Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday, June 6, 1909 PACE FOUR Ardmore, the of the !, . H ' .A : ."'. ..'.-- ,....'.".. '. .I ys:tT- )''', y .:'' i r' !f . f. .' va kr.r,-. .rr. a ;-ft. !-; . ., of puoi, jS'. '.' y-- . !".f wn:c i r!'4 awl has grown 'i&d'-r roe r, fair b er- j-,pal'!ld la b j. - .ry e( city to' in thfc cow f, "tarliag tity " ago wttb -ar.'fc ko II gr1 to be ' ity "f . u4 prot-'-r'r tiatkf. of MiMtll Of ' ' Uf" r :r ttridteal owv-l ft land o:. :. b be Sad bmi : of er t 1 -rMWrt! i - '- boose la - : ta faral -nnw-n! praiv ' -I- lan4s sawf . IOUU4UMOC ;r,U wr- . - -4 to pnrrnas- -. at on- u ' all of r ..), t4 tkc' i oanetklsg 'JoUsTS OUt - retrri1 - . Kke --4 ta sii : '?. COSBlBg .' l m of roars. -.. i n lot ; i - ihae a b . ' -. '!r ad it ...! Jon- In aw wbere It wa -l i .mproveavst Hants P rmil Impetus which tk btiliding ,: 'i - 'T ' f. of the ci'y sad th ado4r. - r lift bavin sggf.4 by 'it ta-j engine- of ibo bae aa ta Pbtlaoelphia, ajbsrbs of ' pkM-e bearing the nausea Owr Ardmore and Brwyn It is al 'lalm4 that Artfmorv man ifiRii r,t. ald w orlKinallf nor4 In En-1 He , y.Ai,4 to ImIcoaU' llfftit hou fiA- aa It mar. tbe name Ardmor' ha a koo4 ring to It and attracts atten t n where a more proaaic on would m ape altogether. Li"peailnt; on agrtcultar". whlh ,11 mostly carried on by renters on tb- Indian lands. Ardmor came 1 1, be tbe chief trading point lor an ituim-DM op of country. Cotton uiinei tne nrnt attention ana neiorw Mi- romlng of the Roik Island and Priaro railroads Ardmore held tbe ri 'onl of blnK the largest Inland wi. tron fotUxi market In tne world. With th- cnulttal passing of the renter ami ho (omlnif of tii- nrartlcal farmer with his methods of dlrerslOcatkHi. (Jim ncri;e devoted to rotum ha Hti-adlly il-cressd and more Kround i in corn this year than ew Infore. The raising of alfalfa ami hogs. p tntoes. onions, peanuts and ft win inriety of fruits la now claim ug at tention anil will have the effect of n.ukltig tho farmer Independent quick r than any other condition could be ionevd. The coining of tVehood. mi.- removing 01 r-uricron: . .. of Indian lands, the t 1 'm tountry roads on section lne . lime had their effec, .u v, of a!l th- Hargrove College, Site, Now In the current Issue of the Western Methodist appears a brief history of lUrgroro 'llg, together with what liiM been accomplished on tbe new building and what Its president, Dr. J. 1 (itosa, houmI like to nave. Tbe lute reating article Is given here with. Tim college was founded In IHU& at il.i- fhlk-l of the church and did good work from the beginning. In Decern In r. 1W0I, 1 was elected president and liMik charge .Ian. 5. 19U&. Al that tune Uie college was heavily In debt. During the tirat five months of my .iilmliilstrallon we raised $12,000 sub- ( rltlni, including lif.uou donation from .Mrs. Itlahop llargove. During the summer of this ubacrtMoii Wix collecteil Hlld the collegn Hli'l -toys ilorinltory whs reimlred ami if furnish ed ami all IndelitedneHa p'tlil 'I'lie next two years were very prosperous yi nrs for the college. The enroll ment went to 2fio pupils. All running expeiians -vsere palil mill it living sal ary for the president. In May. 11)07. I resigned the presidency to return to the pastorate. Turning the college oer to my aucceasor absolutely fre fr. in ilchl, Mild $2.0011 ill HDtelM. On ()( tolier 2ml, rjU". the college waa ile M'royed by lire. The piesiileilt re 1 Iglieil ami went to Spaulillng Female ii'M-'pe ,vi 11 in , ,.. , the Miitiual con-, f n-li I'liliilii. Ill NoiemlMT. It'07,1 I .! M'H. 1 t.(J president agulu by I. 1' In 1 Key. My work was to rebuild, of course. Aa there were only six lures in the campus, wo decided to re- II. nte college and get more ground H larger CMinpua. 