Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TOUR THE DAILY ARDHOREITE by the AUDMOHEITE PUUU3MING CO. lUDNKY Hl'tHlll I'rosldont. tCntcrcd nt tin- I'oHtofflii- nl Ardinoro na Second-Class Matter. . in " r P-rnnnVu Official Paper for Carter lounty AND THE CITY OF ARDMOnE If It in tin' Ardmoriite. it l legal., TERMS OF SUDSCHIPTION. i The Dally Ardmorclte. Ono Year Onu Montli (111.. VAllU lo.Oll ,r.i .ir The Weekly Ardmorclte. IW r hv Mull '-00 Htx Month Throe Mont In - .Ml Phonca. ....i....., Mfiiiiii-nr'u Ofl'lt 1M1S llin.ll' nn r- City Hill tor' Olllco U)iii; Distance 6 I lie Any ..noninilH ! CI'llOll I'll - . - .... ... rhariutt r, Ktuiulinn r ri!piiiiunm . any person, lirm or eoiporiiiuin will. h may appear In th columns ot . The Ardliiurclte will be gliutly correct- !Z:iJ:" ArJmore Tliuistlny, July ID, 1909 and wonilerfully made election law after all. You take nearly every statute passed by any representative body and upon a close Investigation you will find that the Idea and to a gnat extent the language has been copied from some other state or law. Someone has wild, "There Is noth ing new under th" sun," and In an abstract way this Is true since tun- nisi lence always was and nlways ! will be The Taylor election law 1 Is no more novel than other bills or laws. It has the Idea copied from Massachusetts and the details wore dove tailed In with the Oklahoma law This law does provide penalties for violation; It tloes not place the party machinery In the hands of tho democrats any more than the law did by which and under which the last election was ( (inducted at which time many republicans were elected to office. Tho farmer, the business man or the laborer who Ih placed on the election board has both the honor and Instinct of a free Amer ican citizen and If there wero no penalties to the law. he would nor withstand the public opinion of his nelghtxirs and defraud them of their voles by his own corrupt work. These men never have done It nor did they refrain fiom doing it sim ply from the small penalty of the law j His precinct contains the otiS of himself and IiIh neighbors and j trliMids and It means moio tlum pol itlis to him to see that his pre cl m t. Is counted. This front the standpoint of the man. The law, ' however, provides for penalties. The ' Taylor election law says to every man you must know the man you ' desl e to vote for; that Is. you must j at Hast know his name hvery day! 4ind every day. the people are more, and more rixUlzli.g that the nXK means more innn ine party. . pro- grislve republican is as different from a ronetlouary one as a white from a black man. while at the same time there Is no difference be tween the nsctlonary republican and t'lti reactionary democrat. 1 Is a qtusMon of men and you should know nnd have a choice of the mi n who are running for the various off' i cs -Peoples Press. oi OBJECT LESSON FOR FARMERS. 1.. Kiiiisn. where an estimated w i.i,it irop of 75,000.000 bushel suit i : of C0.0O0.0O0 buiiheU of oaU is ti n fall harvest; lu NebrackH. w". wli next week will be cutting a'.Mout a Lrent a toUl of ivull grains, thwo 13 at present, a grow ii"B an imperative cry for field ,i' as to aid in the utgking of the l.a I st .t this appeal I receiving llttl 1. ..1 the "haMi" do not respond. and Hie grain growers are In ilepalr. The troubles they have brought upon their own hesd. llefore the adwiir of the farmer legUUtor lu uii vie oi a maner or railroad rates Vy the rule of thumb; before It was liarned tbMt st the capital cities of ng . ultural ststes there were states- nif) who kuew more in a mluute a'u i' the fine art of traffic ttian ha been learned in many year ny mm who had made it a life study t'u r.illwavs used to ivui!a ir. nr.! ti nHie i.v mix t hr,.ui i...j whkh eimbleil th "help" to get to tin grain fields ami the grain grow- o ... ..... ),l Tt i re nro no "rate" this year. Tsr flat legislative rate of 2 pent-, or 24 cents, or whatever it l. n mile utands. The railways feel REACTION FAVORS TAYLOR LAW tw Wvm1Mvmlll Nlll, " "'I'" "I " ports conditions along the Santa Fe ho,(1nKS , tho roaiI as ho wa8 a !tllll 0,iulpmet fund. Vo had to buy ,,y 11,0 foul's closest menus. The rcactliu. seems to be settluK Arter another game there this af-, Hlmtur. tl.erwii and rasten i.g , Kaunas a unite unsettled yet. ,,,,,,,. ani, promotor aIlll I1()t a Innn. l!rR al)1, ,lorscSi lMlI(, walI ,, ., On tl.te theory alono are they able ln MII, I1IIW ,e people are begin. .,,.. the blues .ll pans through j" 1 1;'8;;;';!;;; J Xo "j" Ho will go to New York as temporary cell house. Including steel to account for tho country banker's ,,,,: to understand that the Taylor ..ere tomoriw morning en route ... "" ZlZt L toZ he 'MnjUrD PITnCM I lUCC " Z'TZcUi Z ., t.,,,rr,,v Tishomingo where they play Friday I1U 1 111.11 ulllLLII LlltLO he has other Interests that ho says i worth of construction machinery, two ear8 during w men u is saiu inai eect ion law Is not such a fearfully " ' ' Heeretnry then files the petition so , .. ,rl .. ... ,w Mn.. i, rrnwiiiL' frnti... ,i t 1 m nbo it i, t!uy iisi 1 1 i n ii i him - ! i fiuj.r Mi"' (.unlit Ion of urgco inxil tho wtatern farmer who mint haie hmidi t ft wheat out nf I lie field unit Into the Imuii linn I., n- the frelaht. Anil In till" ttif fremiti Ii all the traffic will )l(,Hr Object leaaona are the only menu of ?mvhm tmk ml , jv(iy ,,,.,,, ,npn, Bre tWo Hides. tl)nt ,f ,,, , ,t mini w. he In ilowii In- In likely l Jump on you when SI l.ouli Times In- gets til. BLUES WIN AT WYNNEWOOD SUNDAY GAME ON THE HOME GROUNDS WITH POTTSBORO OR FT. WORTH GIANTS. Pin- nines decided to break their losing strwk on their trip and es- t,.nlMV nt Wyimewood defuated the , l-M-m in u shut-out game, the ! score being 11 to 0. A fair sUed .n.u-.i whs In attendance. Morgan I did the pitching and Kn-nHley was I ,Mll1(, . ,lt f((r m, nl1,.H w,e day, when n game will be played with either the l'ottshoro team, or the Fort Worth (Hants. It will bo nuiiouuccil tomorrow definitely which twiiit will bo here. With Ardmore and Tishomingo having played four giinies with nn even brmk on both sides the games Friday ami Saturday will be watch ed with Interest and a crowd will go over from here to do some iuw,tlng. Standing ot Ardmore Team. (lames flames (Iannis " 1 '....-t mill lllv.ili ...WMtllll'il .III' i t. .i iiKiitt-.ii.i- tiiiiittiiiiir niiiiiii iiii i at ft m m mvmimb iiimmi nifiKiiiiT:i:iir i iii'ki iini Mrimi) ft i inn riiinita tit i i i vi m"i "n n,v o ..-i--- Play oil Won Ixist Ok. City Pioneers 3 0 Madlll 4 a 1 Tishomingo I 2 2 (ialiiesvllle T It - Sulphur 1 1 o Klks 2 2 0 Denlson -14 0 Sanger f. 3 2 Whltesboro I! 3 0 Purcell 2 0 2 i 'Wyimewood .... 1 1 l I 31 2.'. 3 Sldewalk Notice. Postponed sidewalks are not an nulled. Hvery deferred district has a time limit. All persons affected are hereby notified to have con struction actually begun at the time the extension expires as every dis trict will be enforced promptly when the time Ih up. No further notice will be given. "Shade tree" excuses as well will not "go" after those dates. Fifth Avenue, Northeast nnd Northwest, extension expires Oct. 1st. It Street. Northwest, from !th to 12th, expires November 1st. KiH-f.m! Avi'tttuv until iii'i.ut () m 0cMwr mu R Southeast, expires No- V(Mlllu,r s(,o of s,n,))ti Soullnut expires November 1st. (Order for the west side of D Street. South west, not ntTootein A Street, Northwest (Christian Churehl, expires October lSth C. Street. Southwest, temporarily annulled from Stanley lloulevard South. Order to build still In effect on this street from Stanley lloule vard north to MclJsh Avenue. W. It. lUTKNlTT. Comnilssloiier S. A. and P. P. i 15-3 I For Release of Woman. Guthrie. Okla.. July ll.