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Artr-ore, Sunday, Juy 25, 3Ci PACE FCS THE DAILY ARDMOREITE total dead tbbiy-ejssi B tt ASDVOP.EITE PUBLISHING CO. Prldent. 4 a; :. ar Afi 4 to'ood-'.U Matter Official Paper for Carter County ASO T-E CITY OF ARD0.E Cn Tea Or MMU Tat wiJf AfsTtltt leJ , to "to JH , Of f Tear M : MflUKto tit- Bur TJM u: J- - . i . u,- - .- i -j . -r r -.. to va k- . 4- -S. TO WO J 4. -r rs paator Itr H. O Coaariif. . artaeh toth awraiac aa4 -.t -vtj at to CtoUtiaa T - ht of tto Tto torraat nhirs vm aoahtlaaa rm of iwitii laurwt. ffoai -to tart tto too of tfe. aaa hksh oa a wV - 7 ra4 ia btit4 tto ht-- f'.r tto arnaoa. !-. tto au : Coaaanr H1 p -a oa "Uf Lroo Pro TV r of Jamtk." Tto choir aaor tto 41rtka at v Vaa Womr I - X araatr tor boh x : ar tavttaa. Tto BatotTon axt at -U xu roaa poop ar oartlallr aafeoa 'ft row aatt take pan la ttoa ' -"-iata hoar Eatt Aiirsofe Prettertia Cmrth. nabtotfc School at 4 a. ia. Proehtag at 11 a. m. Baia ar . ' oa tto ctorca lava. Vtttm Asiwc ttora in to ao awrahw; .-Tte Ttor 10 to arrte vorr Habtoih Biaa br a sapaiy. tat ba'b athaol at tto aaaal aMra t:r throagBoat tto akoath. Txrr vr iavltoi. R. G. CAKKAHAN. Ptor. CittoWc Chorth. Moir Kaaa wiH to read at ataa ioe this taoratag. iotkfoa br "sedicUoa with tto Maaaad Sacra- -nt. Sermon dariag maa. aad tva- 'it ochool at J p m Bverybody ia- ntarf. JAMBS WAIXWKAP. Pastor. Tent Mettlrvg. Tawtght at tto Ad rent 1st 'eat cot- r U Aveaa aad E. St. X. B. tai Mitiimt w!I. to: The MlalatratlM ' Angels WImC klad of totaga ar ie aagels Are they depa-ti sfdr- of tto dead ;',Jot will to: Sunday alght tto The tnie aad mly ' Ma:,batbof th BIW ." Wbl'ii U? ! Sabbath? Why do Seven n Day 4voUata aad ottora obao -. uu irday while the religious wo.1l r.n--'llr V.aep SvadayT Come r.t hf ar OroadrtJ Baptitt Chorth. In tto abaeace of tto pastor. R-r Ill U Saunders, who has )ur re 1 i ntly been called, and who has '..n unable to reach here fr -his 'rvhse. th Rev. Dr Outhr frt.m S wnee will nil the pulpit at both morning and evening .trvW 'fit Ikard will slag at the morning " rric aad at the evenln service .t mate aoartee will to Inctnded In JloWi TWH7 We or One Hundred Dollars Re- rd for any case o Cttarrh that --n not to cured by Hall's Catarrh fire. F. J. CrrBJCBT CO . Toledo, o. We. the undersigned, bare known y j. Cheney for the last IS year ar.'l believe him perfectly honorable tn all bulee trar.sactioas and Ba HD'laily able to carry oK any obti Ktions made by bis Ann. Walding. Klnnan Marvin. Wholnale Druggists, Toledo. 0. Hall s Catarrh Core is taken Inter nMly .acting directly npon th blood and mucous surfaces of the system. '1 atlmonlalt snt free Price "S rent p r tottle. gold bv all dnigglat. Take Hall's Family Pill for w ntiatloo. dAw Avsld the Fall Ruth, and save time by placing your loans now. Klgbt per cent money on farms and city property. C. H. COOK, Over Geo. Adams' restaurant. 