Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FIVE Bargains Kingsbury, regular Almost new Marshall and Wendell Schimmel and Nelson Newby and Evans Schiller (Oak case) reg. pr. $340 $285 Like new If you want one of these youll have to act promptly for they wont stay on our floor long at the above prices E. B. LUKE Established 1895 Ardmorc, Okla. PERSONALS Mr. U-o Gait is niltto sick at his homo in tho northwest part of tho city. Miss Ola llolloway, atenographet at tho city hall, has gone to Texas to visit her parents for a short time. Mrs. Hudspeth and daughter Miss -Mary, Hutu, of Valley VIow, Toxa.i, am tho guests ot Mrs. S. H. Wallace this week. 1. S. Mahan secretary ot the Okla homa Pair association, was hero to day on matters connected with tho coming fair at Oklahoma City. I,eo 'Criico lelt yesterday evening for Norman whero ho will attend a meeting of tho board of regents of tho atato university. MrH. J. P. Young Is back from Mill Creek whoro sho visited her son, Karl, nnd attended tho big picnic held there. .Miss Itay Campbell i3 spending a few days in tho city visiting Miss U tt tt tx tt t: t: ;t n t t: it it R tt tt tt tt it :: tt tt tt it tt tt tt tt N. n. Alnsworth, Ardmore. Okla. W. It. Ingram, Healdton. Okla. OKLAHOMA LANDS. If you havo 80 acres or more of good land, partially or wholly In cultivation, with a clean tltlo, and want to bor row a reasonable sum on samo at S per cent. Interest come nnd seo us. Offlco over tho post offlco. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: tt THE BEST This is :tn old way to nn nH Tint we begin U-lli .... .., - would like for you to know that we do the best con- crete work that is "going We use nothing but the pure Iola Portland Ce ment and Tishomingo Granite Gravel Figure with us it doesn't cost you any more to get good walks. Ardmore Concrete Co. D. 8. BLACKBURN, Mgr. QUINN WICKER, At. Mgr. In Used Pianos price $325 - $265 $175 $165 $105 Grace Spauldtng. Miss Campbell nnd her mother tiavo been on tne ranch during tho past month. Mrs. K. II. Pugh has returned from a pleasant Uslt with relatives In Oklahoma City. Dr. It. 1.. Dudley, accompanied by his niece, Miss Laura Dudley, lb lii re from .Marysvllle, Texas, on a brief visit with ills mother, Mrs. .1. C. Dudley and sister, Mrs. .1. P. ICasley Clyde Downing, private aectetary to the Hon. Clins. I). Carter, has ar rived in the city from Washington and will have oftlces for the summer In tho Carter building on North Wash ington street. Ho says that Mr. Ca ter will return to Ardnioro In tho inrly part of August. ALL SUMMER HOISERY AT CLEAN UP PRICES. THE BANKRUPT STORE. Cauliflower, lettuce, egg plant, squash, bonus, cucumbers and pie plant at the Grand Leader. "0-2 Seo tho game Sunday. Premises to bo the hottest of the year. Madlll and Ardmore ARDMORE TEA $ COFFEE CO. PHONE 141 Hitrh jjrado tea, collee, spices and extracts. lOxcltisivo dealer. Coffee fresh from tho roaster every day. Give us a trial. Quick delivery. J. P. MERKLEY, Prop. Bob Davidson Who was for 12 years with the Cold Storage, is now buying hogs. Be sure to see him if you have any hogs to sell, he will pay you top prices always. TELEPHONE 66 FOUR TOWNS CONSIDERED FOR CONFEDERATE HOME ARDMORE If, ON THE LIST COM MITTEE WILL REACH HERE TOMORROW. Arrangements arc being made to have a reception and other features for the committee who comes to- j morrow to look at the sites offered note for the confederate home. That either Ardmore. Muskogee, Clareinore o.