Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday, May 16, 1909 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE THRE6 s. m r t.u f' I. Dm. in m m h o m m m ii l)V MAIO WIIITf MAN SOCIAL CALENDAR. Monday. th- lipaf with Mrs. ladles or John Teer. Young" AVoman'i ty at church. MlMlonary Socle- Tuesday. I Hroudjvay Methodist Home Mlaalcwi Society at church, t Ilrondway Haptlst Att Soctely rit ; church. Presbyterian Missionary Society at Mi I IowIhihI'h. christian Aid Society at church. Wednesday. IVi-tidale Hovlew Cluh. Wide Study Claaa. Thursday. WMst Club at Hrldge .Mra. Moran Scott's. Daughters mer Hotel. ot Confederacy nt 011- Frlday. (Irln Club. St. I'hlllliw (lullil have fair. Saturday. St. Phillips Pair. THE NEW BABY. (By Margaret G. Hays) They say he him IIIk Oruudpa's head: lie has his (Irandinu's .olllii: lie lms tin- blue eyes Of his Dad. Ills Mother's pretty akin. If all of this Ik- true, iitaek! It In be olid belief. How nil the family dote uion "This wicked little thief. -. HERE AND' THERE. The Home Mission Society of the llroadwny Methodist church will meet at the church on Tuesday after noon. On Thursday afternoon at the Ollnior Hotel the Daughter of the Confederacy will have a call meet ing to decide whether they will pre sent the play "Dixie" under the luiiuaKeiaent of Mrs. Matthews. The proceeds of the play will go to the Confederate veterans. The next meeting of the Fourth District Federation of Women's Clubs will be at Tishomingo. The first of next month will find many of our townspeople leaving for their three mouths' vacation. Mrs. Morris Sass will leave for Da vis before going to Colorado and will return about the middle of Sep tember. Florence Nightingale celebrated her ninetieth birthday the past week. Tile young lady who danced her-1 nef to death the past week might ' have chosen a more dignified mode I of killing hen-elf but alio certainly couldn't have discovered a more sue-' cessfnl manner of advertising her-1 self. I Tile Princess Is keeping up Its rep- j utation for displaying fine, humor-1 oils and high class pictures. ICach child present tho past week received u pretty fan as souvenir. '! A Class Picnic. Mr. and .Mrs. Kd llyrd were hosts j to Mrs. J. C. Murphy's Sunday school . class of the Presbyterian church at i tin afternoon picnic and a supper ai ' the Chickasaw Lake yesterday. The boys were as happy as boys usually t ore on sucn joyous occasions as Sunday school picnics and believe that they were very fortunate in being In Mrs. Murphy's class. The chaperones were Hev. and Mrs. Weltli, Mesdames Noble, llyrd and Murphy. The boys who ateiuled wero Hay inoiiil Hamilton. Burette llyrd. Pert Simpson, ICveret Krueger, Walter Colbert. I o d Noble. Jack Illenk more. Me!ln Coleman. (leorge Un laid. Compliment to Visitors. In compliment to Misses Margaret Walton and Daisy Humphrey of COFFEE BY THE MILE For the year ending- Deo. :11st, IMS, we sold 12.1 1 12 TONS OF 1,1 ZIaN.M: COrFKK At 'JO.OOO pounds to the car this menus !.".! OA HI OADS or more than 125 .SOLID I'HLlfill l THAIN.S ofSO van each. In ottu-jiound cans planed ono Inch apart this would MAKK a row ot cans iro mii.i:s .Hi!) yakdn long. Popularity with a food-product alwaya meaiii superior merit. 4 Hiiro, and Miss Tessie Mm- Trice of Terrell oml Oeorgin Sue Jones j or Oklahoma City, the Klks danced : at their flub rooms on Friday eveii - Inn. The I,owenstelii orchostrn nirnlsh ml the music. The Rueat Mat Include Misses Ploy Mullen, ljn Gardetthlre, Mary Hobaon, .Mae lowtlen. Jennie Ihitt. Vera Olive. Vnllle Sutherland. Hal- let Fin ley, Annie Heniiott, Sue Frame. Chance I .a (Iran nr. Ine Stewart. Al Drew, llaher. IW-nnle Itlgglns, Clara Wclvortoii. Willie , Dyor, Ilodle McKay. KHa I'.len Oil 1 mer. Marie qilnter. Natalie Wllllama. Clam Tate. Jennie William : Mew. J. V. Cabell. Tom ttarp. Velio Sum. Jones, .lohnsoii, Kearney. Uindon. Harry Stonitm. Harold Yoiuir. Joel Bnchanon. Tom Frame, Tom Nel on. Ilarrehl. ltay Poland, Charley Dobblna. Caaaady. I'oat. Wwllace: Mr. J nrul Mra. I.on Frame. 