Newspaper Page Text
Jmim To avoid erlotn results 1. mo repair thoe "break ilown." JONES' MACHINE SHOP Houtn Mill St. Ardmoreita want ads will make your business go. VOLUME XV AllDMOHK, OKLAHOMA MONDAY KVKNINO MAY 17 liHV.l mm summon third grand jury to hear muskogee cases Tulsa. Okla.. May IB. Hecausc ' they fulled to find an Indictment against C. W. Turner and W. F Hutching of Muskogee in the town lot fraud cases, now before them, Judge Mnrshnll dismissed tho grand Jury einisinolotl Inst Tuesday and called for n new one to report in Tulsa next Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Dlsnvlssnl wan made upon a motion filed liy Dint riot Attorney W. .1. flregg in charge of the investiga tion. Gregg charged In IiIh motion that Improper influences hud heen brought to Itenr upon tho Brand jury. ' The grand Jury nlstr.lssed today wan drawn from the western district of old Indian Territory, and .Judge Marshall ordered the new Jury to be dmwn from the eastern district, ex eluding Muskogee, county. In speak- Ing of the dismissal of the grand Jury Governor Haskell made the following statement this nftemoou: "It looks to me at) If tho attor ney for the government though' they were the grand jury. What Is the une or having a grand Jury i if the district attorney and special attorney general onn override the grand jury and dony It tho right 1 to exercise lUt own sound judgment? "Tho district attorney told the court that tho government had sub mitted nil tho evidence It had In the 1 llutchlngs-Turnor case, and the; proper function hold the evidence Insufficient to find nn Indictment grand jury In the exercise of Its ngulnst thorn. lleoauso tho govern-1 mont attorneys did not agree with , the grand jury on ttte questions of. fact involved, they asked and obtain ed Its di 'charge. "Ah to tl.T charge of Improper In fjiionoe upon "io grand jury, set forth in the district attorney's mo-! tlon. the court stnted that it was too Indefinite to deservo consideration and that such matters should be presented In the proper way, and specifically, so that they could lie I nuswared. Wo will at any time lie ready to answer any charge of undue influence upon tho grand Jury or of Improper conduct in any way. At any rate we shall ask that the government attorneys answer to our ' charges of gross misconduct against them." The grand Jury had done noth ing tills morning In the way of ex-, aminlng additional witnesses. They only deliberated over the evidence presented to them during the week. They failed to find an Indictment i and adjourned nt noon until Mon day morning. They will not lie back . .Monday ami tho new Jury will be Impaneled Tuesday. All witnesses who testified this week have been ordered to remain In the city until next week. Addi tional witnesses hae been sum moned from Ohio. Tennessee, Illi nois and Texas to report at Tills. i next week. Whether these will be ordered to stay tlieir Journey for a few days or not is not known Governor Haskell returned to Till- I'S BIG FIREMEN VAL AND GALA CELEBRATION The randest and best ever held in Ardtnore 6 - BIG DAYS - 6 MAY 17 to 22 Attractions furnished by The Lachman Mighty Hippodrome Shows. 10 HIGH CLASS ATTRACTIONS 10 Sensational Free Acts. Located on lot near foundry. Don't forget the time and place. Come out and have a jolly good time. rnlnit nfter addressing .... v. ine wsu f I'ress UMHiciatlon at t'luremore. Following are n summoned by Judge Marshall- 'jfternoou to roinirt next Tuesday ami compose the new grand Jury: T. I. HavM. Stewart. Okla; C. G Harvey. Colbert. Okla.; Urnest Wil liams, Southwest City, Mo.: Goorge lllghtowor. Darren, Okhi.; S. A. Hen nett, Uurtlesvlllo, Okht.; W. T. Hal ley, Pryor Creek. Okla.; .1. A. John. Hush Springs, Okla.; W. T. Murphy, Vlnltn, Okla.. It. F. 1). No. 1: Wil liam Haymoii. Okla.; Claude Thompson, Grove, Okla.; L. Iuipnon, Cltra. Okla.: 1. II. Price, Hugo OklH.; .Ino. W. Woods, Hugo, Okla.: W. li. Petty, Dutch Mills. Ark.; I". T. Klllson, Catoosa, Okln. Continued insinuating attacks upon Governor Haskell by the Tulsa World has called from the gov ernor nn excoriating statement in which he dolves Into tho history of tho World Publishing company, finds out who la responsible for the at tscks and then proceeds to admin ister a drubbing that all