Newspaper Page Text
I PAGE FOUR THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. Ardmore, Sunday, June 6, 1909 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE by the ARDMOREITE PUDLISHINQ CO. blDNKY Sl'flOU . President. Kntired lit tin1 Postolllco nt Ardmoro nn Second-Class Matter. iMficial Paper for Carter County AND THE CITY OF ARDMORE If It Ik In the Ardtiioiolte, It Ib legal, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. The Dally Ardmorelte. One Yonr ioM Oik- Mouth 50 Ono Week 1&! The Weekly Ardmorelte. Per Year by Mnll $1.00 Six Months nireo Month -j".-2- Phones. 1 Iluslnoss Manager's Olllco 538 C ity lidltor's Olllco &, 1-otig Distance MS Any erroneous reflection ott tho diameter, standing or reputation ol nay person, linn or corporation which limy appear In the cotumiiH ot The Ardmorelte will In- gladly corroct-i-d iiKn IIh being brought to tlio nt t "ltlon of the management. Ardmore, Sunday, June C, 1901 THE ARDMOREITE. Tin- first dully paper printed In Ardnioie wiih the Dally Advertiser, published by C. II. Ilradley, and It. Initial Issue wiih September lS'jl. A wee little Hheet which wmh sotf supporting as mi advertising modi u m ami mas illHtrlbuled gratuitously evory work day of the week. Tho venture took on hIzo iih Its patronage. grew. From HiIh humble start the Ard morelte gained ItH oxlHtoniv, the hiiiiiII printing plaiit of the Advot Istor having been purchased at fee death of It owner by I). 1'. Cloyd. who enlarged the plant and indued a new dally. The Ardmorelte. Other papers sprung up In Ardm more but most of them were hiuiii lived and nearly all ot them m 'd into the Ardmorelte. In those early days Ardmore wan looked upon n h a veritable newspaper gruv ' yard, no many were the newspape-s which budded but for a brief spac. Nor was the Ardmoreiie s.iiaiiik I Hi-reliely on flowery beds of ease, j l-'iuaiielal matters more than on ' ! sought to engitlr It. The fiery do moil on two different occasions re duced It to ashes. It changed own ership two or three times, yet u dint of courage and persistent till IKiwer aided lu ii financial way iiy prlvnto nature, and then consider the! ofect which n Mr, high priced crop will have, mid every one, oven tho pete HlmlHt ought to havo plenty of faith In the Immedlnto future of Ardinoro. Ardmore renl eHtnto during tho next two yours will make ninny fortunen, In our prediction. oo THE ARDMOREITE LEADS OTH-, ERS FOLLOW. With more than twenty-five pen-, pie on It k payroll le sides a largo force of newsboys and currier, the Ardmorelte In one of the large f In dustrie of the city. It lit now turn- j I UK out a book containing nearly 200 pages, containing course of In-, structlon In the titnte normal school, an Issue of $.000. It lias wlUiln tie , p:ist three months printed ami de-1 llvorod li'.'S.OOO mrm hlankH for the, state superintendent or public In struction; 10,000 copies of a book1 containing the course of study In j the public schools of the slate; , 25,000 bcok.i containing th hcIiooI text book; a large Issue of a Isiok ) for the state examiner mid Inspect or, eintaliiliig difficult tables audi figure: u 50,000 Issue of emergeiifv I bills of the last legislature; u ISO J page book for the state Odd Fellow I. and scores of other big Jobs. It Is doing ii large amount of all kinds of small work, such as any first class Job office turns out. There U still Home work that could he done at the Ardmorelte olflce , that Is going out of the city. This Is largely due to the fact that Ii has not leconie Renerally known that this class of work could In done here. All that the Ardmorelte asks b that the same kind of work pay the Hiime price as when sent away I from home. It Is prepared to do ill- ' most anything lu the printing or i book making line. The paper Is j also extending ami adding to lt:i in us gathering facilities. It grown - with Ardmore and mill continue to do so. It Ih for anything that Is A NEW $40,000 PLAY HOOSE SEEMS ASSURED FOR CITY for the upbuilding of Ardmore. It was the first and always has been the leading paper of the city, with the larg'Ht paid city and country circulation and the largest paid nil- I vertlslng pntixmngc