Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday, April 11, 1909 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. PAGE SEVEN ANNOUNCEM EN 1 8 Order DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR MAYOR Jnmcs A. Cottier. FOR COMMISSIONER David II. Dawson. W. R. lltirnltt. T. C. JJrldgman. T. J, Jones. SCIIOOIi TRUSTI3I3S A. II. Palmer. lO. II. Rruco. Y. U. Lynn. A. C. Young. sr For Petition to Sell Rsal Estate by said court on tho 17th day of April pD A flflllFRY FRUIPF lM 10 mll'a woH A(,il by Guardian. A. D. 1909, at 11 o'clock a. m., at nUrlHL ULIIfL-RI OtnilUL Hewlett nn,i Wclla 0f Debt with Stato of Oklahoma, Carter County, Stlglor, Oklahoma, all tho right, title reference to tlieaa place, as. In County Court. and Interest of said Jonas Wade In What Is known as the Rink nlaee In tho matter of tho Guardianship and to tho following described real V" J I'A one n Cna, C' f W lH"0'" of Henry T. Waltman. estate sltunto In Grady. Jefferson. E M RAp IN JER kito ry one ,,,, to,n,(M Abont 9 , northweat or v rumor. Place ocenpliij lam yar by J. I Rundy. 113 acre, 3 mllo smith of report nmTt pmlrln kind; also lnnd ocen Now, on this 27th day of March. Murray, Carter and Lot loro uounuos, 1909. comes General J. Waltman. Stato of Oklahoma, to-wlt: ns guardian of the estate of the Tho NV ', and NV ,i of XK ', above mimed ward, having filed nnil NW',; or Nr. ',4 orWi ana s ft Washington, April in. v herein his petition for the sale of of XI? U of XI3U of Sec. 1C.T. 1 X.. Iwued on April first by tho fourth pled by J. J. Pettlarw, 23 acres tho real estate of said ward for tho 2 I?., and XI? or SI? Vi ana .n assistant postmaster general siiowa iwijoimn me iiomij innu mnr nnmy. rcJ. i ",i.i 'ti.M t. of SI? " of Sr. Vi of Sec. 30, r. ,,,, .., .iMiu-nrv . ru,-o I. nnw lii 1'wl occupied hy J. A. Jlembree. It In ordered, that sold petition J " " ""J tno s" " 01 be and hereby Is set for hearing on s- 31. r- 1 ' u- c w an(l sw' ,,.. ,,., tho 26lh day of April. A. D.. 100!.. of X B V, of X I? U and XW V, of a 10 o'clock a. m. at which time SB of XI? V, of Sec. 7. T. S X.. 1 his ' "Irii mutes. 320 routes 110 acre. tio Pta of bona, looatad .1. ,A At' OlMMlUHlll Oil U-.U-. ...lll.-r. , , -.,ll,an-l f tlmlumM established on April 1st. MpjBMj significant. In view of til An occupied by J. II. Welch. SO n ' tl . .. ,1.- . t . . 4 t iMAtiiil llltrlli HhlifMa II he next of kin and all persons In- nn" " Dl v " latemeni in im miuum rrimn m n-m"i .km... ... . ....... twste.1 in the estate' of said ward W of Sec. 21. T. 9 X.. It. 25 11. and tlu, (,0I,llrtra(,n, ,ut.-d November 20. A" r';' cw are ronulrvd to appear and show NW V. W ,i of 8V U of Sec. rtJe Wr hat Is known , aa tho Johnson cause. If any U,ey have, why an 1 T. 0 X., It. 23 K. and SI? pHoe. 10 sere.: Pr rtmnl 10 ncr, '.,... ' f ..... of XI? and XI? V, of SI? '1 and r,,rHl ,,,,M '-'"" "" on, Fulfw. 103 acres; W. V. Itaxter. R3 anounco C. M. Joiner as a candldato m(y of po m of , rofl M(a,o sh Vi of NW U of SI? 'A of Sec. 25 million wpinro ini1e and that n nrres: KllpntHek. 00 nrres: King, for mayor of tho city of Ardmoro on o mM j Jfj noc(SParv f(1. ho T. 3 S, It. 1 1?. and tho XI? i of SH reasonable estimate pin. the en- S acrra; Awnts. 105 neres. land or tht Independent ticket at tho city clcc- . ,' '., ' .itlnn it of SW t.nd W of XI? Vi of tire force of carriers .it lO.Oflfl when mpted this ymr by 1'. I. Norton. 