Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Tuesday, May 1 PACE THE OA iY ARDMORE TE Th- Bc-t Pi- in inos is embodied in the Hush and Certs. Super!) in construction Su perb in its rich, full tone Superb in action, our Ru dolf Piano is an instrument that will delight both the eye and ear. Drop in and let us convince v o u with the instru ment itself. E. B. LUKE I Mali IK'l.'i Ardiniirr, )U. SPEAKER CANNON AT 78 AS CHIPPER AS A BOY AT 90 IN RIPER YEARS WOULD GO TO SENATE. Washington. May 11. If th. Oak .eory had every ben anything oth-"--f toke, H would have re- .I' i !-- -i blow the other day i. ii' 'i. Mi. a HpeftktT Jrpe.i (j ai of the house of represents- i was 73 year old. or a he pre 'r u put It "young." 8o IRtle loe his year- weigh ii km him thHl the speaker actually t iil uot remember that it was his birthday, until some one laughingly ' altal his attention to It. lie cams luwn to his oQUe Kith a new and rakish light fedom hat corked on me side of hU besd sltb a Jaunj itr i 1 ul(lon long. ila Im . i', .unci.' of ir ii i!i"- v in in hU mo ' i i ; ' n ' I ' fly or x i " !-al i i!iv 'i-fi-r.. ' th i I m i. , nut if i r . .io ui fit another i . hum .i kou liax i . 'i! ate Hlrthduv ' i 'mil for In- Mtoiitlv ltrA'!iK yoiiiut"" il i - : sH-aki f dm m' . in-ritisiMii yon'h to i thing, but here are . ! (M'ladii uimii largely. i' AUdllTU nf exjH'rt in Thev are khi i. 1 i if it 111 tiMNil! i II K ttt all h'.Hol i 11 bth ! !v somewhat of a M r Cannon Is be in ' iiplaliiiK a pollt u,h f i t " yt-ar.i bv .- xi-na' from Hi m ui Him u Iiih mi i ! ! h biliK teadie S i ilxiriim- prin i-n , nl tho-e of hi i now ti'talning would make ' I. V i 111 I 'l. .1 I I " I ; f' '!v at home !.. i . u 'Mi hi-w-rsl other 'h ;i;i.-i.-I Mi. t-i-nty in ark so loos jsi i- to iuivi- forgot- ii it. Crowding the su.-. t cars may not ' right, but n lot ot people have i stand for It. ITCHING SKIN DISEASES Are readily cured hy ZHMO. k clean liiill for external ii' ZKMO draws tne cnnsniul their toxini to tlw Hurface titid destroys tin HI. Ii-.iwiig u clean I i aitl y-lvir ZHMOKiv. -it. t a t r. li. f a' '1 p riiio rif 1 1 i y iuii n ' .n A , ii (T dp liM a--1 r I . r , I . r. S'r I I J il - l"l Ti'di ,f- I Ivr nalit by W 1J, Frame. STATE BOARD NEEDS MONEY SEC - SSC, -S IF LEO SL vifE -'.5 " :S E E 3E3 A CONFERENCE THIS WEEK ?e tit.KO ProviMfl by Ltgislatuf c th aVe-ard fas Tr Years is Uf t'iy Inaeeeuile fsr tt We Boars n4 ttt Co-tfit Duties. .r.r.- nil ''!)!) if a iW 'f,' li" : i -Tner . rioe of State fit ie w-ek t d ' u 'tft ;j-'al sesxion of - .iaure ifc-v.ld t,.- al.d !o pro-.i '.f.-ln for th- otat" board ttt publ: if!i t and if i''. plftfi Should pirn-t n.i 'tie loard for payi.t -je-f)ef of tr.- d iartm-iit iltil "i- t it se-astoi! of th leciilaturc T'.a ' h- U pro;ded by 'i---' .r,d b-ilatiir. for the board r ' i- n t tso ar ti utterly load -, th now b-uimng to te realise''., in i u deeaa!-d tb. purchasioit P-r of erery state board, oWr-r u.d 4-pnrtraent It must superintend i.- i-jylng of all luppliei. of flour fc n- u,nane aaybiin at Kort Supplv. i-r !l for the state uiitterslty. 'On ' ifarb for th penitentiary. took iie d-af ' b"rl and so oti en-1 i---lv It muit siip-rlnt' nd the -re--, 1 the iiommi p.'nttentlsry at M' M-t.-r the lioo.nno insane av i i i . .it Vinita. tin- boya' Industrial - t 1.1 tt Paula Valley Wynne wood. ' rU industrial school at Chicks- - i Mi- preparatory -chool at Clare- 'nr... 1 100,000 Jolts: the stat.? i f'lru.dtory at Oranlte; the normal at 1' if. 1 1 i he normal at. Ada :the 113 J. mhi tati- hool of mines at Wllou 'nil and other important public buildings amounting to a total of over two million dollars in construc tion work alone. The board Is bur dened with the work of purchasing all material to be used in these Jobs: and all furniture for the completed In stitution. And for the expenses of all th'.