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i Monday, May 3 May Day Picnic Ardmore, Okla. fV W'nrfh Wrpuir tia lmv (JllGS lunr ,ri,i ' , Do It . : 110 South St VOLUME XV A RDM ORE, OKLAHOMA SlXD.U MOKNINd A Hi 1 L '2') I )()! NUMBER 27 i This Advertisement Is for the Buyer of Com mencement Dresses The closing of school will soon bo hero, .luno 1th is the datn. Mirny of you have diuighters who tire to gratlunto this ycur. And too, then iiro a number of tfirls in all the different grades that will tako .somo n in tho closing ox crcisos of the city schools. 'lu. It's in the buying of dresses for the.. ' -sV'is that wo want to interest you, and we shall surely be 0oj. do so, when wo tell you that for MONDAY wo shat. -ou substantial savings on sheer white goods. ' You can compare anything you've been offered at, a lilt price and you'll Und superior values hero, and its high lime you wore making preparation, for the closing of school is only six weeks off. All wide sheer white goods, such as Paris Lawns, Kronch Lawns, Air Line, Wash Organdy, etc., will bo spec ially reduced as follows: lingular 2ro wide White Goods, a yard jc lingular "5e wide White Goods, a yard 23c Regular 40c. wide White Goods, a yard 2tfc Regular 50c wide White Goods, a yard 33c Regular (iOc and 05c wide White Goods, a yard 43c Regular 75c, Hue and 1.00 wide White Goods, yard 53c At Half Price Wo. have to offer a lot of sheer white stuff that's mussed and a littlo yellowed, wort originally from 25c to $1 00 a ard, you can pick tho lot at Half Price Va? Lace Special Of course you'll need vals for trimming, as a further in ducement to have you buy tho outllt Monday wo will place our entire stock of VAL LACKS on sale for MONDAY ONLY at a discountof One Fourth Understand this special price on white goods does not apply lo all white stuff, only tho wide goods ranging from I'J to 72 inches, (wo never mislead you in our ads if we know it) but tho reduction of one-fourth does apply to all VAL LACKS. These are bargains, and you will do well to tike advantage of them Monday. fadden'd Buy Your Comment ement Shoes Here. This Is Our Hobby Pardon us for reminding you again that wo are Interested In your horse. AVu liavo spout our niouoy for tho best equlpmenti, wo liavo used our host thought lu learning tho care of horses' fuot, and wo use our best energy ami skill In putting shoes ou horses. llrlng your animal hero for the best work. Al M. Rice 1 9 West Broadway Ardmore. STREETS RED WITH BLOOD ONE THOUSAND KILLED OR WOUNDED IN CONSTANTINO PLE YOUNU TU3KS COMMAND. IS MABRY MISSING MAN FEDERAL AUTHORITIC S AT DES MOINES SAY PRISONER IS MAN SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD ALL FOREIGNERS GUARDED BOGUS LORD IS IN PRISON Party of Sixty American Tourists Conducted to Vessel in Harbor In Safety American War Correspond cnt Badly Wounded. Constantinople. April 21. The forces of tlu young Tiuk entered Constantinople at dawn today and after severe fighting In the streets of the city. In which one thousand were killed or wounded. The capital was completely lu their hands by 1 o'clock this after noon. Constitutionalists are now pu- CONTINTKD ON PAGI3 EIGHT. Man For Whose Murder "Lord" Dar rlnnton Is Serving Sentence, Said to De Fake Race Promoter In Jail at Dcs Moines. Dob Mninc.. Iowa, A I .'I The local Tinted State offh l.iN tml.i d- AW I ti k i I mm If you desire snap, ginger, go, dash and elegance combined, let us show you one of these smart Spring suits- a charac teristic Hlrseh-Wlckwlre Model. This design Is lu the latest fashion, the fabrics are durable and tlio prices are ery reas oinblt ELSON BROS. Outfitters for Men. T X. .' 