1 Missionary Society, i The Presbyterian Mtssion.ty ?o( e I ty .will meet Tuesday -af rii"tti at j Mra. Itowinnd'a with the following program: I Subject Cuba and Porto Hlco. Hymn "I am Thine. () Lord." Seriirtuml Heading In unison1 The Oiieylluiiilredth I'anlni. j Prayer. i Hymn "There'a Cod's Mercy." n Wlileuoss ;n , Scriptural Lesson with applications Matthew ' Clmpter. ill to in l.ed by president. Three minute talk on Citlia and Porto Hlco, their area, climate, re source and population Mra. Van Deuberg. "Count Yourself In" Discussion on Mission Schools, their wine and our duty towards them Mm. John Wlilteman. The Hospital Paper by Mrs. K. II Pugh. The whole program Is a review of recent missionary news. Mrs. Kitikald will give a report of the South McAlestcr mooting. Orlos With Mrs. Webb. The Orlo Club meet with Mrs. C. H. Webb on Friday ariernoon and dispensed with the regular program while preparing the questions for next year's study. Hrownlng, .Mythology and one of Shakespeare's plays will be -the I study and most interesting nrourams are being arranged on these topics. The club will meet again next' week with Mrs. Webb. ! Ardmore Women Elected. 1 Mrs. C. P. Van Denberg and Mrs. i KUiKalil have returned from South McAlcster where they attended the state convention of the Women's .Missionary Societies of the Presbyte-' rlan church. 1 The delegates, the officers and the' speakers on the program were enter-1 talned at the llusby hotel ami every i courtesy possible paid them. The convention was the pleasant est one in the history of the organ- j izatlon. 1 Pauls Valley Is still the banner society or the state, winning honor the second year In succession for having made the largest Individual contribution. Ardmore came third last year and second this year, so next year she can't afford to do less than come first. Financially tho report was most encouraging, over $200 having been contributed in excess of former years. Mrs. Kdlth Hughes of New York was present and gave a flue talk on emigration, forcing the obliga tions Christian people are due the emigrants upon every heart. Mrs. Hume of Anndarko. synodloa! secretary. wis also present. The next 'meeting will be nt Pauls Valley. The Women's Presbyterian Mlsalnn ary meeting elected the following of ficers: President. Mrs. S. C. Tread well. Tishomingo: first vice presi dent, Mrs. Chillies Cluistensen. Mc Alestcr; second lio presldon. Mis W. A. Wagner, Duriiiit; corresjiond lug secretary. Mrs. J. T. Looney. Tishomingo; recording seen ':! Mrs C P Vnndeiiberg, Anlllioiv. The Relly-Tuylor Co., ftp Orlruus, I. . .N, A, TLii i'iioNr. osr roLii-Two With Mothers' Club. The Jefferson School .Mother' flub ill, -I .11 the school Wll'iiltil "II I'liiliv .it.iinoon with an :it-,l! -n .it' -in ul'ce and qnlto the bet pnmi.i" they have had In many iiiMt it A regular business aeasion pr' ceded the literary and musical pin It ram. An Instrumental aoio. "The Hiiitm ,f Spring, " by Mr. Ikard nn .i ery fK beglnlng for a urogram so filled with Interesting number Mlaa Fay Smith, with .Mr. I l.s :. for accompanist, ang' an excellent talk on the reunion ot the church to the achoot. emphi alilng their dependence, the one ii Don the other. The training o the soul should go along alth the mental training Mra. Illgdon gave an excellent taiic on the teacher and the parent, em phasizing the duties the parent ow-s the teacher. ttev. Itoger waa absent nd hi.