Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FZH f HE DA LY ARDMOREITE. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE By the ARDVOBEITE PUBLISHING CO. i :,''f-:Y -! '' 'r ,,,'r't Kr'r-d r. tr.. ( -o!.'- ' Ariir.or r. : ' ' i't-r Official Paper for Carter County AND THE CITY Of ASOHOSt I! . ih in th- r'it..or .. it i legal. terms or tmtcwirnow. Th Daily Ardmartitt. (Jr.- Trtr s0" i'.. Month Jf; :.e Wr joii Ardmaratta. " Ut v- t X-r Mil fl.WV SO a: - v Mr Iti re Phonaa. Office 63 .,!!.-.. (39 .) nr ' rroncou reflection on th; . r irat r, standing or reputation m , v rson. tirm or orport!on w.-i h in.iv app ar In th columna of ii.. Ardiiiorcit- aIII ! icladly correct- .( tijH.n It t.-tn brought lo the at- i'ioii of ih" i .aiiuK'-HH'nt. Ardmore. Tuesday. May II. I909 FOR YOUR HEALTH'S SAKE Public Health Legislation. Man) of the states In 'li nn Ion are awakening to the Importance of providing prop r care for the tuberculosis poor. Tbla include careful consideration of the early s'age and therefore curable aae, aa well aa those In tti advanrW and Incurable claaa lihe object of legislation of 'Ma kind la protection and to prevent the spread of this all pervading foe to human Hf. There la, too, the broad hu manitarian aid of the quea Hon. which demands that those stricken with cona timp ion and who are too poor to provide for 'hemaelves the needed are and treatment lx irlven a chance fo.- their lives, and at the stage when their caae may be cnred. Tiut over and above alt other considerations I the all-important demand that tu Im r ulols l- stamped out OIL INDUSTRY AT ARDMORE. Few persona not engaged In the I business realise what the buai- hh of oil production mcana fur 'Mlaboma. That It haa become the ; -stent of all the state's Industrie an Hnntd tact and that the ''-ill ', ii oil la found have ii1 Ir .lino of revenue avail ' I'- ! .. n .nmimlly draw dlvl- '''nil r iii,-a tniwt valunble 'ore n-t uw awakening ' ! f ' i.' ' i ' opcr aenite of ' ' '"" hi' 'f oil Ittdu'i . )! veat 180. fifty-six 'Ik i- .it cri.'' oil waa pro- 'i'ie(f 'iklihomn, ! more than v. r r .- ! Hie I'.rld'a hlntory ' I ' imi elntc aouKht if-r ! i . .1 Moa- ..f the ureal ' ulrc ' ' .if the ah and west i" i 'ii; cru 1 oil for fuel " il '- '.'iinplll -heir mntle " ) .. i irr, j add) 1 "ti '"n r.'nai i -mand the ""i" ' ' " world - .Smitilllnjr "If" " 'I .i- fii"l. i' ! i -a are ' ' I lK 1 l " 'm.-ii .ill ... I ' . M"l a i , ...ii-t i i-"'v II ' , ..', .Mil p , ' .... '"H ' i 1-1 hliuu ' ' i i-.. .. I - !i ih.l'i-trh , i i, . t I". ii i i l i. el 'n ..f BT'I ," -t , i .). . .1 Mm 1 ' i-i.l tin . ' t ;i ii.i ut i ;ik t IH It I I'.l.'ld i ,"irec i . Wh. I. i t.. a . r.i 1 f., Hi.- S fl' IllH . nun ii nil 1 im' Tin- , . i i v ;,an ' I ' i. Im-1 ;!! audi l'"rta or m i wells has filt nd proven i th original in it' II, Ol 1 tt 111 ' l -"o doing Is draw Inn1 toM u.....Uk irum Its production.; In Section 21. Townahlp S South. it.iiKe 2 West, only II miles west ' Ardmore. three strings of tools ire at work at thla tlm.i for the inta Ke and bcaioe the producing " I wells, four good gassers sup plying millions of feet of natural have been brought In and are " furnishing light and power for "' lty. In the near future the owing towna within a radius of .'m miles Including thoae of north Texas, will undoubtedly be drawing "i the Wheeler-Ardraoro supply for ut ural gas for domestic and insnu f4'turinK purposes as well as for 1 1 ide oil. It la of Interest to tho p'opl" of a - r . v, 1'ifiNi -i -r.' td and heavy opra- i- ;n the i l 'r-!i r l - ori.i:. Ur ' ! Aii-l-r f!- . -h.- . .. !'i y haa i . I .i if o,! lar; : .5 o bfin " i':oti oti h- al. If i the int HI .AIR at KRKINI I'ran.M an fttm - to i !jl!d a jiijw Iln' ( "im ') arid ' i i-' ih'i-ii. -f !"! - ' - a'il till ;t : , ' i -, r , 1 1 .,r. r,-. . i . . . v ; vrf. f ac n by th- S" i IVi.flc ha!lrad coai-janj- rno-' n.-nne f i burn era It. rn '. Viion-1 r nur sio nfeit, th- ;--iiden! . f . Itr MR Oil, 4k Tit. KIM.V; f"fMf'SY in well known t. many of th- ',.,l..