Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday, June 6, 1909 PAGE SIX THE DAILY ARDMOREITE i mm rx u I f iL CI 71 m V To Remove Freckles Q Pimples Wooa mcuonaia ana Luuidir vvijcj j. i lONCM DKI) FROM I'AOB THItKB Htral no-mber of the Rod and (iun Club Lake spent Friday evening at the club house. A delightful sup per was enjoyed by Mr. and Airs. fl. A Slmt'WJii, Mr. Worthy and Mrs. C. 1' Wh toman of Oklahoma City: Mr .and Mr .1 N Dorinon. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. 1 htirmond 1 Tr and Mm. C. I. Whiteman and Men mid Mr. Worthy have r i d to Oklahoma City after u iit i l.l'IVItt. UTcnDaylUMNadmola dir.AM, a new dU corery, told ureter a totitira guarantee, ami mnney n-fundeil If It failt to remove freckles, p a.jil' , lit. r upon, tan, fallownci.i, collar dincoloratiuur, black hold i anil eruption of tbo iUd, do rutter of bow Iodic (landing. Ordinary tate In 10 iUa. th or.t In 13 ilaj-f. Leave, tho Ma ri'ar.K'fl, healthy arid laut'ful. NopoMltlc harm can re an frtitniM UK. Kiidorwdr y thouana of erati tul ladle. UK. auj i.uO Lf liauiug d;uguu or tualL NATIONAL TOIIXT COMPANY. PjfU. Tina. For Friday, Saturday and Big First Monday of i' i t in- now twenty-nine llbrarlet OkUtioma llnted with the ecre of the utate library awMclatlon. 'ii ,(. seventeen are either Came miblie llbmrieti. The Sute L'nl . . at Norman has the Umetit II u , and receives thirty dallies and wi-cklle. Our own library the - . sir has 100 tibw volume. These two famou horses give the people of this section tho best op I'Ortunlty they have cvor had to improve their stock and ralite $100 horses Instead of J 100 horses. Thnne two stallions will make the soaaon of May and Juno at the Hluo Front Training Stable on Hro-idwr-.y Wood McDonald Is a beauMfJl sea brown, 16 handH high, weight 1,1 7fi poundx, left hind foot white, goo.l feet and oyr, clean flat bone, heavy mailt; and tall. Ho Is n clean, toIil puundH. actor, with plenty or speed, drive nicely and looks fine In haniiMi. Ills calls ar walk, fox trot, slow pace, trot, rack; and canter. Winner of first at Sedalla, Mis hourl, State Fair. 1905. second at II linols State Fair, Springfield, 1905, flmt and sweepstaki at Oxlabuma State Fair, Oklahoma City. 1907; sec ond at Texas State Fair, Dalian. 1907; first and two hccoihIs at Fori Worth Stock Show 190S; one first, one second and one third at Texas State Fair. Dallas, 1908. Iotlmlr Is a Pcrcticroii, and wir make the honsou, at the place. ii thalr Is a very dark lay 10 1-2 hands high, six years old, weight 155'J Terms reasonable. Come to traintiiK "table, and Inspect these horen or write J. M. llartn'.lt. Ardmore or n. L. Ream, Wnpanuck:i Okla. AlhO have a Due Jersey bull. FELKER THE GROCER Every th'mq Good to Eat UNDER ONE ROOF! W f- Isabel Denne Is enterUlnlfiK ,i - wk MIwwm Mettle Wade and ycr ,md Mr. Philip Cook of Part, TcXHS Mm Mary llyrd has returned from Columbia. S. C. where ho has boon Hlli tiding school. The Aid Society)? the South Aril more Rnptlst church meets on Tues day afternoon at the church. Officers will be elected and a full lUtendanco Is desired. Jolly House Party. In honor of the vImHIiir young la dlen of Ml Innbel Doano's houso par It a crowd of young people spent yes terday ecnliiK at Chickasaw Lake. A delightful supper was nerved Mr. and Mrs. Walter Donne. Mr. and Mrs. I'. C Dings. Mr. I'hlllp Cook and Miss i Antoinette Cobb. Miss Myers and Mr. Don Russell. Miss Hetty Wado and Mr K. C Jones, Miss Isabel Doano nnd Mrs. Ned Hainmer. MIsh Hennio Rlgglns. and Mr. Tom Frame, Miss Clara Teato and Mr. Mnjlo Cruce, Miss Kiln (Hen (Jllmer nnd Mr. Chns. Dotib iis. MIkh Mario tillmcr and Mr. Tom HorIo. Miss (SeorKlo Sue Jones and Mr. a-h Kearney. Miss Tosalo Mao Trice nnd Mr. HwlnR Ixmdon, Miss Ada Drew and Mr. Harry Ston urn MI-k Clara Wolverton and Mr. Harold YoiitiK. Miss Kmellno Ixiwdcn and Mr. Kay Poland, .MIkh Floy Mul len, Mr CiiHHldy, Miss Mary Hob sou and Mr Jim Wallace. Dr. and Mm. tiarnet JohiiMin. W. P. Poland W. H. Foster Poland & Foster General Insurance Odicc Over l'irst National Hank. Telephone No. ,jS. Offers