but spar kles. He finds that W. J. Gregg, one of the government attorneys in the town lot prosecution, is vice pres ident of tho World Publishing com pany. He discovers also that George G. Hayiio, president of the company, is now on tho Pacific coast, and attributes certain no and edito rial utterances to Gregg. "It Is fair to assume," says Gover nor Haskell, "that Mr. Gregg is al lowing his newspaper to oreato prej udice against one of tho defendants at whom these venomous ami un truthful newspaper articles ore aim ed. There was only one town lot de fendant named in Teecnt articles In the 'World and his name was mentioned eleven times. Shall we ns sumo that they have dropped all other defendants and are finally admitting tholr real purpose of de siring to Involve only one man?" Tho governor also charges that an officer of the World company recent ly made the assertion that the pros ecution was purely political. Tho charge In these cases Is known as a misdemeanor under the federal law, but tho government has four attorneys, two of whom are from tho far east, noted for smooth manipulation, three chief detectives and 2fi subordlnatiw, making a total of ,1.". lawyers and detectives repre senting tho government. :: :: :: ansa t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt r FARM AND CITY LOANS. t: Wo nro In position now to mak0 quick loans on good (arms and city property for 5, 7 and 10 years. Reference to any bank In Ardmoro as to our reliability. DREW & RAMSEY. n n tt a a a n n n SPRING FESTI Free Band Concerts. sa , HOLD UP TRAIN ROD MAIL CAR ROBBERS ESCAPE WITH BOOTt AMOUNTING TO MORE THAN 20,000 NEAR SPOKANE. .. . dlcatlng that they Imd been Involv ed In other train holdups in the vie. USE MALICIOUS CRUELTY s"oU"" th "w ASSAILANT MADE HIS ESCAPE Send Wild Engine and Car Back to Track After Robbery Crashing Into the Coaches Where Several Passcn- gers Are Hurt. SiKiknne, Wash., .May 1C In tho holdup of the (Ireat Northern passen ger train No. 3. between Colbert and .Meade, shortly before midnight last night, twelve persons were Injured when tho engine and mail ear atartHl running wild down the track by tho bandits nfter they lmd Hlled the mulls, collided with the rninliilng ears of tho train. The bandits detached the en gine and mall car of the train, ruu them down the track a short distance, and then, after the registered mails iiad been opened, they sent the on giuo back to collide with the ears standing on the track. The conductor smw the wild ru n coming down the track at the rate oti twenty-tlvo miles an hour when they wore, a short distance away, and he and one of the trainmen placed a tie on tho track in an effort to stop their made High t. The engine and car were partially stopped by thU mollis, but plunged into the coaciiee. Uliero was n loud crash mid the pH songers were thrown yrom their seats, most of tho Injured being hurt by glass from tho broken windows. When the train reached Coloen some switching had to be done. While the engine crew was busy at tills work two men suddenly appear-1 eil in tho engine call, and thrusting t j revolver against the body of Kngli eer William .Miller, ordered him to do as commanded. The engineer and Hie man John Hall, obeyed. The mail car was coupled onto the train uu.t pulled out. After the train had pro ceeded a t'ow miles tho engineer and his llreman were forced to leavo tho 1 call. Two of tho robbers than vron to the door of tho mall car and order ed it opened. Their command was obeyed by Benjamin Stumpf, the mall clerk. Meanwhile two other bandits 1 were with tho euingeer and llremaii,: who were uncoupling tho mnil car and tile locomotive. Soon after tho train ' stopped Conductor C. I... Robertson Jumped from a car, but was driven i back by a score of revolver shots Hastily climbing into tho cab, tho outlaws scut tho engine hurtling down the track how far is not known. As soon as tho conductor wub aware that there was a holdup ho sent! a brnkemnii to tho rear of the unm i to prevent a, collision and had anotii-1 ei hrakcmnu cut in on tho telegraph wire to send word to Spokane. A third member of tho train rr.