-. work the legislature appropriated f I8.S0A. The legislature allowed the board one stenographer, to be paid out of the ns.Son. "The hoard Instead." said a atate ottlrer today, "will require probably half a dosen stenographers and a doxen clerks. It must have a super vising architect to see that the state gets Justice' in her new buildings; must have engineers and men to look after materials and to be on th' ground at each job: It must have de partments to purchase clothing, food and supplies for tbe two big insane saylums. the deaf and blind schools and orphan home; to buy the varl ! supplies of the 1200 convicts; the In numerable supplies of the state uni tcrtilty. six normal schools; A. at M , college; a doxen other Institutions: It iniiHt linn-base the supplies for the legislature, for the governor, the sec-u-tarv t.f state, the auditor, the at tor ii. .v Ki-ucrsl, all otficern. It buys all th.- Htate printing, stationary, envelon- l' iluln s are itiiir.- manifold tha.l .inMliltiK ee.jit the pur. hatting end if .t I. n.' d.-ia!'t 'inNit atiirc wbli-u Irimlli k i M'ri t n in i; from KDoiil lhre-i in -i.,tiu tugines. and which ernplovs a liuiidr.-d p. rMiih ill ui tin IliK par (in n' .limn FIGHTING TOBACCO TRUST THE BIGGEST TRUST BUSTING CASE THE GOVERNMENT IS NOW ENGAGED IN. W.l-llllHJl.ill M,i I I Tin liiKlie' till-' llllU'llll! i axe Willi !l tile !in.'-l ui. i niiu I rt j mi its hand.. . (hit if the tobat ii iniht It l iii-lii' .-il Mm i a ili'i imiuii from the aiipn ni -loutt I'm be a.!tured in thU ca- 'n tin I i!t' ! pai' of tin- yell! li'1 i is.. I be got ! I. iii. I ' Ii.ih .i l 1 1 ! .' i i I hi 'ii. I'll, Tl- hut ' o (ui 1 i'iniii Into the liaiiilk of ,i ' 'i' li receiver who will administer affair, to make sure i hat ilteie Is not a monopoly, ami thst the pissent couiblrmtlon is dissdved. This company In a huge holding (im "in i ith of sttM-ks of .r ii,iiii-ii.-.i- immijer of other tobaci i' ii 't li'n.lii-d concerns A great k- "..slice attaches to this case, for should the government succeed In dissolving this company. It would appear that tin mail fur .1 - II ' ' k.fll! Jl'.Ph. I II' , to ,i l 'i - -.I i .' ' . .-ii.i!.ii.H-'i (; . . ",.M ( '1 ' ', ,- 1 broad proposition 'v. .f a volition 't'. . ',' r-irt Jaw 7 i -.def secured !n r. I Oil r Ma folio" th-1 -. vnta-ti In 4MB' respoi -- - ," ! - . tob '..- 4'- :. :-' a J com?); i- ) r- rr, Ven sbi ' af . . !r.J-1 Oil ' 't i um' , n i .1 ar!!i i'r -. :'anla-d OS. T 'r :. - atfady i i'.- :. "d . ti;Tnt- 'O'irt. wh'! S- !?- v fE.v .1.' Wn subs.: -J to v ' i.'. f-.r. a Lou: If -h- s i 'n.Tj'-r.t should Io both - ' a : b 'OK.;.:'-"' -i.'7 .at Sft ar.'.i . .." ."r. -.J -ar'ot b ..r',r "1 .V;, . or. ' ,-- h.iid. ,i ' !. r:rr.f.' a - j)ft vi-ory f-i both of them it n'vr t- a fr. a 1 tol'l- , - 4-. - . ' h-it ii i - , i' - IN BEHALF OF CONFEDERATES MOVEMENT STARTS TO SECURE GOVERNMENT ACTION USING COTTON TAX. Meridian Miss . May 10 Walthal Camp, fnlted Tonfederat Veterans, today adopt -i resolutions requesting senator and representatives from southern states to make an effort to have tl5.00.oo or more of the "lvll War cotton tax declared uncon stitutional by the supreme court, are proprlsted for the benefit of former ('onfed'-rnte soldiers. Th matter will also be brought before the coming encampment of veterans at Mem phis and a general agitation Inaug urated. REAGAN. Reagan. Okla.. May 10 We ha. had a nice rain and crop ami gardens are looking fine. Farm-rare up with their work. Mr. Baker, our merchant, liax brought on quite a nice stock of dry goods. Also, Mr. Bason is doing a .line business. Mrs. Dr. Kills has been quite sick but we are glad to say she U up again. ' Prank Coatello of Kansas City is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Costello. Mls Btbel Tucker Is spending this week l.i Ardmore. visiting her brother, who Is attending the Sei vidge business college. Mrs. Inilae Adams of St. lunula. Mo . was at our town today on bus iness. Mr. Alford of Madlll was here looking after business atfalra. A. K WUItford of Kay and Mrs Cobb of Mill Creek were pleasant callers here yesterday. Klsbing seems to be the fad now. Isrge strings of the finny tribe are being (Slight dslly. Mr. Hlnghsm had a fine calf to dl- last night of hydrophobia. WV hope the disease sill not spread. Our sc hool ckntea the 1 1th of tblH month. We have hsd a good at tendance 0r4er of the State Beard of Pardons. Wbercn. an application has be.