-lni N. Terrill, as next friend for I.ydia Howlwml, formerly of Lincoln coun ty, has applied to the criminal court of apjtenls for writ of habeas corpus seeking her release from tho tnte iMnitrntlnry. The woman was sentenced for life for tho death of her ohlld. The writ, which Is to be srruw her,. next Tuesdav. alleges that the court records are not com- pjete. showing no judgment or psss- nK of SJ.nenee. Sonu, tlau. ttKrt ,h tt Kmrd of iwrdons recommend - .si n t.anLnH tv... Doctor's Daughter Assaulted, McAlester. Okla., July 1 1. Calla. the 17-year-old daughter of Dr. M. lUhillil. was criminally assaulted within fifty yard of her father's 1 houae. near Harnett, ten miles west of here, an.) U In Htlat ran. .lit inn .,.,j. A white man was placed ln jail here today. The girl had gone to ik ...1 .. .1.. . .... houe to gather hruivh for a wash - j kettle fire, when be was felted. NORRIS HUNTED "PIE" AND FORGOT PETITION JOE AND HCRDIE HOUSE AHE EN TITLED TO THE CHAMPION JOKER MEDAL. Tim iileellou law referendum lini been Uio aubJiHit of morn fntao and mlaleiidlng nlnti'tiieiHH tlinii even John W. (lutca' renl rock bottom mi mum for wntitliiR to umeifit our ntiite count It ntlon. The referendum law m ilii.. and If followed there need bo no trouble. It prmldoM Unit pam phlet mar be iiiiMcd around for . M)IIW. .w,mt.hle urn not tl... uoiUUm tn i., ftle.l.) Th,e tun.. ' - pnieiH muni, lie iiuiuii nun an im- .Irons to the governor then when nwdy to make Into the petition for filing, tlio oommlttw having thorn In .fmrgo reprewiitmn tlio signers. shall, within ninety dnyn from the nay ine lefnsiaiuro niijourneu, uiko 1Pm to the governor and call In the Utry of state. Then and there In the presence of the governor and ,,f nl,l cominlltco tlio secretary of w'" . ni"k" tli. p.ltlnn which Is to be filed In hbt office. which ho tloes ly touring off Irom made and holds the same open five days for protest in writing by any voter of the state. If any protest Is filed the secretary of state fixes the date for henrlug such protest nnd no tlf'es the committee; tho lienrlng Is then bad and which ever way the sec retary of state decides, tho defeated party may appeal direct to tho su-, promo court for final determination of the ipiestlon. The nlxivo Is the law as Mr. Nor- rls' committee should have done and is as piaiu as tiayiigm. Hut Mr. NotTi. chairman of the republican state committee, who has laughed at our referendum law for two years without even knowing ' wnai is in ii, ami certainly never I ... - 1 ..... I Ill " ' coed as the law Ttsjulrow illere is how ho did do: .... , . llo never took his signed pan.- phlets to the governor. He never told the governor ho wanted to file a petition, lie never, ln any way, nor at any time, called the attention. u,.n" that wo give five-year notes of the governor to the matter. for amounts eipml to two per cent The governor was present In his ' of the assessed value of our prop office tho date that Norrls claims ..rty. The notes can be sold at par to have carrletMils pack of papers to aim the money used In limiting fac- the wooretary of state' office. .Mr. Norrls could have found tho govern or without any delay by simply com- lug Into the governor's office and making his wnuts known, this Nor rls did not do. 'Norrls simply dropped ills sealed huiidlctf or pamphlets in the secre tary of state's office took the clerk's receipt for the package of papers d'd not ask to have anything done, simply went away. The governor did not know until long after the newspaper gohslp men tioned these petitions. Thus by the negligence of Mr. Nor rls himself no petition was ever maun up or filed. Tfiie fact is that al though Chairman Norrls Is paid by his party for staying at Guthrie and look ing after the party machine he was off at Washington on a wild goose chase after a bigger piece of plo foi himself and leaving