Newspaper Page Text
FARMERS I Tlic w.irn out parts to iir iim liimrj 'an In- iiinili lit my -hoi. mill lit t M. i than new mi" Jones' Machine Shop mi th mii t r. Ardmorehe ivcint ads iui11 make your business go. ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA FRIDAY EVENING ,U'NK ! 19011 VOLUME XV NUMBER 'MY.) ANOTHER RAILROAD TO DEVELOP A DRAMATIC PUSH CHARGES STORM DID IMMENSE ASPHALT DEPOSITS SCENE TODAY AGAINST GREGG NOT APPEAR YOU'LL find our store the headquarters for the really best things to wear. We make a specialty of the famous mm Hart Schaffner ? 1W A' clothes; and we couldn't offer you a betu "'' evidence of our quality than that fact. Such clothes as these, ready to wear, are not common; there's no other way to get quality, and style and tailoring such as these offer you except to find this name in the goods. We'll show it to you in ours; and you'll wear them with a sense of grat itude to us for "putting you next" to such good clothes. Suits $18.00 to $30.00. This store is the home of Hart Schaff ner ? Marx clothes. eMidden Eagle Shirts and Arrow Brand Collars. AS COMMITTEE REPORT AND SUDSCRIDERS TO FUND t the matin meeting yesterday uft- boon to consider the proposition of kv to secure cheaper fuel for Aid-, ... a.... .. u mi.,.- i. f, rclul Club read the committee's rc- ty t and It was adopted, following ev 1 speeches. , The Report. Wo. your committee, submit tho owing plan for raising money to .inc., ohenii fuel, tras or oil. for lmorc: teallzlng that thoro arc many who 1 not do their full sharo In contrlb ig to tho upbuilding of our town, nlan wa submit does injustice to k)an, and makes the burden lighter Uhose public spirited souls who ever been in the front doing ethlng for the betterment of our bo ji. we feel and Know tnat no man uld derive benefits and a living the work nnd tho energies of if men without contributing his f. . . 1 1 -V. . V. Dn. Ucr lull BUUIU UlV-l'll. -.HUM aro drones In any community, Ibals living upon the energies of fellow man. We do not want It that thero Is one such man In midst. Thero should not be one. , nro contronicu wuu a serious llem. you all realize that with V fuel our most sanguine expecta- lwlll be realized. Tho wage onr-1 's not so vitally Interested ns the 1 who owns largo realty Interests. ' e is benefited to the extent of , a , m , , . . I. I au.T (lemanu ior ins lauor; ui oyer will be better able to pay r salaries If our town Is growing irosperous. Hence we expect ev- wage earner to carry his share burden. Wo oxpect every mor i ,bo his business over so small, - 1 1- i i v nntik' H1 1 1 n T- n la TI TTltl . I 111(7 ill I, . 4V- for us to call tho proporty own- ittentlon to tho bencfltp that ho ilerlve from cheap fuel and fac- In Ardmore. It ho has so llttlo .that ho cannot see It, or so lit- fl!c spirit that ho will not con- should be the object of the Commer , A Ills full sharo of money In clal Club to drive tho drones out of It; prosperous conditions about, , L.i . ... t..i nim move io a moro congenial f .in tu 1irl tinmlnil tn tlllu trU'11. ..v, ... ,wb iiv.u... ... v Is a law against blacklisting boycotting, but thoro Is no law dtlng n man buying his washing ood-, groceries, hardwaro und his clerks, lawyers nnd deposit- Is money or renting his houso whom ho pleases hero in Ard Help those who help Ardmoro. !"ccominciul that tho names of pipers in this undertaking bo I in the commercial club rooms pscrlbo above them, "Wo Help Who Help Ardmore." If a cltl- inmo does not appear thoro woo j him. I would not ho long be- uch vampires nro hunting now land without regret from their '3 erstwhile neighbors. V wo sugcsi is mis: A stocK company do lormcu lor imr thousand (?30,p00) dollars. aUck toJ bo paid In full and uon-assesable. Shares to bo worth $10.00 each, one third of this to bo paid cash and notes for balance in two, four and six1 months, drawing Interest at S per cent i"er maturity, wo would suggest that tho naino bo "Tho Commercial Company of Ardmoro." That all work bo dono under tho aus pices and directors to be selected by the Commercial Club of Ardmoro from tho subscribers to tho stock of this company. We suggest a cotnploto drilling outfit and 2500 feet of casing purchased and an expert driller bo i Hired to do tho work under tho super- now ready to plan active develop vision of said directors. We bellevo wont work. that $30,000 will put down eight or ten to take them to the vlelivtv of Wood wells to the oil sand. We suggest that ( to development Is to get transpor if this company Is successful in get- tatlon facilities for the asphalt, with ting oil or gas, and thero are profits which the lands are covered, and It derived from same, that each share holder shall receive his money back, with S per cent Interest; and when this obligation Is paid, each share holder will bo required to forfeit his stock to tho Commercial Club of Ard- more with tho understanding that all lrofits in future derived from tho oil r Kas, shall bo used in establishing i factories in Ardmore. We suggest that a committee bo selected to can- 1 -'i l' Im r. , i ti tnv (",tlw,,i-l uttiiii, ,i 1 1 , 1 . ouunniiuiuun ..ui m- lrt the progress to the directors of the Commercial Club. JS Wo would BUggest that tho Commer- t: clal Club tako this matter In hand, it as welt ns nil other matters alfectlng tt the welfare of Ardmore. Wo do not tt ... 