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i PAGE FIV THE DAILY ARDMOREITE, CANDIDATES ARE MAKING IN COUNTY JAIL FOR NOISE LIKE ELECTION SAFE KEEPING NEW OXFORDS Z&z Ideal Vanish i ng Cream Euderma Cream For the complexion, chapped or rough skin. 50 Cents a Jar. Money refunded if not pleased. Coleman Bros. Druggist-Jewelers. For Farm and Gily Loans SEE 0. L. Chancellor Olllco Kandol HulhliiiK. Phono No. '.'JJ. New Dill Pickles Sweet Ma-'C Pickles All other kinds of plckloa ut Skipworlh's C. 0. D. Store COMPARE OUR SERVICE WITH OTHERS. d- Postal Telegraph Cable Co. N. Washington St. Tel. No. 31. .5. 4. 4. .5. 4. ,j. .j. .:. 4. .5. . 4. 4. 4. The cheapest money you can bor ni, iiiu.ii-j Jim ...ill iiui row Is a real estate loan. Adams Hros. make them all the time. istr P. C. Dings, M. Gorman, Vice-President J. n. Spraglns, Vice-President The Bankers MIU DIHECTOnS. Jones, J. M. Jonos, C. C. Spraglns, J. n. niedsoo, S. T. Balrd, J. M. Dings, V. C. Wo give our Individual attention In looking after tho affairs of this bank and invito you to Join our growing list of natiutlod customers 7 a chap isn't anything in particular It's a might u ra 1 liable asset to tool,' lih'G something speciaf. Alter a careful and thorough inspection ol all the best lines of tailoring, we have decided to feature the S. E. PER LB ERG & GO'S, service. . We are certain vc can serve the best interests of our customers with their exceptionally line fabrics, reliable tailoring and moderate prices which we will be able to oiler with their line. Wc show various assortments of fabrics from several other good houses, but believe our most critical patrons will be able to select their clothes from the S. E. PERLBERG & CO. array of Spring and Summer woolens satisfactorily. All our lines are now open for your examination and approval. SUITS MADE-TO-MEASURE, $!3.S0 to $40.00 Represented in Artlmore liy Farthing Brothers PERSONALS Mrs Kati8 of On' l.s still quite low at the Sanitarium In this city. Chan. II. Kmannol was over from! Sulphur yesterday vlsltlns with friends. A. II. KlmberlliiK of I'adttcah, Ky., Ih hero for a few daya vl.MtliiK with friends. C. W. raniKtier of Abllone, Mas.. Is j hero today on a inisiuess trip o: i I short tltno. I .luilKe II. C. I'otterf . catno ...... ........ r...... t...jl. ....... ....... ... ...K..t no... .. u,, .",,.,,, hoa(l,,nrtor8, yiiiieoou. i li. F. Ilartell of New Orleans was' anions the out of town business vis itors yesterday. .1. C. Hybiirgcr was here from Ills' Iw.K.n (if I I tl ilu (il linutiHilnl tftti urxtll il t Mrs Hen Holt, who s CiiiivalBK cIiik tit the Sanitarium, will return to her home Monday. Oscar Ayers of Olathe, Kas., Is In the city on his second trip ami will doubtless locate hero. YY. M. UIsks of Paris, Texas, for merly of Ardniore, la hero to spend Sunday with his family. .lames Wallace is back from a trip to Texas where he has been for several weeks on business. Mr. Shropshire of the electric, shoo ...... .,11,.., ulw.... Iu u. ...... 11.... ' ...... ...h . . . . ''.where ho wont to meet Mia. Krauk- In Dallas and Fort Worth. Jos. Hodlnger of Hartford, Conn.. Is In the city for a fow days on a business and prospecting trip. Moman Prueltt, the well known Oklahoma City attorney, was here yesterday visiting with friends. U. !:. Howling and I). W. White, both well known Lindsay cltb.c-ns, were here yesterday on business. A. C. Young, tho Main stroat furniture dealer, Is In Dallas and Fort Worth on a business trip. Thomas It. Herman, a well known TCI Iteno attorney, was iu the city jesterday visiting with friends. I. K. Watenpaugh of Western, Neb., was among the callers at tho com mercial chili headquarters yesterday. W. W. Wolf of llallowell, Me., Is among the eastern business vis itors and prospectors hero thla week. M. .1. (.Ill, the contractor, rune .,.... ...