-w was : hurried to the station with tho news. About half an hour after tho engliio and mall car bad disappeared, thoy ,1 . w. i,,... w..til... ,1,,,.... tl... .w.U nut n f fM'i ji hi itwiiu ill' li ill" ii 41 v rv tii j l urried preparations were made to ditch the runaways, but without com- pbto success. Two special tralnloails of deputies were hurried from Spokauo when the word of the holdup was re ceived. Hoc-tors also were taken out on the train to care for tho Injured. Chief Uynu of Hillyard went out with a, posseo and surrounded all the roads leading toward Spokane. No trace of, the robbers was found. It Is believed 1 that the unudlth obtained a large sum ; :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : MONEY MONEY MONEY ti ti To loan on farm property In any county In the State or Northern Texas. Money ready ns soon as title Is perfect. I pass ill Mm nil loans and the title. Huslness strictly pri vate. I loan to Freedmen and pay out the day application Is mnde. GEO, R. Nob!o Untitling FISH til' :iii)iu y from th t catered m.i:I ,ui tint being placed .it 20.ttn. The bandits who c limed Into tie .iti .ne lacrlhd a follows: On- more than alx feet tall, weigh ing more t tin it 100 pounds, face wrlnk aiwnit :'. years old or older, evi dently an experienced engineer; the other about live teet, nine inches ta'l ami weighing about 170 pounds. .n they entered the. cab the talt man anld to the engineer: "You have heard of ns before," in- T. N. Wilson and wife of Spokane were seriously injured Mr. Wilson surfer. -d a fracture of two ribs iind Mrs.. Wilson was badlv bruited, - - FT. SMITH COMPRESS BURNS BIC PRESS AND FIVE THOUSAND BALES OF COTTON DESTROYED. COVERED BY INSURANCE. I-nrt Smith. Ark.. Ma v 17 -Plre here ' early today destroyed the Von Smith I compress and Its contents of 5.000 , Isiles of cotton. The hvss is etlniated at $300,001 covered by Inmirnnc. i It is believed to hav been the work 1 nf liinoiiillnrle na Hie tin mint lirnt.-e out in a dozen different places In the' yard. ARE BRINGING IN SPECIMENS ONE OF NATURALISTS WITH ROOSEVELT TO COMMENCE ..PRESERVING ANIMALS. Nairobi, llrltlsh Bust Africa. May i 17. ICdmuml Haller, one of the nat- j tirullsts of the Ilmisrlt expedition, ennie Into Nairobi today with some ! fifty specimens of animal and bird 1 life that are to bo cured and pre served here. They Include one rhinoceros, six i lions, two giraffes, twenty small I kinds of game and various kinds 1 of birds. HAINS RECEIVES SENTENCE SLAYER OF' ANNIS GIVEN IN DETERMINATE TERM OF FROM EIGHT TO SIXTEEN YEARS. Flushing, I- f.. May 17. Captain Peter C. Halns, Jr., was today sen tenced to serve an Indeterminate sentence of eight to sixteen years In prison for killing William B. Anuls. KANSAS BANK DYNAMITED ROBBERS AT SHAWNEE, KANSAS. NEAR KANSAS CITY, BLOW SAFE AND GET $600. Kansas City, Mo .May 17. Hank robbora dynamited tho safe of the snawneo state naim in biiawnee. ' Km nun 4 nenwa tin llfwt tium Imru 1 tl,ln' 11,1,1 oseaped 'ey and checks. with $000 In QUARREL ABOUT FENCE LINE FATAL ENDING TO CONTROVER- SY IN INDIANA FATHER AND SON ARE KILLED. Uiebiiiond, Intl., May 17. A contro versy over a line of fence between two farmers today resulted In death .. by shooting of Alexander Meek ami it , Raymond Meek, bis son and the se ;i nous injury oi i-imuk uuusuacK ami his son, Frank. t: ti tt tt tt tt :: it it it :: t: :: st t: WEATHER FORECAST. New Orleans, Ia., May 17. The weather forecast for tonight and Tuesday Is unset tled with probable showers to night or Tuesday. ATTACKED RY A NEGRO MAN WELL KNOWN YOUNG COUPLE OF CHEROKEE. KAN.. ATTACKED ON STREET AT MIDNIGHT. Juki coming into their own. The im provident and sol: impoverishing White Man Shot and Wife Dragged method In vogue in th south are be Two Blocks, Where Black Was ing shed and the south will emerge Frightened Away Mob Searching for Negro. Cherokee. Kan., .May 17. T. H. Hunter and wife, well known young Ieople of this city, were HtUieKeit n a negro tin Main ativet hero lat mid night, iKrth receiving aevere Injuries. ... ine ileum iiPiiuernieiy anoi 1 miner, breaking his collarbone. He then ' grRnbed Mm. Hunter toid drugged her two blocks, when he beenme frighten- IH ,! m nwav Mrs. Hunter was unconscious wh-ei her assailant ran. hut recovered hi few mlllllteS. The town is amused and If the tie- gro is caught there will probably lie u lynching. Hunter is an employe of the St. IauiIs San l-'raiicim o railway her.