- lalk on what the teacher own the parent was made a clan discussion. Mlsa Wellle Ikard nug a vocal selection, accompanied by Mrs. Ikard. Mr. Kvnns mdae a talk on educa tional progreaa. summing iii the vear'a work, comiilltiietrtltig the tenchera on their ftilthftiliieaa and ef ficiency and giving the Mothers' Club their Jtmt- tribute of apprecia tion. A violin solo by Jack I.ondoti cloned the progmm. The teachers surprised the club by serving delicious refreshments of sherbet and cake. ! Club Women nt Gainesville. The seventh tuinual convention of (Federation Womeira Clubs of the sea- second dUtrlct of Texas waa In slim at Cnlnesvllle yesterday. The work of mothers' clubs wn. discussed by Mrs. J. X. Porter of Dal las, and "Free Kindergarten" waa the subject of a paper by Miss May King Drew of Dallas. Other papers: "The Chili an IMiicutlotml Factor In a Community" Mrs. Maggie W. Harry of Sherman. "The Spirit of Federation' -Mrs. S .1. Wright of Paris. "Art, Its Study and Influence," MIsh Vivian AunspaiiKh of Paris. Mrs. F. II. Sherwood entertained the convention from I to ii thin afternoon with a reception at her Denton street colonial home, nud M". 10. II. Wanton entertained the state otficers at luncheon. At tonight's session Mrs. John Threadglll, president of the Oklaho ma Federation, addressed the con vention on education, which was the I'.nture of the evening session. Ladies of the Leaf. Tlie La.l'"s ot the 1 eaf meet tomor row wil l Vis. I'dlt. Teer and ele-t (Hirers fo:- the eli'xiing year. There will be only one more club meeting thi;i year on .May Illst at Mrs. J. II. Wall's when Annual Day will be on served and the otlicers and committees will give In their reports. There w'H also be given a reception to the newly elected oillcers by those who have never entertained. Their First Vote, in Denmark the day on which Iter women cast their lirst vote was ob served as a gala day, the citizens put on thl'lr best clothes and decorated their homes. Their Parliament last year gave women the municipal suf frage on the same terms as men . The dispatches say they displayej excellent orgaiiixatioii ami polled a candidates elected were women and ttiat seven were elected to the clt council of Copenhagen. During the past month the women tax-payei-s of Michigan, for the time used their sulfruKc right grant ed them under the new state constitu tion last year, to vote on iiuestloua of special taxation. In some places they cast forty iur cent of the whole vote. Referred to Commissioners. What are the commissioueiK dolut; about our city water.' Itlie question Is asked In all sincer ity although it has been urged upon the society editor mid the pudding like substance in question Is termed water with due apology to tne spark ling, refreshing drink, common!' o termed. There seems to be a general opinion abroad that a great many of our citizens can do without water very comfortably possibly a hpirit of econ omy has forced tills opaque tltild upon us. Hut .some of us have formed the habit of drinking water, and like nil is hard to break. Doubtless, the Ariliiinro city water Is good for a great many purposes. Csed In sulllclout quuutltii' it might afford au hippopotamus or a ling lntinlte delight but, thon, so few of us own hippopotamuses and hoga n;'o not allowed within tho city limits. It can be used In the ba'h room, provided you employ a slinpb devHu 'ill IH'SStb Philadelphia's Premier Beauty. This young lady. ft" ixqulslN' beauty of whose coin!'ioti his aroused the grvntet admiration union t the members of Phlladel pMa's fashionable set. tecently con fided to a few girl frl-nds the se cret of her extraordinary loveliness. The sorrot could not remain one Iomr and gossip In society clrcl-w tolls us that this young woman hadl been Rreatly annoyed bv many dark I brown froekh, which obstinately ibw fld removal until she bename a user of NaoHimla F.tclal Cr-am. With Its aid, however, alio not only quickly and elly banished those unsightly blemishes, buf was also rejoiced to find her skin left in even- way mor. beautiful than before healthy, clear soft and velvety, with nil the fresh. Jieas ami evqulslto lovetinosa of a perfect complexion. Nndinola Crean Is sold In every high class drug store, ",0c and $t the package. that has been tried with success In several of our homes. Keep a whisk broom in the hu n room. After you plunge do not use the towel, but let the water dry. Th-n brush It otT with the whisk broom. It may be used In sprinkling the law ii and Mower beds and If us.