-n filed praying that a pardon be granted to T. K. Mndssy (alias vv.'ier (Ireeni, ho was on the 16th day of November. 190$, in the Ditrlet Court of Carter County, S'ltf of Oklahoma, convicted of tbe crime of forgery, and sentenced to tmpii tor ment In the penitentiary f.vr 'lie term of eighteen months. Therefore, be It ordered, that th M iond Monday in .lune. 1809, be -sc apart for the consideration of salil application for pardon, and all per nous haiing an interest therein and who defcliv to be heard either for or against the granting of said par don, nie hereby notified to be pres ent at two 1 2 o'clock p. m., ou said late at the off 1 o ot the State Board of Pardonf. it In further ordered, that a copy of tine order be published and print ed In the Ardmoreite, a v.eekly news paper printed and published at Ard iii ere. in the county of Carter, once eai h viiik for two (2) consecutive weeks, beginning on tbe 5th day of May. 1909. Dated at fiuthrle, this 1st day of May, A. D. 'lOOi. E. D. CAMERON. State Supt. Public Instruction and Kx-oKlcIo chairman of the Board of Pardons. W. 11. ANTHONY. Secretary to Governor and Kx-offlclo Sec lloarl of I'artlotis. wk512 ALBATROSS Tim s Mif. name of tu. .. st tlo ir dd in nlinort- II i c tt i tvt-r lnvcs'trd In a l i war al? Th'y are businrcs c't , FATHER HELD FOR MURDER VtlLLlAW ST.CK CH'CASAW IN DIAS. ARRESTED AFTER AS ALL SIGHT C"ASE KILLED NEAR STONEWALL Mr. Pranv 5cri6"er Victim of Her Fthr't Antfer hot Throtfh the V.iA M th SJt St Dinner da Okl.. My TO That Mr Krank Scribner. a ' hk-kasaw Indian woman who was a-ainatea' at her home two miles nor h of Stonewall Sunday night, was tbe ic-tlm Of her own father's anger in the belief o the authorities who early tods) . arrested William Stick, a full-blood "hit kassw. charged with the murder The arrest was made 12 miles north of Red Springs after a posse had spent moat of tar night on the man's trail. He was placed in the county Jail at Ada. Mrs. Scribnar was recently a wit ness in a sensational suit here In volving her father and her testi mony Is believed to have been the cause of the killing. While she and her husband were sitting at tbe din ner table last night, between and 10 o'clock, the assassin fired through the window, a shot run his weapon. The woman was Instantly killed Thirteen shot were taken from her body. AND NOW THEY'RE ANGRY LITTLE EPISODE IN GAS CAUSES TWO BUSINESS MEN MUCH AGITATION. Ardmore haa tso very much k.t- , lurbed business men this mornlns. one Mr. Al iwtzow. owner and man seer of tbe liuttow MatUess factory . and the other Mr. KicheMerfer, ot , the Oas company. Mr. Butzow is very much dlsplea ej 1 over the fact that he has had to p . ! a higher price for fuel gas lor min i lacturing purposes thsn he had anti cipated when he removed here :n start a factory and Mr. Keicheldorf jr over tbe fact that his company hi been charged with exacting a mucn higher prlt e than is actually the caj ;. Mr. llutow states that he under stood that gas for tnanufucturln pu--poses would be furnished at 10 cents, but however, made no demur to pay ing 30 cent althougn he was told, lie says, that hoarding houses and hotel were charged but 23 cents. Mr. liutzow sultl on being prei-ent- ' ed with a blh for April, calling for 11.000 feet, he having used his xas engine only tire dsys In the month, having been engaged in installing an other and larger engine, and using, as he figured, only about half or two thirds this amount, he still mailt- no protest, but when he was asked to pay to cents, the same as private re-.. denreg and other minor users, lie says he balked and balked hard, as per haps Mr. Keleheltlrrfer, local manager for tbe company can testify. This should have been enough, but, no The gas company and Mr. Kelt i eltlerfer were to be subjected to sfl" another Indignity A lot-al paper put nn the straw this morning and dei lar d b:i' the ;as nunpanv we.e ihaisiiiK ' i .