80 we aectired twen-, ty four acres from Mr. Malcolm Henry .iixl lion, lif Crtice aa u iloltatliui. 'I In- new canipua Is about three-imr- ti ra of a utile north of the old camp 11. a beautiful liM-Mtkin, Indeed. T.'ie '.iiuinia Is worth $1,000 per acre. It - deeded to n bonril of trustees ami tin 1 r siKTtsiMirs In uftlie 111 trust for th MeilKMllat Kplsiopal church, Mouth it Is the property of the hurch ' ;i - truly as any ctiun h or parsonage In tin- connection. Init at the present Jaali& ' .'Mr-Mi .. aaaaaaaaaaaaaiBaSB ' LaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaa! -aaaaaaaaaaa- . - I -t r V VrmBtmiimkSSiSXSV AN ARDMORE RESIDENCE STREET Al City O. K. State 1 l-:d T of . -r.',o If tit ir.,nr, ;., j t ar a. ' ti . a-aj'j t-r "-fi -Jsl 'a')c ;,'!.r t0n& . uuftl ai'ja'toft o!jbj of ('jiri'i. k '-u -ip' an aa JTi;'"i. . r : r.O a rKjtjrijrr rHUn. wt'b IU .UT"ii a m. . .: af 'l V;-rft'-'l'T tnain irtr-' f'rf 'tf -f i of , vi'ft and ar,roal a- 'rvl. a fr ot mo4-m fallltl throf ?r ;a ib- work of -rr f" jr-it ai4 'rk baa on on ao ',f'l anl aad:lr 'bt t-w ftpi Ui:.n ht-Tf rfJir4 tb wofcd'f !ul rraaaformalkM. if.' tt- f-aJ -oti b-m lat , .n !'Z ff .b- CippOTt of tb rr.'ini' ipal aovniaf nt. nu)1 ttnprT--;,: bvn .r.!Alld. Throat tit. 1 .t. r ? x r w 4iDr a Jar f'- 'f land ro-.b-at of b i" r waa urd on wiilrh a dan ai .ri4 in4 a lalM of JTO acrwi with a -rfadof l.0 K-fn aa ffvtfi for tb- watr Mpplr A -r(f )!-m aa lntalld. blnj lncraad rr f r r ar until lhr ar now ;i mil-i of aanHary aewera aad over a mlb- of a'onn aewern. 7 b- Bret pavlri waa done two T'ara go. tb natlr rork aapbalt of Ardmore being peei fled th- greater part of Main atre-; and many parail I and era" iir--r atn-eta being paved TI.e soerwa of tbta paving can beat be understood by tbe strong statement made or Prof. C. S. Ooobt. director of tbe aute geologi cal aurv-y i t.r -U-n ml w W nil Ingtoo, Raklmore, Ittuborg and num erous other flrst-claas cities of th coontry tbe past year. He san "Ant more baa tbe post paveu m.reui in Aanenca. i nis year -a-ni ae ine iar- Ing of several miles of additional pare- ment of tbe same class. ltat It Is of her schools that Ard more Is proba. tke proudest, a Qne ward bcIhxjI lmlMIni; with evory lm- movement and facility havlni; ben erectwl in each of the four wards to aArotnmlate the 1.600 ixiptls. IJondn havj now leen soM for the erecuou o. a 1100.000 With school bulMInK tlitt year. Its e-.i having bea 'miihasliet br the crowded condition of the schools the past year. Every town-' ablp about Ardmore also has fine brick school buildings of latest de-j sign and capable of accommodating 1 ! largely Increased attendance wna-u 1 the future la sure to prove a wii move. The Mt. Washington school, lust north of the city, and wl'hlni sight from the traction park. Is worthy n village of 2,0o0 people. Hargrove 1 college i being rebuilt nnd the Ctitli-1 -1 in a New Nears Completion "under the control and ilirectlon of the Quarterly t:onference of Broad way charge, Ardmore, Okla." Itie truateeii have lieen incorpora:'-'l under the Ikws of me Statu of Okla noma, with the proilso In the srttcb-. htt 1nlrH-tlon ttiat the aforesuiil Quarterly Conference may at any time make a tender of the control i' the college to the Annual Conference and the Annual Conference so ac cepting may elect irustitoB. 