his official du ties to be looked after by an Inex perienced and Incompetent secretary and thus ninety days was fooled awoy with Norrls chasing rainbow In Washington. Now finding himself nlKiut to emiiieuine.i iiy ills party tor ills gr.wi negllgeiice. Clinlrman Norrls agnln blundered by failing to appeal from the secretary of states ruling to tne supreme court and now foolishly fries to work a mandamus. C4ialrmau Nor- is having neglect. I the wo.U his party trusted him o do tries mv ti evade rosponslblli by crltlcu ,: the governor to the public, even thuiu'i he admits In court he never aw the governor or made any request of him whatever. There are several other errors a-, well as whole p.ig.-s of signature In the same handwriting that M Norrls would not w.i.,i shown i p. So the fact .s Norrls is willing to be i l'0,,1-l,M on a jvlnt of law and leave hint the cti.nue to tiowi mkhu no him the chance to howl about feat on partisan account. HER EXPERIENCE MRS. HUDSON AND LITTLE BABY CAME NEAR DROWNING ON WRECKED TRAIN. ...-.r- -n, . ... M, 1.-....., Ilju. W.l,v 1 returned home yesterday from Kan- wu City, where they have been j IUbk with relative for some time. Mrs Hudson, who was a passenger THE DAILY AHDMOREITE. on thn Hantn Vo train that wi nt Into the water near Ottawa, Kan . had a harrowing oaperletice, anil from which abe hns an yet hardly rccov (red. The wrecked train wan well fllli'tt with paaaongors ami the engineer wont over ft pnrt of tho road nftor being told hy the roadmnator that It was uimnfo, with the result that tho i-ntlri! train wan precipitated Into twenty feet of water. It wan with ilirrirulty Hint tlio passenger wore readied In boats brought liy men from neighboring townn. Mrs. Hud non having to euro for her liuhy, anil with no other companion nlong, wan In n particularly had plight, nml It , o train ' after . In riiIiI that thone on th paid little nttentlon looking , , ' ........ ... ., ...... . nnn . 11.- in nu ...... i .11111 .,...,.... . .. . . . ,.. top of Cam during ft part Ol I . t ' ,, ,.V(.nK nm until threo o'clock thP mornliig before they wero res- (.m,, jlnii Hudson found lodgment Wltli n kind fnriniv ami bl wife ,.,ir ottnwo and word wan siit to r. Hudson here, who at once Went to her relief. It being mimo time before ho found her. Ah mwn us MrH, Hudson wns r,.(.OV(.red from the tcrrlblo exporl- r ...rflclently the return trip wan ,,, i.K,,, ml(J t10J- arrived home .,f,T lnor, iMay Mr Hiidnon ' WOULD ASSEMBLE THE BOOS-, TERS IN MASS MEETING AND , TAKE ACTION. i .;,ntor Aidinoreite: A K,.m,m. Ardmore booster Is ii. , IK,rBJi, .vi, iiroiioseil ln vour Issue ot yesterday a plan of salva- n,,,, for property allies In this city. , .,.. .... ...,. ,lavo r.... rommunlcntlon signed Citizen," will , H0 nt om.0 Aml lr all who asl.0 , wUh tlt suggestions will write a, ,,st lo .,.,. c'rtice, promising ' t attcml a mass meeting for the . pin pose oi pulling uio pian in w orK, as presmeni ot tno eoniinerciai uinu h,. will hksi.hiIiI.i tin. .-it lt. mirt ,louw, whero Wl. can 1 once more test the solicitude of our people for the .welfare of the I city, llrleflv. the suggest Ion. of "Clt- torics and in exploiting for gas and artesian water; being done on tho plan of corporation. No gifts ln it; Just u plain stock company scheme. llefore the notes would mature, real ty values would, In my judgment, mount 50 per cent higher than they are at present. All who favor the scheme or something kindred. make It known to the Commercial Club president Immediately and let's have the boosters together again. WOTIIF.It (TTI.KX. THEY HAVEN'T PAID UP 200 WATER USERS MAY HAVE TO GO A'lTHOUT WATER UNTIL THEY SETTLE. Paid your water bill yet? If you have not, don't bo surprised 1 today when you go home and attempt to turn on the faucet in the I iath tub, where you thought you wouM tal,. a cooling bath and find I