-nth. or a i i-hh o.' lb. ir p'i) I and .id'. i it. d prf. DAN RUSSELL IS BACK THE MATINEE CIRL CO.. PLACED TO RECORD HOUSE AT AIRDOME LAST NIGHT. "What tin h . beg pardon, we started to ak you what you thought of the Matinee Girl show at the Air dome last night and almost forgot w were listening to Dau Kusssll and waiting to track our eomploxlou over the next fool thing he put over. An -way the show was tine. Russell and the hunch ot pretty girls were a big part of the show, but they woro not the whole show, by any means, for thsre Is John Rllloy, HusboII'h side partner. ' Knot Ease" tho bell bov, Karl Stnipson;, Clo Tumphere, after h husband, and Jack Wicks the "Si mon Pure" and good at moat anything he undertakes. , "The Silent Partner" was anything but silent and ho and his "troupe' Kip an .I'ldleiiin that ' pat ked th tloup to 'n- doors in a continuous li jv'i '"') h'T'ra anil a half Mis-: ' Lh l olk tu and Muggio Ray bi i vi :-. of bute -i :a. .i'.iav A number of ca'ct) jr.'l 'nf 44ed to tL- f jol a- iid a nutnln r o'. aud- .1 1:, the Utter th r- a tn'.h -if or norel. but th-r- -.uro lack of aartBinc aaiat1 jr'.ah. aai .rr turn ru onh th motif, .r. ?a the crowd lilted the va,id .'.i. tber did tie aho Tor.iglit "By tie Sad A Vi.n or. of Matthews and Bvlt-r f v.l :,n. fa.critea. and tomcrro tr.g:.: ir- bill of the -k ' ritr.. -iiH :r. which Mr. Ruaa-.i :! t -n at nil bt utd la h.. li j-; r.. soncs and speclaltl-a - n lh Matinee c,in - - the Lion, v ,,: .... . j ha- 1 1 h )'- i. - : 1 r li"'. at h- HON. C. D. CARTER BACK RUNS HOME FOR A FEW DAYS AFTER TRIP TO THE PANAMA CANAL. Congressman Chas. D Csrt.-r r-'un. ed last nieht from Washington 'u looH after tone private busn.xs ma ter. Mr. Carter is lookm and feelum fine and aaa just returned from a visit to the Panama with the ;ould -1 Ooncresslonsl committee, that was s -lected to look over the big ditch an i matters connected therewith. Mr. Car ter left the I. s Steamship Panama at Havana and came home from t.i south over the Krisco. Mr. Carter will remain at horn several daya visiting w:th h:n fannh after which he wm pay a visit to 'h children at school, returning to h. dutlea In Washington the last of next week. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. In the matter of the estate of .Tim Lewis and Dorano Lewis, mi nors. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance to an order of th County Court of Pittsburg County, State of Oklahoma, made 'on the 27th day of February, 1909, the undersigned guardian of the estates of Jim Iw. is and Dorano Lewis will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder subject to the confirmation of the said court on the 17th day of May. 1909, at ten o'clock, a. m., at the front door of the court house In the ton of Pauls Valley, Garvin County. Oklahoma, all the right, title and in terest of the said Jim Lewis and Dorano Lewis In and to the following described land, situated In Garvin County and Carter County, Oklaho ma, to-wit: The southwest tpiarterof the north east quarter: and the west half of the southeast quarter of the north east quarter, and the northwest quar ter of the northeast quarter of the southeast quartor. and the south half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, and the north half of the south half of the southeast quarter of Section Eighteen (IS). Township Two (2) North, Itango Two (2) West. In Garvin County. Oklahoma; and the west half of the southwest quarter of (he southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of tho southwest quarter of the south east quarter, and the northeast quar ter of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, In Section Fourteen (11), Township Three (3) South, Range One (1) Kast, In Car ter