Mother s Frietoi
Mother s frir-nc -
vjt'e! tir- . i ;
frily I . i-.-: -(,f
th, rt-!tic !.. i"., '.'
tit .' - ' ;
.p .h-rn im1 w-f-'?i
.ar i it gave away In
! l 'ie'
.. 1 . -.e Jtil . ' '
.- '.'ir - 'ot
'in ' :'! U ' ''.( itid
! ir . I -a San
h ) i pa !ior:h
'i ' -- li .. ' jnces
..Uiiil . ' .li in
kl . nn-fi . ! i- ..te
vu ' ' . .: I . - i - M ."ifr,
' -op jr .1-" i fol-
m.w .. ! n i' it thf
un i ei . i :. hi Ok
: i ' ' and
. W i- 1 i ! md will
... ,i . -'.-.I tM i
T ' .' ' ! ,u ;im in
.'' ! "iai. .. 1
k ! iii the acreage dur
.g ' r-c ream The number
In m. iu 1..
I ' ondirlon of growing
wheat at the present tlm la given
i v Secretary Charles Barrett of the
-at board of agriculture, at 74
; r cent, there havlnit been a falling
IT of .1 to 4 per rent since March.
msd by high Hindi On April 1
i- condition wan estimated at 77
Account. Annual Meet
ing. Imperial Council.
Ancient Arabic Order
Nobles of The Mystic
On sale June 5th. oth
and 7th.
Final return limit June
17th. 1009.
For further informa
tion call on
II. I). McCollom,
TicHet Aii'ent
01 v ntf
C. 0. JacKson. D. P. A.,
OKlahoma City, Ohla.
On .vile M t . 7 tli . iSth
and 10th.
Final tetum limit t.
31st, ioog.
l-'or furth'-r information
call on
Ir D Ml IF1
rmin covets a shape
s;jre. and many of them
. -. the iom or their ftrl-
- after iru'rutje
i I;
K.n.lir. r--r
'I .- f 1
1 ,'Mifvu' 1 r-:,' rt. fkla!i
ma. or hat a known a thf
trk;r-' hi-y o ! w
j ( !i' ! .1' '-..! 'ha l"'
. sr T.'i. l.r.-l. dti- Ii
a f," dr .-at;i-r fll a plan'
in it tinif IT ik Im( atd that thf
' rop of thi yir l ho' uji 'o tl
tandard of Ut ' n At Irant thS:
- np'nfop f.f th- mmlnnt far-
Cm- jMirtion of thf Ktaf.-.
.1-. 1 on man (onditioim
1 ,. OH .Iionia h-at a r'-aisf li
of h- whfat ' rfag of th-
! It ; iM.llfVfd by thf
1 t..i'iJ,..t of aarlf'Mltur.' that
harv-t thia ypar will b- 7'!
p-r n-nt of thf f-rop of I90S. Th
a rnf ylfld last y-ar wan 12 7 buih
riarflfld roiinty haa thf treat--t
what acrfaKf thla year. 112.000
a n-. and Oraut county la afrond
with 102,900 aeifa NVt In ordf r ar
Wooda county. S 4.000 acr-; Tfxa:i
county with 2,on acrfa; Major
county wtb R2.000 acra ; Noble
county with 34.000 aorea: Kay county
- with 47.000 acre, and Kingfisher ,
county with 43.000 arrea. Almost f v
fry county In the etate haa aotnc
wheat acreaffp.
Secretary Harrett of the atate
lmitrd of agriculture w preparing
an udrtr.-iH for the annual meeting
of ihf Oklahoma drain Iwlera' aa
MKiation at Oklahoma City. May 18
mid 2. on "How Shall We Inrreaae
heat A reag in Oklahoma?"