1 0s- V Sweeping Discount For TEN DA YS TEN 'wnwiiw mi i urn n miiim mimmipumw mm m u nw HIS STORE DOES NOT WAIT to give bargains until the season is over and all the choice thinqs are none. but now in the midst of the season when new goods are arriving daily, when the store is full ut new millinery, novelties in hair goods and ornameir for the hair wo coma with the announcement of tho i.w piecedonted discount of J.I per cent. This salo lntiud our new Hue of veilings our now trimmer has arrhoi and every order can be turned out promptly. We under stand tho art of selecting millinery becoming to each worn an's own style of beaut . Wi ask you in Isit us 'Wi week. Parisian Millinery Co. Mrs. Bell, Manager At Former Burton-Peel Stand Nickel Store & China Palace llue anything you want in Dishes. Glassware. Kuano-l ware. Tinware. Cooking I'ton sllh. Tt and 10 cent goods. We give you more eandy for your money than any place lu tho city. Give us :i call, Hal P. Wolverton Proprietor. Telephone S7C. Dr. C. Sterling , Cooley NERVE SPECIALIST. ("KI-RO-PRAM") so Drugs ( Done By Miuul ) Surgery "The short cut to Health" Phono 109. 7-9 Pennington Sims llldg Over China Palace. Wonder Store. lAy Attendant. Ciff Out This Ad It Is Worth 25c Applied on Any $2 Purchase This Week A Carnival Bargain Week Mare than 50 separate and distinct displays of new spring merchan dise of the better qualities specially priced, surpassing in value any offering or special sale ever held in Ardmore. REMEMBER these astonishingly low prices will move merchandise fast. We advise you to shop early and avoid being disappointed in not securing first choice, as there cannot possibly be any duplicates of such qualities at these extreme low prices. Each day our display tables and counters will contain new bargains, and at prices thativill prove long before Saturday night that this is truly a CARNIVAL WEEK OF BARGAINS! To Our Hundreds of Out-of-Town Customers Do not fail to take advantage of this BARGAIN CARNIVAL a saving opportunity you may never know again. Cut Out This Ad It Is Worth 25c Applied on Any $2 Purchase This Week dare that .1. C Mabray, who is lu Jail hero accused of promoting fake horse races throughout tlio country, has boon identified as McCnnn, the man who Is suposed to have been murdered by "!.ord" Harrington In St Louis several yours ago and for whli Ii Harrington Is now honing a life mem . The Cry of Hard Times and thill bun! less, has not affected ii Wo are so busy looking afttr more business that we just luuen't time to think of such things Last month we enjoyed the greatest business wo have ever had. We attrlbuto this to the fact that wo always look afttr our customers' Interests, and furnish them the best of everything the market affords. This week wo will have frosh vegetables anil berries, wholesale anil retail. We are alwny headquarters for spring chickens and all kinds of fresh country produce Photc 'i- you' orders, whether larg" or small . . J. LANE THE UP-TO-DATE GROCER w 306-3C8 East Mam Street Phones rt7H1 Tho local officials base their state ments upon the claims or Mrs. Iiu ra Gates of St. I.ouls, who went to the Jail today ami claimed to know .Mt-Cann. She positively Identified .Ma bray us the St. Louis cuttle dealer. I.ouls Doming, a grain broker front St. liuls. also met .Mabray during the day ami ho asuerts that .Ma bray Is no one else but .McCann. He claims to have ben well acquaint. til with .Mt.Caun. Mabray laughs at the claims or the. wo persons. INJUNCTION IS DISSOLVED Kansas Clf. .Mo., April 21 -Ked-oral Judgu John V. Phillips hero today Issued an order dissolving tho temporary Injunction recently i obtained by Attorney General Major I In the stato courts to prevent tho J eighteen railroads, entering Mlasou I rl. from roturnlng to tho three-cent passtuigor rate. Head Ardmorelto want ads. Keep a laughing. Tears never mado nny one fat Band Concerts AT LORENA Sixteen Millions of Dollars I lust wli.i' our ltuggy Factory ii tx spout in the pa-.! T w yi at . ii) iking olih ! s- -.iiul this iierlei ' is worth something win n 0 goes for . iking lluggb'H. uurs .. the b t, and H i- ''(sjl' of this oxi" i in'' it one of i ! best Miggios on tie- maiki t Just re i'd no ears of i'i 1m s loctions Conic in aiid fci'i the ,su. -i I .e of veil!'1 and Ii.imi.--s in Ardinoii Neiv State Hardware and Harness Company ON ALL SATURDAY EVENINGS AND SUNDAY AFTERNOONS ALSO TENNIS BASKET BALL CROQUET AND BASE BALL FREE-TO all-FREE