Medal for Journalism. .IiiiIko Henry M. Furuian prosldliiK JiiHtlco if tho state criminal court of appeals, after dellverliiK an address hero before tho KraduatliiK class or tho Slate llaptlst College at lllackwell, closed by offering a medal for Jour lit the school next year. Judge Fin-man Is one of tho prominent lfap lists of the state and at present Is pnMdcnt of tho llaptlst convention. At his suggestion Journalism will bo lidded to the college course for the coming year. A similar course Is also being Installed at the State University at Norman. Miss l'sllo Woods Is In Sulphur. Well Trained. Miss Van Wormer. supervisor of music, on tno evening of the Junior senior lmniiuet at tho (lllnior hotel, was congratulated uisin tho high school sextette, a chorus of six young ladles who were on the program. Ono of the members of the school board In expressing his pleasure In tho sextette, added: "I surely did en joy that music. Hut then there" two sides to every ipiestlon. If you were to stay hero six years, Miss Van Wor 1 uier, and each year train six young la 1 dies to sing and talk as fast as thone young ladles do. and e.-ory one of them should marry some of our boys, what would become of tho community?" wlo-iievr Sunda has been giei, a thaie It h o:ked very ll lixperlelice of it. Oil the whob- ha. be-n o satisfactory tha- man consort Htlto Judges believe a prudeii nan need not be afraid to Introduce It anyhre. It may he added tha' while there are certain exception mom jf the Americans who are a' n-ady aciialntel with their f.iinlll- - think hlMlly of them, ami the tw ) thlnRS Sunday and family aciiualn anee ko very wll together. -Satin day KtelilliK Post. Elwell Whist Club. The Klwull Whist Club speir i delightful afternoon with Mm. Mo ran Scott on Friday. The score cards were hand dei orated and the parlors abloom summer flowers. Mr. Hunter Craycroft won tl. prl.e for slam and also the prr for high score. A dainty luncheon was enjoyed by Mesdames J. N. Dodsou, Walter ( Dean, II. J. Williams, Hob P Po laud, 1.. T. Hiusell, Von Weiss' Hunter A. Cniy-roft, and Miss Floy Mullen. Rock Crossing Picnic. A merry crowd of young peopl enjoyed a picnic party to Itxk Crosslli); the past week, spending the day and having a big plim "spread. Among I Homo wlio attended were Misses Clara Tate, Marie Ollim r Hallette Fraley, Kmellue lxiwde'.i Klla (ilen Ollnier; Messrs. MaJP Cruce. Tom Hogle. Perry of Norma. Kay Poland, Charley Dobbins an Mrs. W. F. C.lliuer. Will Move to Ada. It Is understood that the family of Mr. J. II. Wall will leave t fall lor Ada, where Mr. Wall has mercantile Interests. Mrs. Wall will be greatly mlss-il among her largo circle of frleml-i, Mrs. Wall, for the two past yiars, lias been president of the Ladles of the U-af, and was also pros! dent of our City Federation of Women's Clubs. The Baltimore Mercantile Co. ARDMORE'S ECONOMY CENTER Offers a few articles for your earnest consideration. Yard wide Bleach Domestic (soft finished) - 6c 8c 35c Yard wide Bleach Domestic (IIope) Choice of $1.00 Silk Gloves, all colors TOO MUCH WATER where you don't want It Is worse than none at all. If your water pipes hurst or gel out of order seiul for us at once. Wo hasten to your home and do the neeosary plumbing In the short est possible time. Fix it so there will bo no repetition of tlie trouble too. The Weeks, Sprekelmeycr Plumbing & Sheet Metal Co. Washington St. ill H. Phone 711 Just Taste One ill our delicious candies ami you'll know why all womtii and children and moil men always liave "a sweet tooth" when our confec tlonerv Is mentioned After tast ing you'll naturally wimt more, either for your own eujo mont or as a jlfl 'to another. In either oiiso, the bigger box you buy the bigger the pleasure of the one who eats the contents. Skipworth'sC.O.D. Grocery These Kept Neat Books. In the beginning of the scholastic year Miss Mao 1iwden. teacher of the third grade In the Lincoln build ing, offered a prize to the scholar who should keep their books the neatest. Three little girls were such close com petitors that Miss lowden called in other teachers