Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday, June 6, 1309 PAOE TWO "Ht da;l aroworeite. This Dank will he ONE YEAR old to morrow, June 1st. All Oklahoma hank records hroken. Watch us grow Deposits. Indhmtua) JUNE 1t JULY 14 . EPT. it iOV 77 Ft. APR. 2t . S 1M7SJH 4214! 1OX0M.19 1M.1WJO 1S1ASS.U WE IHITE AT ANY AMD ALL TfMES INSPECTIOH BY THfE STATE BANK EXAMINER AND BY A COMMITTEE OF OUR DIRECTORS. Ht TMAUK YOU FOR YOUR SiE5 AND HOPE FOR A '.OVri'lLAT OH OF AME Ardmore State Bank C. T. liamnger. Pre. Harold Wallace. Cashier 0 i. MEN VlStT CAPITAL. AN EXPLOSION Of Prices on All Clothing at JT O j 1 1 111 Main St. J . OTOlIci S North Side Suits Tvladc to Order Choice of anything in House $25.00 Largest Clothing and Tailoring House in Ardmore Sequoyah Hotel and Radium Institute K I). MKYKKH, Prop. Claremore, Okla. Having IV) rooms, W with hutli, nuniplti rooms, modern, niton I '.'.00 to 1,'i.OO Alio fully equipped ladles' nml gentlemen's bath depart ment In charge of a competent physician, t.'lnroinnro Ih the home of the famous It MHl'M Water, known (or It's wonderful curtaivo puvrcrn, Ih on thit I'rlsco nml Iron Mountiiln railroads. I, P ANDHItSON, Pres. MOItAN .SCO IT, Vice Prcs (' L ANDIilt.SON, Oimhlur. 1:0 KANDI.I.N, Asm. (.'ashler. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, OKla, Cupital Paid In $60,000.00 Surplus Funds JAQOO.OO Total $225,000.00 The oldest bank in Indian Territory. Accounts of linns and individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with good hanking. The Cellar That Saves Your Life 'Iln A 1 1 n v Sliirin nml cjr. tnlile : 1 1 it r (itiurautccd to stay in tin- ground Am lior oil In tlin earth li ii new irlnclilii, wot weather run llOt IMlHNiilly BllcCl It. Kllr CKMHfullv resists tin' strongest pressure. Miu'n of Ingot iron, w II not niHt. Fitted with shelves, hi hIm. Hour and s'lilmtse ever) thing ready. Wrltn for prices. AII.AS MKI'AI. W'OHKN. Mlllnril Slnrcy. MiJr., Iliilliit, icxit. Now Complete Tim I'ulaco Harbor Shop liiiH been rumoduled unci Ih now thi) most coin ploto bur bur whop in thti city, the lx.'Ht biirborh 11 nd the nicest bath rooniH in Ardmore. If it is tlio best service you want, you will jfjve uh yiur hUrlilMMH. Palace Barber Shop (corjo- Crinor, Prop, Swap It Off Or Buy The Ucst All kinds summer goods. Iler rlo refrigerators, Ion Iioxch, croiini fnmisurs, Vuder poroli shadim, hammocks, water III tern, lawn settees. Finn oiih piece cotton felt mattresses, Smith ft Davis hed springs, bcHt iniulii nrl squares, cheapest In town, Wo runt, repair, ex change nml Hull on easy pay ments nml pack, store and Hhlp, C. P. HALL I'honi) WW. N. Caddo Ht. Tim nnw and second hand Htoro Ljiif)i Oil Cat Mer. af OVt . ni U CmH Wih S. ! htitetoe fr.llM of Topk k4 Jmw OSi: UA'p-nAvr. . Om ot S i4 Btir rxjrt vbo tr ia-"".- 5 .a "fc nl afrd t bmsto !n OkUiwA. rrt4 Ml Wa4 .r.ron 4 via pnment Ardmore Is Destined to Be Cement Center of the State Tbt amck ltt-'! U V n tki in rat ot on; j :n AriaK.r tw. tkroofko: OfcJahoa. u stev& ;,r n rtk! vrl:tM bj L. Hvus.ztoa. "a-r. white tb mjr Vl of i, z 4inKSor of .b noiolcl t-BDl&ftoo ini fal poMibil.t. wtr Mr 'be XugV.irm Record, not to M nerKo. (Nightmare T fl:i,Bfr tif xhm A ( mrtid ayMkicx dirvrtlr o tkt Th Wlchtt mountain diftrin fx mewnrj la rfr- - to Ardaorc h- tD4t