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PAGE FIVE There is one great advantage about wearing good clothes; And that is it you can't talk your clothes can. S. E. Perlberg & Co's. Madc-to-Mcasurc Suits Make eloquent and convinc ing speeches. They proclaim beyond doubt their excellent value in fab rics, style and finish. As the boys say : "THEY'RE CLASSY!" Come in and look over the as sortment of woolens we have on display. Let us show you how to cconomzic and dress better. Satisfaction or Money Refunded. Represented in Ardmore by Farthing Bros. If You Were Shy Tim necessary "coin" to buy tho Easter Suit, don't be disappointed; wo enn mnko tiint old Suit look jjood nH now. Cleaning and Pressing in our "Ioiik suit" Satisfaction guaranteed Ladies' Work a specialty 202 Telephone 202 THE Pantatorium TOM VILKES. Prop. Ideal Vanishing Cream Euderma Cream For the complexion, chapped or rough skin. 50 Cents a Jar. Money refunded if not pleased. Coleman Bros. Druggist-Jewelers. INSURE with Will Sandford & Co. PERSONALS O. W. 1 latum of Hugo was in the ilty yesterday. T .1. Miller of llnrwortlt arrived In tin t it y lust night. Lllhu It. Hlnshaw of intrant wiu In rdmnro yesterday. I 1 F. Williams of Tishomingo was In the city yesterday. S F. Header of Miiikogw spent yesterday in Ardmore. William Burgess In in tlio city today from Marietta. Jerry McClnskey wan In the city yesterday from Darin. 1). 1. .lone returned from Tlaho mingn yesterday evening. Pierce Uirkln of Norman la regla tcred at the Whlttlitgton. Judge W. W. llenuott of Muskogo was in the city yesterday. Miss Irene Uddlemnn arrived In the clfy yesterday and la tlio guest or frlemli. Col. Ft. Ilens went to Wynnowood yostorcTny fo nerve Mime papers for the federal court. ('. (5. lkignrth of Atokti ami 0. M. Townsond of Barney vlllo, were In the city yesterday. Prof. C. J. Hindu. .Jr., principal il the public schools at llerwyn, In reg istered at the Gilmer. .1. K. Home of Warren. Pennsyl vania and .1. M. Doano of Coffey vllle, KaiiHaH, are In tlm city. S. It. Hawkins of MeAlestor anil L. N". Hoinshor of Guthrie are reg istered at tlio Whlttlngton. .1. W. Mitchell of Tulsa, rame in from the Oil City hint night and In spending Sunday in Ardmore. V. II. Illff, wife and son are reen tered at tin- Gilmer. Mr. Illff Is 'n Ardmore looking after his holding here. J. A. 11. 'Wnlther, tenclier In the public schools at Thackervillo. Is In Ardmore and will remain over Sun day. Miss Wynne and Louis I.edbetter are In tlio city from the state uni versity spending Easter with home folks. tnong those who were in the city shopping yesterday were Mrs. T. A. Uryan of Olney and Mrs. Blaylnck of Madlll. Miss Vivian McClatcliey. who Is attending tin state normal at Nor man, Is at homo to spend Easter Sunday. .1. F. Webb of Chlckasha. who has been visiting her father at Dnrant, passed through Ardmore yesterday on his return home. G. M. Aston, accompanied by ids son, G. M. Aston, Jr., left here .yes reVday to visit with his daughter. Mrs. T. B. Dawson, at Wancttc. Mr. and Mrs. L. L .Tyor, accom panied by younger members of the family have gone to Corpus Christ l and San Antonio for a visit of a month. A. (!. Smith and wife of Duhith, Minn., are spending several days at the Gilmer, and have expressed them selves as being well pleased with tho city and Its environments. Henry Leoman. deputy sheriff of Pottawntomlo county and who for two terms was city marshal of Ma rietta, mas in the city yesterday from Tecumseh. Mrs. lM. Jones of Chlckasha is In (ho city visiting with her duaghtcr. Mrs. W. U Davis. Mrs. Jones for merly lived here and has many friends in the city. F. .1. Heed of Oklahoma City, who has carpenters nt work on his build ing at tho corner of Mnln and 11 streets, southwest, is In the city looking after the work. T. L. Smith has gone to Greenville nnd Paris, Texas, where he will see some fancy teams of gray horses of fered him. Ho Is In search of a team suitable for hearse service. Col. Jack Love, chriaman or the