Newspaper Page Text
t.v t - ARD" t J b v .1 ue H H. I O! '! I lHA l.itl'l Official Paper for Carter County 1 n. ..nun. AND THE CITY OF niiwinwiiti H It Ik in the Atdniorelte. It la Iofl TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. rw... vT-he Da"y Ardm0re'te' 1S001 One Month".! 6" Onu Week lftl The Weekly Ardmorelte. . . tilt t I nil Per lnr by Maw . ... I m Mnnllm RU riiren Montlm phone. of htiftllnn on the fide, much con-j Uuslness Manap.r's OIHct M8!trowrsy and plenty of hard work City Editor's Ofilcu Long Distance I ..... . WU i Any erroneous reflection on the character. taiidm? or reputntton of urh'mM'vnniiear In the columns ot The Ardm'o-. lte 111 Ih-Kladly correct ed upon Us belli brought to the at- l ntlon of the maiiHKemeiu. Ardmore. Tuesday. AuflUit 17, 100 A PRETTY BOQUET. I ,. Tv,. ..tilth Cn.nry w-.ndcr Is . State of Oklahoma. Oklahoma .r. , .Is no. oniy .att.e but men. I , ..k not ...' corn and wheat and ,o '..n but a fine and breejty optlm- win whicn panaaea oi inn uriniuin .t.lTl. that leaas to ua lncoraparamw iilmatp charm anil inre anu neaita- , giving properties. 1 The cpnsus of our jieople and prop-! irties and holding of what we are I today ns compared with what wo1 "Fifty year In eli wltn the lleef wc r.' yeatordny or last woek or n ; Trust la the title or a new book by hundred years ago la alMHit to leja United Stntea senator. Wonder tnk.'ii. and wo look with oonndence 1 if the stigur trnat will he there io tereateil persona lirosecutPil the do- that they were desired solely to "nn to the youngest of our state M nwn'icn things up a bit? ! famera. 1 ehor" their parents to the locnlltv " i U a showlne In the statistics In , ,i .i . t,. u mii .-i.-iH iuiii.ii mi. ui i-vr wui.ii wi I not he surpassed by any otaer roiMinonwealth In decree. TM se who rb-arly yet can remeni- l ie wilds of the unsettled Indian 1 r '.ory and 'he flnrt openings of iv i , i is now the wi-atern portion of hr t ate of Oklahoma to aettlement. will be more than are other people astonished when the cenana returna , of l'un have ben collated, and It Is pub'lahed to the world what tin. been done Ii. that once rude rountrv .... ' Down In that surprising garden of I 'he world, where the face c.r abounn- lug nature need be but tickled t0 j r.-spond with a green blade, where , coexist a tropic liounty of t' soil and temperate skies, an astounding ....n -a- ,a wee,, unnor way our- lug tho latter part of thts docado w ich would be ImiKissib.o In any , other land and hardlv Is mtrnirn. ' Hcnslblo eve,, l thl. Th. i... 1 and tho population both of OKlaho ' i...v i... i..o... 0...1 i which aro certain to place It even in HMO rar In advance of some ot her eldor s'tcrs of the flag. And yet this future empire or agrl-1 culture and Industry and political ... uiiiuenco nanny has swung into her ' full stride. Hehl.iil tin. fertlim... with which nature has girted her. t ''''''ads of CougresNuinn Charley this young state has had the power ' ,ar,,'r are giving wide circulation to to breed up strong men; men of t," (,,or that Speaker Cannon ills brains and brawn, men of foresight, criminated against him In making men of fine Intellectual caliber, men "", coaitnlttoe assignments. Garter's of business acumen and deep com- more la! prevision. More than to any other Influence Oklahoma owes what she ls, and will owe what she hope to become, to the kind of men to whom her lioundloKs oiiiMirtiiniti.M l.nv.. ,,...,.,1 " " ' IT.' Tl ' " . ' "J " MI: flllil U'tirt tan tit It 1tM .... .1 .... .,1 ...... greatness ,. . "H-v l"Per. the American-Democrat. Not Kansas nor Missouri nor other , Sapulpa. Th, ,s the onlv seveie-hp-'itii states, except perhaps that dav ....,n.l..v ... . .. vast and s.1.1 halt dormant giant. leas, will but a brief uarter or u I'tury rrom now excel In ..II M.n. goes to bake n urenf slnlo fill vmiiiir r.,,,n. ' , , ' " Okla, , Shp Is tho destined heir of wealth and jmwer. Culture at- ends her very beKlnnlngs. Tho rhoil house has fastened Itself po even her most obscure remoteneaa A constitution so bmsdmlnded and 1 1.. r .l ll.Qi 1. 1. .1. . . .. .... 11 is me admiration or lcnmlndil tatute-makern th,, aiatute-makera wor'd over, , , ... .er. Is hep inil.t nu- ai.r is.i mon thai. .,, .; .T r." ; ' " . u"'""" u-hti w ho Is to be the preninr f Okl.i'ionm' future deatluy. Kanaaa l'j Journal. Ii' . s DennU l'lyn,,, the new edl- c ; the Sapulpa Amerlenn. who baa the Innovation tn nn.i,..,. . . " . a.U?.1 " k. RhOUa of imninc his name to his editorial) a id I,.., taken up the habit of Jab It. at every little criticism made of h.m and hi. paper, finds it pretty ha .1 -ledding to be independent n. poll' . s and lt takes him about half McCurry having passeil Imth sonntu his time and nearly all his editorial and house with the certainty of the space explaining why he Is not a govtwnor'.s signature, democrat, a republican or a sooiai-1 So widespread has been tho Inter 1st Jn so far as tho principles in-, twt of this measure thnt tho author volved In some local matter swing j has rocHvod roquosts for copies toward politics. Oklahoma T1m. I from South Carolina and Alabama - i .,,.( .itc j .leu , km ill. i. - ; t T , f-t. WOW piffle. Wake Up. , . voy, ' r mere are imnga 10 snow ami knna ledge la power."--Hunter llrown. "AH Uilnaa com- to thoae who wait," bat been exemplified In the! fiu-t that after waiting for ten youra'S'th from Commander Cross. I " iniMi fM hn mailM lha Mtn I Hint I 'niirwp fin Kfnuo inv vuiuinvi .. .......... ..... .. n .iu,uuv,uinj uuiiiii. mil mil wnltltm w not done without ii doali b nubile cIMmmid. Hemeni- . . iKr that. An Oklahoma selentlut has dlscov-'Thn dls-nse among watwrinelonsj which he terwii "meton aphis." Won- ,ier lt jfH iMJUiliig like the dlwasel Attlmore is iroubletl with down on .-.. r. ... . n ait rint'iun corner r I t4ome local wair as unkind enounh to 1pII It on Alfalfa Hill" Murray who wai here Katurday that ; ! Wlg hfm Mm (p (m. r(prk fw tw . nwmg Sof( y(t i .Mm Music. hn . . , arr.,w..w um allrf .,,. ta , Mm - - - - .rill. w 1 1 pmbs4ily not play any more tones for aome time. J I i ... u . , i ixii.iin.iuun i nun I y mail Hal- lowed hla false teeth the other day. ! It Is supposed be was iryino to ,,,, wh"re he lives T'"' it.. hv heen accused 0' wnntln "Watermelon Corner", ""P1 clear of team, dray, melon rl,ll'M- etc. 'or ino reason that editor nt v the city hnll from his ofr,,'t' ,I"H W"hliiRton ami know 1 ",,u,v "'"c" a day a Pointer ''""cctor vlaltml that place, 1 III UIltlti ui-a urn ....... 11 !" ,M,' W,tl"mt for,u !,ml !'. Buy U'" X C1,l,,ft!1'1- Ardmore has the , all right, but the water can, ,10' '"' mM ,l" without fori.. "in. The Wichita iCagle tjmt when , arHh, ,.,, K(,t , , , , lmHhl(,ss ,f . ,, p;l H Pim, ,(1J. VZ ........ " ' l. " "l OM M "W'- Oh. yes V.. ""' ,,Iy UOr" wl" 1 ' i .. . . . . H Is being told lu newspaper clr-L, cles in Oklahoma tint Aiinr.i ,.r the Shawnee .W i.i ,.1 .... a printer. The only tl.lnir tlmt w..i.i ' even want 1.. -..,., ,.. ..... ......... 