Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday, April 25 PAGE SEVE announce is DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR MAYOR Jnmc3 A. Cotnor. FOR COMMISSIONER David H. Dawson. W. R. llurnltt. T. C. Brldgtnan. T. J. Jones. SCHOOL TRUSTEES A. H. Palmor. !. II. Uruce. Y. IJ. Lynn. A. C. Young. FOR MAYOR The Ardmorclto is authorized to announco C. M. Joiner as a canuiuatc for mayor of the city of Ardmoro on tht indepfndont ticket at tho city elec tion April 27. FOR COMMISSIONER To tho People of Ardmoro: I, tho undersigned, do hereby nn nounco myself as a candidate for commissioner in tho First ward. JOHN HOFFMAN, SR. I hereby announco myself as an i Independent candidate for City Com missioner from tho Third wnrd. AltTiHDK SINCLAIR. :: it t: :: :: :: :: :: a it tt PROFESSIONAU COuUMN. tJ k tt tt :: :: :: tt ti :: :: LAWYERS. H. C. Pottorf. E. A. Walker. POTTERF & WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Ardmore, Okla. M. F. WINFREY Attorney at Law. Justlco ot tho Peaco. Notary Public, Roots s II and Hi. Noblo Illilg. Phonos: Real. 33C blue. Office ICO. CAPT. J. R. PULLIAM Justice of the Peace. Rooms In Pennington & Sims Illdg. Chas. J. Kappler. Chas. H. Mcrlllat Compiler "Indian Actlvo Court Laws and Treaties." Practitioner. KAPPLER & MERILATT, Attorneys and Counselors at Lav Practice before all Courts; Congress, Ciovernment Departments and Com missions. Indian Cases a Specialty. Office. Pond llhVg.. Washington. D. C. Joseph IV. Champion Thos. Uiampion KI1)illt0)t th,- president chooses to CHAMPION a. CHAMPION reiognlze In Oklahoma. The super Lawyers visors will be paid Jliion per year in Will do a gonoral criminal and civil Kai,lry mn ,,ddntlon will re- jiractlco. L. G. SHELTON Attorney at Law Office Wheeler llldg. Phono PHYSICIANS. DR. G. E. GOODWIN Phy3lclan and Surgcon Residence and Office -I00 North Wash ington Street. Phone Office 3 15, 1 ring; Residence. 3 W. 2 rings. FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. D, Office Over Ilonner's Drug Storo. Surgery. Kye. Hur. Nose and Throat, Uyes accurately fittod with Classes, Phones: Office 1IC. Residence -U " ARDMORE SANITARIUM Drs. von Keller, Hardy &. Henry Modem equipment for the scientific treatment or nil surgical cases. Trained nurses in attendance Ardmore, Okla. ARCHITECTS. AV. A. Tackntt 13. M. Tackott TACKETT BROTHERS. Architects Offir-o In Slnis-l'iminlngton Hutldlng, nlmore. Okla Notice. Notice Is hereby given thai In pursunnco to nn order duly Issuod out of tho District Court of Carter Coun ty, Oklahoma, on tho 2nd day ot April, 1900, Inacortnlncauso therein pending in which W. A. Gilliam was plaintiff nnd .T. E. Gait was defondant. commanding mo ns sher iff of Carter County. Oklnhoma, to Immediately selzo and sell tho prop erty hereinafter described to satisfy tho judgment therein rendered. Notice Is hereby given that on, tho 10th day of May. 1000, between tho hours of 0 o'clock n. m. nnd 1 p'lcoclt p. m. In front ot tho court houso In tho City of Ardmoro, Car- tor County, Oklahoma, I will offer for aalo to tho highest bidder for cash In hand tho following described proporty situated In Cnrtor County, Oklnhoma, to-wlt: Lot No. C in Rloclc No. 8 of tho Mcl.ish Place Addition to tho City of Ardmoro. z J. H. AiCEits, Shoriff.: ny F. K. WEST. s-15-22-29 Havo you soon Adams Tiros about a loan on your city property? Thoy nro making a lot of thorn now. lStfi ITest meats at Clark's market, for merly owned by Geo. Hoffmann. 