state corporation commission, passed through here yesterdaj en route to We are offering special inducements on picture mouldings and sheet pictures for the next 20 days. Take advantage of this and get your pic tures framed unusually cheap. Yours Reppt. Brown & Bridgman LADIES Guthrie from Austin, Texas, where he has been In conference with offi cials concerning railroad rates. Mrs. Glenle Mitchell left yesterday for Muskogee to be gone several dnys. She will art as official sten ographer for Judge Mason, Grand Secretary of the Odd Fellows, during tho session of the lodge. County Judge I. It. Mason left on the early morning train yesterday for Muskogee where he will attend the 1. O. O. F. Grand !.odgo. Judge Mason Is secretary of the grand lodge. J. P. Cox, formerly with the Ard more Pharmacy, Is here from Coal gate ami will remain here several days. TTe wlTT take the examination prescribed by the state pharmacy board and will become a pharmacist. lid Darnall who was manager fot Miller Bma., was In tho city yes t( rday. Mrs. Darnall Is the guest nf r datives In Marietta. They will go t Oklahomn Clly Monday when Mr. Darnall will assume the management of the Mn7er Bros, housw ihvn. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Klrkpalrtca have returned from Fredonla. Kan sas, where they were called, mi ac count of the serious Illness of Mr. Kirkpatrlrk's father. His father died Monday .He was a prominent polltl I'ian and a member of the 51th con gress. Architect C. H. Parker, who has been visiting Ardmore, has relumed (o his liiime In Muskogee. Mr. Par ker expressed himself as lteiug fa vorably ImpresKCil with Ardmore, and It is understood that he looks with favor on locating permanently In this city. John F. Mahoney, who lived In Ard more years ago. was here from Gainesville yesterday selling godds. lfe fs an old time traveling man in this eoiinlry. He says Ardmore is a hotter town every time ho visits it. That for substantial steady growtfi Ardmore Is without a peer In the state. Mrs. 1.. N. Murdoch has returned f i om Frederick and other towns In Oklahoma where she has been writ ing life insurance. During the montn Mrs. Murdock wrote only fourteen days, but the statement of the com pany shows that she lacked only two thousand writing as much Insurance as tin manager of the company. .1. W. Maxwell of Gainesville was registered at the Whittlngton yes terday. Mr. Maxwell Is a real estate man and stopped off at Ardmore on Ills way to Oklahoma City. Not hav ing been In the city for more than four years, he was pleasantly sur prised at the general Improvement and material growth of Ardmore. Judge Stlllwell II. Russell has gone to Muskogee where he will attend the annual session of the In dian Territory Grand Uidge of Odd Fellows, and from there he will go to Claremore where he will spend a few days at the mineral wells. Judge Russell has been doing a vmt amount of work since statehood nnd Is worn out. He lias not only cleared his own very heavy dockets In his own districts but lias been sent out by tho supremo court to hold sf slons of court in il'lfcet:' par's -if tlio 6'HtO. Many Shoppers. The streets were thronged last night with people. In the crowds wore many ladies, and local mer chants were kept busy until a Into hour. Many attractive exhibits of dry goods, millinery and other uiorcltau dlso held the attention of tlio sight seers, nnd the Ideal weather con tributed much to the contentment and pleasure of the multitude ami made business truly good. Many expressions of gratification hoard on the streuts last night clear ly point to tho fact Hint people gen erally are In good spirits nnd that tho impending season pronusos to be one of prosperity. From the State Geologist, In a recent letter to Secretary Spauldlng of the Commercial club, Stnte Geologist Charles M. Gould t.ays "I am glad to know that nil matters an looking up. if I cull bo nf any scmce to our people I shall be glad to do so. While oil will probably be discovered near Ardmore, it Is also very