to decide which of the three- Kva Wltitehurst. Frances I.uke or ICIolso Sandlln- should receive the honor. When their decision was given. Miss 1-owden presented lSlolse ultli a beautiful souvenir sikmiii. (Julto an Interesting piogram was carried mil In Miss Uiwden's room on Friday afternoon. I An Eperiment with Sunday. Ti famlllarUe our forelgn-bo n population ultli American Instltu iilons Is generally considered com-im-iidable We regard Imp fully, ihorefore. a reMrt, lately iippearluv In ver. reputable iiuai'ter, that the expe lment of illlrodllcInK t el workers to the American Institution known .is Sunday Is about to In irled There Is a great niuss of pi-ece-.loir in fawn- of such an luuovatl.m in mans uhu are acipiainied with S 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i think ratio r highly of it TIo-'v seiiiis. Indeed, to In- a k i hi ii' Nil nati- liniiie.sioii A WOMAN'S APPEAL HOT WEATHER APPAREL Do you want to 'do comfortable tluriti.' tho hot woathorv If ho lr,v oil'1 of mv spooiul Siellmn suits. Tlioy um just the thin Htynh. (ltirablo nnd cool I am making a specialty of these and also have a moo line of trouserings. FRED V. HORN, Fashionable Tailor. Ill MAIN STKKIOT. To all knowing sufferers of rtieu mutism whether miiRculnr or ot the Joint, sciatica, lumbago, back ncho, pains In the kidneys or lieu ralgla palna, to wrllo to her for a homo treatment which has repeat edly cured nil of thesu tortures. She feels It her duty to send to aK sufferer KIIHH. You euro yourself at homo ns thousands will testify no change of climate being neces sary. This slmplo discovery ban ishes uric acid from tho blood, loos ens the stiffened Joints, purifies the blood and brightens tho oyos, giving elasticity and tone to tho whole yBtem. If tho nbovo Inter ests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, IUx H, South Uend, lnd. A Central Location. Mr. Imdon, In his short talk Ap preciation Day at the High School, voiced the sentiment of tho peopl when he said: "I hope next year the High School pupils will havt a new homo, located as near the gi orapb'ial center of this town u. It Is isisslble to put It." Tlie High School Is to have an auditorium for use on many puhli. occasions, and it Is absolutely uec essary to have it centrally locatid if advantages of the auditorium be enjoyed. Moves to Oklahoma City. The family of W. A. dhetti will leave the first of Ji'ly lor Oklahoma City, wheie they will make their home. It u'Hil I. Indeed, bo difficult to say h'i.v i .in' Mrs. I-edbottor will bi in! .-cd In rur town. As pp'sl-' dent i.f tli Franklin Mothers' Ctuo i she iih ;-m now life in the orjin-i l.atlon, as a member of one of our I litem y ili.'-s, the Utile, of H o1 I .oaf, she has been a prominent , worker along tlie lines that broad-1 eu womankind ami make (hem a , force in building up a town. In every movement that has been to the advantage of our citizens ami that has been espoused by , women, Mrs. I.edbetter has been a prominent worker. Outing at Park. , Miss llagwell, teacher of the so-. nth wide in the Franklin school, enjoyed an outing at 1orona park with he;- room yesterday afternoon. After a few .hours' enjoyment of the freedom of the park, and the 1 big swings, a big picnic suppir was' enjoyed by Misses Suzanne Sturgeon, llerthu Miirrcll, Allle (Iwynn. Ma-' iiilo Guy. Lena (Ilen. Fannie Joiner. Helen Koillnttcr. Ilattlo Noilson, Co cllo Oatmaii, May Roberts. Wit , Faison: Messrs. Ileniilo l.avlne. I.e. laud Oalt. Albert Noble. .1. T. Smith. , Claude Noilson. Uandoii Scott. Til man Call. Frank Stoph us, Wilson I Mills. Goodman Love, llowdon Hus sell. Miss Dean's Tennis Party. A tennis party to lO.