- Vinlta will secure tho ; Oklahoma Confederate home, was j ihe statement. accordlnK to the Tulsa 1 header, nf Representative V. Oil- i mer of Ardmore, financial agent for the Confederate association of tlu state. The committee will meet at Okla- homa City August 2 to vote on the iinal selccilon of the home. The main building of the fonfed- rate home win cost $30,000. Al ready over JU.noo has been sub scribed. The rest Is forthcoming. Muskogee has offereil l!0 Keren of cholei laud and tree water and lights for one year. Vinlta offer 10 iiTi'd and an eight room house al- ready (reeled. Clareinore bids with 20 acres and a lot In the business dint i let upon wliu h to build a radium water batn house. Ardmore will of- fir a promlii'iii Mtc and other con- cessions. T' committee authorized to select a slti lor tlie home Is composed of: Col. R A. Kneed, register of deeds of Comanche county; .Mrs. V. T. C'ulbcrtson of Kiowa, prosldont of the Oklahoma Chapter Daughters of Confederacy; Mrs. T. K.'. llnrrel, of Wagom r; J. It. Pallium, or Ard I more. " ' -' Tii home Is to house indigent vet- mi. i.r t.K gray, llite association a i il !) the Sons and Daughter of Me- fontedeniry. will see that the hum." s maintained. REMEMBER THE GREAT END OF SEASON CLEAN UP SALE AT THE BANKRUPT STORE. Pre Mi vegetables received dally at tin Oram! I-.-uli-!-. ;!o-: THE SALVATION OF CITY Von Keller and P. C. Dings, of this city and Simon Westhelmer 'nd mil ALL YOUNG PEOPLE INVITED TO ers of Marietta made a contntf' with TAKE PART IN UNION SERV. Michael and Hammer to begin drill ICE SUNDAY, BAPTIST CHURCH Ing for oil and gas on a large met ' of ground adjoining the city of Mari The ltaptist Young People's Socio-1 ty. the Kpworth League and the I Christian Kndeavirers will have a: union meeting Sunday evening at they have on it. the Baptist church, which mill bo. The contract calls for work to ho of tnoie than usual Interest. Rev. gin in filteen days from thi date. Leslie Sanders, tho new pastor of Mr. Hnnimer, of the company of the Baptist church will make his Michael & Maiiimer. Is n resident of first appearance before an Arrtinorc oiuiii'iiii- inn iii-,-iiiifc .inn as m is a young man this Is a good op- portunity for tho young people to get acquainted with him. A cordial Invitation Is extended i M tin- societies of any othnr of the) churches in the city to bo present plasters when you can get a bottlo of 1 and take part In the services. Tho Chamborlaln's Unlment for twenty I general theme that will bo discussed j flvo emits, pleco of flannel damp i will be "The Salvation of Ardmore." I ened with this Unlment in superior j The program as prepared by tho ' to any plaster for laruo back, pains In I committee Is as follows: the sldo nnd chest, and much cheap , Subject : The Salvation ot tho , or. Sold by Ardmore Drug Co., ltu- City. Text: Horn. 12 1-21. fus Post, and nil druggists. Coronation hymn, invocation. . Topic No. 1. Tho Gospel the Sweep anil Power , Ijvnns. of its Mission Prof. . Topic No. 2. My Attitude Towards the Ixist in Ardmore. A pomonn. ' Knmlnntion Mlbs ICato Gait. i Vocal duo Miss lkard ami Brown. 