Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday, April 25, 1909 PACE THREE Say to Your Grocer ''Give m c a can Of LUIANKE" and there'll be both rhyme and REASON' in what yon say. L CC Is a codec that pleases uzianne orree everybody, its quality is right, its llavor is right, its price is right; IT IS ALL RIGHT. Drink LUZIANNI3 for your early-tnornlng-eyc-opener, you breakfast bracer, vour dinner deml-tastc, vour BUi)ur system-toner. "IT'S (1001) ALL THIS TIME. LU.IAN'ffH Is packed in air-tight freshness-preserving tins iind may bo bad of all Rood grocers everywhere at 2T eta. tho pound. No same-price colleo bait as good or strong; no twlcc-lho-prleo collce Is bettor. The Reilly-Taylor Company New Orleans, U. S. A. StOP IF TSY ATHLETES 0FF F0R kJV7VjllJ x A NORMAN AND RECORDS FELKER THE GROCER Every thinq Good to Eat UNDER ONE ROOF! At the Klkn' bull Friday night about a dozen eon pi en danced tiy piano music. Misses Price and Jone from ow.t Iioiiiu City are the auoats of Mis Ada Drew. The Orlo will mcHt with Mini Vera Olive Krtdny. All nisiiibers are requested to ntteiitl lit there In to lie booster an election of officer. The HapthU l.adle Missionary So ciety will meet with Mm. .1. V. Scott Tucuday afternoon at 2.30. It I neces Hary that all member lie priwrn. lluslue of Importance will be tratin acted. The Ladle of the Leaf will be en tertained at the new Club House l the Chickasaw l-alie with a Mny 1. y luncheon. MeMlameii I', if. Dings. Chai. Anderson. Ilert pouter. W. I'. Poland. Iiarold Wallan . .loe Hlcdsoe, II. .;. Pottctf W It Potter Misses Mullen. .111(1 llollHOli ,lir tile Iliistf-f TWENTY-THREE WENT ON CIAL WILL CHALLENGE MAN H. S. TO DEBATE. SPE-NOR- PROGRAM ON COUNTRY LIFE TO BE HELD AT G UTHRIE DELINQUENT WATER PATRONS IN A RUSK ARDMOREITE NOTICE HAD UP EARLY AND WAITING CITY CLERK. EM KOR W. P. Poland W. H. Foster Poland & Foster General Insurance Office Over First National Bank. Telephone No. ,jS. "Well, they were standing around the door wailing for me l bin morning when I got to the office," said I'lty Clerk Hrucc eMterday when an Aril morcltc niorter lsltcd the city hull. Mr. Ifruce wax referring to delin quent water consumer, a notice hav ing appeared in Friday" Ardino.elte that the water would be turned off from over 200 delinquent at the end of the week. As an evidence that It pays to advertise just 12 delinquent had shown up at the city ban ai noon yesterday to pay and sewer rent, everyone of them liming seen the piece In the Ardmore lie. and hustled ilown to pre. out having their hydrants cut off. Last night nearly $200 hud been added to the water fund as a r.-Milt of the article. The special train yetuda morn ing that left here for Norman cur ried 38 enthuiluttl. Ardn re ami athlete, the latter to compete In the field trial. at the "University yesterday evening. Mort Woods 1 entered in the 100 and 320 yunl dash, shot putting and broad Jumy. Ills coach. Kwrctt Noble nays the man who beats iiiiu at the 100 event will have to do better than 10 second and predict lie will win. N'olile In a I'nlvewlty winner and u tine eoncn. Walter Staple la entered in the mile event ami liellevea he can pull down the rare, having made some good try-outa lately. Cole I'ate 1 entered In the 100 and 220 yard daab and ex pi els tu be heard irom. Norman Clark la entered In the same event ami la confident of bring ing in a good report of himself. Among the other who went tip on the special were: Walter Dltzler Fred Tucker, Tom Gilmer, lien New man, Hon. l,ee Cruce, 15. 11. Stuart Perry .Maxwell ami Kvorett Noble. The entire crowd, numbering over SO Ardmore boosters were supplied with budge sent them by the Com mercial (lull and before the day and event- are ended Ardmore will lie en the mail In bigger letter than ever. At the close or the two days' affair Ardinote will challenge the Norman high school lo a debate to be held here sometime IiiTojv the close of school. Advance advices sh- the chal lenge will be accepted. ll h.