-ii of thia aet!r,n, hatinie for nn nra held th poal tiou rf t"nite. S'at Indian ajren? ftir the fite rltlllzed frihea. Colonel Sh'nfet N a mif -e-fti btmlnem man. and ulnce h?a retirement from offl ,al Mfe aeyeral yeara ago, to naat" 'ii prvlate bunim , haa a' 'irniila'wl a lare fortune and i known In oil rlrrle throtiahout the nation ax one of the moat aucreaa f il operators In the MldonMnent field Me la now concent rat Inn hia tierirfen to the perfection of plana for 'he development of hie Wheeler propertlea and hla advent Into thla field meana the development or hia acreage, a large increase In oil pro duction and Rood dividend for hla company. In the entire at ate no pub lic official haa ever been held In higher eateem than f'olonel Stiffen felt, and aa a private cltlaen he haa imreaaed hla large circle of friend and become one of '.he great eat fac tor in the development of the tate'a greateat and moat valuable aaaet rdtnore and thla entire vicinity will be greatly benefited by the ad vent of the BfAIR OH. RKFIN INc; f'OMPAXY Into thla aectlon. and we congratulate thla rlty on urtiiK at tbla time uch an Im fx.riani addition to Ita Indiiatrial etit.-rirla oao KERR MEMORIAL VOLUME. On the demlae of the late Jamea Kerr, democratic national commit teeman, the family of the deceaied iommlloned the tlurrelle lra Clipping Bureau In New York to compile a memorial volume aa an historical reference. Hhe volume wa 'o contain all the newspaper printed concerning the life and ca reer of the deceaied. The memorial haa been completed and haa Juat been delivered to the family Kvery newspaper In America that printed Item concerning the deceaaed la rcpn-Ketited. a promi nent poHltion being git en to the Ardmorelte. The memorial Is ten bv t.-lve till III N III s.e III.. -H, H are ltl.h linen pap-r with black border and the lilndine Ih of black aeal. let t-red In (jolil The work In II., entire ty Ik leoKeii ii, ,iim .. , ;l rei-onl th it -V mM 1.. ir.-m-r-. il for all iw-a MASS MEETING On Tliuisday etenina ut the couri lioune there will be a mass meottng of itueiis. IiiihIiii-hs men and mem bers of the Commercial Club, the Anliiinie Trade exteiidlon club and other societies and organl.atlons to discuss the proioMltion to hold a county fair in Ardmore In the fall and to make plans for a big fourth of July celebration In re. Several well known citizen will be present with addresses and oth er will haw valuable suggestions to offer to the end that both these even: i. made big days in Ard more. K-co in mind thl.t meeting for i i iay night and make no other ..gagemeiita. It's Ardmore k meeting and every cltlsen should be there. It Is a plan to do things for this city, to make it a plate of import ance and Interest for the country round about and every Ardmore booster must show his colors. Netiee of Sale af Real Estate. In the matter of the guardianship of Ida James, Caroline James, WhI- lace James anil Salltt J nines, minor. G. W. Dukes, minrdlau. Notice la hereby given In jmrau anco o an order of the County Court of the County of Leflore. State of Ok lahoma, made on the soth day of, April, 1909, the undersigned guardian of the i" tat of Id James. Caroline James. Wallace James and Snllle James, minors, will sell at public sale to the highest bidder subject to con firmation by said court on Saturday the 22nd day of Mav between the hours of 9 00 in the morning ami the setting of the sun the same day, at Ardmore, n front of the Court House door, all the right, title and interest of -. . I Ma. c.ito:r.' Walla-e and Sallie Jun." in tor-- ,n ui.d to 'he following- i ' . '. ' . c ( r" ' I '.a .'i a Mtplens. Sta: of OkiaAoma. town. !. - ' MOB ; - . ''ir. K inge i j tin-: '. t. ;,- :.a.r s k ma-(i.-urr. ct (' on '1 Towi.nh'.;" Sll North. Range Jour West, and Lai 1 , i - orth n - r . ! .- : rth K f : N Y. foj th '' - -. 'tr 1 S K o.. fo'j-'n of S ' c fo ,rh of N K or., anl W Mi- half of SE one-fourth of NK one fourth of ftecuon i'. ail In Township i - . 1. 1 . i .