County, Oklahoma. Said real estate to be sold on the following terras towlt: For cash In hand, subject to the confirmation of the county court of Pittsburg County. Dated this April 21th IMG, SAM LKW1S. Guardian I K WWTKHEAD. Attorney. k:s-:i-i: Trnln (In- llii'ny Parly. Jut an you train tbe baby to drft Itwlf and attend If pttmonal attain o you ahould train It to have pan-art-every itav at a reeular hour. Get it ti do thl early In life and the good haMt will ntlck forever And that will mean eontlnuouit health Hut If It In back ward In this reHiiect. and I n all netl to cnnntlpritli.n and biliousness, then help It by riving umatl doses of Dr Cald well's Svrup Pepsin, as prescribed In the dlret-MnriH on the wrapper A bot tle can be ..Malned of anv ilr'.rgl"t at f( c. tits r.r tl Thoui-andt of families ke.-n it constantly In t - f r a tnnmch liver or bnvvft dlsnrdT. It U pleasatt to t' t.i-te, Rtntv in action bt t-ffictlvt at 1 children like It. ELABORAfE MAN HUNT BOTH ARMY AND NAVY ARE SEARCHING FOR A MORO BAi DIT IN PHILIPPINES. Manila, .May 10. An unuual man hunt is in progress In the Sulu Islands a volcanic group In the eastorn archi pelago, near tho nocond largest of the Philippines. Mindanao. For sever il months a Moro bandit named Jlkri with a considerable following, has been on n rampage, and tho Insular government Is makltig every effort to run h.ui dowi. Tho navy tecently lent to the authorities a squadron ot An Investment Bearing Four Per Cent Available always, with absolute security in the Depositors' Guaranty Fund, is an ideal disposition of individual savings or trust funds This bank pays FOl'R PER CENT INTEREST on de posits. No Government Bond or high grade railroad secur ity will yield as great return as a Saving Account with this bank. Get the benefit of this interest and open an account with u. You wiii l accorded e cry service and consideration possible. THE FIRST STATE BANK Ardmore, Okln. Our Wireless Message to You Is that vou take advantage at your earliest opportunity to deposit your money with The Ardmore State Bank It immediately begins earning vou sjood interest, and vou are guaranteed PERFECT secur ity. We want your business! L. P. ANDEKHON, Pres. MOHAN SCOTT, Vice-Prev I L ANDERSON, Cashlr HI) SANDLIN, Asst. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, OKla. Capital Paid In $60,000.00 Surplus Funds .165,000.00 Total $225,000.00 The oldest bank in Indian Territory. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with ood banking. J. A. HIVENS, President. A. H. PALMER, Cashier. The City National Bank Ardmore, Oklahoma. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus Funds 100,000.00 Accounts of firms and individuals solicited. Courteous treatment accorded to all alike. (uiito.t's to search tho numerous small islands of the group, and no.v another vessel Is to bo added to as sist In tho strange chase. Sever il land detachments huva been sent oit and General Duval, who has gouo south to inspect Mindanao, may take a hand in directing operations. JiKir. murdered two white pearl tradors. Ills band also attacked tbe constabulary and a number of settlements inhabi ted by peaceful natives and sprink ling of whites. IT'S To (ret your floor covering, window shades, etc., for housecleaninu. I have a big stock of linoleum, matting, art squares and rugs of all sizes, that I bought to sell and not to kee. Come in and see the beautiful pat terns. I'll save you money on anything for the house. Your credit is ood. W. M. HILLIS Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings. DON LACY, Vice President. O. H. WOLVERTON, Asst. Cashier. Making Rapid Progress, Junction City. Kan. May 11 ft-r having walked so only three mlln yesterday. Edward Pauon Wostoi. tho pedestrian, startttl vvestwa-d again this morning In gt.od condition TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. W.NTr:i Tc trade luo acres, 10 miles oast of Duncan for resident property in First Wnrd. P 11. Tai lor. Room 7. Pottcrf Budding. 11-G TIME