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PACE EIGHT THE 0A14.V AHDVORESTE. Ardmort, Sunday, July ZZ, 19CJ W FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. I 0 Only One More Week Mid- Travelers Sample Line of Handkerchiefs T' e? are such extraordinar good . ut tl at a urea. rmv are antici j il iiii tiieir wants and laxing them aay f r ChnstmaH. so they must be 1 ireiin?'. Look through them 4c to 43c each MUSLIN UNDERWEAR .'. . ..' XjM J' ' irj:i.' .n o'lr )(. '. 1 ! '' US vi- U '. ". a'e :iirit--d vi 1 h'; that ." 1' )u ' buy no" Or,!) o:,- eatb loft of f " fir .1-- Muslin Suits. Ooxc. (Vw Cii-ifr Bkirt and Draw s' 'V- peial prW of. a sui' Sl.US and ss.15.1 GOWNS AND CHEMISE. " 'juslity Iji'o and Kmbroid-rj t-itnm-i Gowns and Chen..---ptla' thig sale. -ch SoC Ml II 2i downs. 1.. 0- embroidery trimmed pe w sale, a garment JK'C Ml il 'ns during thin S 1 .-0 It t.'i ;j'lty Oown. bandftoni-:y r tal lace insertion 'rim rn 1 xlno '-mbroldery lmij."l e-b si..k Ml J2 00 Gown and Chemise go li UK tht mI at. Murh S 1 .00 M' 12 SO Gowns and h-Tti-k during tbla sale at J 1 STJ I.. 00 flown- during (bit Sa'e " 2.10 DRAVERS AND CORSET COVERS. i, .! the following r-dU'tion x:i ijfH tbu Mic M vlu' this sale nrc ' "v. ulu this sal" SOC !) ' ui'i'-n this sal- )7c Jl '' :ilu th's a!e 5 1 .20 One lot 36-inch novelty wool finished Dress Goods, 25c value; to close out, yd 121 2 KILLED BY ACCIDENT; BURIED BY SLRANGERS GEORGE WHITE HEARS OF BROTHERS AWFU DEATH AF TER WEEK STARTS AFTER BODY. IlHvln been kilhti In an swrl-l.-nt. urlcil by HtranKt-m and in terrtsl for over a week before any iumber of the family found It out w the most unusual and at the uini! time Ut-treaninx exiKfrieuce In tbc family of Mr. Iee (ithey and Geo. WhKe of this city. Wklter White. brother of George nid k ttroUier in-law of Mr. Calbjy. a as killed a veek ho Krldsy In Tueumcsrl, Mexico, and wnt of tbo Kt- '.VKome affair Just rachwl them nere yesterday. While the MirtieuluRi of the acci I' ll! in which Walter White lost . t hff liavi- not bx'n!vel 11 iji 'iderhttMMl th.. ho met hU death . ,i ruii.may .undent then- Hm Wanted- Men of 'whom we and thuiLC territory ProhtnlJe ositi'jns for reducers WRITH CIIAS. W. GUNTISR, General Atient The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Philadelphia City National lunk Mild. Ardmnr. Oklo, Summer Clearing By the end of the coming tceek we do not expect to have enough summer goods worth mentioning in another ad vertisement, so ive will endeavor to get you interested in the wonderful bargains that ive are offering this week. We also ivish to impress upon your mind the great op portunity that you now have in anticipating some of your fall wants at prices far below what you could ex pect to get them at later. Remember that every gar ment, every yard of merchandise and every notion has been reduced for this great sale, except a few white dresses, atid that great sample line of haiidkerchiefs which have already been marked at a price that is in teresting to all who see them. Come as early in the week as possible, as these bargains will go quickly. Be on hand MUSLIN PETTICOATS. r.. Mjk.t. .-:. ..i : .r "l fWr. r.tnn.'-'l .. r 1 rom avl , i it an4 "o .;. :. ai '.:.' hxd lKrtom ta. m -'h-jr a'.. oacb SUC j;y fvttlcoat. 20 inh V,iXi. 'rimmed vita thrr ros tu'-fca. aad 10 Inch -ylt. -m-b-rd'ry, aUo -tal o'br de ln. tbU wile your 0- 1 - On" apeclml Skirt $2 SS valjf. trlmuH lth t5 rtj of it mfh b-mtltchl tacka, wl'h two row of atltchinx 00 oarh tu' k 10 in'h mbroldPrr bot'om. a!