Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY AMDMOREITC WANT ADS SUIT IN MANDAMUS FOR AGED PEOPLE Avoid the Fall Rush, at; tl snt tlmo by placing your loans now Might per cent niotv on fnnns and city property. OLD FOLKS SHOULD BE CARE C. U. COOK, FUL IN THEIR SELECTION OF Over Geo. Adams rentaurnnt. Jackson Model "HM Touring Car TO COMPEL SECRETARY OF IN TERIOR TO RESTORE CERTAIN CREEK INDIANS TO ROLLS. REGULATIVE MEDICINE. 14 d&w m Ardmore, Friday, July 30, 1909 i 3 LINES 3 TIMES 3 DIMES WnshlnRton, D. C. .Inly 30. Noctis WHh ndvitneod ago come Inactive i Flxlco, a full-blood Greek Indian. In bowel movement and sltiMlsh liver. 1 the capacity oi solo hflr of Lucy Fix- Nature unable to perform her i Ico, Mclley Flxlco, Charlie Foster, proper functions and hmwIivs asalst-1 I Nellie Klngnhee and Mary Shopnrd, nnce. Otherwise there Is constant ! today filed a stilt In mandamus In suffering from constipation and h 1 th" supreme court of the district of nUomlsnt evils. Old folk should j 'Columbln against secortnry of the In never use physic that Is harsh snd terlor Richard K. ltnllltiKor to com- Irritating. pel the latter to restore their nntnos We have a .ife, dependable anil ( to the rolls of the Creek nation of altogether Ideal rmtdy that Is par-1 Indians and to erase certain nota- tlculnrly adapted to the requirements ... .... . L . ......... ..... 1 . 1. ..., .. . I ...11. .......!. u.lil ImMiiliJ if a more uscitil man Mime cn.iuei nuns maiicon me iiiiui .iiniiin-ii niim "i F"i i..-..u.- mm i" i ... nr. jjr1(,s ajj MailSt Shocltinkc till- you on. ::;just before secretary Hitchcock want constitutions who suffer from count I- . ' ...'. . ' ... ' u, out of o.ilce. canceling the rights of imtlon or other bowel disorder. We , m m :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: t: i u it The Ardmorelte want ads tt are tiuMrtani to you when it you decide that some cash Is ll it it n :t Notice of Sale of Real Estate. State of Oklahoma. County of PltH burn. In County Court. In the matter of the estates of Ada, Hrnost nnd Mannt Shoemake. minors. K. C. Million. rtuardlan of their estates. No. 3f2. CN'ntlee Is horoby Riven In pursu ance of an order of the County Court of Pittsburg County, State of Oklahoma, made on the 1st day of July, 1909, that the undersigned guardian of the estates of Ada. :: :: :t tt :t tt t: : WANTED I WANT TO HUY Peer bottloB. l'hono 3GG and G. I". Hall will send wagon aftur them. Ho won't toll. lC-lmo WANTED Tworthreo good'solie iters to work In Ardiwnv. Ardmoro Ten and Coffee Company. Phono 111. the Indians named, .lust Ire Wright Issued a rule requiring the secretary to show cause August lflih why tho writ of muiiiininiia should not Issue. Tho suit was hrou&iii by Kapplor & Morrlllat and James K. Jones, of Washington, 1). C. nnd Crossnn ft Roplogle, of Okeninh. Oklalnmn. for the reason that secretary Italllnger decided that hp would not restore the names of tho Indians named to the rolls because their cases In his are o certain that It will cure these complaints nnd give ulmolutc sntls- Jert to ponflrmntlnn by said Court, on the 7th day of August. 1900, In I . . n ... 1 1. m 1.u .... ! front of the rout house door at offer them with our personal guaran- ,,.,, , nbt..,.. Il IIIIKfl V Ml 11,1 I'ltMi; ( rtllllllllll within leRnl hours, all of the right, I nothing If they fall , sultn.lste i t nm, ()f pn our claims. This remedy Is called , ., ,,., . , llr WNTBI To buy a second Hand opinion, did not come within the do-wood-humor cook stove or ranze. cMon of the supreme court of tho Phone ISG red. Cnlted States In whnt are known as 1 . " : the (Soldsby nnd Allison cases. In ' FOR RENT that Noctts Mlxlco had notice and an TOR HUNT Three Inrco well fur- nPPnrtimlty to be heard prior to the nlshcd rooms for light housckcep-! 