- u eat, and v . . -A h . ftwrth of - r. , ''.i- i-. y. rcairth of v: i.-i' fo.-';! of s f; or., fourth of S' M.-i ; ror.r, s, So-n'i, Range '!, aiil S V. oiie-f.jurtb of S E on.-fourtb i.d K one half of W on -fourih of X E one-fourth and X E one fourth of X W one-fourth of 8 E one fourtn and X K one-fourth of 8 one " fourth of Hettlon 12. Township Two North. Range Heveo West, and X W one-fourth of X W one-fourth of tl W one-fourta of Hectlon I, and X E one fourth of X K one-fourth of SW one fourth of Section . all in Township Two South, Range Six Weal. Said real estate to be Bold on the following terms and conditions, to-wit. Caah. bated thia 2Sn4 day of March. 1909 0. W. DUKJBS. Ouardlan. I Welch Cruthls. Attorneys for fetl- tioner, Talibina. Oklahoma. iWk 21-J-IMI. NetUe sf Sale of Real Estate. Notice la hereby Kiven that In pur suance of an order of the County Court of Choctaw County, anil State of Oklahoma, made ami entered on the 15th day of April, 1909. In the matter of the estates of Mike Hamp ton and Wllaon Inox, minora, the undersigned aa tae guardian of the person and eatatea of aald minor, will aell at public auction, to the highest bidder for caah. subject to confirmation by aaltl Court on the 22nd day of May, 1909. in front of the court honae door at Ardmore, In the State of Oklahoma, all the right, title and Interest of the said Mike Hampton and Wllaon Muox. minors. In and to the following real estate, to-wit: The NWK of the NEV4 of the SYTVt. and the of the XWVi of the XAVVi of Section 15, and the N'H of the XKV of Section 16, Townabip 3 South and Hangs 2 East, anil the Sft of the NKVi and the NH of the XKVi of the SKK of Sec tlon 16. Township SSouth. Itnnge 2 tCaat. containing In all 210 acres. Said lands will be sold on the fol lowing terma: Caah upon delivery of deed; and aald aale will be made during the legal hours of aale on the aald 22nd day of May, 1909. ISAAC D. HAMPTON, wk 21-28-5-12-19 Guardian. Notice of Publication. State of Oklahoma. Carter County. In the District Court. A. Hardy. Plaintiff, vs. V. C. Hardy. Defendant. Xo. 411. Said defendant. V, C. Hardy, will take notice that she baa been sued I In the above named court for divorce. and must answer the petition filed tnereln by aald plaintiff on or before the llth day of June, A. D.. 1908. or aald petition will be taken aa true and a judgment for aald plaintiff in aald action for divorce will be ren dered accordingly. Dated this 29th day of April. 1009. W. P. Bowman. Attorney for PJtff. Attest : C. T. VBRNOX. District Clerk. wk 6-1219-26 Notice af Sale cf Real estate by I Guardian. State of Oklahoma. Pittsburg Conn ; 1 ty. In the County Court. In the matter of the guardianship of Llxsle fames, a minor. Xotlce Is hereby given that In pur suance of an order of the County Court of Plttaburg County. State of Oklahoma, made on the 30th day of April. 1900. the underalgaod' guardian Hill soil at public auc tion at the front door of the court house of Ardmore, Carter County. Oklahoma between the legal hours on the 29th day of May. 1909, all the right, title, claim and Interest of Ul Carnes In and to the fol lowing described land, said Interest being an undivided one-half Interest aubject to the widow' dower: l ot 2, li'ss 2. IS acrea tor A. k C. Hy.. southeast 10 acrea of It 3, north half of wuthwest quarter of northeast quarter; northeast quarter of southeast quarter of northwest quarter; aouthwest quarter of southwest quarter of southeast quar ter. Sec. 6, Twp. 5 X.. Itange 2 Weat; south half of southeast quarter of southwest quarter, Sec. i; north half of northwest quarter and east half of southwest quarter of northwest quar ter. Sec. 9. Twp. 2 N., Range 2 West. Said sale will e nade subject to "rf,:n..i,.on Uy a.d Court Terms of f . i-'J. ir.'t deci. thia the 3rd day of May IfOt. J0X HARRIS. Wk5-12 1M Guardian .'fil: af Setlleme.U of Account. State of Oklahoma, Carter County. In County Court. In the matter of the estate o' Amy O. Rawlings. deceased. Xotlce is hereby given that J. A, Blvins. the duly appointed and qia' I