21w f s MYSTERSES OF DEATH VALLEY LAND RICH Slowly, but surely, Inch by Inch, chlornmllon mill In use on th prop to h, Am nt .im.iwiit ni., i intniiMP o iv when It was milled for its c ot urougui aim intense Is solving th.. mysteries , Valley, and one by one heat, man f Death Its hitherto unlocked trcasuro vaults aro being thrown open to add to tho wealth of tho world. There Is gold In largo and small quantities throughout tho length of tho val ley, part l irly at Sklddoo and oth er nelul .orlng camps In tho Pan- i aniluta; thero Is copper a-plenty o ...,iip.. ,...,., ..... .... , soon be known as nl argep rodurer of rock salt. These salt deposits aro found In thn foothills of the Avawatx moun tains, at the southern end of Dentil Valley, and within sixteen miles of tho Tonopah nnd Tidewater railroad. There aro four distinct bodies known as Death Valley, King Salt IlaMn. ami Jumbo Salt mines. Tho salt ap pears to llo In ledge form with well-defined walls, particularly .,n the upper or hanging side. The deposits have been well known to prosecutors for many years but It whs not until the completion of the railroad that they nsmined any commercial value. Years ago some of the material was froi-'.red to the Touopali mine for use 'n a CENSUS BILL PIE WILL DE CUT WITHIN A FEW DAYS AND THOUSANDS OF THE HUNGRY WILL BE FED. Washington. April 21 The big pi. will h cut a swn as the census bill i... ...i.i. i. i.. , " will lie in a l-r days, and over 4mi census supervisors will be appointed, to sMy nothing oi the thousand' of enumerators who will receive appointments under them, and the clerks who will get Jobs, under the civil service, In the census bureau in Washington. Oklahoma will havo live supervls- ors to congressional lines. Those sup ervisors will be appointed upon rccom-' memlatiou of the senators and repre sentatives, or whatever iioIHIchI or- velco $1.00 per thousand lor all the people enumerated In tlmir districts. Shortly after January first, of next year, there will be established a school of Instruction in which the supervisors will be given a thorough course of Instruction so that tht y can better handle the work; ami know Just what Uncle Sam wauls tc ltnd out about this country and how it can be done. There will hv about 1100 enumera- tors to bo appointed in Oklahoma. They will be appointed by the super visors, but as the supervisors urj likely to b apiwinted upon recom mendation of congressmen. It Is obvi ous thai the same powers will control t ti thu selection u)0-nturft. These of the en- jobs will 1 list only from fifteen to thirty ilayp. llfteen In tho cities over 5.000 and thirty days lu all others, but as one . Oklahoma congressman pointed out, it win give a chance for the organisation to recognise someone lu nearly every precinct lu the state and that is a ....,..,., -isset MtUIHIlie IOIIllllll .lM l. So far as known the slate for the ... hmi i.. - eon made, and If anyone wants a job e should annly at once to the renub- sliouniapij atone, to me tepui. can t)1MU,Uatlm. icwi r in vniiiMUMiii "e . '", Spring hats, your old straw and Panama will clean up as nlco as vour hest feelings return. ''After I riilny evening , April 17. president blacksmith shop In Rerwyn. Oklaho new. Save buying now ones. Out of JonK "rr',rll,K fwm weak kidneys nod Hnd Mrs. Connell entertained about ma, at public auction, between the town work given prompt attention ri7V VnlJl-S.h L"' thirty-five young iople In honor of house of 1 and 1 o'clock, to tho and quick returns. S. C. JOHNSON, The llattor. Opposle Court House. 5-2 Tll0 Aid Society ot the i,-rst pn-shyterlan church will meet with Mrs. M. .1 Hradford Tuesday afternoon at !! o'clock, , niolher's shapeliness All of Hi Mother's Friontl her ire Ivily ct , body for Ih ? strain upon u. ui d pi Mother's Frioncl maf-.o the dii.scr snfelv through lias .-meal Hate 1 period. Thousands fully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the use of this remedy. rr'ffi Uook raalltil frraUinllriiK-rttntinothi-rt, TUB I1KADFIEM) REGULATOR CO. AUinU. da. IN MINERALS ....... ... ...... .. ''Kh "rfnco values of silver. The Dentil Valley mino e Cil . .. . , consist .