1 "nm" ,',r " Ing. with all modern conveniences.!'11" ore stricken trom the roll... reasonable. Phono CSO or apply 514 wh"" A 1,11,1 no West Main. Mtf , uMc of whnt wn" ,lon('- The suit filed calls attention to a KOR UKNT Four room house, water ; small,,ox cpflpmr wi,ch rnvaged a and gas, throe blocks from Main part of , Crcpk )ntl()I1 ,n tm, sprnR street, on Third avenue, between (lf mx Tho ,ftW hnt, prov,(Ic,, thilt C and 1). northwest. Inquire Phone Prson9 ,lynB aftpr A,,rll ,R00i l0S- 2Stf should have the right of allotment, 1011 HUNT Very destmblo furnish- nnd that the lands nllotted should ed room at 115 If. St. S. W. Phono descend according to certain fixed 7S2. Mrs. J. L. Rlgglns. 14-lmo rules. whorens if they died before rr-.. , , , April 1. they won hi not have the 3'OR UKNT Nicely furnished room , ,,,, , ., ,.u , .i mi ... o.t nc i riRlit to lands. Secretary Hitchcock with bath. Phono S17 white. 2S-I ' originally decided that these parties Uiwall Onlerllew. He.viill Orderlies have a soothing, healing, stii'cngthcntng, tonic stnl reg ulstlve action up.iu the dry. relax muscular coat of tho bowel. The) produce a nnttiral, utireenslvo con traction and relaxation of the muscu lar fibres of the bouol walls, goner titliiK n wae-1lko motion which forces their contents onward and outward; thus simulating natur in perfect bowel movement. They also remove all Irritation, dryness, sore noun nnd wtKiknesB. They tone up and strengthen the nerves ami mus co and restore the liowols and as sociate organs to more vigorous ami healthy activity. They may be taken at nny tlmo without Inconvenience, do not cause nausen, dlnrrhncit, ex ccsnlve looseness, flatulence or other ilisHgreeahle ettect. Try ltexsll Order-Hi-m on our guarantee, .K, tslilets 2.c nnd 12 tablets 10c. The City Drug Store, iV. It. Frame, Prop. minors, such Interest being nn un divided one-third Interest each, In and to the followliic lands: Situated In Carter County. Okla homa: The N4 of SWVJ of 8V, and S of NWU of SV of See. 2(1. Twp. I South. Range 2 West; and N of NWVi of SWV. of Sec. S, Twp. 3 South. Range 1 Knst. Situated In Love County, Okla homa: The NUU of NUVi of NH',i. and SW',i of NU'.i of NBV. nnd S4 of XWV, of SKV. nnd NWVi of SWW of NH'4. and N4 of NHU -B;. It I . . . w , P. . 'Mi Tin- 1009 model, as perfect ;i ebctriclty tir sn am, nuar.inteed to jiull through tana" or mud The blent iar for this coun'ry Tho Illustration represents the '.pawner .10 h)rs( puw. r tmrhine Deinoiistrntlons will be made up!i reipies' of persons Interested This car will climb any hill or r.o through nny sand bed or mud hole In Oklahoma. Hvery hustling farmer, business and professional man should own one More economical nnd belter service than tho horse and buggy. Call Phone 81) or fit; I una 1 will take pleasure in demonstrating this machine. Automobiles $850.00 to $2000.00 Model "C." the $1250 tar. can be seen hero nt any time. W. S. FRALEY, Agent FOR SALE , had died subsequent to April 1. La- i ter. nnd nftor patents to tho land had J-OU SAUIJ-Uunabout nuto, perfect , 1)CCn jgsuc,i , tho nnmo of theso paT. condition, cheap if sold at once. t(s who ,.0nstitute(l practically nil See mo for bicycles bc-foro you buy. of tIlP (i,.sc(.n(iats of Nocus Flxlco. AUo for best puncture-proof tires j hp ,iPC,iP(i tliat they hal died prior made. J. A. Uobcrson. Fair Proposition. Whiskey and drug habits cured to : stay cured. No cure no pay. N'( monoy until cured, Is our motto. HILL'S SANITARIUM, j dw Vnlinore Okla. . ..., i tiitlmi unu Hirti rnfiit 111 fntt liv Mm ami oi nun ' Oklahoma, by proper offlcern will on XVfcofSWViofNWU of Sec. 25. and cleric. the 2d day of August. A. I).. 