aiobk tue nonftrt :: oi Mr tboae axMauti&c froa Bfr Ricbanis Tfe Artvckfe Movatkia rctoa torn- ' a fotat aboot six or itht mils Prt portlou of Carter. Garrla. Mar- ""' Ootbo. Throartowt U v rr. PoatouK. Johnatim. Goal aad tnt th tiawatoa hm1 belonc to Atofca iwttf Tbla tfUtrVrt coa- th ArbKkl fonaauoa. but "Trl tain tb talclHtat aad amt Baaai Ur" t,t" 'oc aorthwrn par RtttfMu - ta iMhM are of tbe aatM Urnf-atone i tha n. w,. mm jmj 'M th mm. at th Ada Plant. In Pontotor conntr Mt .. Mi .i The on!r caa do b.n prod.irffl from tb BMUa eoal aM or aa oai mrrhatitab qaant-t!. in -hi' K. vkMiw nM rtu-h lu. uMk lrt of the t i il Lawton and at of Araaaora and baa a dallr eaoa- Ootbo. Th former supplr my of nearqr ian.onQ.oav raMc tet. tr--i toir oa t p ),r. r-atetMiaa. Mr. O'XaU it v ( i "ffu.taJa of ta Prairt on aa4 , "mpMj aatf tbe ral maaa r - :l tae Ml4-Oof)tlat fVM Cot frAl'j i beartr atrate4 ia oil r''jritoa ta tbe ute aa4 Mr. Of. aaa bo a cared a eoaesioo tr xau to aaapir UM M fac- - ' -i at Cao7. Kaaaaa. a-itb gaj f on elia )aat or tbe Ok ;:xoa Hae. and a-bteb ba bad mad "r.'rr-a for before atatebood vect Ta aerrMary of tb latrtor b aaran that the 8taa4ard IU 'orifrf. a n-w atae Uae at noe. nni-r tb modified regalatim. bat iM beea tbreatealac to do ao for a "rag time, aad It appears that toapaar tll Jvea a o build or abat p. Tor - a nartac ' till to to bM. No woman can be happy without children; it is her nature to love them as much so as it is the beautiful and pure. The ordeal through v,t vh the expectant mother mnct nice - c CA F; M r f rirH tb ,t the th'.unht hi a h.r ith anprenension. The-e is r- necevty f -r the rept)duwtiuri i of l.fe U be either very i i , ..,. Thi.tPi,f Mnthnr a Friend prepares the svstem I'al 1 1 Ul l-H Uailtl 'U 3 . . ", ' TL . A it is passed vutnout any aancer. inis J w II I W wt'i w - .-bbbb. - bmv-mmamamm ammmaj remedy is apr'-J eterr,j.., and has earned t!:. uar,:"; women through the cr.sts with rut httle sutfenng DRAOFICLD RCGULA TOR OO. Allontm. Oa. MOTHER rlelENJj Cemeat la ao octac maaamnared Ada. ia rvxi'otor wnty. or tbe Oklahoma PorUan4 OeaMSt Co.. 1tb eoal for faeL Tb Crtaer r;n dtatrM ll aoataweat of Ardmor. la Soathrn CartT aad Northern Love eoaatl. 1 4 . a fev mllea aortb of Orerbrook - rTmnn aurvaoy tb iiBwaxosea ar.a inaiea wnirn ap- ma.!ot) known a rh- draftod aad tbey a Par ta the" bill are feotoaleallr m,.yr. and adlant ' h aoxaete baapeaa, . th jlt adequate for donvntU 1'Tr,a- 1 ba' the latter field ri-M ' tk. ik- U Bannfartunn pnrpoe- W r.'i tlon at lawtoa and Oor. .- -u tha: th writer blteT- 'hat ' posMtt of neither ar- -baaited. Tti eTnth realon 'n uvii-.-n . whlrh rontaini promtnr.K ' .--. ' c-ro-n rotk rooalsts of a . ' Wa-. f i v 3 the aaaae aa hoa of the Arbnekle n i--. v.i, v. .-..a. , .... IIUIT.IVU, IV. i, i V " 1 ' ' - ' aj Mtrantaina. nmi of the format ton v.. . ....i,. .v, .1.. case of former Secretary i u loentlcal witk th Jimeatone aaed - .v .' .. W''?0!l.prpfc".i?T'.r!br tk Portlaad Otaeat narrow band froni near Wapan -irka ' ' nJLtZE u,inU C M . rB1 M had ' northeaatward past Atokn. Urn-- -th nw rectilatlona 1U be a i w. mi uu. . h. Mninr M imm iZ j .,,. ... Wheeler. rut ontra! Flore roun'r Thi Tbe rt of the artirie aeaitag wrn ( therefore, x narrow bl h i wl'hln a teiy few dara. Kreryone woaM be tteaaflted