- of so acres, and It la upon thlh Erolin(, .,., , inr),pr mtl of tm. t,r(,8(,nt .icvelonment of the deposits him l.een ilnne. Tho show-in Is 600 feet wide by 1,000 feet In length the salt being covered with wash gravel and mud to a minimum depth' of ten feet. Where the salt has licen most exposed to the elements if i.n. .ii.s.k.i nn.i intvoii with thn fl)rmllut an Inerus- ....,,. ...... ,k w.v salt. The development consists of nu- . .. mcrous open cuts, uitineis ami snaua all pentratlng the surface Incmsta- Hon and showing pure salt In the face. It la estimated taht thero am 2.-.0.0O0 tons of salt already exposed 'n this deposit. The King mine lies one mllo to the north of the Death Valley prop- erty and shows salt for more than 100 feet In width, traceable for 1200 the future. feet, m one place tho rook salt Saturday afternoon the faculty play stands SO feet above the surrounding ' thi sophomores base ball. The fac- formation. The Salt Hasin proin-rty lies one east, on mile farther to the south which Is really a contin uation of the King deposit. Two miles farther .southeast :s the Jum bo mine. showiliK a body of nab 75 feet acnn l.os An-Ii Times LOOKS SERIOUS AT SHAWNEE INSTIGATOR OF CHARGES IN DANGER OF THREATSATTOR NEY WEST STILL ACTIVE. Shawnee, Okla.. April 21. The ili- veatigation of charges of wrong do- 1K MKHIIIKI. IIIBiril'l null I'Olllll Ul- fleers reached a speculative stage today when rumors that apiiearcd to have some semblance of fact wero circulated that John Itogera. who Is generally said to have Instl- gated the investigation, was in dun- ger of being foully dealt with. At the Norwood hotel tonight ha ad- inltted he had heard a rumor that he was to be lynched at midnight. Shawnee was agog with excite ment for a time today over the re port that District Judge Million, against whom Indictments have lienn returned, had attempted to commit suicide. The fact developed that being near a faint In his room at To cimiKeli. he hnd used us smelling salts on going Into tho street. Sev en Indictments are said to have bpcu returned today. The grand jury will report tonight and probably be adjourned. It Is said another Jury will be called in a few days. Attorney fleneral West has not yet Indicated his plans for removing the Indicted officials from office. Judge Maben has not yet resigned. at lenst a resignation has not Iwen made public. Shawnee is very much exejted, as the Indictments are on evurj'body'M Hps and on everybody's mind. Hog- era la publicly excoriated, as friends of tho accused men are loud In their condemnation of those who made tho charges. In the meantime Kvaugellat llulgin continues his meetings and it is also said the '.Ministers' alliance will have nothing more to do with the investigation. ... swept Over Niagara. Tnl" t"1-r"'B I'alnmlty orten hap- i,,,a l,m,i. n ,n,l,..o l,i,nli,..n .,. netiB lippntisf, n nrolrtsis linntmnn )orefl ' t Tver's Twarn nKs-KmwIng .1 ZZ.. "'L, ?5.T?..! rjiii'K tl litnK'I tillll Uil I til. 1 1 1 J a warnings ar0 kind. That dull pain or acllH 1,1 1,10 ,mck war,ls '011 tl,e m' Myn I)pp(I you woul(, M. f "nf"L ""L'iP"1':-JI? tera at once nnd eo Ruckacho flv and Tenn. Only r0c at Ardmore Pharmacy! Eastern Star. Regular meeting of Ardmore Chapter, Order of tho Eutsorn Star, at Masonic Hall, Monday night at S o'clock. DESSIE PAMIEH, V. IRENE Hit VAN, S?crotary M. very woman covcls a shape ly figure, and many of them deplore the loss of their girl ish forms rifter marrinue. The bearing of children is jltt-n destructive to the s Ciii he avoided by the use of mt , rs this h niiient prepares the usi.ri s tlu -.yiiimtlry of her form. ( f chilJ-hrth lc.c, and carries her FRIEND SOME COLLEGE NOTES. From the Agricultural and Mcehnnb School at Stillwater. Stillwater. April 21 -Hoy Unntx, 0t. of New Mexico, in visiting at the col- lego this weak. Ml llrrtlm M. liable, 'oil, bus nc- c pted a -osltlon as Instructor In do mestle economy In the Ada normal school. The boards of regent were at the college on Thursday looking after the Interests