nothing doing. The city clerk doesn't send out notices any more and ten days is given In which to pay. This quarter ends October 1st. nnd tho tlmo lias passed and tho "cut off" man started on his rounds this morning. Ho has a list of somo 200 water users Jrtia have not paid up. and as fast us ho reaches them, the water will bo shut off. It takes a dollar to get It turn- ill back on and the city needs the money POSTOFFICE ROW DOES NOT EXIST As was alleged In the Washing- ton dispatch, that wns probably gotten up by tho promoters of a prospective townsite ami sent to Washington with the request that It be wired back as a Washington news Rem and which appeared In the Mornlug Democrat. T1IK FACTS ARB AS FOLLOWS: The uianaaeri of Oil City have not Th minnfori nt on citv havo not petitioned for a potofflce. Keller. Sneed ami Wheeler have ..uJ .or.cnM.lntM in,l nara- will. A postoffice will he established at Oil City. OIL CITY TOWNSITE COMPANY, rLHH, OHIO ULI DUOl STREET RAILWAY AFFAIRS HAVE BEEN ADIUSTED MESSRS. CRAVEN AND MORT AGREE TO PURCHASE HOLD INGS OF DONALD FITZGERALD. Cam on thu Ardmore Traction company' lines were running again tills morning, to the very groat wit-1 Infliction of ronldoutg alung their! linen mid it In learned that nil :if-' fnlm that would Interrupt tlio nor vice havi) been nettled. At " l',",f,rt,,lr'' r "f1'0!"'1' f Hi" I ',,,,tt,r,m' " w,m l-eiilMl to re-1 Ueve Mr. Donald Klt.Rorald of bin ,vp Mr- ,,,lll,,, Ht.gorald of his I'"'""" I" t'"' company, they being 'tin' fl 'J .uinpiri ....ill. .lull viii,.-ii, who have been umocliitod with Mr. Kltzgernlil In the road. Mr. Fitzger ald's holdings are understooil to be $10l'i,00H. he having sold some time since IfiO.OOO on first mortgages. These will be taken by Mr. Craven ami Mr. Mort and their friends, Tlio denl is expected U be cloned at once, after which Mr. Fltzger- aid will retire from tno nianag.i- nient and part ownership of tho company. ' Mr. Fitzgerald said today that i.u .ih Kiuii in uo reiieveii ii iu Until the final papers In tho transaction have been filed tho now owners have not stated what they i will do but It Is expected that somo improvements nnd extensions In tho line will be made in the near fu- ture. NEW CENSUS DISTRICT ADDITIONAL DISTRICT HAS BEEN ADDED TO STATE EFFORT OF FERRIS. THROUGH Washington. I). C. July 11. At Uio I ir,ti.itiitin, r im.a,...inii-.. -"I"" .wi i Ferris of Iawton, Okla.. Droctor of (Census Durnn.l has ordered that an i . . . i iiuiiiiioiiai i-eiiBiiH iiiMnci uo provm- ca for In Oklahoma. Hut four dls-! I .-i. . I lnean tho appointment of an add!- tlonal census supervisor at a salary 1 , ,, ... , i . . i of $1,C00 a yenr. Tho appointment ii. . ..... .1 w 111 be recommended bv three rimnl). llwin congressmen of Oklahoma. WILL FISH FOR TARPON J. B. SPRAGINS WILL ANGLE FOR DIG ONES WHILE MRS. SPRA GINS VISITS EAST. Mrs. J. II. Spraglns and son. Kal " Ki.ttu u-l.rvrr. tlu.v will cnmiil tin. nun. setts where they wlllt,pen.l Uio iiiin- liter months. Mm. Spraglns is not im.y iiimuug a c.H.icr ciuua.e om sun will go to Colorado to spend some lime tor trout in tno mountnin streams of that stato. WHY HE FAINTED wm spoon heverui weens sctu S(fttf,H ronMtHt,on anil ,na,,0 ,,ubjoct .Remedy if you havo backacho. kidney 'ig lr. a portion of Uio United State , to cc of t, , t or bladder trouble fastens tho (lis- "he has not visited boforo. When c.lnpn ' . ' f ,,,, nt "i" 'o mi'l makes a euro ir ,ni. , ,,k rmn Since tho passage of said act, a state m0re d Ulcult. Commonco tak ng Ko- Mr. SproBln returns from his tarpon . ,nay ,nwfu pro,llb,t n,,,, , . ,-,,, . UpmP(1 t01, fllilm trl.i nil tli, frtflt i.f Tnvna ti.v ..... ... . .. " " w t nn t io stato or mtox callnir 11- win soon no wen, v ny risK a scr- l does not definitely touch on tho case of tho news denlers who sell paper ACTRESS TELLS OF AMUSING published outside