80 let it he ilefilnltely understood Hargrove College Is the property of the chun h. defscto. We have the Imniitlful tweutvloin acre canipua nicely fenced, niori' than llfty ahaile trees and some Mower Ket out 'riilrty-live fruit trees out H'liiib bulll, etc The brick work on tne 1 ol lege building Is 1 oinplcte'l Tie building Is iM-aiillfiil There an- flfte 11 rooms, and an auilltoiiuiii in tin- Imlld lug. There Is a street car line ut one lilix'k oast of eaitt slile of iampu- Just about li(l(l feet from the college j to street cur. We have raiaed more tliHii $17,001) sulMM-rlpllou in Ard more besliles the donation of the campus, which is worth $21,000. We i are having very good success tolled ing the subscription, but. of course, will not 1m. nhle to collect It all. Now, what 1 want is thin. One thousand ht ons who are interested In ChrUtlan i-diicat'on to form a club anil pay live dollar isvcli t- help to complete this splendid enterprise. 1 want the hundred to form a club to pay ten ilollais i-hcIi for the same pur pose. This can easily be done if tro pic want to honor Coil and benefit ' humanity with their money. My hiot her. sister or friend, will you int resiMind t this appeal? The time has never been when education under ChtlsttHii auspices was more needed; than now. We want you to have some ! part In this great work. Invest your I money in human character and human ' destiny. Write me. .1. M. C.ltOKS. I'resldenr Hargrove t ollege Ardmore. okla. May 11. I'.n.j. . ' arf tli.T.t? tisr iHkoJ ior loys aad Kl. Stn&sers uv aiirars B:fwl la KlsxA araa U?a a4 Ua&t H vam of r&esi rj ao uar fiaHMmi is torn r.t X'j AHbjor. . on ranou of :be ronatry. Tb aita fo.- tb 'r of Artfaof aa ! t4 in aii Haphazard maocf-r M"n4 v tt B:r!-at p''r.' alonf rb te of lb rallro4 bt tt--d. on blch aa blaoaad vita un ai 4raiaa. t-Ha on Ua craot of ta dtrxle a&4 drained iato tomx atreaat. Jt- at)"n ; alri ,. a ! ai:h tb rme of hi lb to Um Dorth. kitova a Arbockl tarmtalM aa4 Ira from malarial aad otberr trovblea whtci aootiaa orror in lor aettoot tb ' limaJ . baiJ jf'j! !;-: ,rl Inf. root Month brco prvalllb( djf lag Lb naii'r aad mtid wln.r ba lm th rale. PraHa and e -op are also affcrtcd br tn tocatl b-!Bff a full lortnlskt earlier tbau xbo th Btoaataltia. Tnm a ra4inc potn-. 1nyr ha-t-adlly dr kpMi in. jM--n retail catr until It ta bow tb baa of rappllea for maay of tkw amalier towna lor fifty or aaore nilea aound. There are tbr wboleaaJ grocartoa vblck are doing a atoadlly lacreawo asnaal bwlneoa. Tke Do Id Packing company it now engaged ta traiMlag a lame cold vorav r-.V)'j for ita aad tke Bvtft company alao mai stains a depot of supplies here for tbe neighboring towns. There are al- jj, o -vraj prouu"- -ommiasioo Beeatue of ita protDlnence aa a cot ton market Ardmore baa long bad a largo cotton compress, an oil mill as several rotton gins. (Wore tbe giw Ing of wheat waa practically abandon ed here several years a large m::s and elevator waa established at this potn' and baa ronMnued to ro In Import izun car af'er year, deantt the fact that the rain haa b" ti abinpd lb t keep it running. But wheat will again become a staple hre jnst aa eorn is snppUntlntc cotton. Tbe brick anil Ul works has recently greatly Increased its capacity anil li now rrowdel with onl-r, In fact the fttfiit ta n praot flint it ta nrqntl. g,,) ,ha, anoii,er nlant w:il le eiabllaiel at Anltnore thti year. A few months ago a mattrean ind b-l ting plant was established ho re ar.d has already ben compelled to double '.t capacity because of the s-udv in i"irse in orders. Ardmore hi. a ful- Education Holds First Place In Efforts of Ardmore Citizens Yhe public m hooM of Ardmore have just t losisl a successful schol nallc year A review of the work accomplished by the Instructors anil pupils shows that great go'Hl lias been Mcomplthhisl and that the schools of A 'dmore will compare fa vorably with like institutions In t In land. This is vartcularl praiseworthy when It is taken In consideration the disadvantage and olrstnclex that have to le overcome but the course un der Superintendent ('has. Evans U onward anil upward, anil he Is be ing ably assisted by nil enthusiast ic staff of principals and teacher:. Herewith Is given some views of .rumorcs principal scnoni iiuiiuings. 