10 tlon April 27 T. 1 X., U. 2 1?.. and tho W ,4 of been completed. It In intimated that Hunt, or Hrwwn place 72 acrm. Also XI? i.i nml H U ot XV anil Vk tlie area now covered l v rural dellv. irtaco oceunleil by 'p. II. I,lttl. t! FOR MAYOR Tho Ardmorolto Is authorized to FOR COMMISSIONER To the l'ooplo of Ardmoro: I, tho undersigned, do horoby nn nounce myself aa a candldato for commissioner In tho Fltit ward. JOHX 1IOFKMAX, SR. Is further ordered that n copy be published for three successive woks In tire" Ardmorelte, of Ardmoro, Ok lahoma. Dated this 27th day of March. 1909. I. U. MASOX. (Seal) County Judge. 2S-I-1MS of SI? U of Sec. 31 T. 10 ery service is nhout one million atn. All located near Durwood. tltn I. C. Dlnaa, Pn-aldent M. Gorman, Vlca-t'fealdsat J. II. Spmalna. Vlel'foaldent rrn. i tvt l ir l m J. XI. Joa, CaaMr X. II. l'oagln. Asalalnnt (V.l r MtMaoe, 8. T. Italrd. J. M. Dlnw, 1'. C. DlltKCTORS. Jonea, J. M. Jenea, C. C. Spraalna, J. II. Gormnn M QII1I mi A, Ore.!). 1 v Vt lilvci our IndlvldtiHl attention in lookinpc after the (.flairs f tt i tut nU iiiul InvltH ou to Join our growing list of mh! lntl-.l untomt'M of Sec. 10, T. 1 X.. It. 2 1? and tho square miles, but ns . (.nced from Herod up'itnd. Se my ngnct, T. 1.. V of XI? Vi and I? of NW 'A applications ponding, th.-re still re- Ilray. nt Dnnvwd. and W of SI? of Sec. 31, T. 10 mains unserved territory The terrl- IJind occupied hy ltlll nm:i. X., It. (i W and tho 1? t. of SI? tory nvnllable for rural delivery was Vno-wn as tho Trice place. SS ncr. " and NW M of SI? V and NI? ot r,.ntlv Incrensed by the admission Vuitl occupie,! by G.-o. Hnah. 3 miles I hereby announce myself as an fjotce 0f Application for Appoint. sw U ot SK of Sec- 31, anu 15 "f the stato ot Oklahoma into the wirthcant of Dixie, being Ii5 nrrex; Independent omdldatc for City Com inlssioner from the Third ward. AiniillMt SINCLAIR. .. . m .... ... ... . 1... I . ment of Administrator. 01 HIJ ' an" ol aw 1 ol 0,4 union, and by the . vt.tiHive seme, wnni is kihtoh m. ui . 'n ! In tim rmintv m.irt fnrtnr fn. Vi and SW Vi of SW Vi of SI? A of ., nf ,vp,tprn Texas. tt 30 ncces, 2 miles outhent of i: :: :: :: t: :: :: :: :: t n :t tt :i PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. a O M k n t: :t :t tt tt tt tt tt n tt it ti LAWYERS. Ardmore, Okla. M. F. WINFREY Attorney at Law. T..r.lA f .l.n Ilnnnn V'nttir.. Pillilln " RoomV II and 10.' Noblo IIMbT ' MM Phones: Rosl. .TJC blue. Office 1C0. appear wid show cause If nny there See. 27. T. 0 S., IL r, W. t.'iVl. hundred routes will lie es- Dixie: lnwl! occupied hist year bv Said real estate to bo sold on tho t ntlii-liri1 May 1st, ami one hundred W. W. nyrnm, 07 ncrea, prairie land following terms and conditions to- ronl0(, j,,,,,. i,t( which will leave l,. 3 mllea iweat of Dixie: Ui Untied re wit: All Cash, lVlds for tho purcha0 thereof must ho In writing and must bo filed with tho County Court or delivered to tho applications una.tid on. place of 1.1 acrea; by W. A .Owen of to acres: by W. A. Davis. Of, ac-fn; Wordn to Freeze tOe Soul. 'ty M. I?. ManHn. 