-mii-. v 11 In- held in the i tty hall at the miner of Seintld street and Oklahoma uw-nue. Admls alon to all meetings will be by ail l and associate membership badge. A'i am requested tu register and obtain i memherahlp badge at the lone lintel i i M i me Si ll.Htl - ()' I.I MllSU "Manual Tiaiiniig and the lloi.i .' Prof. I.. P. Whiteomb. Southwest. , , Normal, Weatherfiml, okl.i "A Senator s View of Kami Life, where n bureau of Information will Senator It. I.. Owen, Muskogee, okla Miiatc. "Literature be maintained ior the benefit of vlsi tun. WUDNISDAY M Y ftth. 10: 00 a. in. Music Address of welcome on the part of the State of Oklahoma, Clov. C. X. Haskell. Addreaa of welcome on the part of ent K. I). Cameron. (he school of Oklahoma, State Hun- "Condition of the In the Home." Prof. A. TWO BOOZE VIOLATORS FINED IN COUNTY COURT NUMEROUS CASES DiSVr. ED BY COUNTY ATTORNEY Fort HEA. ONS FILED VITH COURT Among the more imp,' that hntf -jrrftn' -. ,, ( lie count i . i ' . boozi- chai i - ., . son dismissals vi.;,- jm( for i llelirc to rOllVlCt. I .other Kttwt, who wa 0. Scutl. Jlpwortn University. Oklaho compllcliy in the killing oi . . er Kurd, pleaded guilty t.. . , and wa given the lowest p. fine of $5 and a term r u,r inn aty. AITHR.N'(K. S:O0 p. m. .Mualc. Country Life." state Superintend ! on the county road, caae of the same nature .e en for reason filed by in Farmer and His 1 attorney. erlntemlent K. 1). Cameron. Kelatlon to the iiusine World." Hon. Nine cases against Join, Addro a of welcome on the part of J. V. Callahan. Knld. Okla. eharglng him with violating tho citizens ut Oiithrle. Mayor C. AI. Consolidating the imblle Srhtioht.' ' lwa were dismissed and mi Harne. pu, t. II. Harris, Ha ton Rouge. In. the docket for reason rn. d Aluie. Music. , court by the county attorn, lteaponae to addreaa of welcome In' "The old Time Deeatrlck Skule." t A case against Hob Oatm liehalf of visiting tate, Oov. T. M. Congressman Scott rVrria, Lawton.'lng him with the aame .,ti. t'anipMl Austin, 'Pes. okla. Response to address of welcome In "Pfcrm Mfe In the flouth." Oov. J behalf of aehoola of Southwest, 1 ton. II. Sanders, Haton lbwge, Ia. W. (. Hart, New Orlemia, I. Muic. "Civic Improvement Clulw." Ml; "Country l.lfe and Farm Literature Kate Iiurnafd, commissioner of Charl-' Hon. Krank Oreer. (Jttthrle. Okla. tie, Outbrle. NOON Itl'XJWBS. f ,j . ii utr 1 1 dismissed by the county atiun Hill Hallew, charged with , concealed weaiions wa mnfiu the term. .lames Whitfield, of lierwui a .iitivt whom there wa a charg. of Molat ti d fo- "The lutertirban Car as a Factor In log the liquor laws was h aril by a Country Life." Mr. Mary 11. Couch, iry. a verdict being returned pro 1:3" p. in. , Oklahoma citv. 'Mulc. "School Ciirdeiin," State Supt. How- (ounlry Life Among the Chero-1 ard A. (iasa, .leffemon City. .Mo. ki-s" President A. . Wyly. N'orth eastern Normal. 'I'ahlequab, Okla. 'What the 1'armer Should Know About Hocks." Prof. Cba. N. Could. State University, Noriuan, Okla. "Secondary Agricultural School " President J. C. Hardy, A. .t M.. Col lege, Miss. KIM HAY. MAY 7th. !:30 a. in. . Music. "How to Interest Hoys ami Olrls In K'ountry l.lfe." Pror. .1, C. Adamson, Central Normal, Kdmoiul, Okla. , The University ami its Itelatlon to nounclnis the dafendant not guilty .llin Herry. charged with violating the boon law pieaded guilty and w:h given the least penalty, a line of $ n and 30 day on the roads. Another case of tho some nature was dalmlsa ed. The following case huc hem dl poseil of by the court: llupgood v. Kemlrlek. judgment Country l.lfe," Preident A. Oram ' rendered for plaintiff in the sum of The Phllathea Bible Class. The young ladles of Hroadway Methodist church, with a largo mini- their water I her of tholr young lady friends, on last Sunday were organized Into :iu association known the world over as tho Phllathean movement or Phllathean lllble class for young women. This movemunt (with Its counterpart the 1 lumen) promises, to be the greatest organization of