1 To this is to be udibsl another com-j modlous building centrally located for a high school. The lsmils furl the erection of this building have I been already voted, far hs the matter but has this Is as progressed as far as the public inn lie advised at this writing. Koine k-cIhmiI history will be Interest ing 1-t is given tn show the deter mination that iNmseKt.cs our cltUens j to have first-class schools. A PIECE OF HISTORY. The passage of the Curtis bill by congress June 2S, 1S0S, first made I' legally iNHtslble to establish pub- schools In the lucorisirntcd cities the Indian Territory. It provides HIT the city council may establish and maintain free schools In such ( M s and towns under the provisions or n-tlotm r.gfiS to l'i27n. Inclusive. ' f Mansfield's Digest of Iaws of rknnsas, and tlmt they may 1 xi 'line all the powers cmi fi i nsl iiixin special school ill trie' i In cities and towns In the p"ovslons of this net. Other iKiwers are also given In same act. dlng under this law, on the 2iith day of January, 1809, an election was helil to determine whether our city should avail Itself of tho provisions of the act. .Strange to say, little intention was paid to tho matter, I and 11 light vote was polled 312 voting for public choobi nnd 307 - voting against establishing same. On nifH k ;iaxt 1 - ;cr. fo aaxk. bop. f jil:. marble ai-i stoo T?t. railroad roMdaaw . Actl(i al atoa Tarda, tur altar tactorr. to )arx plaaiax aillU aad t-rrrii etkr laar ladwaulal 'oocrraa. -HUcb bB la fall nwatac :achaals tk aapbalc aaloos a lltU war out of Um f.-r. give eapturoteat to aporotlajkatelr -r tkoaaaad per- SrMM Of Ike i&4urtna ta p.uapurt at tkia Usm at & cetaoat plaat. pt tery. brtek mlaat. akin and overall factory, brcoai farurry. frnR ayrBp orai and otbr ian'a for vblck tke BefMlaUoas are now oaty ta tk art mary ata. Afdmore la on of toe few citlca, ta fan. tk aoa4 in Oklakoma. to adopt the eaaaalMtoa torm of gowra Baent, aad Hk th'.a modern Btackia ery for aimleipal covcrtaaoat ! abonld prnfraaa wi.h a xteadlneaa awd atrengtk wktck baa heretofore ckaru-t'-rtxod Dearly all other towns ot aouthwrat whtcii Late dlacarded j antiquated and nnaatufactory aldr- ciaiiK- rtateaa. Th- mmlaaion i now offering eMy bond on tke market aad aa aoon as taer ' disposed of fully an aggregate of of money for Improvement will be available. Tbe roonty will . make a bond Is " of about i2k' "- for vartoo: pintfses. iBctudin a courtkouse to wl IIIS.OOOOO The rity bttdgK tO- eludes US.400.riO for paving street in t rations aad as tbe petition are now in rroro tn- property owners o. many streets and 'bese streets bav ot en passed anon by the bond buyer i It Is probable that irom a quarter to a third of a million dollars will be ftpetit for additional paving this year. One large bnsmea bkx-k Is practical-, ly ont-acedl for. tne Masonic office' building Is consld' rd certain and It l more than likely 'hat a hotel to cost at lesst Jlf,iMiW will be begun b fore the end of the year, ao It lit safe to calculate on an expenditure ot u wards of a mllHon of dollars for nub ile and semi-public purposes daring the next twelve months. The Ardmore Traction company, which Is now completing f'i line north of the city and which la creating on- of the finest amusement parka in th- Houthwest. iii upending a great d-al of nion-y and will be of great ' talue to the city as It is Intended aa fat aa one aertiin of th- city is well taken care of to extend its line, in utber illrertlonit Kv n nf thla time LINCOLN AND HIGH SCHOOL the Mine date the present boa"d was l lei - ed The directors met at the residence of Dr. 8. S. Carr on the 