- p-lt A I' 13.00 Skirts now go at Ml J3S0 Skirts now zo at All H'H) gklrt now u a'. S'-MO $2.20 S2 70 S2.00 LADIES VOOL SUITS. No 1 your cbanci- Th- tm.or.ty a'- -iffltrnt a'yloR for arl fal'. f'w ri'-nt ch'H-ic amonx th'-m All Hulls sold up to 119 :s ki- a rductlon of Sj,".00 SjI:b fnini 12150 to l!'j 0'i a r- diHtlon of SS.00 All Sula aborc 125 a r. luton "f s 10.00 HI It Itedtutloti n SILK KIMONAS. Kkr i..c r.f Towiliu TjM' lxly was dlstlirured and taut.lati'fi ho ha ncoK iltton was .ilnios1 im !os)litle. and niter waltliiK wme days for someone to identify htm t)i ant taint lew had the remaliui bur ied. Mr. White, who formerly lived in thU MKstiou decided some time ago j to remove to Mexico and left here for Turumciiri two weeks or more ago. His wife followed with their son n ! few days sfter and were to have been met In Amarlllo by Mr. V.-ni.. 1 when they were to go io their new residence. It seems that after the accident ' and death of Mr. While, someone who had seen him thought that he remembered that lie had known Mr. White at Kavla and sent won! to friends there. These 'rlends at once 'communicated yesterday with Mr. i tat bey and Mr White, with the re- j mi It that it was learned that t lit- mall I was really Walter White. Mrs. White was In Amarlllo at the time ami knew nothing of the death of her hmbaud until after the burial. (Jeorjte White, who Is dejm'y sher character and ability, to can offer good commission EMBROIDERIES AND LACES T. a! " KJfwl. r--r f-j" if ry ar,4 ufu! E-ry p.- ' of Ina-rtion. Band. Kde ln. Coraot Corer Embroid--.T. Trimming. Ifea Yokelnc. snd All Overs will b sold from now until A u rust 1st and no later a' tbo folio fflns big redactions: All 3 Or Uctm or Embroideries o " 7c All I2c or Kmbroldeiies 9c AH lie Ijuce or Kmbrlodorl -t lie All 20c LMm or Embroideries J loC All 25c I-Svees or Embroideries ' iSc A 1 34e Ijmwi or Kmbroiderlci 20c All ic lee or Kmbrolderlex " "13C All 75c bsxes or Embroider: o r,sc All 9c or Embroideries n 73C All J1.30 lAres or Embrollerles SI. 0.1 All 11.50 Ijttres rr Embroideries " S1.10 All J2.00 I-aces and Embroideries l SI. 20 All 13.00 Ices and Embroideries " SI .OS SPECIAL LOT l-i and EmDrolderli-. worth ill- to 10 a lare taM.- full to f li ( t from- your 1 hol a ,-C J. O. FISHER. MANAGER iff I' :'t -dav fo Wl ! (.''if fir 'Mllly in' r.t i ii' 'i.n. art an'l hi r- to 'itt r l-'v r mi'- would be benellt' d b talnnic FoU y s Orlno ltxa'ie for stomach and IUr trouble and habi tual constipation. It sweetens the stomach and breath, gently stimulates the liver and regulates the boweU and Is much superior to pills and ordinary laxatives Why not try Fo ley' Orino Laxative today ? Sold by alt drugKt'ts ALMOST A PACKING PLANT WARREN'S COLD STORAGE PAYS OUT $14,000 MONTH TO CARTER COUNTY STOCKMEN. An industry that pays out to farm- ' ers an much as llf.noo per month1 would be a valuable adjuuet to any city and this is the record that Is being made by the Cold Storage plant of this city owned by O. G. Warren. , The money paid out by Mr. Warn go h for the purchase of beef cattle, ; fat hogs, sbo p, etc. 1Ut choicest of ! :h"se purchases are butchered for the trade of the wholesale depart- ' meat of the Cold Storage ttnd the balance m shipped eth. r to Fort' Worth or Kan-as City. The Cold Storage manufacturers 'ured haras and breakfast baton and Vs one of the successful siimll pack- , mg plant and large cold storases In