tho century for young people. In attained unto that i "Country Idle In CSntdy, as I Found Uvuu. Oklahoma University, Norm in. r,u- it and a It is Now," Supt. It. II. WII- Okla. Were Wedded Here. 1 fact has already Chas. Young of Pauls Valley and distinction. Miss Hell Kirk of this city were I The young ladles married yesterday afternoon at the I cordially invite all their young lady i Stillwater, Okla sou, ClilckiiHliu Okla. Music. "The Future or the Southwest," Hon. l,ee Cruce. Ardmore, Okla. "The Hural School," lion. J. P. Kvans. Hyron Okla. "Dry Funning," State Superintend ent It. I,. Long, Phoenix, Arix. Heading, (selected), Prof. Oiorge l.andrum Southwestern Weutherford, Music. "The Old Time Husking Hee T. O. Moore, Cheyenne, Okla. Music. "Farmers' Co opemtho Dmnoimtni' 'Hon Work," Prof U. Kngllsh, Still , water, Okla, , "Hural Telephone," Supt. H. II. I Hester, Claremoro, Okla. "Hural Mail FacllitloH," Hon. K, I,. .Hill Kerry plendcd guilty to vloln- Supt. Hon of liquor laws and fined $50 ami thirty days on the road. Three other cases of u like nature were dismissed by tho county attorney. Abe Knloe and Homer Frye. charg ed with keeping a bawdy house, dis missed by the county attorney. Ardmore Nut. bunk vs. C. A. Pcarce, verdict for plaintlif In the sum of $80. Normal,, Fulton, Oklahoma City. T. A. Allen vs. J. II. Akurs, suit lu '.Music replevin, Judgment by default for do- I "Irrigated Farms." Stale Supt. A. C fendant in sum of $10. "Agriculture in the Public Schools." , Nelson, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 Katie Williamson, charged with of till society , (),. j( (i jvis, ,. u College. "Some Needed Itetorins In ltnrnl i keeping a bawdy house, dlsmlssr.! lir I Country l.lfe," State Supt. Orvls Hln?, I the county attorney at defendant's home or dick uamptieii on n street. , mi io join mem in men jirau "Home Furnishings," Prof. Henry A. .t M., College. Stillwater. Okla cost. southeast. In this city. Hev. J. H. , session In Hroadway Methodist church M,,r S(ato itVerslty. Norman. Ok. "l-.ireeln P-t n ii,.iii.,J iJ lJmll John eburuei! ulii, ,min Ari'MHNOON Hi:CICS. ICarson. Nevada. a deadly weapon, case continued. Masters officiating. SEE THURSDAY'S PAPER. $0 UP& TOO MUCH WATER wlioro you don't want it Is worse than none nt all. If your water pipes burst or get out of order send for us at once. Wo hasten to your homo and do the necessary plumbing in tlio short est posallilo time. Fix it so there will be no repetition of tho trouble too. The Weeks, Sprekelmeyer Plumbing & Sheet Netal Co. 2(1 S. Washington St. Phono 79 Cash Prize Offered to the Person Guessing Closest to Advertising. Tho Ardmorelte will give a cash prize of $i,.r0 to the person who makes the closest guess to tho num ber of Inches of display advertis ing the Ardinorelto of Thursday, April 29, contains. The paper on this date last week contained -ISO Indies. Make out your guess mid mull or i on next Sunday morning, at ! o'clock. Meet us one next Sunday nt I place and time appointed and thus, with us, become each a charter I member of till association. Inline I diately after opening exercises In the general school, the Phllathean will retire to their own apartment ! to complete organization and begin I work. Let every member of the class be on time and In her place. Let I all our friends who will Join with us, i meet us In .Hroadway church and Sumlu) school on next Sunday at S:00 p. m. Music. "Industrial Kduontlon," Hon. .1. V. Connor. President Hoard of Agricul ture, Oiithrle. "Country Life Convenience," Stat" Supt. ICdward Hyatt, Sacramento, Cal. "Some Leaks on the Farm A Ruin oily " President J. A. .McLaughlin, I ""I'"". Vlnlta. Okla. Central Normal. Kdmoiul. Okla. i "Tl"' w"- "." " "The Old Time Country Peddler," Theo. Hoffman, prescribing medl Supt. A. II. ICroutbamel, Poteau, OUPi. ; clue without it license, case dismiss .Music. , od. "Country Life ami the Need of the Hoy Prtiltt, pleaded guilty and was Negro," President I. H. Pago. Colored fined $215 