1H09, pro- XBV, f NBU of NBti. nnd SWU of Movnl by J. II. kiintz. nnd seconded c(m,(1 1))f(ro th(i (l(strlcl cmirt of t,() NBV, of NBVi. and NAVV, of SUM by J- M. Arnold that said resolution , (iRhti Ju(,cn, MhMc1 , nm, fof Car. of NBti of Sec. 20. and Wit of and order as road, bo ndonted. i t(,r Cmmtyi Kl!Uo of oitlahoma. nnd HHVi or hum, ami .NKVi oi JiiVi in toil can mo moaion wns carricii of SKV,. and NB'i of NBV, of by tho following "Ayes". M. A. SWU "f See. 21. Twp. G South, Stansberry, J. II. Kuntz, J. M. Arnold. Range 1 Butt. "Noes" none. Situated In Stephens County. Ok- The resolution was by the prffll- lnhomn: The N'4 of NBVi of SW'i dent declared duly ndopted and or- of Sec. 20, Twp. 2 North, Range dered sprend upon tho record of tho . board school district No. 21, Carter County 11 tl tl U it tl rj n a n It tt tt then nnd tliere.or us soon thereafter as It may be hoard, make n showing and prom nt proof of nnd ask salil court to hear, determine nnd ndjudgo as to tho existence, character nnd amount of tho legal outstanding war rant Indebtedness of said school dis trict nnd subject to be funded under :t PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. tt U M k it tt tl it it :: n :: LAWYERS, II Said resolution ndopted as iforesald t,,B C0lmUtut0ll nil laws of lll0 Btal(. In words ami flguren ns follows, m- ()f OUIallonm ns mm,tU)ned In the pro- wll: amble hereof and to authorlzo tho Is- A resolution nnd order, providing .,, ot ami to ,,, , ,, collrt for tho Issuance of tho negotiable con- , fllMlUllK i,0I,s of Haill HC1()0i .u,. 7 West. (outalnlug In all 20 neres, more or loss, nccordlng to the govern ment survey thereof. Snld renl estate will be sold on the following terms and conditions. '"".. r or iiii in ilium; nu ifj i pon Donna or scnooi uisirici .u. -i. trrl (imj , f,ln,j nmj j)ay K!l,j war. Many a successful merchant looks 1 r,,,t of " nmount bid by success-1 farter County. Oitlahoma. to tlie , lll,,ol,t.llll.HS to lh nmount of 25-b (o tl)0 ,lato nam0(li Al the deaths back to his first bit iiilvertlsoment ful ''I'l''"" of bidders to bo deposited , amount of $2,000.00. for the purpose of I la i;0o.oo. at wblcb ti!mo nnd nlaco all i'rii t v piipat Auiomohllo- 5-1 occurre In a smallpox detention camp. ' as his personal "declaration of In-! at tho tlmo of R,,cn 8alc- i funding a like nmount of the lesn ,, ,,,, interested may appear and J'Oll b;VL.W L.I1L.A1 AUlomoDlie, .,.. ... I rint.i,l II, lo CM, ,1,,v ..f Ti.U- 10flO , i... l..l.....1.... , i I . . . i,i fnitv pnnA. "ii it is unuersioou tnnt uiero are iiepenilence. , - - ' oiiihiiiihiimk .ur.un im.iu.,i...i..-.o rpm0nHtrnto ngalnst any sucli deter- h. C MlI.IilON, , 8a,i scu)ol district, prescribing the I ,,mt0lmi finding nnd Judgment and Notice for Publication. fluardian. . forl8 0f said bonds and of the Inter- 1 nu'iilnst tbo Issuaticn of said funding tCoker. who Is accused of boing a State ot Oklahoma, Carter County. n-v "OYD MOORB, Attorneys, 0Ht r(mpons to be thereto nttachtd; I t,on,B Whrh notice shnll bo in snl)- tiAasnncor tourlnc car. fully cauo- ,M nnd In t.orfoct condition. Ad-1 Prnclcnlly no witnesses now living ex dress F. A. Handlln, Ft, Smith. Ark. CpPl Nc Hjilco l1 0 chnrll: 22-12t leader In the recent Crazy Snake n- In tho District Court. K. Curry, 15-22-29-5 providing for the levy of nn nnnual tax ! Ht!U1tlally the following form, to- wit! suffclcnt to pay