-. JAMES J. HILL AND TARIFF SAYS THE PEOPLE OF THE CO'JN-I TRY WANT BILL TO BECOME LAW SO THEY CAN COMPLY. Washington,- M"by 17. Itxif resiling Indeed in the midst of all tho tariff turmoil and strife that has held Wiihli ington in its grip for the past thr.'e mouths is the voice of James J. Hill, the great builder and developer of th northwest, that the people don't ca."e a cuss what they do about the tar'if Just so they do It at once. The voice of Mr. Hill, too Is one to' which the people nro lncliuen to :end ear. Tho simplicity and vigor with which lie puts tho case tloes not leavo room for a doubt as to Ills meaning or his sincerity. Ho says there Is ft big wheat crop in tho northwest this year, and that the farmers of tho south and west nro doing better nnd more progressive work then they hiivu ever dono before and that this Is of far greater I in ortauco tlinn tho fact that a tariff hit is In the making and that Washington Is the storm center for thoso who have an Industry which they want protected uiul which tiny aver will be ruined ir it is not pro tected. Mr. Hill says that the princi pal concern of tho people, the grortt masses who are out on the farm pro ducing wealth for tho country. Is for the tnrlff bill to become tt law so that they may adjust themselv. to It wlcli convenes hero tomorrow to re whatever It may be. and proceed as Investigate tho alleged Muskogee tow ! If nothing Intel happened. "Of courso there is u certain elns of .)0),.llo w)0 thllk th(ll ,.Kii-i,.t.Iim ,s Uw (M)ro.(lil. nnd the number evils It may rectify or create to their mind is legion. Hut not so to the vut majority." lie takes the same view of tho stock and bond market of New ork, Insisting that that Is purely n local issue in which New York Is prin cipally Interested. No man hits n more optimistic vl iw of the general business outlook of tb ctry than this sturdy old farmer ff tli.1 nrit-4liu-at Vnr t r Hill ttt n farmer and when he speaks of farming condition he knows whereof he' speaks. He has one farm of 0.000 ucres nnd another of 30,flon tiosnie several smnllor ones and he runs tlieso farms on a scientific basis, nnd on tllfin )le has gnlned that ainioit wizard like knowledge of ngrlculturo . , tll0 Ilorti1Wet that has been th" wonder of tho country for many years, nnd which compels nttentlou when- over he speaks on the subject of ngrl- tt cultural conditions. tt Mr. Hill has been ono of tho most tl ardent ndvocntos of freo lumber tt has boon In Wnshlngtou. but nt the tt samo time ho does not believe for a tt moment that tho lumber business wdl tt ' not go on in Its orderly way just the tt same whether lumber is placed on th tt freo list or not There H scarcely r ""' wmi.'Ii ti-,. himself ll.illi'i il w 'i ii Ml Mill diM-usses the trfiln wli.i I..UI Til.- lliii- he was in WaMi .'iittun I., i:ill.(i il the Whit hour in ih In- riiHtiim, ,ui(l had a long i'. tcrvlew nli lres blent T.ift. an. i hleii li.' left Washington lii ii mor opttmlHlie iihshI Hi tt li ever. The compliment paid tlH sown u, Mr. Hill, who has nearly nil of his Interests-centered In the north an! wnt. Is worthy more than passing n. tire, o aald that to the south and southwest must lie looked for th. greatest Inrtuntrial and development in the country within th ih'M few year, for the farmer are from Its chrysalis and take its proper place as the great producing section of tho country. He looks for the sumo rapid progress In agricultural devel opment In that aettlou of the United .Suites tliut has chartifttorltcd the west' within the past quarter of a century. ACQUIT GIRL AND FATHER. 'cc ucnoon Not Guilty of Infante' clde I Oklahoma City. May Hi.