by a, Koler' OHoa Ixuxatlxe for ortipatlon. atomoch aal llrar trou ble, aa It Hw(Hnn the ntoraach aad brath. ritly Hllmulutia the llrer and refrnlatH the howeln aad li tmi'h aupurior to plllH mid ordinary the condition throng-boat the state ooawlbllitlea eem !netimabl ia as follows: The Wapanacka dlntrtrt borl'rs t. OkUbonm has vnltnited qppH- ert chocUw coal field on ti ou'h of mor than a doten dli7rent ral- ra, throahoat Its entlrf -xl ti at.l aable minerals AmonK theae. lon- i therefore easily acfsslbl" to ar. land cmot rock and fuel for It abundant supply of fuel, manafaetur are br no mean th laie traasDortatlon farllPUs c' a!l Uxa!lv H. "Why not try Foley's Orino , Jeaat hi importanc aad promla. th abore-deseribed repions ar- laxative today? Sold by all drK- gists. COTTON MILLS COMPANY. Name Choten for Corporation Direc tor Are Named. ' lil kaHha. Okla., June r --"The i n Kret aepon 01 raw mainai. formly pood, bat when all knowt, or. tothr -lth the Inrreaalnif vnrcity dltlonfi. as raw material, fuel and of lumbr. ar awakening the transportation facilities, arf ron- d of the Southwest to tbe fart that .-y .red. It appears that at present h" most ron find a nw supply of cnap bt locations for Portland cf-rnf n' and efficient bulWInc material. plants are likely to be found In thp No one who has studied the trend Northern Oklahoma and WapanuMca of tb tltnK can reasonably doubt ' rations, thouch there are many choi'f Oklahoma notion " Mm.' I ihat th ?nn bulldlne material of ,us in nearly every one of th other o Oh- lWn.e ehosuii for the .ompany m.. V flV" r';Kl?n8 hT ,i,aTa5" tha' 1 . whi-h is KOliiR to hulld and operate 1? ,n CT l?l 1 v tn' ma"Vf?CtUr , X 1 ort,and , c"m(nl a iare rotton knlttli.K mill In fhkk- li B0p'"n- "iLi" coH.1'1 kfl,carrI on to ad"ta aaha t a mtlni of tb sUkhold- tn dny ,bn a nc wooden There is perhaps no part of the era th a AS tfcMoKr I thla part of th rountrr rnttM BMt today where th. re is of dlr.-ctois was chosen: II. It John- U aB rar'? a co"-10 oa more bulldlns In prospect within the una. next iw years man in utcianoma. A is well known, th process of with statehood a preat impetus has 'he manufacture of Portland remnt fo'n given to all kinds of avolop- is not complex. Nothing w neeiei In th wHy of raw material but ahale. limestone and fue). Almost any kin of shsl or limestone may be uf'lzed son. J U. Sparks. II. II. Hr-idges. T. If Iiyer. II. P. Smith. i V. Johns, Ijiwrencc Martin. I.. M. Potts. It K Wooten. II. C. McKay. J. It AlrTomble, J. S. Drown. J. I) ('hastalii. II. U JnrlKN. It was dechl d to take out liicoriKiration papers t owe. the rapttHl stock of the company to ln 1150.000. mont. Thero aro a great number public huildlnes. Inrludins schools asylums, iienitentlaries, etc , to lx erecteI. The flties are growing rap Read Thl. Yat';s Cetitw, Kan., S"pL 18, J&08. After tny doctors Rave me up to die Han s Toxas Wondor cured ion provided rertaln Injurious ln-.