the Interest on uld .t(.0 of application ot school ills- C. Pottorf. IC. A. Walker. POTTERF 4 WALKER, Attorneys nnd Counselors l Law Ardmore, Okla. CAPT. J. R. PULLIAM Justice of the Peace. Rooms In Pennington & Sims llldg. Chas. J. Kapplor. Chaa. II. Merlllat Compiler "Indian Active Court Ijiws nnd Treatlefl." Practitioner. KAPPLER & MERILATT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Prucllce before all Courts; Congress, Government Departments and Cora nilsslmiH. Indian Cases n Specialty. Oft Ice, Uoml llld'B., Washington. D. C. Joseph IV. Champion Thos. V. Champion CHAMPION & CHAMPION Lawyers Will do a geuerul criminal and civil prnctlce. FOR SALB Ton- horsciiowcr electric f oelllon who were witnesses to the ac- Plaintiff vs. W. Curry, defendant. motor and compressor for 3-ton Ico ,aI deaths. Said defendant. W. Curry, will take Order for Hearing Petition to Sell bonds when due nnd to constitute nnd i Mvl No, n, of carter County. Stnte machine, a bargain. O. O. Warren, j i notice that ho has been sued In ttie Real Estate by Guardian. j maintain a sinking fund for tho Us- , of Oklahoma, to tho district court of L. Q. SHELTON Ardmore. 25-lm i Want Ads nro DttBr all tho tlra ! above named court for a divorce State of Oklahoma. Carter County In j charge of the principal theinof nt ma- t, ,,g,t), judicial district 4n and for I Attorney at Law nnu win no your misiness goon. , anil must answer mo petition men , county court. , uiriiy ami umub uiu uumr uiu.i carter County, OKlntioma, to utter- orflco Wheeler Uldg. Phono FOR SALB Ttio Princess Theatre, a good money making proposum... Seo A. V. Doak. 23tf FOR-SALIC Cood milch cow and calf. Appiy W. M. Wbelan, Over- therein by snld plaintiff or or bofore In the matter of the guardianship , tho Issue. mine tho exilstence. chnrncter and the 1th day of September. A. D., 1909 of Leafy Pearl, and Wilson Drown Whereas, school district No. -l. I amount of the legal warrant Indebted- or said petition will bo taken ns true, idarrett Now, on this 2Hh Carter County, Oklnbonia, n bony cc,r i 0H!, 0f Ba,i Hchool district now uxlst- 238 , brook, ukla. 2S-3t COUPON BOOKS Of $5, $10 and $20 denomination at Ardmorelte office. i-oil SA1.H--Lot t, block 321, at a bargain It sold at once. R. A. FOX. 30-C Great Opportunities In Colorado Lands "-'ul a Jmlgmont for said plaintiff In i day of July. lOO'.i. comes Lula M. Oar- porato duly organized and existing un-1 B and outstanding uml to Issuo the said action for dlvorco will bo ren- ! rett Donne as guardian of tho oxtato dor and by virtue of tho laws and negotiable coupon bonds of said dered accordingly. I of the above named wards having constitution of tho stnto of Oklati Hehool district to fund and pay said Dated this 21 day of July 1909. tiled herein her petition for the snlo , inn, has a valid and binding n a , Wnrrant Indebtedness. MATIIBR & M'ATSON. I of tho real estate of said wards for standing Indebtedness to tho amount ( .otP0 Is hereby given that on the Attorneys for Plaintiff, the reason in said petition stated It is of $2,000.00, incmrr.d f or lawful 2nd day of August, 1909. or ns soon Attest C. T. VBRNON. District Clerk ordered, That said petition bo nnd j school district purposes nnd within thereafter as n hearing mny bo had lty S. M. Parker. Deputy. 