1 1 .... I . . .. . . M . . 1 1 .. , . . I , 1 1 . . I . UUIIUi: 111 1JII1U1JIII1K UHT lllUC'lieh III this matter and wo thiiiK every man tt getting a living in Ardmoro should contribute and we demand that ho carry his end of the load or bo for ever' ostracised In ii lniHltiexK u-nv. it our city. If you all will do your whole . - .... duty the cost of building a GItlCATEH tt A IlfIIIt ...lit f-.1t 1I..1..I.. I.! iiiu'.huiiu .nn tun iiKiiu iipuu eacn individual. We would suggest that tho li tax roll bo consulted to soo who have not contributed to any fund for oh-1 talnlng cheap fuel for Ardmoro nnd If any such nre found who havo not con tributed to tho "Poland Gas & Oil Co.. or tho "Commercial Club Fuel Co.," that they, bo given the opportunity do so before drastic measures nro taken. Wo recoinmond that nil fuel and J gas furnished factories, largo nndi small, shall not exceed three cents cic) per 1,000 feet. -0 nro confident that the expendl- (Continued on page four) NEW YORK AND GEORGIA CAPITALISTS HAVE PURCHASED SEV ERAL THOUSAND ACRES OF ASPHALTUM LAND ARE HERE TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO GO AHEAD WITH ACTIVE DE VELOPMENTS. , :: :: :: :: t: :: :: :t :: :: a :: 1 sometimes toll the people tt it In other parts of the stati tt :: that the asphalt deposits tu :t :: Oklahoma art- Inexhaustible, tt it nml they call it a dream, ami tt ii I have sometimes tried to got tt ii those skeptics to come down tt li Into thin part of the state, tt ti and show them some of Ulcus- tt tt phalt deposits. Kxtrnct front tt ii address of Prof. C. N. Gould, ii ii state geologist, before Aril- ii it more Commercial Club, Mar. 2! :: 'js, loon. tt a ti a t: a tt tt tt tt it tt it it tt it tt tt tt Vorlly these seem to be' the days of big things for Ardmon. and scarcely a day passes but what some new enterprise, or some now devel opment takes shape that promises to make Ardmore the metropolis of the southwest. The newest, at least It may be tho newest to a law majority of our citizens. Is that the Immense m 1 phalt fields at Aulmore's doors are to be devloped and that at once, and which development means that 1 Ardmore Is to have another railroad l Yesterday there arrived In the city a party of Georgia and New York capitalists and Investors, head , ed by a well known Georgian, com 1 posed of the folio wing gentlemen: S. Ij. Vandlver of New York, .1. W. 1-nsley. M. 1). Costephens. C. II. Keel, S. II. Ualnes, C. A. Kitchens an(, h j.aselinl all of Atlanta. Ga. These gentlemen shortly after dinner yesterday secured conveyances to tae them to tho vicinity of Wood ford in this county where they have purchased large tracts of ns phaltum land. They will make a stay there of several days, looking over their holdings, iwhlch now amount to several thousand acres, with the view of Immediate develop ment. Through a well known Ardmore attorney these parties have secured and perfected lease titles to land In the vicinity of Woodford and are Is the purpose of the parties to build a from Ardmore. The road will be a standard guage road for both passenger and freight traf fic and will without doubt extend further to the west thnn the tu- phalt beds. It N understood that unless some other more feasible plan may be had that a railroad will at once bo projected Into this territory by these parties without jj ti tt tt it tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt ii Telephone 21 ARDMORE ABSTRACT CO. jj i H tt I Oldest In the County ti W. S. Wolverton & Son tt Managers tt Ponded Abstractors of Carter tt County. General Insurance, tt Money to loan on City and tt Farm Proporty. tt 113 North Washington St. tt Ardmore, Okla. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt U tt ti tt t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt u DRINK CROWN SODA. me tell you. It Is fine, Drink Crown soda water all tho time. And when you want some thing good to eat, Buy Crown candles and you'll bo sweet. Ask your dealer for them. Have no othor. CROWN BOTTLING & . MANUFACTURING WORKS. M. J. HAYS, President and Gen. Mgr. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt K tt tt tt tt tt tt 8 tt tt tt waiting to consider means of trans portation that may he furnished li other parties. They know that they have the asphalttim and are anvoux to get It on the market, the latter being assured them, even before they have entered the work of ex ploitation. The gentlemen were all cnthuetast Ic over the prospects for making thin one of the biggest liidutsrliM of the south, and being possessed of large financial Interests are fully able to go ahead on n big ocale with the work of development. They have asked no bonuses or other In ducements, but will, perhaps, In the event a railroad Is built, require from Ardmore the privilege of ter minal facilities and storage and handling docks here for asphalt. It Is expected that within a w-ek or ten days that definite plans will be made public as to the course these gentlemen will pursue, but i enough was learned from them yes terday to assure tho active develop ment of one of tin biggest, if not the biggest, nsphaltum deposit In the world. JUOGE RULES AGAINST STATE SECRETARY OF STATE CROSS RESTRAINED FROM REVOKING CHARTER OF THE FRISCO. CROSS' ORDER MADE VOID Revoking of Railroad Company's Charter Rested Upon Fact That Company Is Domiciled In Another State In Violations of State Laws. Guthrie, Okla., June 4. The order of tho secretary of state of Oklaho ma, issued several mouths ago revok ing the charter of tho St. IOiilH & Sim Francisco Hallway Company, be causu it did not comply with the laws of tho state, was declared null and void horo today by Fcdoral Judge Cot torell, who restrained Secretary of State Cross from Interfering with the business of tho company. Tho revocation rested upon tho fact that tho railroad Is domiciled In nuothcr state than Oklahoma in viola- Hon of laws passed by tho last logs-1 lature. If ou navo 1081 anaythlng an Ard- morelto Want Ad will find It for you. Have you over thought of this? STOCK COMPANIES We have a larpc number uf sample stock certifi cates and can supply your demand on short notice. We execute orders with promptness and when our printers do your work it cannot be done any bet ter anywhere. ARDMOREHE PUBLISHING CO. DR. CLEMINSON FACED BY FOR MER PATIENT, TO WHOM HE PAID MUCH ATTENTION. WOMAN IS HYSTERICAL She and Clemiiuon Conversed For Ten Minutes, With Detective Near byTheir Talk Terminated With Second Series of Screams. Chicago. III., .June I. Thero was I a dramatic scene In the police stu j lion today when Inua Kolb was ta ken to the cull occupied by Dr. (Ill I Iiiii Clumlnson, who Is accused of the murder of his wife. ! Yesterday Miss Kolb admitted that 1 she had been a patient under Cluin lusoii at the Chicago hospital and i that he had paid considerable at tention to her. Upon being taken to a cell today Miss Kolb screamed hysterically .-.he and ClumliiHon conversed fo ' ten minutes with a dotoctlve iiuiu by. Tho iM)llce refuse to make public what tho two talked about, but It was learned that their talk terminat ed witn a second series or screams i by Miss Kolb and she was led avviiy. ! add dramatic scene today Later It became known that the doctor's parting words to his visitor were, "Close, or keep your mouth shut, young woman, ami the better it will be for both of us." JUDGE RAYMOND IN CAPITAL OKLAHOMA POLITICIANS THINK FORMER FEDERAL JUDGE HAS AN "AXE TO GRIND." Washington, D. C, June I. Judge C. W. Raymond of Muskogee Is causing a lot of speculation by his presence In Washington. When seen today he declared that his visit Is of a private nature, but iwhen pressed and aKkrd If he intended calling at ! the white house before his depar ' tint, tnid "Please don't ask me." 1 The Impression Is general among Oklahomans that Itayinond has nn "axe to grind," but who his victim will bo Is not disclosed. NO SETTLEMENT REACHED BELIEVED THAT A COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF PHILADEL PHIA STRIKE WILL DE MADE. Philadelphia, Pa., Juno 4. Up to 2 o'clock this afternoon no announce- mont of a settlement of tho street car strlko had been made, but predictions arc mado mat a compicto sotiiomcni , will bo effected boforo tomorrow. Where sweet potatoes make a hun dred bushels to the acre, don't 'u you believe you could support and educate your family? tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt FARM AND CITY LOANS. Wo nro in position now to mak0 quick loans on good farms nnd city property for 5, 7 and 10 years. Reference to any bank In Ardmoro as to our reliability. DIUSW & UkMSEY. tt tt tt tt K tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt V tt It tt tt tt tt ti it tt tt tt tt tt tt tt ti tl CHEAP MONE t tt It tt It tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt SCADS OF TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Wo examlno your title. Wo Inspect your proporty. Wo draw your papors. Wo pay out money right now. it you want a loan qulokly seo us. BOOKER & ANDHRTON. Over Postofflce. Ardmore. t; t: o tt tt tt .: o tt tt tt a JUDGE THOMAS OF VINITA, REP RESENTING HASKELL, ARRIVES IN WASHINGTON. SEE WICKERSHAM TOMORROW Judge Thomas Will Lay Charges Against District Attorney Before Attorney General Wants Indict ments Quashed. 