of tho state, cm INCIDENT WHEN SHE PLAYED tanlng similar advertisements. "SAPPHO." BANK CASHIER ARRESTED. Helen Cnrral. leading laoy with tho Chappell-Wlntcrhoff stodc company appearing at tho summer theater this week, and who has star- rtd for two seasons In "Sappho" tells the following, which sho says occur- ro,l during a production of that play early In tho season. It was In ono of her best scones toward tho close of tho play and , Just at tho crisis of her most stirring speech ono of the "supers" fainted I dead away and fell In a heap at Miss ' (Carral's feet. The audlonce burst into laughter at the fallen fellows awkward position and tho entire of- j of t0 iCtno wn8 In intense Indignation Miss Carral I sot for Uio "supor" at the close of 1 the act and asked to know what was ' the matter with him. In awo and ' trembling ho explained that ho had heon so moved by the magnificent sweep of the actress' dramatic power that he was ovorcome and fainted. Not being able to continue angry Not being able to continue angry In th face of thta very evident compliment. Ml Carral was so ploas- Oil that she CQV8 the "SUOW flVO dollar.. That was supposed to be the oad of the iscWeat. but Imagine the winrie of overy ono. whaa on the following night, at the very same lilaco in the play every 'super" on the stage foil In ft dead faint. The word about tlio five had evidently been panned along, but they were not sent for at the end of the play an they had oxpected. Miss Chiippol will bo RUplKirted by the entire cant at tlio theater tomor row night In the production of "Sappho." WARDEN DICK EXPLAINS. Expenditure of Construction Fund Strictly Legitimate. i nuthrle, Okla., July 1 1. It. W. Dick, warden of the Oklahoma state penitentiary, appenrcd before the Ktnto board of prison control, which wan In nennlou here today, and made a verbal stntemcnt. regardliiK made a verbal statement, regarding t. , of Homethli.K like JSO.OOO of the construction fund which resulted In an Investigation being (microti by the ntnto board of public affairs. "There was no maintenance fund," snld Warden Dick, "and walls had to bo constructed, farm machinery bought and operated nnd grading ! and plowing tlono with convicts., AVl.tlo tl.ono convicts woro i)0,-,B , used on construction work and there was no maintenance fund available for their support, Includ- ing their clothing, very properly iii i iiurKer.iiio 10 mo construction which tho money was expanded." i Mr. Dick states that approximate )' $SO,000 of tho construction fund has boon used In this way. Uo also states that tho board of public af - Mrs can obtain all the Information i It desires to satisfy Its members that tho expenditures were properly niade. It Is stated that tho board of public affairs has O. K'd. most of tho vouchers representing tho JS0.00O oxendltures beforo a mem- ,,or of tllc ,)0ar1 waH B,nt ,0 Mc sier 10 nivesiigaic tno matter ol how tho money was spent. LIQUOR ADVERTISEMENTS. ....... . . .. . Court Holds They Can Be Legally Barred. Guthrie. Okla., July 1 i. Holding I WPro ai0 at tho Sayler home that liquor advortlsomonts could lo- johnlC. Gnindcn, father of Mrs. Say Bally bo barred from Oklahoma news-! iPr an,i omnden her brother. Thr papcrs, but that criminal proceedings 1 ...... c.nmden camo recenUy Bh0"W U co,nmnncod "BalnBt vioi - 7 . . . .. . tutlon and that an Injunction aga nst .., . . . , ,. them would not llo, tho supreme . .. ... 