-d diligently throughout the summer for the purpose is guaranteed to miike , terrace of the UattoMt lot. It Is undoubtedly u i venue mnker lor the doctors, the druggists of our city and those linns who have water' to sell. Kvery drink we take Is a penny towards their summer trip provided they secure their drinking wsiter ulsewhore. : The truth Is the majority of the citizens of our city .iave alreadv drunk the peck of dirt they tire huh- 1 posed to drink beforo they die and feci like a peck Is really enough. Ardmore Ih a prosperous city and we will all do well to own renl estate but not taken Internally. We have found that we can't depend on our ; to advertise us the least we say In , competition witli other cities about our gas, the better and it woiildn : , do to bottle up our water and semi it out as specimens of our city supply. Something got the matter with our water once belore and It was reporti d that some Im.zards had fallen in the standplpe and drowned. Some said It was a negro, lint the general opinion seemed to favor buz zards. Hut the water Is worse now than it was thou, although the Hy of us would prefer water dlulted with sediment rather than either ot tin; above commodities. People are improvising litters and buying lllters, but every body who dc- , ponds on the city water supply cm j not afford filters. Hvon If you have a filter no self respecting man has the i courage to look his bath water in the face after tils morning plunge. The time for speculating about what is the mutter with our city water Is past. The time to do something about It has come. If the present mayor and commis sioners wish to be really popular with the "women folks" they will get busy with the city water and see If some thing can 't be done at once for the long suffering public. People hii'-o quit talking about politics now and are sitting back waiting for the abun dant, sparkling supply of water that once was the glory of our town. An Alumni Meeting. The Alumni Association of the Pe . body Normal college will give their annual banquet at the gymnasium of tho university on the llrst dny of Line. Over fpeven hundred invitations have been issued and they expect to have the biggest attendance they hae ever had. Only the classes that have graduat ed within the past ten years will b invited and many liae sIkiiIIIciI their Intention ot ntieptiim the Invitatio.i. A WOMAN'S APPEAL To all knowing sufferers of rtieu inatlstu, whether muscular or ot tho Joints, sciatica, lumbagos, back acho, pains In tho kldnoys or neu ralgia pains, to wrlto to her for i homo treatment which has repeat edly cured all of theso torture'?. Sho feels It her duty to send to al. sufforers FHKK. You euro yourself at homo as thousands will testify no change of cllmato being nocos sary. Tills simple discovery ban Ishos uric ncld fron tho blood, loos ens tho stiffened Joints, purifies tho blood and brightens tho eyes, giving olasticlty and tone to thu wholo system. If tho abovo Inter ests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, Hox It f ith Bend, Ind. GREA T SILK SALE FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, that will prove a great saving to those who have not already bought or to those who would like a special costume, of any kind or descrip tion. We have hy far the greatest line of .36 inch silks in the city and while our sales have been greater in this special department t)ian ever before, still we have some wonderful bargains to offer for these THREE DA VS. iii,.' Lit Wa-Oi .lap Silk in liu'lr .111,1 (I, Ilk Hll.lloi. i,d lemil.ll! ,i' ."I . thi-t .ile. tird USC JT in Ii Seen" Silk, n renl soft i bng faliric. just the thing for . . -1 1 ; r i ii or special