37 awes. Also "Your son has consumption. Ills tincaater-IVryunt place. IS acres: Sap- ty. Oklahoma. In tho cstnto ot Hilly Jack, deceas ed. The State of Oklahoma, to the heirs next of kin and creditors of tho snld Hilly Jack, deceased. You aro hereby notified that R. A. ' Howard has applied for letters o fad- undersigned at Stlg'.er. Haskell Conn- ministration on said estate to be '' Oklahoma, or to Holley. Drown & II. C. Potterf. I?. A. Walker. Rrantod to R. A. Howard and that Lawrence Stlglor. Oklahoma. POTTERF & WALKER. 8aI(1 nppicnton will bo hoard at Attorneys anu counselors av ,PCInr torm nf ,,, C(mrL ,.,., nf M, mr nf cni.i r.,rf Signed by Hollov Hrown & Lawrence. ....... .u m m iii,.vn 3 miles west or Lebanon. tho 17th day of April 1J09 nt 10 00 HOI,U?Y, DROWN & I,AWR1?XCI?. over. I would not tak.- ail the money cuple.1 last year by J. 1. Jennings a. m.. nt .which time' and ' placo all M8..ll Atorneys. In the wmid "ores: hy A. J. Anderson, M .... . ... ncres; liv )(. I . Tiinmivann ami i.isn ts the safest, surest rnr.- of desperate ' i.,.. .ii.ona,.. nnli r.Oe n,l tt.oa. Cmw IS acres: also D. M. I'.norllne ana case is nope.ess n.-n . os. . n lnrfo ,BC0 to acroa. locattMl near words were spoken to Ceo. I?. Hlov ' " " ' ens. a lending merchant of Snr tig- Dixie. field X. ('.. hv two expert doctors What Is known ft part of tho Man- Dated his ICth day ot March. 1909. one a 'nng sneclnllst Th n wns shown a)n (flrl( 50 ncroa of Red river THOMAS TOM. !?" wonderriil power ot nr. MK' vvttom. nlnt SO acr! to the house. New Dtscoverv. "After three weeks . . I. P. ANDKRHON, Pres. MORaN SCOTT, We Pn a C I.. AXDKRHON, OiiHhlcr. I?D H XDI.IN, AhHt Ciishn-r FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, OHla. Cnpital Paid In $60,000 00 Surplus Funds .165.000.00 Total $225,000 00 Tho oldest bank in Indian Territory. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with ood banking. Coun,ry Life Commlus!on. bo whv loiters of To tho County commissioners. should not bo granted to tho snld County Olllcers In Ok'ahoma: Wo deslro to call your attention to CAPT. J. R. PULLIAM tn. i TK.nnii.fTiin jp. imo Tiiiii H. A. Howard. - - - Witness my hand and tho senl of Die coming Convention of the South- J. Kappler. Chas. II. Morillat sa,i Court hereunto affixed this Cth wot Interstnlo Commission on Cnun- day of April, 1909. ' Uf which is to meet In Outhrlo. (Seal) Okhihnma on May nth nml fith. and wo I R MASON wish to ask you to aid us in every Ardmore Phnnunev. (iuaranteo sa'is. place of ."n acres. All located nar faction. Trial bottle free. Chas. J. Kappler. Compiler "Indian Active Court Laws and Treaties." Practitioner. KAPPLER &. MERILATT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law 1 infllin rvic.n fi RtipnlnltV- tnnntlnr l nnllit for tlio tiiirnnso of ii iniitui. a. .......... -'i'" -j ... ...... . - - . - -. 1000 Office. Hond Illd'c. WashlnKton. I). C. llir ractlco before all Courts; Congress. County Judge of Carter County. Okla. way possible to mako this meeting a R(1 (lpfn)ul,1lt , ,,;.,,,. I10tfllM lovcrnment Departments and Com- C-10 t?rnntl ami glorious success. 