Newspaper Page Text
The Ardmoreite Is (he Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service Ardmorcke wain ads will 7n ake your business go. FARM EH8 1 Tho worn out parts to your inaililnrry inn bo mmle at my shop, mill lit bettot t!an new OIH'i. Jones' Machine Shop mil TH Mll.t. HTISBKT. mm VOLUME XVI PAYNE MAKES HIS REPORT HEPORT OF CONFERENCE COM MITTEE ON TARIFF BILL IS READ TO THE HOUSE TODAY. CONFERENCE THREE WEEKS Bill as Reported by House Confer- ees Admits Hides and Oil Free, Lower Rates on Metal, Lumber and Wood Pulp Schedules. 1 WnHlilngton. I). C. July 30. When majority leader l'ayne. had of the bouse conferees, arose In the house today to present the, reort of the conference committee of the two houses on the bill, the measure had b'-en In conference Just three weeks. The contending hill marks a gonei tho ' .U downward tendency from Dingley law. Payne presented an exhaustive an-1 Mi'kogee, Okhi.. July 2U. The alysls of Its provisions. He presented , rounl' 'minlsslniicr of Muskogee a detailed summary In which It wns '"""'V ' appeal to the state off! shown that the total Increase was on ' ''ml8 ' I'"vtnt bankrupting Musko Importations valued at $Sr.J, '"" 1.V the enormous amounts and total decreases on Importation ,)f '' drawn In fees by amounting to $l.97S.122.12l. Ah reported to the house by tho conferees the l'ayne bill shows that the most marked reductions have been mmle In the metal schedules, iron ore being reduced to fifty cents per ton, pig iron from $1.00 to $2.50 - Beware of Imitations and Sub- stltutes. Hut only the (lennlne from the iCtowii. We have long since plugged up our well and uso no t seep water, as Ardmoro ban be- come a city and In tho buslnes district we decided well w ater was unlit for drinking purposes much less carbonated boerages. ! We use city water after being filtered through the best filter ! In tho southwest, therefore tho Crown is prepared to give you tho best and purest soda water available. Ask your dealer for ! handy but in another building, which tho Crown brand only. 1 relieves It from danger of seizure. CKOWN HOTTUNC, AND MIT,. as only what Is actually m the build Vt WOKKS. lug can be confiscated When the Uy MOIIC.AN' J HAYS. I'res and ; MgT tt tt tt tt tt tt tt it tt a tt a a it a it u tt NEW INSURANCE FIRM. Representing Philadelphia Underwriters. Pennsylvania Fire. Shawneo lire. Insurnnco that Insures. Prompt attention to business and courteous treatment. C. P. STEVENS & CO. Fire, Tornado, Plate Glass. Accident and Unnds. Phono 90. We have moved to Postal Tel. Co. building. No. 0, .V. Washington. "! " ! U .S: " ! n it a n 8 tt V it! tti 8 :: tt tt v tt tt tt tt tt a tt 8 :: tt tt tt tt tt tt it ;: tt tt tt 8 8 8 ti ti u co. :t Telephone 21 ARDMORE ABSTRACT it Oldest In tho County W. S. Wolverton & Sou Managers Ponded Abstractors of Carter County. (leneral Insurance. t: : tt tt :! tti ;: 8 8 8 tt 8 tt 8 8 Money to loan on City and Farm Property. 113 North Washington St. Ardnnre, Okla. t: :: tt tt tt a tt tt tt tt tt $100,000 TO LOAN On improved Main Street property atS percent 3 to 5 years. We loan on improved residence property, to be paid off in monthly payments of $17 per $ 1,000. Also farm loans at & per cent. GORMAN, BOG1E& DOBBINS ' Jr ton and a general reduction throiiRhoiit in the metal schedule. Petroleum comes In free, without '.en a eoiintorvatllriK duty mid most of J's product are tho same. duty on zinc In ore, which fQ morn than twenty per cent ZlllC. yn Ct'llt her hunilnl- man 20 , ut. has a lower rate. Hides an 'o free lint, with a corresponding ' 'on on leathor mid leather six. m making n n-ductlon of fifteen . y, -t on hoots and shoes. Hltiimliious coal lt n-duced from 07 ccnt to 45 cents. Common glass to lower sizes is . Riven a reduction. I Wool Is practically unchanged, but 11 ''stlmated that the cotton schod- ,s "bout three per cent higher. Cotton hosiery Is generally Increased. Oloves are unchanged. Print paper Ik reduced from $G to $3,715 per ton. Wood pulp free with a counter vailing duty. Hough lumber In reduced from $".00 to $1.2:. per thousand, with a corresiKuidlng reduction in dressed ! lumber. FAT FEES FOR RAIDERS. Cou,l,y Officials Fear Bankruptcy raying tor Blind Tiger Seizures. deputy sheriffs and constable for ri,l,'lK Joints, tinder the law these (lpl'"l'S are entitled to $1.2.