14 d&w Read Ardmoreite Want Ads, lUad tha Ardmortlte. LIST " CM---" r5 sit CENT GCLr -t OOt 7 1. SUES TO G-C La. JwJt 14 taw -et report of tantcttt tto Sjaf Am tl I ft i sift ft i ,i parted eirreB sfr ar Abgf. TXS Chkiwv Tsas Jarr J fUvtag drifted beck to ttoir eoosul JrH f!f Klr dsaelosed tto fwreda... of tto n m Cm a tto f4oaaed Gfsrfttltar above Wtoa tto MS wt OfWB T-4F o a TV hig tM ). e to wafer- ti3 is ')itr frrkM tore aa4 t4 .: fi4 tar tow;4. tot ub-M t k&ow ttot ti Mct7 iort 'A -.4 iiT,ea rovltf mx to- m4x tk mi4 f-o atoct tto toa- ti rf tk U?' rt4e erf W4andir 'ora rmi4 at a lat tor. Kto- taaa tto toarfe QthWM played ao trac f tto torrieaa I'I-m tto toirf4 )na4r4t tvarm 4 freai arir awra carrytas awy tto rtkac of tto atttoain a4 fliaiac aitr. la waaaa to a aotfr that taottor oaM to ire to ttoa pwawia tt la tto aftaraooa aearr r tto tpuattn rtaMUai. Witk .' r.nJifcio toaeto tto a . ' aa4 boalerar4 v!U to tpk-k &4 aaa Bandar. ntir!y fr of ij-br. aKboagk tto pterwi wbr bneto ar :ato4 oot of tto bouJc'tr&rd aai&( rm aot to r-pir4 la to iborr ta. la tto amraia th todi of Cap' aatf Mra. R L. IVKtiaoa v-r fotjrxl ar LaPdh as4 both trough' to OalTwta la tto afternoon. Aftr tto toath tto eoapfe aK ia tto ator- ar water aad forty-eight hoara of drl.tlBf aboat the bay. tto cent! vaaary of lat woaM aana to to in tto earreata that drifted (torn aid by atde to tto boae -tore ttor were foaod. Cast. Slim Johaaoa of tto Rath, which boat mwtvoi tto boJa from tto toaeh foaa4 tto caaalo of tto Tarpoa PW apoa tto hay toaeh aboat thmy mUaa from Oalvoatoa. aplendid address Tto Cokwel re-, time, visit the caadr factory depart Tto top of tto capalo vaa potated ports a big crowd ia aUeaoaace aad ! meat of tto Crown Bottliax aad Van- dowa la tto staad. the tla bot'om bow onaea a top aad created aa air tight rait Oapt. Johaaoa aald 'his raft would ride the tveas forever aa- broken upon -to rocks. Cos id Capt. Bettison and his wife have ra- maiaed apoa the apalo. where ttor ware when the pier broe. aceavd- lag to statements, they woald hav town aaved ia all probability. Tto reroverr at uee hodiM 1mv bat oa of those who were anon tto Tarpoa PVr unarrououd for. That la C. H Dalicy. cirealatloa maaager of tto Galvestoa Tribwne. All trains hav toea running In and out of OslT.-stoo apoa aohedal time. Vatea Cmvtt, Kas . S-pt- U. lttS.. 4ftr mr doctorK rav me np to die 'fan tim Wond.r cured rue of tHjiy and bladi-r trouble It In tto 4 romltciD' on earrb il r. H. 3 lohnmu Sod i? al: -lr-iirl' IW W. G. BUCHANAN APPLICANT VELL KNOVN EDUCATOR VILL LIKELY HEAD NEW TRAINING SCHOOL. The board of rontro: of the State Tr: r,.ng School wet Friday evening ir, W.w.newood. Tn- board dlded to 4"; Mt at Pauls Valley of a iran of 4" r- of land be-tw-n W)nn-(l and Paul Vally a !h site Th- town will have until the sixth of September to oMain a deed through the Interior depart ment When the title to tbe prop erty is transferred to the state a meeting will be called for the lec tion of a superintendent There ar a number of applicant for this position. One Missouri teacher has his application In but tto board waa of tbe opinion that tto super intendent should to an Okiaboman W G. Buchanan, of Tishomingo, wbo f-.r years bad charge of Harley In stitute and Is a well known school man In this state, has the strong est Indorsement before the board and will p.vbably to coo -en as su perintendent should he allow his name to remain with the board as an applicant. Mr. Itarhanan bn many friends la this section of the state who would tie glad ia am him in charge of this Important work. awtimY report fihakciu. . M- "to tlri tci ta Crty Costa. : A 4) tor i Report