1 court today sustained tho district coun or ix)gan county m refusing ton 0f her husband's body, which Attorney General West an injunction iaJ. m th0 floor whoro it foil, but to against tho Guthrlo State Capital to , liavo expressed groat solicitude over prevent the printing of ads for II-, the doctor's wounded wrist offering to ipior firms outside the state. Tho (lrMI, lt an,. i,i8atlnK that ho call court holds that tho antl-advortls-1 n physician to atend to it. leg provlslonf. of Uio constitution and , i)r Miller and Mrs. Saylor nro in tho nillurw act Include ndvertlse- srato colls nt tho jail hero, whoro nionts for tho sale of intoxicating II-' communication bctweon them la bo riuors including beer, alo or wines, Ut.VP(1 to bo impossible T-io former sold or kept for sale outside tho 1 a held on a charge of murder siaie. ny mo act or congress. Known 1 !IS tho Wilson act," says the court. In nil onlnlon liv Jnstleo WIlHnmn. "i,Uox,.aUng lbpiors are to a certain oxtont wHh.lrawn from the protection f t,. colnllur(.0 rlaUB(. f)f , lTn,t0(1 quora H0,(J or kcpt fol. sa,0 w JitKit tho stato." Tho court suggests that criminal prosecution would bo tho proper :hln for newspapers printed In tho stato , containing liquor ndvortisementa, but Guthrie. Okla.. July 1 1. Hank Com- missloner A. M. Young today rocelv- 0d word of the arrest at Little Hock. Ark., of J. O. llostutler. cash- Pr 0f tho First Stato Hank of Ra- via, charged with using Ift.'.'OO of the bank's funds to buy a control!- inc Interest in the Rani: of Casa. at Casa. Ark. Mr. oYung stated, however, that this would In no way nffert the ri-', nanclal standing of the bank, as P 1 is In first-class condition and forth-1 ermorc the cashier was bonded for ' J10.000 In tho United States Fidelity & Guaranty company of naltlmore. , Md. j J. H. Anderson was nppolntod as j cashier of tho bank by Mr. Young, who stated that ho would prose- cute Hostutler to tho full extent of i the law. 1 LAND CASES DISMISSED. 1 McAIester. Okla., July 11. In the federal court today Judge ( ainpl.ell i entered orders of iFsmlssal on the motion Of tho gOVOmmCIlt III flflO land cases brought by tho United Statos at Muskogee. This make I.- 600 of tho 30,0(10 cases brought which , have boon dismissed. Ardmo-t, Thuitday, July 15, 1009 ABDMO REMAN IN TRAGEDY MORE INSIDE INFORMATION ON THE KILLING OF THE ILLINOIS DANKER, J. B. SAYLER. A LYNCHING THREATENED The Man Who Did the Killing and Was Infatuated With Sayler's Wife the Daughter of the Ardmore Man Grunder All In Custody. Watsokn, III., July II. That J. h. Sayler, tlio Crescent City banker who wa8 si,ot amj llletl Saturday by in. H Mj Mlcr rcmacd paiwlvo for .'',' ... ,, Ko of his l.-ycarld daughtor. oMa, whilo talk of tlio alleged Intl- macy of his wife and Dr. Milter was rife, not only In ills homo town, but othw j,art8 of lh cou,lty. Lh assorted cy, been Mrs. baylcra guest at nor I"'"10 " lu'r companion on. long. , drives, rambles through tho woods ""l on hunting expeditions. 1 Sayler idolized his daughter, Colda. Two years ago ho sont hop to Omar- Ka to attend a seminary. In order that she might not witness tho do- mostlc tangle which was coming into- general notice. Dr. Miller stood In danger of being lynched last night. More than a hun- ,lre'1 nlon thronged tho streets of ... .... ..nt . rt vne iinasuaiiy ipnei iiiuiku m viw cent City, trying to attack tho jail here. Tho tragedy occurred about 0 o'clock Sunday night. Dr. Miller was taking bis meals at tho Sayler's m.i.i ulnonlm? nf bis own home. 1 from Ardmore. Okla., to become art ' lnmato ot tno Bmcr a nomo M uxa u-uin who. m.. Qnvtnr Is to have bo- -Mrs' najier is sum vo n.n'i i trayed no concern over tho dlsposl- Mrs. sayler. her father. John C. , oromlen of Ardmore. Okla.. and , .. .. i imiiucr re in iiisuiiiy nn uiii-ki-u .it- oeorloi Cl"',n-; Delay In taking Foley'i Kidney hw lll,lla(,y'' SollJ hy nil druggists. Read Ardtnorelto Want Ads. Buy an Atlas Storm and Vegetable Cellar Now I will bo in Ardmore for a few days until a car is sold. This car will bo delivered freight prepaid. By buying now you save the freight. Call me over phone S26 and I will take pleasure in calling upon you and demonstrating the virtues of this cellar. Water, bug and musqtiito proof. H. H. Hankins With AtlasMctal Works Dallas. Texas ,1 4 t