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K1 !'.tl V r cuing Getting Lively In t High Schoo) Location Contest Jackson Model "H" Touring Car r1 1 - r y " t ft jwjp f JThi Michigan tfic place (or Canoeing vt.l hi -S9 i i . i twi r, H M 4WM ar m W - T. FELKER THE GROCER Paya the highest price fcsr ciTI Idnch of country -produce, and can neT yru (jrrczriez cheaper than any grocer in A rdrnjre. Che uu a ahare of yrmr bw.mezJi. Everything go'jd to eat un der rme roof. THE WONDERFUL BROMIDE 'J h; . 's ttv-. greatest health i'.m v,ater. Should be drank as water, not as medicine. It is kept in its purity by our general aent E. M. GOFF Phone 197 A rrJ more, Ok la. rsiaawa r" t,A.i 'f .VV' r Use Ardmoreite Want Ads W CvhhI .1 far re:iJrt m V.I.O!? - ,?. TOO MUCH WATER r.( ,''!'. ."). i'. u wmi man ri'.r. . .. If yor r vm. -.f '.-f of t,fir nl for im W 4tn jrmt hm- Kmii 4Vi fi.7 pluntMni; in th h'rt !'. . i r f . r it o tf)r! will ' h't t N'jfi of In troubl tM The Weeks, Sprekelmeyer Plumbing & .Sheet Metal Co. 2 1 1A taomyton it I'nnt-,: The American Girl IU n') (' ikily ur kind. Mo If clrl 1 Inrladwl In )oar foartb of luty pfo;fm. rtu.f lp In provide hr witN Ikim ot uur lion iori, i h fjUt-i or'kritmfU If 'u 'Jon t Vnw uMi-h liirAi tt, buy a ff.x of i itt i-hiAm mix'! Thn g Skipworth's C. 0. 1). Grocery Tw " u cm it4& iwit 'xma fjftt mufim mt x 'as iw.- t -4 nr -a Hifla Mto tt rwnwtff;nnd f is mm t m.i nt tMt ff tutor .tt4M rmHtw n n "lurt vtri v ; nan uww wt a.Ut .a '"4,fla m iijon.nur? M a '", -nsn-?. Sir llfrf . nr.' iw in " " JDfT ui r .- f -x r in H'i null rtnvti Mfrt. St.'il't " iatf -,r vh nr .i.t JWt fltli iw 3W1 w ' i ju-HSiib. I-7 "7"wity wtf-t ' v, ',,r' nr .'.iiil' OUtUtW. ! iuMKMOM i ji fnc is Auctott ta W ttAf WUUMK. ntat -9n rrMRQMw tf Kwa ut m ?iUU!B mm ne nr "Si 1ir vrfti v -an iVianna Jfc : MB 4. -jo- v."r.L uxticvi. ' im M ilVf iC Is.r.ittc i TSw & 3tllr ifinwi. a -Jvi ttt lr 0ii 3.v :M'1.W H".3 Ifjuv-jf inatbux. onnnnDATifiki " ,n r 9"w'j,u 1 1 II n r 1 1 n O I 1 1 1 N rf jnty m r U A KJ P L " ' ' " ,'t," T,,, -..-n- m vnctiHf from ZAtCCHT i -1 r-r swar !a mrniiiTtn t?i.- &e utJTi i ii z -z-H-rr. (iw tTHt8i.-r Jwt vmlA fern - - w rtc!7 - TMirri 3TMMT ftoNxtr Mqr ri;t a t kmi to. 1l.:.l4 19 tiM Vim Ot UMM Mr. INHERITANCE TAX CHANGE " .'Hta4 t &t -. Ml LtUM. ut OMteMMUk. Cftttft'y 4 Pttt. ' S-y ta iwrtv- 4f f. mnUt at til Cm ty . -.r. it t Proufftft'. p?tf Conatr. mat 1 .M trtw, ft Mr urM au urn .!! tr. 4r Mtfett W Mf CM lf I Jn 4ri4 .-.frHNi fmot teB fwrtuu of tk wkacm ( A4. .yt.f.". 'xx n4Mra&. U j M : -a- m urtm-f "nw. raa. t fnUUr onterr. v - v. v r4raft ia M4r. or Mft. -. r. tt.t,' 'tM'j.tMmaA ,J artto by M Cr. rw( tf :a twi "t 4r ml Aucmp !VW m T rl- u -fc. Ar. Cn Coty. AWhw. -.' mm - t.4 --vas m 'WKW h,w- n 04 im. .- M !4npN4 Wte tar' - ' v of ' v .rtt bta,; A s. . -4 1 . :-'--.4.n t w i r ftr w .ft r-. 