of any paper In i the city and will continue to lend a It always hits. oo - MUSIC IN OUR SCHOCuS. To pass the week without Hpeclal mention of the musical advantages which the public school children of Ardmore enjoy, and tho efficiency and I devotion to her work on tho part of I Miss Van Wormor, would not bo either good manners or Hhotv One up-1 pn elation, j Ardmore can build it city without a good many things but It e.m not hill'd a city that wo would be proud of .vtliout some of the higher things, n-id music Is one of them. In Miss i Woriner the fchool board may consider Itself pariiculnrly fortunate her Uiitiw. ir Ittl iriMUl fr Mill U It mil-Vlveil IMKi- mull nu in all those ordeals and took on nivork shown durliu tho past week. 111. in. utnhli. eriiu-tll IIIUl.ll fuVOrllblo COIUUlOUt lllUS beOII It wnH left, however, for Its ! henrd. and on Friday present president and general man ager, Kidney Kitggs, to place in Ardmorelte on a firm foundation .till Ida purchase of the plant on iw 7th day of June INK", was the m niigurntlou of that event. From ;hr day to the present, the Anlmoi has continued to grow and It now holds rank with the best and uio.t progressive newspapers lu the stale of Oklahoma. Tlit Ardmorelte Ik now one of the cleanest mid neuslest papers In the state, coloring tho local field with nil experienced staff; has spe clnl correspondents in the state cap ital and all large cities lu the state, thus covering all state new lu tin' most thoiough manner: has an alert and on Friday night when her graceful lending of the orchestra and of the sinning, when she sooted to bo nn Inspiration to her own self and to those who followed the cadences of her baton, there seemed nothing left i to be desired. A l.lberlal could not j have directed his players with morel enthusiasm and sometimes engerncRH and n Housn could not have afforded I more pleasure to an audience. MIsk Van Worinor must pardon fori our comparisons with mere men, but ! we do not recall, nt thin time, ono of her sex. who is u inuslcnl oxiKisllor, or who wields a baton lu the name Hue of work. - iWo ' THE HIGH SCHOOL. Although the bonds have not been Tho very evident fact that Ard more Ik lu need of a larger opera house or auditorium, whore large gatherings may bo enred for In com-1 fort and with convenlonco wns nver better demonstrated than tin Thurs-1 day nnd Friday nights, when the ' Koblson opera house wiih crowded to ! the doors and seats und benches had to bo plnettl In the aisle and necessarily crowded past the wife ty line. This state of affairs, as concerns , local theutrlcnl conditions, yesterday developed the fact that before the I fall "show" season opotnt that Ard- i more will have a modem, up-to-date opera house, second to none lu the state, ciiiahle of seating 1,200 per sons or more. 1 The new playhouse Is to be built by well knoAii local partli. and while It would be violating no con fidence. It lit deemed best not to give Uih names of tho projectors Just yet, but that such n house will be built hero during the com- ; lug summer or full, Ih almost nn assured fact, ns a prominent Kan sas City architect Is now working , on plans which will be submitted i for approval. The new house will cost in the u Ighhoiiiood of $rsr,000 or $ 10,000 i und will be modeled after the best of the playhouses In the blg titles. So far as Ih lenmed now there ' will be storerooms undenn ath, or at part or the lower floor will be so occupied nnd the theater proper 1 will he In the reur, liming both a balcony und gallery. The location has not yet bei , definitely settled upon, suffice to say that It will not be built on ! .Main street. Ilroadwny mill most 1 likely offer the most suitable lo-1 cation, lu fact, It Is understood that options for this purpose have been ! taken on several pieces of property on this street. It Is the Idea of builders to open the season and to dullcate the house with one of the big eastern tvimpunles, brought to Ardmore es pecially for the occasion. They will expect the public spirited titlxriiH of this city to help them only to the extent of paying a good liberal price ror "iirst night seats, pcrhnps as t iniicn as ten or lirteen