-. for. ''a,h ral1' "'' "al' ami they seem to ""''' dropped on to what easy "'Ik Is. Recently there have '",,n presented for fees of this character running up to nearly $1,- OHO. The county commissioners are of the opinion that unless some way Is found to stop it the county will be bankrupt. I'nder tlie law a, it is now eon- j strued confiscation of the liipior found and the furnlturo Is about the only loss suffered by the jolntlsts, because they give bond, and nro sol- ' dom convicted. In order to meet this ! emergency the JnlntNts now keep a tub of cracked lee filled wl'li bottles of beer and about one quart of wills- ky In their places, using a drygoods bo for a counter. A big Ire chest and reserve supply of lee Is kept supply In the tub runs short the jor- ter goes out the back door and brings In more Ice and another small sup ply of beer. These joints may be raided every day without much loss to tho owners, but the deputies get , ! their $1.25 each Just the same, which ! makes It flue business for them. Plenty Corn at Orr. lo...... lf..l...tU I.. l.i ..If.. t.Uln. from Orr. He says the new hank n ' their town will soon be open for 1 business. Tho Orr community will, make plenty of com for local con- N..I.II.II..I. cttn.. i lnoiMi.L- fuit- in.tti. ik. fir , in i ,11 Lilt' 11, iii.kj 1 lv .'f-..l -m,! will,, n imt cron I If the season from now vornblc. on Is fa- Wanted. Clean, soft rags at Ardmoreite of fice.. Subscribe for tho Ardmoreite. " tt ; tt :t :t :t tt .. tt tt tt tt tt it it ti It tt tt SCADS OF CHEAP MONEV tt 1 TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY M tt," tti tt tt 11 :t ! n," tt tt .tt J: Wo examine your title. Wo Inspect your property. Wo draw your papers. Wo pay out money right now. If you want a loan qulekly seo us. HOOKEK & ANDBHTON. Over Postofflce. Ardmore. tt tt tt n : t n n n n n n tt tt tt a ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA FRIDAY I$VKNIN(S JULY :0 1000 MUSKOGEE MAN UNDER ARREST W. P. HARRIS, SECRETARY OF SECURITY MUTUL INSURANCE COMPANY, IN CUSTODY. IS ORDERED BY M'COMB State Commissioner Charges Harris With Promoting Alleged Fraudulent Insurance, and Obtaining Money Under False Pretenses. .Muskogee, okla. .July :!U. W. I Harris, secretary of tho Security Mu tual Klre Insurance Company, of .Mus- ' kogee. Okla., was arrested here today on Information filed by County Attor- j ney Crump at the request of State Klre Insurance Commissioner Mc-1 , iComb, on a charge of promoting nl-; leged fraudulent Insurance and ob- i talnlng money under false pretenses, j It Is alleged that he operated through the malls and had agents In J Oklahoma and adjoining states. The Ardin(rIte want advertiser is independent ho knows how to meet most of the annoyances of dally llfo. DON'T BELIEVE DIVORCE TALE THAW AND ATTORNEY GIVE LIT TLE CREDENCE TO REPORT THAT EVELYN IS TO FILE SUIT. HARRY WILL CONTEST ACTION ! Thaw's Counsel Says Wife Has No Grounds Whatever for Divorce 1 From Slayer of White and Thaw Would Oppose Granting Divorce. White I'lalns. X. Y July :.0. i Neither narry K. Thaw, nor his counsel, Charles Morschauser. showed much Interest today in the report that' ICvelyn Thaw intended to begin a suit for divorce as soon as tho pn-sent proceedings nre closed It Is the tirst Intimation we havo received of such a suit," said Mors chancer. Continuing, he said that so far as he knew. Thaw had no Intention of suing for divorce nut would contest llls wUv 8,m' "MrH- 1,!,s 110 "''' fi' vor(''-" " aorrtinii8ir. It I alleged that Mrs. 'i naw will " aer sun ior uivorce on tlie reia Hons of the present trlnl regarding Thaw's alleged conduct at the hoii3o of Susan Merrill. Wanted. Clean, soft rags at ardmoreite flee.. of- t: v tt tt tt a tt a tt tt tt a tt tt a SPIRELLAl SPIRELLAI tt tt Have you seen the boautlful now stylo in this wondorful Splrella Corset to bo seen at the Parisian Millinery Parlors? Wo Invito the most critical examination and will bo pleas ed to show yon. Thoy can bo washed every week without Injury. MRS. W. T. BELL. tt tt t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt :t tt tt it ti it tt tt tt tt it tt tt tt tt it it n tt It tt tt II tt t! It It It It II II It II II I) It tt ti tt tt It SAME DAY AND NIGHT. I'nless night calls nro for more than nine blocks, tho price for cab calls will bo 23c tho same as day prices. Spot cash required for every call, flood horses, safe