11th day ol March, 1A99, and were sworn In ac cording to law by Mayor John U (Salt, ami at once proceeded to organ ize the board by electing H. C. I'ot terf as p-esidetit ami C. I). Carter as secretary. They discussed the con ditions that confronted them, and at once begun to lay plans for opening free public schools In Ardmore In the full o: 1 Me1. , On May ISO!), the city council passed ordinance No. RT, providing more fully for the itatillshlng of free schools, nnl fixing the scholastic age at 0 to IS years, and providing inat uiu scholastic year tiegiu .Sep-, tomhir 1 and end on the .list day of August of the following year, This ordinance also required the hoard to adopt such measures as: I they may Judge expedient for carry- 1 Ing the free school system Into ef fectual and uniform operation throughout the city, and providing as nearly as r.wHlble for the educa tion of all the children within the scholastic age that have been bona fide residents of Ardmore for sixty ilays Iwfore entering, school. Superintendent Clias. Evans says In 1 his sclicol manual: "It was remnrakhlc to see what the i superintendents, teachers and people had accomplished in developing tin school system In the live or six ywirs preceding 1905. Starting with nothing but their pluck, thirst for the virtues of learning for their chil dren and only such money as can come dlredly from their iKicketa. In 11 fiw years school property to the value of ft'S.OOO wns accumulated, four ward m hools, employing twenty five teachers, were organized, and 1.S00 children were enrolled. "A grammar school and high school were maintained. Though the year was too short, usually six or seven months, but it has done without stale aid, fitlcral aid, and nil other aid, save Individual effort. Hut the cur riculum must bo broadened nnd made flexible to meet tho needs of tho city, growing into stability and power. i a.k at tb end of 'a l.a thre .l from to-sa is it:rv:Un? many ittor aad U becoouni; d-rvedlr -la.- Xrdmore ft last fc"-coaalnr kaowa over tke wkote coantry sad aw people are roaWinaUy arrlvtag u, saake tkit their fvtare koase. Many are comiag from tke east, otkers from Pen asyl talis, otkers from Clacaso. farmers from tke Interior of Illinois. Indiana aad Iowa. Tkey are all peo ple cf intelligence, some meant aad abundant energy aad confidence la their ability to carve oat a for. one for themselves u what la to them a new coantry. Every new comer Is a booster, they take bold Of proposi tions with aa avidity wklck often sar prtses and at tke same time entku es tke more qalet ana conservative old timer. They have come to be a part of the coantry. tkey take bold tke first place that opens aad proceed o make themselves generally use ful. While some are a'trmrted here by the io price of farm lands, the woo ' derful climate or tne business oppor tunltlea. the greater number of taetb of late bare been drawn by that woo derful magnet oil. wblck Is now knowm to abound In very paying quantities ill about Ardtpore. While some Tev aa oil operator sate till ed hers aad ; possibly tsken some leases, n ha been the Pennsylvania drllr and operator who has been t mo-', in terested and who has been in. .Mirt 'n securing, and holding li .' or more than Two months ia-.r r-pie.