-..,,,. f. ., I, ...- " ." ' i'u"" o " uiu um n.uu. President J. M. Jonos, Cashlor N. H. Fcngln, Assistant Oashlor National Bank Gorronn, M. Gilliam, W. A., Grci, U. V Or Henry has returned from Tul sa mid Oklahoma City, where he h.ts attended a meeting of tli giand council. Mrs. Win. Guy nml MIm Lillian M.. Vers came over from Sulphur yes- terdny to visit with frlrnds for a day or two. M- Hohorta, wlio ui Ik on "l u.e .or .mine, nays was able to renin to lie loine yesterday. A. K. and M. Ilrown, both of Hoaton, aro In the city lookltiR :i mil till Tl ml ilrilni? untun lirnai.fw.ttt.rv tnIs wppJ " ' I .Miss I.ann!e Itohlnson of Denton, . I exas, was In the city yesterday i and was a caller at the Commercial IIurIi Jonca, a former well known ctlizon, Is In the city today vlsltlns with friends and attending to soma business matters. Mrs. Marlon .Toluibci, who has In t no city for hIx wookn, a patlont nt the Sanitarium, has left for her home In Texas. I AVillls KoberUon Is reooverlii? I from a very severe gnll stouu opera , Hon that was most successful. An in. ' usually large number of stomM were ; remoed. ; Cliarles Kuby Hardy, sou of Dr. i 'Walter Hardy, Js still quite sick, having returned from Now Mexico. monla. State Senator Franklin ra horo last night on his way to Hn-wyn 1 1 1 1 who has been visiting hrr moth er, the latter having been sick. Falls, Texas, arrived In the city yesterday aud will make an extended visit with his s 1. It. Dickson, and family. Hoy West, son of deputy sheriff F. K. West, and one of tho popti - lar young school teachers ot the of Oklahoma Topics, formerly the county was In yesterday on busl- Oklahoma Lady. Is In the city lslt ness and to visit with home folks. lug frirttida for a fow days. Mrs. H. S. Hnyden and children., iMr. and Mrs. H. N. Cole of Shreve Lticy Imp and Hobert S., Jr.. have port. La., are In tho city for ti few returned from Dallas where Mrs. ' days, guests at tho C.llmer. Hnyden has hern at the bedside of, D. It. Jones, a well known citizen u brother who was seriously wound- of Duncan, Is hero on business for ed recently. , R unv or two. Harry Allen returned yesterday D. W. Cummins ot Waurlka came from McAlestor wharo he has been iu last night and will spend a few on business, lie spent Friday the days lien, with friends. guest of It. W. Dick and was shown . workgH of the penitentiary where over r.00 men aro at work on grounds and buildings. Mr. Guy P. Cobb and family are making arrangement- for a sojourn In lCuropo of several months this summer, and will leave In a few weeks. Thoy expect to visit most of the Important places on tho Con tinent -whllo away. W. W. Perkins, a well known Kansas City capitalist and realty dealer, who has been in the city for several days, returned to his home yesterday. Mr. Perkins was much Improved with the outlook hero and will In all probability re turn soon to becomo Interested hero wtlh local parties. IWo do fine watch and jewelry re pairing. Also enrry a staple Hue ot watchos, clocks, cut glass, Jewelry, etc., at tho lowest possible prices. When In need ot anything In thU line call 011 us, wo can Interest you TAHVHIt DOIUIAH. 25-2 Xorth Washington St. Fancy egg drinks aro bettor when inado at Hoffman's fountain, 25-1 LOOKS LIKE IT MIGHT BE A LIVELY CAMPAIGN WITH A HOT FINISH. ... ...ii ready for in., .lection. Ir j CtaBPl.. (,. u mngh.n... .1. lu-sdaj. yon k...,w. Hern np- Hlw ,, w u Womack me n. led yet for A xnler Well, tin dol , vmtny Jat ,., j,,,,,,, 1. ... dougmtt you wilt be before hvn T,Mmln0 ,ertprd.lJP ,. l.