costume, rcctilai l.'ic; special ',',', 4 -j; mi b Sh.iutuiiR," a beautiful "HufT Weave" Hllk, 111 assorted sh.ol. -i. "iiii- wilue; this sale, per Mi"d. onl) !?." :i. mi h "It' uaHisal." a Silk . i nii t I - tor wiilis or Mi.i' $ I mi ri l' nl 1 1 i i tl iid 77v WASH GOODS SPECIAL In connection with wonderful silk values for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. All can be pleased at this mighty bargain feast. L'.iihIi ClnMiHi Dliehes.. L'.V x ilu . -i i i il yard . . J7 mh h linli.i I'oligee, -"ie value. !i ''il. v.n d Hie j , l, -h loured liwns and li.iM.ii'-. a special lot with and it limit borders, l."c values; NM 1 I II ai d . ... 1 o One I i' ::j m u iiaxou. ' i soft, uinie, . 1 1 : i in ii t-rial, aid Km ri u uta i . spei ial .11 'I I I Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs John Whlteinnii has been ask il to attend as a representative of cku l'.KiO and .tike part on the program 'it their lianquei Those receiving this, invitation will be given free enter tainment dining the commencement exercises of the university and will, not be charged for plates at the Iki.v quet. The Alumni have phiiuiml inanyj side trips to the Hermitage anil other I places near Nashville and expect ..Nl enjoy a ten day's visit of real pleasnr" ami enjoyment to their Alma Mater. I Entertained Whist Club. The Kwell Whist club met with Mrs. I.. T. Hussell on Friday alter- noon, with Miss Humphrey of Hugo as honor guest. The parlors wero prettily decorat ed with red as a color scheme which "h also employed In refreshments and talleys. A dainty luncheon was served Mesilaines Moral! Scott, Dean, It. J. Williams, vonWels. Kirkpatrick. and Misses llolmoii, Mullen and llu-u-phrey'. , ; Guild air Next Friday. The (iiiild will give their Fair on next Friday evening. Saturday aftei-- i ti and Sat'irdiv night, and It c "- taluly promises to be a success both as an entertainment and financially. The Fair will represent the Seven Hinges of womanhood, the Infaut. the Child, the (illi. the Sweet heait, the Hrlde, the Mother and the arandtnoni or and each stage will be represent ed by ti booth. In the Infant's booth will be placed on sale everything thU pertain to babies dayettes and toys. In the children's booth found Mrs. WIkks of the I'atch and her stmnly of Will 1 e 1 'aliliaui 1 .ilih.r: Mrs. WiggH will make ineiiv web It ' quaint philosophy and will M II II cabbage. In each cabbage -found a prize It will be oie 1 where every cabbage on sab- i 1 prize head. Also each cabbage will contain 'i number and the successful iiumln will draw a big prize a fine sofa tnl low or ii tortoise shell comb or a shl of bacon , In tho girl's booth refreshments will be served of cioaui ami cake ami the dainty articles girls love will be sold. In the blrdo's booth will be a real, bride's cake ami many other things 011 iio d at a wedding In the mother's booth will be mis m Ii N.tnir.r Poiiir-e, ?iin regular price, y.nd ... . SJIf,' ll -y, Inch Plnn Taffetas, range of -li.iibs SI. on and $1 '.'' alui .- 1 rd .... .... 7,-,c All 7-lncb K" nl mil and Tu sus. Hood i am.. of pattern-1 and shades i : , value., Male price, yard S7C Three iiI'i.m Itlilmh Foulard. l r.ii i.ilu.-M. i.ii p. r .ii.l il.'Jr p,. . jo hi, 'i p. i t nt. II". III. Il White I.llH'll 7 " rerf nl. ir, Mile price, ard. .. JJJ) '.hi lie h White Llncji. $1,711 reg ulai . price, yard Jjil.XIJ) due lot 27-lncu colored Mer-(ct-Dod l.lnon, ,',0c values. a. sort, d sliade.4 . hii'i ::7c a. ii, i ii ioI"i-' ti I..II' i, siii'm )' ' ill ii pi i ii pi ml l(5i cellaueous armies for tin home and family. In the grandmothers booth Will b wonderful files and cakes ami de i ctoiis cookies, such as only g-aud-uiothor ami some mothers know how to make. The Ciillld has bought a Health Mer-ry-Cio-Koiiuil with six seats and every child must see the merry-go-round go round ami take a ride on it. .Merchants from a distance have re sponded generously