Med administrator of the estate n( Amy O. Rawllnca. deceased, has ren dered and presented for settle men, and filed in Mid court bis final ac count and report of his sdm'clr ra tion aa such administrator ml pray ing for distribution of the balance in bis hand; and that M r,.l v. the 2lth day of May. A. D. 1909, at 10 o'ekxk. a. m.. of aald day. at th County Court room. In the City of Ardmore. In said County, haa been duly appointed by the said Court, for the settlement of aald account, at which time and place any person In tested in said estate may appear and abow cause, if any they have, why aald account should not ap proved and distribution mad ; prayed for. tn testimony whereof. I have t"---unto aet nay hand and affixed the aeal of said conn, this 30th day of April. A. D.. 1909. I K, M S)N. (Ann County Jndge. Potterf ft Walker. Attorneys for Administrator. 2-9-16-23 Natlee of Sale af Real Estate. State of Oklahoma, Choctaw Coun ty, sa. In the County Court. In the matter of the guardianship of l.ymon Willis, a minor. Notice la hereby given that in pur auance of an order of the County Court of Choctaw County. State of Ok lahoma, made on the ISth day of April. 1909. the undersigned guardian will aell at public auction at the . front door of the Court House in the City of Ardmore. Carter County, Ok lahoma, between legal hours, on the 17th day of May. 15M)9, all the right. , title, interest an eatale of the said l.ymon Willis, In and to the following described tract of land, towit: The Southweat Quarter of Section Twenty-two (22). Townahlp two ci South. Itange Two 12) Vat. .:'u.i.r In Carter c ,j .ty. Oklahoma. Said aale will be subject to contir matlon by s.dd Court. The terms ( aald aale will he caah upon delivery of the guardian's deed. Dated tbla 19th day of April. 1909. i KOBKRT SANUHRS, i Guardian. I Stewart. McDonald A Armstrong. , Hugo, Okla., Attorneys for Guardian. 22-29-6-13. Notice sf Settlement ef Account. State of Oklahoma. Carter County. In County Court. In the matter 'of the estate of A. J. Wolvertou. deceased. Xotlce ia hereby given thnt W. S. Wolverton, the duly appointed and qualified executor of the estate of A. J. Wolverton, deceased, has ren dered and presented for settlement, and filed In aald Court, his account and report of hla executorship as such executor and praying for distri bution of the balance In hla bands; and that the 2Sth day of May. A. D 1900. at oclock In the noon of aald day, at the County Court ri.iin, In the City of Ardmore, In said County, has been duly a p. pointed by the said Court, for tho settlement of said account, at W.tlch time and place any person Interested in said estate may appear and show cause, if any they liav, why said account could not be approved ar.l distribution made aa prayed foe In teatlmony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, this 5th day of May, A. D., 1909. (Senl) I. n. MASON. 6-12-19-23 County Judge. Notice of Sale. By virtue of an order of sale to me directed and delivered, iaaued out ot the district court of Carter county, Oklahoma, in an action of said court wherein W. M. Self. Is plaintiff and W. T. Caples and others are defend anta. I will on the 22nd of May. 1909, between the houra of 9 a. in. and 1 p. m.. at the front door of the court house, in tho county nforosaid, offer at public salo and sell to tho highest and best bidder for cash In hand, the foiiowlnr, descrluod prop erty, to-wit: Lot 2. tn block 29S, lying nnd sit uated, City of Ardmoro, Carter coun ty, Oklahoma. J. H. AKEItS. Sheriff of Cartor county, Okla. Ily F. K. WnST, Doputy. 20-27-1-11 One of tho nrt to Die an amilavlt to the purity of Ingredients cen tal net In a remedy were the dlipeni. rrs ot the famous laxativo tonic, Ur, Cililweli svrup 1'epiln I'rlce SO cent or II a bottle of uny druftlfl. BACK TAXES ARE SMALL ARDMORE MAKES RECORD IN AMOUNT OF DELINQUENT TAXES TO BE COLLECTED. When the board cf -in, , i took charge of the ri;j- .,.r. books tbla morning :h-v . Maned by reejueat a u-t f delinquent taxpayers r .: tare years. The commtotoners ei. find -:it this delinijuet.