1 Ills t)()t o)) U)o ()lty of ,v,,nmryi Joseph I-. Champion Thos. W. Champion CHAMPION & CHAMPION Lawyers Will do a general criminal and civil practice. In the Guardian. lnc new Interest In country life; for matter of the Guardian- Improving social conditions on the and L. G. SHELTON Attorney at Law Office Wheeler llldg. Phono 2D8 PHYSICIANS. ship of Unima Wndo and llylngton farm: and for tho improvement ot Wade. ooimtrv schools and country roads. Xotlco Is hereby given In pursu- Please appoint two or three dole anco of an onkr of the County gates to represent your county at this Court of Haskell County. Stato of meeting and wo suggest that your Oklahoma, made on the 1.1th. day County Superintendent and one of of March, 1909, 1ho undersigned '"' County Commissioners bo Includ Ouardinn of tho cstnto of l?mma cd In this number. Wado and llylngton Wade will 8 il Kindly furnish us at the earliest at privato sale to tho hlghesit hid- possible moment a list of your dele- der subject to confirmation by said gates and state whether they will bo l-'ox. And other lands nenr Fox. Hoe my reiuvsentnilvo, D. A. Davis, at Knx. What Is known as tho Abraham plnce. 10 acre, lav out tlil year, ,1 mllra or Clenn. bottom lnnd: land occupied Inst year by the Iloyds. fifi acres, on Caddo, 3 miles southwest of nienn. Ijiind occupleil by Jno. Walker, fifi twenly-three dollars (",r-"- southwest Hennepin. Soo R. ($; was K(,w- nt unm(,r- Also where Mcfiuiro ami DniiKlier- Notlcc by Publication. Win. Page, plaintiff. s. .1. D. Dsns by. defendnnt. Xo. Oft1?. Reforo M. F. Winfrey, a Justice of the Ponce of Ardmore Township. In and for Carter County. Oklahoma. an order of attachment sum of forty-five cents for J. A. IHVIIXS, President. A. II PAI.MKR, Cashier. DOX LACY, Vice President. O. II. WOLVKRTOX, Asst. Caihlor. The City National Banh Ardmore, Oklahoma. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus Funds 100,000.00 Accounts of linns and individuals solicited. Courteous treatment accorded to all alike. Issued by the aboxe named Justice tho abovo entitled action and that said cnuse will bo heard on the 10th day ot May, 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m. Wm. PAC.I?. Plalntlfr. Attest: M. WIXFIM?Y. S-1.VJ2 Justice of tho Peace. acres; J. M. Forehand, 130 acres; S. (1. Kellev. 33 acros: R. D. Freeman. of the Peace against bis goods. In '' 'vw 'oar' 1H nrri' two tH 33 ncrts. All located near Poolovlllo Houses. Z .miles souin or noxoar. (Kk) Soo 3 op n lam) occupied hst year by A. 0. I(M(I() at jviHc W(janinB U.o same. Iand occupied this year by VtA. McXcely, near Wilson. I have considerable land to rent In DR. G. E. GOODWIN Phyiclan and Surgeon Residence and Offico 10C Xorth Wash ington Street. Phone Offico 315, 1 ring; Residence. 349. i! rings. FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. D. Offico Over Ilonner's Drug Store Sorcery. Kye. l?ar, Xos0 and Throat. ,, Kinto in C.r.nli- Jefferson oncCmnco' IT ReslulSS": !, ro Counties. Allen nnd W. F. Iowls. known as the McCurley place. HO acres, 3 miles southwest of Hewitt. Land heretofore controlled by Dr. Darling, HO ncres. 2 miles south of Hewitt. Seo my ren Notice. " rcflentntlvo. W. F. Maharry. 3 miles '.o neIfihtKrh(K)d of Roff. Sco my , ' . ... i. ,..