1 Topic No. I!. A Review of the Worn. Will It pay? -Mr. Arthur M. Crooke. Topic No. 4. A Translation fnto Human Experience of the Mnsivi M Injunction, 'He Ye Fishers of Men' Rev. I.osllo h. Sandors. Violin solo Miss Mabel King. Open parliament, conducted by Oco. Williams. Discussions limited to threo mlntttos each, on 'Somo Men Who Havo Ileen Adroit Soul "Wii- i ners'. Vocal solo Miss Nunaloo. Ilenedlctlon. ALL SUMMER GOODS AT UN HEARD OF REDUCTIONS. THE BANKRUPT STORE. Fresh vegetables received dally at the Orand Ioador. ::n-2 Tent Meeting. Tonight at the Adventlst tent, tho subject will be: "Tho Zeal of Ood and the Mark of tho Beast." Tomorrow night, "Tho Mil of Baby lon" will bo presented. COME TO THE BANKRUPT STORE THE PEOPLE'S STORE ! FOR BARGAINS. Fresh vegotablos received dally at tho Grand Leader. 30-2 WHAT HE WILL TALK ABOUT COMMISSIONER BURNITT AN- NOUNCES SUBJECT OF HIS LAY SERMON. "Well, ttc'VK 1011111I nut what Com- mlssioncr llurnltt i going to preach" about Sunday night when he occupies the pulpit at the Chris- tlan church for the firm of the series of lay sermons by will known liu-d- mom men. At least we think we have found out. There hag been an timimal Hiiiount . of Interest taken In these lay ser- mons and those who llKe to hear the i gentlemen who are going to talk have asked what their topics would be. a reporter for tho Ardmoreite ap- pionehed Mr. llnrnltt tod.iy null told him that many had asked to know his subject tor Sunday .veiling and that some advance information would be greatly appreciated. The gonial commissioner grinned and aald, "Tell them I am going to apeak on 'How It feels to lie a Commissioner Now. perhaps that 'grin didn't mean anything, but it Is believed that Commissioner Hurnitt has something more on his mind that he Is going to tell the people. Anyhow his ad- dress will be well worth hearing anil the church will doubtless be filled with both churchmen and laymen. " ONE LOT MEN'S PANTS, ODDS AND ENDS, AT $1.48 PER PAIR. THE BANKRUPT STORE. Shine .". cents. Whlftlngton Pool Hall. INSURE with Will Randford ft Co, DRILLING AT MARIETTA ARDMORE AND MARIETTA CITI ENS WILL FIND OUT WHETHER OIL OR GAS IS THERE. Marietta folks are as much Int esteila in the oil situation ns are the people of this section, even nion so, for they are going nhead with a-i'lxe development work. Yesterday Max Westhelmer. Dr etta on the east. These gen'lemeu have secured lease rights to valuable ll , gas property and are going to lose no time In finding out what' this city and has large Interests in iine .m.huii on iicui. i no .wimi'ua Meld Is believed to be fuel oil and no refining oil has iib yet been found there. ! pon't waste your money buying MEN'S 75c SHIRTS AT 38e. THE BANKRUPT STORE. Madlll will be here Sunday f.Ofl strong to rciot for their tenm In the " big game Sunday between Madlll and Ardmore. COLLECTED ONLY $800 DURWOOD DRUGGIST SUSTAINS LARGE LOSS IN RECENT FIRE THERE. P. A. Tlndall. ilri.Kidst at Dnrwood. wns hero today adjusting tho loss on his storn nnd stock of goods which burned recently In tho big fire ll(iv" Il,!r uml!" ntinKont supple at Durwood. lie ays his books wore ' m'nW, w"h onnllKh nolso mnla'rs ta not In good shape and that tho stock I ''"'J' wl" tho BnmP' ,or nolso nn0 of drugs which he recently purchased 1,,,r(1 root,n sorvt8 S(,m 't,mo9 at Mannsvllle and iiioumI to .Durwood to win. whet- other means fall, wns a total loss to him. Ho collect- ud only $800 In insurance while his I Vo,lr complexion ns well as your stock Invoiced at 2,C0o. temper Is rendered mlsorablo by n I disordered liver. Ry taking Cham- A Nlnht Rider's Raid. The worst night riders aro calo - mel, croton oil or aloes pills. They raid your bed to rob you of rest. Not so with Ur. King's New LI to Pills. 