drivers. ARDMORE TRANSFER CO. Tom Carter, Manager Phones 7u and 7t. It KtttttttttJtttttttttttltttttttl tt :: tt :: tt t: tt tt j: :: :: WEATHER FORECAST. tt tt tt tt tt New Orleans, July ?.0 Tin weather fore iff for Oklahoma for tonight and Hat urday is partly cloudy :t tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt a tt HAS CRUSHED THE REBELLION GOVERNOR GENERAL OF BARCE LONA SENDS CHEERING NEWS TO KING AT MADRID. TROOPS NOW IN CONTROL Number of Victims as Result of i Fighting In Streets of Barcelona 1 Will Run Into Hundreds Leaders of Rebellion Are Being Executed. Madrid, July 30. The captain gen eral of Barcelona has telegraphed to the general siaff hero that the revo lutionists have surrendered and that he Is master ot the situation In liar colona. The number of victims, as a result ' of tho fighting in tho streets, Is very high and twenty-throe buildings have been destroyed there by tho artillery , Jlrc. The leaders of tho rebels are being , tried by military court nnd summarily executed. This Is the most cheering news to the friends of tho king that has reach ed Madrid for several days. The greatest game ot the year Sunday afternoon between" Ardmore and Mnillll. lioth teams havo been (Strengthened and ileaguo playing ",:,y 1,0 txlM!Cto1 GLIDDEN CARS TO K. C. WILL REACH DESTINATION Or LONG RUN THIS AFTERNOON FIVE HAVE PERFECT SCORES. Sallna, Kan., July 30. On the lust leg of their 2,307 miles Journey, '.he (Hidden touusts left Salln.i this morning at 0:30 for Kansas City. It Is hoped to reach Kansas City by 5 o'clock this afternoon, although the distance Is nearly 21'! miles nnd the roads are heavy, vif to last night's rains. Through Topeka at Noon. Topeka, Kan., July 30. The Olid den pilot car passed through Topeka at noon. The tourists are one hour behind. Something doing at Irena park Sunday afternoon. Madlll and Ard more. Hest game of tho year. Come. You will not bo dlsapjKdnted In tho game. MORE HONORS FOR TEDDY "UNIVERSITY LEIPZIG CONFERS tt DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS ON FIRST FOREIGNER. Leipzig, July 30. The Pnivorslty of Leipzig today conforred tho de gree of Doctor of Uiws on Theodore Hoosevelt. Ho Is tho only foreigner tthus honored. Sunday visitors to the city ill j mlaii canal treaty, who was severely see tho best gamo played hero this 1 handled by the Colon Millce on Do year. Madlll and Ardmore. Host am-1 comber 2.i. 1900. ateur teams In the suite. 1 Several American officers of the ' : Cruiser Columbia In Panama were tt tt tt tt tt tt tt .tt tt tt II tt tl 1 arrested In Colon In June. 1900. with- . 100 ncres fln -ih mead ow land, rrx Xro.1" tnaaos, every foot tillable, In hart of oil field. Will soil at a big bargain. ADAMS mtOS. Ardmoro, : Oklahoma tt tt It tt a tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt The Hottest Game of the Year MADILL VS. ARDMORE SUNDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 1 AT LORENA PARK Both teams have been strengthened and league playing will be witnessed. Visitors to Ardmore will get their money's worth. Convenient car service 5c. Coolest grand stand in Oklahoma. U. S. CITIZENS MISTREATED PANAMA AND COLON BLAMED.. INTERVENTION MAY FOLLOW TO MAKE AMENDS. ASSAULTS ARE UNPROVOKED I I m r I U-i Cttft In w " No Purpose Neither Country Seems to Pay Any Attention to Re quests From Washington. Washington, July 2'J. Apparently all testimony showing unprovoked assaults and rough treatment of American cltl.ens, Including naval officers, has been presented to the Panama government, with a view of punishment of the offenders to no puiMse. Only the most unsatisfac tory replies have been received from Panama. Tlie attitude of the govern ment to the Isthmian republic is Inexplicable to tho state department officials. Minister Herber (1. Squires has been 'Instructed to urge Insist ently settlement of these eases. While the United States govern ment has no Idea as far as can be learned, of intervening In Panama af fairs with a view to maintaining or der, yet It clearly has the right to do so should Panama fall to main tain public ordor In the cities of Pan ama and Colon ami In the territories and harbors adjacent thereto. This right is given by article 7 of the tritfitv sf lOflW 'Pin. .Ituiw.ulHmi ..r V ', . this government Is to give Panama every opiortunlty to prove Itself equal to tho task of protecting life and property