and costs. A. & N. 1'nlverslty, Langston, Okla. , -loo Hastlne, chnrged with violating "A rongresHuian' View of Conn-1 Honor laws, caso continued, try Life Problem," Hon, James Dav- Whitfield, two cases charging violation liquor laws, continued, Frank Homier, charged with gam- W. M. C.arrl- leave ai mis ouice. All guesses must i ;(. jf, ., be in the office by five o'clock on , " "..Ci,in.. thou with us and we will Wednesday evening. It will cost you , ,, pHOll; for t,, UmX ,ath M,olum very little time to make tho guess. , (,lll(,,rll,n; isrUel." Num. 10:2H. The announcement of the result of i the guessing contest lu Friday' paper. "The Problem of Transportation in ' M,M- 1 CreuK. Okla Hural Schools," State Supt. U. T. 1 l-airclilld, Topeku, Kan. i Music. i "Country Roads." Hon. V. W. Ilat- Sontheasturn Oklahoma lugs Tahleipiah. Oklahoma. i bbmt J. A. Wilson, .Murray Agricul "University intension." Piof. ,l. W.ll"rul School. Tishomingo, Okla. Ing, verdict of guilty by Jury and Mirlc. , , fine of $25 and costs. "The Farmer's Hoy," lion. James Jeff Carson, chnrged with selling Kirkwood, clerk superior court, fiuth- liquor, Jury rotiirnod a verdict of not Pros- Kutlty. will bo made fsircARvwL "I'd Rather Die, Doctor, than havo my feet cut off," said M. L. , Hinghaiu of Prlncevllle, 111., "but yo rl rii mm . i . A Correction. die from gangrcno (which had oaten OIUW riOVlIlKlirOCeneb In reporting the proceedings of the awny eight toes) If you don't," said county court Friday lu the case it nro unknown hero. We never have nny old stock to clog- up our shelves, Them's n reason of cotirsu It is Hint we handle only the kind of groceries you wnnt more of af ter trying. Another renson 1 that our iirices are very low for snob good groceries, as you will dis cover with your first order. SKIPWORTH'S C. 0. D. GROCERY Y. H. Lynn vs. J. S. Alvorson si mis take was made ami it should have been a verdict for the defendant and not .for the plaintiff. all doctors. Instead, ho used Hack' lens Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures of Ivczciun, Fever Soros. Holls, Hums and Plica astound tho world. 2!ic at Ardmore Pharmacy. Our Wireless Message to You Is that you take advantage at your earliest opportunity to deposit your money with The Ardmore State Bank It immediately begins earning you good interest, and you are guaranteed PERFECT secur ity. We want your business! Baracn Class. The Haraca class will mc.,t Sun day at 9:15 a. :u. vlth Hroadwuy Methodist Siiiuluy school. AfNr open ing service with ihe general 'c'lool, the Hu'racaa wi" repiir, as .isu.i', to their own apartment for their rog ular work. Let every member of the class bo present and on time. Ho member, system, promptness and fidelity mean enlargement and suc cess. You are expected to lie on tlino. Dr. N. C. WOOD, President. HYRON DKKW. Toncher. HARRY KOKNIC, Secretary. Scruggs, Kingfisher College, Klng-j Usher, Okla. THURSDAY. MAY (Jtli. ' !i::i0 a. in. j -Music. ! "Organizing a New County,'' Supt. , W. IC. dill Pawhnska. "Five Practical Factor that Will Make Farm Life I(tKlr'ilIa," Pi of. ' Claud Scott, Southwest in Normal,! Weutherford, Okla. I "The Old Log School Hoitue," Supt.' J. A. JoluiHon, Lawton, Okl.i. , 1 Mithic. ! "The Country (llrl mid Her Future.", Miss Sophie r. Wright New Orlomi, La. "Country Clubs in Hural Schools, , NOON RF.OF.SS. 1 : :t0 p. m. Music. "The Highest Success oi Agrlcutur- A. L. Mitchell, dismissed, no evi dence of drinking. Jus. MdClalu and Hon Mobley, mo- tlou for new trial and case dismissed I by the county attorney. 1 Joe Hastlne, charged with violating al IMueatlon," President J. H. Council, liquor laws, two cases dismissed after lie. Okla. "Agricultural and Industrial Train ing lu the Crude," Supt. W. S. Cal vert. City Supt. Ciiithrle. Okla. "Country l.lfe and tin Rural Route," Hon. Hu Stafford. Oklahoma City. A ITKIIXOON RKOBSS. 8:00 p. in. AI uslc. "(iood Roads, ' Senator Campbell. Warner, Okla. , Arbor Day and Tree Culture." Hon Jlin. D. HniiOtllot, Slipt. Federil having been continued by the court, Roe Weeks, charged with gaming, pleaded guilty and fined $2."i and costs. 