'cf '.ft wlaHla. to tnOwif ImnA a.'r A M.-vi a lUtvrwnUU tT H "I 1 of BV( a4 XBH of XKK If .h- iiswum imm lm, U ui tBH , ,fBH :r. 'oin-t .vi 4nlaistrt(o fuB( t r-l Ifc .l-TVt VrrXMbfT will t; ln fluo, t,, Ok "nnl . ru of Ms tav Um Tb of MR of W '".r. AMm-rt' m rmgrms that j Wi .hoM ro tb.n ConiiniB, i u M crs awr or. p-f r- M It m.r . IB lMm m4lmM to tM go,. om w f .f MtwJtm ummi tmmS Mm win be toU ci ,. tb foilowlM tnM M roMttlon. sv.rr.f ri if i fim vblMt u-iitt T'ir mh to kaa4: ta ar "1 by mt" "'fi.r of tb boa e' of to mml M4 fcy a;w- u... .uifK-.-.n tb4t ib lbrtt fol M44r of h4m to b ion4 f r.njr ovp'M br tamt 'r hH be ot lb Mil ' I'rl4nt Tf hu b laprm- 1 by th rgi:a-tM tit tb UU ,h, r not b 4tatr4 m 'i-lr a of th lnnHUne tJT mn of flln r-Tn, k- 'rtmifh hi bHf In ihi prtndpl ft not bt4. It 1 Ut4 a pan '! hibt niAHr, howTr. )bt h- rto not tll tbt tMjml u, kti. MoirTjBMats tboMk) KU - rr to ibt MMtbod of ralttnt: riinoi. ! Tf.- .mufiiimiml idtry.Hi tj th t tb timi- of mcJi 1 t4 mi. th r 41 Jolr. X. . c MIMJON. OtMMUn fly MOVU MOOKK. Aiiornt - - ''iUe f AjplktU'in fr ppli. mtm f Admtnittritcr. In tb Cwntjr Ooart. Cnr rr- if- 0tobM. ! tb ti ot Joan '.V Crid- oe. ea, TJmj lull at OklalifMnA, to th 'zt ff Via and erdltor of i .lr-.'ua u: laait Mt nut a '.t..iai;m.i. Ewy wwoin Awa- iniuR)M tiut jrifMUMir a 14 nit ora . Ur kf aiMtti Mrwltut OUR "JW 4..r wtt llf7 Ctfl N M JI. f iv'UI ifcaui mc:nc "a. a sue-aia A uzornobile SS50.00 to S 2000.00 W. S. FRALEY, Agent I :l 1J7 lf.r.''t ' 14- . ' -. i"i.-.n i.m U')i h . . Mm..i.aim.-..i .! -at4. "i M I .j-Ni wiit xt ut t)oiira-ain i 4- i .5vji. fj?m V tt uur 4 it i' 'at jwr. fnoam at u.4 ;nn .0 i 7 of JiiT : - in a V44f at to t iMtrt Tmx..i 4r.tit i : -i 47 f i t : Slr (UmtCf a4 '.f '"o"-. - ; OfcMJiaii. : :.- mi ta v..i .u iaanuy tMt. uu C-7 Cw.. V City of Arises i- itr t--fik im Im ftajue !iar.:.3 i awoiii.f Utrtaaf.r v-1 WHEWKAS -S tl-? Er.jr-.-" ' ta C!tr of Abator ti4 rr -t Bi- a it vraf 4n 11.1 reoir vf ni o?o-r -1 4 rtnj lit weft, rt." aa-r r.t y--Sfcwf :a -.a jC f '.3 -!'7 -'-n M4 yifM t taw rv of ivs n- '.J aa4 ta y arar -.4 ar:i to 'b Bm?4 of rv.-aa.j.v-. f af ta nwrar vr 'i. ut-.- X UU f9ty b ft.rl ;. atrmn j4 wnra xwnr THBWEfRR ac rr ft-.- M,VED BT THE W)ARr OF OVT rourr Tht tA r-y t k't - ttooaarb It Mayor trvi -t Ua -v.-7af 4Jta.-.- !"!; r,-ih4 prp- 1 tb JWJoMa; ftjn Lota :. fijrfc. ; - . Wo1 tT bowfW .-. ! of tb CHt o! Aftfaw ECQWU Tt ta r ? .i man bH ot beoi&- . 1-. - ' aajMwat or r. . vrt THIUD. That Mt ..- . lf ta4 All b f..- . -f tlrt: of aw riy . - . of !t ! psbiuti - v -s tfpr b!lsb4 :n -. ' A;4Mr. for p- ' , TDfRTH TbAt tf i ti- U aot pi4 at tb t. 4- . . 14 notie tb to 4cV:..r. .. f nt th tuy -IrSr r.d anbtteaJioii, tbr :t v , m-1 Jty of ti ar eat P4 ft4 Broiro4 Jq!7 ji ;y- AttHit yay O. M BIll'CE. Cttr r .)c fPlrst Mlab4 Jaly iZ 1V Ptae a: Htt To b bM Julr 1( 4 IT t" dr Mmrtf of br4. barb-; n1 "Mt r th pqMW- Brr Irfn'l of amaMBftt tmactoab!"'