-d!. n's. ,uy. and ereat quantities of Portland notably Iron and magnesia, are not , cement are helns required for 'h prwnt in larg amounts and tho 1 constnictlon of business blocks, n-v,-siii'r1ntndent and chemist In charso dpnres, bridges, sidewalks and pavr hare sumclent Inltla'lve and Inuenulty tnents. The supply of Portland cr t work out a mixture proportioned mont manufactured In the state Is far less than the demand, and con tractors and builders are annually Ins thousands of carloads of cement made In oth'r states, where natural according to the varying composition I of th rocks of th different localities. kldntty aim hladd.r trouble. It Is th , j proximity to large shsl bwt medicine on earth. Mrs. H. S Ixls. occur in seven different rejrions ailvantui!. ar not so lnvitlnc as In Jotinson. Sold hr all driiKglsU. UAiWi"' the stat. .fwo of these regions Oklahoma. overlap the two great fuel-produclm; a consideration of the a.: ' tv Falr Proposition rftR of OMUuHn": three others are pcther with the fact th.vt r jr Kp-at' - U'hiw..v a,.,i nr.i i. In ',y resch of tP,,,Ml Kssterrttory. forests are practically exhausted and Whiskey and ilnm habits cured to , w,,B mounU of Hnd tsas i,r cn thereto . ,i v t J stay cured. No cure no pay. No and larn lls of lienlUr coal have lt ,.ap r than at present, should, it ap- money until cured. Is our motto. ln dlecoven-d within the confines p.MM, make t clear to anyone, thouch or the other. he Is noil her a prophet nor the son of Th seven limestone and shale-bear- , proihet. that Oklahoma Is destined Iiik n-alons alluded to above may 1 .0 recomo one o ftho greatest Port- nuiKbly designated and describiMl as ia- ()mrnt producers of the nation, follows- The Northern Oklahoma re- nnj that in the matter of securing de- Kion. which comprises all of the Hlralde locations not only is "first Osae. Washington and Nowata conn- comes, flrH served.1 but best served. ties, tne eastern twotnirus or i-hw- The facU hero set forth wl be of HILL'S dw SANITAHIIIM. Ardmore. Okla. A BABY AT PRIMROSE HILL. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Maxwell An nounce Arrival of Little Daughter. Th' re s a flutter of win, through the1,,, P,mnty the northern half of Tul- further interest owing to the propos air so still. u county. I lowers county northwest wi orectlon of a million dollars ce .win h imiii nas mine in iTimmxe Hill She- wrinkled .iiul pink as the heart of a rose From the top of her head to her we,, little tiM). Her inline Is .Miss Maxwoli, ami she just came tixlay, lint xhe'a uiipscsisl her suit case and :it Hhe will stay To her friends we semi greeting, ami uk i heir kxmI will For the baby's who's come out n I'niuros' Hill Mar licit'- Maxwell. J ll.i ,s '.'.t'J Best Stomach Remedy Free It ii an f Id a n c that if the stom ach is sound the whole body i. sale, of the Frisco railroad, and the north- Inent plant near Springer nnd the west half of f'mlit county. This re- connecting up of the works with Aril Klon Is most wonderfully blessed with more by an Interurhan railway tha' fuel. Hesldes two extensive veins of will extend on to Chlckasha. The workable coal. It contains more than projectors of this enterprise are much half th present oil and gas produc- impressed with the raw material at tlon of the state. Some gaH wells In hand and are reported to have closed the llogshooler field, southeast of Hoveral deals looking to the acqulsl Itsrtlesvllle. are reported on good an-'tlon of the necessary land for the thority to hare had an Initial produc-, plant. tlon or more man &(i.t)m),non cumc feet per day, and various producers stand ready to supply gas for inanu- facturtiiK puritoHM at the nominal price