dollars per stat, and this Is not too much to ask or to expect. Other cities have helped local builders lu such man ner very greatly, and have fell proud to be able to do It. Arrangt tneiits have already partial ly been made looking toward the bookings, for the new house, and which will he on one of the big theutrlcnl circuits, assuring Ard more theater patrons tho best there Is to l had In the amusement line. The builders are men well . known lu entertainment circles throughout this section of tho state i ami have had experience such in will t liable them to make u decided success of their venture. Guthrie, Oklahoma City and Shawnee, Where will the Capital Be ? Ardmore Occupies Neutral Ground. In the location for the cnpltoi of the stnte every mnn In Oklnho inn will have his vote. The ap proaching battle between (luthrle. Oklahoma City and Shawnee for this honor finds Ardmore and the vast nuiuler of people In tills sec tion of the stato occupying neutral ground. Knch one of theso cities has direct railroad conutctlou with Ardmore and one will be as conve nient us the other. Ha oh of these onndldntes has tho Oklahoma spirit and will go with a vim after the support of the people. A llvtly cam paign, which before It ends will Interest every Inhabitant of the state, will be In progress in a short time. Ardmore hns been too busy building and growing to have engendered any III will ngnlnst any city or tho state. The people would not rob either or tho towns of any honor due It and mould like to see. If It were ixrslble, each of these hustling cities bo rewarded with the honor It seeks. Shawnee m V 7 HERE'S A NUT FOR THE LOCAL BANKERS TO CRACK: COMMERCIAL CLUB ROOMS ARE NOW INADEQUATE COLE YOUNGER HERE. mid experienced cot re"inndent in (dd or the money Washltmton. covering every evpin I tK,w jhm.ooa high which transpires mere ot interest t i our readers; Is the only paper south of Oklahoma City which re reives tile dally Associated I'-esi news service covering every tinptir- ii p to the hour of going to pros" With an ever alert view to give' our renders the bent news service l obtainable the Ardmorelte has not hesitated at cost. It has not been 1 u tiuostlon of cost. It has been "Tell I It to the people." That the people of Ardmore und t lie state of Okla- ' homa appreciate our effort in fur nlshlng the news while It is news t , evidenced by our ever Increasing subscription list which is open to, Inspection ot all advertisers, uml oui postage account with t'ncle Sam. which is greater than all other pub ! Mentions in the city combined , The Ardmorelte plant is equipped with all the latest and up to dale i machinery and at the present time Is i in the market for a faster news i til ess. The Ardmorelte employs twenty two people regularly In its various d purtments, with a weekly puy roll of some magnitude every Saturday, and all this uionej is spent In Ard more. oo secured for the school htilliUng. ' there Is much talk over Its probable1 location, some appearing to favor one purl of the city, and others an other. 1 While the matter is perhaps a lit tie premature to discuss, there is Just one thing about tin high school lo-' cation. In order to best serve the ! interests of the whole people u cen tral location with rotation to the pop-1 illation of the city must be secured. 1 No one section should be favored to tile exclusion of the other. A central1 point equally accessible to overt- child In the tit y s the place for a high , school. Last of the Famous Younger Brothers Will Tell His Life Experiences. Col. t ole Younger and his repres entative, A. Van Krlchren, arriv ed In the city yesterday from Fort Worth, Toxns, where .Mr. Younger de livered a lecture at the Heor opora house lu that city for the benefit of the confederate grays. Mr. Younger is here now visiting i ills two sisters, Mrs. A. C. Young and Mrs. A. II. Rollins He will go from ' hero to Memphis, Tenn., where he 1 will deliver a lecture to his old com- rades .it the confederate reunion, t Mr. Younger will lecture at tho Air dome this evening on 'What Life Has Taught Me," and will relate many In , chletils lu varied and checkered ca reer from a boy of seventeen