-n-.'Stives bate been scouring the cam try. arid now that they are petty Weil eaiiafled with the re ur t i heir la 'jora it seema a safe bet ' h t I K) ) del - ricks will be reared tn tix- il t-rrl-; lory within W miles f ,rdiuo"e be , fore Christmas. Ov r i0 iroJutiui wells hsve already ijen iro ibt in and when a pipeline 'irutlW Is id to Ardmore. derricks will vr!n4 up ts If by magic In every drecuoa. Ardmore is living up to her reputa tion of being aa "A I" city. i ret tn misers is, according to in. state geologist. First In frutu. First In cotton. Kim In corn. Keep your eye on Ardmore nd you will ee tne Hat of firsts rapidly lengthen from year to year. "(Jolng to 'he front." as the St. Ixiuts people would put it. The grammar school was length ened a year, giving a longer stretch of time to the fundamentals. This makes the high school doubly Inter-1 eating and fa- less difficult. Then the I mathematical course was widened and deepened. Algebra, given less than a year, was n.creasisl to a year.1 "Although limited In power by the j laws, without statehood to it'll and with no federal patronage, yet the ' trustees of the schools have rtcndlly projected scheme afto- scheme by ' nnicii nu- ciiiiuren 01 line nij cinim have the bust and most modern 4 11 school conveniences. In tilts the; F))r fn,,t m)(l v,.!S(.tai)i,.H this coun have been most nobly sustulned byi.r.. iinil nuU. it is not 1111 the mayor and city council. The city government has been and Is ami It is believed will ever be 11 constat!' frleml to public school Improvement. ; In 1000 two modern buildings and a few frame structures were hold ing the schools. In 1900 bonda were I voted for two $20,000 buildings for I the eastern wards of the city. These1 have been erected and are now Jk ' Ing used. They are modern In every imrtlcular. The negro building this , year will give way to a modern fratiu 1 structure and this puts Ardmore In ' possession of as good ward buildings as in trie .soutiiwesi. .mi wim is needed now Is to orect a modern high school building to put Ardmor In the letiil lu building convenience In this part of the country. This will be done In the next few months If all signs do not fall. EsK'dal commendation should br extended .no hoard of education for selecting broad, beautiful and con venient sites lor tneir lilliiuing' These havo been so well chosen that In five years their commercial value 'i have incrisiseii more than soo pc cent Whenever expansion of Interes's has demanded new rooms and equip ment the board has always fount' a way to provide. In 1905 two room were added to the Lincoln building in 1900 two new bullillntrs were furnished tho city. In 1907 desks and hohool furnlturo of the most pro- "sslvo typo Trsj purchased to tho extent ot 11 ,t00. Oklahoma s Fertile Advantages to Ther was a t x- :n n- hi'or of Indian Terr:: 7 tbe lall Ardaaoreite did not m ourjpe far mers to leave cher states and come , here. That was a time when few 1 frrbool booses bad been built and there was no school system, there were no roads then and no titles coaM be had to lands. Tbe situation Is different now. Ho matter where you 11 e the country schools here have better houses than they do in your coan;r. We say this because tke rural districts la Southern Okla homa hsve b iter sea l houses than aay her state in tbe union. Roads arc being built on section lines. An automobile can travel in any direction from Ardmore through the count 7 districts. Largo loads can be hauled by farmer Wbea you come here you will b pleased with tbe schools, with th. churches and with the roads. Tbe quest km of lands is tae uig gest question with the farmer that Is thinking of moving to Oklahoma. Tke West Texas lands have been booming for tke past few years and prices have grown In that section until one acre there will cost about what three acres will here not thai the lands are worth more-, but they have been advertised and this sec tion of the country baa not yet re celved that advertising and boos. Int. The seasons here are good. Since this country btcame dotted with fsrms THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A CHOP FAILURE. Titles to the ast majority of the land are per-1 fettly good. Tbe people here are In vesting In Isnds every