. rr. brobA r'll.'nr pry.-o rv ft ma' ra Boy !imb r pol. Ball im h 4y. nita b'-w. taaaw ta tb atat nuttb4 110 pf.i tor tb bt tmm. 9pk!a by b-? pV. In th atf Saoof'nc by Httt 4 Ar4aor ric '.Sub !: 4latae Ufcrpbon on tbo fx-.txjn Coax an4 brtna; .'. I ftl4 baakKi. TI amiu yon. A. Wi.M. V,' K. Ma 4 C. DBrry. cymm!tt4 C4 Aut Drtvlnj. I 0I Wt xuw far city drtTMi aay jrisla 7 nd any bwr oa Haadk. Kri(xRta raai. b rat-lo by t p. ra. Phos- tr. ila W. S. Fit ALE V. Stories of Colorado and The Rockv Mountains r C -!C ACCCLS- C- O'ii Wrs SIMME?. OUTING. 87 I-ia Crr..:-x . ?U1 vit croriici. i:i U- 1117 'IJtMd.ilUi? i-jor-j aa.i (sn; ::r taliwti ::. 1 -. ti w Jarii w "J: -vor'.i ij 2 n id! f;rjir. cnit'tUij U ti. nztT7 ctsj.ari. li tt .i.:. x :ir.r-L.i sut r.7 liil -vuiis? u str ja tajor 4Sn, .-tiuii .z ciincr 1:.; si- .Mr. Tirt 3uu izrl :'iaoi.i: Orrr-' it;;.? !Ui !ry. ;r-4- fau liii -,r.r.'rCT. -vli ii.i .zlcrs. y.tJjr. v 1.1; i; u iciij ti.-v;fi li TYt r.ur rtl7 icroi 1 !tiU bei,ii w. tiw its-i e: is cr- Keztlss ic4 Cissjli? ti ti Cciofiis Pv.ll - I; -via t -rtti aay Us rrti rt.s? tiai I 5U.-..l :A.i.a? iiiHci saitur i:-ta 1 crrn, V:: t eo:wi at sliais; I iV. '..i ?rtMi:e :Ui5 ti4- : -vaj sofs? to read as ont asd oat aiTrta- t r TuitizsiT ii.p- ;iutl. Wii. ti TU t7 ti Cf.-.-inio Mi-llisi Pi;;-ay I iS4 set flsi 1 is?: oc ot tiou U. UUr rerrsci to tie rac a..;e: 0: ctir-w.i. tiat tin roa.i u -'s tit et- Os ti ccstra.-7 ti Jsiv'z..- o tfcere gtTea. both In tyj asi ; ' itie p-atUcatlon was laiorate.y ...-tinted wtth halftone cstt), aa ct th sen that reliably rtliti ti i?:at?-rj footsteps "into ?3 ?44t-ri and beside the still atri.- It gare a brief resume of the fUa asd fast lawt of Colorado, deslfi satJsg o&a ea4cns for all sports; It Kir ti aaas of hotels, rates, board las hei, raach houses, and even ti sasiM of persons to whom one rsljit a?ply for cwtflu, tents, camp Is; cteatlU aad the like. I Uici this little booklet as ray Kldla? tar and went Into the R&efcl. I wt.pd the churllnc wa ten of th Sooth Platte River In South Parle, a&4. for aa amateur, succeeded fairly wiill la luring oa aa average of elect to tea pounds a day of rainbow aad elite re trout from their watery abo4n They ranged in weight from tirenartr of a pound to four pooadt. and in some Instances larger, bat thos weighing one, two and three posada were more plentiful and, it ieed. a lit.: easier to hoolc. I vis ited Twin Ikes, seven miles from thj itatloa of Granite on an automo til trail. The larger of the lakes Is raore- than a ml wide, and very deep At depth varying from twenty-five to tTnty feet we caught Mackinaw trout ranging from tea to twenty poundi. the largett one weighing 51;. and which, handsomely mounted, may h ea In a railroad ticket office