of three cents per thousand cu bic feet. Cement I. now being manufactured from one of the limestone and shale formation of this district at Dewey, , In Washington county. Tlno same! limestone and ahale inemlx'rs extend almost continuously from the state line in northeast Washington county to the bluffs of the Arkanias river, southwest of Tulsa. The Ozark mountain region occu- Women Who Are Envied. Those attractive women wno are lovely In face, form and temper are the envy of many, who might he like them. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and Irritable. Consti pation or Kidney poisons show In Pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. For all such, Kleetrlc Hitters work wonders. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kid neys, purify the I iod; give strong nervn, bright eyes, puu breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely com plexion. Many charming women owe hernne iihilIi drnrn.U noon ilir ,'"1"'1 .V1 Piexion. .Many charming women owe licratnc li itHitli (icpcius upon Uic ,f that ortlon of the Ozark uplift health mil heautv to them 10c proper ..f the stotrach Many wl)lt,h ,,.,, from u, OM1, ,, 0k- rfj"' iCrmacv persons find th.msclves with a dis- iltil(,lim B,i romprlsos practically all nannac. order oi tne lumai ii vwiicii nro- ,,r nuu a nM,mrU A.tnir ri,a,. duce dyspepsia or a peculiar state of ko(, counties, and parts of Mayes and Seuuoyah counties. Low Exeuslon Fares From Memphis During the United Confederate Veterans' Reunion. On Juno ;, 10 nnd 11, 1009, the. nd Nashville IL It. will soli tickets from Memphis to the iMiMi-u has round. it way Into tho pure. Samples from near Muskogee points in tha Rtatcfl of Alabama, Gcor tM. U'ini i. i,;!i .in'i.iy n Violent cutiinrtio ,,nv'' un and found to con- gft, Mississippi, Kentucky and Tcnncs- lillii.uMns iuu .uiirr iiiiui mini niiMlliivil iriMiinu Tlilu rvl lu niilli, inoiint&lnmia nml ciimiiiMtioi) you r on tho way to a 1 region is nu'"' mountainous, very idtIuu dUeaiH Krom lust micli eon mid the cement iOMsilillltlis tiave dlll'ina com.. apiMnillclIlN, rheumatism. pver been exp o ted. to the writer's i,u..ii- kln ami similar dlsnnlurs, be- tiw.u-i,.iiw cjio f tho iiininnn. '"'""'O an .iiuMi th.- w.te matter thnt iihouUI hnv.i knowledge. Somo of the limestones .. . . hnii umiM-iiiHi from tho system throuuii from this district are exceptionally "iiui ;np u iiiniei or sail, uineii usually noes moru nun n mikii n .'i vein, ni,nnii , . . r,v mnro thnn harm thnn gomi but a irentln laxatlvo carbonate or limestone. Many of the T ftl fare of C0 conts moro than Ilk., pr Caldwell s hrup l'ensin. ,,,-1... Hhnles have every aniearance tho regular one-wny rate. Tickets lira- whl'h people lune been using for theso .r" H "I'l" '" .... , . ', . , . .. Inienta for nearly n quarter of a ren- or being suitable ior cement man'linc- ntc lor return unm Juiy i, ijuu. ror n tury, It nn.ul 1 O I n.,hnm nt t- ...... f . 