1 hey nover distress or Inconvenience, but always cleanse tho system, curing Colds. Headache. Constipation. Mala- ria, 25c at Ardmoro Pharmacy. JOIN THE CROWDS AT THE BANKRUPT STORE. Seo tho gamo Sunday. Promises to bo tho hottest of the year. Madlll nnd Ardmoro. OUGHT TO HAVE KEPT M YOUNG AT HOME ARDMORE MINISTER DEVELOPS INTO FIRST CLASS RAIN PRO DUCER. Many persons In this city know of the ohortlo power of lUv '. K. Young, tlio well known lUp l"t minister, but they evidently arc not awnro of his ruin-making nbll Ition. or Mitnobody would have, been t wrk on him long ago. At least they would not have nltowe.l hint w have left thu city, Thu following Is front the Durant 'N'ow al1 H11" .'" t of how cooling ntln followed In the footstep, Dr. Voting when he visited lit n "H'Hton and after tho people of that vicinity had been wishing for i.iln 'or n long time. A v,'r- r"l,,,,t J" ,'(,I,UM flom tn" ''"J- of llonnlnKton, and as umi ill It la on the ltaptist dcuomlua turn. Several week ago a Presbyterian I'VMiigollst ere-tod a tabernacle at Bennington. They protrutctod a niwtlng for ten days, during that meeting k sprinkled ntln a vory little. The MethodlstH then pitched their tend and they held services for ten days; during that time It rained once, a fairly good ruin, In fact It IKiurnl for a few minutes, ' Tho HollucftH then commenced : their labors to save the slu-strlckcn city. They continued their meeting for two weeks and during that time not a drop of rain Tell; it was hot ami da- and dryer nnd hotter, j and it seonied as If tho earth was j going to burn and every growing i thing die. I Jn desperation the eopl) of lien- nington ipi tiliil that tho P.aptlata , w re to Ik- the leaders In this for-' lorn hope, and In vImw of their ea- pec'.al fondness for water it waa 1 thought thnt they might carry more! weight, etc. Dr. oYiing of Ardmore, a noted Baptist revivalist, waa sent for and on Saturday night had his tent pitched on the Bennington streets. Services were held that night, but on Sunday morning It was raining. it was not ii sprinkle, but was n ' regular downpour, and It kept It up for hours. The htrangeht part of it is the nln only oxtonded a short dls tan e out of Pennington In any ill c fvcept from the north. I is :.eilless to say tin e Is :i greiit work for Dr. Young In many localities anil no will hae mori raH 0um can lMmMy tm EMBROIDERIES 7c VAL. LACES 3c PER YARD. THE BANKRUPT STORE. Cauliflower, lettuce, egg plant, M,llnhn ,.;,, 0.,Pm)(.r and pie plant at thi ' ' Grand Lender. .'10-2 INTEREST IN BALL b'AME THE BLUES AND MADILL WILL PLAY THEIR BEST FOR A LARGE PURSE SUNDAY. If enthusiasm Is to be taken as mi- i dence. tho grand stand at l,)tena park on Sunday aftornoon will bo more ; than filled when the IIIikh play tho Madlll team. In addition to the usual giito receipts there will bo a pur-iu of $.100, and some say that this may i i a ...i i...r.. " uounieu onto or iiti u.-iore ui. inmo 8Ulrls Tho .Madlll team Is said to be get ting Into shape the best tenm avail. nblo while tho Hluos havo been prao Using regulnrly ovory evening and are about pot feet In team work, with- out Which tliuro woiild bo slliu c,,nncu ot wlnnl" ll,u Several uatiorie nave noon iriea out, but tho managers have not ycj announced who will occupy theso lut portant positions. Mmllll Is makliu Pnnn to bring several hundred root , orH for tl,at c,t' oml npl8uorlI1K , ,nvK a,lU Arumoru win uouuui si 1 berlaln's Stomach and Liver Tab- 1 Ms you can Improvo both. Sold by I Ardmoro Drug Co., Hufus Post, and ! nii clnicclsts ' ' " KM 1 , , , . ....... . . , sl,lno 5 C('nt8' Whlttlngton vool I Hall. 29 C . Tho greatest gamo of tho year Sunday afternoon between Ardmoro and Madlll. iioth toamii havo been fctrcngihcned and loaguo playing may bo expected. Read Ardraorelto Want Ads. I r- . I Cut Your Tan, l" mil UK JX i-uttn $3.00 Ladu's' J!! ()(i Oxfords and Htiaphititto .. . . $1.65 Lad t s' $1 ."0 Oxfords ntid htrttps t ttlto ..... $1.35 LYNN, The Shoe Man T. N. COLEMAN ... THE CITY DRUGGIST .... Toli-phono i. i) W. Main itt. Spot Cash Only ! Commencing AugUBt I, my grocery business will be spot cash. No tick ets made for any one. PORTHIt hTAPMOS. :tO-:i Phono 111. INSURE with Will Sandford . Co Shine l cents. Whlttlngton Pool Hall. Go Auto Driving. I will drlvo auto for city drives any evening after 7 and any hour on Sundays. Kngagemcnts must be mado by C p. in. Phono 89. Mm W. S. PUAl.HY. ALBATROSS That'i tho name of the b&it floar m,i m 4 Miliar Why Not Today ? Order a gas hot plato In jour home, tho cost Is slight and tho convenience great. Wo will sell you at exact cost tho celcbra'ed Doss Bako Oven. Makes summer cooking a pleasure. Tho hot plato ro moves drudgery from Ironing day. Special prices on all gas fixtures for a few days. W.A.Pride Gas Fitting, Plumbing, Tlnwork I. P. Peland W. H. Foslcr Poland & Foster General Insurance Office Over The First National Bank. Telephone No. 48 NOTICE I nm pnyhiB from 80 to 7 l-4o for fat hogs that weigh from 150 to 200 pounds. Hob Davidson Is In no ways connected with tho Oolil Stor age. See nio before soiling. O. G. WARREN Proprietor Cold Storage. a 1 Shoe Bill Patent and Vici Kid ltdlos' SI 00 Oxfords unci struts ti rt r f , ?0VJ Ladies' .f!l 00 Oxfords ntid straps cut to $2.50 Ladies' $'J r0O.x fords and s'rnps cut to $2.15 Manufactured In Oklahoma Gentry's Hair Tonic $1.00 It stops dandruff and re lieves thu irritattd scalp. Use two bottles, if you are not satisfied with the result your money will be refunded. Coleman Bros. Druggist-Jewelers. t: tt tt :: t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt :: :: WATERI WATER1 Wo havo a fresh supply of nil tho well known brands of Mineral Water. It Is abso lutely pure, nnd for health's snke you should usu plenty of It during thu Bummer. I tt ! i i :: tt tt :t t: tt tt tt THE NEW STATE CIGAR STORE Two doors west of Whlttlng ton hotel, t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: t: :t MONEY LOANED On Farm and City Property. "You gut all you borrow." Kasy terms, low rates, no do lay. List your farms and city property. We nro In touch with tho buyers. ADAMS BROS. 7-9 Potterf Bldg. Ardmore, Ok. J. L. Wilson Transfer and Storage I havo u good building loused in which I store all kinds of household poods tit rimsoniiule rental. Phono 72 nnd I will do tho rest. Goods hauled anywhere or packed and stored. Promp and carotul atten tion to ovory order. Roberts BarberShop Ncit door to First Nutlonal Hank. Hot mill cold buttm, nbuwvr or tub baths, W'u eniM-clully wvlcomu strsnccrs ml ncwcoinum. Rest service every day in thu week'. TOM ROBERTS. Proprietor Try an Ardmoremtte Want Ad for that rundown businosa.