-, tr,.n-iit representative, RolT Land Co., nt Roff. Xotlce Is herebv given that In west of lion lit. , r,ior.i,.u.i,.o,i nut Part, of the Heald olt farm Inline- I havo conslderahlo land to Tent Court on tho 17th day of April. A. present hoth days. Also havo your nIstr(,t court of Carter Conn- dh'ely adjoining tho town of Heald- in .the neighborhood of Simon. See Drs. ARDMORE SANITARIUM von Keller, Haray a. nenry D., 1909, at 11 o'clock a. in., at local papers advortlso tho meeting and Stlglor. Okla, Haskell County, oil call attention to tho change of date, tho right, tttlo and Ink rest of said Thanking you in advance for the fa Kmma Wndo and Hylngton Wade In vor of an early reply, I am, and to tho following described Teal ours sincerely, 1?. D. CAMI?ROX. Slat0 Superintendent. Stnto of Oklahoma to-wlt XWH nml XWC. of XI?i; anil Notlct to CreORors Modern eaulpinent for the scientific treatment of all surgical cases. Trained nurses In attendance. Ardmore, Okla. .v- nwi,mn. o., tho 2.1.1 .lav ot ton. of 100 acres . my representative, M. I. at April. 1909. Inacertnlncnuso therein Place occupied Inst year 1?. U Simon. pending In which W. A. milium , Tongue, 30 acres, located 1 mllo I i,nvo considerable land to rent In wns plalntlfr nnd J. I?. Onlt was northwest of Healdton. tho neighborhood of Tliackorvllle. See: defendant. coiiiimindliiB me as slier- Place occupied last year by J. II T. T. Haricr or I?lgar Ileasloy.i Iff of Carter County. Oklahoma, to Copley, consisting of fiO acros. 2 miles Tliackorvllle, Including where A. J, Immediately seize and sell the prop- northwest of Healdton. Muthls lived .known as Mullln'H place , erty hereinafter described to satisfy Wlnt Is knuown as tho Ventress acres, occupleil hy D I). C.lbbs, t pi,n,inin tho judgment therein rendered. VW. w acres, z mi.os nnruiwofa m ami Known ns uio un.gni mac. nu Vnl i.n u lmrrliv e ven t int Ol '" """'" - - - "". '""h"- .... i . acres; Tliaxtnn piaco vr ncreii $25.00 To Place occupied last year by T .11. J. W. Crawford or Smith placej fiO and ARCHITECTS. W. A. Tackett TACKETT BROTHERS. Architects Offico In SiniH-Ponnlngton Untitling Ardmoro, Okla. 10 TIME TABLE SANTA FE. Northbound. No. 18 11-3 1 a. m Xo. C 1-.07 a. m. Xo. 20 5:40 p. m. XWH of X13"i of XI3Vi nnd S'-& of To tho Creditors of Wm JJBU f XK'.i or sec. i. t. i it. -'- . . . , ,,.. .,,. f ,tnv 10nn ,,ntwnn 2 miles oat of Healdton 2 13. , and XI31 of Sl?U and XVj ot Tho creditors or tno auovo nameti " . . ,i i- t .ii.. .u tlm linnrs of 9 o clock a. in. and sbh or si;v, or sec. :iu, t. iu mx.-uc- ,t r ,.v..,y i .n.,.,-,, ,u u.u . t, t Hagga-d. 03 ncres, nnd J. W. Turner, nrroa: also Maupln farm. 200 acres,1 R. 7 W.. and SW',', of Sec. 31. T. Miidorslgned was. by tho County Court " lck P- front or tl.o co, u X.. R. C W.. and SU'V, of XI?., of Carter County. Oklahoma, appoint- house l-.ti.ot -,n e. I havo conttloral)lo land to rent Jr. Ilerron, " acro, ? inlls southwest . .. - . . .. . Mm iinlililmrlmru1 nf .Tlintnuti nn(' rf Anlmnrf S.3V, of XWV. of XWV, of .. 21. Persons having cla nis against h. cash R, ha na e Lwl( .,n mMI wwt ot MBrolta Wmt lfl Unown ns tho ,. (, Torry T. 9 X.. R. 55 1?.. and, XWV, of wtalo o sa d deccden aro rcnulred Tv l r' to iM croa P' ' w"oro T- SWU of SWV, of Sec. II. T. 0 X.. to exhibit them to said undersigned, Okla l.oma. Jo-. n n 3 acrp R n Ul)s. "f .".r "I. L.r fJU.. EN, Oro t ,R of m acres: nnd where XK or KliV. anu hf.v, ol .u-,, oi .r, tuubuu.B ..l lu u. ui ... - occunled .this vear bv Mr. iira. Scott and Hnealna lived, of V. M. Tackott ' '' . . .. - r........ nL-tnlmiiin t will nffor miles easi or ieiHT, of X1?U and XWVi of SI3Vt of XI?Vi t arns auminisiraior oi uio .". " of Sec. 7 T. S X., R. 2f. I?, and stato ot said decedent, nnd that all r w lo ll,n '"K"""1- ",',,r RI3U of Sec. 25. T. 3 S., R. 1 13.. Thompson, attorney, Ardmoro, Cartor or .nimore. and tho XI3U of XKVi of SW'i and County. Oklahoma, within six months W'j of XI?U of SI?t,i and W',4 of from tho date of tho first publication Ry F- K. WKSl SI?Vi of Rc. 10, T 1 X.. R. 2 I?., of this notice, to-wlt: from tho 2Sth nnd W'j ot XI3i and 13'i of XWVi day ot March, 1909. and W'j of SI3U of Sec. 31, T. 10 Dated March 27th, 1909. X.. R. 0 W., and 13 4 f SI3V and JAS. D. FARRIS. XWVi ot SI3V, and X13Vi of SWVi of 2S-1-U1S AdmlnUtrator. 