-.l.O ulKltt. safekeeping. noise begun to start yesterday, The four men worn In Jail nt 1h.1t ih.iimihk In the outwktrm of th . ,,iBt.t, ,,harged with homo theft .md . that iwtiiiiie.l mlKhtly llk' a ' bnt.; an angry mob of farmers begun l . f ballot" nml "both sides" am lo gatIll,r atM, ,t W1W MSvil , , il.eim nuine Kill hurtling. Raeh one ,he Intention ti form a mob a-.d m - the other la doing some lively imv,. atUAwr quadruple bn.hing vo.K ml then all ImmlH et busy for Th mob m not , ,,. . M.ort time, only to bob up nn.l officers and the men wen- hurri-dl - luint round ogaln to nee who's kma- tnk,n from tn,. jau. wnlked cU!, n.t l-ioin nil appearance its to 1 ,,,,, at.roi, 1h ,.om,.ry u, ,,. ,,,,, i .viiulwlnd pamiwtBii and .1 Harrison ruad, the train stopped and tli. . 1. '' "s' brought her.'. BherlfT riimmons .,.i on. of tlu-candidates thr. a little ih-imtlea William and Mill, vat- into hla opponent a Friday, or brought th.' men over, and last ni ,!, .. it nirt a llltlo Joke? Jan. T. Miuiu. , thll). w,.r(. H ft u,,, n,,.ls) lM, i lMil liean candidate for cummlaalon : i,arm ni,t b,. ,ol. ,hom 1 1 1 urn the Third ward wna out with' neat little tarda telling hla' DON'T drink had water, buy on. in. nils ami other that he had been of those IIRem at Id. 1 lied enough votes lo elect him and HTKVRK8. KKNNKRhY Hi it he believed It would lie goad1 Jfe Bl'ltAtllNS CO poll. for evprybody to get together i . and make It unaulniotia. ANOTHKK ARBUCKLH GUSHER? I Inn. C. M. .lolitpr. independent can didate for mayor, wn out with a let Rumors Yesterday that Another Flow ter ycHterdtiy to voters telling the-m lug Well H.11I Come, in- wan In tint nice to win, was hav- '" reitorted yesterday that ,m iiig lota of suiiport nml was confident j flowing well had liecn bneii.t of being elfictcd. The regular demo- ly tho Mal Mtllen company in ; n crata thought wIipii they saw the lot-1 Arbuekle oil tbdil, but the report ter that they could feel a small sltd "ild not be verified, ground swell coining, but after getting I Work. It la understood la koIiik o.i their bi'ttringa mid taking another actively In this field and big thlio;.' look at the names nt the "musthond" mI(l(, ,,llok agahl t.tmifortI,biy, aMtlr. lux themselves there was no need to 1m worried. las. Cotner. democratic candidate f()r innyor ,mB ,)e,n tml,mtrl,lsy ,.. Kilned In cultivating u captivating sinllo which he hopes wont come off nml Is Krooiulnt; himself nml his tick et to receive n IiIk majority. There was considerable argument , yesterday evening as to whether ArlUr a1.,a ,,,,., ,,,. , j . . stra L . ..... ,. .... ..... , ... republican should both run for ;om mlssluner from the Third ward, and i at ii late hour It had not been iffiu itely settled. I Yesterday morning a delegation i. ' colored gentlemen called on Mr. Join er nt his office and asked him w I'.it 1 promises hu could make, should lie be elected. Mr. Jollier said that he had no promises to make with the single , exception that he would enforce tin , law. lie was told by the negroes ibat the gentlemen of the straight demo , cratlc ticket had told a number ot the colored people that in the even' ' they were elected that they would 1m J given a brick school house Mr .IoIipt i suld he told them he had no promi.M'.s to make anyone, nor had he made any. ! The South Ardinoro Haptlst Ladies , Aid Society will have boxes for hale Tuosday, olcctlon day, with plenty of l-ooiI thlntca to eat. All orders should lu,tolbo phoned to No. 2 in, between now i and ! a. in. Tuesday, at Ardniore I Drv ftooita Coimirmv'M old Htand. T.l '. . j Tnt, lmlofa 1)lilC0 ln t()vvn, Hoff ' IlmM.g Um)Uxu. They serve the best 'drinks. 