'Farley Richmond, charged with gain ing, pleaded guilty and rincd $25 and costs. Ardinorelto Want Ads Pay. Supt. Mary Y. Niblack. Ardmore. Okla, Schools. Mukogee. BEAUTY Most women realize that bounty Is largely a matter of a, beautiiiil com plexion. It is now known that any woman may easily and quickly gain a perfect complexion by a row min utes massage each day with Nadlnola Cream. This delightful croam, scien tifically compounded from tho purost medicinal liigrciMents, never falls to banish freckles and all facial discol oration?. It rids tho poros and tl sues High claws watch repairing with the best material and conscientious and competent workmanship, by J. Henry Long, at C-ileinan Hros.. Drug gist-Jewelers, i p to-dato engraving. ' WAITING FOR JUNE. "Itelatlon of Agricultural Training In Secondary Schools to Farm Life," Prof. 15. .1. Lowe. University Prepa ratory. ToukawH, Okla. Husluea meeting and organization of a permanent association. NOON RKCU6S. 1:30 p. in. "Hulldlng State kell. The District School and Its ItelH- Hon to Country Life," Hon, 1). P. Mnrcura, Woodward, Okla. 1 "The University Kxtensloii .Move ment," President A. Hoss Hill, State Business In Wedding Permits During , University, Columbia, Mo. Past Months Has Been Slack. iMllllc. Lover must be waiting for Jun. "The Princely Dignity of the Amer of all impurities, amoothos away all the month of bmles. a the business 1 lean Farmer" Prof. J. A. Wood, Sup' Kr K, in,8'"": " tlm marring- license elork during City Schools. Santa Fe. X. AI I'liu .Mission of tho School in Im proving Hural Life Cqiiilltlons." Stai Superintendent H. 11. Cousin, Austin Texas. Music. "Consolidated School." State Sn i-! J. K. Clark. Santa F. N. M. ( "The Heading Circle Work as a (3ov. C. ft 11a- ' '"'H'',"r (-(,u,,tr' Mf''-" State Supt ! Geo. 11. Cook. Uttle Hock. Ark. "Farm Life in the 'Short Crass Country. President W. L. Ru, North western Normal, Alva, Okla. "The Old Time Country Hrbe( ue," Cpt. A A. 1-eseur. Antlers, Okla. "Flowt r Oardenlng for Profit," Miss Willie Isabeile Mrge, Vustlu, Texu.t. much to bo desired velvety softness and exquisite clearness, leaving It In ft stato of childlike freshnoss and beauty. As a beautifying ngent Nadl nola Cream, where best known, la rogatHied a necessity. Rach packago contalim a binding guaranteo and fill directions which tell Just how tin) , woman may liavo a perfect complex Ion. Sold nt all high class druf , stores, 50 cents nnd $1,00, NATIOXAL TOILKT CO.. Paris, Tonn the mouth juM past lias been away below the The following pel lllit to wed have been IsHiied the past week: ,1 L. Clay S ' nee nnd M 11c Hi S, Wya of Vrdinore J F Lauglcy mil Miss Lulu Thou sou, both of Killer Henry Williams f Glenn and I Izt Joins of Springer If yo'i havrt backache and urinary trouble vou should take Foley's Kid nev Remedy to strengthen ami build Work of Teacher of Agriculture lu up the kidneys o they will not prop erly, hh a serious money irouuie may develop. Sold by all rtrugglsts. Improvement of Farm Life," Prof. A. (1. Vinson. Northwestern Normal. APa. Okla. It' adlng iH(lected) MI- Maud Drake Ma Okla The i tun Girl," Mis s Kti'h' r M', Cook Stut' Supi riuti ndi ut 1 1 nv r, Col Industrial Work In the Publl The McC'urta'n Ga-e:n publishes what 1 1 purport d to be a 1- 'r from C'irbt, writ'ui koou aft' r the cni ctfix'on Mo t anybody common si use would think It liilgM be better to ttibllbh Hlbl chip't'ni Contractors and Builders You will II ml It to your Interest to have us llgure on your work. Wo bac etry e(Uipnuiit for work combined with a full stoek of lumber and material. Our customers nro never disappoint ed. We are now making a spec ialty of screens, t he Kconomy window seroun Iiiih no wooden rail, is easily adjusted, is easily removed and la only screen for u half window. Anything in mill work made to order. Fraley's Planing Mill H. T. HUNT. Mtfr.