1 -IIIUU would be "squirt. . I '""Jorlty was cut 7.000 last fall and he expects 11 hard battle for re-elec- . tlou. Tho Cannon atory. his friend figure, Is worth hundreds or vote. Wichita Knglo. , .1 II II I .HI l.'l. ' t ... '"'"'"'""-vd by the failure of . getting out a seven- , Oklahoma,,. "Whnt ,1,, a,... THf 1 1 tn 1 lu vim ...... t mi .... 1 ... .. - ..j .-.nn. ' ' '' nsseu a lor tne construct on of tho new bank new comer or Col. S.dney Sugg, of building at Orr. The building the Ardmore Ardmorelte. be of stone and work I !r lwrvy ll(m. ,, , . Guaranty St fore an Oklahoma Jury." ri-nlle.I .nHank Vl" publisher of the Adolphus fronts Shawnee Herald. ... . " I'""'1(l hua offered to serve yiv ...,.. ,,.m,,., ..... . IlliHltna Without nay as sec-retarv of the Ani,,,,, . ,,., ...h.... ;.. : . . i iiai s almost like offering to be the HW,'et heart of tho bent looking girl In town.- Kn City Tlmea. LAW TO CURB THE GOSSIr Georoln to Have a Law Di,ndi., t ... n. . De'Cnd'nB . nvuuic ui women. t laiif n I! ti l it . i i-.v. ........ ti , havo a law upholding the names i and .eputations of its Mrtuous men, the bill Introduced by Smtutoi uill UIIUUU NHIVILO Li 1 THREE ADA 0nW WILL DO THE HONORS AT THE CHICKASHa REUNION. Wonl was received today of the an.wrintnii.nt tt .l.,..ian. uml tn.ilifii nf """or for the Confederate ro-nn.oi. j at Chlckasha on tho SStli. 20th and , Mlaa Gladys Hruoo Torbott of Ada' - - - . -. . . . . !.. ..... nn ..v- .i nr'""" uw dtipartmont of Oklahoma with MIm ' '''' Clare Sims and MIm Helen .Tones, both nlRo of Ada as maids of 'honor. As matron of honor .Mrs. Until Clements of Capitol Hill was chosen, sponsor. Miss Oladys llruc o,- . ' a granddaughter of "Uncle" "rnp Henry Ilnice. of this city. , - Utalat..ra u-h.. I..I.....I M ntti. " , , ' " fmllar bills. Tlie memuirp nmkp It n nitode- n,ir to wilfully and falaely utter op lreulat.- defamatory atntementa ""t women, and It grew out or a run In Hart ruunty in which alnnder Bwhr bPnkl. M marriage between members of two widely known fam- ,,,,.. . Mhort'y before the da'e set for th- wedding the young man In question was warned that hla bride-to-be was at nueatlonnhle i-haraeter. t'non hearlnr this the alrl's father refnse.i " ' lo Pnlt the weddlna: until he had Investigated the ehnrgea. Those .were found without foundation, and i tho circulators ndmltted they ban I lied. There being no Georgia law ( corerlng the case, none of the in- A bill tn nrevent tieem anplal nr i. . , , " irnu-rnai nr-cnnizaiinns irom using the namps, Insignia or ritual of Pa- tahllahed "aoelotlea or corporaMons. whether ocia1. benevolent or chari table," was passed hjr the house to- d awaits the governor's svn- nature, Mim Rumph's Appointment, I" ,"" apiMilntment of Miaa Mnry Virgin In. Humph ns sponsor for John Morgnn enmp. tho following cor- :::":::,:,h",cr..r,H. Xm .,,,twe" n , rullltim. ailliitant of tli rninn. ,uu M ui Unn.tiit Meaduiiartera Chickasaw Hrlga.K ""'ted Confederate Veterans, Ardmore. Okla.. Aug. 12th. 100:.. Ml Mary Virginia Humph. Aruniore, oki.i. .My Dear Miss Humph: I have been Insti noted to notify you that at a special meeting of .lonu it. Morgan camp this morning. you were unanimously elected .pon- sor Mr that camp Mr tho Chasln. ,. for tho CUMcnahp ear1KH of tll ,.,, , thoiiKli ' 11,0 '"' P-rchaser may will he the r.1r.-.uithey are living " r rh w "'1""1 W olaaa. The and have not ncoulred th.hnbi r ' lart.T section tracts to a purchnser. c-u,.lon. This for the whole slati I W1" onilirnce tl.c , . ,.... .. . " tr"ls',d with a suit- , Yoit will In- funilslitMl with a stilt . M . 