day but they are buying lands already In a ata' . of cultivation. Tbe man who has ; tbe means to buy a tract of unim proved land and put It into a state 1 of cultivation will find that he can bay very cheaply bare. There is always a Rood market here for every product of the farm. Corn, broom corn, alfalfa, potatoes, onions, peanuts, cabbage, berries and fruits grow in abundance and the market In good. This town never ha a sufficient supply of butter and poultry. It ships In berries and cab- , base when these crops grow as well , here as in the places they are ship ped from. A few farmers here are In the truck buln'sti and they are making ' money. Strawberries have been tbor ' otirhly tested and one farmer in now . arranging to have a seventy-acre : crop in strawberrieh next year. The peach grows well and Is of a fine flavor. A (leorgian came here a few years ago and planted peaches, grapes, plums and berries and raised ' vegetables. He now has valuable Ardmore Distinctly a Veritable Utopia for Industrious Farmers The various methods of farming have been discussed pro ami con ever since Jethro Tull "The fathei of scientific farming made the as sertion, though erroneoug It no doubt was, that cultivation Is ma nure. However, with the above as hi rtlon by the successful farmer, dawned upon the civilized .ons of the earth a new era In ii-mul'ure so that today the poorest t f i-oils are by scientific methods farming made to yield In us great ib'itidauc" as the richest of soils ' irtni-d ai cording to the old tneth- it- Hut by applying scientific meth - 01U to rth soil the yield lb greater 1. prcportlon. The main thing sought for so agerly today by the northern anil eastern farmer is not methods of farming but cheaper lands anil a more even climate a creater diver slty of products, a greater Income en the capital invested. Mllliuus of acres of farming land In the east today are worth $.0.00 to $1.'.0.00 per acre, when land III Carter County, Oklahoma, that is fresh and pro - duces equnl to any land anywhere, Is easily obtained at from $10.00 to $20.00 per acre. The chief advan tage offered to home-seekers In Car ter county Is that almost any char acter of Mill can be found here, the light, sandy Ioa.-.t ami the dark loam, which Is famous for fruit and vege - tables, also for corn and cotton; and tho heavy black sand anil the black wax, which produces nil the cereals together with cotton and forage crops. Thirty to fifty bushels ol corn to the acre Is common: one-half to one bale or cotton Is the aver age; forty to eighty bushels of ,,f 0,1 (g 1 ...i.oni and Ij to -.1 bushels I common for one acre of ground to yield from one to two hundred dol lars worth of strawberries o- black berries but as yet the culture of small fruits Is In Its Infancy and no doubt a fortune avvtUs the progres sive fruit grower In Southern Okla noma. A lack of shipping facilities aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSRaaaaaa TWO INDIAN CHILDREN, DA UCHTER8 OF U, T. REXROAT, GATHERING OKLAHOMA GRAPES Lands Offer Thrifty Farmers rlty property and stock in one of the best paying banks In Oklahoma This country Is prosperous now The banks of Ardmoro have more money subject to individual check than at any other time in their his tory. This is proof conclusive tha tke country Is prosperous. Th" crops this year promise a heaw yield. vV. I'. Warrtn, a Carter oun ty farmer, has ninety-five acres 1 Irish potatoes which are as fine a ever grew anywhere. After all eX penses of Med and cultivating an l marketing are deducted he will : ceive ISO net from each acre. 1. W Youns. another farmer, has wtK-v and oats .waist high, lie says tn wheat will yield 20 bushels to t fi acre and the oat 70 bushels. Th cotton acreage is being reduced