7. T II KFRS Sheriff ',f,'lrcp' fif' acres, jiralrlo bottom, 3 uvi-niRlm; 50 norsa, nil located cost .... t, . .. . T r.m,,n . . . 1 .1 1 .... .. .1 ....... .j.on.njj iiiiiv?, 'rti-ii, hi lAiin- wm.:. anil uurLU , l iw.i,i wim inin . ' I havo sovenil places ranging from mce. 40 to 75 acres on what Is known nf ijnil occupied lat vear by J. n. F rlTlfl Bni pffint Lll JjOVn c,n,,n' rr01" r t0 7 m,,", I'l'ller, 1 1-2 mllpp west of Cheek LailUJ & VMM. .VatL llorljIPftlit or Marietta: known n tla- and conalitlng of F.r acres. For tho 5iur .'09 I havo the fol- Korr piaco of 51 acn, occupied this Umd occuplod this lt year by J California Very Low Rates to North Pacific Coast Points Via For full information refjardinj; these rates call on H. D. McColIom, TicKet Agent or writo C. 0. JacKson, D. P. A., OKlnhoma City, OKla. lowing lands fi..- rent, amf from tlmo enr by X. J. Spenco; land occuplwl A. Kitchens. aouUiweat of Provence Southbound No. 17 Jo. 5. 4:22 p. m. ..5:10 u. m. No. 19 12:" V- m. FRISCO SYSTEM. Westbound tiv,, oi hoc. .ii, umi ui .-ii.,, ...,,. , . . ,, in..,. I nh,n lnvo still other land, this year hy S. A. Rosa, known a tho a4iout 75 ncros. and X'i of SWVi of SI3V, and SW4 Notice ot Application tor Appointment ' " " "" of SWU ot SI? It of Sec. 27. T. 0 S., of Guardian. If you i 5 v St"t' of Okhihomn. Carter County, or it you oo Said real ostato to ho sold on tho hb: In County Court. following torniB and conditions to- wlt. All cash. acres, occupied y I I?. Fordbls this Also land oocupled last yar bv W. doslro to n nt any ot this land, Wley jdace, 30 ncr-: lanl occuplinl ij,nd occupied tills last venr by F ail other ?ood farmer tins year by u. L. Hudson. Known rt. Rushlne nn! W. V. Roaton. .t" ...... r. n.. . f t 1. i ... . t ..1 -1 1. ..... no who doslroA to rt-nt land, I wliall w i,H jnnw i wwm, uiu ncr; uy w. .u. iwiciht, hihh ir .... Tt4 l nlnnn f ?T. nrf J tlin Tirll I. T nnM in nkMu unit tit P Tho state or Oklahoma to all persons glnd to hon- from you or mem. me - i-- . ' " - Inteiosted 111 the estate of Illicit and tonus ot rental :ir reasonable, wnere "- - u. nuwiina mm an - . . rt r liMiiuna i llin Trnnfrii tiiino nf OF, . 1 n 4 4 . .r HI.1. fh hereof must repairs aro i ! I inil oitoinpi ;"""''"' " V """" Xo. 551 Xo. 521 Xo. 505 , 8: 15 a. in , 3:45 p. in. 7r.r. bo In writing nnd must bo filed with 55 p. Eastbound. Xo. 500 5:30 a. m. Vnn nrn linrnliv nnlllln.l Mint lfmmn to furnish wlia'i'Ver Is 'leCOSSArV: ... ...u... Ilm rni.. ..1 n ..i tf Of! nnriu n T . . I ... An . I T llfUK.fii Uio Coun'tv Court of said Haskell Colieo lias tiled m HUB court nn nppll Wtiat is kiioii a um .uwn. Vw - t , ',.,. i iSmtv o denvoroil to ho under- cation for tho appointment of himself of 30 acn. tiinb.rland. 