- l . Of 'Oi.s.d-ruMe size and : they would d five a I.. mon y for rjt-. retenu" . - , their ,r prise when . . snowed that only $M- .: in tax, and thi. . -. -. . yeara 190S-6-7. It Is doubted If an.-.- -the state i an show mi' -When i is t.ikn intj ...r.-. -v that fo; the to'ai a collated .ut ISS.000. a Ml ? r two yeara ir-vloua almost a 1; amount. It is r rmarkable and show efficient management and good . . lecting abilities, when there is : . mall ..'im of es. than t' nOu oil 'I front d' llnq ntn BOY'S REASON DETHRONED BY PRANK OF PLAYMATE WHO IN SPIRIT OF FUN PLACED A DEAD SNAKE AROUND NECK. Tacoma. Wash. May 10 Raving In his cnlldlfth treble, the T-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Xeeley, around whoae neck In a apirlt of fun a companion a week aao wound a dead snake, lost his reason. The child tvaa playing near hla home when one of them found a dead nake Picking it up he quietly approached the fceeley child from behind and wrapped it around hla neck, shout ing out as he did so that the snake had jumped upon him. The sight of the anake with a yell of the Joker and the fact that the child for a moment could not Jerk the snake away from his throat, de throned the hov't, re.inn DUKE CREATES SENSATION DUKE OF ABRUZZI, WHO IS IN INDIA, ATTEMPTS HIS OWN LIFE ROME HEARS OF I T. Rome. May 11. Sensational sto ries, apparently founded on good au thority, have reached the govern ment from India, with reference to the Duke of Abniisl. One report declares the duke in one of hia flta of depression to which he has been s ibject of late, attempted to shoot himself and only the w.ttehfuln.-.H of aii a't-ndant piiM-n'ed his ;i'f. nip- b.-ii'K .mk. hill i.i:ne oit WRIGHTS IN AMERICA AGAIN AEROPLANISTS REACHED NEW YORK TODAY FROM EUROPE KI.AIIOKATE WELCOME HOME. New York. N. Y.. May 11 Wilbur and Orvllle. Wright, the aeroplaniats, arrived here today from Kurope. where they have been giving exhi bitions with their machine. A number of distinguished aero nauts welcomed the Wrists aa they lauded and an elaborate en tertainment haa been arranged In their honor. You need an Ardmorelte map to assist you In deter mining the location of your oil, asphalt, gas and oil sand deposits. Send $1.00 for the Weekly Ardmorelte one year or the Dally Ardmorelte two months, and we give you a copy of the very latest may of the new state. :: FINDS LOST AUSTRIAN DUKE CHICAGO JOURNAL DEVOTcS EN TIRE PAGE TO STATEMENT STATING IT HAS FOUND ORTH. Chicago. III. May 11. Tho Journal today devotes an entire page to the unequivocal statement that It has discovered "TIih long lost John Orth, otherwise Arch Duke Jnahun Salvador of Austria, who disappear ed nineteen yeara ago, according to tho Journal. Orth was discovered at Palnes vllle, Ohio, working as a machinist, nnd his advancing age and desire to be burled In Austria prompted lilni o make his Identity known. A factor for pure anfe-dafinq and national D? PRICES 9 CREAM BAKING POWDER No Alum No Be on your nunrd. ders may ijc known uy their price 10 or 25c. a lb., or otic cent on ounce. TOMORROW'S CALENDAR. idle S'j.h las v. .ih Mrs. G. .v. Kamsey. Ferndale H. view dub with Mrs. Douglas. . i Went to Tishomingo. Mrs. Washington, principal ot th? Washington school, accompanied by .Mrs. l'cterman, president of the Moth ers' club ot that ward, took Mns. Washington's grade to Tishomingo o.. Saturday to see Devil's Dep. From Tishomingo the vlxitors drove , to the Den in conveyances and were deiiRhted with the scenery, whlih compare favorably with that of Colo rado. Soon an automobile route wil be established bet w ee nTlshomlnso and Devil'K Den and the trip made ,' with leas expense. The young people were moat en thusiastic over the outing, and vot-"t ; Mra. Peterman and Mrs. Washington thanks for such a delightful treat At RoS and Gun Club. At the Hod and Gun club lake last evening one of the most delightful hoi pltalltles tendered Miss Dalsey Hum phrey of Hugo, the guest of Mrs, T. Russell was a six o'clock dinner at the club house with Mr. Olln Wol v erton as host. After an hour of boating and danc ing a (iellghttul dinner was served. 