from Kay X. ; r t 11.71 J It-It ll.llt.M J tJOkM I CKMJS tut tiM itt n ;i mM mm lJt US t-lf If, Ji . fMt sua :n Mitj; iJtt-tf tfti v: JK :- J n.rt :r: it sS ?7; t4V : i tlM rs2 in ir 7t:i tm 4 ur. H.: ::. UU M s h S4 ' - u.a :t ttMMM a : ii mx:t : ts in : :: I iaaa It. lttff 1H" (at A Cgtery . Special Library ... fatarm rC . .. wtr . tft A taa Dlat. laa Dtt laa. Wat Ucht . .. ft a R Coatlatoat Sa)aT ta- Tax Sctoxtt 1. . .... This atatreBt tto la aah la ach tto aak&aata. Tto 'otal aamat of eaah tto Mar SrC IMt. aa SS.M1.T. Tto ataiaawst alao awxrz tto aa4 an ottor kwiwi oadeetM aat '.to aoar aa 4arl4l Tto total aatoaat raectrai from Tto tataiii' atoo ttos i d.;-. oa of ai! 3r4 to Jan jath 1M. Tto iaaratawat dorlar tbn o 11T.5T0 Iaia total ia tto Ctty Traarr : of ::4 Tto oDMA&i:r. bo&4 asalatt .s r -r mo; sljs -si r. oo teat .-po" T yf.xl ac warr.:'' lut.- - RaapKtfol'.r abmi-ttf. T rrj3l ,- - F COL. SUGGS MAKES RECORD AS SPEAKER BIGGEST EDITOR IN STATE EN TERTAINS CROWD AT REUNION TWO HOURS. Col. 8ianr Basu rejoined jr trrdar from rraocla wtor to at traded the aaaaal rMatoa of tto Cblckaaaw Hrtcad" and InridentaJlr mtertaia4 the tla crowd with a a n time had by those who were there. A full report of the reunion will appear in a later edition of tto tMmnwii. In speaking of the addreas of Col ootne new machinery has been ad- Sun, the Wigwam, published atfded recently and the plant ia na- Franru. says in Its Issue of Friday: . ntnc capacity to fcaep np with Following a band concert aaf ,. ,.- iw,(wi- a by Judge Hydr- in hit , th dl. Fine usual )oly vein, tto orator of itoj""01" irvm ia ' hour. Col. Sidney guan. editor of t fancy chocolate caramel are turned the Ardmoreite. waa introduced aad or nearly two boon held the rapt attention of his hearers. Colonel ; Soggs Is a natural speator. He has; Bone of the studied arts and tricks , of the rhetorician. He speaks right out from the heart In a way that compel yoa to llt-n and respond In mind to the ideas of tto big, gener - oa natnred man bator yoa. His lis- ioers were sorry waea he bad rin - th-d. which Is the blgtoat form of approval aa audience ran give to ' a s;ieaker. Foley Hoaer and Tar aot oaly "! bronic coughs that weaken tbe r omtitution aad deve-jp in'o eon- jmpuon. but heals aad trnattont h- lungi it affords comfort and re lief In the worst cases of chronic bronchitis, asthma, bar fever and lung trouble Sold by all droggtsti. Notice far Publication. Hai- of Oklahoma. Carter County. in tb Watnct Court K. Curry. P'-amta vs V Curry, defendant 8' dfnda:t, W Curry, will take ton. .- tiiAi he has toa sued In tto aboM- named court for a divorce aad must answer th petition filed therein by said plaintiff or or before the 4th day of September. A. D.. 10 or said petition will to taken as true. rvid a judgment for said plaintiff la said action for divorce will to raw- dered accordingly Dated this M day ot July t MATHER k MAT80X Attorneys for Plaintiff Attes- C. T VBR.VOX. District Clerk Ity S M Parker, Deputy 8W-S-15 Tortured On a Hsrsc. "For ten years I couldn't rid a horse, without being tn torture from piles." writes I. 8 Xapier, of Rugleis, Kr . "when all doctor and other rem edies il led, Rucklen s Arnica Salve cured me. infallible (or piles, Durns. Scalds. Cuts, Roll. Fever-Sore. Ene ma, Salt Kbeum, Corns. !Sc. Guaran teed by Ardmore Pharmacy. Mrs. W. T. Hell will dftpan for a brief visit wKfa her daughter at Dal- hart Ttxas, cokcitim ctn of ardmore u ;o 5- .M caaa ffunn pasd ta iMMi OmttM Cul oa to.t at tto urn tto Cj-t Ccs oa Mt Sri. 10. ahont tto faao that r ai aaad of tto Citr aatoc of rcci. taeMiar ai - a t oj rt - from . Mir ;-!. &1 frox M In :r.