of the school. At thla time the contractu were let for the wo- men's building and the boys' dorml- lry t tlie COOK i onatmctlon com- ly of l' Moines. Iowa. The total amount of the contract was $S3,87. "'. Vlrtes Williams, of the Chrl. ,,a" ehurch. etinducted the devotional exercises In chapel on Thursday. Director Schreiher gave tn students hrt talk In chapel on the man- ner In which the st intent nnM treat visiting tfttm. He compliment ...I ..... . . . wn' "r nmiwi mir- Ing the past year and urged thei to continue In thla manner for the rest of the year. The student body showed their hearty approval of the dim- tor remarks by heaviy upplmixe. H" mkc of the hard, c.usisti nt ball idayed by the team on their recent ""IP and spoke ery encouragingly for ulty have triumphed over nil the classes but the soph made Ihetn low er their winning banner. When President J. H. Connell and into a race of this sort as represent tin- board of regents were In Tlsho- lives of clmlnal und lawless elements, mlngo Inst week they wore given a do so on a law nnd order platform. Iianiiin t by the dotmstlc science tie- With a full knowledge of these partment of tho Murray school of agrl- practices, I hereby declare myself .. ultiire. candidate for too office of mayor oi The arrangetnents for the banquet Ardmoro and pledge tho people ot th were In charge ot Miss Emma Chand- city that R elected 1 will enforcb tin ier, who is ail '06 graduate of the laws of tho state and the ordinances domestic science department of th of Ardmore, without Tear or favor. State A. & M. ThU I Will do. even If It is necessary At the last chap. I meeting J. P. ' to call out the militia. Poiinors. president of ihe Imard of Since Ardmore was a small, straj- regents, spoke of the blessings and gllng village It has been my home, L , .,,. . J, , . i' v " '"'nt attending chapel i nch week. He urged the students to remember (lod During my residence here I have done and his Ideals lu their daily work and all I might for tho material nnd moral recitations. upbuilding of the city. 1 love every Itnttallon Adjutant (). I.. Hemphill square foot of Its beautiful surface was made to participate In the Inspee- and believe as thoroughly In Its jiossi Hon of the cadeta on Mondav due to bllltles as any man within Its borders, nn Injured eye caused by being hit To me It is the grandest and lnt with a baseball. nlace on enrth. That it may continue Miss Mabel Wise. "oi). returned to to grow larger and better Is u mntiwr school Monday after u brief Illness. ,,f Importance to me. 1 have much at l.oyd C Mitchell, who has been ill stake. I feel that tho future rests with pneumonia, is again in school. largely with tho sober and serious Carl Newby, '10. left Friday foi hli business men. many of whom have home in (late, Okla.. where his father been my associates lu matters looking is eveiy 111. , .w-, upbuilding of tho inuterlnl side Paul R. Wilson moved Tuesday Into 0f the municipality and community, the residence formerly occupied by Rut thero is little comfort to u Prof. It. u. Chandler, on N. West St. ' who live in Ardmoro and expect 10 Monday. April 10, Capt. P. D. Lock- live here all our lives, if wo can wit ridge, who has been detailed from ness tho material development of the Washington, D. C, as one of tho four clly alone. Unless we can see a clean of tin- genejal staff who Inspect mill- moral condition, unless the city can be tary schools, inspected the Oklahoma A. & M., corps of cadets. Capt. Ixck ridge was very well pleased with th' progress the cadeta have made in the short time that the military depart ment has been established. He spoke very favorably of tho band. He no- necessity. Desirable lwople, those tlced in particular the interest mnnl- whom e hope to add to our papula fested by the entire student body In tloti. ask among tho very first iue-.