up to now. Air. Younger will tell some In , terestlng taltM of the guerilla warfare i during the civil war and among which ' will doubtless be some remlulscensos , of tho late Thomas T. Crittenden. .Missouri's war governor, whose death occurred a few duvs ago at Kansas v ity. IF WORKING FOR CHEAPER GAS WILL DOUBLE DEPOSITS, WHY DON'T THEY GET AT IT. BUSINESS OF RETAILERS AND THE CLUB ASSUMING LARGE PROPORTIONS. DEATH OF LITTLE BOY PEOPLE'S FORUM THE BEST INVESTMENT. rdmore real estate lu becoming recognized by Oklahoma exports n.t the most promising ot any to be round In tho now state There aro two roa Mitts nslgtied for this belief. Ono Is the woll known fact that Ardmore is ono of tho handsomest nnd most pro gressive titles to bo found In tho state, and the other Is that prices havo been kept nt nn extremely low level A great Increasing In values Is predicted on tho strength of tho tunny Improvements which nro now assured Tor tho balance of tho year 1H09 The long talked or rnllwny to tho west Is nt Inst assuming tnnglblo form the Jlno being boyond tho paper stage, financiers having been found, not only ready but eager to furnish tho money. Tho company is orgaulzed, tho sur vey will bo stnrted next weok and nc tlve work will doubtless begin before fall. Thon thoro nro vnrlous Industrial enterprises which nro already making plnns to Uovclop tho marvelous min eral resources of tho county, nil of which will go townrd making a big city of Ardmore. A rnllwny In a outhenBtorly direction lu nlso n pos nihility to tho near future. Add to all theso reasons tho enor mous amount of building Improvement which la to bo done of a public and I i.dltor Ardmorelte; Why so much HOT AM? There In a Mood dual In the papers nowMdsys iilmut lsHHttliig Aidtnoiw slid some of the lH'ople that make the uiiist noise about It are the first ones to send their money orders to Mont rutnery, Hard Co., for any article they happen to need lu order to Me a dime. The writer knows of a tliml tlmt was pulled tiff here a few days ago where a purchase was made of two hundred Jollars worth of goods from a foreign corporation and no money was saved In the deal, either, and the only ex cuse the buyers had for this mistake tit is a mistake) was that they never thought that Ardmoro merchants had these goods, Maybe the merchants nre to blame for not advertising their wares but any citizen that tunkes a 1 purchase or any article out ot this city without first trying to get It hero1 makes a mistake and so long as tho people here nre guilty of fliese nils takes just so long will the growth of this city be retarded. These nre little things but It Is tho little things tlmt mivko the large ones nnd every good citizen who Is In renl enrttost about lKiostlng Ardmore will give his home merchant the prefer ence lu all his or her purchnses. X. Y. I.. nad.ruetrgh? Houston Benge Dies at Family Home on Washington Street Friday. Houston, the little four-year old son of Mr. uml Mrs. A. C. Ilengo i died at the family home, till) north I Washington street Friday night, af-1 ter an lilies of several mouths. Since .limitary the little fellow lias i been unable to walk, and u 1th all 1 that medical skill and science was 1 able to do. he was unable to con- I Unite the uneipial battle with dls ae any longer. The pa rents ate heartbroken with grief at the un timely death or one of their happy family and have the deep sympathy if many friends. The funeral was hold sft ruiHiil at three o'clock family home. Dr. II. (. ef the. Christian church the funeral sermoi.. Rose lllll cemetery. The Curfew Ordinance, lleglunltig with this date the cur few ordinance In this tity will hi enforced. If you have boys and want them at homo after nine o'clock, help us enforce the law. or me will have to cause the arrest of all, boys under the ngo of slxtfen found ! without good reason on the streets , after nine o'clock. The curfew boll i will strike nine tlmt"" at nine o'clock and all boys must ho off the streets ' miles they have good reason tor he lug out. T. .1. .IONICS. ; Police Commissioner, i 1UTCK (iAIMKTT. Chief of I'ollce. tl-7 The Ardmorelte has been request ed to give publicity to tho follow