2S-1 i - ; Hani lire, one of the publishers MUs Ii. it 1 IMdleniaii 1 11 f frb lids up from oday REMOVAL 1 44 it Mf A. C. PRISONERS ARK BROUGHT HERE FROM TISHOMINGO TO PRE VENT BSING LYNCHED. , are exported In the near future when the railroa.l eompanlea are nl.l- fi handle the output of the fields. 1 '" ' ; or tiiose niters at ! n SI'KAOINS CO (let the habit. Kverybody goes to Hoffman's fountain to get their cold drinks. H.V1 iTpcTPlT SI X . ' '"" ml 1H "l new lot of i STIOVJON'S KUNNI-'lthY & SPUAOINS CO. Dont Worry about your Spring Suit. Send the old one here ami we will make It look like new. The best cleaning ami pressing ! what you got here. Ladle work a specialty. All work guarantied. Phone 201.'. The Pantatorium TOM WILKES, Prop. Ladies It is hotisi cleaning time and your walls should be decorat ed with new pictures so as to change the appearance and make the house look more pleasing. Come while we are Hi llinu them so heap. Brown & Bridgman I tli; YOUNG, 3.50 5.00 all ihc new styles (il tin- feet. LYNN 9 332S T. N. CX )IJMAN . . . THE CITY DRUGGIST .... Telephone FRED W. IIOllIV FASIIIONAUIJC 1 1. 1 W. M.un St. Chi-ro-prac-tic If you havo aches and pains you have tried every way to get rid of but failed, don't bo dlscoui ag ed. Consult Dr. Win, Kennard, Chiropractor. Ho removes tho cause of dlucnse and makes a specialty of nil tho so called In curables. Mrs. Dr. Konuard (Graduated Chiropractor,) ln dally attendanco rcnderlniR all assistance necessary with la dles and children. A correct diagnosis of your ciso and consultation free. Adjusting parlors, first stairway west of IJti Frame's druff store, 207 Vi W. Main St. Phono COL To buy at the highest market price every fat cow, calf and hog in the county tributary to Ard niore. Bring them in you will not be disappointed in the price. See us be fore you sell. COLD STORAGE MARKET O. ti. WAKKKN, Prop. t: n :: Huy only soda water that St :t beara tho Crown brand. It It il stands for pure syrups, puro :: t: extracts and distilled water. K :t CltOWN HOTTLING .t mfo. co. :: t: Whiv do you kimw of th in . of womanhood' SALE I At 1-4 less regular price for spot cash. Furniture, Carpets, Mattings. Up holstered Goods, Chairs, Iron Beds and Springs. Big stock of Wall Paper at less than 1-4 regular price to save moving. WANTED Patent, wine and tan, buckle and ribbon lacv. Stacy-Adams and 1 Ie wood make oxfords in and lasts that will e anoe D W. Main Bt. TAILOR Ardniore, Oklo. uFor Healths Sake" Drink water that is pure. V; handle Uio Gibson Well wato-. tho Crazy, tho Carlsbad, and Tioga. Theso watora nro es pecially recotnmcnidcd for stom ach trouble, constipation, rhcu matlnm, kidney and bladder trouble, nml fetnalo complaints. Wo also hnntllo tho Ozorka water from Eureka Springs, tin finest tablo rotitor known. (loodB delivered to all parts of city . The Mineral Water Depot V. LANDRUM, Manager. Phone 701. Roberts Barber Shop Next door to First Nat ional Iiank. Hot and cold baths, shower or tub baths. We especially welcome strangers and newcomers. Best service every day in the week. Tom Roberts, Prop. Ardmore Concrete Company D. S. Blackburn, Mana ger. (Juin Wicker, Assistan Manager. TELEPHONE 774 Sidewalks built and all kinds of concrete work done. All our work is thoroughly guaranteed. :: LUMBER. :: We sell to customcra dlrTt j: from mill at low prlets, haod J grades of lumber. Guar.ui' cd ii prices on application. H A. N. DAVIDSON il Locki sLutg, Ark a 11 a 11 :: :: :: a it Tho most healthful candy Is :: made In Ardmore. lluy uo other. ii n k n ::.: Man r. v. t'