- f -. TtR.'I"f M KN ARDMORE HAS LARGEST CANDY PLANT IN STATE CROWN COMPANY IS ADDING NEW MACHINERY AND RUN MING FULL CAPACITY. You mar aot hare tboacht o: ., ' but the larceat caadr fartory ia tto ! State of Oklahoma X aa Ardmort Indaatry. When you have a moment's .c oriBg Company. You will aad j . w at bm. women aac I . , , ! ooyi aa yoa ihi ana aaywnwre. : oat here by tto barrel and placed ' ia bucket or handsome boxes aad "hipped to the trade. Stat factory iaapector Warren oa bis recent visit tore said it m the j largest caadr factory in the state of Oklahoma. ; The genial manager. Mr. Hayi. 1 takes pleasure in aboing visttorc t broach tto plant and when they 1 once visit tats oopart merit aaa e-f tbe factory In afterward ask Crown braad. operation they ever for candy of tto If people with symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble could realise their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foley's Kid ney Remedy. This great remedy stops tbe pain and th Irregularitiei, strengthens aad build up the? or gan and there it no dancer of Urights' disease or other serious dis order. Do not disregard the early ymptoms. bold by all druggitU. The Cold Storage Retail Meat Market. Handles all kinds of fresh an 1 cured meats. Also have fresh bar becued meat every day. Drcst-d poultry of all k ads. Also plenty of watermelons always ice cold. We will appreciate a share of your bun in -si Will give you good service, and th beat meats. J. W. DAVIS. lt-Sti Manag-r Bankrupt Stock For Sale. The C. L. London stock of g.xxis Is offered for sale at private sale, for cash. Must to sold at on e Tti s h tto best staad la town and I a snap. SAM H BUTTS. Trust. -e 5-3t Sap-Silver Cleaner. Ua It to cleaa Jewelry, glass sil verware. Without a peer as a cleaner 60c a package. Special notice . T. Xlxon ti with us aad dot eagravlns of all kinds on any article aad any style ' TAKVBR & DORRAH. jWatcb, Clocks and Jewelry 25-2 The Home of Good Everyday in the ye .r v.e ic our best thought to buggies. They are the prile of our store. We had them made just as we want them, the stvle. material and workmanship are just 1 what we ordered. 0 Work has begun on our store extension and we will doable our stock of bug ; es and harness. You set the advantage of our best thought and knowledge of o-2t;:es 'a hen you buv here. We are always gjad to show you through our store Neu; State Hardware & Harness Co. , -r i- PICKUPS HERE AND TnE'E : M- V T A4aan. a . .i . r..s m-aiory atoivea to is! i niz to to bonHf br tb he i about u ooacrade '.hat .1 - w: l aae to caQ him W T. Jr Miss fiater Gray will lw i'- nest Wedaenaay for Indiana. - arc to will rtsh with tor mother, wboai to baa aot vlaited for a year xlg & half. From there she vrtli to Chicaao and other cities to purrha- her fall stock of mllHnery I ; L. M Johnson was in the try y s"--! dar from Glenn He aays th- pa. tnpe" w erT dry ln hu tlon ' ttt coantr nd lbai s--" Ma meadow mad yeaterday and he hart n do aome deaperate flh''.r.z o control the flames. Rain w bal.y ?eded lathe majority por'lon o' -h- coaat?