The situation, according to grain
men and mlll.-ra of the atate. haa
rca hed a critical point. They have
to xcni! outside of the state for
their milling wheat ami this ha
pro en a great burden to them, espe
cially when the price goc up aa
it tlM In the lust few weeKs. It
la for this reason that the grain
dealers have requested Mr. Barrett
to make auggeatlona In rexard to
lm reusing the wbeHt acreage of the
The fact that Oklahoma furnUhes
only per cent of the whnut in the
I'nlted States compared with 11
ler cent fur Kansas, la a condition
that the millers especially desire
to Improve. It haa become an that
the Oklahoma wheat ta almoa' a
negligible imiitity -o far as the
market la rom erned. A renorf of the
atate board of agriculture shows
that farmers of Oklahoma hare on
lumd n:..Mi Imahels or last year's
wheat crop Much of this wa sold
recently, howexer when the price
nf wheat o rapidly advanced. Per
Iwpa not mi r one third trf that
amount i now h.-ld in the farmers'
Iii all parm or Oklahoma the acre-.ik-
of torn ih vreatly Increase!, and
itli r.tliin (otulni: JiiMt hh tlifi hae
''iu r.i'. the .late lll Hae the lilg
!...( Kirn yl Id of ith history
okluiioma f.iriiietk gr.'K a Urge
:n top lat bur alt Indica
' ,. an- pointing tn iin Iihth for
"I Tii!, will mi an .1 i.-dtirtion in
- i.n 1 nt 'on crop and It I
i'iiI .il o iliat In Koine nort'iina
I state the rondlilott of the
.1 i'i.p Is nt 1tlltf.l(fory attif
1 . -1 1 :i nt tin iia'M land U tn-lnx
,il.inti i in coin The main corn licit
.late .1 Me- rkanita. t alley.
I'u In all pn'ts of the .-.tale there
ii: be an iMit-aae I" cum acre
1.' e.ordliiK to a statement by the
Imm'iI of l ultiire IS 9 per cent of
ii' - i '- Mini ciop. itiiUalent to
: "'"i :: 1 t.u-in is, i still in th--
1 I .' the f.ltlliers of the stale
I 11 . : louniuM 'if the ftate. call.-'
ilh 'hum' .f the former wheat
tlllClUIlIlU (t produce tmir
juhI hn Mtirely aw rain and NiiiiNhlno
raihen cropH It produces a thick
growth of luxuriant hair when all
other reinetllet fall. U'o Kiiarnnteit
Ounderme. All ilruKuistH Hfll It -2ftc,
Mie anil II. per bottle I'o provo Its
wijttli setul tins nil with l'f In titampN
fir Ktlver and wc will mail von n Inrt'e
free aamplc KNOWI.10N UAN
1)1 ISINK t'O , 1 UK hko, 111
Beat at resge Th po.-
' 'fa h4
d 'n o.
.- 1 .itens.t
' . - .; ..- -! farm.-
0 .. ..-j l ok for
..' ok'.li ..!, -tcil-
, .. -, .-r-d in'i al-
v . Ml- true in the
a n'aff bat alao
, ' iV.l.f
! -n'an '
If !T
' '
tf, .
" i. !
' Id
rid aoutnw-st-be
farms In the
, of le
Ura - .. Ox
- "- . !-v'
Th '-i Mia
-- . rMngfc ' -t.f
1 ' Oklaho r 1 -.
ft main f V 'hi'
if- .?, of t. - r ;. .-s,
. . it 1 xx' hr .ti. 'orn
.s. i.' t't i r.iif
i- Th ;ii 'orn ' ' "f ';
i-. ;.. . . x'-.-me n'l-'hw-;ir
in ; i ; . u Tl.-r cout t) ah'.'h
nncil -r ago was "louth" 'o
1 .k! r only gratlr.K purposes
la' ally .ery farmer In 1te.-r
,.-'! Wood sard counties sill have
- .tie broom frn platv-d and i
f.tii inaaiite the farmers are
piaiiMiig their entire asr! ulttiral
acreage to this crop This If esp-
ia!li T'i' ir, ("imarrin and Texas
iniriM- par of old Beaver county,
sh.-r- much sod land Is being plant
ed to this crop.
S- re'ar Barrett of the itate
board of agriculture says there will
be no boll weevil quarantine against
other states this jesr.
Hows This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that
can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. 3. CHBXEY CO.. Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last If. year
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obli
gations made by his firm.
Walding. Klnnan Marvin.
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. 0.
Halt's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally .acting directly upon the blood
ami mucous surfaces ot the system.
Testimonials tent free. Price 75 cents
per bottle. Sold by alt druggist.
Take Halt's Family IMUs tor con
stipation, ilfiw
Hcaldton. Okla. May K Dr. W.
Hardy of Ardmorv was called here
Sunday last to see Harry Orme. Dr.
Pat Is of Sneed and Dr. Darling
of Hewitt were also here.
Hen HeaJd and Mrs. M. H. Ingram
were called to Ardmore Monday
by the death of Charles II., son of
Dr Hardy.
Mr. Pascal I from Atoka a here
the 1th.
Mr. WtirUma of Fox and Mr. Har
mon of Graham were on our Greets
this week.
This section was visited with ti
and storm of cyclonic propensities
on the fitn. Angry looking clowU
to the east caused all to think
Artlmore was catching the brunt of
the storm.