ing from a well known public spir ited citizen, which we aro more than glad to do. The writer wlsliet his name withheld, hut his letter ami signature Ik on file at this office: To the Hankers of Ardmore, Aidmore, Okl.t. : (it-ntlumrn -An effort Is being made by the people of Ardmore to raise money to gut u stttfiiiont sup ply of natural ga.s lu the vicinity of Ardmore to enable us to give man ufacturers a very chAap rate, and thus build up our city. I have been Informed that the money has not yei been entirely raised, and that there are Mime few people lu the city who are not Inclined to aid III the effort. It Is Immensely concecbd that If we can get factories lu the tity we can double our population In a short time. To double our popula tion In a short time means to dou ble the bank deposits In the same length of time. This Is true, lie cause the recent statements of the hanks In glowing towns of the state show that their dcMs!ts are Im mensely larger than are those of Ardmore. I understand you think deposits are worth to you three or four per cent per year, and are willing to pay that amount for deposits. The depi.t Its of Ardmore now aggregate $1. 000.000. If we can double them in a short time it will mean nn in crease or $1,000,000, and this mill he worth to you, and I think you would he willing to pay !l per cent, p r year to get It done, :i per cent or ll.OOO.Oiio is $110,000. ir the bunk1 would give one-sixteenth ot this Coiinellv ' uniount towards doubling the popuhi- V, Mill. I.J mm in lie- i-iij nit) loinii luoiiiiniy get thflr deposits Increased $1.000,. , 000 at one-tenth or what they are willing to pay ror thorn. Is there any fallacy about this reasoning? 1 , If any person doubts tho correct-, I of the rigures, let them wtitt ' to the growing towns and the hanks tnere and ask them their experi ence. I U this Is tho case, would It not ' also pay them as a body to get out and work enthusiastic. ror the proposition, so that the'r iutliience as well as their money shall count, to get cheap gas ror the city or Ard moro, get ractorles here, get prople i hero, get new money hero to make tho town grow and prosper, as our ' neighbors are doing In other parts 1 or the state' A "CITIZH.V yesterday t'tiui the preaching ; lliirlal was In It has at last become necessary for tho Retailers Association nnd the Com mercial Club to hnvo larger quarters, nnd nt the meeting of tho former on Friday night nt the city hall, the room was not able to accommodate those who would attend. The business of theso two organi zations being conducted troni tho same offices, and with frequent meet- I lugs or both bodies, tho present rooms aro entirely Inadequate. Then also the business or ench has very great ly Increased within the past twt months ami , requires all and nion or the time or .Mr. Spauldlng and hl.t assistant. Mr. Danker, to properly look after th( business. During tho pastj , week both hnvo worked ninny hours J over tlmo In ordor that tho work might not accumulate. Tho best pan of It Is, that Tor tho members, every one Is beginning to actually see re sults. The retailors aro more thnn pleased ' with their organization and nre adding j to the membership daily, while the I Commercial Club has grown Into the I biggest und busiest organization In the I city, with the responsibility or work ing out some bg problems ror the city. I larger quarters aro absolutely nee- esary and it is tho general opinion ! that u largo ground floor room bo ! secured, where prlvnto offices might he had, that will enable the secretary and his assistants to work with the lenst Interruption, and at the same time have a place for a permanent exhibit of the resources of CtirlVM" County, uml where also, an auditorium with a seating capacity of at least L'OO or more might bo had ror meet ings or a general and business nature It Is expected that n Joint meeting or the directors or tho Commercial Club and the officers of tho Itotnllers Association will bo hold early next week to iiinke iirnngomonts for secur ing other and larger quartors. COL. J. W. JOHNSON OF MILO, OKLA. Col. J. W. Johnson of .Mllo, Okla,. has resided in Oklahoma for nt! years, he Is engaged