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Image provided by: Oklahoma Historical Society
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Ardmore, Tuesday, May 11, 1903 PAGE TWO "HE DAILY ARDMOREITE. A Story, a Moral, and the Facts for Business Men and their Bookkeepers l Icre's how a hoy once "forced a balance." He had some jurist in the bottom end of a sack; and to balance it across his shoulder, carried a stone at the other end. He could have divided his grist, and made half in one end of the sack balance half in the other end. Hut he said: "This way was good enough for Dad an' Gran'dad. So it's good enough for me." And their are a few business men who in somethings are just about as logical. In sornu offices the clerks and bookkeepers are .still doing the adding -work "by-hand;" wich pencil and paper. We're told, they've "always done"' it that way. "That's what they're there for. And what's the use of putting in a machine to do what bookkeepers and clerks are paid for doing?" Maybe a business house can get along without an adding machine: withoutn Burroughs. Busi ness men could get along without the Chicago-New York i.S hour limiteds There are 30-hour trains. But, forgetting all prejudice, all foregone conclusions, and looking the facts fairly and squarely n the face, we find: That, while bookkeepers and clerks can get their work out, without the help of a Burroughs, they do it by much overtime, overwork, overworry. Because they make many mistakes in their additions, however good at figures. It takes "overtime" to find these mistakes. Thus, postings, balances, reports, statements, are always "behind." Moreover, because of this night-work, the men come to work each morning with heads fagged and befogged by yesterday's figures. For instance: While, on the other hand, open-minded investigation discloses: That a Burroughs Adding Machine is four to five times as fast as "hand" work partly because a Burroughs is absolutely accurate, and there's no need to go over the work a second time whereas, "by hand" the addition is always "run up" the second time, in verification, and frequently four or five times more, looking for errors. That an $S.oo a week clerk can do the longest and most difficult addition correctly and quickly on a Burroughs while even a $50.00 bookkeeper or auditor makes mistakes adding "by hand." That many kinds of work, besides listing and adding, can be done by ordinary clerks on a Bur roughs, while without a Burroughs the same work could be done by hand only by an expert. And the hand operation would be slower, and less accurate. And, investigation would find, no other adding machine will do ? as many kinds of work as a Burroughs, nor any kind as well, nor as quickly and easily. And, furthermore, that a Burroughs is a paying investment, even in an office or store so small that tncrc's use for it only a half hour a day. The full facts can be had by writing us today. A Better Day's Work" Free The new Burroughs book, "A Better Day's Work," will be sent free. It's full of short-cut work-and-worry-saving systems for quicker and simpli fied bookkeeping. Over 25,000 copies of the book have been distributed since October i.j. The book contains 176 pp. printed, in part, in three colors containing: nearlv a hundred short cuts in accounting also an inter esting account of the rise and development of bookkeeping and adding machines. Please dictate a letter, before you forget it, and say you want the book Sign your name and your firm name, give your position, the line of busi ness, and complete street and city address. If you dont luant to give us this information send 6. cents in