3 mllo. oaat V this year by C. I,. Kerr: he 27 m W C. Scott 1 acres: J u) .. . ..,..,. n n, , ,, n ,. n, irll,Mn, ,. holnir occunlod last irnuiny I'mce or iu acres, occupi.Mi K jiogera. ir. acres; a. j. iionKiii-. IIIIHKCII III1IU.. " - I " - . . ,.. ... T T,o.lln O. WW o.. ll f l,l Alfin Mm (ttir ll,iri J'1 'J mv tiU lUHmi nu ' "i" Xo. 552 Xo. 524 10.10 n. in 4:45 p. in. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Westbound. Xo. C51 1:15 p. m No. 671 (local, dally except Sunday 0:15 p. m slmifsl nt Stlclor. A. . ... p. tt until inlnnrfl mill cnlil ......ll.i. i-rt, w r r illIeT. I J wronce Sflglcr ' t.on will bo heard u tho court room of I Piaco oc.,dad hy R. 13. R.alr Ham Riley about any of these places postofflco of W.lon 1 mllo and also mted Vhl ?lCth day of March 1909. ald court on tho 19th day of April, In tho aamo LKullty. 30 acres. Alw 1,vos nw thcm' ooaW southweat of Provence JOSKPH FOI.SOM. 1909. ntlO o'clock, a. in. At which time whero T. H. D. nnan lived last year. I-and occupkvl this yoar by W. R. Also pkicu of 100 acres located ni.-8.Ml Guardian. ' you may appear and show cause, It 40 acros, 3 mile, cast of Ardmoro. HoW.r. 100 acres, prairlo. C mlloH j Just south of tho abovo on AMIaon any you have, why said application What. Is known ns tho Alexander east of Marietta. oreok: good bottom land n part, and Notice of Sale of Real Estate by should not bo grnnted. plnco, formerly a part of tho Turner Uml occupied this year by H. M.' known as Dlllard Ford old phice. Guardian. Witness my hnnd and tho seal ot farm, occupied hat year by J. K. Hollingsworth, 113 ncres; W. A. If ' f'1"' this list of no interest Tn thn mnttor of tho mnrdiansbip said court, at Ardmore. in snld Countv., Morrison. 10 mile west of Ardmore, Uwery, 99 acres; J. P. Irby, 07 t" youreeit i, win ui.hik juu oij Eaitbound. Xo. 052 3:10 p. No. 672 (local, dally except Sunday 7X1 a. xa of Jonas Wado, notlc0 U hcroby glv- this Stli day of aWh. 1909. on In pursuanco of an order ot tho I. R. MASOX, Judge, County Court of Haskell County, Ry J. M. Lanford, Clerk Co. Court. Stnto of Oklahoma, mado on tho 13th S-10t day of March 1909, tho undersigned Guardian of tho estato of Jonas Uso Tho Ardmorolto Want Ada all bottom, and Itflrg a pcirt. of tho Dl! Raker 19 ncroa; W. F. Ashton. 2S theso, for rent. Wado will soil at privato sale to tho tho tlmo. They aro road by ovory lard farm, 5 miles north of Anlmoro, acres; C. II. Campbell, 41 acres; I highest bidder subject to confirmation ( body and and business getlorb. , i havo soveral places, for rent near 0. Harris, 65 acres; I'ortor Rooth, 20, Washita Engi neering Co. K'oad and bridge survejs, city surveys, land sur veying. Plats, Maps, listimates furnished. Well equipped with the best instruments. J. W. Hamm, Harry N. Grannis, Otto Bradford. Oflice in Court House. Ardmore, OHla. 1 .1 1 i. a A . .1. I. 35 ncros. Alw. whoro C. R. Cross acn-s; (ill ot theso Iocatel InuiKdlato- muon 10 nnuu u i uuo .mu lived last year. 55 acres, lying Just ly west of Mannsvlllo, Seo my rop- Interested. Regarding any of this land - to 'tho west of the nbovo. resontativo, C. h. Shockloy, wlio lives i "o mo or my ro-,.' T nH rv.Pnil bv M. P. ilnv and 2 miles west of Mannavllle. ' reaontatlvoa or mysolf. COMPARE OUR SERVICE others. fiO ncres: nralrlo land nnd Umd occupied last year by D. A. I havo other lanvis, In addition tc Your.i truly, J. S. MULLEN WITH OTHERS. Postal Telegraph Cable Co. X Washington St Tel Xo. 31.