'nl",, !ln'' yo" ' PC""H'ii to select your Mil. ,l ,,f t,nn ii..n ......I- " , 1 " ""-eiii. r lllll Tl.lJ luinne tojow this honor. And oblige riwpcct fully, Yours truly. J. H. PUM.1AM, Ardinore. Okla.. Aug. ('I,,,, ' Ul ''"I""'". Adjt. l,,"t" Captain: I acknowledge the r,((,Pt r -vollr lpt4er notifying int. f n' election ns Minsor for John H. Morgan cniup of Confederal!- ... ... .. . . . . ' -h'iiiiih 10 reunion nt unicKasiia. , accept with pl.vasuro and sincere- for the high honor conferred on me. Yours respectfully. MAHY V. HUMirr. nTw Bank for Orri' Uaa,. Unl,ru WW , . . . " '"5 10 tiBV .ll.rf.nnH.liu. .i.e.. . ........ - ,.ni.- i.i., 1 ..'...rii. . thousand dollars, will open ther-'"'' Li , ... . . ... 1111111111' in ucmuer. u, ItoJtPH. 1. ..r,......,, ..... , ,. ,.....,. . . . " " -ni.ii vice 1. resident. I,00 ... . .. 1 ...v..., ..v... ,l,lsnp,s mliWr a,1,l falter Hod- wlatnt cahler. Pomona today rroui Ih-ock. Lone i.rovo and ciieek. say that tho votui""011- ",P-V arrived hero at noon . on the bonds In those precinct i,la,"l l return at r.:l0 this evening hmvy ngninat the lae. Friends or, ,r. . ' ih.. i.n,,.i i... , . There s ni.ier. a..., .... " I'reai ienr,. they have been .Wonted. vi .ii.. i in . I last gh. niee ,1V Z wo-jspivtklng to then, of the Imrnirtanoe: f the county bond Ism.o. He oo. Hovos the eastern portion of the county will give the bonds a IIK majority. J. C. Little has returned from a visit lo Sulphur, whom ho had bus Inoaa in tho district court. Cjb rtis t' the Washington Departine t M y Menu Prosperity t I. nil.: Il report of i lie out th. n.t.y ih Hi. dlrlalon of Information for the do imrtmmt of commerce and labor. No ileaa than three thoimnncl persona In the last two week have been sent west from congested aertlona ofiH"p' fr,,m 200 u r,0 letters dully Ml.. .mat Thl. rM,.,,r. nmrla .kn highest reach of the nctlvltlos of tho dlvlHlon Mince Its creation, over Uo years ago. Tho Increase In tho demand mado ... ....... j n... .i..nnrn t i i' " " i"""". minimis uiuii and women has heen unprecedented lor the lust six weeks or more the tltlo to every tract to ho sold1 beKlnnlnR over a month before tho!'' checkhiK It with tho original pat adoption of the new tariff law It is thought that this points out clenrly that tho returning prosperity of tho;"w. i country Is due, not to such tariff re-' "A pamphlet Is being prepared for1 tll ns Mr. Aldrleh and Mr. Payne miiilo possible, or even to the final settlement of tho tariff conn-oven. v. . ... . . . " ""l mpiy io a nominal reaction (mm m... .i....... , from tho d. presslon of the past year, Until the harvestlne Is ovnr th.. greateiit demaml for lulMir will coiik ' from the grain fields of the middle west. Krom factorle and shops of all sorts ha VI ( fintft iirirn4 .In. manrla. Instances of this diversity of the desire for enlarged working , ferp,.. Mt Mfl, of I(lanu ' found In appeals that reached the department this week. One was from n brick tonkins In Missouri. with chll - asking for flfn.n fumiiin. dren. The ith..r a fr, i i.i. " i n J.i..Kii.ini- lag upholstery racUiry In Illinois. that expects to resume operations in onrnest. In the first instance Mi.. di-piutinent agenta feared that the children were wanted for work In the Plant, but an Investigation showed This ileahrp for non.iai.nni t.,i.,. .. ... . , . ' l""g' inm-ioi " "r me o.panment to mean that n feellnir of permanent s. eurliy! ttRaln pervad.s the country. AMERICA LIK6 UNTO ROME? An Italian Historian Snys Industrial - Ism is Deatr.wi.... n.. r. I . . .u w km , llUUV Paris. Aug. 15.