1. n .....Il.lll.lnn I. . .. ....... . .... ii, VLi,n;r n. llUM" l"" i"'"" "i in' wiles can at ticKct office, oi lyOUisviiio, atandiiiK, auo wiiitnm Volt, of 903 mils- r m ,W ar, 1 ro , and Nushv o It. It., No. South1 .on M.. Umlsvllle. Ky.. who hud tho The only fuel that has so far been , 1 .,,., , trouble for fifteen years. reported from this region Is u little Maln st- or Union depot, Memphis, or i However. If you huvo stomach troublo Pnn f,.. ,ia nnrthnnat f Vnrt . .nblromi V tl Tlnlrrl T P. A you want to know from personal exprl- , ",',v" ' ....... ... ... - enco what Dr. Caldwell's Syrup i-epsin (Hon, nnd In greater abundance I.lttlo Hock, Ark. uu j v,w, i r, ,-nu jwur iiuiiio nni w, rnilliniin. Ill" eilippilll ill . , T,,.-n n A Memphis, Tenn. KM' vnounr.rWoin'd,foHr "'J rom the main coal field to the' the free bottle, us the results from It will 't" r the piping of gas from the ( le the best recommendation of Dr, Cald- Muskogee or shallow llelds would bo i .WMM practicable under favorable cornll. to your ilruKKlit ami buy u reirular Ixitllo tlOIIH. nt to cents or II, according to the slto The Southern Oklaliom.a region oc- Modern Woodmen Notice, Kvery nelghlKir Is urgently request. ,.! t, l.i, ..ul nt llw. f llp A you prefer we cnui.l mention humlreds rup(.H n ,t of country 12 to 3r. miles ' , . , , md huiidreils of families who nro never .. . . ... . ...... hall Sunday morn ng nt ten o'clock without It You ran never tell when soma mont, iteii nur irom m nr .Ma-1 ' " member of tho family will need u laxs- rleitn to the Arkansas line. Some of i where the camp will form In proces- ILkin ."nV 'I'Vi.iwiu iiU;,,,T.!.'i,.in" ,0,t ,ho l",',,ln Im1kh of tills region slon and march In a body to the luklngDr tuldwell s Hrup lepsln. . tnnrla. Tlw. nillnei.nt i dtaV If there is anythln about , Li.ah are nticralt ed and ii iictuous 1'r"H,,,,"r" "iiuri lo attend special your allreent that you don't 1 "L.?..U"'" " .onducted bv Ir. Wulth. At 3tk tin,trti,mt nr If vnn ml l"" Illlim "i lar nn anv ' meSral udvl write raw materials nro concerned, aro In-!'- o'clock in tin; afternoon tho camp wl assemble again at tho hall and to the doctor, nnd he will Vltlng. answer you fully. There Is The most practical source of fuel , R(, on f) JU)S , colnKory whr0 no churKB for this service, supply for tho present Is coal fronii., .... ... , , The address Is Dr. W. a the main field of tho Coalgate.MeAles. ! lh" wl" (h" of Caldwell, tit Caldwall UAfi ter region. The oil and gas develop- eensisl neighbors. Full ivttendanco is Motitlcello. III. , monts at Madlll, however, are not un- urged. S, F, HAVNIB. Clerk. U. C. V. REUNION JOIN THE BOYS IN GRAY AT Memphis, Tennessee JUNE 8, 9 AND 10, 1909 $11.00 ROUND TRIP FROM ARDMORE VIA ROCK ISLAND TicKets on Sale, June 6, 7, 8 and 9 SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE Full information from your nearest agent Geo. II. Lee, G. P. A. J. S. McNally, D P. A. Little Rock, Ark. Oklahoma City. P rh . -raw?1' SAVANNAH CITY HALL, Savannah, Ja., One of Our References ). E. BURGESS M. E. BURGESS J. E. BURGESS & SON' General Contractors Estimates furnished on all kinds of work you may have in our line at short notice. House, store and office work a specialty. Office in Post Office Building Telephone 293-1 Ardmore, Okla. Say, Old Moss Backl by our best phyelcanB. Seo Filter that water and protect tho & nest, Plumbors & (las FHtors. health and HveB of your family, the , Phono 216, West Main St. 30-tf microbes that now lurk around yoin water pail will eoon put you In bed with typhoid fovor. For J2.00 a can get a filter fully guaranteed ,mil uted ALBATROSS Tnat's the narao of tho best flaur sold lu Ardmore.