In farming, stock nils ing and merchant!! Ing. Ho Is culti vating fuu acres ot itinu tins year nt mountains. Four hundred acres nro fine, promising a yield or CO to 0 of the rami Is In cotton and it looks .Mr. Johnson was In Ardmoro yei more by paying in spot cash $1,000 grove College addition. A portion or uml theso aro tho rirst lots ho bus sold. Col. Johnson will build a hntulso mo home on thin property nnd will have it ready to move his family to Ardmore by tho tlmo tho fall torm of school opetiB. the south foot hills of tho Arbucklo devoted to com nnd tho crop looks bushels to tho acre. Tho remainder very fine. terday nnd attested his faith in Ard to Leo cruco for eight lots In tho Har tlils edition belongs to Mr. Cruce FATAL FAMILY FUSS REVIVAL SERVICES , At Carter Avenue Methodist Church. ' Preaching by Mlsslsslppin. Revival services have bet n lu pro I gross at Carter Avenue Methodist church, Ilev. .1. V. Hogors, pastor or Main Street M. K. church, south, Water Valley, .Miss.. doing the preaching. Tho attendance hns been good, tlie interest excellent, and each seivlce deep and spiritual. Services today nt 11 a. in. and' S p. m. Kveryhody Is given a cordial welcome to theso services. , IN WHICH A WOMAN IS SHOT BY SON-IN-LAVS ANOTHER. lovers of tho sKirt nro promised the best game or tho senson this nft ernoon at Lorena I'nrk. Ardmoro vs. Whltesboro, Tex. Head Ardmorelte Want Adt The Hatter. Old Stetson hats and all other klndi or old lints cleaned and rcblocked as nice ns new. Out or town work sent mo given prompt attention. S. C. JOHNSON, Tho Hntter, Opposite Court House, Ardmore, Okla avoid serious results tako Fo- Kidney Hemedy at tho first of kidney or bladder disorder ns backnche, urlnnry irregular- exhaustion, nnd you will soon bo woll. Commence taking Foley's Mdney Hemedy today. Sold by all druggists. To ley's sign such Itles, Colds that hang on weaken tho constitution nnd dovclop Into con sumption. Foley's Honey nnd Tnr cures persistent coughs that refuse to yield to other treatment. Do not 1 experiment with untrlet! remedies ns Ttio Ardmoro boys nro in good trim delay may result In your cold set- nnd will play good ball todny. Tho tllng on your lungs. Sold by nil drug-1 gumo will bo called nt 3 o'clock. Ard gists. more vs. Whltesboro, Tex. , Melxiud, Okla., Juno 5. Mrs. I'. H. i Tomal, 54 yenrs old ,wifo or n tanner 1 residing threo miles north or Mclxmil, was shot and fatally wounded this nf-, ternoon by Wllllnm Davis, hrr son-in-law, whllo Mr. nnd Mr. Totnla nnd Davis qttnrroled over fnmlly nftnlrs in tho corn Held, hnir a mllo fromj tho house. Davis surrendered to tho, authorities and was taken to Jail at Chandler. , Davis and his wife separated two weeks two nt Meeker. Sho returned to her pnrents and Davis camo today after their two children. When Davis approached in tho field Tomln evi denced an opposition to him and Da vis, who Is a deputy sheriff, sought to nrrest him. Tomla resisted, and In tho meleo that followed Mrs. Tomla was shot, tho ball entering her temple. Shn cannot recover. Davis gave out a statement In which ho charged that Tomla knocked him down with a hoo nnd nttcmptod to kill him. nnd ho shot in self do- fenBo at Tomln. Tho latter says that Dovls camo to his house Inebriated, I nnd nfter nssnultlng other mombora or the ramlly, 'went to tho floli nnd ; attempted to kill him; that as Davis drew lils gun Mrs. Tomln ran be'woen i them and that Davis, saying, "Damn , you, I'll kill you," fired his revolver. This Is tho second tlmo that Tomla has been a target for a liall that took ' tho llfo of another. Two years ngo n , tenant fired nt him ns ho nnd his i daughtor nnd two hired men were- driving along tho highway. Tho aim was bad and ono of tho hired men was killed. Tho tonant was sontenced to twcnty-flvo years In tho penitentiary. Could Not Be Better. No ono has over made a salve, ointment, lotion or balm to compare with Bucklen'3 Arnica Salvo. It's the ono perfect hoalor of Cuts, Corns, Hums, Ilrulscs, Sores, Scalds, Uolls, Ulcors, Kczomn, Salt Kheum. For Soro Eyes, Cold Soros, Chapped Hands It's supreme. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at Ardmoro rhar-m&cy.