesday j)r. Wwla was out of town Satur- night nt the Jefferson building. ,ny on a veterinary trip to Frederick. A'n interesting program has been okln. prepared. An address will be made (;, jra .'rnVol and wire wore by Hew Connolly of the Christian K,,(,8lH at tllP Haskell-Nlblack wed- church and tho HlghoSchol orches- ding In (Juthrle. tra will furnish mimic for thu even- iK Mnrtim Mrk'tntm. i.u ini.. n - - " ' -4 VII MOTHERS FBIEND FELKER THE GROCER Everything Good to Eat UNDER ONE ROOF! tug. Delicious ices will bo served and all aro invited to attond. Miss HHss Corlew on north Wash ington street was hostess to tho Olio Club Friday afternoon. The program was as follows. Fatuous Women. Catherlno de Medici ir.lfi-t.'iSO. Itoll Call Quotations from Prov erbs on the wicked. Leader's Paper The Medici Fain lly -Miss Margaret (Sutherldge. Sketches The Italian Ileunissanco The Art of Poisoning. Massacre, of St Hartholoinow. Selection. Parliamentary Drill Seven things of Subsidiary Motions. Table Talk Seoul). After tho Interesting program daln ty refreshments were served. Tills being (Sood Friday and several mem hers TTeTng absent, the oleition of IIF YOU ARE A THINKING MAN MA:itn4., room at Col. Fravel's residence. The soil on n campus Is being turned under in order that the camp us may bo leveled up and better drained. Loyd C. Mitchell. '09, Is ery HI with pneumonia. Miss Clara Ames Is 111 with pneu monia, but Is now recovering. The Juniors aro working hard on their play, to bo given In the near future. The proceeds of this play will go towards the flnnncierlug of i'.' annual tho seniors expect to get ,n.t next yonr. The seniors lme lieen assigned their parts In the spulor class plav for commencement and are beglnnl'i'4 to work on tho sumo with a vim. Now curtains have hcon piiroh.U'd nnii plnced In each window of the 1 o reading rooms. President J. H. Council was In Ciuthrle, Monday on business. The A. & M. baseball team loft Momlny morning on a baseball tour and will play Woathorford, Kdinond and Kpworth. Tho summer normal catalogue is no,' in the press and will bo ready for distribution In a few dsyn. Tho business department will li ma a small pamphlet In the near future. iM. .1. Otey is enjoying a visit from his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Otoy of Salt Crook, Okla. Last Saturday night the iubject of studont government wan illiwuiseil in the Phllomaihemr Literary mcie- Iff' . -r- W A A My host roforotr'o l not a del iiocil be paid until cured. '.!.'i t wrh v Mi ! I i.' v i,, ,; r.iilui.'.' Homo in,i think t!,. n 1 --.! asi.Ttiun. ll'eu'Ss the trillhfiihi s r su ii a h'.r. m nt !.. il evorv aj. The future t)f all who depi"l iin m... i ms your own ntsoiui siicciss, ib pemls uHin your . menial coiMtltMi. Von oAtinot hope to Bucceod in lif. Uv naniMciiptW by llsowd; tlNn ran you ffoM yonr-lr tn be less it ban a speelmeti of perfect mnnh 1 iki ameiiorntlve attempt is made to Antagonise the di t ensihie mail can n-mllly so that aueh neglects wi i u him f manly uti-emnh. ami rill, oventiwlly. make him 1 leal ami tnrotal wreck. Life is hort ml bft. o If wi with any of itJie nMseitaoa pwutlar to the tmio aex, iU. n fmt to phirw yourw'lf In th handa of one who is up. . eomling the IifMflso olorg loglral and aelnntlfli lit, who netet falls to offvt n ewe If the patlmt will h v ' Ilia liiattuctlona. Dr. Mfhl hia devot'Vl the last 1!) . ( s I mat iitne yenra In this city) 1 th exelualve trcntmen: o, DIRRAJtKS, and his record of cure la unsurpftsnl pelttlrt In the Sonthwoaf. HB CAN Ct'KK VOL. no Mm i placing yourself In his hands. If ho deoid' . your c.iho for troalnuilt he will give veil a LHO L UltlTiI N (rl'AllANTKH OF A POS1TIVI3 (THF. COm I.T til .'1 1 . ' 1 .1 n. CM . 1 jy 1 ' 1. NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED NERVOUS EXHAUSTION, ilsn known as Nervous IMilll'y. Nero Vital De bility. Neursmiheiiln, Mc. If you hate any symp toms of this disease, such lis loss of energy ami ambition, vitality, easily fatigued. .1ull, llstlf feel ing, norvousnoss nml oth'M syiuptoms. I want you to 'be sure ami onll. I lm.vo given this rotMlltlon of lin n speolnl stiiily nud I uuh Mltnttlnaly say that my treatment is not excellel by any other iHoillat reg.irdless of 'wht thy cIhIiii. I know what 1 have accompllslied In own the most, nevero oiibps letters of iidervomeiit on file, nml there Is no reason to believe that I cntniot cure You also. ItKMF.MHHIt liy calling you do not obligate your self to tuke trentiiKiit. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. Anv disorder of the kidneys and blti'!!er, no matter how slight, sliouhl lie treated by nu Xpert sH'cinllst. lUtiiit nimllclno and ritniont of lne. lienciHl dirtoTs cannot 1n ib-poutled upon to cure llieni, which you no doubt have found, out If u have been nffilotJ for any leiigth of time. Too fn-quiMM dislre, retention of or fx jirofuse, veillment or brick ilusr. burning soabllng senanllou. hiL'hly eotoriKl, imlii In the liuck. dry, pale, waxy -kin, etc., an ayiuptoniH that, should not be neg lected for a moment. If you call I will make a careful, expert chemical nud microscopical oxanil nation an absolute tent without charge, ami give o lnforma Ion nnd advlco of value. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON. T.'M. ai ou 'oubHess know. Is the no din. . .t-e tli alTl c s in inkliiil, having no 1111L wroiked the lhes of tlmusinds of men. hut women and chil dren as well. If you have any of its Miniptoin.i yen ciint'ot nffonl to neglect thotu for a moment Unit or eiippi r colonel sKits running sori-w. pluipli h, ulcers in the mouth and ithnmt, or face, handn nnd :her piirts of the Mdy. falling out of hal" and ' bntws. are nil unmistakable signs of this dreaded disease. I have ounM caaes of lMoml Polsoningiftfr Hot Springs had failed, and If yon call I will nnko h oarerul. expert exaii'ln UIihi of your ease and L ll y 1 iHiMlilvely whether or not dh dlsinse ( pris em. ami if so I am proparoil to glvo wi the he-1 treatment in iKlstenco. STRICTURE VARICOCELE. Frethal .' I'cturo ami Scrotal Vailcooio aro wo of ''he most imlnful and dangerous dlsen. man klinV Is suliji t to. Stricture, if neglected or In proporlv irefttcd will completely derong.- th1 1 nMre (ionitiy-l'rlnary System, causing syvetv kidney and blnibler diseases. Varlcooelo will brimg alxui' 11 r vous exbaiiHllon or lost vWnllty. Hoth r-qulre tx is rt mntmotit. Mv method ot treatment for those diseases la absohfely the nut skillful and scientific known to medical science. I do jiot u" the knife unnoco?ra rlly or other harsh menna tn cither case I have eureil, some of the most ssvero and difficult cases. My wide ixperlonco ha3 given me a thorough kuowi Jlio of these diseases, and I can understand a caso and treat It correctly from tho hoglnnlng ami I can afwure you ot promps roRiiltn. NOT ONE DOLLAR NEED BE PAID TILL CURED I cure with the same guarantee of success all ChmiiJc Diseases of Men, such as Kidney, Hladdcr and Urinary Troubles, Drains, Losses, Unnatural Discharges, Hydrocele, Uupture, Ulcers, Fistula, and all Nervous, Chronic and Private Diseases, and Diseases peculiar to "Women. Como to mo in tho strictest confidonce. I have boon exclusively treating Nervous and Chronla Diseases for years, siml nothing sclcnco can dovUo or money can liny in lacking In my ortlco equipment I will trrnt you skillfully and roatoro you to health In tho shortest length of tlmo posslblo in accordanco with scientific methods! of treatment. ALL CONSULTATION AND X-RAY EXAMINATION FREE Ollko Hours i, A. iM. to 8 P. M. Sunday o A. M. to 2 P. M. DR. G. P. MEHL 119 1-2 W. MAIN STREET. 'PHONE 787; RES. 3469. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. BEAUTY W. P. Poland W. H. Foster Poland & Foster General Insurance Office Over First National Dank. Telephone No. 48. Miss Wynne Ledhottor It hero 'or - The liusy Ileih did not meet this week. 1 officer was imstiMUied till next Krb Most women realize that beauty l8'l'"'. April 1(1. All member are re largely a mutter of a benutiiui com.'quostod to meet with Mis Vera Olive plexlon. It is now known that any0n said date. woman may oasny ami uuiCKiy gnilli a jierfect conipleslon by a row nun-' tuna timaunfrf, .jinli rlnv -ln V,i,llnnln I Cream. This delightful cream, scleu-l I'aslt'r' tirically compounded from tho purest medicinal Ingredients, ,nover fulls to banish freckles and all facial dlbcol orations, It rids tho pores and tl 'sues of all impurities, smoothes away ull wrinkles ami imparts to the skin that much to bo deslroil volvoty softness and oxqulslto clearness, leaving It In n state of childlike freshness and beauty. As a beautifying agent Nadl ! nolo, Cream, whoro best known, Is irogauiiod a necessity Uach packago ' contains a Wn'Hn guarantee and ful i directions w' leh tell Just how au wwiian may liavo