th. mate. Many butchers in suv rounding towns are buying all their meats from the house here and the luiMineHh increases in volume every month EASTERN STAR. Regular meeting of Ardmore Chap ter, o K. S. at Masonic Hall Monday night at S:30. I1I-3SSIE I'ALMBIt. W. M IRENE BRYAN. Jk'cretary of Our C7 SSILK PETTICOATS "1 t i H- lj . r, 1 . ' 1 . t: -" 1 !x 1. : . dlu ahie,. values al'J s S7-2S So.7S s-i.os SG.0S SI. SO S.'J.Ofe . w :.' r.ow rtow. IiOST Big Reductions in SHIRT WAISTS. $:o.o tx at SG.00 :::) u.n o at si. 00 14 Va.x's eo at S3. .10 ,!S WalHt. ao at S3.00 1IT-. Wall-, so at S2.G0 1 : 2 '. Wai eo at S2..10 I Si V,: ko at. S2.10 11X Waixts to at gl.CU W.Vi Vai: go at SI. 25 1125 Walitts go at OSc Wai: to at . . .10c :i.'-atr .ery Silk. Net w All All All A ; All Ml .Ml All Ai Ail .Ml T.Y a !i Waist in the bous- ALL DRESS SKIRTS REDUCED. Good line to t from. Ail 112 5' 1 to US 00 values. so. OS A'l t!''.S to tl.9S values. " S7.."0 All $.'.' n $61S values. now S-1.7." All 112' to 1.V00 valia-s. now S3.0S All 12 7S Skirts, now. -SI. OS .Ve ou K-dng away? HIk redut tior.s on Suit Cases and Trunks Ml Ho-!fry n-duced durini? this al- WAITING TO BE SHOWN NO WORD HAS COME FROM OS CAR AYERS, THE ARDMORE CHICKASHA RY. PROMOTER. "Watch me." Them- wre the parting words of Mr Oscar Ayors, promoter of the Ardmorel'hleknHha interurban, when tie left this city ten days ago bound for New York, where he went to make arrangements for fl naming the road between the points named. Sluce Mr. Ayers boarded the tram nothlnx has been heard from him. not a line of any kind as to what success he has had or what his fu ture plans are. However, there arc those In Ardmore who are of tho opinion that something is golni; to happen within the next few days. Mr. A. M. Sosbee, who has been liio-e closely aswlaten with Mr. Ayers in working up the project, than any other person in the city, was seen yesterday and asked about Mr. Ayers and his plans. Mr. Sosbee Jerked his thumb In the direction of the depot and said that he would not be surprised to see Mr. Ayers drop off the train here any day lh a full r. w of men who would .i one go ii -o tn- t'd on the -igh' of wty of m r w riad Mr Sosbir t;,id tl-a' Ijp had no' 3 mi trKIMiWIsgiil Great Sale Specials in Bed Spreads G"od every day of the year. Plenty oi therr. either fringed "or lain. .11 $1.25 Spreads go at j ll I.JO " I.;,. All 1.9$ ' ' i x All 2.50 - i.s; All 3.00 ' :.4 And better ones at an equalls 1 g r-iuction. WASH DRESS GOODS. lv ': aat.t a ir 1 . y lay night v: :". ah r, s,. -al- a yard gc 4" ;: fine Fijrur-d and k d Batiste. Tissues and M'JiU i.iiu- worth ttp to 3.V a dr1 13c u 1 lln. of fine C'ofon Su.f : rfs ai.d Hatljle. and Tissue .1 11 j to 40c. while th'-y last 1 ar' 19c DRESS LINENS. Tu- a srod for fall as no' .',mxI line to select from All ', and oe Linen " ' 35c M! 3c and Soc IJnens 25 c . and 30c Linen- r'"'A - 10c VHITE GOODS Tmlia IJnons. Lawns. Mul'. B;i 'is'..". Noveltlei. Swisses in fait -wr yard of White Good.s 1:i th" hause Roes at the fo'.lowuih n-'luctlon- All 1"( White Goods now gc Al! 12c White Goods now 10c .Ml iricc White Goods now 12c All 20c White Goods now 15c All 2 White Goods now l)c All ::',c White Goods now 27c All :,k- White Goods now A'l 73 White Goods nw f0c 1 II White floods now 75c Good Huckaback Towels This Week Each 7c i- 1 ' ou. Mr Ay, bjt that f "i.. a f onversu'.on lie had wi'li h.m oefore je left he felt confl d r.' :i.i: tiingH would be look. rig jp Hi a very short time Mr Ayers went to New Yrk in r.