'overs wero placed for Misses Al dington, Humphrey, Hannah, Turman. .Messrs. Klwood Wolverton. Kyle. Tur Iran. Mr. and Mrs. Moran Scott aa I Mrs. L. T. Kussoll. r At the Chickasaw Lake. At the Chickasaw lake Mrs. Lone Frame entertained her friends with a delightful dance and bullet luncheon on last evening, in compliment to Miss Margaret Walton, of Hugo, a t'tict of Mrs. Frame and Miss Sua Frame. The young people drove to the lake in a big wagon filled with hay and no' the least part of the merriment was the trip to aud from the lake. lite club house at the Chickasaw lake g admirably suited for enter taining the diulng room anc nvrng room being connected by large foldin" diMirs and affording ample- space for dancing. The i olor.'d orchestrn furnished th music and tho dnnce was characteriz ed by the informality mat goes fa towards making lake parties the plcasnntost ot hospitalities, and barn dances, squaro dances and yirginla Keels came iii tor their siiarr oi tne program. Tho immense vorandas af forded ample space for iiromonudes and "confidential" shnts and every one who attended enjoyed themselves hugely. After dancing until tho chap erono thought tho wee sma hours wero drawing uoar, a dainty luncheon was served. -HERE AND THERE. The Elks will dance on Friday cv enlng in compliment to Miss Mar TO KEEP Use Nadine Face Powder BEAVTIFVL (In green boxes only.) Soft and velvety. Remains on the face until washed off. PurifiH by a newly discovered process. Docs not clog the pores. Prevents the return of Mscolorations. The one Ideal face ponder white, flesh, pink, brunette. Price 50c. at toilet counters or by mai' Your money refunded if not pleased. NATIONAL TOILET COMPANY, Paris, Tenn. food all state food laws Phosphates Alum Pow MARY GYWN WHITEMAN EDITOR garet Walton of Hugo. icgt oi Mrs. Lon Frame and M:a Su. Frame. The revival services at the Rroad way Methodist church conMmn throughout this week. Oklahoma Klks will hold th-lr third annual convention May 26 and 27 at Shawnee. There are eighteen . lodges in thia state with 27n0 eii ' rolled in membership. D.-. D. M. Harley. the father of Mrs. Arthur Walcott of this city, fs president . There will be burlesque street pa . rades with prizes for grotesque cos tumes. Oklahoma City urges Taft to visit ' them on his contemplated isit to southwest Texas. Mrs. G. L. Lane, national presi dent of the D. A. It., Is being .11 tertalned at Guthrie. The school teachers will all have to be examined again 'Ms is Joy ful nws, coming as it does rich' at the end of school when thev are worn out anyway. th. teachers is a lucrative form ot amusement to the board of exam iners. The sovlety editor of, the Arl'r.? ton ewg haa offered herself for the foreign mission field of the Methodist Kplscopal church, south. She selected newspaper work as the very best possible training for this work. Which may or may not suggest that the heathen and th" newspaper readers have something In common. Tomorrow evening at I.orena park tho young people of our city will enjoy a picnic with Miss Daisy Humphrey of Hugo as lionoree. Fnder tho management of Mrs S. S. Carr the eighth grades of the first and third wards will enntes' for prizes to lie awarded by th--scientific temperance department of the W. C. U t Mrs. Catr has handed the teachers of thpse grades a list of eleven subjects on tem perance questions, from which the pupils will select a subject for an wsay to use In competition. New Meat Market. I hnndle only the best meats from the Cold Storago market nnd would appreciate a sharo of your trade. HUGH McADOO. 12-3 Successor to Jesso James. Hugh McAdoo, formerly of DavN. has moved to Ardmore and bought the Jesso James meat market on west Main street. The Woodmen will meet Friday night to elect a consul commander to succeed W. F. Warren, resigned. Havo you found somo thing? A wnnt nd will find tho owner for v.