on Seventeenth street In Denver. Our party crotsed th Continental LP iiaSlw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBna'.'aBBBBBB.JVri 1 jWTT-T ' " wiin LaBBBBBBBEBBLXaHBbadaaBbBBSBBB BBaBBaBaBBaaBaBaBHaVBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaB e zfmj?. fmT&tm BbaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa z.1 i.:; l... ill .tcr C ti tist.i "Trylss ?i- r.Ttr. a;cut tit7 i.a is ail. Tij itrtas r:sj satott tiJ. y i;c :tk: ,x;t ;aju. . '-'. ir art "ia,i txa. ' is ti Ti.-i.r!j.i.- ci ti :isttxz, izi cs :jij :-ro ;csij vu. 5174 ti as ?ir a t3ii. tiat U y:ec:7 a?c to cam iis ta xajitn: is tt.Usj aS;: ti i Is- : rial ea-:sl It .-ii.-ti tnc tft sisvjm to iil! as ir to iisit i-as. iijslst ,cz ti. asjlrtri 4S.-1? 0: ti troct'j CciUs? ;aj.-.. asi ti niiusc Ircti X -3r ti :iii taiw :i 3y. iisl i;.t li :juc iei; si .s? t4C4ku4 a:i alsp ti Tryiss Pas ?Tr. alio aTiilai.i iuii.i eaitsa. Fries TiostxiTi;: ;.srs-i7l oa iori:i:x w H"oi'i Lii. a iiitas -: ws zu3 les ti traci. Hr ?. J. Ss5li5rcit nsj a raw iccel isi ::u r5.-sui.l eaitsj asi "4-?-i lo: icuiotsT. A" ;c: Ja tij. l-4Tisj ot i4T7 tayn :s &i.- ti a?--. a: Tioea-m2. Ti sjort tir -vu s vie: ;i :ti Tn: ;r'Sitact ;roci caart? 3as:in tm t: -ocji i .5? u.i Oct ci scio; to jo ito (i- U.I Afv.- a iir. lexers x; Gs-:ol eirvsji. ir itojy.! at oc of : :fi:-it', asd -it ccsijc.ti .s ti -aor.l. Ti - tsd . y-i cii' a ; .s s ti and outfitted for tv trip to ttio door country, nomo forty tulles north of Hint point, Thin whs tlio liut wools In Oo tober. Of iho sovon In our purty, flvo returned with u trophy In thn form of a doer. V rodo tint unit!" with cow boys in tlui itroul tin 11 tut I oiittln "round up" whioh nn liclni; linlil In Umt vnst country, wo liroaWfiuitml, iIIihhI ami suppod with tlmiu whtuovor thoy pitched ciuiin, rollKhliiK uur iiiouls out of tin plntos, miuntttMt oroHii logged on the ground iirouiul tho i-aiup flros. To know iiinl (tpprooliito wlmt iol West orn lumpltiillty nioaim, 0110 iuunt upend little time on tlio mugo with tho tolormlo cowboy Duo unfortunate I" cident nlono inarreil the tilp. but this was quickly righted when explanations wore offered. One of our parly, with tho best of Intentions, offered tho round up foreman money In compensa tion for our nccomniodatloiiH. Tho of. fer was taken ns uu Insult, which was promptly resented. An upologv was made and accepted, nnd tho man who proffered tho gold learned somutulUK about the real cowboy which will stand him In good stead tu future. Colorado is all that Is claimed for her b her most enthusiastic ndmlrors. but the state was wrongly named It should have beeu christened Paradi. (Editor's Note: W ar Informed that the booklet referred to In tho above article Is sont fre upon applica tion to C. II. Spoers. general passen ger agent. Colorado Midland Railway. Denver, Colo.l 1 i -I