within Its Uirders and Intervention would bo resorted to only as a last rosort. On four dllleront occasions Amer icans have suffered nl the hands of Paiiamaniiins. One instance wan an assault of an employe of the Isth- " J out sufficient cause, it Is alleged. " j They were roughly handled and 1 tti clubbed and then thrown Into Jail, " J where they were left for several tt 1 hours without proper medical at " I tentlon. Tho attack. It Is said, was ' unprovoked, HoatBwnln Charles Hand ,s kill, ed and Joseph Ciestlk. a sailor. lKtth I of tho Orulsor Buffalo, wuh injured J as a result of a fight with tho Pan- tuna police on Soptember 2S, 1908. , From the evidence In this case, there i appears to be no doubt, according to tin state department, that the wo men were brutally rented by he lKllce, who clubbed, handcuffed and dragged Hand through the streets,, badly wounded. 1 It Is further alleged that while he was in itollee custody, Hand was allowed to He suffering and bleeding GOVERNOR STUBBS MAKES LIFE In the Jail for more than an hour in THE STATE PRISON PLEAtJ wlthout medical attention. Similar ANT for inmatfr treatment Is said to havo been given j j Ciestlk. I l.UNt Mnv. CluiS. M. Abbott nmt I Jo, ii ''. " -- cans, were killed In a riot, the for- , mer by a rock supposed to have been thrown by a rioter and the luting lif -i rlM.. !...) ....I.I .. I ' " """" l" In en fired by a member of the Co or. Iollce force Neither of theae m!l. 1 It Is said, appeared to have I i, i u any p.ut In the disturbance. CLAUDE BROOKS PAYS PENALTY KANSAS CITY NEGRO HANGED FOR KILLING WHITE MAN WHO HAD BEFRIENDED HIM. NEGRO MADE CONFESSION Sidney Herndon, Wealthy Real Es tate Man, Formerly Resided at Tyler, Texas Victim Was a Cripple. Kansas City, Mo. July 30. Claude , Hrooks gro, aged 21 was hanged 1 , , h"r" ""' for t,U! munlor ,l sl,l"'Jr ; Herndon, a well-to-do real estate own- ; I ''. formerly of Tyler. Texas, who ' 1 was killed here January 13th. 190S. Herndon, who was a defenseless cripple was killed In his room at downtown apartments, his skull being crushed with a hammer. Hrooks was employed by Captain Hurndou as elevator boy and had buuu befriended by the man he killed. The negro cuufessed to the crime. Wanted. Clean, sott rags at Ardmoroite of- til'!'.. answer to If you visit stores In Ardtnorolto ads. your visits will bo TIM i:i,Y. Por there's a bn t time to1 buy most things, If yml'ro BolK nwn). fop varatIon trip tho store-ads nowadays are of min,Mato purso-lnterest to you. , Use Ardmoreito Want, Ada. NUMBER 1(1 KANSAS PEN A MODEL ONE OFFERS GOOD INDUCEMENTS " To All Who Wish to Enter and Graduate .Therein Hot .Biscuits , .and Fruit and a Night School with Experienced Teachers. Topeka, Kan.. July 29. Uu Jet Oov. Stubb'H plan of running tho ' Kansas penitentiary It's almost a, pleasure to be sent there. Klght hot biscuits (or each :ou- vlct at breakfast. I All the cornbreud each cnvlot cat eat at noon. Kresh fruit for supper. I These, together with all tho sta j plo food necessary, are amom; ilut Inducements offered In the culinary line. No stripes for good convicts, easy work, china dishes to eat from, and ; gxxl literature to read arc somo I additional drawing caxds. j Tho governor has an Idea that a prison should bo a reformatory In- stead of an Institution for punish , ineiit. He proposes to run It uIouk ! that Idea for a while. If ho finds, that he Is mistaken he will adopt j the old method. "Tlie way to reach tho heart oC a man Is through his stomach," said tho governor. "Feed a man well and he will not Im mj troubWomo." The day's tnsk Is also to bo changed. Alxmt half tho prisoners are worked In tho prison coal mine. Knch one In the mine Is compelled to dig so much coal a day. The tnsk, to the experienced minor. Is Kisy. Kven to the strong healthy man who picks up tho trado quickly the task Isn't a burden. Hut to tho weakling, or the 0110 who cannot catch on to the knack of swinging a pick iwhlle lying on his side or back, t Is a hardship. Tho new plan Is to let tho men dig whatever ! "m"nt f rail they can. Tho young convicts will be kept out of tho ml"' n' tnos w"0 havo weak constitutions. Tho prison uilno Is a, bugbear to most of tho convicts. However, tho natural born miners prefer It to work on tho surface, fun they havo more liberties. Experienced school teachers aro to be employed at tho prison school.