a perfect complex , Ion. Sold at all high class drug istoros, CO fonts and $1,00. NATIONAL TO I LOT CO.. i Paris, Tonn Hleilsoe was hostrst to Mrs. .loi the Ladles ot tho Leaf Monday after noon. Mrs. Hariv Crockett being sick, Mrs. Whlteiiian, read her paper. After a very Interesting program licious fruit punch was sorvod. Mesdanica Cam- tiell and "Wallace will entortolu w 'h a musical t'" Ladles of the J.c f at tho homo of the former in hfi spacious parlor Monday evening. ty. Many rui-ions wire rhen for and against it, but tho general sentiment of the society was that It would be a good thing to have. ThH cuie-.tton is Just beginning to Interest the stu dents, but as yet no action has been taken by them. Two prom bulletins have 311st lieen issued. Press itulletlu No. 10? Is a discussion ot broom com culture by Prof. L. A. Mooiiiou-o and Prof. J. A. Hatellff. It discusses U10 prepara tion of tlio laud, time and manner of planting, manner of cultivation and harvesting, marketing, etc., and many other Important subjects. Press lliillotln No. ICS, by Prof. V. It. Wright. Is a Iteo Keepers' eal miliar nnd Honey Plant list. This bill letln has been Issued for the bene fit of bee keepers who have had, or who will have trouble In maintain ing and developing their coloulos dur lug the spring months, nnd direction for the preparation and the manner of feeding aro given. Friday evening, April 2, President and Mii. J. H. Council gave a re ception to the senior class. The guests assembled at S:30 and were heartily welcomed by Pronldent and Mrs. Council. Kach guost was given a printed card In which blank space were left, those spacos to be filled by the names ot well known maga zines. Musical selections were gl. en by Prof, I. 'ackhelm, Miss WI nona Ktherton and Tommy Kerr, at tor wTiTih dainty refreshments ' ' salad, Saratoga chips, salted almond) and coftuo wero served The guest) di parted at al ate hour, each hav ing had 11, Jolly good time. Monday afternoon, April ! ih first track meet of the aeusoii was held on the college nthletlc field. Thli was a novice meet in which all a lie had never taken part in an Inter coPt glato or In the local annual field meet wore permitted to enter. A limd south wind was a greut Impediment to the contestant bet even then xooil records woro made. WOLF STORY A FAKE YOUNG LAD KILLED HIS PLAY MATE FEARING TO TELL THE TRUTH AT FIRST CONFESSES. Up Defor the Bar. N. II. Hrown, nu attorney, of Pitta field. Vt.. writes: "We have usml Dr. ICIng's New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family luefll ellio we wouldn't be without them." Kor Chilte. Constipation, llllleusnes or Sick HeHilHche they work wonders, 2fc. Ardniore Pharmacy. llHrper, Kunsu. April 10 Willie HotchklsH, the loyear-old boy who lived near lingo, 10 mlb s north of tins place, and who was said to havo been killed by wolves, was killed by his playmate, Ceorge Nichols, who af terward tola tne story or tno wo:vcs Iiecause ac feared to tell the truth. Today he admitted that ho acci dentally shot the Hotchkiss boy while in the pasture. Talk a Safe Open. A phonographic safe lock invented by 11 Deliver man has. In place ot the ordinary knob, the luoutnplwn of telephone transmitter. Attached to Its diaphragm ia a delicate needle. Its end resting ia a groove of a aoiinit record made on a phonograph cylin der. The phonograph cylinder la part ot the mechanism of tho lock, the record being the couiiteralfiu spoken by a certain voice. When this countersign is spoken into tile safe by the same mun the .1 uratlou of the needle coincide with the ree-ord on the cylinder, and u con tinuous electrical contact opens the safe- door No other voice will do It Ni w York Tribune A Want Ad Will get It for you, If you hav0 bnekacho and urinary troubles you ahould tnke Foley's Kid. uey Umily to strengthen and bul'd up the kktueys so they will act prop erly, as a serious kidney trouble may develop. Sold by all druggists. J. T. Kylo ot Madlll and C. Itllcy of Duncan wero nmong tho visitor In Ardniore yesterday. Danderinc J", onclers. es hair just as surely as rain anil sunshine rnibos crops, it produces a thick growth of luxuriant hair whon all other remedies full Wo guarantee Dumierlno. All druggets aoll It-'.'flc, 60c and SI per bottle. To prove Us worth seiul this ad with 10c In stamps or sliver and wo '.vi'l mall you a livgo free sample. KNOWl'lON DAN DKIUNH CO., ChlcnKO, III.