-ena park wii given by Miss Isabel Dean on ' yesterday uiornliig lu compliment , to her guests, MIsiteM Mettle Wado ami Madeline Meyer and Mr. Phil ip Cook of Paris, with the Psl XI girls a guest. After a few games of tennis, a luncheon was served Misses (lull Crue Ituih Paul Hogle. I.ula Stew art, (irate Sp.iuldlng, llachel Camp bell. Madeline Meyer, llettle Wade. Isabel Dean, Philip Cook ami Mr. , W. C. Dean. I Men Past Fifty In Danger. Men past middle life have found comfort and relief in Foley' Kidney Itomedy. especially for enlarged pros trate gland, which Is very common among elderly men. I K. Morris, Dexter. Ky., writes: "Fp to a year ago my father snffc-ed from kid ney and bladder trouble mnl several physicians pronounced It enlarge ment of the prostrate gland and ad vised an operation. On account of his ago we were nfrald he could not stand It and I recoiumeudeu Foley' Kidney Remedy, and the first bottle relieved him. and after taking the second bottle lie was no longer troubled with tills complaint" Sold by all druggists. Choice of 35c and 50c Ladies Neckwear, large and beautiful assortment - 25c Red Seal and Toile Do Noids Dress Ginghams, 12 l-2c value - - - 8c Ladies Silk Parasols, $1.50 to $2.00 value - 98c Choice of Ladies Shirt Waists, $1.50 to $2.00 val. 98c Good Calico, pretty pattern, 10 yds, to customer 4c Good Machine Thread, 10 spools for - - 25c Heatherbloom Petticoats, black and all colors, $1.50 to $2.00 value 98c 21 pair Ladies White Canvass Shoes, up to $1.50 value 50c Remember these pricts are ONLY for FRIDAY, JUNE 4th, SATURDAY. JUNE 5th. and BIG FIRST MONDAY, JUNE 7th. All railroad fares refunded on purchases of $15.00 or over. THE BALTIMORE MERCANTILE COMPANY ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA On Monday evinlng at Red M- n's Hall the young men will give a dance lu compliment to Miss Isabel Dean ami her guests, Misses Made, line Mi-)-, r. llettle Wade and M Philip Cook of Paris. Appreciation Day. Appreciation Day at the Ardmore , High School aas largely attended' on Frldny morning and enjoyed liiiensely by all who were present. The program was given lu .Miss Price's room. Tho first part ot the program had boon arranged by Miss Van Wormer and It Is safe to say that few high schools lu Oklahoma could hav.. given such an Interesting one. Rev. dross toad tho Scripture les son and led In prayer. "Anchored," by the High School chorus, was the llrst selection. Miss Van Worein Indeed deserves praise for tho creditable manner In which the choruses are sung. She has accoiiipllslid wonders with the boys' olces, having a I strong bass and baritone In her : songs. A reading by Miss Kugeiile Nl-1 vouche. "From the Sublime to the Ridiculous," was so heartily on ' Joyed -and so warmly applauded that she respond' d to an encore. Tho High School Sextette sang j the "Waltz Song" from Faust one 1 of their greatest achievements, for i It Is strictly classical. 1 Nut the least part of the enjoy ment of this selection was the piano accompaniment which was played by Miss Mamie Cioss and was, within Itself, a marvel of rhythm and beauty. The nieniber.i of the sextette are Misses Mar guerite Noble. Luclle Hell. Marjo rle Williams. Noll lkard, Myrtle Frame and Ruth Hopsou. MIkh Van Wormer had been prom ising tho students all year to sing for them, but had never done so, ami on this occasion sang sevtral sulos for tiieui. The pleasure of hearing her sing was one worth waiting for. Her voice Is rich and melodious and delighted the guests and students. "The Rosary" and "Your Voice. i Mi Miss Nell lkard at the piano ami Mr. Jack Umdon on the violin a accoinpanlslst, were loudly ap plauded. 'PI... kiiWi "The Holv City." bl Mr. Jack London, with Miss Nell lkard as pianist was -a rare treat. Mr. London refused an encore miot lug aptly from tho High School play in doing so. The reading. "Mam Tlldy's Hymn,' by Miss Mamie dross, was a story of tom-hlng (Interest relative lo the affection existing between an old Miuthern mammy and the prod igal sou of the family. Miss dross resjionded to an n core with n humorous selection Miss Van Wormer sang three se lections, one lu the original der man. "There Lot Me Rest." "Stll" as the Night." and "Tostl's dood bye" Miss Marguerite Noble was accompanist for those selections. As customary, each of the teach ers wire called upon for a speech to the children, ami some real heart to heart talks wero given. Misses Agee, Frasler, Hammond, Van Wormer and Canterbury re sponded. A veritable storm of applause wu given