Harry, the I year old son of J
W Orme. died last night anil win
be buried here rhia ft. in. He has
been quite III for some ten day.
The supposition Is that he Injured
hituvftf In lining a beaty weight.
Hp was a generf favwlte with hia
mates and hU death has cast a
sadnesa over all The fteartfelt sym
pathies of the many friends of Mr.
and Mrs. .1 W. Orme sr mlth them
In the aore dltttres and loss. Oone
just as youth wan ..tearing manhood
while life w. liefsre him and
leaves a at hlng void with the fam
ily that words cannot fill Our tears
fall a ith yours, and eur heart all
grieve with you
Held This.
Vatefl Center, K"an.. Spt. 13, 1905.
Aflur my doctors gave me up to die
Han's Texas WotHler cured me of
kelnoy and bladtl-r treub. It la the
bet medicine on earsb. Mrs. H. S
Johneun. Sold by nil drnurftit-i. I).W
Iiui. Okla. Mav 10 -W Hail
nice rain hure SatMrdav night which
was benetUml to tk g wring crops.
The at hoatl chiMren suv preparing
to give an exhibition at the close ot
the m hotd at this plan-.
t thin II Cue of Kollan visited
In-, father and mother tiuoday
J. C. Keitucr la reported ter sick
Mrs KiuniH BrueKgeiueyer ho his
been t.-ry unit for the mst few wets
is ieHrted tnixh bwter.
In S A FrleiUam made a bu. I-net,-,
flip in aiirlka 1 hie week
Mr. Mo. -II Willsuii of Marietta ,
ISIIIIIK 111 1-eOII this Week
The germs tlwtt cause skin lueajo
must be ilruwn to the surface ot thuskin
ami dcstroycil,
.KMO, n cli nn liquid for external use,
will do this uml Villi pt-nnuiieutly cute
cviry fi rm of Itiiiit.g skin tli-.a..
1 or Mile every win n iiteforsam
pic, I.. W. Hoso .Mti!. iM Co., St. Loui.
For sale by W li, Frame.
f th-
r J. : " fr-'tr
1- . ...t uf ,x .- ii sr.xl t
A law .a . :-'!
r'4Uir that 7w aoi. fet of air p-r
minute be sapttied to each worker in
a nri.e
Thr" Kinro-"- .'.aad. mtDe-j
w.-f.- .- ti need II1' r 5" das iui
prioi.u.T:t for nta'cbet ..
;h-ir possesssob tn a toUief?'.
Winnipeg. Canada. Electric dtre -t
Kj.mi) offers .ie of a 1 eit
a:, hour to ewpto.- mho hse Un-n
j". y-ar ,u their -m.i.
By a new bill to r-dute the ig--n.g
day for women in Illinois to eight
tKiur. 1 ..",i0 empoye in the Eiin
Wi. . roi-pary mav uae their po-t-
tloni f.l. U bj SU-l.
e. '.-.I-.. Mcrt.-o:. sill lisve la
bel . print, il .11 pamphlet form.
s"iirK a .-' prod i' ; hi of the various
unlo:, iat. i iikI,.: -..-J by the Federi
tion A I-tKir.
Wilmington. Iii, brewery worker 4
union has petitioned th employers tively cheap, the Austrian engineer
for a nine-hour day the yssr nrounl. Ing business could never hate deve.
At present the m-n are working ten oped to the extent It has done; but
hours a day in summer and nine .n the frequent rises In the price of la
winter bor which bavs occurred durinc re
At a meeting of the DublliHfeTiTri. relU BMre verely taxed the In
Irade. council it was stated that Sulty of employers to find means
there were M.000 people nt the pres- of reducing the cost of production 'n
eat moment slther actually starving the ft" of th ver-nsing cost ot
or on the verg of starvation In the '.
Three thousand children are emi
grated to Canada each year by philan
thropic socletle in tne I'nlted King
dom. No fewer than 6O.00O children Kr1 unions. The discussion of poll-i-have
been transle rred 10 Canada since c" questions at union meetings is pr
At Reading. Pa . William H. louden,
manufacturing confectioner aud well
known philanthropist, celebrated bis
Vth birthday and 30th anniversary
of entrance into business by distribut
ing among his employes.