e try year and the farmers ar rais ing mo-e cattle, hogs, corn, alfalfa, grain and fruits. The social lines are not so closly drawn In this as in older countries and the man who labors and pay -his bills is a high standing in th ; social world as the merchant or th ; banker. Some families have wrong conceptions of the Indian and hesi tate about moving to Oklahoma. You I might stay here a year without er lng any full blood Indiana and when you did see them you will find a quiet 1 orderly person whom yon would b-j glad tj hare for a neighbor. The In dian when mixed with white blood , Immediately becom a .white man , and cannot in many Instant s be distinguished from the pure w!."e. This country offers good oppo'- tunities for the man who wamt to rent lands, for the man who wan" to buy a small farm, for the usn who wants to buy for spectilatl .i because the price go higher every yesr this country offer 300a o, portunltles for the man who wants to speculate. New towns are ittrt Ing up. older towns are growing fast and property values sot ting better. The man who can buy and sell and trade can make money here. Just a few yrar ago a young man came Into Ardmore and hired to a shoe deaW to pass advertising circulars on the stNtt and boost for the shoe sfre at n. salary of about $25 a month. He now lives west of Ardiunri oil a 32ft acre farm all paid tttr. he his plenty of stock to work l's farm and owns other lands besides tcose In his homo place. He saw :h? op portunity to trade and stru.-k while the Iron was hot and the anvil of opportunity was ready. The htatf has a Inrge cash school fund tvii'.ch It loans to farmers on long tima at five per cent Interest. Any i.iaa who is willing to work cun own .1 good home In southern Oktahom-i. has greatly handicapped this Indus try, but that Is being overconio rap Idly by tho building of new roads In nil directions. Another, and no less Important In dustry, 1b stock raising. Hogs are no doubt tho most profitable, aa corn grows abundantly hore, also alfalfa, cowpcas and rape, all being flno for hogs. Tho writer has heard an experienced hog raiser r.ssirt that a farmer could make a fortune rais ing corn at SO cents per bushel but that corn could bo unitized by prop er feeding to hogs till It would bring: yo cents and a dollar tier bushel. 1 Disease Is practically unknown her" among hugs. Another advantage I Lthat two large packeries one now In operation nnil another soon to be. 1 are located with one hundred miles or Ardmore, thus enabling ono to get their stock to market a few hours after loading on cars. The country asound Anlinore, In fact Carter County, Is beautiful, as well as productive, being about, equally divided between prairie and timber, the north part of tbe coun- 1 ty having numerous springs and run- ning streams with beautiful moun tain and valley scenery. Tho cen tral .west, east and southern por tions of the county are level and practically all tillable. In tho west central part of Carter county Is a. great oil and gas field that Is now 1 being developed and It Is thought thnt this field covers an area of forty square miles. Taking It as a. whole, no place in the United States offers greater natural advantages for home-seekers than Carter Coun ty. Oklahoma, Wo Invito you all to come anil Join us In our determina tion to make this country rich and of- powerful. We mailt men who are Industrious, honost and progressive. We can assure such individuals an nbuiiilant reward, for yon havo only to smlto tho soil and It yields forth as by magic a great abundanco of good things. Nature has provided us with every natural advantage; the only thing required now to make this a verltablo Eden Is tho Intel!!- gent application of the scientific I farmer. U. T. KEXKOAT.