-sKnse to an msent letter from a well known financial concern who expressed themselves as willing to build and finance the new enterprise. ARDMORE VS. PURCELL THE BLUES PLAY THEIR 40TH GAME THIS AFTERNOON BIG CROWD PROMISED. This uiteinoon at 1-orena pa:k the tans wiil have an oppottuni'.y of wltneshlng what is expected to prove one of the best games of the season, when the llluej tackle Iur cell, who last week was able to ' beat them two straight game. Tii-je two games lost to Iur II Im k- rd mores winning streak and the will make a desporate .ffurt to win this afternoon's game. Todays game wilt make tne -win ' game the Iiluos have played this season and they are In hopes of getting into the oklal.oman pen riant tuning serif of games Delay In commencing trea men for a slight Irregularity that could have been cured quickly . Foley's Kidney Remedy may ren!t In a serious kid nry disea-" Fo y s Kidney Itemedy bull is up th.r worn out tissues arm s'-cpit"c-r nisr cgans S".d ty all druggists. issVflF FIRST STATE BANK ARDMORE. OKLAHOMA Capital Stock Paid In $50,000.00 TWO STRONG FEATURES of vital importance to depositors: FIRST: Absolute security in the Depositors' Guar anty Fund. SECOND. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Absolutely no risk and 1 OUR per cent in terest i a yood investment. Come and talk to us about it TODAY. These Deposits Are Our Best Ad Watch Us Grow This Dank Was 12 Months Old June 1st June 9oS 5i8.575-03 JuV 545.2SI-53 beptember s 100,985. 19 November $1 19,937.52 February 1909 5152,150.20 April $16,035.63 JUNE 1909 $190,125 25 We invite at any and all times inspection by State Bank Examiner or by our Directors. Ardmore State Bank C. T. Darringer. Pres. L. F. ANDERSON, Pres. MORaN SCOIT, Vlce-Pres. 0. L. ANDERSON, Cashier. ED SANDI.IN, Asst. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, OKla. Capital Paid In $60,000.00 Surplus Funds .165,000.00 Total $225,000.00 The oldest bank in Indian Territory Accounts of firms and individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with Rood banking. J. A. BIVENS, President. A. H. PALMER, Cashier The City National Bank Ardmore, OKlahoma. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus Funds 100,000.00 Accounts of firms and individuals solicited. Courteous treatment accorded to all alike. WHO IS YOUR BANKER? We wan' 'o K"ip your di iioslt wi'.i us and offer you tn return absolute guarantee of your money, interest on time deposits and every cour tesy possible. No trouble to cash checks, pay all your bills through our bank and keep a close watch on your own business. Guaranty State Bank Sji.isor to Hankers' National IJank Concrete Sidewalks Don't order them with out first getting bid from A. D. Hyde None but first class work. Phone S9. ALBATROSS That's tho name of the best fUui sold in Ardnors. Harold Wallace, Cashier DON LACY, Vice President. O. H. WOLVERTON, Abst. Cashier. I United States Depository Okla. State Depository City Depository ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE. OKLAHOMA Capital, Surplus and Additional Liabilities $250,000 If this bank is a safu place for the city, state and nation .to deposit their funds It is n safe place for the farmer and business man to keep his funds, TRY IT. LEE CRUCE. President G.W.STUART.Cashicr ALBATROSS That's tho name of the best flour sold in Ardmore. ; Read Ardmorette "Want Ada, Read Ardraorelto VVaut Ads, 1 Read Ardmorette Want Ads.