One of the remarkable features of
the trades union movement In Eng
land In the strong temperance senti
ment existing among tue lenders.
fully two-thirds of the men in I'nrllt'
rnent are total abstainers, and prob-
ably none could be said to be recfckwn
Reports of the cmployea' -e'.'ef '
fund of the Pennsylvania Ita'lrfiad
ayatem. east and 'eat of PlttslHirz,
issued lately, show that the total pay
ments since the organisation of ;h-"
relief department amount to 525. :n;
Kmployer and employe,! In the
cotton trade, at
x meeting held in
Manchester. England, agreed to the
appointment of an Independent chap
man to preside at meeting for ill
cuslng the automatic regulation of
Kvery trade unionist In Ameri' a
knows the riKllculty erf enlisting th.
workers In this country in a political
cHinpaign. They seem to be opposed
to anything thnt appears like a wort
Ingmau's jxilltlcal movement, prob
ably because in the past such move
ments have often been complete fill
urea, ami because few believe In riuu
distinction. Hut the orgatrhtcd worn-
fngmen abroad are In politics with en
thuslnsm and with most excellent re
suits. K (Torts will be made for the re af
HMirtte of the longshoremen's organ!
xarfMi of the Paclllc Const witn the
Ititpraatmtial l.ongsheremen's
clatfun. nnd also to bring about co-op-erarrve
action between the longshore
tueir and the Seamen's InternatloiioJ
I nion
Mlawi Kte Cordon of New Orleans.
as president of the juvenile conn
circle, fa leaolng a movement to es
tablish (t ta(e industrial school pr -
t iding manual training for buys and
girik Pile propose a tax ot 7.' cetr
on every Jl.'HXi to pay the expanses.
Vhe referendum vote taken In th -plumbeni'
union on the proposition to
pay funeral benefit to a. member, en
tin. dexh .if his wife. as defeat el,
not receiting the required two-thlrti.-)
ve. The tola! vote saows j,r,i3 .'a.
ml SJTif iigalnst. beta y slssrt .t
the nimiber required to cnTry.
Th secretary of the South Wat'-n
foal Owners Asaoclatton ha giv-r.
notice of a 5 per cent reduction lu
wagt. but the question will hate to
corns befsre the coisrllintion lioard.
The unemployed colliers 111 South
Waies are so numerous tost
pounds teas tuted to rellete their dis
tress by the Federation.
The New York District Council,
which was formed about six weeks
ago. In making rapid strides toward
the accompllshmeM of Its mission.
which Is the tboreugh organisation ot
the New York water ftont workmen.
There are twelve Iwal uulnns attach
ed to the council, and each one Is ."1
tively engaged In Its particular field.
Ronton . I.. ('.. has approved recom
mendattons for the formation of a
union label section of the current
body for the purpote of advancing
the Intercut of all 1 Ion lalwls. edu
1! Mi.- jmiIiIIi as to the ad"."
III .oil )'.. I tllKltlb lit. 'I 'III' lipjMI'
"f 'II : ' 1. 1 liiWetns Uliioh i,t:d- at).
T:.- .ar.ers' .tike at I-.-. - rp - 1
Kr.iUr.d. resuRed in con. esai':. . ?
a l.umber of emnksyers. with th
suit thai a proportionate tiumt-: f
mn returned to work, loiter the o n-
er tmpioyf, conceded the dinner-
hour and overtime rates, also an vl
vance ol It per week to 2s the min
imum The men songfct for ir
A mutual Industrial and comm. rt ul
fund has been established .n th
north of France with a tie to citr
antee its members against t -pecuniary
(onsetuences of an uu' t
tifi.d strike The only riks t:iat ar
guaranteed are those resulting fro 1
conflicts suttered by th.- i:.ur 1
Th- recently pasd A kerm.n
ployer's UnMUty bill became a law in
New Jersey by the signature of t;--ernor
Fort. Th workingmen of J. .
sey put up a bard ngai tu gt tt. .
bill through and signed, espet.alb .1
it present form, wnith 1 decla-ei t.
be much more favorable m th-ir tn:
esta than the law it anind.
Were it not that labor 1 lompan
There is beginning to be noticed i.
feeling of restlessness in trade union
circles in some pon.ona of the country
over the non-political attitude of th.
hlbited by the laws of tne orgaiu.. 1
tions. ami now some of tli- k-u.l. . -are
advocating the elimination of :
clauses bearing on thiH i : m..'.
Recognising the need of im.
form legislation by tti- ..i
ments. not only for law to. -n- , -tection
of live, rixhtu ami iv-i-of
the workers, but of tie p. ..pi
erally. and taking cognizan. - of t i
projected National onf. r- 1.. 'o
which the governors of tne . n..t
ltP organuattona will h-nd 1' ! . .
th executive routi. 1, has ,j. , .1
have the American F-dera'mn of I..
bor represented l.y thre. d-i. u.,-. -
A Card.