to the ladles re quest for douatioiiH mid have asked In letiirn, simply that they llml some home merchant In their line of busi ness to handle their wares au orders, for these things will bo made through the home merchant. A tireless cooker has been donated, also dozens of bars of soap several pieces of Swift's Premium llreakfast bacon a dozen copies of Ilarpors Ha zaar, some ro otto and paUy irons, .1 gla Ice cream freezer and l.i'i'. of Dallas sent three iiamlsouie tortolfe' shell combs. Al the 1 Fair you can have a wholo bushel of fun and buy something you really have wanted for a !ong, long time at a very reasonable price. Don't forget the date. The New Jets. . Tluiy are all the rage now. We have Jet appendant oar drops, Jot barietts. Jet combs, Jet dog colliiM, and all the new novelties In Jet. They are Inexpensive; let us show you. PAHISIAN MlliblNHKV CO. Mrs. Hell, Manager. "Sapho" Alrdome Next Week. "Sapho," tin story of woman'' lov" or man-, .s.icrlfuo and deser tion s iMio u! iav Mia .has ' I I 1 ' ' ' ,0 11 o' 111 I IOI H 1 II WflMAN'S hension. Mother's Friend, by its pi?n 'tratinK and soothinj properties allays naus-a, nervousness, implex tin fet i'i"s, and so pnparis tin. system for the ordeal that she passes through the ewnt with but little sulierinE, as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold." 1100 i-cr Nitltn ot itniKKlov liimk u( raliublo .iituruiatluu lujiltsl fri', THKliKADFlELD REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, Gi. ."tile regular. special, yard '!5!)C :! Inch I lln-rty Satin, asaoi , , shades; $1 ",'i ''-siilar; sab' prn o. i i'.l Olu- lot L'7 il.i 'i silk, l .unit i, I Til'.' I "till. II Si. 07 Jap Kimo I- of pattci i tal. :j7f Jap Ktnioii i yard Ono lot ; ,. , 8llk, r uia, i.w: -lli price, .i,-i I 'ii' be "ii i n h ,llr .Ot ,i nl i',n -.p. i ,il 1 1 I .-!' r . i: ::j)c F.i in i ;i!'i, :ii iiu ii MiH'ii riutsii i iiim . it Itallste, a :!", aiue. special, yard HI C One lot Fancy Kiinona Cicp. 2.V value; priced, yard. (;(. lil-lnch Waah Chiffon, :t.7r reg nl ii. spei Ial. .ird liS On" -p i al lot White Ijiwh foi Hini (Iivn special. Sc Monday Tuesday and Wednesday all parts of the globe, "Sapho," first assailed ami reviled by critics, later praised to the skies by the same critics; "Sapho,' the play that deals with purely human virtues and frailties, with woman's power and weakness, with man's selfishness and generosity. The pla, "Sapho," so full of truth and nature, will be pre Bonted by the Frank Headlck coin puny ot the Alt-dome. "Supho" has been read by many, admired by all. The story has been purified by the tears of good women and been si lently understood and approclat'.l by man. That Is tho play at the Alrdom by the Frank Headlck company one night next week. Prices 10c, ;;uc and IlOe. If you want to fool well, look well nnd be well, take Foley's Kidney Hom ed'. It tones up tho kidneys and bladder, purllles the blood and re stores health and strength. Pleasant to take and contains no harmful drugs. Why not cotninonco today? Sold by all druggists. Can't Dig Oil Wells on Wind. Many of our subscribers are slow In making their first payment of $10 and signing note for balance to this company. If you expect in to begin putting down this well you must get busy. Only about half of the subscribers have fulfilled their obligations. If you expect Ard more to be an oil center, and jou, property worth double what It now Is. put your shouldei to the wheel. You will be called 011 again at ono IKS POLAND Oil, .fc OAS CO. Our .10 day discount sale will en 1 Saturday May 20. L'.'i per cent oft jn nil cash purchases. lino nilllltic cheaper than ever before. PAHISIAN MIU.INKKY CO. Mrs. Hell, Manag Is to love children, and no home can be happy without them, yet the ordeal throuuh which the expectant mother must pass usually is so full of suflerin; and dread that she looks for ward to the hour with appre MOTHER. FRIEND