-Concluding a sc. 1,1 folt' """ paymenta. with Inter lew of Impressions or America. ' 1,1 rnt'' r " I"'r (,,,lt- provld which he gained during a lecent!'''1 "1,lt l,f,,'r flv, 'p,,rf. t'l" purchns visit to tho country, (lugllelmo l'er-'''r "lny m-v M"' "r deferred pay- - -tana,, ;z ; .1 . , . 1 llll. JIL J M ovii.iiuij a Hiniggii. lietween tin.' old mini, mil inusi inauo sun- tradltlon of the Puritan democracy I 4,nlll,al Improvements thereon, and civilization, g(,i,i. luxury and I "Sal1' 'N,'w Colp(' l-ands' are das pleasur. a repetition under modern ! Mn,1 tl,r('0 ,i"",cH. Agricultural and more coinnllcnte.l fn.i,. ..r i rzlnn A. and Grazing 11. Grazlnu 11.11 . . wa iii; K ,.j,anK0H eeds. he M Z vie.iuon o a mull hi in ... Ing. "Industrlnllsm." savs Slminr r"ro- 1,1 concluding, 'seems . 1., ..... stroylng a part of (he .,..,,. , , . .. '.' lea of Franklin mill U'nul. .. i.Kiuii aim creating an America less Amerlcm . . IH-JV.1J than that of the past.'f.s..?"r?..1" B t I4 Days. . ..w UI.M,llr Is Cinrnnleeil 1.. Htruggle which rent Home for three "7 agricultural centuries. land to the ounrter and one juirclms - Th raphllly of development, light-'- - f "H"K changes In customs a.l M,..lnR ttt 'ctlons. Grazing A class"."..;s,:;,mw ,,, tat- Y,,;;; " IS. 1000. or money refunded, cue. ' added to our mailing list and you - ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Jesse Gn...... TTTTi . ss, Gn.nm and his son rrom Mc ...m.w, .lr,. , ,, ,,Jty t(,(fly Mr. anil Mrs. George D.ishner will, l-r. J. W. Moffett. formerU- ..!.., Physician of tlls (.,tVi ,H ,utu May j - " wesi 01 i.awton. Ho will be here a few days on business. "oo rrom this city ot Chlckasha tho latter part or this mouth. Mr Dasl.ner will ,aio eharge of the Chlckasha Cotton Oil CVj. plam tliere. Tho peoplo here will g r- ally regrot the departure f pooile. Mrs. Jin, .s,th mid James Prltch an! have gone : Durwood. where they were culled on account of the lnww "f 'I'dr sister. Mrs Frnnv u1,.v . , imiiisey "eon very ill Mr sninr limn .n. been very ill ror some time and her Itllllllll'l HilM ' ,,,.,,. , " " ",ri ' " ' M iini, n....... ... "' and daughter.' :;,,,bm l ora- f nuthrle. who are mem-i . ' .- .tie. II- I hers nf Governor Haskell's party at H,biir. are In ,, dtV " " " i a man 'nlng a fine Hwh , In.,k(, , lilr. u ...... i. . i'-"i-".-B in uer, no-1 get it off. e can Attention, Eagles! Uvory I lllOml.Ur nf 4 -.t . . Is renut,i i i. s requested to bo present nt meeting ......v, ,,, i ii in, art. ..n. ii tomorrow night. Initiations, etc J. C. W. HOFF.MAX, Worthy President. It. t. KXKJHT. Secretary. m RULES SENT OUT : Oi TH!iL DEPARTMENT FLC OD ED WITH LETTE.RS RELATIVE. TO SCHOOL LAND SALE, Guthrie. Okla.. A ug. If. So nj morons are becoming th.- Inquiries relative UKianoma-s school land front nil liartH of the world, that Sn,e Superintendent John X. Shoplei llas I''pared tho following form let ter and has had printed several t'n"'l copies which art) forwarded In runlv to ronuoBta for Information! , "Tho Bales department Is verlfyltiR1 nts Issued by the secretary of the Interior, to Insure absolute correct- free distribution, giving a descrlp- tlou of each tract by counties and ui.,.v.i., ii, " ' value, topography, soil, otc, and full . . ........ ., .. . detailed Information regarding sale. but tl.u n...,..i i.a ed by the printer for at least sixty days. ' t thH painphlet it coinnleted . - - ...... . nwanaiiera ml Iv alvtv 2 J , Z ,-,aM,p Vfore the act... .latl o X tlmto Invesllgnte ,1 e lands -This will o..n,iu. ,.in ,v. lt,,p of artlml sab about Xovem- jber. "The 'Xew Colleg,. hands' contnln l.n&n.nnn neren. tlmi n...i 'without 'preference right'; these : lands lay In Major. Wood. Cnater,. Dewey. Woo.lward. Harper, Roger Mills. 13111s. Cimarron. Texas and Heaver counties. The lands In each county will be sibl at public auction at Hie door ... .. ine county court room of the count v seat 'The terms are a cash pavment of r. ... , ' ...... 'of the land except where tho land sells for less than $1,000. lu which ! C"B" ,h" h Wmeiit shall be $50. " a"Jr n"arter section, the balance of the purchase mice may lie ;," - I'urcliasor ls not compelled to ' .!.! 1 ..... . . . . ! " more man ;u acres nn.l leas than .10 acres aHcltr,i ,, M.. ..1. 1 1 . .. , . l""l-""'". v.. ....,. ,.,, u,e lessee nas Pfcferenco right to take the- land i at th" 'lK'cst bid, honld tho lesseo 'elect not to take tho land nt the highest bid. tho niircha Rer innvit ..ftv ,, .. . .. 11,0 ,"!,Rt, Uln valuo of inipioveinents ...... .... "The detail work is so great and I the proposition so Important that .the date of actual sale may not be re.'.elie.l ...ill. n. .,... v.. w receive all information Issued. so a second Inquiry Is not necessary. '""loss you change your postolTIco address. "Yours very truly. IXO. X. SHIOPI.HH, n CASSlny; Supt. Sales. Dept. "Sec. to the Commissioner." . SENATOR STONE TELLS OF SEN- ww,,M,at.O0 nrtro HIGH AT CAPITAL. Kansas t lly. Mo., Aug. If!. Sena. till WII1IIIII1 .1 TUTmilt 'IPMM.I In I'.... .. Willi i i. . . , y yu'ViUi "it of the, Missouri congressional deleL-Mti,,,. .n . 'get home after il.n . ,,,.irc,,,..i.i ' , '"h , , llAnr,.... I .t .., , .u , ' 1 "", t'r'nv'1' of .......ii.ei, mi nun , , P wn" tnlk" , ,l""")C1i,,l, "oml- ,U' ,ror. ve,or. Senator Stone' remarked! . 'ln Washington they haw better iinv. ... . .... v e- ""v me ii... . . .:" ' 'position. He far oversl.ado ws .1 ' ' 'vice president. This tariff will mnko.:,n;; ,11... ....... 1 ..... ii, . wi - ii. -vi iiiiiiM.T ii.iiii.if'r'i r I n .r ., i. . . . ' ls at l-t I heard It said there.' Champ might bo the next speaker. " vastly better for hlniiFOlt SALK Two good Jersey milch to bo speaker than governor. He might be both, unloss tho next suc ceeding houso should be democratic. i i i il 1 . S ; t , ' i P', tiol.uiL h i hud. r .iti COUNTY'S DESTINY IN HANDS OP VOTERS CITY IS TAKING MORE THAN USUAL INTEREST IN THE BOND QUESTION. Tho county bond election U pro- feeding today with especial Interest ''"Jng taken In tho matter by tho funners, and from present reports'... . , , , . 'Vl"rn 11 nppears to be about an oven dl- v,mI" nmol,B them as to the voi. 1,1 tho l,t-v "R, ,rt uwrv than tho "sum interest in this k'nd of nn eleo Hon and the committee who hav .u.. ..,..- ... .. .. ",l '' n?o aro ooing an tn twnvxr in ..., n,. n... ,m'lr I,owor to get out tho vote. It stands every Ardinore rwl. ,l('"t " "" to cast his vote, for by doing prosperity and progress Is Mnttrp, ,f ,,u" carried. ll Oil It III (lVPT Nlltl t )iP ltnriilli tflll ml l,MV0 '''.carried, and It thero hwM necessity for raising ...on- ry f0r ,,n-v 'f ,h( "oces.nry H w, hnv( -X '"ns or dl- rPrt '"xn'lon, and now Is the time to ""W like that whe It c ho lM1,,R' ,,vor' Property owner In the county nllke. The vote before noon was "1B WH0 '"'tore noon wa tro' J ,u OM" 01 1 n,ne ,r- " ."P nty u,ero ,)fu" 1 MUls ruKlslrc- r an. " lu" nn"or ot um I,:,',('r w" have not voted, and who see this I,,cr' ,,,,f"r" alx oV,fl,,,c- ''" precinct and enst a vote lor the iKllldS. A number of prlvn'p rigs and sev eral carriages are In tho service of the committee and r t the varl- 01"' "rP(,,nrt waiting f Instnic- It Is exjieoted that a full report from the entire county will hart , ,,po" at thl office, or by , . .... Hie county commissioners before ... . . noon tomorrow, and It will be given In tho evening's Iwue. SEAMSTRESSES FARM IN IDAHO. c.m. rr.nn n-.i-.rZT- From SOng o. wnvvi ..III.C Shirt by Purchase of Land. The world moves. Times have changed since Thomas Hood wroto "Tho Song of tho Shirt." That is why a group of Chicago seamstresses Thursday wero able to dcpiitlzo A . ,,,, , v" . J oI,,p";''t0 -1 'Z S J nl'tol . " . , L Mlss .Mon- formalities In the purchase of a lf.O acro fruit .. ... . ,!,rm "Mclx Uwy "vo bought with T r"'" ,r !'" n- "Ml1 ,h " ' " ... ,. " 1 . .. ..'r 1 ' II... I .1 .... ..... . t ... ni.i..K.' "i nn- t'.ri iimiy reiienu ,.., ..., , ,, ir.11111 ,1.1,1 mift-l -l i.ll.l M'.IIU, lOr they propose to leave their wor: hero and go out to 'Wendell, where , they will form a little fruit raising . colony. , Man Dying of Starvation Becomes Tho young women call them- ! Insane Officers Find Wealth, selves "Tho Idaho Guild." They I I'lttsburg. Pa., Aug. 10. Coppei. banded together a year ago with '"'ckle, silver, greenbacks, bnntt the agricultural project In view. Thev , "ooks and gold, slurring table draw secured lf.0 acres or government Irrl- 0Tg clocks, stockings and wash bowis, gated land, have now made their las. money hidden everywhere and still payment, and Miss hynch will go I"'pklng forth because thoro was no , through the Tlnal rormalltlos norej- ,llnrp rwmx to hldo coating tho wnlls sary to acqulro tltlo to the lan.i. ""'I floors of a mlsorablo hovel , Mint of them are employed as whose owner was dying of starvation seamstresses In the city and became that wns what the jniIIco founo enthusiastic over tho Idea of Invest- ' "'c lonely hills of the Alleghen- ; Ing lu Irrigated land nt mcetliK-j of ' Ic. 1,apk or Pittsburg, the Dressmakers' Art Club. The money belongs to Peter Ii- Tho Idaho Guild was launched with I'anch, who has gone Insano over eight members, but a row others l.ave money and who www dying of stnr since become imbued with ngrlcI' ' vatlon. When tho imllce, who wore nl enthusiasm and havo contributed called by an attack mado by Lei from their earnings to tho land fund. ' 1'anc, on a little girl or tho neigh- Miss Lynch Intends not only 10 view tho lf.O acro tract or tho Id.Vi Guild and determine tho future plar.s or nor umiow inomiiorH, nut also ;o ijiriko n tttmlv nf thu u-ouh.n, en.n.. HI . .. - try, particularly In tho lrrln iil ,e- u.'.ns. and of the opportunltlo. Tor I . . ,,,. .. rr,.,. nu ,.' " " I . . She will bo gon-j six weeks. .. uie v iiiv.ik.i winneii uavu . . ... .-..A ... .... I ' ',rci is especially adapted .or j fruit mlslng, but whether this m i ... ".. l,p tllu '"-""ch of agriculture pur- sued will depend upon tho Invest!- , Bntlona of Miss Lynch. j Yo came to the conclusion a yPnr ilK that the Irrigated farms . .. or mo west orreret a Held or work fnr women and our beliefs have J - neon snaKon. said Miss Lynch last , "R " pxpoct to find out who,,,.-, 1 ".!..-., '.'1 l!.",.. ...!VO'n!'" w p f in iv io uiwni . . . .. - or us nr" oing out." Chicago ec ord Horald cows, very reasonable. John Hart nltt, at llroadwny Training Sta bles. 17.3 JUDGE GARDNER FACES MANDAMUS CLAIMS PROBATE FEES OF DIANS INTERPRETATION CONCESSIONAL ACT. IN OF Holdtnville, Okla., Aug. 1C The nuestlon of whether or not county Judges In tho former Indian Terri tory section of the Htate aro com-IK-lled to remit to tho county treas urers fees collected for the approval of transfers of Inherited Indian lands In the nations of tho flvo tribes, Is soon to be passed iiikiii by (District Judge Carnithem In his deciding a suit Instituted by County Attorney ,, w' (jrxlner of III 1 ',.,,: '' 1,lu , '""..f0!"1' pel tho cr nty Judge to remit tho f rrt Mint 1. t.. II 1.1 a . . . . . " " lullullu lrom ,nl8 source. l .iiiilgo (ardncr has receive.! fon C -'"'IRO t.anincr hrwi received fees rn"m' m"' t' and has col- , ot''' n ,H,nl of !H- J-LOOO slncn ,l0 nct "f ''""Rfo.-w of May 27. l!tn!, , p",n,'n,K hlm U, a,lll,orlty. becnnn. effective. Under tho Oklahoma law vmnly Mr" lhft to file ",,nrt7'; 'Iorts with tho county , ""nlMlonera for all fees ean.,.1 y U"m- 1 h" ''" petition ns- "rt" "l"' hu nrtwr has fallea " ' - j; l I hP ';" ' , . ,0 ro,nn''1 111111 to turn ov.-r nil Indian land fees and all o'her fees In excess or tho $2,000 allowed him ns s-ilary. The suit was filed f with the state supremo court July ' 27. but that court refused to tan original Jurisdiction on the ground that tho entire state wns not Inter ested. Consequently the suit wns ro riled In the dlsrlct court. "P Is my contention that the roes earned by me in tho approval of these land ea-iea are my sole property and not. thnt of Hughes county." aaya Judge Gardner. "The fe.ieral statute of May 27. 1!or makes ir a personal privilege no a duty, of the county Judge to har these cmos. c rsi nenr I mm nt- wn i . . .. . , " "" ... ... .-v.. nun cm ik . in.i- in ..... force li I in to perform such dutle: Whatever fees earned by him from such coses are on account of this I","nn"1 Privilege and should be rr- , i.iuivii iiy nun personally. lf ls P,-Pccted that an agreed state- "1P,U rar,R w"' I'" submitted to Iui'k(' Carruthers early next week ani1 1,0 Probably will pass upon It ('iir,v ln "r,p" that the party against w'hom ho decides may get on np- i P'u ' t110 ""Promo court for a dot- opinion. " IR cstnnnted that slnco tho law Krantlng this privilege to county : 1...1 .... . " n o eirect ..000 n... I L 1 esHtes ti,. ,.f ti. e. papers pertaining to in- Hence every county rlglnal Indian Terditory sec Hon or the state Is Interested In tn. ontc....... r .hi. n,. RICHES IN A HOVEL. ""niood, entered tho liouso , thoy found cents In pennies on n tnhle. Another table held a book between ; covoj-h or wnirli was ?2,r00 In i bank nntos. a iirnoai.K a - j - ... .1.1 f 1 W( l t'l V" f"cd to roino open and when broken '"to was round literally sturfed with cold coins. "Old Rags" Are Bills. And old trunk wns filled with bank ...... in nn.l n 1 it. a. . . .....i a iiiiniuo inougni to HO .... .M.t . rags was a woman's stocking filled will, l.llln ii . ml- nffi.i... ...t.n .nullum ,urt called nnd tho riches wero loaded In- to wagons. It took two trips lo take nil. Hy night tho bank clerks had counted $10,000 nnd were not half through. Tho total Is expected to b- ' ' wr siuu.noo. Lelbauch and hi. i.n "p") peddlers for yoars In Pitts burg and they saved every cent. They refused to deposit their nionoy In hanks, but, when all available, room in their house was taken up, thoy put $10,000 on doposlt. Rvon when a man trades for a liorso ho has to send to tho gluo factory ho can tnko prldo In how near ho came to making a good bar-Bain. 1