Thin is to certify that all druggi? 3
are authorized to refund your mom y if
Foley's Honey and Tar fails to nire
your cough or cold. It stops the
couch, heals the lungs and prevents
fi.i.ii.niriln uml ertnviin.i.l.n dir t nit a
no ,,,a.s. Tm. eonninr is in a ycf-
low package Sold by all drugiist
- . .
:: c.
:: n :: :: ::
C. Potterf. K. A. Walker
Attorneys and Counselors at l-a
Ardmore, Okla.
Attorney at Law,
Jiistlce of the Peace,, Notary Public.
Hooiss It and 1C, Noble Dldg.
Phones Uesl. 330 blue. Office 18.
Justice of the Peace.
Rooms In Pennington & Sims Dldg.
C031' J. Kappler Chas. II. Merlllat
t,ompuer inuiaii iicuvc luun
Laws and Treaties." Practitioner.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Practice before all Courts; Congrese,
Government Departments and Conv
romionH. iuuian cases a specialty.
Office, llond Illd'g . Washington. D. C.
Jwx'ph K. Champion
Thos. W. Champlos
Will do a general criminal and civil
Attorney at Law
Office Wheeler Uldg. Phone 2tS
SlIL L'in.l w I .... . L'.. m. ...,xmK
u, ,laI1V "
, ,
Ph wlr I r .mH iirnCnn
e,((lenfe ml Qmco 40c NoVlh WnBY
lwgton Street. Phone Office 3i 1
rlnn; Residence. 319. 2 rings.
Office Over Ufmer's Drug Storo.
Qii.vii.1' Vvi. Pur VrtBr. nnil Thrnnt
Byw t'Misi wUa Glasses,
phonw Office 1IC, Residence 41.
Drs. von Keller, Hardy & Henry
Modern equipment for the scientific
treatment of all surgical cases.
Trained nurses In attendance.
Ardmore, Okla,
W. A. Tockett E. M. Tackett
Otflce In Sims Pt't'on Rulldlnx
Ardmore. Okla.
Wood McDonald and Lothah
Tb'? wo faxojs 1. rsos give tb-
people oi th'.s section the best op
portunity they have ever had to
improve the.r stock and raise 500
bones Instead of flOO horses. These
two stallions will make the season
0! May and June at the Blue Front
't raining Stables on Broadway.
Wutd McDonald Is a beauMfjt sea
brown. 16 bands high, weight 1.175
pounds, left hind foot white, gooJ
feet and eye, clean flat bone, heavy
mane and tall. He Is a cV:an, bold
actor, with plenty .of speed., drives
nicely and looks fine in hariieji.
His gaits art walk, fox trot, slow
pace, trot, racn and canter.
Wir.ti.-r of first a: Sedal.a. Mis
Evervthinq Good to Eat
W. P. Poland
Poland & Foster
General Insurance
Office Over First National Bank.
Telephone No. 4S.3
sm US
ftt f 1 . .-Vi
L'i frVN - -jff" I51
114 V. Main St. Ardmore, Oklo.
souri, State Fair, 1'."Z; second at II
linois State Fair. Springfi'-'ld, 1905:
first and sweepstaki at Oklahoma
State Fair. Oklahoma City, 1907; sec
ond at Texas State Fair, Dallas.
1S07: first and two seconds at Fort
Worth Stock Show 190S: one first,
one second and one third at Texas
State Fair, Dallas, 1S0S.
I.otbulr Is a Percheron, and wil'
make the season, at the place. u
thalr Is a very dark 1 ay 1C 1-2 hands
high, six years old, weight 1S5M
IKMinds. Terms reasonable.
Come to training stable nnd Inspect
these horses or write J. M. Hurtnl't.
Ardn.ore or i. 1.. Heatti. Wapunu ku
W. H. Foster
where you don't want it Is worse than
none at all. If your witter plpon
burst or get out of order send for us
at once.
We hasten to your home nnd do
the necessary plumbing In the short
est posslblotitno. Fix tt so there will
be 110 repetition of the trouble too.
The Weeks, Sprekelmeyer
Plumbing & Sheet Metal Co.
2(5 S. Washington St. Phone 7H
A Good Provider
ooks as much, If not more, to the
quality of tho groceries Intended
lor the household. A few groceries
you can ent are much better than
n whole lot you enn't. Our gro
ceries tempt both tho eye and the
palate. You want to taste them
when you see them. You want to
keep on tastltiK, onco you com