25-1-S-15 hereby Is set for hearing on tho 1st ; tho constitutional nnd statutory lPn! I School district No. 21, Carter County, PROSPECTIVE SETTLERS IN THE CENTENNIAL STATE ARE OF FERED EVERY ENCOUR ' AGEMENT. McNKAL ik ALLEN ATTOUNKYS AT LAW Olllcf KlrHt Hnhiwiy Iml Aiiniir.Vol lonul Hiiiiic. REAL ESTATE. in 1 t.itinn nvldrnced bv warrants ot said Many Arc Buying Homes n it tl it it tt tt tl it ll n o'clock a. m. nt which time the next of 'school district regularly Issued bv its i a i kin and nil persons Interested In tho board of directors In strict eomi !! -i 0no of ho bcBt oxnmpCS 0f un. w tou neec an ramoreue . PStato or Haiti warn nro required to nnce wuii i.iw, iit-mg un.imi. , ,N INVBSTMBNT It tak03 only bounJo(1 f;lUn Iu tno ftUro of irrl- It map to assist you In deter- tl appPar and show cause. If any they ' bored aB follows, to wlt. $1,000 cash to buy lots near Bntcd Colorado lands entertained by mnna the location of your have, why nn order should not bo No. 1. July 9, 1908, $219.00 street car line, all nice elevated men In posiUons to talk and o n 0il, asphalt. 0as and oil sand It granted for tho sale of so much of ' lots, on Hargrove street. K of a deposits. Send $1.00 for the tt tho real estate of said wards as Is mllo this sldo of lies IIargroo porlntenjent of tho Colorado Midland Weekly Ardmorelte one year ll necessary for tho reasons In snld pt ; College. No such lots can bo , raliway( who iald down tno cares and or the Daily Ardmorelte two tt titlon stated, and that porsonal ser-, nongiu uus biuu .. u ' months, and we nlvi you a tt vlco hereof 1k mndo upon snld next No. 7. Oct. 20. 190S. $303.75. No. 53, Fob. 11, 1909, $1,078.00 No. 00, March S. 1909, $570.93. No. 72, April 9, 1909, $100.00. .. .... it i.. n linrlfnH In thn InnH hnalnnafl. "I Was lor ciouuio uio uioiitj. m .i fjrat attractoi, . th(J t opportunl. copy of the very Idtekt may of i of kin nnd persons Interested In tho eh.incn to double your monej in ( .. , , ,. ,,.. .. ..... ... ... ... i... Oklahoma, by Its proper officers nnd pursuant to the provisions of tho con stitution of tho State of Oklahoma, nnd of nn net of tho legislative as sembly of tho Territory of Oklahoma entitled. "An act to enable counties, munlolpal corporations, board of edu cation of nny city or school district to refund their Indebtedness," a proved March 11th, 1905. extended nnd put In force iu snld State of Ok- W. F. DOURLAND Lawyer IWheelor Building Phone 298 Ardmore, Okla. PHYSICIANS. tics," 6ald Mr. Vlnlng In an lntorvlow jj the new state. monoy. Poland & Foster, Agents. IStf short time. This is only $50 a lot. 1 In ' TjOUVor n'.mcr. "but having mndo they arc worth $125 of any man's j a study of conditions, tho posalblll- - I . I . .... ....I T -... huh nuro actually nsiounucu uiu. ery tlmo 1 Bell n man a tract of Colo rado Irrigated land I feel I have per formed an Invaluablo service for that , man nnd thoao dependent upon him. ' : ; . , . , Ono featuro of our now business in LOANS Real estate, farm and chat- Denver will bo that wo will deal only tel loans. Lcdbetter & Wttnbcrly, in bona fldo propositions, nnd If nny- niedsoo Ride. Phone 049. 6-lmo ono hns a claim of misrepresentation No. 71, April 9. 1909. $231.80. Whereas, said warrants have not . lahoma by the constitution thereof, estate of said wards as required by been pnld for tho want of funds and 1 will proceed beforo tho district, court , law. nro duo nnd pnynblo. but tho snld , 0f tho eighth Judicial district In tho t: n It xi it n n i: n n tl :: It Is further ordered that a copy i school uistriri nns no itinus in us stnte or Oklniioma in anil ror carter , bo published for four successlvo trtvisiiry nvivllablo for the purpose j County nt tho court room In tho weeks In tho Ardmorelte of Ardmore, nnd said school dl-trlct tlirougli its court house. In said city of Ardmore, TIME TABLE G. H. McKENNEY, M. D. V. Veterinary Surgeon. Treats All Domestic Animals. (Jradunto ot tho McKIllIp Veterm.nj CollefiO of Chicago, 111., n College rec ognized by overy atato In tho union and tho Dominion of Canada. Hospital ami offlco 130 N. Washing ton. Phono No. D. First door south Snmmons Lumber Co. Uesidonce 511 W. Main St. Phon 080. FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. O. Offlco Over Uonner's Drug Store. Surgery, Bye, Bar, Noso and Throat. FINANCIAL wo will Invito him to mako a thorough No, SANTA FE. 11-3 a. m 6 12.07 a. m Oklahoma, I. U. MASON. County .'-dgo, Dated this. 21th day of July 1909 board of directors has entered into . nald county nnd state nnd mako a J k'h nccuratoly fitted with Qlasoes. snfc..t. .11 frtlM rn , o m a III . .. . i m jtiu.M.i i u un invcsiigaiion ai our oxiiensu. () 20 6:40 p. m. lowest rates and no delay what- plro was never successfully built up ' southbound IlM-u-nll X, n.vtnr. 7.1m u" uiiuimiwuuii MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEET ING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD. an agreement with tho owners of Hhowlng nnd offer proof of nnd nsk said warrants for tho fundmont nnd Bald court to hear nnd dotermlno 25-1-8-15 payment of tho said by tho Issuance tho existence, character nnd amount of tho negotiable coupon bonds of I of tho legal Indebtedness of said said district nt not loss than par to ( school district, now outstnndlng nnd the aggregate amount of $2X00.00, as unpaid nnd evidenced by certain valid Of school district No. 21. Carter ( may properly nnd lawfully bo done warrants herotoforo loyally and reg county. Oklahoma, held on tho ISth under and nursunnt to the provisions I uiarlv issued bv snld school district Plenty of money to loan on city do Is to sell a limited number of trncts ,-0 r, B:i0 a. m , (J flf Jun A D 1909 purHunt t0 ' of tuo ROIistltutlon of tho state of fr Ir.wful district punwst s nnd to M. L. AUKAANUWIl. "I vuiuiauu iuiiu iu H!1" ' "" o. 13 lZ:itl p. Ill "Another thing wo havo arranged to So. 17 4:22 p. m. property. Apr29-lm SPECIAL NOTICES nrlcd class. We're going to do this bo-- j causo wo renllzo that tho section i wherein our lauds aro located needs moro population. Tuo salaried man, FRISCO SYSTEM. Westbound n call of tho director. Present, M. A. Oklnhomn nnd an act of tho leglsla- mKn (1 open court tho funding bont''i Stnnsborry, director, presiding; J. II. tlv assembly of tho Territory of Ok- to bo Issued by said school dl.urlct CITIZENSHIP ROLLs If your name ns ne pay8 up 0n his purcnaso, is en- N.Q r,51 8:45 a. in has been strickon from the rolls of abled to Improve his holding whenover B .1M5 n) the five tribes, or you have othor1 J.ta. Is progre V a m business before the Interior doirart-; nf .hn mnn wh0 can d&y cash outright Eastnound. nient, wtRo immediately to William but his ultimnta success is nono the N 50C B,30 ft In Kuntz, clerk and J. M. Arnold, treas urer. Thereupon the following proceed ings wero had to-wlt: Mr. J. M. Arnold Introduced a res olution and order entitled: lahoma. entitled, "An net to onablo edness. Tho amount of snld wnrrant counties, municipal corporations and jnd"btfdness to bo so funded and for boards of education of any city or he fundmont and payment of whlih tuo school district to refund tholr Indebt edness." Approved March 11th, 1905, and oxtended In force In tho stato of $2,C0O.0O. snld court will bo asked to Rinn furd Uik bonds of said school tlht U A resolution nnd ordor providing Oklahoma by the constitution thore- W. Wright, registered attorney., lfc t 'at Grand vai. No. 552 10.10 a. m , for tho ,HgllanC0 of tho neRotlabIo cou. of. WVishlngton Iau nnd Trust llldg.. l(jjr ffuU Becti0n. near Grand Junction. No. 524 4:45 p. m. pon j)0n,is 0( BChool district No. 21, ' N Washington. D, C. Some of tnls land nas oecn ijiaiin.-.! iu R0CK SLAND 8Y8TEM. Carter County. Oklahoma LOST AND FOUND Call at this office 'off Therefore b U Resolved and in tlic n.ln..,it 1... ilm lt.fir.1 nf Illrnntnra nf . 7 ..: . .v.iv, nw frnm nnn - " uim-iuu w ' to thrco years ' old! , Wo'ro going to Westbound. j amount of $2.C0O.OO, for the purpose , School District No. 21, Carter Coun- i mnVe Colorado a verltablo garden No, 051 1:15 p. u 0f funding a llko amount of tho legal i ty, Oklahoma: Monday . gpoti Letters that we rccelro from ,v0, 073 (daily except outstanding warrant Indebtedness of Section 1. That the cleric of said Sunday) 7:00 p. m. 8ald school district pre-crlblng Uio school district No. 21 Cartor County. Eastbound, I forms ot said bonds nnd of the In. ! Stnte of Oklahoma, bo and ho Is nnn whnn a man sonas an inouiry'.o. tiss 3:iu d. m torest. coupons to no nuacnen moro- ncrony nuinorizou unn iiirucieu iu wo get busy ana supply mm w ia u , No 574 (dany except rniTN'O On ' llroadway. .. i.,.i. i,,..,i. nu-tu.r tnnv i nnnnin In other states nro given attcn- h.hvo,o by describing property I Jo- In ig, nnd paying for this advertisement t)on' when a man sonds an Inquiry . No. If your storo is Hotter, In one or in a hundred ways, than other stores In your line, tho reasons why should be known to overy posslblo patron In the city through tho Ardmorelte, That la your "publicity tasK, tho Information wo have, and also as sist him In every way possible In get ting located. We aro receiving hun dreds of lottera from Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and ouianoma." Mr. Vlnlns has opened oftlcet at 6X7 Seventeenth street, Denver. Sunday 6:15 a. in. (Nos. 673 and G74 are mixed trains and run only between Ardmoro and Lehigh Nos. 071 and C72 do not carry passengers since No's. C73 and 67-1 vera put on.) tm'lilllll' fni- tt.r, IavV rtf nn nn. .tlr.n f.-r llttl lldVfl tlV Tlllllllrn.. I iw, .w. ... v lui; j .... 1 , . u . vj . ....j.- - j .-"-- ' ...... nu n,.fflntnnl . .. ,1,. 1n.. ' . I n .. . I .. . I lnl.nn.nlll. n Fintl-L-tll IMI. I11.UI t.lA nuiliuiuill. IU I'll? ktlu llliUI-l WUII (III UIU il 1I1I1VJI Ulbu, t in..iniMii est on said bonds when duo and to published In tho city of Ardmoro the constitute nnd maintain a sinking fund for tho discharge of tho principal thereof at maturity and fixing tne County Seat of Carter County, and of general circulation In said county, and by posting In at least five public other details of tho Usue. Bald rcao-1 places In said school district that iald All persons Interested in tho above matter may appear at the ilmc and place herein nbovo mentlonel and remonstrato against tho determination and funding ns to said In bMitouness and tho Issuance of said funding bonds. Uy order of tho Hoard ot Directors of school district No. 21, C.irtor Coun ty, Stato of Oklahoma. Dated this iSth day of June, A. D, 190D. M. A. STANSHEUP.Y, Director of School District No. 21, Carter County, Oklahoma. Attest: J. II. KUNTZ. Clerk. 2M0 Phones; Office I IB, Residence 44. FT E. RUSHING, M. D. DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Rooms 503 and 501. Flatlron Uldg. Fort Worth. Texas. DR. D. G. JOHNSON Osteopath 229 C Street, Southwest Ardmoro, Okla. ARCHITECTS. 1 J. A IILnL'LL Hi. .tl . HCHMi TACKETT BROTHERS. Architects Ifflep In Sims Ponnlngton Hultdlng l?nor Olfl . UNDERTAKERS A. C. YOUNG FURNITURE CO. UNDERTAKERS. Fnni-rnl niriitnr nnil Vmhiilmam COMPARE OUR SERVICE WITH OTHERS. Postal Telegraph Cable Co. N. Washington St. Tel. No. 31. Get the Want Ad habit.