- Mr Mn G w Xnon returned from QalUs. wner :?.r -ent ana brief Thrtt. Mr And-son saw tto scarcity of wat-r :n 'ha city baa eaaaed tto rreet spnakr to suapend aad the merchant a coverinr their stock of rood a toat ttor can to protert tb'tn froaa the doat. A larre portion of T-xas Is toSerlng from a disss' rou. drou'n With the comlni of fa" many ar--making preparattoos to attend ome of tto neighboring state fair. Dal las dra--hvr on Oklahoma for a large attendance. Few peopl.- in Ardmore. are aware perbap that an Ardmore maa ia vice president of th Teiaa atat fair. Col. Sidney Sucaa. is and has been for twenty years one of the vice president or that big exioeltion. On next Thursday aud Friday .n tbe district court room there will bv aa examination for Carter county teachers. The examination will to mder the direc ion of Ura. M. V' N'ljlacV. county superintendent Trades Council Meeting. ThT-- ha tx i a r:it.:i? :,. Trad- " -in- '. ' d f - ' . r:i ;.' a" ' '. fx K ar.'l -. ot i. i Fruit Jar Bargains KuKr and frui' ;ars e af a bargain at (jofl s r' erv The folI'iw..iK pri es Mriil prevail fr a ehort time 1-2 gallon Economv Jars, per dozen 1 quarts Economy Jars, per rtozen . S1.25 Si. 10 1 pints Economy Jars, per dozen . . 90c With every purchase of a tkzen Jar I will give 2o pourn of standard granulated 4 AA NUgar lor. . 01 UU E. M. GOFF PHONE 197 Our guarantee is back J. C. PREPPY; Mgr. WHY GET THE HABIT Of drinking carbonated beverages in which cocaine and caffeine are the only attraction and if persisted in may lead to the coke route. Such beverage, if the legislature had done its duty, would have been outlawed long since. Why Not Get The Habit When thirstv and fatigued of drinking a bottle of Dr. Pepper Jersey Cream, or Lemonella. All pure and free from dope. Made from Distilled Water only. OUR MOTTO: Purity of material and cleanliness of bottles. ARDMORE BOTTLING & MANUFACTURING CO. J. T. ORR. Proprietor. njeabe- ; askf-d o t on hand as Vis:n-8 of irr.jior'arir.- Is to bo ronndered Vcodmen Circle. A called meetin? of the Wood men Ci'cle will be held Monday afternoon at I o'cock. Mrs. ED SAN'DMX. Guardian - CI.EMMIE MARTIN". Ci-rk Beware of Imitations and Substitutes Buy only the k'nu n(- ir m tho Crown. We have long since pluia; d up our wt ll and ue no seep wafr, as Ardmore tiitn fKM ouie a city and in the business district wo decided well wat-r whs unfit for drinking put-poses much less Car bona'ed Bverajres. We use city water after beini: filtered throuirh the bct filter in the southwest, therefore, tho C r.wn is prepared to give you tho best and purest soda water available A sfc your dealer for the Crown Brand only Crown Bottling ? Mfg. Works .MORGAN J. HAY.S. Pres. and Mgr. Buggies of them. Will Locate In Ardmore. D" A G Klnscy not.-d ch.roprac tor ar.d niTko specialist, win locate hero. Tho apartments In the Xobl UulltllnE. formerly occupied by Dr. Cooley hnw betn entraiHl and will be made ready for occupancy about July !S. Dr. Kliwey comes well en dorsed by the most prominent spec uilUu and has been recommended by our form r iHiropmetor. Dr. K." Ster :nK Cooley . now at Knld, Okla s f