1 Washington, 1). C, Juno JudgH ! J. It. Thomas of Vlultn, associate, counsel for Governor C. N. Haskell, In the Muskogee town lot cases, ar- rld In Washington today to present I senator im to l.afolletto's nbsonet. in person the charges ngalist United I '""" the senate chamber at last Stuten District Attorney Gregg. , night's session, brought out a full nt Thn latter Is charged with improper j tendance of tho senators today, but conduct before tho grand jury which i ,,. ,M.MK waK ,,llcfc. troiigut tne lmiic'inentH against uov, Haskell and other citizens of Musko Jiulgo Thomas will lay tho entire before Attorney General Wlckor sham tomorrow and endeavor to have '.lie department of Justice quash the n cent Indictments. JIM HARRIS TO CAPITOL WAGONER POLITICIAN GOES TO SECURE CONFIRMATION OF HIS FRIEND AS POSTMASTER. Washington, I). C, Juno I. slatnes Harris, a prominent politician of Wagoner, Is here In the Intur-U of John Ityrd, who has been appointed postiun.tter at Wagoner to .niccci'l Postmaster Cobb. Although Ilyrd was appointed sev eral months ago, charges were pre ferred against him by Cobb, which have thus far prevented his confir mation by the senate. Capo jasmine buds at tho man Floral Co. IMionu 2C7. Shu-3-2 ROOSEVELT TO THE INTERIOR AMERICAN PARTY WILL START ON TRIP TO ISLAND TWO DAYS WITHOUT WATER. Kljabo, llritlsh Kast Africa, Juno I. Tho members of the Itoosovolt par ty visited tho local station of tho Afri can Inland American Missionary or ganization today. Preparations for tho expedition Into the Sotltk country have already been completed. To reach this territory, tho party will travel two days without meeting , ..,, FARMERS GETTING BENEFIT TEXANS SELLING WHEAT CROP FOR BIG PRICE IN ADVANCE. GET ADVANCE IN PRICE. Fort Worth, Tex., Juno I. Reports from Denton, In the wheat growing bolt of North Texas today show that the first of this season's wheat Is bo lug contracted for at ?1.35 and up wards. In eomo Instances tho farmnrs aro securing contracts that they will re ceive any advanco that may occur In tho market at tho tlmo wheat thrcshod. $100,000 TO LOAN On improved Main Street property atS percent 3 to 5 years. We loan on improved residence property, to be paid off in monthly payments of $17 per $1,000. Also farm loans at 8 per cent. GORMAN, BOGIE & DOBBINS CONTRARY TO EXPECTATIONS, SENATE HAD VERY PACIFIC OPENING TODAY. LAFOLLETTE'S TALK FRIENDLY Those, Who Expected a Warm Reply on Remarks About His Absenting Himself From Senate Chamber, Were Disappointed. Washington, 1). C, Juno I. Keel lug that a storm was brewing ns a rcHttlt of the remarks by a curtain l.tiFollette merely commented In a friendly way on the remarks, adding that "I'onroso would render a very Important service to his country If he would account for the way In; spends his time when nbsont from this body, rather than attempting to account for my time." I.iil'ollette then resumed an anal ysis of the tariff bill. Without opposition the senate to day adopted IaFollctte's resolution calling on tho president to send to the senate the corresondonco be tween the state department and the German government relating to the German rcort on kages. tt :::::: n n :::::: ti It WEATHER FORECAST. n u tt tt tt ti tt tt tt tt It tt ti tt tt New Orleuns. La., June I. The weather forecast for Oklahoma for tonight and Sat urday Is generally fair. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt :::::: :t :::::: n MONEY MONEY MONEY tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: To loan on farm property In any county In tho State or Northern Texas. Monoy ready as soon ns title is perfect, t pass uion all loans and the title, lluslness strictly pri vate. I loan to Freedmen and pay out tho day application Is made. GEO. R. FISH Noblo Building tx tt tt tx tt tt tt tt u tx tx tt nitnni:t,itaHtttttt n n n tt tt tt tt tt tt SAME DAY AND NIGHT. t: tt Unless night calls aro for tt more than nine blocks, the tt price for cab calls will bo 23c tt -the samo as day prices. n tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt SKit cash required for every rail. Good horses, safe drivers. ARDMORE TRANSFER CO. Tom Carter, Manager Phonos 70 and 71. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt :t tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Any old thing goes In the hurry nnd bttstel of picnics, but peoplo who appreciate clean, puro goods buy their carbonated beverages from the ARDMORE BOTTLING & MFG. CO. is tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt