Newspaper Page Text
PA' F. TWO f HK DAILY ARDMOREITk. Ardmore, Tuesday, August 17, 1909 J 1-4 I I I I - 3 OCTOB JJi.Lv. Til' ? i - - I Ml I a f5 f tvnV . ilMum n i iiurH of .-r. : ion t tt II malt.u any In the mitry and i iljirfc. (tmrnrttUfnt H f np" vilk 9QTlev- li.f -ethlMt Tk, tti.- Diaoavnmnt r tfa tlltt .ir of Tes:, haa tho Itn-Mitlve to uanise it day and nign- bora- amm durnit the coming expo' It Ion. ',,, J! . , , ,1 t . fii.-h .i ;irl !,t!. in amount to , 4ljpu. SUvrr -d(f and ibholjn tai til iUl Wllineril M tf!'4pWi$ti rjna, A Coach, hrf5. Including ih'e 'betiuan. French. Mor gan and hackneys will receive prises .tmoun Ing to $1,000. Jacks and Jon .I tsam i ; at wl I to'al marly H,000. and 'ir f U(w, gold and hIIvw med- . , ae 40 iM oKetW MM .il ptjclai contoata wU krtttft tWt u to $1M0. ii generous rv j over i be offering tf form! ra. The exhibit horse department, la ' omrae, one o the most Important f the fair. It l one of the roost i.fmar with rial torn, eapeetalty lnr niK alio night home Shows. Krer nnd of horse behl to esteem by tnnn. from the heavy draft ntiuiml i i the Matty roadster., from the Stie'land jmny to the Ortnan qoacli and froDi the galted sadd'er to tie liimldc mule, are Included in the clarification. r TO T2S0. Ah many horse how and ' ridm. of thf ovontH In th'; are for women driver many women of Dalian rind oritur Ttxaa cjUea, will. U in lonn r yr. rompMo for thr mow awarda and jtretttama. A apeclal feature of the ahow will U the h,Hin ho run rlnge. On ac count or tb lmiort(MMe of thla rlaaa the offerinjw are exceedlnKly gpnerom. For carriage and lmjwj liornM. a rlaiui intfiiilod MpcUilly Utr family m flip prmiiini aiuontit to 12"i. Por roadatora, Includlnn tntfwnt ar.d piiccirfl, the offorinsa ar. H'io, for taudunl bred troUrix nnd jmi-rs ri.'.o, for tUoroiishhrt'd.v for Suffolk horses, J IDS, to Shitlnnd Donics 125. i u' ! addl- r din-io i ui ..f rnr-. ' on- f the riv U't y tin; falf. Th- pthn aiiU awanU' of die J ftilr wsiWAtlon; 'tbV' Airtfean S&h- ' dJ-i ;or'HiVeekP'aoMWon an.l (he Texaa Saddle Horae Breedera' a soria'lon. total the aum of $2,000. iwia .Mow'pt'a. tne .wey, . no- A Th.- Am-'r'.f an Haddlt Hors.) Breed ra' aaMxiatlon offora a trophy of I too to the Wat atallion .07 mar, thrco yciaa old or undr, ahown tt hand. Contnunt la thin !au mxui he rgiatorfd in the American Sad dle Horae regiater. Caah awiirda totalling $60 and a gold medal will be offered for the beat model attlllon, beat mare and boat oolt, Rir the Texaa Saddlo Horso Hreedera' aaioclatton. The Bwoi'intHXe are vscelliily rich In the fnddlTM dlrlalon nnd to tal $:)'-'.., divided aa follows: Host man' or neldlns. any aire at walk, trot or canter. $50 for first and $23 for second : bfst mare or BelillnR, xjnfiniiRtUn. s'ylf pails and man- 1 t ii-,,h, . ,1 $in. f;rf $T.i -1 1 .nd, Jh rd, ,uid $2; Jotirtu., , I Wfeajor ?'. "t Curamlns. atuwr fnfndf'nt of tho geological detwrt-iin-nt la to bring to Dallaa for lh fjilr. an lntrptlng nrcheological rol- ; 4 Tr 1 V 4 1' "Th-i.. ' on.-!laty. ajiout- thvw flhtiH 'tnht I desire to tat ifey Ifr'jilf f'anjai(,s. fknd 'Allo 'J of these ngurea repreaoiU ner-i-, y, mmv Thlnfa- and others Ax'trs and Indians. How did thoae rncfit "whf m of $2,000. 'nil", an undenting nrcheoiogical rol- in.. . , , 4 1 .1. iMg h geological aurvey of the conn- i v and c-oaat bi'twccn El l'ao nnd TampU-o. Th- collection will con !t 6t titoni' arid clay imagee carr el by the ancient A.tfca and Kind-, red ntWs. The" Mexican government has 'notified T'rofe!or Ciriinilin that the exhibit will be furnished provld "d the gtate fair management will pay the coat of tranaportntlon. Thla ' will lie In the tmUir of a .Moxlco exhibit and will belong to that re public. i'rofwor dimming boliuves tha-" theati ItnugcK represent Home fact or idea. Some of them woro found' in ruined cltien that dnt ba'k before the Aztecs came to the valley of Mexico and there founded an omplrt .11 Cl A 1). Professor Cummin '-aid: knowledge of the negrojj-'nnll ' Ofii' iieae races? 1( lakes one back to ibo OW tradition 'of a lost Attnntla, Qui tHat ia mVrely a coiectuite. "The ex.blbt wjll prove rv mun In tereating one" for visitors to the fair. Great Kennel U Show. . 1 " With the finest equipped, building for the purpofe in the United States, the matiiigwmoirt of the Texas State Kennel (hib. under whosu&auspices the loj; show at fhe fair wllfibo held. Iwue the Incentive to maku?ths thy Houthern event. Tho bulfjJIiiK lma Juvt been corrtpleled at a cost of $". .'1O0. It is triangle In shap and is tiltuat' il adjocent to ivoulrsy build- Ins. both being similar In thotr sr.lCAl . .tit anAftUKm'TVmUM' lli"'' btiildlng l,s "flea-proof" That Is ttto ' ffor.v 'nnd ' BVoflfitf ' ilbne'altfi ' are bo rthtunttd v rioa'ifmoni' oil that :,'feasj 'friM bo uiialie to ftirtfiVtf ! should they-iict Into tin - ilmlhlln?. . ' 1 ' .... . . . 1 ne uencnoa uro iivq nuauruu in fJiimb'nvtvMh'nrovlsIotls mhde for 2 " .uililltloiial, should tliT nrootmily m fee ' . ,Toj stlmuVU th inteniat of tin rrf'oplt' or the Southwest In the rii -; 'test; of thorotighbred dop. the fi'r u-tocint;on jmt-i up $l.iioo in prliJJ The olmslfltatlon la very 1 lb-t al. ton tnlnlng 190 njjwratv prizes. Th-- re? ular cash piles' will be $ for first and 58 for second. In addition there will be a number of handsome cash specials, iimkliiK the inot 1Um-i.iI prize list ovor offered at a southern dog 9)OVi. , , , , - j S. J. Hopper, s'npcrlnteride'nt, do claros that Texas has some of th ben bred doss In the United Statei Many of tho Texas dops. have won prizes jitrhc'' cast ami north , and Id j England. ' ' The' entries 'from the tiorthern antl eastern stao promises to bo very argo. -r StrobeFs Air Ship in Daily Flights EDWIN J. KIEST, Pres. SYDNEY SMITH, Sec'y BEN E. CABELL, Ass't Sec y ec y I m GOOD now sui r HI r- ' OKLAHOMA COUNTY TO BE IM WORK ON A $K0.000 HIGH v. v . 1 . 1 o: i-i' 1 i 1. ii..- pi t " tin 1 Mm ,1 ( .t'lfoi 111. I fi.i villi: 411 .uph.ill b:s :ln Ok iiihotiia oil 'having a p r.i it 1 1 1 has. mixed1' with Hiirfiuv .soil and a lid fiiundutloii Heciirel. f)n top 01 IiIh la put a hard surface, or whit 11 the oil tt an Ingredient. ! The prb.ipeet la favoiahle for tho 1 ulrtnitit i'xtiiioii of this highway , THE TO REGULATE COAL PIES OKLAHOMA CORPORATION northward to L-'herryvule, Kan., and noutlmeat to Oklahoma City. Th Ok lahoma. City cbwiiUer of commerce 'has sent representutiw:! to rumult, with the lHiard of comuiltniiuiieia of WILL HAVE PETROUTHIC PiWI:r:!i;..r hoitin C'lly. similar vlsltH have be 11 t niad by rtttxeiiH of Creek and Wash T.ryfive Miles of Petrolliluc Paved Ington counties who are In fauir if i'-.iU m Lincoln County May be bill Whig n hard surface road to Sit ' t itrti to Otyliom City 'and' l"iHi or'lltifTlnavllle. '( , , 1 vie, Kan., L.itr. The 0iitonliltles for the biliilnR ,. ., . .of te 'road In Creek mid Vahlng,, . . I tun eoanflett ' gre ' enpeelilljr goot)r ... I. . 1 im riiiniwH time 111111:0ns or hx VV ""' ttblo HronerlV Hi' oil o.My riilrtjr-O ,-,.; r,,e riil n '""'-Wi' !' for IW liULIiUiK if COMMISSION CNSUMER. MAY AID THE. ' ii iuil (ujiI by tun uoal com 'i'i -, dunii ite hiiuiiutr uionthn. Ill J,HI'Ut Oil COUlllllMilioil Will ii io ti:'d ho l uettiim lie iiroft'sl tin .iRtiurtn-)" I. 1'JiV.i. Sli mmp eonl could In- bought frt'i on board chim at the mim at fioiii X.l I 't to It a Ion. an average1 of $3.70 a ton. Tho freight rn'e to AliilhHll was $l.:i0 a ton. which mailt' the coal con the retailer J." a ton on board cars at destination. The 1et1.ll denier pay, only upon hu. b) nil ortler of icr, wiiicii haves lam ;riiiili! Itlieuilisceii in transit. In other 1.1! .'. l-.l WHAT IIS REASONABLE PROFIT, msMM 1) pTifi'MW,'nrt tt,r' " - u",r,,,r I I ififir '"li 'l''-V"lflls "'' to rilninr. to tA '..!. r. J ' '" 't wife and-child, who han. Ok la , Ihounh the Stitc U Rch in Coal Its mine weight Citizens Pay Excessive Prices -To. JiflVV Find Out Why Lowered Frelgju, .WI)UlU -..Uiii nici o.opcu inc I.U51 01 111c r ue . " ;'f ,1 1 I il I If Jl ton in- !iwrnVonaiiie profit for the retailer, and many of them -TRllMCft 4 ailiiiiin .,o,r, i. ; -, I,.., uM.U'iMiiiu.MNh w4rfc-"" 'W' eHi4 of tfcei ('. hmfle ) $d.f - S'rVklrk. ,2''r l ahimui an. ' eoal. cliUua or riklMHowlK KELLER. Keller. Aug 1 1 l.labf -how ra fell last night and tin- inoni cooling the a!r ami xn-ntl b n 1 1 eiittMn nnd raiH. Cn'tl.- Im - 1 ferei from the drouth Keller'a oldett InhHlutani in . ..1 'of year. Mr,. C. S, Heaver, and 1.-. ' good wife have returned fmni a trlji to Noriiian. wheie they lilted 11 married daughter. Their larn tamlly of children are ncaUeivd trotu, Pennsylvania to New .Mexico, nail ltd dolnit well wherever found, ill-. It. F, ' irenver. wltn his wife and llitlo daughter, kept house for his father and motii'T while they were hwny Mr, 1 lavid -ChompiKii ami family tuii wmiH. :irt speuf the nlsht rpanaamaaaaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBaH FELKER millUnis of hx- , . ii' it :ir' t .i i'i J'1' ninliiliiH M Miu Jl sert .that, U..-ls. the retiiil prlox of nr - cAles-er llimil toil Mi- MUill.iU.I.KW ' I of tho ' IH'Xt Hll- V:!""' Uif tW klnt! Thet- u.le would mtK .!f iojijo,. mum, lle sniull 1111111'. 1 r if . , .. . II .... . , . , , ill 11 ' ftl l H. IT IKH'il iiiiJiiwnrTl , ,-. - Hll"nv f imnu inr ' ne. evog ilih Um.4g.0unt to he ' u"' MWrt J'-.ifor H. r.uniii i inuu- ay mi n innner ui lawn would "' " " , , (! verv vii;ll. 'b.MUNc a( thn great) $' t" fS) w Km In town ....t nolWe aou of othti- irjori.v, Taw nM mr ivan' a humlrvd lulled! t )-u In Ok. uieu aa that the find. wohH oe of mine. I vfce'Il!r-Hr " Uiekr taiail.oa. ,ol' AJi .,7.. I Ui M ft., ..A H 7lfl tttiU th -a i-neaa nl Hie .. 1. ! IxwjifliermWUng iiHlnterrttitvd travid .by " '', , J iHJUin " J mhmh iiv tli. mine out motor t iMv ftrAiH-rtUm. we.loh.ilo ' WM w(..)(w,... - ,o.u u utMlollI ,-,, ,,, '"irlh al th Ihv-ii lsltiiiu rnliitiVKs nt Hot ItoUiruing (r Mill . Stvi,.ift ami Win, Itov . 'Mien' lii'iiy-dav it.bhi In K-lli-r 1U111 !' niiHi-fHfr from ! II. 1 1' Oily, 'jf.'io: Mnnugi. $d,-Ju ,ayiler. WW b. neanjw at -t, i f ffi.iUf UwllMl. JH20; Vlllitu I.. I... la,'!,' crowd..Kere th'.'le and '11.; OkA'tw, ,40l.i ,V-atnma; r,..1K.i,rte'" ws 'r B , ther,' a un teni, $;..,',. Kind ui;.li; lloniiiw liikineit. 1 The Improvcm. ut In ,,.IMi. ., 1...,, 1 wii uimi' m an Jinii uiiSi THE GROCER Pays the highest price for all kinds. of country produce, and can sell you groceries cheaper than any grocer in Ardmore. Give us a share of your business. Everything good to eat un der one roof. ' p-CTrr'-nfr.frTwtr TT Til I III I MM f3 1111 " " I'iiMe , TOO MUCH WATER Si Wlidro' J-oii don't want h Is wdrab tliaii - noiia-'-ct nilv tt yonr witVr" Ulftes RTnJiJ .Uft;!f.'dVa,Vr'rl.-.flr. .hUI.o,. - Tlio Inmut child gflr and ; jr" 7 . Wo.'bastcitfto jour Ij'orfiu nnYl ilo . f,ta 1.1.. fa.?-. .1... ..f.vir4: J4. ' t il 1 -tartee east of lltie t.r ? wtftjtittv West 11 1- n. ib tide f M:n the U fwpoMde lioca r linimHslblti au;r ''W ' r"'",f ,0, co. .0 Ih, u.n n-!- Alt wi" "luhuhb . " 1-oiii-uiK iruw..Ma t.viiM--fii! . u' ... . . ...... . .. .unioHi i'iiiii)'iiiuiou..,jtt Jtt .vii.i,iniini Read late? fc'mitj AtUr iu dolors -: rat on coaj A .flOfs' .'!le me in. to " . Pdnt till .llhn,.i . I l'ut ehll.l gr Ir and u g ta U JLV ft u "J. v the iU'cesam,n.b1i.g-IJi tl.u rtTibrffE f ' 4 lr ,,rw, , of Wl ler R.iB .iiTnlnS $7 L 1 .1-.' Ht?. cat possible iW.: Ftxlt si. there jiill J.i. ler'.o.. e-Urdav ... 1 1 g I rf J ,JLJ cjl A VtT LJj -,W M'ttKpT'y " ft ')a1tft)rt rthfi tr",'l,1 "'IJla I ilM'Mlrt;:-:;.' Jm&A . we.ks. spk,im.r.rj , , i ndf fnied me 1 t-ouM. n 011 i;wtb Mri-. .it! dni(wibt- if J II .t P . '. 11 rti 1,1 nu owms N) Unnitin', be happy ffrtl 'Mm ' Mtm J'n'' being a 'doirrtt'frt'e .-iTea of l" Hif'. ,!', n 'it'mi . lining' -.oji. id. Motifrv rt1. ' full i-furwJ ihhHhrltiotii: rn..i.s iiv..iuj-iiirj roi.Krtltictton Tl-.k- throuKh need lln- Itrlo- of 'W cOllimlaaloi I nnutica v until. " on coal 111 Id -ut, irf.Jhe c.i , WMl -n V mIm llith ...l,w.i. tk thw MlaiH, CM1, J. d? ,Wfeyr,ntiiM'ar or (ij ,lf rt e-r .of ti,,. 1,01 inir. , V''"-t foW-!'''. I""iibi' tloli M"n.- l n I.J-U 1 a !). -laiors, Ilk, MiUllflHii U..,,' 'f.-U Mie , ,:" 4 ""lrt'. tat. '4 hi ,ui'.i-lroflt f,w'nfiv 1(1' Mini) , h ,- - - , i vyia a uionous lu There" r.'foicin t liti H. WiiHlilnirton'St Phono I it'll-, of iui tin t illlllK or ,li , tiuldlui tl;.t'Kv.T"ti. Tj ii ifftlolliiu i it I'll, co.imij' tv H't.iiol it it ()iiss6vl Oil i 1 1 nVii amnio t.ft .1 t Pi Ii n carried tlioijs.i.uls ut 1 1) ti llirouj;li tlje crisis Willi )ui little '.trorQi,' ti iVcr'.iilHiiiii." ti.r irtu iln ir--'. I nlt-iucfiit inutii, t inaiiiU Ir r ttmoFicLo nceuLAipR uo. Atlmnlm. Urn. r ? iii'inr' nt' nmwnit"fjn'iii'i iuuiii- -TtnTwn.vttrrr,? leti-rY".tV tw roe-iwrind ,o..v. niniiMi r v 111 .mrreiiciJS.KU - m iTnlfiTn in l'lti ,1.. ,.i,, .,,.,..,,.,, ,..t. 11. m: .Mx.Mi ! 11 ii TV?TTTTT,TmTi,r VH Jl Mil I IS..II -1 il'l' 1 1 T.lf ' 1 ' " H..J.1" '-If or i"c n ctuitr wry , " ! nfflUBIUJH "IUnilr'Uri.t w..m , gc au-nu." iuittaiuv-j "'SFrlnpgp! OilfL , llie Ss'TOm A YT' I i' ,pn,T wiit.. and the d...-ors, dd ui" nu J Wi.liAi.f- ... nl.fh.fe.r5 s'lTl.i. 'i' f li'Oit fi iffii.v,ii,nd on July :; cood but. utter .islniT m w KltlV.7 'VMitTl " " V'Hif - r no a . ... ....... aur v. wriaviirA i II a. i Mir..iw... 8fM'.,...r'!i ti.," ;i2rJV"rVTr5r1r '" hi i, ; i... ..ii.,! i.muiji, W'T. fir7iwfisjiap ,i ,.,- r -TTrrr-tnn. . - l md li-i' him m. ir,,-rt f 1 ' ' ?JtrgK4m Victory,,, ,iaU baMifHi triiufi. ous uq.b fV . 't?. :.Tt - - ,1 In Teffnrii. T.-nn y abli. lo i-trr i.w ubli. n!U,ii?i- ' b'en 'satwr anl BROWN 4 FRIEND fkltf.i. r.wi.l.. I..- 1,.., ! !!,- Ill If' II III T ta( I I 41 I - ' YVaJdltu' Miiri.n, . VVb-ilrsiiln Dnl--!,, .TolWo.- () C- a u-nntni 'k.uriHil ' n.i'n nitep r :imi tluvotly mppn the blood v lUieoil ijUrUeUir the sj-fitein. iiiMnlnU Kent (rek Irtc Tlecn'K 4 nuerk shovitUt '). i, yTU,t"'rv wr''1'1 weeKH 1 J. el x-r miuie miiii iit .bii uniSjmHiq. j f , II..I1-1 I'.. , JlllU II.IT tr.r r.r J. nM.i-i '1... .,. ,nf 1 f e'TJl'Tl' '"Vi lH" ,UM " , .1...,..; ti, iui vn I- in .,.! idly IhtKMlUft jJli, ,Hl"Uirtl.!. '1,ftKh anil Cold H.-i... 11.-- . Mat 'I I1KTIIIIIM Hl tleslllle O-llgo, 1 1 !i V r ' f." 1 .11 KTI Ppey 1 f II Villi UK .' fe .,.' . - l - n... I, ,.,.. ......I .' I . . ', f i stands iiirivrtlt:j 1'jsien f.Oc add 4 DRlDGMAN. MIOt loll despil jwlu. ium ,n frt'lulit m'.s in many 'owns a illfTi'MUce of tflftv Funeral Directors and Licensed , i F.mbnlmersl Largest line of Tunoral Gooda In Oklahoma. CHICHESTER S PILLS ' 1 111! Ill A 111. SI. lllinn .il PI J.n.ll.'.I A.L , j our l.r.iL-xi.1 Iui t MI.VMoM. lllllMi I'II.i.m. lor ua JCUluuuili,.l,Wiil,AIriKrtltM SOID BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE! -.tor.' .ant) for .X" . , . ' . i . i ,ro Trial little ffre Sold and , ,amJ "'Td .not txjje ctnf a toir is reported, which U Uie-iBuartmceil by Ardmori? Pharmacy tnose hU mother raa ounjr'lfe JJeiBH t.) the dnu r- TTtT 5"" -' u - S - tr'-t"J '" '1!' ! that rundown r r c it i: ti n n R u 'U t r nu i