probable that a great deal of money will bo spent lu drilling holes in regions where no oil could possibly occur. If permitted I should be glad to assist in saving tills needless ex penditure.' Commercial Club Buttons, Secretary Spauldlng of the Com mercial club lias placed an ordor for 500 "A No. 1" buttons. These buttons will be received in a fow days. DRINK dlstH'cd wntor. ABSO LVTF.LY PURU. ARDMORK ICK, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. INSURE with Will Sandford & Co. Ardmorclto Want Ads Pay. BOGER HAS GAS STRANGE PROSPECTORS FOUND VEIN OF GAS IN CITY LIMITSA TEST WILL DC MADE. Some oil and gas prospector, have lieen working iiiletlv in tlio rlty for several days. They hate concealed their Identity and their business as best they could, but it became known yesterday that they haw become con rimed that a vein t gas extends through the city limits of the town and they are of the opinion that gas can most easily be found on the property of I." Hotter hi the west por tion of the city. Mr. linger observed their maneuver! and suspecting Ihelr business he employed mi expert to visit his property for making exam inations The exfHTt Informed him that there Is no oucHimn about his home being located over is and oil worth millions. Tie- 11 rut well Mr. linger dug on hla pliiei-bail to be aban doned on account of the presence of oil in the water. It - "ill either ac cept a llatterlng offer which has been made him Tor Ills home or will drill for oil and gas himself. Mcdleal Association. The Carter County Medical associa tion will meet hen in second quarter ly meeting Tuesday. April 13. The meeting will be hehl In Masonic hall Two sessions will be held, olle nt two o'clock In the afternoon and one at eight o'clock In tlie evening. The evening session will be followed by a bamptet. Following is the program: Address. Dr. . Hardy, Chairman. Diagnosis, Prophylaxis and Trent ment of Itennl and Vesical Calculi. Dr. J. L Gllcreost. Gainesville, Tex. Address, Dr. J. C Mahr, Shawnee. Hums, Dr. I). 11. Stobaugh, Matins vllle. Fractures, Di T. 8. Booth. Aid Ectopic Pregnancy, Dr. .1. J. Tnylor, Tussy. Okla. Surgical Address. Dr It. D. Moore, Ardmore. Perineorrhaphy, Dr. It. M. Parish. Ardmore. 5 Relation of tin Nurse to the Sur geon, Mrs. N. A. Hinds, Ardmore, lliiuiiiet at Masonic Hall. S p. in To Portland, Oregon. Attorney II. II. Brown and family left here yesterday afternoon for Port land, Oregon, where Mr. Brown has flattering offer from one of the bltgest law concerns on tho Pacific coast. Ilo chartered a can nnd ship ped his household goods and law li brary. He and his family will go via Fort Worth, Los Angeles nnd San Francisco. At the latter placo they will take a boat and go up to Port laud. 'Mr. Brown camo hero In an early day from Kentucky and built up one of the most lucrative law practices In the city. It has been said ol him that ho was the best jury lawyer at tho Ardmore liar. He has not disposed of his handsome home lu tills city nor of his farm. The people generally regret the do parturo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Brown. Union Labor Election, j The election of otlicers for the State Federation of Labor Is upper most In the attention of the local ! labor organizations at the present time. Nominations for the various of fices connected with tlio state organ ization have been closed and tho election will take placo May 1. All the labor organizations in Ardmore have made their selection of candi dates. C. C. .ciglor of the Oklahoma Leather Workers has been nominated as Ardmore's choice us president ot the State Federation, and Luther Laugston of Oklahoma City Typo 'graphical i'nlon has received Aril ' more' endorsement for secretary treasurer. Elks Deflin New Year. The Klks will begin n new year Tuesday. On this date tlt lodge will be turned over to Judge Arthur Wal colt the new exalted ruler and the olllcers elected to sorve with llltn. During the past year tlio membership has been lncnaed by 100 nieinbers. In the