-' military work. tions: "How aro the schools? Is the Kach company was find Inspected cty uch us makes for ti desirable In the armory and then battalion pa- Pacn of residence, a good city in rade was glwn. The companies thou which to bring up a family" Morality went through various close ana ex- jn municipalities has come to be nn tended order niovotnonts. The best economic necessity, especially if we drilled company will 1m- announced nope to bring other good cltl.ons here later and the captain of this company j0 uv0 will receive a sword. 1( elected mayor of Ardmore, 1 Miss Kvelyn Alkeim spent Sunday at j,ie,ij,e to tho cittsens a full nnd rigid Jennings. enforcement of the laws and ordl- tlua IKlmP Vqpi if ituli nu n fnii. v.,,.... m i student. Is spending a couple of I ii.i.. .i , .......uu ..iii..u- .1... .iiam.. "" ""-"" ""' "v Tl1" Junlor Plnv.Mose. will 1k- given "' '' Jor law Saturday evening. A,,r" -ltl1' 1h" J,roc,'l'18 ,,f '' "la w, b(i (l nani.u.rllK tht. an. '-a., which the class of 10 expect to lml"""' noxt y- M,liH fimlt"- of Dallas. Texas. Dslnty refreshment,-! of Ice cream, strawber- lies, macioous and stuffed dates were served. The Delta Sigma lioys have all pro- cured fraternity caps with the em Idem of their fraternity. They also have a sedi-chhght which was given them by Stanley Allen. V. A. Etiierton left Saturday for SL Louis on a business trip. Carter Co., Teachers Notice. Thero will be a called meeting of nil teachers In Carter county at tho county court houso on Saturday, May 1st. Ruslness of especial Importance ' re expected to ne presont County Teachers' Association. Wo often wonder bo.v nnv perion can bo peraunded Into tnklnu anything but Foley's Honey and Tar for cough?, colds and lung troublo. Do not bo fool- ed Into accepting "own make" or oth- cr suhstltuteB Tho gcnulno contains no harmful drugs and is In a yellow pneknge. Sold by a'.l druggists. NORRIS CHAPEL DEDATES. Bin Crowd Gathered to Hear Literary and Musical Program. At Xorris (Impel school house, a 1-2 mlleii northeast of the city pa iron, pupil and friends gathered t hear a debate and mimical and liter ry program per esccllcnee. "itcjolvcd. That machinery h;ih been a disadvantage to the lnbotlnrt ms of people." was the mibjeit for the argument and sides were taken aa follow: Affirmative- Tom Hills, fha Me ("lain and Oscar Stephen. Negative tiwen waning. o. p. waiiniK an I t'haa. ISItel. Instrumental music was furnlHli-.l hy Tom Drenan. Tom Hllldgc. Ok hi- Hlmpson. Owen Walling and (). P Walling, alter which there were w-v eral recitations by little ten year olds A dialogue between Harry McClni... ll. nrv McMillan and Jess Knloe also enjoyed. Hn mm. L-..1.I a. nli ,1... u..l.l. . t "' . " ,,, .... .....,. . . 'for debate will be Hesolved. Tlmi wo"1 l"',n done for money than fr hne." tMdcs will Im- taken us tut folws; Affirmative - Oscar Wbliehui ' Dick Highnight and Mr. Howard. Sen alive -Asbnry Bagwell, Clay M.Clale and Tom Ellis. To the Voters of Ardmore. 11 Is the common practlco of thus who seek votes of the electorate 1 1 make a." soils of sntl-electlon pledite i It haa occurred that those who ko ' . ' ' ' allotted time and here be buried. kept a dcsirablb place of residence, a good community in which to rear families, we aro to mlsB the best In life. And more than, that. It Is bocom Ing the Btylo for cities to be deceit Decency is coming to bo an economic a j .. . I i nance, Rn(, u rumore neuus u. .i cleaning up ot lawlessness and Iminor- allty. C. M. JOINER. Notice of Sale. iNotlco Is hereby given that we the undersigned will otter for salo, Saturday, May 1st, 1909, at our highest bidder for cash or noto with good security, duo six months from date of sale, the following doscrlbod property, towlt: Ono two-seated hack, manufactured by tho MoIIno Plow Co., of Mollne, 111., nnd owned by Kd Ilumdy, to satisfy the sum of $19,715, for -work dono and matorial furnished on said hack. HOY & MAYS. 21-10t Rerwyn, Okla. Up Befor the Bar. N. II. llrown, nu attorney, of Pitts field. Vt writes: "Wo Dave used Dr. Kline's Yen- I. If,. Pills for vimru nnil nn,i tnPm BUCll K00(l faiiiy meU. cine we wouldn't be without thorn." For Chills, Constlpntlon, Rlllnusnesg 25c. Ardmoro Pharmacy. :: :: :: :: t: :: :: :: :: .t .1 j Ask for candy mado In Ard more. Insist that your dealer sell It. CHOWN nOTTMNO & MFG. CO. tt tt tt tt :: :: t: :: tt t: it n tt :: it it 11 Unit.... States Depository Okla. State Depository City Depository ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK ARDMOKI OKI MIOMA Capital, Surplus and A dilitional Liabilities $250,000 If this Ix a safe place for tie- 1 1 v . xiiile mill na'iiiii in ilepimlt (heir funds It Is a safe pbiee for the fanner aiel Ihi'.ii'.i-hh man to keep til funds TRY IT. LEE CRUCE. President G.W.STUART.Cashier Bread - Mailing To Be Successful Naturally demands a hijh grade llmir. 'I hat's exactly what the now celebrated pro duct of the Big Hand mills is a high grade, satisfaction giving, lint! bread making Hour. Good reason: good wheat and good milling Ask any baker's opinion ol Big Hand Hour. TyUer Simpson Co. Wholesale Distributers. C. P. HALL The Home Ou filter on Caddo Slreet Water filters I lammocks Crotjiift sets X'udur porch shade? Jardiniers Flower pots We exchange all kinds of goods for any old thing. Phone 300. C. i HALL CADDO MHI.I.i :: :: :: :: :: :: i: :: :: tt :: MONEY TO LOAN. St Oodles of cheap money to J? loan on farm proporty in any " sums, long or short time, any- S iwhero In Southern Oklahomn. WE pLOSE IX5ANS RIGHT NOW. tt If intorosted, call on or write It BOOKER & ANDERTON, tl An3nore, Okla. !: Pennington Sims lildg. t: :: :: tt :: :: it it it tt :: :: :: You need an Ardmorelte map to assist you in deter mining the location of your oil, asphalt, gas and oil sand deposits. Send $1.C0 for the Weekly Ardmorelte one year or the Dally Ardmorelte two months, and we give you a copy of the very latest may of the new state. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: t: :: :: tt :: : DROWN & QRIDGMAN. -I- Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers. Largest line of Funeral Goods lu Oklahoma, $25.00 California VIA Rock stand IJatcs corn'.spotidirgly low from nil points n Olduhcinti to California, and the North Pacific Coast Titki-ts on S.i,' Duiv March 1 to April 30 Ask fur h copy uf ' ir 'o' i , " At'l'UHM I ill' I'oliMhtli' ih u Tourist Slet'j Hit,' GEO. H. LEE, (;. p a. T j ITT LB HOVK, ARK. J. S. McNALLY, I). P A. OKLAHOMA CITY. Now Complete The Pnlnco llaruor Shop hiiK been rtMiuiiU iid tihd 5s now the iiiost ((111111010 bor whop in thf ( ity, tho Ik st barbtMs nnd the nU'ost bnth rooms in Ardmoro If it is tho host son ico you want, you will f,io us y jur businosa. Palace Barber Shop (Jcoro Crini'r, Prop. See Us for Abstracts Roberts Bonner Abstract Co., Bonded Abstractors. H. P. Stonum, Mgr. Over Tho I'lrst National liank Phono-in MONEY FOR YOU On city or farm property. We ive ynu .ill ou bor row and meet toinpeti tion. ADAMS BROS. llooms 7 ami l Potterf lliilUlInj; Phone "JO Oklahoma Postmasters. "Washington. April 21 Tin scua has confirmed tiie nppolufmcnt .1... ..11 ..i.ini....n ,...,.... ers: CliaB. O. Vrihcr at Antler. Howard C. Wallar - a Sp'ro Cha II. llumsay at Paul Clluc ul run vouij, u. i. 111 niit- t- ru. view; A. M. illuxlo, n, Mcund. Johu Coyle st Mounds liur, J S3co at Wnukomls. It is Interesting to no'o that noi or the OKianoma ponrmas' rj wno appointments were lu Id up luvo y been couflrmMl. Tli-v arc I-hI Itutl er. Prank Wrisht at L.ivfor 0, Huinrlck at 'l'uttli, and r'rat.k Walker at Stillwau 1 Read This. Yates Center, Kan., Sept. IS, 190S. Han's Texas Wonder cured mo kidney and bladWr trouble. It Is t best medicine on earrh Mrs, II. Johnson, bold hy all 'JruKK.sts, ALBATROSS Thate tho name of the best Do -tola In Ardmore.