postage stamps. Use the coupon, anyhow. USERS IN OKLAHOMA OFFICE, APRIL 22, 1909. ARDMORB. i i more National Bank. Udmore State Hank. Udmore Wholesale Grocery Co. Tin Ardmorelte Pub. Company. National Uauk. ll.wna fc Corbn & Kronaley, 1 1 kaaaw Telephone Co, Clerk. ' - National Bank. .unity ComuilaalQBPra. National Bank. i 1 1 t State lifliik. i nan Nelma & t ompany. ' s. Mullen. "'. iiilngtoii rl'" y Co. v tr i u & Spraaltia. " v . i , ..i i ; 'nrfry Co. In liner k. lUnba. CHICK ASHA. Oklahoma Stud- Hunk. Williamson, HulBcll, Frailer Co. "Woolen & I'olta. EL RENO. Klk City Cotton Oil Co. , llerrintt & Younic. ELK CITY. Honcbroke Hardware Imp. Co. Canadian Mill fc Kiev. Co. Cltlxens National Hank. Kl Reno Oaa & Hlectrle Co. Kl Reno Mill .t Ulev. Co. Fryberger Dept. Store. ENID. Kuld Planing Mill Co. Kennedy MereuuMIe Co. GUTHRIE. ltroRii Dry tiuods Co. TIip Grand I.ead''i Guthrie laundry Co. Jitiiirnuce CommUaloiieri. Monarch Dry Goodi L-n. HOBART. I Ureteh Hrothcra. Western Oklahoma Cllna. I LAWTON. City National Hank. 1 Uiwton In- Co. j MARIETTA, t Comity CominlKlanners. i John 1'. Iomlon Co. j OKLAHOMA CITY. ' Acme MIUIiiK Co. ! Alexandria Dni Co. ' American National Hank. Anderaon Clayton it Co. Atkinson Warn-n fc Henley. II. 1'. Avery & Sons. Hank of Commerce. Bkirteldes Seed Co. ' Harth K- Meyer. ' M. .1. Haum & Company, j Sidney I.. Hnx-k &. Co. j (lulu & Hinkley. i Capitol tlraln ft Kulov. Co, Carroll-Hrough fc Robinson. : City Knalneuriiig Dopt. City State Hank, i City Water Dept. It. .1. Clark Conl Co. Columbia Ha.ul &, Trust Co. Consolidated Saw Mills Co. Continental Creamery Co. County Clerk. County Treasurer. Court of Honor. John IClKinan fc Son. Kxcclsior Stovo fc Mfg. Co. Fanners State nank. First Savings Hank, j Frcderlckson KroU .Music Co. , J. W. G raves Lumber Co. I Harrls-lrby Cotton Co. , 'lllrsch Kaufman. I 11. H. Houghton. I K, M. Jones, Saddlery. Kennedy Dry Goods Co. f Kingman Moore Implement Co. James 0. I.eepor Lumber Co. i Lion Storo .Mercantile Co. J. H. Lucas. MoCord Collins Mercantile Co. J. 11. McKnight. Manly Office Supply Co. Mell fc Cole. A. M. DeHolt, Cotton. Mlnnetouko Lumber Co. i Mitsui fc Co. j Mollno Plow Co. j Night fc Day Bank. Oklahoma Hook Co. Oklahoma City Hallway Co. Oklahoma City National Hank. Oklahoma City Hacking & Prow Oklahoma City Times. Oklahoma City Furniture Co. Oklahoma City Gas fc Klec. Co. Oklahoma I'aper Company, Oklahoma Refining Company. Oklahoma Sash & Door Co, Oklahoma Stato Hank. Oklahoma Publishing Co. O. K. Transfer fc Storage Co, Kd. Overholser. j I'attorson & Hoffman. I Peoples Ice Co. Plersol Shoo Company. 1 Pioneer Fire Ins. Co. J Pioneer Tele. fc Telegraph Co. I Planters fc Mechanics Hank, i Pope Shoo Company. I HIchards & Conovor. Co. , Rldenour & Hakor Morcantllo Co. Schwelnklo fc Monrony. ; Security National ank. Stato National Hank. Stefren-riretch Ico fc leo Cream Co. U. S. I'ostmastor. 1 U. S. Weather Huroau. Wators-Plerco Oil Co. Western National Hank. , Wostorn Heclprogol Undorwrltorii. Workman fc Co. V. T. MILLKK, Sales Miiiuifjcr, 107 West .Si-toml .St., OUInliomn i'My . OLInliiiinii. Burroughs Adding Machine Company Factory and Main Offices, Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A. G5 High Holborn. London, W. C. Knjland. i V Ardmen He Ukia i '1 K A A Copy Free for This Ihirroughs Adding Mmtntf Co., Petroit, Jui., I'. S. A. Please send me a complimentary copy of your book, "A Better Day's Work." which I promise to icad, and to let you know if I can apply , any of the suggestions in my business. . . My Name is , Zf My rosition , , --2S i i, i, 1 I'm T in i My Business , , , , , , , My Street and City My State