- Alice Uea-' con. the girl scIukiI teacher of Walter. Okln.. arrested two weeks ago as hav. ing been the mother of a baby whose dead Isnly was found by the side of a culvert, was declared not guilty at her preliminary trial at Walter yesteruav evening. Kugene Doucon, father of ,1H girl, who was arrested as being Hie father of the clillil. will be dis missed tomorrow when bis trial comes up. Tlie alfalr has created Intense feeling at Walter and over r.OO puopin attended the girl's trial yesteroav. When she was acquitted tho wildest demonstration followed. The girl and her family nro esteemed ns respecta- ,l10 l,yl,1- Act Cuts Down Schools. ; , Vlnltn. Okla,, May It!. According to n statement of Superintendent Ilene ! diet, supervisor of Indian schools, one ' half of the country schools now holm;' supported by the congressional appro priation will he discontinued with tho present school year. Instructions :) this effect have gone forth to tho lxiards of trustees of the schools af fected. This action is necessitated by the action of cohgress In appropriating lint $irii.000 ns u maintenance budget,' I in lieu of the $300,000 appropriation , of l'.tOS. This act of congress further , provides that when tho new state in 1 fully capable of maintaining us own , schools Independent of federal aid tills practice tif rjovcrnmout mainten ance of country public scliols will cease. MORE WITNESSES AT TULSA TWENTY WITNESSTS ARRIVE FROM OHIO AND TENNESSEE FOR THIRD INVESTIGATION. Tulsa. Okla., May 17. Twenty wit nesses from Ohio and Tennessee ar rived here today to testify before the federdl grand Jury I mitigation. lot fraud case. SHERIFF SUSPENDED. Charges of Misconduct In srv.e Against Officer. Okmulgee. Okla.. May 10. Ily an agreement between the commUslo'i er and Sheriff McCulIey of Okmulgee county, tho latter lias been suspended pending tho outcome of charges .lKutnst him of misconduct in olllce. Undersheriff Moon, who had been serving under .McCulIey, has been ap pointed sheriff. u. S. Supreme Court, Washington, May 17. The V. S Bupreine court is holding ti sluing today for tho announcements of deel gomi ttnj the hwtrlng of motions. It wll ladjourn for t he term on the 31st. $1,000,000 TO LOAN On City Real Estate and Good Farms Prompt Service. Lowest Rates. Most Reasonable Terms. GORMAN, BOGIE & DOBBINS I'hone 50 Over City Nnfl Hunk CASE OF VON VLISSINQEH TWO CHICAGO BANKERS APPEAR ETORR REFEREE IN BANK RUPTCY IN CHICAGO TODAY. ABOUT HIS CONFESSION Chicago Forger Snye He Confesse I to Thorn More Than Four Years Previous to His Confession Their Stery of This Sensational Case. Chicago. III., May 17. Maurice H.v senfeldt and tternard lloseberg. o whom Peter Von VMssennen. forg. t for more than one million dollar In mortgages. Is alleged to nae confeHMKl his crime four years pn vloiis to his public admission of guilt appeared before the referee In b .ns ruptcy ttxlay in connection witu Von Vllasengen's affairs. Itosenfeldt. declared that Von Vhs sengoti cotihwaed to the forgerli but Jed him to bellevw that he an I Hoseuberg were tho only person. Involved. Itosenberg said that Von Vllsson gen told him his embarrassment was only tomimrary nnd that In could repay everything nt the rate of $1,000 weekly. This contradicts Von Vltssengen's testimony, ho having declared that he informed Itosenberg nnd Rosen feldt that he could repay them only by swindling others. READY FOR ST. LOUISANS MUSIC AND SPEECHES WILL BE ON PROGRAM AT ELKS WED NESDAY NIGHT. Arrangements nro almost complete Tor the entertainment here on Wed nesday evening of tho 100 St. Louis business men who nro on a trade extension trip to this state, and who wll stay nil night at Ardtnore In tholr special train. A short program of music, fur nished by tho howenstoln orchestra will bo enjoyed at tho Blks hnll, a ImiwI of punch will bo at the servlco of tho guests and somo im promptu speeches will doubtless bo made, hut will bo to no set arrange ment. Thu visitors will bo called on to furnish n sliaro of tho evening's amusement and have said that they want to entertain the btislti(3: men on the train for an hour or so. A large delegation will meet the .spoclnl trnln at Madlll nnd accom pany them to Ardmore. Glass Manufacturers Meet. Pittsburg, Pa., May 17. About for ty glass manufacturers from tho middle west are holding a secre' meeting here today. Have you found soma thing? A want nd will find tho owner for yo I' you lost something a wttnt aa will find it for you. :: :: t: :: :: SCADS OF CHEAP MONEV TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Wo examine your title. We Inspect your property. AVe draw your papers. We pay out money right now If you want a loau qulokly see us. UOOKBlt & AXDEUTON. Over l'ostofflce. Ardtnore. t: :: n r. :: :: tt tt at: tt :: tt tt a tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt K :J : ,J : " " :: :l :: :j :. tx u 0 8'J'ismun In Washing or who doc3