next year such growth l not expected as the initiation fen Is high er but the lodge will enjoy a substan tial and healthy growth all during tlio year. Judge W.ih'oU is au enthusias tic fraternity man and is held lu very high regard by all tlio HlKs. Fined at Mulkey. j Homer Skaggs. a ciirponfr who has I been llshlng on tlio Washita, river, i was lined Frldn in tlio Justice court 'at Mulkey. He wns tiring a pistol I nenr tho home nf Judge T. R. Thomp I son and was fined $3.1 for carrying u I weapon. He came to Ardmore with n Imllllf and rab-ml tho tunds without difficulty. Thirty-two gallons PURK drinking wntor $1.00. ARDMOItK 1CK. LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. A Want Ad will soil it for you PRAISES ARDMORE IF PEOPLE IN OKLAHOMA CITY HAD SEEN ARDMORE FIRST THAT CITY WOULD NEVER DE. Dr. Arthur E. Gue of Detroit, Mich., and Dr. II. I.. Ml of Okla homa City were visitors here yester day. Dr. tiue Is looking over Okla horn a to nnd n location. The health of his little girt has failed her and he r ants to find a more congenial climate In the south. In speaking of Ardinoro lie. became very enthusiastic. Ilo said, "If the people who live In Oklahoma City had seen Ardmore first there would have been no Oklahoma City. This Is the cleanest , prettiest town I have ever seen. It reminds me or Lincoln. Neb., and Santa Rosa. Oil . but It surpasses both nf them In natural beauties I hate ridden over the city and visited the suburbs this morning ami t think your valleys, jour mountains, your prairies and your flowers make Ardmore the pret tiest place t ever saw." The doctor was Intoxicated with the nalurnl beauties of the town, the cleanliness of the streets and the beauty of the homes. He returned yesterday to Oklahoma City which place he Is making his headquarters while look ing over the state, but will return to Ardmore thla week. High School Location. The locution of Hie High School building Is being generally discussed. Tile old Hargrove College site Is frequently spoken of but the site which Is most frequently mentioned Is in the block now occupied by the First Christian church. It Is said that the church propeity and the residences In that block can Is pur ba- cd for a reasouuble sum and the central location of this properly com in 'lids It to many who are Interested In the location of the building. It Is understood alio that the second ward will make an offer for the lo cution of the building on A street northeast. Old Confed is Target. A fancy "shoot 1st" was in the city yesterday doing some stunts with a rllle. He had a hundred or so men intei ested lu his fancy work when he culled for a volunteer to stand at a distance of several yards ami hold In his teeth a cork while the fancy shot knocked it out with a rllle. ''old chills ran down the backs or the b.vs as they contemplated the danger and dipt. John T. Wyont. tho well known Confederate veteran was tho only man in Hie crowd to volunteer his ser vices. He did so, the cork nnd not Ills face caught the bullet and tin cap talu was cheered by the crowd. Mccarty improving. Santa Fe Conductor Injured Friday Afternoon Will Recover. Latest advices from Gainesville are to the effect thnt Conductor P. C -McC'nrly, who was hurt Friday nf tcrnoou in tlio accident on the Sam tu Fe at Crusher, Is resting easily ami Is recovering rapidly from the Severn nervous sho'-k and other In juries sustained. While he will be incapacitated for some time to come. It Is authoritatively stated tiint his recovery Is certain. Injured Man Better. C. T. Reeves has returned from a visit to St. Louis. The many friends of Mr. Reeves will bo glad to leant thnt his health has greatly Improved and that he will not have to under go (mother operation na was first thoiiaht when ho returned to St. Lou Is Ab'iiit two years past Mr. Jlei v s was Injured by a fall and has had ono operation performed, removing parts ot some ribs thnt were bro ken. Mr. Reeves Is with the Brown Shoo Co. and has many friends In Oklahoma. Charged With