Mr. Canterbury as a slight token of the deep affection tho pu pils have for him. There were few dry eyes lu the house when Mr. Canterbury was giving his fare-1 wo to thi' pupils. At the close ot these addresses Mr. KvaiiH presented Miss Marjorb Williams, tho librarian, with a nlft from the High School. .Miss Jeauette Moore for the ninth grade, presented .Miss Frasler with a bouquet of 1 lowers. F.zra Dyer presented Mr. Kvans with a botiitict of carnations. Jack Loudon made the presenta tion speech to Mr. Canterbury for the seniors lu presenting carnations. Fred Tucker presented Miss Van Wormer with flowers from the High School and also .Miss Williams with a gift from the pupils, (lonovleve Nivoucho presented Miss Agee with flowers from the eighth grade. Marjorle Williams presented Miss Hammond with flowers from the tenth grade. Miss Tucker of the Criterion was remembered with flowers by Willi Stephens. Mr. Ioiidoii made a speech to the stud' nls from the patrons, expreaj- lug his appreciation of the lllgl. 1 School work and wishing them v new High School next year, located as near the giHigraphlcal center ol Receipt That Cures Weak Men -Free Send Name and Address Today You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous. I Imi- In my Hnai-nloii it iiri-arrlptlnn fur niTViHi ilrlillliy, lack uf viKiir. wcaki-m-il iiianliiHxl, UIIIHK memory and Innia Imrl, brointlit mi hy i-n-f , monaural drain, or, Hit- futile n( youth, that Iihh ciiml . mi many worn anil m-rvnua mt'ii rliiht In llnJr own lioiin-K w ithuut any nililitlonut , help or meillclne that 1 think ew-ry man wini to rt'tialn hi. manly power uik Ylrllll, quickly ami iiilelly, houlil Imvn copy So, I lut itrtermlneil In unci a rory ol Din pru'rription, free of chariie. In a plain, onliiury .i-aleil envelope, to any nun I who will write, inn for it. , Thi. preai-rlpllon mine, from a phyilcian In lu. mucin - M-rlal ktmly of men, nml I am ronvineeil it In I hi- Kiireal-actlUK t-omhltia-llnii for the rum of nYtlclent 'uuiihooil anil I Kor-failure eter put together. I I think I owe It to my fellow man to neml them ci topv In ronflileiice, m thai miy man, anywhere, who it weak ami ill.rouriiKril with rt'ivatril failure, may .top ilninnli)i lum.elf 1 with harmful patent medicine., aecurt- what, I liellrve la the iiulrke.t.acllnir, retoratle. iipbullilliiif, hl'OT.TOUCIIINO remedy ever ilevl.ed, anil to, euro tiiin.elf lit home quletly aml nuickly. .lu.t drop 1110 a lino llku thl.ia Dr. A. K. Uouiiii.011, If.'l Luck IIUIk., Detroit, Mich., aucl 1 will aeud you a copy of litis splendid receipt, In a plalu. ordinary sealed envelope, true of charge. the town ns nossible, Accident Delayed Wedding. John Harlcknian of Chicago, whoso wedding to Miss James of Ardmore was to have occurred In Ardmore today, was seriously Injured in Ok lahoina City last night lu alighting from an automobile, and must re main In a hospltnl a meek as a result. His fiance and her iiiother visited him today. Dallas News. Miss James receives dally tele grams from the hospital in Okla homa City and the nurses hope by today week Mr. Harlcknian may be able to be brought to Ardmory. Many of our citizens aro drifting towards Hrlght's dlBoaso by neglect ing symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble which Foley's Kidney Rem edy will ipilckly cure. Sold by all druggists. Vagaries of a Cold. In winter cold may sottlo in the bowel. In the summer it may give you colio or Biimmor complaint. Hut don't fear uppen (Ileitis or iutlumiiiutlou of the ltoweR At the first miu or crump tiiko Perry PnvU' Painkiller in warm w.itcriind rt lief will como nt once. Tin-re is bllloim I'uinkilliT, Perry Dutin', Al.irgoll.'c .' iihh ' 'lei )" -te United States Depository Okla. State Depository City Depository ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK ARDMORli, OKLAHOMA Capital, Surplus and A dditional Liabilities $250,000 If this bank Is a safe place for the city, state nnd nation to deposit their funds It Is n safe place for the farmer and business man to keep his funds. TRY IT. LEE CRUCE," President G.W.STUART.Cashier