Rape. Fred Jones, colored, wns arrested yesterday on a complaint before Judge Wlnfioy. Tlio complaint charges Jones with rape, and tlie complaining witness Is Clara Harden who claims that slio Is only fourteen years old. The examining trial is sot for Mon day morning at 9 o'clock lu tlie Jus-, tlce court. Leaves Cold Alaska, f) A. Weils, a former resident of this city, who was appointed clerk ot the district court of Alaska, has re signed his position there and will re turn to Oklahoma lu Juno. Prior to his iippolutmout to tho clerkship in Alaska, Mr. WoIIh served as scm-tan of tlio republican stato committee Sent to Orphan's Home. Valloy Mugeo, Lucllo McNeil, and Clarence McGhee were sent to the or phan asylum at Pryor Creek yesti r lay morning by the Ardmore Bdicvohn' lioik ty EASTER DISPLAYS. Lynn, the Shoe Man. This firm has an attractive win dow display. The exhibit rontnln many norcl and timely suggestions In footwear. A. Kloskl. One window contains a neat dis play nt seasonable hat and gowns for ladles, very artistically niram, ed. In tho window on the other side Is a comprehensive array of genii, men's hats, etc. OIL AND GA LEA8KH- Con id seta of departmental leas-s tor snip at Statesmen offce. r. ; A Sick Piraman. llerbir' Smith, driver of the n..-..-wagon with the Arc department i. covering slowly from un attack ! pneumonia. He has t t sick e the department made the run tuo weeks ago during the rain -mini t,, the oil mill. NOTIC8 OF DISSOLUTION. j The law Arm of Brown Kin-linn ' has been dissolved by mutual lonseni, , L. (',. Kliehon retaining the huxino nt H.o office. Mr. Hhelton will retain i. offices. 1. 2 and :t In' tin- Wl l- r bldUllllg, formerly occupied hv tin III III. Mr. It. H. Brown, the retiring mem her desires to thank his friends and ! clients for HWl kindness and favors. Any business of Mr. Brown or Un arm will li.a tilttkM.l.wl Mi. ,l ,.. hi l.j . .-! "I- l ton heresftor. H. 11. BROWN. 1 1. (1. SHKLTON nr. Thlrty-awo gallons 1TRH drlnklnc wiltep $1.01). ARDMORF. 1CK, LIGHT & POWF.R COMPANY. Roberts Barber Shop Next door to First Nat ional Bank. Mot and cold baths, shower or tub baths. We especially welcome strangers and newcomers. Best service every day in the week. Tom Roberts, Prop. To buy at the highest market price every lat cow, calf and hog in the county tributary to Ard more. Bring them in you will not be disappointed in the price. See us be fore rou sell. COLD STORAGE MARKET O. (I. WAURHN, Prop. 'Tor Healths Sake" Drink water thnt la pure. W handle tho Gibson Well wnto", tho Crazy, tho Carlsbad, nnd Tioga. Thcso wators aro es pecially recommenced for atom nch trouble constipation, rheu matism, kidney and Madder trouble nnd fetnalo complaints. We also handlo tho Ozorka water from Furoka Springs, th flie st table waiter known. GwmIs delivered to all part of city . The Mineral Water Depot V. LANDRUM, Manager. Phone 701. WANTED Find These Pf At i Kearney's Hardware $kJ Store These Arc The Doors Flies Commltt Suicide Against NEW Wc have the new ones. The- latest in tan and patents, and vici, ankle strap with button or buckle. U cry one can have new Oxfords at these prices $2.00 to $3.50 LYNN The Shoe Man Holland Hotel Nowly opened by MBS. W. V. KICKLING Rates, $1.00 Per Day Beds 25c and 50c KrerythiiiK neat, clean nnd up-to-ilato and will bo glad to havo the patronugu of my old nnd now friuiitls Ardmore Concrete Company D. S. Blackburn, Mana ger. Quin Wicker, Assistan Manager. TELEPHONE 774 Sidewalks built and all kinds of concrete work done. All our work is thoroughly guaranteed. J. L. Wilson Transfer and Storage 1 liuvo ii nooil building IcustMl in which I btoro all kinds of household floods ut reasonable rental. Phono 72 and I will do tho rest. CJoods htiulod anywhero or jmckoii and stored. Promp and careful atten tion to overy order. ALBATROSS That's tlie name of tin. In tlou sold lu Ardmore ' If you want furnishings of ary kin tl"V U U'nnt nil nr lwitfr mil nf ot btoro, tern thousand files by flyinl agaln&t his ecrvun doors. 2SP